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O'Neill, Mark, Claire E. Sears, and David J. Paterson.Interactive effects of K+,acid, norepinephrine, and ischemia on the heart: implications forexercise. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(4):1046-1052, 1997.We tested the hypothesis that cardiac ischemiauncouples the beneficial interaction among hyperkalemia, acidosis, andraised plasma catecholamines when these chemicals are changed to mimictheir exercise levels. Potassium chloride, lactic acid, andnorepinephrine (NE) were infused intravenously for 2 min intoanesthetized, artificially ventilated, thoracotomized rabbits duringeither occlusion of the left circumflex artery (3 min;n = 10) or after a period of prolongedischemia (20 min; n = 7) that led to asmall infarction. NE (1 µg · kg1 · min1iv) offset the negative cardiac effects of hyperkalemia (up to 8.7 ± 0.7 mM) and acidosis (arterial pH 7.09 ± 0.03) in normal hearts. Cardiac performance was not significantly depressed by eitheracute or chronic ischemia before any infusions. However, the protectiveeffect of NE during acute ischemia or after prolonged ischemia withhyperkalemia and acidosis was substantially reduced. These results showthat cardiac ischemia attenuates the protective action of NE andincreases the depressive effects of hyperkalemia and acidosis. Whethermyocardial ischemia amplifies the cardiotoxic effects of hyperkalemiaand acidosis during vigorous exercise by attenuating the beneficialeffect of catecholamines remains to be determined.


Bundgaard, Henning, Thomas A. Schmidt, Jim S. Larsen, andKeld Kjeldsen. K+supplementation increases muscle[Na+-K+-ATPase]and improves extrarenal K+homeostasis in rats. J. Appl. Physiol.82(4): 1136-1144, 1997.Effects ofK+ supplementation (~200 mmolKCl/100 g chow) on plasma K+,K+ content, andNa+-K+-adeonsinetriphosphatase(ATPase) concentration([Na+-K+-ATPase])in skeletal muscles as well as on extrarenalK+ clearance were evaluated inrats. After 2 days of K+supplementation, hyperkalemia prevailed(K+-supplemented vs.weight-matched control animals) [5.1 ± 0.2 (SE) vs. 3.2 ± 0.1 mmol/l, P < 0.05, n = 5-6], and after 4 daysa significant increase in K+content was observed in gastrocnemius muscle (104 ± 2 vs. 97 ± 1 µmol/g wet wt, P < 0.05, n = 5-6). After 7 days ofK+ supplementation, a significantincrease in[3H]ouabain bindingsite concentration (344 ± 5 vs. 239 ± 8 pmol/g wet wt,P < 0.05, n = 4) was observed in gastrocnemiusmuscle. After 2 wk, increases in plasmaK+,K+ content, and[3H]ouabain bindingsite concentration in gastrocnemius muscle amounted to 40, 8, and 68%(P < 0.05) above values observed inweight-matched control animals, respectively. The latter change wasconfirmed by K+-dependentp-nitrophenyl phosphatase activitymeasurements. Fasting for 1 day reduced plasmaK+ andK+ content in gastrocnemius musclein rats that had been K+supplemented for 2 wk by 3.1 ± 0.3 mmol/l(P < 0.05, n = 5) and 15 ± 2 µmol/g wet wt(P < 0.05, n = 5), respectively. After induction of anesthesia, arterial plasma K+was measured during intravenous KCl infusion (0.75 mmolKCl · 100 g bodywt1 · h1).The K+-supplemented fasted groupdemonstrated a 42% (P < 0.05) lower plasma K+ rise, associated with asignificantly higher increase inK+ content in gastrocnemius muscleof 7 µmol/g wet wt (P < 0.05, n = 5) compared with their controlanimals. In conclusion, K+supplementation increases plasmaK+,K+ content, and[Na+-K+-ATPase]in skeletal muscles and improves extrarenalK+ clearance capacity.


K+ released from exercisingmuscle via K+ channels needs to beremoved from the interstitium into the blood to maintain high musclecell membrane potential and allow normal muscle contractility. Uptakeby red blood cells has been discussed as one mechanism that would alsoserve to regulate red blood cell volume, which was found to be constantdespite increased plasma osmolality and K+ concentration([K+pl]). We evaluatedexercise-related changes in[K+pl], pH, osmolality, meancellular Hb concentration, cell water, and red blood cellK+ concentration during exhaustivehandgrip exercise. Unidirectional 86Rb+(K+) uptake by red blood cellswas measured in media with elevated extracellularK+, osmolarity, andcatecholamines to simulate particularly those exercise-related changesin plasma composition that are known to stimulateK+ uptake. During exercise[K+pl] increased from 4.4 ± 0.7 to 7.1 ± 0.5 mmol/l plasma water and red blood cell K+ concentration increased from137.2 ± 6.0 to 144.6 ± 4.6 mmol/l cell water(P  0.05), but the intracellularK+-to-mean cellularHb concentration ratio did not change.86Rb+uptake by red blood cells was increased by ~20% on stimulation, caused by activation of theNa+-K+pump andNa+-K+-2Clcotransport. Results indicate theK+ content of red blood cells didnot change as cells passed the exhaustively exercising forearm muscledespite the elevated [K+pl]. The tendency for an increase in intracellularK+ concentration was due to aslight, although statistically not significant, decrease in red bloodcell volume. K+ uptake, althoughelevated, was too small to move significant amounts ofK+ into red blood cells. Ourresults suggest that red blood cells do not contribute to the removalof K+ released from muscle and donot regulate their volume by K+uptake during exhaustive forearm exercise.


Fowler, M. D., T. W. Ryschon, R. E. Wysong, C. A. Combs, andR. S. Balaban. Normalized metabolic stress for31P-MR spectroscopy studies ofhuman skeletal muscle: MVC vs. muscle volume. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 875-883, 1997.A criticalrequirement of submaximal exercise tests is the comparability ofworkload and associated metabolic stress between subjects. In thisstudy, 31P-magnetic resonancespectroscopy was used to estimate metabolic strain in the soleus muscleduring dynamic, submaximal plantar flexion in which target torque was10 and 15% of a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). In 10 healthy,normally active adults, (PCr + Pi)/PCr, where PCr isphosphocreatine, was highly correlated with power output normalized tothe volume of muscle in the plantar flexor compartment(r = 0.89, P < 0.001). The same variable was also correlated, although less strongly(r = 0.78, P < 0.001), with power normalized toplantar flexor cross-sectional area. These findings suggest thatcomparable levels of metabolic strain can be obtained in subjects ofdifferent size when the power output, or stress, for dynamic plantarflexion is selected as a function of plantar flexor muscle volume. Incontrast, selecting power output as a function of MVC resulted in apositive linear relationship between (PCr + Pi)/PCr and thetorque produced, indicating that metabolic strain was increasing ratherthan achieving constancy as a function of MVC. These findings providenew insight into the design of dynamic muscle contraction protocolsaimed at detecting metabolic differences between subjects of differentbody size but having similar blood flow capacity and mitochondrialvolume per unit of muscle.


Ryschon, T. W., J. C. Jarvis, S. Salmons, and R. S. Balaban.High-energy phosphates and tension production in rabbit tibialisanterior/extensor digitorum longus muscles. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(3): 1024-1029, 1997.The effects ofrepetitive muscle contraction on energy state and tension productionwere studied in rabbit tibialis anterior/extensor digitorum longusmuscles that had been subjected to 90 days of continuous indirectelectrical stimulation at 10 Hz. Anesthetized chronically stimulatedand control rabbits were challenged with 15 min of stimulation at 4 and15 tetani/min.Pi-to-phosphocreatine (PCr) ratio(Pi/PCr) was measured in vivo before, during, andafter acute stimulation by31P-magnetic resonancespectroscopy, and tension was recorded at the same time. AlthoughPi/PCr was low at rest, it wassignificantly higher in chronically stimulated muscle than in controlmuscle (0.20 ± 0.02 vs. 0.05 ± 0.01, P < 0.05). Stimulation of control muscle for 15 min at both 4 and 15 tetani/min induced a significant rise in Pi/PCr, whereas the sameconditions in chronically stimulated muscle did not produce anysignificant departure from initial levels. The tension produced bycontrol muscle fell to 93 ± 3% of its initial value duringstimulation at 4 tetani/min and to 61 ± 7% at 15 tetani/min,respectively. In chronically stimulated muscle, on the other hand,tension was potentiated above its initial level at both stimulationrates (135 ± 15 and 138 ± 11%, respectively) and remainedsignificantly elevated throughout each trial. The ability ofchronically stimulated muscle to sustain high levels of activity withminimal perturbations in Pi/PCr ordecrement in tension is attributable to cellular adaptations thatinclude a well-documented increase in oxidative capacity.


Shoemaker, J. Kevin, Prasant Pandey, Michael D. Herr, DavidH. Silber, Qing X. Yang, Michael B. Smith, Kristen Gray, and LawrenceI. Sinoway. Augmented sympathetic tone alters muscle metabolismwith exercise: lack of evidence for functional sympatholysis. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(6):1932-1938, 1997.It is unclear whether sympathetic tone opposesdilator influences in exercising skeletal muscle. We examined highlevels of sympathetic tone, evoked by lower body negative pressure(LBNP, 60 mmHg) on intramuscular pH and phosphocreatine (PCr)levels (31P-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) duringgraded rhythmic handgrip (30 contractions/min; ~17, 34, 52 and 69%maximal voluntary contraction). Exercise was performedwith LBNP and without LBNP (Control). At the end of exercise, LBNPcaused lower levels of muscle pH (6.59 ± 0.09) comparedwith Control (6.78 ± 0.05; P < 0.05). PCr recovery, an index of mitochondrial respiration, was lessduring the recovery phase of the LBNP trial. Exercise mean arterialpressure was not altered by LBNP. The protocols were repeated withmeasurements of forearm blood flow velocity and deep venous samples(active forearm) of hemoglobin (Hb) saturation, pH, and lactate. WithLBNP, mean blood velocity was reduced at rest, during exercise, andduring recovery compared with Control (P < 0.05). Also, venous Hbsaturation and pH levels during exercise and recovery were lower withLBNP and lactate was higher compared with Control(P < 0.05). We concludethat LBNP enhanced sympathetic tone and reduced oxygen transport. Athigh workloads, there was a greater reliance on nonoxidativemetabolism. In other words, sympatholysis did not occur.


Kemp, Justin G., Felicia A. Greer, and Larry A. Wolfe.Acid-base regulation after maximal exercise testing in late gestation. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2):644-651, 1997.This study employed Stewart's physicochemicalapproach to quantify the effects of pregnancy and strenuous exercise onthe independent determinants of plasmaH+ concentration([H+]). Subjects werenine physically active pregnant women [mean gestational age = 33 ± 1 (SE) wk] and 14 age-matched nonpregnant controls. Venousblood samples and respiratory data were obtained at rest and during 15 min of recovery from a maximal cycle ergometer test that involved 20 W/min increases in work rate to exhaustion. Mean values for[H+],PCO2, and total protein increased,whereas those for bicarbonate concentration([HCO3]) and the strong ion difference ([SID]) decreased in the transition fromrest to maximal exercise within both groups. At rest and throughoutpostexercise recovery, the pregnant group exhibited significantly lowermean values for PCO2,[HCO3], and total protein,whereas [SID] was significantly lower at rest and early recovery from exercise.[H+] was also lower atall sampling times in the pregnant group, but this effect wassignificant only at rest. Our results support the hypothesis thatreduced PCO2 and weak acidconcentration are important mechanisms to regulate plasma[H+] and to maintain aless acidic plasma environment at rest and after exercise in lategestation compared with the nonpregnant state. These effects areestablished in the resting state and appear to be maintained aftermaximal exertion.


Intensive exercise is associated with a pronounced increase in extracellular K+ ([K+]o). Because of the ensuing depolarization and loss of excitability, this contributes to muscle fatigue. Intensive exercise also increases the level of circulating catecholamines and lactic acid, which both have been shown to alleviate the depressing effect of hyperkalemia in slow-twitch muscles. Because of their larger exercise-induced loss of K+, fast-twitch muscles are more prone to fatigue caused by increased [K+]o than slow-twitch muscles. Fast-twitch muscles also produce more lactic acid. We therefore compared the effects of catecholamines and lactic acid on the maintenance of contractility in rat fast-twitch [extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] and slow-twitch (soleus) muscles. Intact muscles were mounted on force transducers and stimulated electrically to evoke short isometric tetani. Elevated [K+]o (11 and 13 mM) was used to reduce force to 20% of control force at 4 mM K+. In EDL, the 2-agonist salbutamol (10–5 M) restored tetanic force to 83 ± 2% of control force, whereas in soleus salbutamol restored tetanic force to 93 ± 1%. In both muscles, salbutamol induced hyperpolarization (5–8 mV), reduced intracellular Na+ content and increased Na+-K+ pump activity, leading to an increased K+ tolerance. Lactic acid (24 mM) restored force from 22 ± 4% to 58 ± 2% of control force in EDL, an effect that was significantly lower than in soleus muscle. These results amplify and generalize the concept that the exercise-induced acidification and increase in plasma catecholamines counterbalance fatigue arising from rundown of Na+ and K+ gradients. muscle fatigue; Na+-K+ pump; membrane potential  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigatethe in vivo effects of an intrahepatic infusion of deionized waterduring exercise in rats. Adrenodemedullated male Sprague-Dawley ratswere continuously infused for 30 min either at rest or during treadmillexercise (26 m/min, 0% grade). Rats were randomly assigned to one ofthree infusion conditions (52 µl/min) with either deionized water(PW) or saline (PS; NaCl; 0.9%) via the hepatic portal vein ordeionized water through the jugular vein (JW). The exercise periodcaused a significant (P < 0.05)decrease in liver glycogen and relative liver water content andperipheral and portal blood glucose and insulin while increasingperipheral and portal glucagon andK+ plasma concentrations. Theseresponses, with the exception of K+, were not influenced by thedifferent types of infusions. The increase inK+ during exercise wassignificantly (P < 0.05) higher inJW rats than in the PW and PS groups. Both the infusion and exerciseprotocols did not significantly alter the liver weight-to-body weightratio, plasma osmolality, free fatty acids, -hydroxybutyrate,Na+,Cl, vasopressin, andcatecholamine concentrations. It is concluded that an hepatic portalinfusion of deionized water does not specifically alter the metabolicand hormonal responses to exercise in rats.


The purpose of this studywas to examine the validity of the quantitative measurement of muscleoxidative metabolism in exercise by near-infrared continuous-wavespectroscopy (NIRcws). Twelve male subjects performed two bouts ofdynamic handgrip exercise, once for the NIRcws measurement and once forthe 31P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) measurementas a standard measure. The resting muscle metabolic rate (RMRmus) wasindependently measured by 31P-MRS during 15 min of arterialocclusion at rest. During the first exercise bout, the quantitativevalue of muscle oxidative metabolic rate at 30 s postexercisewas evaluated from the ratio of the rate of oxyhemoglobin/myoglobindecline measured by NIRcws during arterial occlusion 30 s afterexercise and the rate at rest. Therefore, the absolute values of muscleoxidative metabolic rate at 30 s after exercise[O2NIR(30)] wascalculated from this ratio multiplied by RMRmus. During the secondexercise bout, creatine phosphate (PCr) resynthesis rate was measuredby 31P-MRS at 30 s postexercise[Q(30)] under the same conditions but without arterial occlusion postexercise. To determine the validity ofNIRcws, O2NIR(30) wascompared with Q(30). There was a significant correlation betweenO2NIR(30), which rangedbetween 0.018 and 0.187 mM ATP/s, and Q(30),which ranged between 0.041 and 0.209 mM ATP/s (r = 0.965, P < 0.001). This result supports theapplication of NIRcws to quantitatively evaluate muscle oxidativemetabolic rate in exercise.


Treadmill training increases functionalvasodilation in the rat spinotrapezius muscle, although there is noacute increase in blood flow and no increase in oxidative capacity. Toassess concurrent changes in vascular reactivity, we measured arterial diameters in the spinotrapezius muscle of sedentary (Sed) and treadmill-trained (Tr; 9-10 wk; terminal intensity 30 m/min,1.5° incline, for 90 min) rats during iontophoretic application of norepinephrine, epinephrine (Epi), andH+ (HCl) and during superfusionwith adenosine. Terminal-feed arteries and first-order arterioles in Trrats constricted more than those in Sed rats at the higher currentdoses of norepinephrine and Epi. In contrast, at low-current doses ofEpi, first- and second-order arterioles dilated in Tr but not in Sedrats. The vascular responses to HCl were highly variable, butsecond-order arterioles of Tr rats constricted more than those of Sedrats at intermediate-current doses. There were no significantdifferences between Sed and Tr rats in the vascular responses toadenosine. Both adrenergic vasodilation and vasoconstriction wereenhanced in the spinotrapezius muscle of Tr rats, and enhancedadrenergic vasodilation may contribute to increased functionalvasodilation. These observations further demonstrate vascularadaptations in "nontrained" skeletal muscle tissues.


Pickar, Joel G., John P. Mattson, Steve Lloyd, and TimothyI. Musch. Decreased[3H]ouabainbinding sites in skeletal muscle of rats with chronic heart failure.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 323-329, 1997.Abnormalities intrinsic to skeletal muscle are thought tocontribute to decrements in exercise capacity found in individualswith chronic heart failure (CHF).Na+-K+-adenosinetriphosphatase(the Na+ pump) is essential formaintaining muscle excitability and contractility. Therefore, weinvestigated the possibility that the number and affinity ofNa+ pumps in locomotor muscles ofrats with CHF are decreased. Myocardial infarction (MI) was induced in8 rats, and a sham operation was performed in 12 rats. The degree ofCHF was assessed ~180 days after surgery. Soleus and plantarismuscles were harvested, and Na+pumps were quantified by using a[3H]ouabain bindingassay. At the time of muscle harvest, MI and sham-operated rats weresimilar in age (458 ± 54 vs. 447 ± 34 days old, respectively).Compared with their sham-operated counterparts, MI rats had asignificant amount of heart failure, right ventricular-to-body weightratio was greater (48%), and the presence of pulmonary congestion wassuggested by an elevated lung-to-body weight ratio (29%). Leftventricular end-diastolic pressure was significantly increased in theMI rats (11 ± 1 mmHg) compared with the sham-operated controls (1 ± 1 mmHg). In addition, mean arterial blood pressure was lower inthe MI rats compared with their control counterparts. [3H]ouabain bindingsites were reduced 18% in soleus muscle (136 ± 12 vs. 175 ± 13 pmol/g wet wt, MI vs. sham, respectively) and 22% in plantaris muscle(119 ± 12 vs. 147 ± 8 pmol/g wet wt, MI vs. sham,respectively). The affinity of these[3H]ouabain bindingsites was similar for the two groups. The relationship between thereduction in Na+ pump number andthe reduced exercise capacity in individuals with CHF remains to bedetermined.


Vandenberghe, K., M. Goris, P. Van Hecke, M. Van Leemputte,L. Vangerven, and P. Hespel. Long-term creatine intake isbeneficial to muscle performance during resistance training. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):2055-2063, 1997.The effects of oral creatine supplementation onmuscle phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration, muscle strength, and bodycomposition were investigated in young female volunteers(n = 19) during 10 wk ofresistance training (3 h/wk). Compared with placebo, 4 days ofhigh-dose creatine intake (20 g/day) increased(P < 0.05) muscle PCr concentration by 6%. Thereafter, this increase was maintained during 10 wk of training associated with low-dose creatine intake (5 g/day).Compared with placebo, maximal strength of the muscle groups trained,maximal intermittent exercise capacity of the arm flexors, and fat-free mass were increased 20-25, 10-25, and 60% more(P < 0.05), respectively, duringcreatine supplementation. Muscle PCr and strength, intermittent exercise capacity, and fat-free mass subsequently remained at a higherlevel in the creatine group than in the placebo group during 10 wk ofdetraining while low-dose creatine was continued. Finally, on cessationof creatine intake, muscle PCr in the creatine group returned to normalwithin 4 wk. It is concluded that long-term creatine supplementationenhances the progress of muscle strength during resistance training insedentary females.


We comparedreflex responses to static handgrip at 30% maximal voluntarycontraction (MVC) in 10 women (mean age 24.1 ± 1.7 yr) during twophases of their ovarian cycle: the menstrual phase (days 1-4) and the follicularphase (days10-12). Changes in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA; microneurography) in response tostatic exercise were greater during the menstrual compared withfollicular phase (phase effect P = 0.01). Levels of estrogen were less during the menstrual phase(75 ± 5.5 vs. 116 ± 9.6 pg/ml, days 1-4 vs.days 10-12;P = 0.002). Generated tension did not explain differences in MSNA responses (MVC: 29.3 ± 1.3 vs. 28.2 ± 1.5 kg, days 1-4 vs.days 10-12;P = 0.13). In a group of experiments with the use of 31P-NMRspectroscopy, no phase effect was observed forH+ andH2PO4 concentrations(n = 5). During an ischemicrhythmic handgrip paradigm (20% MVC), a phase effect was notobserved for MSNA or H+ orH2PO4 concentrations,suggesting that blood flow was necessary for the expression of thecycle-related effect. The present studies suggest that, during statichandgrip exercise, MSNA is increased during the menstrual compared withthe follicular phase of the ovarian cycle.


Hong, S. J., and C. C. Chang.Trauma-induced changes of skeletal muscle membrane: decreasedK+ and increasedNa+ permeability.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1096-1103, 1997.Trauma of skeletal muscle causes membranedepolarization and reduces membrane resistance. The underlyingmechanisms were studied in isolated mouse phrenic nerve diaphragmssubject to sharp transections of muscle. Depolarization was most markedat the vicinity (~1 mm) of trauma, where the membrane potentialdropped rapidly from about 80 mV to zero and repolarized toabout 25 mV. At the end-plate region (located ~3 mm away fromthe cut end), the membrane gradually attained a plateau potentialaround 45 mV. The magnitude of depolarization was not reduced byinhibition of Na+,Ca2+, orCl channel, whereas theprogress of depolarization was delayed in low-Na+ medium. Activation of theK+ channel with lemakalim inducedsome hyperpolarization at damaged site but produced aglybenclamide-sensitive outward current and hyperpolarization ofend-plate region to the levels before trauma, as if there was nodiminution of transmembrane K+gradient in this area. Appropriate elevation of extracellular K+ to stimulateK+ conductance also hyperpolarizedthe end-plate region. The results suggest that depolarization atregions remote from trauma is related to decreasedK+ and increasedNa+ permeability. The cytoplasmacompartmentalization and permeability changes may protect muscle fiberfrom trauma.


Van Den Bergh, Adrianus J., Sibrand Houtman, ArendHeerschap, Nancy J. Rehrer, Hendrikus J. Van Den Boogert, BerendOeseburg, and Maria T. E. Hopman. Muscle glycogen recovery afterexercise during glucose and fructose intake monitored by13C-NMR. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1495-1500, 1996.The purpose of this study was to examine muscle glycogen recovery with glucose feeding(GF) compared with fructose feeding (FF) during the first 8 h afterpartial glycogen depletion by using13C-nuclear magneticresonance (NMR) on a clinical 1.5-T NMR system. After measurement of the glycogen concentration of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle in seven male subjects, glycogen stores of the VLwere depleted by bicycle exercise. During 8 h after completion ofexercise, subjects were orally given either GF or FF while the glycogencontent of the VL was monitored by13C-NMR spectroscopy every secondhour. The muscular glycogen concentration was expressed as a percentageof the glycogen concentration measured before exercise. The glycogenrecovery rate during GF (4.2 ± 0.2%/h) was significantly higher(P < 0.05) compared withvalues during FF (2.2 ± 0.3%/h). This study shows that1) muscle glycogen levels areperceptible by 13C-NMRspectroscopy at 1.5 T and 2) theglycogen restoration rate is higher after GF compared with after FF.


The effects of 10 µM glibenclamide, anATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channelblocker, and 100 µM pinacidil, a channel opener, were studied todetermine how the KATP channel affects mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscle during fatigue. Fatigue waselicited with 200-ms-long tetanic contractions every second. Glibenclamide did not affect rate and extent of fatigue, force recovery, or 86Rb+ fractional loss. The onlyeffects of glibenclamide during fatigue were: an increase in restingtension (EDL and soleus), a depolarization of the cell membrane, aprolongation of the repolarization phase of action potential, and agreater ATP depletion in soleus. Pinacidil, on the other hand,increased the rate but not the extent of fatigue, abolished the normalincrease in resting tension during fatigue, enhanced force recovery,and increased 86Rb+ fractional loss in both theEDL and soleus. During fatigue, the decreases in ATP andphosphocreatine of soleus muscle were less in the presence ofpinacidil. The glibenclamide effects suggest that fatigue, elicitedwith intermittent contractions, activates few KATP channelsthat affect resting tension and membrane potentials but not tetanicforce, whereas opening the channel with pinacidil causes a fasterdecrease in tetanic force, improves force recovery, and helps inpreserving energy.


The apoplastic pH and K+ concentration of the extensor of thePhaseolus primary-leaf pulvinus in relation to rhythmic leafmovements have been investigated with double-barrelled ion-sensitivemicro-electrodes. Simultaneous measurements of leaf movementand ion activities in a fine hole of the extensor in situ showedco-existence of ultradian and circadian leaf movements as wellas of ultradian and circadian pH changes in the Water Free Space(WFS) of the extensor apoplast in situ. During circadian leafmovement the H+ and K+ activities in the WFS of the extensorchange in an antagonistic manner. When extensor cells swell(upward movement of the lamina) the H+ activity increases fromapproximately pH 6.7 to 5.9 and the K+ concentration decreasesfrom approximately 50 to 10 mol m–3 and vice versa whenextensor cells shrink. These changes in the ionic activitiesin the WFS must be correlated with large changes in the ioncontent of the DFS and thus support the hypothesis that thecell walls of pulvinar cells serve as reservoirs for K+ andH+. Key words: Phaseolus pulvinus, apoplastic ionic activities, rhythmic leaf movements, ion-sensitive micro-electrodes (double-barrelled)  相似文献   

Six men werestudied during four 30-s "all-out" exercise bouts on anair-braked cycle ergometer. The first three exercise bouts wereseparated by 4 min of passive recovery; after the third bout, subjectsrested for 4 min, exercised for 30 min at 30-35% peakO2 consumption, and rested for afurther 60 min before completing the fourth exercise bout. Peak powerand total work were reduced (P < 0.05) during bout 3 [765 ± 60 (SE) W; 15.8 ± 1.0 kJ] compared withbout 1 (1,168 ± 55 W, 23.8 ± 1.2 kJ), but no difference in exercise performance was observed betweenbouts 1 and4 (1,094 ± 64 W, 23.2 ± 1.4 kJ). Before bout 3, muscle ATP,creatine phosphate (CP), glycogen, pH, and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)Ca2+ uptake were reduced, whilemuscle lactate and inosine 5'-monophosphate wereincreased. Muscle ATP and glycogen before bout4 remained lower than values beforebout 1 (P < 0.05), but there were no differences in muscle inosine 5'-monophosphate, lactate, pH, and SR Ca2+ uptake. Muscle CP levelsbefore bout 4 had increased aboveresting levels. Consistent with the decline in muscle ATP wereincreases in hypoxanthine and inosine before bouts3 and 4. The decline in exercise performance does not appear to be related to a reduction inmuscle glycogen. Instead, it may be caused by reduced CP availability, increased H+ concentration,impairment in SR function, or some other fatigue-inducing agent.


Rasmussen, B. B., and W. W. Winder. Effectof exercise intensity on skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA and acetyl-CoAcarboxylase. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1104-1109, 1997.Malonyl-CoA is synthesized by acetyl-CoAcarboxylase (ACC) and is an inhibitor of fatty acid oxidation. Exerciseinduces a decline in skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA, which is accompaniedby inactivation of ACC and increased activity of AMP-activated proteinkinase (AMPK). This study was designed to determine the effect ofexercise intensity on the enzyme kinetics of ACC, malonyl-CoA levels,and AMPK activity in skeletal muscle. Male Sprague-Dawley rats werekilled (pentobarbital sodium anesthesia) at rest or after 5 min ofexercise (10, 20, 30, or 40 m/min at 5% grade). The fast-twitch redand white regions of the quadriceps muscle were excised and frozen inliquid nitrogen. A progressive decrease in red quadriceps ACC maximalvelocity (from 28.6 ± 1.5 to 14.3 ± 0.7 nmol · g1 · min1,P < 0.05), an increase in activationconstant for citrate, and a decrease in malonyl-CoA (from 1.9 ± 0.2 to 0.9 ± 0.1 nmol/g, P < 0.05) were seen with theincrease in exercise intensity from rest to 40 m/min. AMPK activityincreased more than twofold. White quadriceps ACC activity decreasedonly during intense exercise. We conclude that the extent of ACCinactivation during short-term exercise is dependent on exerciseintensity.


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