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The cuticle, forming the outermost layer of plant tissues and being in direct contact with the environment, consists of waxes and cutin. Waxes are hydrophobic substances that are divided in two groups: intra- and epicuticular, depending on their localisation. Epicuticular waxes appear as smooth coverings, however, many plants also produce superimposed wax structures of a crystalline nature. While studies of waxes have almost exclusively focused on leaves, here a survey of epicuticular wax structures on stems is presented. The stem surface of 343 higher plant taxa, representing 80 families, was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaves of 319 taxa were also examined to determine the relationship between wax structures on stems and leaves. Wax structures are classified, described and discussed. The results of the study indicate that stems exhibit the same main wax crystal types that have been described for leaves. Seventy percent of the examined taxa produced wax crystals on their stems. In ∼24% of the taxa, wax crystals were absent on leaves and found only on stems. In plant taxa that produce wax crystals, 40% exhibit the same type on either side of their leaves and on their stem. However, a much stronger morphological similarity exists between crystal shapes present on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaves than between those present on the stem and those on leaves. In general, these observations suggest that stems are quite different than leaves in terms of their epicuticular wax structures.  相似文献   

Feces were collected from six Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) that consumed known amounts of Atka mackerel ( Pleurogrammus monopterygius ), Pacific herring ( Clupea barengus ), pink salmon ( Oncorhynchus gorbuscha ), walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ), and squid ( Loligo opalacens ). The goal was to determine the numbers and types of taxon-specific hard parts that pass through the digestive tract and to develop correction factors for certain abundantly occurring structures. Over 20,000 fish and squid were consumed during 267 d of fecal collection. During this period, over 119,000 taxon-specific hard parts, representing 56 different structures, were recovered. Skeletal structures and non-skeletal structures accounted for 72% and 28% of all hard parts, respectively. The branchiocranium, axial skeleton, and dermocranium regions of the skeletal system accounted for the greatest number of hard parts recovered. Over 70% of all recovered hard parts were represented by one to six taxa specific structures for each prey type. The average number of hard parts (3.1–31.2) and structure types (2.0–17.7) recovered per individual prey varied across taxa and were used to derive correction factors (to reconstruct original prey numbers). A measure of the variability of hard part recovery among sea lions showed no difference for certain herring, pollock, and squid structures, however, there was a significant difference for salmon and Atka mackerel structures. Identifying all taxon- specific prey hard parts increases the likelihood of identifying and estimating the number of prey consumed.  相似文献   

Cirsium Miller, one of the largest genera of the Asteraceae (Carduoideae), contains more than 250 taxa. Turkey is one of its diversity centers and according to recent studies this genus is represented by 80 taxa. In the present study, cypsela morphologies, micromorphologies and anatomical structures of 17 C. sect. Epitrachys taxa distributed in Turkey are characterized in detail by using stereomicroscope, light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Cypselas are found to be obovate to narrowly oblong, or rarely oblanceolate. Based on SEM characters, six cypselas surface ornamentation types are identified, pericarp anatomical structures are described, as well as the structure of the testa. Crystal formations were observed in three taxa and secretory materials in the mesocarp were evaluated. Data obtained from this study are compared with previously published results and it is concluded that fruit micromorphological and anatomical characters are useful for the delimitation of taxa in Cirsium and may be useful for supraspecific classification.  相似文献   

The present paper explores whether the shape of long bone shafts can be explained as a mere result of mechano-adapation. A computer simulation study was conducted in order to investigate adaptation processes of bone-like structures under load patterns comparable to those acting on the diaphysis of long bones. The aim of the study was to have a deeper look into the relationship between typical loading patterns and resulting bone shape and structure. The simulations are based on a mechanistic model approach for mechano-transduction and bone transformation. Results of the simulations are that axial torsion around the long axis is important for the evolvement and maintenance of tube-like structures. Of note such structures can form from a variety of starting geometries, provided that axial torsion is present. The selection of the set-point parameter for the regulation of load adapted bone transformation has an impact on the final structure as well. In conclusion, the present study confirms the mechanical environment’s potential to generate shaft-like structures and demonstrates the respective boundary conditions.  相似文献   

A diagnostic for assessing the quality of a fold has been developed to which further criteria can be progressively added. The goal is to create a measure that can follow the status of a protein structure in a simulation or modeling process, when the answer (the experimental structure) is not known in advance, rather than simply reject deliberate misfolds. This places greater emphasis on the need to study, and calibrate against, marginal cases, i.e., unusual native structures, incomplete structures, partially erroneous X-ray structures, good models, poor models, and the effect of cofactors. The first three terms introduced in the diagnostic are appropriate core-forming properties or noncore properties of residues in relation to tertiary structure, appropriate neighboring structure density for each residue in relation to tertiary structure, and secondary structure consistency. While the method emerges as a useful simulation analysis tool, we find a need for further fine-tuning to diminish sensitivity to minor conformational changes that retain essential features of the fold, balanced against the need to obtain a more sensitive response when a conformational change involves less physically meaningful interatomic interactions. This dual utility is difficult to obtain: the investigation highlights some of the issues. Initial attempts to obtain it have led to terms in the diagnostic that are admittedly complex: simplifications must also be explored.  相似文献   

Characters of 25 abdominal structures were analyzed in the fleas of 96 genera representing over 90% of the world fauna. It was shown that different flea taxa could be described based on 16 universal and 12 specific characters, whose 108 states reflect the entire known diversity of the flea abdominal morphology. Of them, 16 characters with 39 states are formulated based on universal terms. Five universal characters with 13 states describe the proportions of various structures, and also the proportions and shapes of their sclerites; 17 specific characters with 69 states describe the structure of the skeletal elements and the patterns of their junctions. Judging by the number of characters (14) and their states (69), the most evolutionarily flexible structures in fleas are the inner sclerites and anchoring structures of the aedeagus, sternite IX in males, and also the spermatheca and tergite I in females. The character states reflecting the possible phylogenetic closeness of taxa comprise 39%, while 61% of the abdominal character states are homoplasies.  相似文献   

The spread of non-indigenous species and the decline of autochthonous ones are leading to a homogenization of freshwater fauna in terms of systematic units, but the functional consequences are poorly documented. We studied the peculiar case of the lower, French section of the Moselle River where 20 invertebrate species have been introduced since 1854, with a rate increasing exponentially with time. Dredge sampling performed in 1994, 1996, 2000 and 2001 at four sampling stations allowed for an evaluation of faunal changes in terms of composition, structure and function. During this period, no structural changes were recorded in spite of multiple, new and successful introductions. The evaluation of functional modifications was based on a typology of taxa exhibiting homogeneous biological/ecological traits. Functional diversity, measured as the diversity of taxa distribution among functional groupings, revealed a significant increase between 1994/1996 and 2000/2001 because those species that were over-represented during the former period reached more equilibrated densities during the latter. The major, indirect implications of these functional changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Many animals engage in elaborate behavioural sequences in order to build structures. The ‘end‐products’ (e.g., nests of birds, cases of caddisflies) of these behaviours have occasionally been used either to infer details of building behaviour or to infer that structures similar in appearance are constructed by similar behavioural sequences. However, behavioural information can be extrapolated from end‐products only if there is congruence between the end‐product structure and the animal's movements. Case building behaviour was studied in caddisflies (Trichoptera) to examine the relationship between end‐products and behaviour. We found examples of taxa that built similar structures using different behavioural patterns, and taxa that built different structures using similar behaviours, regardless of whether these taxa were closely or distantly related. These findings question the reliability of behavioural inferences based solely on details of their associated end‐products and suggest that end‐product structure should be removed from the definition of animal behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract Ciliary folds form the dorsolateral walls of the foregut in numerous polychaetes. These feeding structures have not been recognized earlier. They are described here for 26 species in 16 families. The folds consist of ciliated cells, usually associated with gland cells, and have no intrinsic muscular system. Protraction of the dorsolateral folds to make contact with the substratum during uptake of food is mainly achieved by contractions of the musculature of the body wall in the anterior part of the body. These folds either occur alone or are associated with a ventral pharyngeal organ. Dorsolateral ciliated folds are structures originally adapted to microphagy. From the present study and the literature it is obvious that these structures are widespread among polychaetes of various taxa. This distribution and their similar structure suggest that dorsolateral folds are phylogenetically old structures which might already have been present in the stem species of polychaetes.  相似文献   

This report presents data regarding the brain structure of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) in comparison with other great apes. Magnetic resonance (MR) images of three mountain gorilla brains were obtained with a 3T scanner, and the volume of major neuroanatomical structures (neocortical gray matter, hippocampus, thalamus, striatum, and cerebellum) was measured. These data were included with our existing database that includes 23 chimpanzees, three western lowland gorillas, and six orangutans. We defined a multidimensional space by calculating the principal components (PCs) from the correlation matrix of brain structure fractions in the well-represented sample of chimpanzees. We then plotted data from all of the taxa in this space to examine phyletic variation in neural organization. Most of the variance in mountain gorillas, as well as other great apes, was contained within the chimpanzee range along the first two PCs, which accounted for 61.73% of the total variance. Thus, the majority of interspecific variation in brain structure observed among these ape taxa was no greater than the within-species variation seen in chimpanzees. The loadings on PCs indicated that the brain structure of great apes differs among taxa mostly in the relative sizes of the striatum, cerebellum, and hippocampus. These findings suggest possible functional differences among taxa in terms of neural adaptations for ecological and locomotor capacities. Importantly, these results fill a critical gap in current knowledge regarding great ape neuroanatomical diversity.  相似文献   

A multiplex terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (M-TRFLP) fingerprinting method was developed and validated for simultaneous analysis of the diversity and community structure of two or more microbial taxa (up to four taxa). The reproducibility and robustness of the method were examined using soil samples collected from different habitats. DNA was PCR amplified separately from soil samples using individual taxon-specific primers for bacteria, archaea, and fungi. The same samples were also subjected to a multiplex PCR with the primers for all three taxa. The terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles generated for the two sets of PCR products were almost identical not only in terms of the presence of peaks but also in terms of the relative peak intensity. The M-TRFLP method was then used to investigate rhizosphere bacterial, fungal, and rhizobial/agrobacterial communities associated with the dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris growing in either open moorland, a mature pine forest, or a transition zone between these two habitats containing naturally regenerating pine trees. Rhizosphere microbial communities associated with Vaccinium myrtillus collected from the native pine forest were also investigated. In this study, individual PCR products from the three taxa were also pooled before restriction digestion and fragment size analysis. The terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles obtained with PCR products amplified individually and with multiplexed and pooled PCR products were found to be consistent with each other in terms of the number, position, and relative intensity of peaks. The results presented here confirm that M-TRFLP analysis is a highly reproducible and robust molecular tool for simultaneous investigation of multiple taxa, which allows more complete and higher resolution of microbial communities to be obtained more rapidly and economically.  相似文献   

Ernst Haeckel, who first introduced the term ‘monophyly’ into the biological literature, has in the past been appealed to in adjudication of the modern use of that concept. A contextual analysis of his writings reveals an inconsistent use of the term ‘monophyly’ by Haeckel. Morphological phylogeny was decoupled in Haeckel’s thinking from the evolutionary history of taxa. Monophyly could mean the derivation of one taxon from another, ancestral one, where these taxa could be species or of supraspecific rank. Monophyly could also mean the phylogenetic differentiation of a diversity of organismal ‘forms’ (morphologies) from a common primitive ‘form’ (morphological stage). And finally, monophyly, as also polyphyly, could apply to the origin of specific anatomical structures, in which case the monophyly/polyphyly of anatomical structures needed not to correlate with the monophyly/polyphyly of the taxon characterized by these structures. With respect to the issue of the unity and reality of monophyletic taxa, Haeckel’s writings again are indeterminate as is his stance on the monophyletic origin of life.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of among-island variation in species richness has long been an important question in ecology and biogeography. However, despite the clear spatial nature of the data used for such investigations, the spatial distribution of the different sampled locations is rarely explicitly considered, which may be critical for statistical and biological reasons. In a recent study, Chown et al. (1998) investigated the relationships between species richness of different indigenous and introduced taxonomic groups and a variety of variables characterizing Southern Ocean islands, and here, we use these data to address spatial issues. As predicted, we found spatial autocorrelation in species richness for terrestrial taxa with high dispersal ability or for terrestrial taxa that had time to disperse locally (introduced land birds and indigenous taxa) but not for taxa that had low opportunity to disperse to nearby islands (introduced plants, insects, and mammals), which suggests that colonization from nearby islands has played an important role in shaping present-day patterns of among-island variation in species richness. Interestingly, in several cases, the estimated effect of variables changed when spatial covariance was incorporated. Moreover, the absence of autocorrelation of some variables allowed us to confirm some important results of Chown et al. (1998), notably those involving the potential impact of human presence on the biodiversity of these islands. Overall, our results illustrate the importance of considering spatial structures in ecological studies. This is notably the case when dispersal processes can be expected to explain some of the observed patterns.  相似文献   

The present investigation on the axial nodes of 32 taxa belonging to the genera Chara, Lamprothamnium, Nitellopsis, Nitella and Tolypella confirms previous reports that within a given taxonomic group the structure of the main axial nodal complex is highly consistent. Besides the genera Nitella and Tolypella of the tribe Nitelleae, Lamprothamnium of the tribe Chareae is the only genus in which the central cells of the main axial nodal complex subdivide. This anatomical feature of the main axial nodal complex thus clearly separates the genus Lamprothamnium from the other genera of the tribe chareae. In 2 controversial species of the genus Chara, C. hornemannii and C. buckellii, the present study reveals that the central cells of their main axial nodal complexes do not subdivide. The transfer of these two species to the genus Lamprothamnium by Daily (1) may not be appropriate.  相似文献   

Septocea septifera n.g. n.sp. (Family Semiceidae Buge) is a very strange free-walled cyclostome bryozoan species of Maastrichtian age with regard to its apertural morphogenesis. The zoarium is erect, eschariform, without heteromorphs, the aperturae lack ringlinke peristoms and are subdivided by vertical septa. The septa are recognized as extern walls of axially budded immature zooecia in the interior of the living chamber. The oval to triangular apertura is subdivided by the septa into one larger and one or two smaller openings. The evidence that axial intrazooecial budding also exists in other, not closely related taxa, proves that these structures are convergent. Their morphogenesis, systematic value and the taxonomic status of the Family Semiceidae are discussed.  相似文献   

A chronologically arranged list of 59 taxa of phytoparasitic micromycetes, introduced to Germany after 1750, is presented. Another list enumerates 15 fungal taxa which have been introduced to other parts of Europe but may be expected in Germany, too. Most of the enumerated newcomers are members of the orders Pucciniales and Erysiphales. The new terms archaeomycete, neomycete, and ephemeromycete are proposed.  相似文献   

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