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Results are presented from experiments on the implosion of simple and nested wire arrays of different mass and material composition (W and/or Al). The experiments were performed on the S-300 facility (a high-current pulsed power generator with a voltage pulse amplitude of 700 kV, current amplitude of 2.5–3.5 MA, and pulse duration of 100 ns) at the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow). The imploding arrays were recorded using five-frame laser shadowgraphy, three-frame image-tube photography, an optical streak camera, X-ray pinhole cameras with different filters, X-ray polychromator, and X-ray spectrometer on the basis of a convex mica crystal. Laser probing measurements indicate that the current-carrying structure undergoes a fast (over a time shorter than 10 ns) global rearrangement, which manifests itself as the emergence of transparent regions. This effect is presumably related to the grouping of the wires, which carry currents of a few tens of kiloamperes, or to the current filamentation in their common plasma corona. The radiation of liners of different chemical composition in the final compressed state has been investigated. Electric measurements performed in experiments with nested arrays (e.g., with an aluminum outer liner and a tungsten inner liner) indicate that the inner array, which is still at rest, intercepts the electric current from the outer array when the latter penetrates through it. The effect of the “fall” of the outer liner through the inner one in the course of magnetic implosion has been revealed for the first time by analyzing X-ray emission spectra.  相似文献   

A method for the laser probing of an imploding plasma in the S-300 high-current generator (I=4 MA, Z=0.15 Ω, and τ=100 ns) with the use of a YAG: Nd laser is described. The first version of the method enables obtaining three-frame shadow and schlieren photographs of the plasma of the accelerator load with an exposure of 10 ns and an interval between frames of 25 ns. The second version enables the five-frame probing of the plasma with an exposure of 1 ns and an interval between frames of 10 ns. Stimulated Brillouin scattering in carbon tetrachloride is used to compress the probing laser pulse. A series of shadow and schlieren photographs of the plasma of different liners and Z-pinches are obtained. Mechanisms for the image formation are discussed. The magnitude and gradients of the plasma density are estimated.  相似文献   

This reports on the determination of the overall oxygen transfer coefficient in a mechanically agitated vessel using a randomly pulsed dynamic method. This method consists in exciting the system by randomly switching the inlet gas stream with air or nitrogen with an identical volumetric flow rate. A pseudo-random binary sequence was used. This procedure is routinely used in process control for the identification of system's transfer function. The pulsed dynamic method gives good reliability (as compared with the traditional gassing-out method) and reproducibility in water. However, further improvement is needed before it can be used to monitor on-line the k(L)a during a fermentation.  相似文献   

The central nervous system of paralysed Xenopus laevis embryos can generate a motor output pattern suitable for swimming locomotion. By recording motor root activity in paralysed embryos with transected nervous systems we have shown that: (a) the spinal cord is capable of swimming pattern generation; (b) swimming pattern generator capability in the hindbrain and spinal cord is distributed; (c) caudal hindbrain is necessary for sustained swimming output after discrete stimulation. By recording similarly from embryos whose central nervous system was divided longitudinally into left and right sides, we have shown that: (a) each side can generate rhythmic motor output with cycle periods like those in swimming; (b) during this activity cycle period increases within an episode, and there is the usual rostrocaudal delay found in swimming; (c) this activity is influenced by sensory stimuli in the same way as swimming activity; (d) normal phase coupling of the left and right sides can be established by the ventral commissure in the spinal cord. We conclude that interactions between the antagonistic (left and right) motor systems are not necessary for swimming rhythm generation and present a model for swimming pattern generation where autonomous rhythm generators on each side of the nervous system drive the motoneurons. Alternation is achieved by reciprocal inhibition, and activity is initiated and maintained by tonic excitation from the hindbrain.  相似文献   

1.The cereal bristle hairs of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana, are each innervated by one mechanosensory cell and 1–5 chemosensory cells. In transepithelial recordings, chemo- and mechanosensory spikes could be discriminated from each other by their relative amplitude. 2. When current steps were applied via the sensory hair, trains of impulses were triggered whatever the polarity of the current. 3. All responses adapted to the current, but the time course of adaptation was fitted by a power law for outward currents and an exponential law for inward currents. 4. During application of outward currents, the spikes showed a negative initial phase on which a small positive component was superimposed; strong polarizations produced purely negative spikes. More classical spikes with a positive initial phase were induced by inward currents. 5. The present work supports the hypothesis of a direct excitability of the apical dendrite in cereal bristle mechanoreceptors and confirms previous results suggesting that spikes are normally triggered within that region during mechanical stimulations. It is also established, for the first time, that adaptation to currents may be different in the apical dendrite and in more basal regions of the same mechanosensory neuron.Abbreviation RP receptor potential - TEV transepithelial voltage - TTX tetrodotoxin  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the superficial quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle electromyogram (EMG) during dynamic sub-maximal knee extension exercise between young adult men and women. Thirty subjects completed, in a random order, 2 sub-maximal repetitions of single-leg knee extensions at 20-90% of their one-repetition maximum (1RM). Vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF) muscle integrated EMG (IEMG) during each sub-maximal lift was normalized to the respective 1RM for concentric, isometric and eccentric modes. The EMG median frequency (f(med)) was determined over the isometric mode. Men attained a significantly (p<0.05) greater knee angular velocity than the women during the concentric mode (83.6+/-19.1 degrees /s and 67.4+/-19.8 degrees /s, respectively). RF IEMG was significantly lesser than the VM (p=0.014) and VL (p<0.001) muscles, when collapsed across all contraction modes, loads, and sex. Overall IEMG was significantly greater during the concentric (p<0.001) and isometric (p<0.001) modes, than the eccentric mode. Men generated significantly (p=0.03) greater VL muscle IEMG than the women, while the opposite pattern emerged for the RF muscle. VM f(med) (105.1+/-11.1Hz) was significantly lesser than the VL (180.3+/-19.5Hz) and RF (127.7+/-13.9Hz) muscles across all lifting intensities, while the men (137.7+/-10.7Hz) generated greater values than the women (129.0+/-11.4Hz). The findings demonstrate a reduction in QF muscle activation across the concentric to eccentric transition, which may be related to the mode-specific velocity pattern.  相似文献   

The effect of short-circuit across the final anode-cathode gap of powerful pulsed current generators could hamper efficient power delivery to the Z-pinch plasma. To study this effect, a novel EUV diagnostics of plasmas created in the final section of the transmission line (the anode-cathode gap near the main load) of the Z-Machine high-current generator (Sandia National Laboratories, United States) was developed. The work included developing spectroscopic instruments, theoretical and experimental studies of EUV spectra of iron ions in well-diagnosed laser-produced plasmas, and a comparison of these spectra with those of plasmas created in the final anode-cathode gap of the transmission line. The EUV spectra of highly charged Fe ions in the spectral range λ ~ 20–800 Å were investigated. In experiments performed at Sandia National Laboratories, spectra of FeXIII-FeXVII ions were observed. A comparison of the measured and calculated spectra shows that the electron plasma temperature in the anode-cathode gap is T e ~ 200 eV.  相似文献   

AIMS: The aim of this study was to construct an advanced high-power pulsed light device for decontamination of food matrix and to evaluate its antibacterial efficiency. Key parameters of constructed device-emitted light spectrum, pulse duration, pulse power density, frequency of pulses, dependence of emitted spectrum on input voltage, irradiation homogenicity, possible thermal effects as well as antimicrobial efficiency were evaluated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Antimicrobial efficiency of high-power pulsed light technique was demonstrated and evaluated by two independent methods - spread plate and Miles-Misra method. Viability of Salmonella typhimurium as function of a given light dose (number of pulses) and pulse frequency was examined. According to the data obtained, viability of Salmonella typhimurium reduced by 7 log order after 100 light pulses with power density 133 W cm(-2). In addition, data indicate, that the pulse frequency did not influence the outcome of pathogen inactivation in the region 1-5 Hz. Moreover, no hyperthermic effect was detected during irradiation even after 500 pulses on all shelves with different distance from light source and subsequently different pulse power density (0-252 W cm(-2)). CONCLUSION: Newly constructed high-power pulsed light technique is effective nonthermal tool for inactivation of Salmonella typhimurium even by 7 log order in vitro. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Novel advanced high-power pulsed light device can be a useful tool for development of nonthermal food decontamination technologies.  相似文献   

目的:观察新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic-ischemicencephalopathy,HIE)血清S-100B蛋白的动态变化规律,探讨其在HIE早期诊断中的价值,以及其浓度变化与病情严重程度及预后的关系。同时研究围产期高危因素以及NBNA评分在HIE发生发展与预后中的作用。方法:30例住院正常新生儿作为对照组,于出生后采血,55例HIE患儿(HIE组)分别于出生后1天、2天、7天采血,采用酶联免疫吸附试验、双抗体夹心法检测。收集并分析两组围产期相关资料。HIE组并于采血同时进行NBNA评分。结果:(1)HIE患儿生后第一天与第二天血清S-100B蛋白浓度明显高于对照组(P〈0.05),生后第七天轻度HIE与对照组比较没有统计意义,中、重度HIE与对照组比较有统计学意义。(2)生后第一天与第二天不同病情组HIE患儿NBNA评分相互比较差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05),第七天轻、中和重度患儿NBNA评分〈35分的患儿分别占33.3%,47.1%,100%。结论:动态监测HIE患儿血清S-100B蛋白浓度和NBNA评分的变化,对HIE的早期诊断,严重程度的判断以及预后的估计有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:观察新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病(hypoxic-ischemicencephalopathy,HIE)血清S-100B蛋白的动态变化规律,探讨其在HIE早期诊断中的价值,以及其浓度变化与病情严重程度及预后的关系。同时研究围产期高危因素以及NBNA评分在HIE发生发展与预后中的作用。方法:30例住院正常新生儿作为对照组,于出生后采血,55例HIE患儿(HIE组)分别于出生后1天、2天、7天采血,采用酶联免疫吸附试验、双抗体夹心法检测。收集并分析两组围产期相关资料。HIE组并于采血同时进行NBNA评分。结果:(1)HIE患儿生后第一天与第二天血清S-100B蛋白浓度明显高于对照组(P<0.05),生后第七天轻度HIE与对照组比较没有统计意义,中、重度HIE与对照组比较有统计学意义。(2)生后第一天与第二天不同病情组HIE患儿NBNA评分相互比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),第七天轻、中和重度患儿NBNA评分<35分的患儿分别占33.3%,47.1%,100%。结论:动态监测HIE患儿血清S-100B蛋白浓度和NBNA评分的变化,对HIE的早期诊断,严重程度的判断以及预后的估计有重要意义。  相似文献   

Obtaining tibio-femoral (TF) contact forces, ligament deformations and loads during daily life motor tasks would be useful to better understand the aetiopathogenesis of knee joint diseases or the effects of ligament reconstruction and knee arthroplasty. However, methods to obtain this information are either too simplified or too computationally demanding to be used for clinical application. A multibody dynamic model of the lower limb reproducing knee joint contact surfaces and ligaments was developed on the basis of magnetic resonance imaging. Several clinically relevant conditions were simulated, including resistance to hyperextension, varus–valgus stability, anterior–posterior drawer, loaded squat movement. Quadriceps force, ligament deformations and loads, and TF contact forces were computed. During anterior drawer test the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) was maximally loaded when the knee was extended (392 N) while the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) was much more stressed during posterior drawer when the knee was flexed (319 N). The simulated loaded squat revealed that the anterior fibres of ACL become inactive after 60° of flexion in conjunction with PCL anterior bundle activation, while most components of the collateral ligaments exhibit limited length changes. Maximum quadriceps and TF forces achieved 3.2 and 4.2 body weight, respectively. The possibility to easily manage model parameters and the low computational cost of each simulation represent key points of the present project. The obtained results are consistent with in vivo measurements, suggesting that the model can be used to simulate complex and clinically relevant exercises.  相似文献   

Evaluating the likelihood function of parameters in highly-structured population genetic models from extant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences is computationally prohibitive. In such cases, one may approximately infer the parameters from summary statistics of the data such as the site-frequency-spectrum (SFS) or its linear combinations. Such methods are known as approximate likelihood or Bayesian computations. Using a controlled lumped Markov chain and computational commutative algebraic methods, we compute the exact likelihood of the SFS and many classical linear combinations of it at a non-recombining locus that is neutrally evolving under the infinitely-many-sites mutation model. Using a partially ordered graph of coalescent experiments around the SFS, we provide a decision-theoretic framework for approximate sufficiency. We also extend a family of classical hypothesis tests of standard neutrality at a non-recombining locus based on the SFS to a more powerful version that conditions on the topological information provided by the SFS.  相似文献   

Under fast dynamic loading conditions (e.g. high-energy impact), the load rate dependency of the intervertebral disc (IVD) material properties may play a crucial role in the biomechanics of spinal trauma. However, most finite element models (FEM) of dynamic spinal trauma uses material properties derived from quasi-static experiments, thus neglecting this load rate dependency. The aim of this study was to identify hyperelastic material properties that ensure a more biofidelic simulation of the IVD under a fast dynamic compressive load. A hyperelastic material law based on a first-order Mooney-Rivlin formulation was implemented in a detailed FEM of a L2-L3 functional spinal unit (FSU) to represent the mechanical behavior of the IVD. Bony structures were modeled using an elasto-plastic Johnson-Cook material law that simulates bone fracture while ligaments were governed by a viscoelastic material law. To mimic experimental studies performed in fast dynamic compression, a compressive loading velocity of 1 m/s was applied to the superior half of L2, while the inferior half of L3 was fixed. An exploratory technique was used to simulate dynamic compression of the FSU using 34 sets of hyperelastic material constants randomly selected using an optimal Latin hypercube algorithm and a set of material constants derived from quasi-static experiments. Selection or rejection of the sets of material constants was based on compressive stiffness and failure parameters criteria measured experimentally. The two simulations performed with calibrated hyperelastic constants resulted in nonlinear load-displacement curves with compressive stiffness (7335 and 7079 N/mm), load (12,488 and 12,473 N), displacement (1.95 and 2.09 mm) and energy at failure (13.5 and 14.7 J) in agreement with experimental results (6551 ± 2017 N/mm, 12,411 ± 829 N, 2.1 ± 0.2 mm and 13.0 ± 1.5 J respectively). The fracture pattern and location also agreed with experimental results. The simulation performed with constants derived from quasi-static experiments showed a failure energy (13.2 J) and a fracture pattern and location in agreement with experimental results, but a compressive stiffness (1580 N/mm), a failure load (5976 N) and a displacement to failure (4.8 mm) outside the experimental corridors. The proposed method offers an innovative way to calibrate the hyperelastic material properties of the IVD and to offer a more realistic simulation of the FSU in fast dynamic compression.  相似文献   

Summary S-100, a protein originally believed to be unique to the nervous system, has recently been found in extraneural cell types. We report here on the presence of S-100 in the testis, namely in Leydig cells and in lymphatic endothelial cells, using immunohistochemical and immunochemical methods. We show that the protein in the testis is immunologically identical to brain S-100. The S-100-labelled cells in the testis exhibit morphological similarities with other cell types in different tissues known to contain S-100.  相似文献   

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