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Life history predicts that in sexually dimorphic species in which males are the larger sex, males should reach sexual maturity later than females (or vice versa if females are the larger sex). The corresponding prediction that in sexually monomorphic species maturational rates will differ little between the sexes has rarely been tested. We report here sex differences in growth and development to adulthood for 70 female and 69 male wild owl monkeys (Aotus azarai). In addition, using evidence from natal dispersal and first reproduction (mean: 74 mo) for 7 individuals of known age, we assigned ages to categories: infant, 0–6 mo; juvenile, 6.1–24 mo; subadult, 24.1–48 mo; adult >48 mo. We compared von Bertalanffy growth curves and growth rates derived from linear piecewise regressions for juvenile and subadult females and males. Growth rates did not differ between the sexes, although juvenile females were slightly longer than males. Females reached maximum maxillary canine height at ca. 2 yr, about a year earlier than males, and females’ maxillary canines were shorter than males’. Thus apart from canine eruption and possibly crown–rump length, the development of Azara’s owl monkeys conforms to the prediction by life history that in monomorphic species the sexes should develop at similar paces.  相似文献   

Quantitative methods of observation and analysis were used in a 12-month study of grooming behavior of free-rangingMacaca mulatta on La Cueva Island at La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Observations lasting 30–120 minutes were made from eight positions on the island at a standard time of day when monkeys were either feeding or resting. Two dependent variables were obtained: (1) the number of monkeys present in the observation area were noted by age and sex class at five-minute intervals throughout each observation, and (2) the frequency of grooming encounters was tabulated by the age and sex class(es) of groomer and recipient. These data were computed as grooms/hour/possible interacting combination of monkeys. Grooming frequencies were higher in non-feeding situations than when monkeys were feeding. The largest social group had the lowest mean grooming rates, while the smallest group had the highest grooming frequencies. More grooming occurred during the November-to-February mating season than at other periods of the year. Adult females were involved in over 60% of all grooming behavior, juveniles participated in 25% of the grooming, while adult males groomed females, primarily during the mating season, and rarely groomed other males or juveniles. Genealogical relationships, levels of group aggression and the feeding or resting context all influenced the frequency of grooming. This study provides support for the hypothesis that the basic social unit for rhesus macaques consists of a core of adult females with their juvenile and infant progeny.  相似文献   

The morphological relationships between the cranium and basihyal of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) were analyzed based on measurements of 36 cranial and 3 basihyal dimensions and observations of the female specimen in spirits. In this study, 115 crania from 111 red howler monkeys and 4 mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) were used. The analyses from the standpoints of the correlation coefficients, principal component analysis, discriminant function analysis, age changes and sex differences were performed and the following results were obtained: (1) The cranial measurements closely related to the basihyal measurements were mandibular length, occipital breadth, facial length, ramus height, cranial base length, bigonial breadth and pr-i length. (2) Age changes for the mandibular measurements in males of red howler monkeys were remarkable, and, in particular, the development of the gonion toward posterior and lateral directions were characteristic. (3) The largest sex differences were found in the mandibular measurements of red howler monkeys among the Anthropoidea of seven genera compared. (4) The existence of a “cline” in the cranial measurements of the red howler monkey was recognized. (5) The inter-species differences in the crania between the red howler monkey and mantled howler monkey are obvious, metrically and non-metrically. Based on the results mentioned above, the morphological relationships between the mandible and basihyal in the red howler monkey are discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated blood samples obtained from 80 free-ranging healthy capuchins (Cebus cay and C. nigritus) to establish hematological reference values and to assess the influence of sex and age on them. We caught the monkeys in the Paraná River region of Southern Brazil via manual or automatic traps. We anesthetized them intramuscularly with 3.6 mg/kg tiletamine/zolazepam hydrochlorides. After physical examinations, we divided the sample according to sex and age: 26 females (13 adults and 13 juveniles) and 54 males (27 adults and 27 juveniles). We collected blood and determined hematological values via traditional published methods. We analyzed data via 2-way ANOVA to test the effect of sex, age, and interactions between the 2 factors. The packed-cell volume was higher in adult males and the numbers of white blood cells and lymphocytes were higher in juveniles. There is no other significant difference.  相似文献   

The hair density of free-ranging Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata fuscata) living in three different areas was investigated. The Japanese monkeys had thicker hair than other macaques. The hair density in the Japanese monkeys varied with locality: the northern monkeys had thicker hair than the southern ones. The density did not vary markedly with age up to 3 years of age, but then decreased gradually up to adult age (≧7 years old). The remarkable growth of the trunk suggested that the total number of hairs increased with age, especially during the period as a juvenile.  相似文献   

The Japanese monkeys inhabiting Koshima islet were investigated morphologically, and compared with those living in other areas of Japan. The morphological features of the Koshima monkeys are thought to reflect many interrelated factors. Their body size is the smallest inMacaca fuscata fuscata. The lower latitude and the warmer winter of the islet represent the major factors in this small body size. Another physical characteristic is their longer limbs, which may be related to the same environmental factors. The adult males of the Koshima troop show the widest variation, while the variation in the adult females is the narrowest, among the troops ofMacaca fuscata examined. This may be explained either by sexually differentiated growth, that is, males continue to grow considerably after 8 years of age, whereas females do not; or by isolation, that is, males sometimes immigrate into or emigrate from the islet, whereas almost of all the females remain there. It was found that the influence of food limitations on body weight depends on sex and age; babies and juveniles, and adult males did not lose their body weight, but monkeys aged from 3 to 7 years and adult females had lost much weight compared to those of the same ages and sexes measured in 1963 (feeding was not limited). This fact may support the idea of “sex-age-class selection” proposed byMori (1979), but the weight loss pattern could be explained by changes of body composition with growth. The growth of the anterior trunk length, too, was restrained. Sexual maturation in males was delayed by at least one year.  相似文献   

To confirm our hypothesis that the sex and age of cynomolgus monkeys influences the effect of training, we employed a new training technique designed to increase the animal’s affinity for animal care personnel. During 151 days of training, monkeys aged 2 to 10 years accepted each 3 raisins/3 times/day, and communicated with animal care personnel (5 times/day). Behavior was scored using integers between −1 and 5. Before training, 35 of the 61 monkeys refused raisins offered directly by animal care personnel (Score −1, 0 and 1). After training, 28 of these 35 monkeys (80%) accepted raisins offered directly by animal care personnel (>Score 2). The mean score of monkeys increased from 1.2 ± 0.1 to 4.3 ± 0.2. The minimum training period required for monkeys to reach Score 2 was longer for females than for males. After 151 days, 6 of the 31 females and 1 of the 30 males still refused raisins offered directly by animal care personnel. Beneficial effects of training were obtained in both young and adult monkeys. These results indicate that our new training technique markedly improves the affinity of monkeys for animal care personnel, and that these effects tend to vary by sex but not age. In addition, abnormal behavior and symptoms of monkeys were improved by this training.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the solitary egg-larval endoparasitoidPhanerotoma hendecasisella Cam. [Hymenoptera: Braconidae] to determine its biology onDiaphania indica (Saunders) [Lepidoptera: Pyralidae]. Larvae pass through 3 stages as determined by the shape and size of the mandibles. Mean developmental period from egg to adult was 26.51 days at 26.06 °C and 73.88% RH. There is no preoviposition period. The sex ratio was 1∶1.12 (male/female). Mean adult longevity was not different for ♂♂ and ♀♀.   相似文献   

Ecotourism involving feeding wildlife has raised public attention and is a controversial issue, especially concerning nonhuman primates. Between July 2002 and April 2005, the behavior of monkeys and tourists was collected through scan samplings, focal samplings and behavior samplings at the Shou‐Shan Nature Park located in Taiwan's second largest city—Kaohsiung. In addition, the number of tourists and monkeys was counted in different hours and places within the park. Four hundred visitors were interviewed using a questionnaire to gather data on sex, age, purpose and frequency of visit to the park. The number of tourists was significantly higher during weekends than in weekdays in all locations. Humans dominated in the initiation of interspecies interactions—the overall ratio of human‐initiated and monkey‐initiated interactions was 2.44:1. Human–monkey conflicts accounted for only 16.4% of the total interactions (n=2,166), and adult human males and adult male macaques participated in higher rates than other age/sex groups in these conflicts. Visitors showed more affiliative behavior (15.9%) than agonistic behavior (8%) toward the macaques. In response to visitors' threat or attack, the Formosan macaques mostly showed submissive behavior with bared teeth, squealed or ran away to avoid confrontation (69.1%)—only few responded with counteraggression (18.7%). This study for the first time provided evidence that food provisioning increased both the frequency and duration of aggression among Formosan macaques (P<0.001). During food provisioning, the average frequency and the duration of agonistic events of macaques were more than 4 times higher compared with those without food provisioning. The average frequency of food provision by tourists was 0.73 times/hr—more than twice the incident that monkeys grabbed the food from tourists (0.34 times/hr). If people refrain from feeding monkeys and destroying the city park's natural vegetation, monkeys can be used to educate public about nature conservation in an urban setting. Am. J. Primatol. 71:214–222, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The rate of predation on mammals by chimpanzees was determined from carcasses and from fecal specimens found on fresh trails during a 16-month period in the montane forest of Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Zaire. A unit-group of semi-habituated chimpanzees, composed of 22 – 23 individuals including 8 adult or adolescent males, appeared to kill about 18 – 30 mammalian prey (16 – 28Cercopithecus monkeys) per year, if the multiple kills by chimpanzees were not considered. A juvenile l'Hoest's monkey was recorded for the first time as the prey of chimpanzees in this study. Predation occurred in the late dry and the early rainy seasons, when the diversity of ripe fruits was the highest during the year. The Kahuzi chimpanzees tended to kill mammals less frequently but to killCercopithecus monkeys more frequently than chimpanzees in other habitats. The absence of red colobus monkeys, which are the most frequent prey in Gombe, Mahale, and Tai, might be responsible for the low predation rate. However, the estimated rate of predation onCercopithecus monkeys is the highest record among various chimpanzee habitats. At least 11 – 18% of theCercopithecus population seemed to be lost annually as a result of being killed by chimpanzees. Chimpanzees may be the most important predators on these monkeys in the absence of leopards at Kahuzi. The examination of fecal samples and carcasses suggested that adult (probably male) or adolescent chimpanzees tended to eat juvenile or subadult monkeys most frequently, as is also seen for chimpanzees in Gombe, Mahale, and Tai.  相似文献   

The reproductive data for Japanese monkeys,Macaca fuscata fuscata, which had been recorded for the 34 years from 1952 to 1986 on Koshima, were analyzed in terms of the influence of changes in artificial food supplies, the differences in reproductive success between females, the timing of births, and the secondary sex ratio. Koshima monkeys increased in number until 1971 when the population density was still small and artificial provisioning was copious. As described byMori (1979b), the severe reduction in artificial food supplies, which began in 1972, had an enormous deleterious effect on reproduction: the birth ratio of adult females of 5 years of age or more fell from 57% to 25%; the rate of infant mortality within 1 year of birth rose from 19% to 45%; primiparous age rose from 6 to 9 years old on average; and there was an increased death rate among adult and juvenile females. The prolonged influence of “starvation” may be seen in the significantly delayed first births of those females that were born just before the change in food supplies. When reproductive parameters are compared between the females who belonged to six lineages in the group during these periods, they were found to be rather consistent, although some individual differences can be recognized among females and subgroups. The apparent trend was that some of the most dominant females retained superior reproductive success while that of the second-ranked females has tended to diminish over the years since 1972. Such opposing trends were seen only in the most dominant lineage group and such a difference was not recognized among the females of other lineages. The difference in reproductive success is discussed in relation to both the different situations that arise because of the artificial food supplies and differences in feeding strategies. Multiparous females, after a sterile year, gave birth somewhat earlier than those who reared infants in the preceding year and, when artificial provisioning was intense, they tended to give birth a little earlier than during other periods. There is some evidence that the mortality of later-born infants was higher than that of earlier-born infants after 1972. However, this difference may not be responsible for the differential reproductive success of females since the timing of births did not differ among lineages. Furthermore, during the time when many females gave birth continuously, prior to 1972, the infant mortality did not differ with respect to the timing of births. The differences in infant mortality were not correlated with the reproductive history, parity or age of the mother, or with the sex of the infant. The secondary sex ratio varied by only a small amount, from slightly male-biased ratio (114: 100) when correlated with reproductive history, parity, age of mother, sex and survival ratio for preceding infants, timing of birth, and lineage of the female. Furthermore, the change in artificial food supplies did not cause any modifications of the secondary sex ratios, despite its enormous deleterious effect on reproduction. The secondary sex ratio of Japanese monkeys may not be influenced by the social factors mentioned.  相似文献   

Cadmium and mercury concentrations were measured in the tissues of 64 individual albatrosses [23 wandering albatrosses (Diomedea exulans), 9 royal albatrosses (Diomedea epomophora) and 32 shy albatrosses (Thalassarche cauta)] which were killed as by-catch in longline fishing activities between 1991 and 1994. Mercury concentrations were also determined for 33 shy albatross eggs (excluding shells). The birds were all sexed and assigned to one of two age classes (immature and adult). The three species exhibited differences both in overall concentrations of cadmium and mercury, and also in the pattern of accumulation of metals with age and sex. Wandering albatrosses exhibited the highest mercury concentrations with a mean concentration in adult liver samples of 920.0 ± 794.1 μg g−1 dry weight. Shy albatrosses had the lowest mercury concentrations with mean concentrations in adult livers of 36.3 ± 21.4 mg g−1 dry weight. The highest mercury concentration was 1800 μg g−1 for an adult female wandering albatross. Cadmium concentrations were less variable, with adult royal albatrosses having the highest average concentrations (180.0 ± 165.0 in adult kidneys) and adult shy albatrosses the lowest (40.1 ± 20.0 in adult kidney). The highest individual cadmium concentration was 287 μg g−1 for a juvenile wandering albatross. There was no evidence of increased accumulation of cadmium with age in any of the species, but wandering albatrosses showed higher mercury concentrations in adults than juveniles. Female wandering albatrosses also had significantly higher mercury concentrations than males. The mercury contents of the shy albatross eggs were very low, with a maximum concentration of 5.4 μg g−1. The results of this study are consistent with the findings of previous work on albatrosses and support the notion that the life-history strategy of these species (i.e. long-lived with low reproductive output) may be an important determinant in the concentrations of some metals found in their tissues. Accepted: 15 February 1999  相似文献   

This study describes and defines play in a laboratory colony of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). Play is divided into 26 units of behavior and the frequencies of these behaviors are recorded. Analysis shows that sex, age, and dominance have effects on some play behaviors. The play behavior of each age/sex group within the colony is described both quantitatively and qualitatively. Adult females are characterized by reinforcement of the play of immature monkeys, adult males by rough play with older male juveniles, four-year-old females and three-year-old males by stimulation of play in young infants, and males in general by a preference to play within their peer group. It is suggested that modified repetition of behaviors, diversified interactions, and innovative behaviors, are important qualities of play, and are essential to the adaptive plasticity of behavior in primates.  相似文献   

Juveniles should choose social partners on the basis of both current and future utility. Where one sex is philopatric, one expects members of that sex to develop greater and sex‐typical social integration with group‐mates over the juvenile period. Where a partner's position in a dominance hierarchy is not associated with services it can provide, one would not expect juveniles to choose partners based on rank, nor sex differences in rank‐based preferences. We tested these ideas on 39 wild juvenile (3.2–7.4 years) blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni), cercopithecines with strict female philopatry and muted hierarchies. We made focal animal observations over 6 months, and computed observed:expected amounts of proximity time, approaches and grooming given to various social partners. Overall, our results agree with the hypothesis that juvenile blue monkeys target social partners strategically. Spatial proximity, approaches and active grooming showed similar patterns regarding juvenile social preferences. Females were far more sociable than males, groomed more partners, reciprocated grooming more frequently, and preferred—while males avoided—infants as partners. Older juveniles (5–7 years) spent more time than younger juveniles (3–4 years) near others, and older females were especially attracted to infants. Close kin, especially mothers and less consistently adult sisters, were attractive to both male and female juveniles, regardless of age. Both sexes also preferred same‐sex juveniles as social partners while avoiding opposite‐sex peers. Juveniles of both sexes and ages generally neither preferred nor avoided nonmaternal adult females, but all juveniles avoided adult males. Partner's rank had no consistent effect on juveniles' preference, as expected for a species in which dominance plays a weak role. Juveniles' social preferences likely reflect both future and current benefits, including having tolerant adult kin to protect them against predators and conspecifics, same‐sex play partners, and, for females, infants on which to practice mothering skills. Am. J. Primatol. 72:193–205, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently, the optimal sex allocation in monogonont rotifers is studied in [1], and, as a closely related question, the relative frequencies of the relevant types of mictic females. The authors focus on the evolution of the age at which young mictic females lose their fertilization susceptibility and they address the threshold age of fertilization that maximizes resting egg production. Assuming that a stationary population is achieved, with stable age distribution, they obtain their results, without knowing the stationary population. Our aim is to study this problem in the framework of the theory of nonlinear age-dependent population dynamics developed by G. F. Webb in [13], which is more appropriate from the mathematical point of view and permits to us to obtain analytically the stationary population and consequently it is analytically shown that a threshold age of fertilization equal to the age of maturation is not an ESS, despite the fact that then the production of resting eggs is maximum, which has been obtained by simulation in [1]. Received: 30 June 1998 / Revised version: 17 May 1999 / Published on line: 5 May 2000  相似文献   

Many findings indicate that measuring the serum concentration of soluble 70-kD heat shock protein (soluble HSP70) may provide important information in cardiovascular, inflammatory, and pregnancy-related diseases; however, only scarce data are available in cancer. Therefore, using a commercial ELISA kit, we measured soluble HSP70 concentration in the sera of 179 patients with colorectal cancer. We investigated the relationship between soluble HSP70 concentration and mortality, during 33.0 (24.4–44.0) months long follow-up. High (>1.65 pg/ml, median concentration) soluble HSP70 level was a significant (hazard ratio: 1.88 (1.20–2.96, p = 0.005) predictor of mortality during the follow-up period. When we compared the soluble HSP70 levels in patients with non-resected primary tumors as compared to those who were recruited into the study 4–6 weeks after the tumor resection they were found to be significantly (p = 0.020) higher in the former group. Since the patients with non-resected primary tumors had also distant metastasis and died early, we limited the further analysis to 142 patients with no distant metastasis at the beginning of the follow-up. This association remained significant even after multiple Cox-regression analysis had been performed to adjust the data for age and sex (p = 0.028); age, sex, and TNM-T stage (p = 0.041); age, sex, and TNM-N stage (p = 0.021); age, sex, and histological grade (p = 0.023); or age, sex, and tumor localization (p = 0.029). Further analysis showed that the significant association between high HSP70 levels and poor survival is in the strongest in the group of <70-year-old female patients (HR: 5.52 (2.02-15.15), p = 0.001), as well as in those who were in a less advanced stage of the disease at baseline. These novel findings indicate that the serum level of soluble HSP70 might prove a useful, stage-independent prognostic marker in colorectal cancer without distant metastasis.  相似文献   

We introduced two to four unfamiliar animals into three established groups (N = 6–9 per group) of tufted capuchins (Cebus apella).We present findings on the behavioral consequences of introductions as a function of age, sex, and residency status and long-term consequences for health and reproduction. No morbidity from aggression occurred at the time of introductions or during several months following, and reproduction was not compromised. Activity budgets and patterns of social spacing and interaction were little changed following the introductions except for increases in vigilance behavior, especially by newly introduced adult females. Adult females exhibited the strongest and longest-lasting response to changes in group composition. The results indicate that in this species (1) introductions of adult females can be carried out with acceptable risk to the newcomers provided that careful monitoring occurs, so that the onset of severe aggression instigated by resident females toward new females can be avoided, (2) juveniles can be introduced with minimal risk, and (3) adult males can be introduced into groups lacking resident adult males with minimal risk. Capuchins differ in important ways from the better-studied Old World monkeys in their response to introductions of strangers. The differences are instructive with regard to processes supporting species-typical social structure, which is less overtly hierarchical in capuchins than in macaques.  相似文献   

Interest for breeding mouflons in Europe is growing by the day, so it is important to extend our knowledge regarding their physiology. To establish reference intervals of biochemical values for mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon), serum samples from 35 males and 26 females were analyzed using the automatic analyzer Olympus AU 640 for 22 serum biochemistry parameters. All mouflons aged from 1 to 4 years were apparently healthy and in good body condition and kept at an average altitude of 87 m (45°4′N, 18°6′E). Obtained results were tested according to age and sex categories by the repeated measurement model with Tukey’s post hoc test. Data showed a significantly higher (P < 0.01) concentration of total serum bilirubin and chloride in adult pregnant female mouflons compared to adult male mouflons. A significantly higher (P < 0.01) value of sodium and a lower (P < 0.01) value of serum phosphate in adult pregnant female mouflons compared to adult male mouflons have been determined. These data provide the baseline information about serum biochemical parameters which can be used to manage the health in mouflons.  相似文献   

The levels of immunoglobulin Ig G, Ig M and Ig A in the plasma of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata) from birth to 180 days of age were examined. The level of Ig G reached a minimum at 50 to 80 days of age, when the neonates weighed 600–800 g. Anti streptolysin O antibody decreased from birth with age and was not detected from day 80 to 150. The level of Ig M showed a temporary peak at 20–30 days of age and increased again from 60–80 days. The concentration of Ig A increased gradually to reach 20% of the adult level at day 180.  相似文献   

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