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P. Thomas  R. Alyea  Y. Pang  C. Peyton  J. Dong  A.H. Berg 《Steroids》2010,75(8-9):595-602
Recent studies by several research groups have shown that G protein estrogen receptor-1 (GPER) formerly known as GPR30, mediates 17β-estradiol (E2) activation of signal transduction pathways in a variety of human cancer cells and displays E2 binding typical of a membrane estrogen receptor. However, the importance of GPER as an estrogen receptor has been questioned by Otto and co-workers. Some of the pitfalls in investigating the functions of recombinant steroid membrane receptors that may explain the negative results of these investigators are discussed. The characteristics of GPER have also been investigated in a teleost fish, Atlantic croaker, where it has been shown to mediate E2 inhibition of oocyte maturation. Investigations on newly discovered homologous proteins from distantly related vertebrate groups are valuable for determining their fundamental, evolutionarily conserved functions. Therefore, the functions of croaker and human GPERs were compared. The comparisons show that croaker and human GPER have very similar estrogen binding characteristics, typical of estrogen membrane receptors, and activate the same estrogen signaling pathways via stimulatory G proteins (Gs) resulting in increased cAMP production. These results suggest that the estrogen binding and estrogen signaling functions of GPER arose early in vertebrate evolution, prior to the divergence of the teleosts from the tetrapods, more than 200 million years ago. The finding that estrogen membrane signaling through GPER has been conserved for such a long period in two distantly related vertebrate groups, mammals and fish, suggests that this is a fundamental function of GPER in vertebrates, and likely its major physiological role.  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(7):1466-1475
Nicotinic acid, also known as niacin, is the water soluble vitamin B3 used for decades for the treatment of dyslipidemic diseases. Its action is mainly mediated by the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR) 109A; however, certain regulatory effects on lipid levels occur in a GPR109A-independent manner. The amide form of nicotinic acid, named nicotinamide, acts as a vitamin although neither activates the GPR109A nor exhibits the pharmacological properties of nicotinic acid. In the present study, we demonstrate for the first time that nicotinic acid and nicotinamide bind to and activate the GPER-mediated signalling in breast cancer cells and cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). In particular, we show that both molecules are able to promote the up-regulation of well established GPER target genes through the EGFR/ERK transduction pathway. As a biological counterpart, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide induce proliferative and migratory effects in breast cancer cells and CAFs in a GPER-dependent fashion. Moreover, nicotinic acid prevents the up-regulation of ICAM-1 triggered by the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and stimulates the formation of endothelial tubes through GPER in HUVECs. Together, our findings concerning the agonist activity for GPER displayed by both nicotinic acid and nicotinamide broaden the mechanisms involved in the biological action of these molecules and further support the potential of a ligand to induce different responses mediated in a promiscuous manner by distinct GPCRs.  相似文献   

Estrogen inhibition of oocyte maturation (OM) and the role of GPER (formerly known as GPR30) were investigated in zebrafish. Estradiol-17β (E2) and G-1, a GPER-selective agonist, bound to zebrafish oocyte membranes suggesting the presence of GPER which was confirmed by immunocytochemistry using a specific GPER antibody. Incubation of follicle-enclosed oocytes with an aromatase inhibitor, ATD, and enzymatic and manual removal of the ovarian follicle cell layers significantly increased spontaneous OM which was partially reversed by co-treatment with either 100 nM E2 or G-1. Incubation of denuded oocytes with the GPER antibody blocked the inhibitory effects of estrogens on OM, whereas microinjection of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) antisense oligonucleotides into the oocytes was ineffective. The results suggest that endogenous estrogens produced by the follicle cells inhibit or delay spontaneous maturation of zebrafish oocytes and that this estrogen action is mediated through GPER. Treatment with E2 and G-1 also attenuated the stimulatory effect of the teleost maturation-inducing steroid, 17,20β-dihyroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP), on OM. Moreover, E2 and G-1 down-regulated the expression of membrane progestin receptor alpha (mPRα), the intermediary in DHP induction of OM. Conversely DHP treatment caused a > 50% decline in GPER mRNA levels. The results suggest that estrogens and GPER are critical components of the endocrine system controlling the onset of OM in zebrafish. A model is proposed for the dual control of the onset of oocyte maturation in teleosts by estrogens and progestins acting through GPER and mPRα, respectively, at different stages of oocyte development.  相似文献   

The hormonal regulation of ovarian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor mRNA expression has been examined by in situ hybridization in hypophysectomized immature rats. In hypophysectomized rats, GnRH receptor mRNA expression is localized in the interstitial cells. After diethylstilbestrol treatment, most follicles grow to form early antral follicles and express GnRH receptor mRNA in the peripheral part of the granulosa layer, indicating that the expression in the growing follicles is estrogen-dependent. Only weak or no expression of the receptor mRNA is detectable in the atretic follicles of hypophysectomized rats, whereas very strong expression has been observed in the granulosa cells of atretic follicles of intact immature rats. Administration of testosterone or a GnRH agonist, both of which are atretic agents for ovarian follicles, to hypophysectomized rats markedly increases the apoptotic cell death of the granulosa cells but fails to induce GnRH receptor mRNA expression. The co-administration of these agents with diethylstilbestrol causes the granulosa cells of atretic follicles to express the receptor mRNA very strongly, suggesting that this mRNA expression in the atretic follicles is also estrogen-dependent. On the other hand, expression of the receptor mRNA in the ovarian interstitial cells is not affected by hypophysectomy or hormone treatments. All of these results clearly indicate that estrogen is essential for the expression of ovarian GnRH receptor mRNA in the granulosa cells of atretic follicles and growing follicles, whereas the expression in the interstitial cells is estrogen-independent.  相似文献   

Cross-communication between the Met receptor tyrosine kinase and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has been proposed to involve direct association of both receptors and EGFR kinase-dependent phosphorylation. Here, we demonstrate that in human hepatocellular and pancreatic carcinoma cells the Met receptor becomes tyrosine phosphorylated not only upon EGF stimulation but also in response to G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonists. Whereas specific inhibition of the EGFR kinase activity blocked EGF- but not GPCR agonist-induced Met receptor transactivation, it was abrogated in the presence of a reducing agent or treatment of cells with a NADPH oxidase inhibitor. Both GPCR ligands and EGF are further shown to increase the level of reactive oxygen species within the cell. Interestingly, stimulation of the Met receptor by either GPCR agonists, EGF or its cognate ligand HGF, resulted in release of Met-associated beta-catenin and in its Met-dependent translocation into the nucleus, as analyzed by small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of the Met receptor. Our results provide a new molecular explanation for cell surface receptor cross-talk involving the Met receptor and thereby link the wide diversity of GPCRs and the EGFR to the oncogenic potential of Met signaling in human carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Lowered extracellular pH in a variety of tissues is associated with increased tissue destruction and initiation of inflammatory processes. Although the acid-sensing receptors described previously are ion channels, we describe a G protein-coupled proton-sensitive receptor that stimulates Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores in a tumor-derived synoviocyte cell line (SW982) and in primary cultures of human synovial cells from patients with inflammatory arthropathies. We established a link between proton-dependent receptor activation and intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization by demonstrating 1) dependence on the integrity of the intracellular Ca(2+) store, 2) independence from extracellular Ca(2+), and 3) proton-induced production of inositol phosphate and 4) by abolishing the effect with GTPase inhibitors. We propose that this G protein-coupled acid-sensing receptor linked to intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization in synoviocytes can contribute to downstream inflammatory and cellular proliferative processes in synovial fibroblasts. The acid-sensing receptor has distinct characteristics as a metabotropic G protein-coupled receptor on human synoviocytes in this emerging new class of receptors.  相似文献   

Granulosa cells of the ovarian follicle are unique in that they both synthesize steroid hormones and respond to exogenously-administered steroids. Isolated granulosa cells from ovaries of gonadotropin-primed rats were incubated in the presence of [3H]testosterone, which the cells convert to [3H]estradiol. Nuclear extracts of these cells were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography in a system of 40% acetonitrile. When cells were incubated in the presence of [3H]testosterone alone, a significant portion of the radioactivity present in nuclei co-eluted with authentic estradiol. The nuclear binding was considered to be specific, since 50-75% of total binding was suppressed when the incubation medium contained excess unlabeled estrogen. Moreover, when an antibody to estradiol was included in the medium, specific nuclear uptake of [3H]estradiol was not abolished, but rather was increased. Granulosa cells may, therefore, directly utilize endogenously-produced estradiol, a mechanism which may play a role in the regulation of ovarian cells.  相似文献   

After activation, most G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are regulated by a cascade of events involving desensitization and endocytosis. Internalized receptors can then be recycled to the plasma membrane, retained in an endosomal compartment, or targeted for degradation. The GPCR-associated sorting protein, GASP, has been shown to preferentially sort a number of native GPCRs to the lysosome for degradation after endocytosis. Here we show that a mutant beta(2) adrenergic receptor and a mutant mu opioid receptor that have previously been described as lacking "recycling signals" due to mutations in their C termini in fact bind to GASP and are targeted for degradation. We also show that a mutant dopamine D1 receptor, which has likewise been described as lacking a recycling signal, does not bind to GASP and is therefore not targeted for degradation. Together, these results indicate that alteration of receptors in their C termini can expose determinants with affinity for GASP binding and consequently target receptors for degradation.  相似文献   

The ability of gonadotropins from six mammalian species to stimulate estrogen and progesterone production was investigated in granulosa cells of hypophysectomized estrogen-primed immature female rats. Granulosa cells were cultured for 2 days in the presence of delta 4-androstenedione (10(-7) M) with or without various gonadotropin preparations. Treatment with follitropin (follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH) from human, rat, ovine, porcine, equine, and bovine origins resulted in dose-dependent increases in steroidogenesis from negligible amounts to maximal levels of approximately 4-8 and 12-30 ng/10(5) cells for estrogen and progesterone, respectively. The ED50 values of the FSH preparations for stimulation of steroidogenesis were: human: 1-4 ng/ml; ovine: 2.5-30 ng/ml; rat: 1.6-4.0 ng/ml; porcine: 7.5-20 ng/ml; equine 2.5-6 ng/ml; and bovine greater than 100 ng/ml. Lutropin (luteinizing hormone, LH) from rat, ovine, bovine, and porcine origins, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the alpha-subunit of human FSH and the beta-subunit of human LH were ineffective in stimulating steroidogenesis, indicating the specificity of the assay system for FSH. In a high concentration (600 ng/ml), the beta-subunit of human FSH-stimulated steroidogenesis to a small extent. Furthermore, pregnant mare serum gonadotropin and equine LH also caused a dose-dependent stimulation of estrogen and progesterone production, the half-maximal response values (ED50) being 1.8-4 and 7.5-10 ng/ml, respectively. This is consistent with previous in vivo and in vitro findings, showing the potent FSH activities of these hormones. Thus, the cultured rat granulosa cell system provides a sensitive assay for measuring FSH activities of gonadotropins from various mammalian species.  相似文献   

Understanding the three-dimensional structure of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) has been limited by the technical challenges associated with expression, purification, and crystallization of membrane proteins, and their low abundance in native tissue. In the first large-scale comparative study of GPCR protein production using recombinant baculovirus, we report the characterization of 16 human receptors. The GPCRs were produced in three insect cell lines and functional protein levels monitored over 72 h using radioligand binding assays. Different GPCRs exhibited widely different expression levels, ranging from less than 1 pmol receptor/mg protein to more than 250 pmol/mg. No single set of conditions was suitable for all GPCRs, and large differences were seen for the expression of individual GPCRs in different cell lines. Closely related GPCRs did not share similar expression profiles; however, high expression (greater than 20 pmol/mg) was achieved for over half the GPCRs in our study. Overall, the levels of protein production compared favourably to other published systems.  相似文献   

A disintegrin and metalloprotease (ADAM) is a membrane-anchored metalloprotease implicated in the ectodomain shedding of cell surface proteins, including the ligands for epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFR)/ErbB. It has been well documented that the transactivation of the EGFR plays critical roles for many cellular functions, such as proliferation and migration mediated through multiple G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Recent accumulating evidence has suggested that ADAMs are the key metalloproteases activated by several GPCR agonists to produce a mature EGFR ligand leading to the EGFR transactivation. In this review, we describe the current knowledge on ADAMs implicated in mediating EGFR transactivation. The major focus of the review will be on the possible upstream mechanisms of ADAM activation by GPCRs as well as downstream signal transduction and the pathophysiological significances of ADAM-dependent EGFR transactivation. ectodomain shedding; angiotensin II  相似文献   

Kim J  Ahn S  Guo R  Daaka Y 《Biochemistry》2003,42(10):2887-2894
The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) plays a central role in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Cellular responses to EGF are dependent upon the amount of EGFR present on the cell surface. Stimulation with EGF induces sequestration of the receptor from the plasma membrane and its subsequent downregulation. Recently, internalization of the EGFR was also shown to be required for mitogenic signaling via the activation of MAP kinases. Therefore, mechanisms regulating internalization of the EGFR represent an important facet for the control of cellular response. Here, we demonstrate that EGFR is removed from the cell surface not only following stimulation with EGF, but also in response to stimulation of G protein-coupled lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and beta2 adrenergic (beta2AR) receptors. Using a FLAG epitope-tagged EGFR to quantitate receptor internalization, we show that incubation with EGF, LPA, or isoproterenol (ISO) causes the time-dependent loss of cell surface EGFR. Internalization of EGFR by these ligands involves the tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor itself and c-Src, as well as the GTPase activity of dynamin. Unexpectedly, we find that internalization of the EGFR by EGF is dependent upon Gbetagamma and beta-arrestin proteins; expression of minigenes encoding the carboxyl terminii of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, or beta-arrestin1, attenuates LPA-, ISO-, and EGF-mediated internalization of EGFR. Thus, G protein-coupled receptors can control the function of the EGFR by regulating its endocytosis.  相似文献   

Communication between different signaling pathways enables cells to coordinate the responses to diverse environmental signals. Activation of the transmembrane growth factor precursors plays a critical role in this communication and often involves metalloprotease-mediated proteolysis. Stimulation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) transactivates the EGF receptors (EGFRs), which occurs via a metalloprotease-dependent cleavage of heparin-binding EGF (HB-EGF). However, the metalloprotease mediating the transactivation remains elusive. We show that the integral membrane metalloprotease Kuzbanian (KUZ; ADAM10), which controls Notch signaling in Drosophila, stimulates GPCR transactivation of EGFR. Upon stimulation of the bombesin receptors, KUZ increases the docking and activation of adaptors Src homology 2 domain-containing protein and Gab1 on the EGFR, and activation of Ras and Erk. In contrast, transfection of a protease domain-deleted KUZ, or blocking endogenous KUZ by morpholino antisense oligonucleotides, suppresses the transactivation. The effect of KUZ on shedding of HB-EGF and consequent transactivation of the EGFR depends on its metalloprotease activity. GPCR activation enhances the association of KUZ and its substrate HB-EGF with tetraspanin CD9. Thus, KUZ regulates the relay between the GPCR and EGFR signaling pathways.  相似文献   

EBI 1, a putative lymphocyte-specific G protein-coupled peptide receptor, was induced by human herpesvirus 6 or 7 infection in CD4+ T cells, and its expression increased early after infection and reached a plateau at 48 h. The induction of the EBI 1 gene by human herpesvirus 6 or 7 infection was not mediated by soluble factors but by the virus itself. Deduced from comparisons of the amino acid sequences among members of the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily, these findings suggest that EBI 1 may be a member of the leukocyte chemotactic peptide receptor family.  相似文献   

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