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Although developmental instability (DI), measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is expected to be positively related to environmental stress and negatively to habitat quality, the pattern found here was the reverse. Developmental instability of leaf traits (leaf width and vein distances within a leaf) was estimated (using two indices of FA: FA4 and σi 2) and compared between three populations of Plantago major L. (Plantaginaceae) from northern Serbia. Two of the populations are from chronically polluted areas (Karaburma & Zemun), while Crni Lug is from an unpolluted, natural area. Results obtained using both FA indices were the same; higher asymmetry levels in the unpolluted area than in the polluted sites, were found for both traits. Between the two polluted sites, FA values were significantly higher in Karaburma site for vein distances within a leaf. Concerning differences in FA4 values between samples, in two cases, results are similar to those found for σi 2 values, for vein distances within leaf. These are the first quantitative data on P. major indicating that (i) plants living in the stressful sites are more symmetrical and (ii) leaf FA for plant species with wide ecological distribution such as P. major should be considered as an ‘index of habitat quality.’  相似文献   

  1. Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is hypothesized to be a useful predictor of population canalization, especially for organisms at risk from environmental change.
  2. Identification of traits that meet statistical criteria as FA measures remains a challenge.
  3. Here, a laboratory experiment subjected immature butterflies (Vanessa cardui) to diet and temperature conditions of varying stress levels. Variation in dietary macronutrient ratio (protein: carbohydrate) and rearing temperature (optimal: 25°C; elevated: 32°C) was introduced as stressors. Temperature and nutrition are key variables influencing ectotherm growth and fitness and so are likely to be important stressors that influence FA.
  4. Individuals subjected to stressful conditions were predicted to show elevated FA of three wing size traits, as well as increased mortality and decreased adult body size.
  5. Trait FA did not vary across treatments. Instead, treatment levels impacted viability: The combined incidence of pupal death and expression of significant wing malformations increased in treatment levels designated as stressful. Variation in adult dry mass also reflected predicted stress levels. Results suggest that individuals predicted to display increased FA either died or displayed gross developmental aberrations.
  6. This experiment illustrates important constraints on the investigation of FA, including selection of appropriate traits and identification of appropriate levels of stressors to avoid elevated mortality. The latter concern brings into question the utility of FA as an indicator of stress in vulnerable, natural populations, where stress levels cannot be controlled, and mortality and fitness effects are often not quantifiable.

Nonlinear growth dynamics and the origin of fluctuating asymmetry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The occurrence of different forms of asymmetry complicates the analysis and interpretation of patterns in asymmetry. Furthermore, between-individual heterogeneity in developmental stability (DS) and thus fluctuating asymmetry (FA), is required to find relationships between DS and other factors. Separating directional asymmetry (DA) and antisymmetry (AS) from real FA and understanding between-individual heterogeneity in FA is therefore crucial in the analysis and interpretation of patterns in asymmetry. In this paper we introduce and explore mixture analysis to (i) identify FA, DA and AS from the distribution of the signed asymmetry, and (ii) to model and quantify between-individual heterogeneity in developmental stability and FA. In addition, we expand mixtures to the estimation of the proportion of variation in the unsigned FA that can be attributed to between-individual heterogeneity in the presumed underlying developmental stability (the so-called hypothetical repeatability). Finally, we construct weighted normal probability plots to investigate the assumption of underlying normality of the different components. We specifically show that (i) model selection based on the likelihood ratio test has the potential to yield models that incorporate nearly all heterogeneity in FA; (ii) mixtures appear to be a powerful and sensitive statistical technique to identify the different forms of asymmetry; (iii) restricted measurement accuracy and the occurrence of many zero observations results in an overestimation of the hypothetical repeatability on the basis of the model parameters; and (iv) as judged from the high correlation coefficients of the normal probability plots, the underlying normality assumption appears to hold for the empirical data we analysed. In conclusion, mixtures provide a useful statistical tool to study patterns in asymmetry.  相似文献   

In bilateral characters, two kinds of asymmetries are common: fluctuating asymmetry (FA), or nondirectional variation between left and right sides, and directional asymmetry (DA), in which one side is consistently larger than the other. FA has been extensively used as a measure of developmental stability because of its presumed environmental basis whereas DA has not typically been recommended because it has been presumed to have at least some genetic basis. To test these two hypotheses, heritabilities were calculated via parent–offspring regression for both DA and FA in 10 triply measured mandible characters in random-bred mice. Midparent estimates of heritabilities of DA in the 10 characters were quite low (mean = 0.06), but significant for one character as well as the sum of the DA values over all characters (0.21). Midparent estimates of heritability of FA in the 10 characters also were low (mean = 0.03), but not significant for any individual character or the sum of the FA values over all characters. Heritabilities of developmental stability calculated from heritabilities and repeatabilities of FA in the mandible characters were higher in magnitude (mean of midparent estimates = 0.45), but all still were not statistically significant. It was concluded that both hypotheses were supported, but that genetic variation in DA was so small that the potential for DA as an indicator of developmental stability should be explored.  相似文献   

The quantitative genetics of fluctuating asymmetry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluctuating asymmetry (subtle departures from identical expression of a trait across an axis of symmetry) in many taxa is under stabilizing selection for reduced asymmetry. However, lack of reliable estimates of genetic parameters for asymmetry variation hampers our ability to predict the evolutionary outcome of this selection. Here we report on a study, based on analysis of variation within and between isofemale lines and of generation means (line-cross analysis), designed to dissect in detail the quantitative genetics of positional fluctuating asymmetry (PFA) in bristle number in natural populations of Drosophila falleni. PFA is defined as the difference between the two sides of the body in the placement or position of components of a meristic trait. Heritability (measured at 25 degrees C) of two related measures of PFA were 13% and 21%, both of which differed significantly from zero. In contrast, heritability estimates for fluctuating asymmetry in the total number of anterior (0.7%) and transverse (2.4%) sternopleural bristles were smaller, not significant, and in quantitative agreement with previously published estimates. Heritabilities for bristle number (trait size) were considerably greater than that for any asymmetry measure. The experimental design controlled for the potentially confounding effects of common familial environment, and repeated testing revealed that PFA differences between lines were genetically stable for up to 16 generations in the laboratory at 25 degrees C. We performed line cross analysis between strains at the extremes of the PFA distribution (highest and lowest values); parental strains, F1, F1r (reciprocal), F2, backcross, and backcross reciprocal generations were represented. The inheritance of PFA was described best by additive and dominance effects localized to the X-chromosomes, whereas autosomal dominance effects were also detected. Epistatic, maternal, and cytoplasmic effects were not detected. The inheritance of trait size was notably more complex and involved significant autosomal additive, dominance, and epistatic effects; maternal dominance effects; and additive and dominance effects localized to the X-chromosomes. The additive genetic correlation between PFA and its associated measure of trait size was negative (-0.049), but not statistically significant, indicating that the loci contributing additive genetic effects to these traits are probably different. It is suggested that PFA may be a sensitive measure of developmental instability because PFA taps the ability of an organism to integrate interconnected developmental pathways.  相似文献   

The idea that symmetry in facial traits is associated with attractiveness because it reliably indicates good physiological health, particularly to potential sexual partners, has generated an extensive literature on the evolution of human mate choice. However, large-scale tests of this hypothesis using direct or longitudinal assessments of physiological health are lacking. Here, we investigate relationships between facial fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and detailed individual health histories in a sample (n = 4732) derived from a large longitudinal study (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children) in South West England. Facial FA was assessed using geometric morphometric analysis of facial landmark configurations derived from three-dimensional facial scans taken at 15 years of age. Facial FA was not associated with longitudinal measures of childhood health. However, there was a very small negative association between facial FA and IQ that remained significant after correcting for a positive allometric relationship between FA and face size. Overall, this study does not support the idea that facial symmetry acts as a reliable cue to physiological health. Consequently, if preferences for facial symmetry do represent an evolved adaptation, then they probably function not to provide marginal fitness benefits by choosing between relatively healthy individuals on the basis of small differences in FA, but rather evolved to motivate avoidance of markers of substantial developmental disturbance and significant pathology.  相似文献   

We tested whether directional selection on an index-based wing character in Drosophila melanogaster affected developmental stability and patterns of directional asymmetry. We selected for both an increase (up selection) and a decrease (down selection) of the index value on the left wing and compared patterns of fluctuating and directional asymmetry in the selection index and other wing traits across selection lines. Changes in fluctuating asymmetry across selection lines were predominantly small, but we observed a tendency for fluctuating asymmetry to decrease in the up-selected lines in both replicates. Because changes in fluctuating asymmetry depended on the direction of selection, and were not related to changes in trait size, these results fail to support existing hypotheses linking directional selection and developmental stability. Selection also produced a pattern of directional asymmetry that was similar in all selected lines whatever the direction of selection. This result may be interpreted as a release of genetic variance in directional asymmetry under selection.  相似文献   

Several earlier studies have indicated a negative relationship between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and fitness. We tested this assumption by investigating the association between petal asymmetry and several fitness-related characters among natural and common garden populations of Lychnis viscaria. Neither seed set, germination percentage nor the growth rate of seedlings were related to the level of flower asymmetry either among natural populations or in common garden conditions. The only significant association found was a positive connection between petal asymmetry and seed mass measured from natural populations. Thus, in contrary to many earlier published reports, we did not find any evidence for a negative relationship between FA and fitness even if we controlled for measurement error, we had adequate sample size and we measured these characters in two environments. This suggests that FA is not consistently related to individual quality and fitness.  相似文献   

We studied fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in two generations of the bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini . We used Procrustes analyses, which allow the comparison of dimensionless shapes of body sides. We found little (<4%) directional asymmetry in either sex. Of the two morphs occurring in this species, fighters, which possess a thickened third pair of legs, exhibited higher FA than did scramblers, the morph with unmodified legs; this may reflect the costliness of the fighter developmental pathway. There was a negative relationship between FA and female fecundity, but the regression slope of mid-offspring on mid-parent FA was not significantly greater than zero. We propose that heritability estimates can be biased downwards if highly asymmetric individuals produce fewer viable offspring. However, we found no significant association between parental FA and the proportion of viable embryos in their broods. Furthermore, we hypothesized that parental FA might indicate the presence of largely recessive mutations deleterious to developmental homeostasis that would cause increased embryo mortality under inbreeding. However, we found no significant association between FA of parents that were mated to their full sibs and the proportion of viable embryos in their inbred progeny.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 80 , 499–505.  相似文献   

Theoretical links between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and fitness have led many to use FA as a proxy for average fitness. However, studies examining whether asymmetry actually correlates with individual fitness in wild populations are relatively rare and often use simple measures of association (e.g., correlation coefficients). Consequently, the pattern of selection on asymmetry in the wild is seldom clear. We examined selection on FA of pectoral fin morphology in two wild populations of a marine fish (the kelp perch; Brachyistius frenatus). As expected, variance in signed FA in each initial sample was significantly greater than that found in the surviving population, indicating selection against FA. Our estimate of the fitness surface confirmed perfect symmetry as the phenotypic optimum and indicated strong, nonlinear selection against asymmetry. No difference in the form of selection was detected between populations. However, the level of FA in the initial samples varied among populations, leading to an overall difference in the level of selective mortality. Our results suggest that selection on asymmetry in wild populations may be strongly nonlinear, and indicate that the demographic costs of asymmetry may play a substantial role in the dynamics of populations.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characters have been hypothesized to demonstrate increased phenotypic variation between and within individuals as compared to ordinary morphological traits. We tested whether this was the case by studying phenotypic variation, expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV), and developmental instability, measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), in ornamental and non-ornamental traits of 70 bird species with feather ornamentation while controlling for similarity among species due to common descent. Secondary sexual characters differed from ordinary morphological traits by showing large phenotypic CV and FA. This difference can be explained by the different mode of selection operating on each kind of trait: a history of intense directional (ornaments) and stabilizing selection (non-ornaments). Phenotypic variation is reduced in the sex with more intense sexual selection (males), but does not differ among species with different mating systems. The strength of stabilizing selection arising from natural selection is associated with decreased CV (wing CV is smaller than tarsus or tail CVs). We found evidence of FA being reduced in ornamental feathers strongly affected by aerodynamics (tail feathers) compared to other ornaments, but only in females. In conclusion, CV and FA were not related, suggesting mat phenotypic plasticity and developmental instability are independent components of phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

A barn swallow Hirundo rustica partial cross‐fostering experiment with simultaneous brood size manipulation was conducted in two years with contrasting weather conditions, to estimate heritable variation in tarsus, tail and wing size and fluctuating asymmetry. Environmental stress had contrasting effects depending on trait type. Significant heritabilities for tarsus, tail and wing size were found only in enlarged broods irrespective of year effects, while tarsus asymmetry was significantly heritable in the year with benign weather conditions irrespective of brood size manipulation effects. Tail, wing and composite (multicharacter) asymmetry were never significantly heritable. The environment with the higher heritability generally had higher additive genetic variance and lower environmental variance, irrespective of trait type. Heritability was larger for trait size than for trait asymmetry. Patterns of genetic variation in nestlings do not necessarily translate to the juvenile or adult stage, as indicated by lack of correlation between nestling and fledgling traits.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effect of thermal stress on the variability and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in different morphological traits, viz., thorax length (TL), sternopleural bristle number (SBN), wing length (WL), wing-to-thorax (W/T) ratio, sex comb tooth number (SCTN) and ovariole number (ON), was investigated in 10 isofemale lines of Drosophila ananassae. The phenotypic and genetic variability is higher in the flies reared at low (20 °C) and at high (30 °C) temperatures as compared to that of standard (25 °C) temperature. Further, the levels of FA of measured traits differed significantly among the three temperature regimes except SBN and SCTN in males and SBN and W/T ratio in females. Moreover, the magnitude of positional fluctuating asymmetry is similar in males reared at three different developmental temperatures for SBN and SCTN but it varies significantly for SBN in females. However, when FA across all the traits was combined into a composite index (CFA), significant differences were found for both temperature regimes and sexes. Males showed higher CFA at 30 °C whereas in females it was higher at 20 °C. The results suggest that temperature increases the levels of variability and FA but the effect seems to be trait and sex specific in D. ananassae.  相似文献   

The unbiased estimation of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) requires independent repeated measurements on both sides. The statistical analysis of such data is currently performed by a two-way mixed ANOVA analysis. Although this approach produces unbiased estimates of FA, many studies do not utilize this method. This may be attributed in part to the fact that the complete analysis of FA is very cumbersome and cannot be performed automatically with standard statistical software. Therefore, further elaboration of the statistical tools to analyse FA should focus on the usefulness of the method, in order for the correct statistical approaches to be applied more regularly. In this paper we propose a mixed regression model with restricted maximum likelihood (REML) parameter estimation to model FA. This routine yields exactly the same estimates of FA as the two-way mixed ANOVA . Yet the advantages of this approach are that it allows (a) testing the statistical significance of FA, (b) modelling and testing heterogeneity in both FA and measurement error (ME) among samples, (c) testing for nonzero directional asymmetry and (d) obtaining unbiased estimates of individual FA levels. The switch from a mixed two-way ANOVA to a mixed regression model was made to avoid overparametrization. Two simulation studies are presented. The first shows that a previously proposed method to test the significance of FA is incorrect, contrary to our mixed regression approach. In the second simulation study we show that a traditionally applied measure of individual FA [abs(left – right)] is biased by ME. The proposed mixed regression method, however, produces unbiased estimates of individual FA after modelling heterogeneity in ME. The applicability of this method is illustrated with two analyses.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the power for detecting a common trait determined by two loci, using seven statistics, of which five are implemented in the computer program SimWalk2, and two are implemented in GENEHUNTER. Unlike most previous reports which involve evaluations of the power of allelesharing statistics for a single disease locus, we have used a simulated data set of general pedigrees in which a twolocus disease is segregating and evaluated several nonparametric linkage statistics implemented in the two programs. We found that the power for detecting linkage using the Sall statistic in GENEHUNTER (GH, version 2.1), implemented as statisticE in SimWalk2 (version 2.82), is different in the two. TheP values associated with statisticE output by SimWalk2 are consistently more conservative than those from GENEHUNTER except when the underlying model includes heterogeneity at a level of 50% where theP values output are very comparable. On the other hand, when the thresholds are determined empirically under the null hypothesis, Sall in GENEHUNTER and statisticE have similar power.  相似文献   

In this investigation, deciduous teeth (canines, c; first molars, m1; second molars, m2) and their permanent successors (canines, C; first premolars, P1; second premolars, P2) were used to test two related hypotheses about fluctuating asymmetry (FA). First, based on the biology of the developing dentition, it was predicted that deciduous teeth would be more developmentally stable and thus exhibit less dimensional FA than their permanent successors. Second, based on sex differences in tooth development, it was predicted that female canines would have greater developmental stability (less FA) than male canines. Bucco-lingual measurements were made on dental casts from a single Gullah population. Using a repeated-measures study design (n = 3 repeated measures), we tested these hypotheses on sample sizes ranging from 63-82 antimeric pairs. Neither hypothesis was supported by our data. In most cases, Gullah deciduous teeth did not exhibit statistically significantly less FA than their permanent successors; indeed, statistically significant differences were found for only 3 of 12 deciduous vs. permanent contrasts, and in two cases, the deciduous tooth had greater FA. Female mandibular canines exhibited statistically significantly greater FA than those of males, while there was no statistically significant sex difference in FA for the maxillary canine. FA in these Gullah samples is high when compared to Archaic and late prehistoric Ohio Valley Native Americans, consistent with historical and archaeological evidence that environmental stress was relatively higher in the Gullah population. We suggest that when environmental stress in a population is high, the impact of differences in tooth formation time spans and developmental buffering upon FA may be minor relative to the effect of developmental noise.  相似文献   

Several studies of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in animals show that secondary sexual characters used in signalling have a negative relationship between size and asymmetry. Larger sexual traits are presumably more costly to produce, which should lead to greater developmental stress and corresponding increases in asymmetry. In the absence of among individual variation in the ability to handle these costs, the relationship between size and asymmetry should thus be positive. A negative relationship therefore suggests that expression of these traits is condition-dependent. In plants, flowers act as signals for pollinators and may show similar trends to animal signals. Leaves which are uninvolved in signalling should not. Moller & Eriksson (1994) found that 89% of species ( n = 16 of 18) with insect-pollinated flowers showed a negative relationship between petal size and asymmetry, while 79% of species ( n = 15 of 19) showed a positive relationship between leaf size and asymmetry. I carried out a similar study of 18 plant species. The average relationship between petal size and asymmetry did not differ significantly from zero in those species showing measurable FA in flowers ( n = 12). The relationship was significantly negative in one species, and significandy positive in another. On average, leaves in species with FA did not show a significant positive relationship between size and asymmetry ( n = 7). There was no significant difference in the slopes of the relationship between size and asymmetry for leaves and flowers. Levels of floral asymmetry for species with FA were significandy repeatable on individual plants in 33% ( n = 4 of 12) of species, but leaf asymmetry was not significantly repeatable in any species. It is argued that condition-dependence of traits need not result in a negative relationship between size and asymmetry.  相似文献   

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