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The behavior of a free-ranging female rhesus monkey (XJ) who emigrated from her natal group (J) to another (M) for 14 consecutive days is described. Hypotheses as to its function and motivation are considered.  相似文献   

Conjoined twinning is an extremely rare occurrence among human and nonhuman primates. The current report describes a case of minimally conjoined omphalopagus rhesus monkey twins that were observed in the breeding colony at the California Regional Primate Research Center. The full-term nonviable male twins were morphologically normal and united in the umbilical region, involving the liver, xiphoid, umbilicus, body wall, and skin. The umbilical cords were separate, but closely aligned, within an ensheathing amnion; each cord contained two arteries and a vein. The closely associated cords were centrally inserted on a large bidiscoid placenta. There were no gross or histologic abnormalities in the viscera, with the exception of enlargement of the left central liver lobes, which constituted the area of attachment. The cause of death was attributed to asphyxia and trauma experienced during parturition.  相似文献   

Alopecia areata in a rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: A 14-year-old female rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) of Chinese origin has been suffering from alopecia universalis since childhood. METHODS: Recently, the health status of the animal was recorded comprehensively by detailed clinical examination including hematology and serology supplemented by histological and immunohistochemical investigations of skin biopsies and molecular biological techniques to clarify the causes of the persistent hair loss. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The hairless gene (hr) nonsense mutation was ruled out by polymerase chain reaction and by sequencing of the corresponding gene. Histological examinations revealed a prominent chronic lymphocytic perifolliculitis and folliculitis affecting anagen stage hair follicles as well as miniaturized hair follicles. Immunohistochemistry using the antibodies CD3, CD20 and CD4 confirmed the diagnosis of a T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease resembling alopecia areata universalis in humans.  相似文献   

A developmental arteriovenous malformation of the right arm was recognized in a 1-year-old rhesus monkey. The diagnosis was based on physical findings, ultrasound, and angiography. Treatment consisting of therapeutic transcatheter embolization using polyvinyl alcohol was performed with partial success. Necropsy revealed a lesion that was limited to the skin and subcutis. An abnormal vascular pattern was present leading to and within the lesion.  相似文献   

The sexual behavior of a group of free-ranging rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was studied for 13 consecutive months in an attempt to determine whether or not sexual activity occurred year-round, and the importance of sexual attraction to rhesus monkey social organization.Estrous behavior was seen both inter-menstrually and peri-menstrually, producing a shorter mean estrous cycle length than reported by other workers. New data was gathered on the interrelationships among age, dominance rank, and sexual activity; son-mother and brothersister matings; and sexual favoritism among free-ranging rhesus monkeys.A few females who failed to conceive during the fall breeding season showed cyclic estrous behavior throughout the entire annual cycle. Hypotheses are given as to possible physiological bases for birth season sexual cycles.Several forms of inter-animal bonding, including sexual bonding, are enumerated, and their importance to rhesus monkey social organization discussed.  相似文献   

In order to control population growth rates, a decision was made to sterilize most of the free-ranging, wild rhesus macaque females of Silver Springs, Florida. Between October 1987 and March 1988, the five females who had been sterilized and released in the fall of 1986 were matched with five intact females in a behavioral study. While there were differences between the behaviors of the sterilized and intact females, the differences can be attributed more to differences in age, rank, and other factors than to the sterilization. Clinical data collected and reported on the monkeys is unremarkable.  相似文献   

A 47-day-old female rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) was examined because of a severe holosystolic heart murmur (grade 5/6) and signs of congestive heart failure. Results of physical examination, thoracic radiography, and cardiac ultrasonography confirmed an advanced stage of congestive heart failure. Due to the animal's age and clinical signs of disease, a congenital heart defect was suspected. Necropsy revealed a rare congenital heart defect known as persistent (common) truncus arteriosus.  相似文献   

A tumor mass was identified below the shoulder region of a 5-year-old male rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). The mass was excised and diagnosed as sebaceous gland adenoma based on the microscopic findings. Morphologically it appeared as an elevated, dome-shaped, circumscribed mass of 3.6 x 2.8 x 3.2 cm in dimension with tan speckled color. Histologically, the tumor was composed of mature, sebaceous cells (sebocytes), basal cells arranged in a mass of irregular shapes and sizes, with a characteristic appearance of poly or multilobular structure. Sebocytes were well differentiated with foamy cytoplasm in the center of the lobules and poorly or undifferentiated densely staining basal cells in the periphery of the lobules. Cellular changes in the adjacent lymph node included hyperplasia of plasma cells, macrophages and lymphoid elements with typical mitosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A 5-year-old female rhesus monkey infected with simian immunodeficiency virus became clinically suspicious with anorexia, increasing weakness and apathy eighty-five weeks after the tonsillar virus inoculation and was euthanised due to a poor prognosis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Postmortal examinations revealed a severe multifocal to coalescing necotizing hepatitis with numerous intranuclear basophilic inclusion bodies. Transmission electron microscopy of the liver resulted in the finding of adenovirus like particles arranged in paracrystalline arrays within the nuclei of hepatocytes.CONCLUSION: The SIV infected rhesus monkey suffered from an adenovirus included necortizing hepatitis, an extremely rare organ manifestation of adenovirus infection in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Seasonal differences in the behavior of 2.5- to 4.5-year-old female subjects and male subjects >2.5 years of age were studied in two rhesus monkey groups over a period of 6 years. The frequencies and durations of sexual acts and states were higher during the Fall in Georgia, USA, but were significant only with regard to female partners. Total time in social proximity, scores for proximity by partner without social interaction, nonspecific contact, grooming received, and noncontact forms of aggression with female partners were also higher in the Fall. Although more submission and agonistically ambiguous responses were received from female partners during the Fall, no seasonal pattern prevailed for responses performed. More contact aggression was directed to males in the Spring, and the pattern of agonistic behavior observed cannot be accounted for by males fighting over estrous females. Significantly more play was observed among subjects in the Fall, but the oldest males played more in the Spring. Some patterns, like huddling, were seen more in the Fall, but they may have been due to temperature differences. Seasonal differences in morphology and behavior cannot be attributed to a single variable, like temperature, level of gonadal hormones, or sexual competition, and may reflect a broader adaptation to seasonal variables.  相似文献   

This is the first confirmed report of exertional rhabdomyolysis in a non-human primate. The monkey was singly housed and presented with anorexia and reluctance to move. There was no external evidence of trauma. Clinicopathologic findings included mild azotemia, marked elevation in serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK), alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and myoglobinuria. Two days post-incident, the peripheral skeletal muscle had marked multifocal myonecrosis and fibrillar disruption without an inflammatory reaction. Treatment included diuresis and pain relief, and urinary output was monitored. The monkey recovered over the next two weeks. The major significance of skeletal muscle damage is the potential of released myoglobin to cause acute renal failure in the presence of other co-factors such as hypovolemia, acidosis, or ischemia. CPK levels can be highly variable and are inconsistent with the degree of muscle damage; however, CPK is thought to be the most sensitive enzyme marker for muscle necrosis. Because of the potential life-threatening sequelae, exertional rhabdomyolysis should be included as a differential diagnosis when similar clinical and pathological signs are observed.  相似文献   

A juvenile rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) developed a symmetrical erosive polyarthritis involving both large and small diarthrodial joints. Neither an infectious nor a metabolic etiology could be determined. This case shares many clinical and pathological features with the polyarticular form of human juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Rhesus macaque females regularly copulate with a number of partners, and produce a single offspring per reproductive cycle in over 99% of cases. We used genotyping of 10 STR markers to determine paternity in the Cayo Santiago population of rhesus macaques. About 1,500 monkeys have been analyzed to date, with their marker genotypes entered into a computerized database. These data enable us to report the first documented case in any cercopithecine nonhuman primate species of the production of twin offspring sired by different males.  相似文献   

Mandibular growth of 42 rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Four groups of animals were defined according to dentitional age (i.e., infant, juvenile, adolescent, young adult). At each age growth was observed for a 24 week period. Since some animals were observed at more than one stage of development, 57 periods of growth were studied. The growth incremental data were collected by superimposing serial cephalograms on mandibular implants. Growth and remodeling of both the skeletal and dento-alveolar components of the rhesus mandible were greatest in the infant monkeys and were less in successive age groups. Posterior relocation of the ramus was noted in all age groups while bone deposition on the anterior and inferior borders of the mandibular body was greatest in the younger animals. The most pronounced dental changes also occurred in the younger animals while the dentitions of the adolescent and adult animals were generally more stable. This study demonstrates that the rate and direction of normal mandibular growth varies with the age of the animal. Furthermore, mandibular growth is quantified at four defined maturational levels to provide a set of values illustrating normal mandibular growth. These values can also be used as control data for experimental studies.  相似文献   

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