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The addition of a cytoplasmic fraction, isolated from cells 3h after irradiation of mice, to exposed or intact thymocyte nuclei causes a 2- or 3-fold acceleration of chromatin degradation in the nuclei incubated in conditions optimum for activity of Ca2+,Mg2+-dependent endonuclease to be manifest. In contrast to thymocytes, no chromatin degradation products are found in liver cells of irradiated mice. The cytoplasmic fraction isolated from hepatocytes of irradiated animals fails to activate chromatin degradation in thymocyte nuclei.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of chromatin proteins in thymus cells of irradiated rats has been studied. During the period immediately preceding DNA degradation, new proteins, which are not found in the chromatin of the control cells, are synthesized in the exposed thymocytes and enter the chromatin. Besides, the rate of biosynthesis of a large number of other chromatin proteins decreases. The data obtained indicate that interphase death of lymphoid cells is an active, genetically programmed process.  相似文献   

In this work the antibodies were obtained against chromatin isolated from thymocytes of intact and irradiated rats (2 h after exposing to 10 Gy) and against polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDN) extracted from thymus nuclei 6 h following irradiation. All the antibodies under study reacted more readily with the chromatin obtained from the thymus of exposed rats than with the control chromatin. The complexes of DNA with the most firmly bound non-histone proteins, obtained from the three objects under study, reacted with the antibodies with equal efficiency. Thus, a higher reactivity of PDN and chromatin from thymocytes of exposed rats was associated with the decondensation of the latter leading to an increase in availability of a part of antigenic determinants. Using the immunoblotting method we failed to discover any qualitative differences in the protein composition of the chromatin from control and exposed rats.  相似文献   

It was shown that in conditions optimal for Ca/Mg endonuclease, chromatin endonucleolysis in the nuclei and thymocytes occurs due to internucleosome fragmentation of DNA. Irradiation activates chromatin degradation in thymocytes washed by a buffer containing 0.25 M sucrose, 10 mM tris-HCl, pH 7.2, 3 mM MgCl2, and does not influence this process in thymocytes washed by 10 mM tris-HCl, pH 7.2, 3 mM MgCl2.  相似文献   

A cytoplasmic thymocyte fraction isolated 1 h after irradiation of mice accelerates chromatin degradation in isolated nuclei. Treatment of the cytoplasmic fraction by heat and injection of cycloheximide to mice prevent the acceleration of DNA degradation. The analysis of the chromatin degradation products and the kinetics of this process at acid and alkaline pH shows that activation of DNA degradation in thymocytes by a factor obtained from the irradiated cell cytoplasm is specific for a Ca2+, Mg2+-dependent enzyme. The time- and dose-dependent parameters of the appearance in the thymocyte cytoplasm of the factor influencing degradation of chromatin are in a good agreement with both the time of the onset of its postirradiation degradation and the dose dependence of this process.  相似文献   

Degradation of genes of actin, albumin, histones, heat shock protein, and ribosomal RNA within DNA of irradiated animal thymocytes has been investigated. It has been shown that single strand enzymatic breaks occurred in thymocyte DNA 2 h following irradiation are localized in linker sites of nucleosomes. All the transcribed genes under study degrade to fragments that correspond by their length to DNA of nucleosomes and their oligomers. The albumin gene nontranscribed in thymocytes also degrades; however, no low molecular weight fragments are found. The degree of gene degradation is invariable in time.  相似文献   

We have recently devised an activity-blot procedure permitting the detection, on the same nitrocellulose sheet, of the functional poly(ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP) activity as well as the immunostained active peptide(s) after renaturation of the transferred protein(s). Using this technique we have analyzed the PARP activity in higher and lower eukaryotes directly on crude extracts from cell cultures. This procedure has been extended also to in situ screening of bacterial colonies expressing the PARP enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

The method of flow cytofluorometry of cells treated with probes specifically bound to AT- or GC-pairs of DNA was used to study DNA degradation in thymocytes of irradiated and hydrocortisone-treated rats. Death of thymocytes was shown to be accompanied by the decrease in the DNA content. The main regularities in the formation and accumulation of cells, the DNA content of which being lower than that of diploid cells, were the same as those of the internucleosome DNA fragmentation.  相似文献   

Procaspase-3 and poly(ADP)ribose polymerase (PARP) are calpain substrates.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
We demonstrate here that both procaspase-3 (32 kDa) and PARP are calpain substrates. In calcium-channel opener maitotoxin-treated cells, a 30 kDa caspase-3 fragment is produced in a time and concentration-dependent manner. Formation of this fragment is prevented by calpain inhibitors but not by the pancaspase inhibitor, carbobenzoxy-Asp-CH(2)OC(O)-2,6-dichlorobenzene (Z-D-DCB) nor the selective proteasome inhibitor lactacystin. In maitotoxin-treated cells, PARP (113 kDa) is also cleaved into a 40 kDa immunoreactive fragment, in a calpain-inhibitor-sensitive manner. Both procaspase-3 and PARP are also cleaved in vitro by purified micro-calpain to a 30 kDa fragment and a 40 kDa fragment, respectively. Finally, we show that staurosporine-mediated caspase-3 activation is interrupted by maitotoxin pretreatment.  相似文献   

The relationship between nuclear chromatin degradation to polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDN) and other features of interphase death were studied using thymocytes of normal and X-irradiated rats. Fractionation of the thymic cells in Percoll gradients was performed in order to separate dead from intact cells. The degree of radiation-induced chromatin fragmentation, as assessed by electrophoresis, was similar for PDN from all Percoll bands. Following irradiation 87-98 per cent of 'heavy' thymocytes were pyknotic and almost devoid of receptors to autologous erythrocytes thus comprising a dead cell population. A direct relationship between PDN content and nuclear pyknosis was noted throughout the gradient. The loss of autologous rosette-forming ability was directly related to other indices of interphase death. The possibility of PDN originating from pyknosis-prone cells and the capacity of radiosensitive thymocytes to form autologous rosettes are discussed.  相似文献   

The level of chromatin degradation was studied and the method of electron-microscopy was used to estimate the changes in the ultrastructure of irradiated and nonirradiated thymocytes of rats treated with cycloheximide. The latter was found to decrease the degree of derangement of nuclear ultrastructure and the level of chromatin degradation in exposed animals and to increase the yield of these damages in thymocytes of nonirradiated animals. The electronmicroscopic determinations showed that the percentage of thymocytes with the impaired nucleus structure is twice as high as that of degraded chromatin. The causes of the quantitative disagreement between the morphological and biochemical indices of the interphase thymocyte death are discussed.  相似文献   

A new analogue of cyclic inosine diphosphate ribose (cIDPR), in which the N-1 and N-9 ribosyl moieties were substituted by a carbocyclic moiety and a hydroxyl-alkyl chain, has been synthesized and characterized.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP ribosyl)ation, a post-translational modification of nuclear proteins catalyzed by poly (ADP ribose) polymerase, is an immediate response of most eukaryotic cells to DNA strand breaks and has been implicated in DNA repair and other cellular phenomena associated with DNA strand breakage. Poly(ADP ribose) polymerase activity levels have been frequently assayed by incubating permeabilized cells with radioactively labeled NAD+ as substrate. In such assays enzyme activation has routinely been achieved indirectly by prior exposure of living cells to carcinogens or by adding DNase I to permeabilized cells, thereby introducing strand breaks in chromosomal DNA. Here we show that, as an alternative method, the direct activation of purified poly(ADP ribose) polymerase by double-stranded oligonucleotides (N. A. Berger and S. I. Petzold, 1985, Biochemistry 24, 4352-4355) can be adopted for permeabilized cell systems. The inclusion of a palindromic decameric deoxynucleotide in the reaction buffer stimulated the enzyme activity in permeabilized Molt-3 human lymphoma cells up to 30-fold (at 50 micrograms/ml [corrected] oligonucleotide concentration) in a concentration-dependent manner. The activating effect of oligonucleotides was also evident when ethanol-fixed HeLa cells were postincubated with NAD+ to allow poly(ADP ribose) synthesis to occur in situ, which was detected as specific anti-poly (ADP ribose) immunofluorescence. We conclude that double-stranded oligonucleotides can be conveniently used as chemically and stoichiometrically well-defined poly (ADP ribose) polymerase activators in permeabilized or ethanol-fixed mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Poly(ADP ribose) polymerase (EC was studied using monoclonal antibodies for three different epitopes on the enzyme. The epitopes were mapped in relation to the functional domains of the protein and the inhibitory properties of the antibodies. The intranuclear and interspecies immunoreactivity of the enzyme was also investigated. The epitope of antibody 2 was mapped to the 17 kDa fragment generated by chymotryptic digestion of the C-terminal 54 kDa NAD-binding domain. Antibody 9 binds to the N-terminal 29 kDa fragment of the DNA binding domain and inhibits the enzyme activity by 80%. This antibody was used to purify poly(ADP ribose) polymerase by immunoaffinity chromatography. The third antibody binds to a central 36 kDa fragment that possesses part of the DNA-binding domain and the automodification domain. This antibody increases the enzymatic activity by 30%. An analysis of the species cross-reactivity of the antibodies was carried out by immunoblot analysis of nuclear proteins. Antibody 10 binding was detected in rat FR3T3 cells, Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO) and epidermoid carcinoma lung human cells (CALU-1). The other two antibodies are specific for the human and bovine enzymes. Western blot analysis showed the association of poly(ADP ribose) polymerase with residual nuclear material obtained after nuclease treatment and high-salt extraction. Immunofluorescence studies with the three different monoclonals demonstrated that accessibility of the epitopes varies in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Irradiation of mice with doses of 2 and 4 Gy induced extensive chromatin degradation in the thymocytes within 6 hours accompanied by an increase in polydeoxynucleotide (PDN) content (36 and 42 times, respectively). Fifteen hours after irradiation the PDN level was considerably lower, however, still being 4.7 and 14 times the control values after doses of 2 and 4 Gy. The PDN content in control LS/BL lymphosarcoma cells was similar as that in the thymocytes of non-irradiated mice. Unlike in the thymocytes, irradiation of lymphosarcoma cells did induce no statistically significant increase in the PDN level 6 and 15 hours after the irradiation, respectively. It has been reported previously (Matyásová et al. 1973) that chromatin of LS/BL cells degraded similarly as that in the irradiated thymocytes. The results of the present experiments thus provide additional evidence for changes of LS/BL cell properties due to long term cultivation. These cells, however, are still able to react by chromatin fragmentation to nitrogen mustard treatment.  相似文献   

By a sequential mutation and selection utilizing N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine as a mutagen, we succeeded in separating a poly(ADP ribose) polymerase-defective mutant clone (Cl-3527) from a mouse L1210 cell clone (Cl-3). The enzyme activity per cell in Cl-3527 cells was only 8% of that in wild type L1210 (CCL 219) cells. Immunoblot analysis of the enzyme protein in crude extracts of the mutant and wild type cells revealed that the enzyme defect was manifested as the loss of a 113-kDa wild type enzyme band in Cl-3527. Further analysis of partially purified enzyme from Cl-3527 by immunoblotting revealed that the molecular size of the enzyme in Cl-3527 was 108 kDa and that the amount of the mutant enzyme protein was markedly decreased in Cl-3527. The mutant enzyme was much more heat-labile than the wild type enzyme but the Km for NAD+, requirements for Mg2+ and nicked DNA, and the inhibition by 3-aminobenzamide, a potent inhibitor of the enzyme, however, were not so different from those of wild type enzyme. The mutant cells showed prolonged doubling time, increased temperature-sensitivity, increased percentage of active enzyme on a treatment of cells at high temperature, and increased expression of plasma membrane NADase, compared to wild type cells. Introduction of wild type ADPR pol gene into Cl-3527 cells partially restored the ADPR pol activity and the heat-resistance.  相似文献   

A study was made of chromatin endonucleolysis in hypotonic thymocytes incubated in digestive buffers containing different concentrations of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and mercaptoethanol. Inhibition of endonucleolysis by univalent cation during the first 20 min of incubation was followed by intensive chromatin degradation. A decrease in free potassium content retarded chromatin degradation and enhanced the inhibiting effect of the univalent cations. The regularities of changes in the rate of chromatin endonucleolysis in different digestive buffers were similar with both exposed and intact thymocytes.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of the nuclear enzyme poly (ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS) in the pathogenesis of combined burn and smoke inhalation (burn/smoke) injury in an ovine model. Eighteen sheep were operatively prepared for chronic study. PARS inhibition was achieved by treatment with a novel and selective PARS inhibitor INO-1001. The PARS inhibitor attenuated 1) lung edema formation, 2) deterioration of gas exchange, 3) changes in airway blood flow, 4) changes in airway pressure, 5) lung histological injury, and 6) systemic vascular leakage. Lipid oxidation and plasma nitrite/nitrate (stable breakdown products of nitric oxide) levels were suppressed with the use of INO-1001. We conclude that PARS inhibition attenuates various aspects of the pathophysiological response in a clinically relevant experimental model of burn/smoke inhalation injury.  相似文献   

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