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Exercise training causes a decline in basal and glucose-stimulated plasma insulin levels and improves glucose tolerance. Furthermore evidence has been presented for effects on both insulin receptors and postreceptor events. However, it is unclear how these changes affect the in vivo dose-response relationship between insulin levels and whole-body glucose utilization. The aim was to examine the effect of exercise training on this relationship and distinguish between changes in insulin sensitivity and responsiveness. Euglycemic clamps were performed in trained (ET, running 1 h/day for 7 wk), sedentary (CON), and sedentary food-restricted ( SFR ) rats. ET rats showed no increase in maximal net glucose utilization in response to insulin (ET 29.5 +/- 0.6 vs. CON 28.2 +/- 1.5 mg X kg-1 X min-1, NS), whereas insulin sensitivity was increased as indicated by the insulin concentration causing half-maximal stimulation (ED50) (49 +/- 20 for ET and 133 +/- 30 mU/l for CON). Thus 7 wk of moderate exercise training resulted in a significant shift of whole-body insulin sensitivity to place ED50 well within the physiological range of insulin concentrations. This would undoubtedly result in improved glucose disposal in the postprandial state and emphasizes the potential benefit of exercise in obesity and type II diabetes.  相似文献   

Treatment of primary cultured adipocytes with 50 ng/ml insulin and 20 mM glucose for 0-6 h resulted in a loss of maximal insulin responsiveness (MIR) which was immediate (no lag period), rapid (t1/2 of 3 h), linear, and extensive (80% of that seen at 24 h), whereas loss of insulin sensitivity from 0-24 h was slow (t1/2 = 8 h), extensive (insulin ED50 of 0.3 and 1.45 ng/ml at 2 and 24 h, respectively), and was preceded by an initial 2-h lag. Recovery of MIR and insulin sensitivity was assessed by inducing desensitization for various times from 2-24 h, removing insulin and glucose, and then measuring MIR and insulin sensitivity over a subsequent 1-6-h period. After 2 h, recovery of MIR in desensitized cells was rapid (251 pmol of glucose/3 min/h), whereas after 24 h, recovery was much slower (35 pmol/3 min/h). In contrast, the opposite trend was seen for recovery of insulin sensitivity: at early times recovery of insulin sensitivity was slow (0.05 ng/ml/h) but was rapid after 24 h (0.12 ng/ml/h). Thus, it appears that MIR and insulin sensitivity can be independently regulated since recovery rates for MIR and insulin sensitivity diverged with the progression of insulin resistance. When the effects of insulin and glucose on recovery were examined, we found that insulin alone was unable to block recovery of MIR or insulin sensitivity. Glucose alone, however, was effective in preventing recovery of insulin sensitivity but not recovery of MIR. In the presence of 20 mM glucose, low doses of insulin (treatment EC50 = 0.22-0.46 ng/ml) effectively prevented recovery of both MIR and insulin sensitivity. De novo protein synthesis apparently is not involved in the development of insulin resistance or the reversal of desensitization since inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide had no effect on the loss of MIR and insulin sensitivity or recovery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of imidapril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, on streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. A sequential euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp procedure was used (insulin infusion rates: 3 and 30 mU/kg BW/min) in 30 diabetic rats. The rats were divided in 6 groups: a control group, a control group with N-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA, 1 mg/kg/min, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor) infusion, a streptozotocin-induced diabetic group, a diabetic group with L-NMMA infusion, a diabetic group involving imidapril infusion (5 microg/kg/min), and a diabetic group involving simultaneous imidapril and L-NMMA infusion. Glucose concentrations were maintained around 140 mg/dl during the clamp studies. Plasma insulin levels during the 3 and 30 mU/kg BW/min insulin infusions were 30 and 400 microU/ml, respectively. Glucose infusion rates (GIR) in STZ-induced diabetic rats showed a significant decrease compared to controls. At both insulin infusion rates, imidapril-infused diabetic rats showed an increased GIR, compared with the saline infused ones. There was no significant difference in GIR between L-NMMA and saline infusion in diabetic rats. Simultaneous infusion of imidapril and L-NMMA did not significantly decrease GIR with low-dose insulin infusion, but the increase in GIR induced by imidapril with high-dose insulin infusion was impaired by 100 % by L-NMMA infusion in diabetic rats. These results suggest that imidapril may improve insulin action, in part, via nitric oxide.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance is a key feature of Type 2 diabetes and an important therapeutic target to address glycemic control to prevent diabetic complications. Lifestyle advice is the first step in the ADA/EASD consensus guidelines followed by metformin therapy. Aerobic exercise (AE) can increase insulin sensitivity by several molecular pathways including upregulation of insulin transporters in the cellular membrane of insulin-dependent cells. In addition, AE improves insulin sensitivity by amelioration of the pathophysiologic pathways involved in insulin resistance such as the reduction of adipokines, inflammatory and oxidative stress responses, and improvement of insulin signal transduction via different molecular pathways. This review details the molecular pathways by which AE induces beneficial effects on insulin resistance  相似文献   

Insulin resistance of skeletal muscle glucose transport is a key defect in the development of impaired glucose tolerance and Type 2 diabetes. It is well established that both an acute bout of exercise and chronic endurance exercise training can have beneficial effects on insulin action in insulin-resistant states. This review summarizes the present state of knowledge regarding these effects in the obese Zucker rat, a widely used rodent model of obesity-associated insulin resistance, and in insulin-resistant humans with impaired glucose tolerance or Type 2 diabetes. A single bout of prolonged aerobic exercise (30-60 min at approximately 60-70% of maximal oxygen consumption) can significantly lower plasma glucose levels, owing to normal contraction-induced stimulation of GLUT-4 glucose transporter translocation and glucose transport activity in insulin-resistant skeletal muscle. However, little is currently known about the effects of acute exercise on muscle insulin signaling in the postexercise state in insulin-resistant individuals. A well-established adaptive response to exercise training in conditions of insulin resistance is improved glucose tolerance and enhanced skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity of glucose transport. This training-induced enhancement of insulin action is associated with upregulation of specific components of the glucose transport system in insulin-resistant muscle and includes increased protein expression of GLUT-4 and insulin receptor substrate-1. It is clear that further investigations are needed to further elucidate the specific molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of acute exercise and exercise training on the glucose transport system in insulin-resistant mammalian skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanisms by which amiloride inhibits insulin action rat adipocytes were treated with insulin and with amiloride added before or after energy depleting the cells with 2 mM KCN. Amiloride decreased the insulin response on 3-0-methylglucose transport, IGF-II- and insulin binding in both intact and energy depleted cells. In contrast, the sensitivity to insulin was inhibited by amiloride only when it was added before KCN. The effect of amiloride on insulin sensitivity was probably exerted through the impaired activation of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase and the decreased insulin binding. However, insulin responsiveness was probably impaired through a direct effect on the plasma membrane proteins. In contrast to a recent report with pituitary cells, amiloride did not affect the activation of the inhibitory GTP-binding protein (Gi) in rat adipocytes.  相似文献   

While production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) is associated with some of the beneficial adaptations to regular physical exercise, it is not established whether RONS play a role in the improved insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle obtained by endurance training. To assess the effect of antioxidant supplementation during endurance training on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, 21 young healthy (age 29 ± 1 y, BMI 25 ± 3 kg/m(2)) men were randomly assigned to either an antioxidant [AO; 500 mg vitamin C and 400 IU vitamin E (α-tocopherol) daily] or a placebo (PL) group that both underwent a supervised intense endurance-training program 5 times/wk for 12 wk. A 3-h euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp, a maximal oxygen consumption (Vo(2max)) and maximal power output (P(max)) test, and body composition measurements (fat mass, fat-free mass) were performed before and after the training. Muscle biopsies were obtained for determination of the concentration and activity of proteins regulating glucose metabolism. Although plasma levels of vitamin C (P < 0.05) and α-tocopherol (P < 0.05) increased markedly in the AO group, insulin-stimulated glucose uptake increased similarly in both the AO (17.2%, P < 0.05) and the PL (18.9%, P < 0.05) group in response to training. Vo(2max) and P(max) also increased similarly in both groups (time effect, P < 0.0001 for both) as well as protein content of GLUT4, hexokinase II, and total Akt (time effect, P ≤ 0.05 for all). Our results indicate that administration of antioxidants during strenuous endurance training has no effect on the training-induced increase in insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine how long increased insulin sensitivity, elicited by exercise training, persists after the end of training and what the effect of weight gain is on this retention. Exercise-trained (ET) rats ran voluntarily in freely rotating wheel cages, and insulin sensitivity was assessed by oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) and insulin suppression tests (IST). After training, ET rats were retired for 1, 3, or 7 days (R1, R3, or R7). Initial OGTT and IST studies indicated that sensitivity to insulin-induced glucose uptake was increased in ET rats compared with sedentary control (C) rats and was progressively lost with retirement: ET greater than R1 and R3 greater than R7 and C rats, and this reaction was generally associated with a rapid gain in body weight. Subsequent IST tests were performed on C and R7 rats fed laboratory chow or a hypocaloric diet consisting of equal parts of cellulose and chow for 7 days before the test. The results of these tests showed that steady-state serum glucose (SSSG) levels averaged 165 +/- 12 mg/dl for chow-fed C rats and 172 +/- 11 mg/dl for chow-fed R7 rats that gained body weight at rates twice those of C rats. Chow-fed R7 rats, gaining weight at rates comparable to C rats, had SSSG levels of 104 +/- 6 mg/dl. C and R7 rats fed the hypocaloric diet had SSSG values of 102 +/- 6 and 59 +/- 4 mg/dl, respectively. Muscle glycogen levels were comparable in all groups, and liver glycogen was lower in C and R7 rats fed the hypocaloric diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Investigations in our laboratory have shown an increased slope of the ventilatory response curve to CO2 (CO2 sensitivity) during positive and negative exercise as compared with the resting condition. CO2 sensitivity during positive and negative exercise did not differ in spite of differences in metabolism (VO2, VCO2) and type of muscle contraction (concentric or eccentric). Various aspects of positive and negative exercise were examined in order to find out whether they can explain the identical CO2 sensitivity. Cardiac output, oxygen consumption, rectal temperature and venous catecholamine concentration appeared to be higher in positive exercise than in negative exercise, and higher in negative exercise than at rest. However, these differences between the two types of exercise contrast with the identical CO2 sensitivity and thus cannot be of major importance in determining CO2 sensitivity. It is hypothesized that one or more of these variables might be responsible for increased CO2 sensitivity during exercise as compared with rest. The CO2 sensitivity, once increased, seems to be unaffected by further increases in these variables.  相似文献   

Effects of exercise on insulin binding and glucose metabolism in muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To elucidate the mechanism of enhanced insulin sensitivity by muscle after exercise, we studied insulin binding, 2-deoxy-D-[1-14C]glucose (2-DOG) uptake and [5-3H]glucose utilization in glycolysis and glycogenesis in soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of mice after 60 min of treadmill exercise. In the soleus, glycogenesis was increased after exercise (P less than 0.05) and remained sensitive to the action of insulin. Postexercise insulin-stimulated glycolysis was also increased in the soleus (P less than 0.05). In the EDL, glycogenesis was increased after exercise (P less than 0.05). However, this was already maximal in the absence of insulin and was not further stimulated by insulin (0.1-4 nM). The disposal of glucose occurred primarily via the glycolytic pathway (greater than 60%) in the soleus and EDL at rest and after exercise. The uptake of 2-DOG uptake was not altered in the soleus after exercise (4 h incubation at 18 degrees C). However, with 1-h incubations at 37 degrees C, a marked increase in 2-DOG uptake after exercise was observed in the soleus (P less than 0.05) in the absence (0 nM) and presence of insulin (0.2-4 nM) (P less than 0.05). A similar postexercise increase in 2-DOG uptake occurred in EDL. Despite the marked increase in glucose uptake and metabolism, no changes in insulin binding were apparent in either EDL or soleus at 37 degrees C or 18 degrees C. This study shows that the postexercise increase of glucose disposal does not appear to be directly attributable to increments in insulin binding to slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of an exercise-induced muscle glycogen reduction and an elevated muscle glycogen concentration on glucose tolerance and the insulin response to an oral glucose tolerance test (GTT) were examined. GTTs were administered to seven male subjects after 3 days on a mixed diet (C), after exhaustive exercise and 1 day on a high-fat protein diet (L-FP), after exhaustive exercise and 1 day on a mixed diet (L-M), and after exhaustive exercise and 3 days on a high-carbohydrate diet (H-CHO). The L-M treatment resulted in a significant reduction in muscle glycogen (C, 79.6 +/- 4.2 mmol/kg wet wt vs. L-M, 53.9 +/- 1.2 mmol/kg wet wt) and a 31.7% reduction in the insulin-glucose (IG) index, a measure of insulin sensitivity in vivo. Muscle glycogen was also significantly reduced by the L-FP treatment (49.1 +/- 2.4 mmol/kg wet wt), but there was no change in the IG index. Preventing a decrease in the IG index during the L-FP treatment may have been a result of elevated free fatty acids (67%) and ketones (552%) prior to the GTT. Muscle glycogen was significantly increased by the H-CHO treatment (124.8 +/- 11.1 mmol/kg wet wt); however, the IG index was not different from that of the C treatment. The results suggest that an exercise-induced reduction in muscle glycogen can improve insulin sensitivity in vivo but that this effect is diet dependent.  相似文献   

Reductions in blood pressure that are associated with exercise training have been hypothesized to be the result of a sustained postexertional vascular alteration following single bouts of exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a decrease in vascular sensitivity to vasoconstrictor agonists occurs after a single bout of exercise and whether this vascular alteration is sustained through various periods of exercise training. Vascular responses of abdominal aortic rings to norepinephrine (NE; 10(-9)-10(-4) M) were determined in vitro. Aortas were isolated from sedentary rats immediately after rats performed a single bout of treadmill exercise (30 m/min for 1 h); 24 h after the last exercise bout in rats exercised for 1 day; and 1, 2, 4, and 10 wk of training at 30 m/min, 60 min, 5 days/wk. Sensitivity to NE was only diminished after 10 wk of training. This diminished vascular sensitivity to NE was abolished with the removal of the endothelial cell layer. Furthermore, there were no reductions in developed tension or vascular sensitivity to the vasoconstrictor agonists KCl (10-100 mM), phenylephrine (10(-8)-10(-4) M), and arginine vasopressin (10(-9)-10(-5) M) in vessels either with or without the endothelial layer after a single bout of exercise. These data indicate that a single bout of exercise does not diminish aortic responsiveness to vasoconstrictor agonists and thus is not responsible for the diminished contractile responsiveness that occurs between 4 and 10 wk of moderate-intensity exercise training in rats. This vascular adaptation to exercise training appears to be mediated through an endothelium-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Oztürk Y  Aydin S 《Life sciences》2006,78(10):1084-1090
In the present study, effects of streptozotocin-induced diabetes and insulin treatment on the reactivity of rat vas deferens to KCl and calmidazolium, a calmodulin antagonist, were evaluated and calmodulin levels in vas deferens tissue from diabetic and insulin-treated rats were determined. Diabetes was induced in rats by a single injection of streptozotocin. Five weeks after the induction of diabetes, one group of diabetic rats was injected with insulin for 3 weeks. After 8 weeks, vas deferens tissues on one side of diabetic and insulin-treated diabetic rats and their controls were mounted in organ bath to measure isometric tension, while the tissues on the other side of rats were homogenized to determine calmodulin levels by radioimmunoassay. Concentration-response curves to KCl were obtained in vas deferens tissues in the absence and presence of calmidazolium. The effects of KCl and calmidazolium on vas deferens isolated from 8-weeks diabetic rats were decreased. Calmodulin levels were also found to be decreased in vas deferens from diabetic rats. Decreased calmodulin levels in diabetic rat vas deferens were not corrected by insulin treatment. Only a partial correction following insulin treatment was observed in contractile effect of KCl on diabetic rat vas deferens, whereas insulin treatment increases the affinity of calmodulin in this muscle. Experimental diabetes causes an impairment in calcium/calmodulin-dependent contractile process of vas deferens, which is correctable partially following insulin therapy. The changes in the function of rat vas deferens due to streptozotocin diabetes seem to be related to impaired sexual functions in human diabetes.  相似文献   

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