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中国樟科润楠属植物一些种类修订   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
韦发南  王玉国  何顺清 《广西植物》2001,21(3):191-194,T001
对中国樟科润楠属植物一些种进行了分类修订。随着研究工作的深入 ,发现过去发表的一些新种不能成立 ,应予合并 ,即嘉道理楠 =信宜润楠 ;长序润楠 =浙江润楠 ;密脉润楠 =刨花润楠 ;芳槁润楠 =黄心树 ;荔波润楠 =粉叶润楠。  相似文献   

润楠属植物一名称   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
润楠属植物一名称左家哺(湖南林业专科学校,衡阳421005)关键词润楠属,新名称,秃叶润楠ANEWNAMEINMACHILUS(LAURACEAE)¥ZuoJiafu(HunanForestryTechnicalCollege,Hengyang421...  相似文献   

中国及越南樟科润楠属植物一些种类的修订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦发南  唐赛春   《广西植物》2006,26(4):345-348
报道了产自中国和越南的樟科润楠属的4个种的修订结果,即:MachiluslongipedicellataH.Lec.为M.yunnanensisH.Lec.的异名;M.thunbergiiSieb.etZucc.var.condorensisH.Lec.为M.lohuiensisS.Lee的异名,而其中被H.Liou误定的Poilane13161号则为M.cicatricosa;过去被中国学者误当作M.longipedicel-lata的西藏及云南中部至西北部的部份标本是广泛分布于喜马拉雅地区的M.duthieiKingexHook.f.。  相似文献   

樟科润楠属植物ITS序列贝叶斯分析及其系统学意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
应用nrDNA Intemal Transcribed Spacer(ITS)序列,使用Bayesian分析法对樟科润楠属的系统学问题进行了初步探讨,结果表明润楠属在鳄梨属群中本身作为一独立分支,是一个自然的单系类群;由于其花被裂片果期宿存且强烈反转与同产自亚洲的楠属和油丹属存在清晰界线。本研究否定了前人依据花被片外面被毛情况及果实大小所建立的润楠属属下系统,但同时暗示着花序类型可能是解决润楠属下系统演化的关键性状。本研究对解决润楠属属内种间的系统演化关系尚有不足,建议今后补充更多的属内物种以及寻找新的分子标记进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

根据分子系统学研究结果,楠属(Phoebe)中以其宿存的花被片在果时松散、先端外倾,果实球形为特征的物种,即山楠Phoebe chinensis Chun,小花楠P.minutiflora H.W.Li,竹叶楠P.faberi(Hemsl.)Chun,小叶楠Pmicrophylla H.W.Li以及长毛楠P.forrestiiW.W.Smith均应归入润楠属(Machilus),其中原先作为润楠属物种发表的竹叶润楠Machilus faberi Hemsl.应予采用,但山楠一种其种加词发表时已是晚出同名,另起新名为Machilus montana L.Li,J.Li&H.W.Li,nom.nov,而余下三种作为新组合在此发表,即:M.minutiflora(H.W.Li)L.Li,J.Li&H.W.Li,comb.nov.;M.microphylla(H.W.Li)L.Li.J.Li&H.W.Li,comb.nov.及Mforrestii(W.W.Smith)L.Li,J.Li&H_W.Li,comb.nov.。  相似文献   

关于樟科润楠属和鳄梨属的分类界线问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
讨论了润楠属Machilus Nees与鳄梨属Persea Mill.的分类界线, 认为两属的主要区别如下: 在润楠属中, 花被裂片相等或近相等, 极少外轮明显短于内轮, 在果期为纸质, 极少为薄革质, 伸长, 强度反曲, 极少张开与不反曲, 几乎宿存, 极少脱落, 如果脱落时则内、外轮从基部完全脱落; 花柱早落; 分布亚洲热带及亚热带地区。而在鳄梨属中, 花被裂片极不相等, 外轮明显短于内轮, 很少近相等, 在果期为革质到木质, 很少为薄革质, 张开或直立, 几乎不反曲, 绝大部分宿存或内轮在距基部的1/3到1/2处脱落; 花柱有时宿存; 分布美洲。两属的界线清楚, 不宜合并。把产于越南北部的Persea balansae Airy Shaw和产于苏门答腊的P. sumatrana Kosterm.转移到Machilus中, 从而提出Machilus balansae (Airy Shaw) F. N. Wei &; S. C. Tang和M. sumatrana (Kosterm.) F. N. Wei &; S. C. Tang两个新组合。  相似文献   

福建润楠属一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了福建润楠属(樟科)一新种,即汀州润楠。  相似文献   

报道了润楠属一新种,狭基润楠Machilus attenuataF.N.Wei&S.C.Tang。本种与形态上相似的定安润楠M.dinganensis S.Lee&F.N.Wei的区别在于叶先端尾状渐尖或长渐尖,基部渐狭并略下延,幼叶上面无毛,下面疏被短柔毛;与西畴润楠M.sichourensisH.W.Li的区别在于叶较小,薄革质,倒披针形或椭圆形,长8~13 cm,宽2.2~4 cm,基部渐狭,侧脉在上面明显或略明显,下面明显。  相似文献   

广西润楠属-新种-狭基润楠   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了润楠属一新种,狭基润楠Machilus attenuata F.N.Wei&S.C.Tang。本种与形态上相似的定安润楠M.dinganensis S.Lee&F.N.Wei的区别在于叶先端尾状渐尖或长渐尖,基部渐狭并略下延,幼叶上面无毛,下面疏被短柔毛;与西畴润楠M.sichourensis H.W.Li的区别在于叶较小,薄革质,倒披针形或椭圆形,长8~13cm,宽2.2~4cm,基部渐狭,侧脉在上面明显或略明显,下面明显。  相似文献   

杨永  达来 《广西植物》2009,29(3):314-314
Phoebe reticulata Y. K. Li et X. M. Wang是P. reticulata Mez的晚出同名,建议用一个新名称P. liana Y. Yang替代P. reticulata Y. K. Li et X.M.Wang。  相似文献   

After recognizing the genus Machilus Nees as a distinct one, Machilus villosa ( Roxb. ) Hook. f. is regarded as the correct name for the plant / Rou Mo Run Nan0 based on the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature.  相似文献   

应用nrDNA Internal Transcribed Spacer ( ITS) 序列, 使用Bayesian 分析法对樟科润楠属的系统学问题进行了初步探讨, 结果表明润楠属在鳄梨属群中本身作为一独立分支, 是一个自然的单系类群; 由于其花被裂片果期宿存且强烈反转与同产自亚洲的楠属和油丹属存在清晰界线。本研究否定了前人依据花被片外面被毛情况及果实大小所建立的润楠属属下系统, 但同时暗示着花序类型可能是解决润楠属下系统演化的关键性状。本研究对解决润楠属属内种间的系统演化关系尚有不足, 建议今后补充更多的属内物种以及寻找新的分子标记进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

海南岛润楠属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
符国瑷  洪小江 《植物研究》2004,24(3):259-260
描述了海南润楠属(樟科)一新种,即文昌润楠  相似文献   

On the basis of molecular phylogenetic analyses of the Persea group (Lauraceae) using the sequences of ITS and LEAFY intron II, the species Phoebe chinensis Chun, P.minutiflora H. W. Li, P.faberi (Hemsl.) Chun, P.microphylla H. W. Li and P.forrestii W. W. Smith, which are characterised by the persistent perianth lobes loosely clasping the base of fruit, apex extrorse, as well as globose fruit, were transferred into the genus Machilis. Accordingly, a new name Machilus montana L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li, as well as three new combinations M.minutiflora (H. W. Li) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li, M.microphylla (H. W. Li) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li and M.forrestii (W. W. Smith) L. Li, J. Li & H. W. Li were reported here.  相似文献   

Aim The purpose of this paper was to study the patterns of genetic variation, demographic history, haplotype relationships and potential location of diversity centres of two closely related species, Machilus thunbergii and Machilus kusanoi. Location The phylogeography of M. thunbergii and M. kusanoi was examined by sampling 110 and 106 individuals from 25 and 16 sampling sites, respectively, across their distributional range in Taiwan. Machilus thunbergii is distributed on the Asian mainland, South Korea, southern Japan, the Ryukyus, Taiwan and the Philippines, whereas M. kusanoi is endemic to Taiwan. These two species are closely related, and both are widely distributed in Taiwan but occupy different altitudinal zones and habitats. Methods The range‐wide variation of M. thunbergii and M. kusanoi in Taiwan was studied using chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variations. A haplotype network was constructed with the computer program tcs . Nested clade analysis was conducted with the computer program ceodis , and various parameters of genetic diversity were calculated and neutrality tested by the computer program Dna SP. Population differentiation was estimated using the programs arlequin and hapstep . The contribution of the populations to gene diversity and to allelic richness was calculated using the software contrib . The level of divergence for each population from the remaining populations was calculated as the mean value of pairwise FST for each population against the rest of the populations. Results Extremely low levels of genetic differentiation were found for both species. This result suggested that these two species probably survived in multiple relict refugia with different population sizes throughout the island during low‐temperature periods of the Pleistocene. In addition, nested clade analysis (NCA) of cpDNA haplotypes indicated that restricted gene flow with isolation‐by‐distance characterized the recolonization after the Pleistocene by Tashueshan and Shiouhluan populations of M. thunbergii in the north‐central area west of the Central Mountain Range (CMR). In contrast, NCA analysis indicated that a major diversity centre on the southern tip of the island (Kending population) and contiguous range expansion characterized the recolonization by M. kusanoi of northern areas along the east side of the CMR. The major diversity centres found for the two species examined were further supported by the results of the mean FST for individual populations in comparison with other populations, and of the contribution of the divergence component to the total diversity. Main conclusions This research supports the multiple relict refugia hypothesis for both species investigated. Populations of M. thunbergii at Shiouhluan and Tashueshan in the north‐central area west of the CMR represent a diversity centre currently expanding its size. A diversity centre at the southern‐edge population of M. kusanoi, and a contiguous range expansion from Kending, were found. These results indicate that the M. thunbergii populations at Tashueshan and Shiouhluan and the M. kusanoi population at Kending, and even Soukar, are evolutionarily significant units for conservation programmes.  相似文献   

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