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<正> 棉株本身对于现蕾至初花期的蕾损失具有很强的补偿能力,这种补偿能力随地块的肥、水条件的改进而增强。在目前施肥水平下,有灌溉条件的高肥棉田(近三年平均亩产皮棉130斤以上),二代棉铃虫百株累计卵量三百粒以下不施药,容许二代幼虫适度为害,并在6月底不迟于7月初之前,进行人工摘蕾,使每株棉花损失(虫咬加手摘)早期蕾6—8个,可以达到省药省工又增产的目的,从而显著提高经济生态学效益,这已为1983年和1984年连续  相似文献   

陈法军  戈峰  刘向辉 《生态学报》2003,23(4):744-750
1994、1995连续两年在华北棉区第3代棉铃虫发生期间,通过一系列人工摘蕾模拟为害和人工接虫为害试验,研究了棉花对蕾铃期繁殖器官损失的补偿效应。试验结果表明:蕾、铃被害会诱导棉株产生补偿效应,即提高结铃数,增加生物产量。但棉花的补偿效应是有限的,蕾铃期单株被害蕾超过12个,被害铃超过4个,或被害超过2蕾2铃,都会导致皮棉显著减产。通过数学模型分析,1994年,单株被害0-11.80个蕾或0—2.26个铃都不会造成减产;1995年.单株损失0—10.58个蕾或0—3.8个铃,同样不会降低棉花产量。模型中各决策变量的边际产量表明,棉花蕾铃期铃的损失对皮棉产量的影响最大。  相似文献   

华北棉区第三代棉铃虫的经济阈值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1980—1982、1984—1985年在河北省饶阳县的不同土壤肥力水平、不同棉花品种上进行了模拟为害和自然为害试验,旨在确定第三代棉铃虫 Heliothis armigera(Hubner)虫口密度与棉花产量之间的关系.结果表明,棉花对于第三代棉铃虫为害的补偿能力较弱.较好的土壤肥力亦不能促使棉株完全补偿三代期间的受害损失.每亩皮棉减产斤数Y与第三代百株累计卵量E3的关系为:Y=-0.2801+0.0643E3.根据防治的直接收益与直接代价,算出了第三代棉铃虫的经济阈值为百株累计卵量35粒,这一阈值可适用于不同肥力水平的地块.  相似文献   

棉铃虫与棉花生长发育耦合系统的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以棉铃虫取食模型、种群动态模型及棉花生长发育模型为基础,通过对棉田生态系统中一些关键环节的分析,进一步发展出田间棉铃虫的管理系统。这个系统较好地反映出了国内外到目前为止在棉铃虫管理方面的最新研究成果。强调了在棉花生长发育过程中超补偿机制的实现,以及人工去早蕾与2代棉铃虫取食对棉花生长和产量形成的影响。本系统可以反映第2、3代棉铃虫不同卵量水平下,及不同人工去早蕾水平下棉花生长发育的动态过程。通过不同卵量水平时各去蕾量对产量的影响,以及不同用药时间的最终产量效果的比较,可以找出最佳的去蕾量以及合理的用药时间。  相似文献   

华北棉区棉铃虫种群动态与其为害特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
丁岩钦 《昆虫学报》1986,(3):272-282
本文述及棉铃虫为害特性及其与为害后棉株的补偿作用关系。根据棉株生命表资料,蕾期棉株蕾花的脱落主要系由棉铃虫为害所致。而铃期蕾铃的脱落,则主要系由棉株的生理条件。在蕾期,前三周内蕾花被害脱落后,棉株的补偿作用是很高的,从第四周起补偿作用逐渐下降,而到铃期阶段时补偿作用降至很低水平。因此蕾期棉株遭受一定数量以内的棉铃虫为害,而使蕾花脱落后,反而可促使棉花增产。根据棉铃虫生命表资料,从卵期至三龄末幼虫期的累计死亡率占总死亡率的90%以上,结合幼虫死亡率与不同龄期为害水平分析,棉铃虫对棉株的主要为害阶段系在2—3龄期,其对果实的为害量占总为害的65%。而棉株被害蕾铃的田间空间分布型系遵从负二项分布,期公共K值为3.4626。  相似文献   

对于棉花早期蕾损失的补偿作用分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
盛承发 《生态学报》1988,8(2):97-103
1981—1984年在河北省饶阳县三种肥力水平地块上,以4个陆地棉Gossyium hirsutum L.品种为材料,进行了11次人工模拟第二代棉铃虫Heliothis armigera(Hübner)对棉蕾的为害试验,旨在确定受害株在繁殖器官水平上的补偿途径。每两天记录一次每处理各10株棉花各节位的发育状况。数据表明,每株去除8个左右的早期蕾的影响是:1)始花日推迟9.32天但不引起皮棉减产;2)有效花期缩短5.95天,这对产量有不利影响;3)现蕾总数(包括去除数)增加15.31%,合每株7.07个,这奠定了补偿的基础;4)开花速度加快17.21%,致使每株总花数比对照多0.43朵;5)幼铃脱落率降低9.85%;6)成铃数增加15.28%,合每株2.34个;7)果枝数、每铃籽棉重以及皮棉百分率都无显著变化。由此可以清楚看出,这些受害株能够基本上弥补损失的蕾数,同时开花速度显著加快,使得总花数略有增加,幼铃脱落率显著降低,结果成铃数显著增多。这些正作用的总效应远超出缩短有效花期造成的负作用。因此,遭受一定程度早期蕾损失的植株在一般情况下都能增产。这一认识动摇了华北棉区控制棉铃虫的通常对策,该对策把防治重点放在第二代上。  相似文献   

通过人工接虫为害,获得了棉铃虫各龄期幼虫在棉花上的为害量和为害损失。并观察了不同年份棉铃虫卵和各龄幼虫的自然存活率。在此基础上.研究得出了自然状态下第3代棉铃虫的防治指标,其值为百株累计卵量100粒,或当日百株新增卵量25粒。与用固定虫量研究方法得出的指标相比,该指标更合理、更经济可行。  相似文献   

华北棉区第二代棉铃虫的经济阈值   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
盛承发 《昆虫学报》1985,(4):382-389
1980—1983年在河北省饶阳县及安徽省濉溪县的不同的土壤肥力类型、不同的棉花品种和不同的栽培管理条件下进行了模拟为害和自然为害的试验,旨在确定第二代棉铃虫Heliothis armigera(Hübner)数量与棉花Gossypium hirsutum L.产量和质量的关系。试验结果表明,棉花对于第二代棉铃虫为害的补偿力很强,这种补偿力随着土壤肥力的提高而增强。棉花品种、年份以及栽培管理方法对补偿力的影响属于次要。通过组建的一个静态模型,收进了二代棉铃虫防治的直接收益与代价以及间接收益与代价,算得高、低肥力地的第二代经济阈值,百株累计卵量分别为332粒和34粒。产量水平在80—90斤的中等偏低肥力地,其阈值可定为60粒。  相似文献   

氮肥对棉田主要害虫种群密度及棉花产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过2年的田间研究,分析了3种不同施氮水平对棉花主要害虫棉玲虫、棉蚜种群动态、棉花蕾铃脱落及棉花产量的影响。结果表明,增施氮肥的棉田棉铃虫和棉蚜数量比对照田要高,但它们之间的差异没有达到显著的水平。不同年份对棉铃虫种群密度有显著影响,但对棉蚜种群没有显著影响。蕾花期施肥可减轻棉铃虫为害造成的花蕾脱落和自然脱落,增加有效铃数和产量,但增加量没有达到显著水平。  相似文献   

棉铃虫是棉花蕾铃的主要害虫,幼虫蛀食蕾、花、铃,造成棉花产量下降,品质低劣。近年来棉铃虫越发严重,不仅为害棉花,而且还为害玉米、高粱、麦类和豆类等,成为粮棉生产上的大敌,因此研究并掌握棉铃虫的发生消长规律,是搞好预测预报,抓住防治关键期,确定防治策略的理论依据,是消灭棉铃虫为害的重要前提。 几年来,在毛主席革命路线指引下,我们通过学习毛主席的哲学著作,运用唯物辩证法,对棉铃虫发生新特点有了初步认识,在防治上逐步由被动转到比较主动。 现将棉铃虫在我县发生规律的新特点做一简要介绍。  相似文献   

Response of cotton to prebloom square loss   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In 1996 and 1997, various intensities of prebloom square removal were applied to three cultivars of cotton grown in Mississippi. With the exception of one cultivar in 1997, all cultivars were B. thuringiensis (Bt)-transgenic cotton. At harvest, the number of bolls and seed cotton weight was recorded for all plants in each square removal treatment. All cultivars responded similarly to square loss. A yield increase (overcompensation) was observed in the treatment where all squares were removed from the plant one week after squaring began. Only the treatment where all squares were removed before bloom significantly reduced yield and caused a large (>7 d) delay in crop maturation. Otherwise, moderate levels of square removal (approximately 20-50% of prebloom squares) had little impact on overall lint production. However, the patterns of cotton production on the plants were significantly influenced by the square removal treatments. The removal of relatively more or larger squares increased seed cotton production in late-season fruiting cohorts and on 'vegetative' branches. Compensation for square loss occurred by increasing the relative number and weight of bolls produced subsequent to early-season square removal. Typically, early-season square loss increased the value of later-season fruiting cohorts, especially the midseason cohorts and bolls on vegetative branches. The implications of prebloom square loss, including the compensatory ability of the cotton plant, on insect management are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined a non-insecticidal tactic for suppressing boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, damage to cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. In cage assays, kaolin, a reflective white mineral, applied to excised cotton squares or to the cotton foliage, initially resulted in lower levels of boll weevil injury to squares than nontreated squares. Boll weevil oviposition and feeding on kaolin-treated squares and squares on kaolin-treated cotton plants increased when nontreated squares and cotton plants were in short supply. A laboratory assay and field trials suggested that boll weevils distinguished between cotton plots based on color differences caused by kaolin and this appeared to influence levels of damage to squares. Random sampling in small plots indicated that oviposition damage to squares in plots treated with kaolin was reduced (P < 0.05) compared with nontreated controls, except when rain washed the kaolin off the foliage. Lint yield differences were not detected between the small plots, but the kaolin-treated small plots yielded as much as 2.36 times more cotton lint than a large but unreplicated adjacent nontreated control plot, and up to 1.39 times more than another large but unreplicated adjacent plot sprayed twice with preemptive applications of azinphosmethyl when cotton squares were first developing (pinhead stage). Potentially important avenues for future research on boll weevil injury suppression using kaolin are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Field studies were conducted in Harran Plain, Turkey, to investigate the infestation of spiny bollworm (SBW) and pink bollworm (PBW) in cotton blind bolls during the period 1999–2001. Blind bolls left on the cotton plants after the harvest were collected, and the PBW and SBW larvae, which are the causes of infection were counted in the laboratory by splitting the bolls. The statistical methods reveal that the infestation ratio variable plays an important role in reducing cotton yield. The infestation ratio variable was found to be statistically significant in all models used. Different soil types may have little effects on yield. We also estimate elasticity of yield with respect to infestation ratio variable. A 1% increase in infestation ratio would reduce about 2.5–6% of cotton yield. Although the infestation ratio of cotton yield is inelastic, which means that the yield is less responsive to the infestation ratio, the elasticity is however an economically important indication because additional cost spent on pests will increase total cost thereby increasing the level where marginal revenue equals the marginal cost.  相似文献   

The current standard practice of two to three preemptive insecticide applications at the start of pinhead (1-2-mm-diameter) squaring followed by threshold-triggered (whenever 10% of randomly selected squares have oviposition punctures) insecticide applications for boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, control does not provide a reliably positive impact on cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., yields in subtropical conditions. This study showed that four fewer spray applications in a "proactive" approach, where spraying began at the start of large (5.5- 8-mm-diameter) square formation and continued at 7- to 8-d intervals while large squares were abundant, resulted in fewer infested squares and 46-56% more yield than the standard treatment at two locations during 2004. The combination of fewer sprays and increased yield made the proactive approach 115-130% more profitable than the standard. The proactive approach entails protection only at the crop's most vulnerable stage (large squares) that, as a source of food, accelerates boll weevil reproduction. In contrast, the standard approach protects early season small squares and later season bolls, both of which contribute less to boll weevil reproduction than large squares. Proaction is an in-season crop protection approach that can be used to increase yield in individual fields during the same season and that could be incorporated into boll weevil eradication strategy that involves later diapause sprays. Because proaction is based on an important relationship between the cotton plant and boll weevil reproduction, the tactic will probably be effective regardless of climate or region.  相似文献   

We conducted a 2-yr field study on growth and yield compensation in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) after artificial pest damage in Kununurra in NW Australia. The aim was to assess the responses of cotton grown in tropical Australia to simulated Helicoverpa damage early in the season (tip damage) and during fruiting (square removal). In this region, cotton is grown in an inverse temperature regimen to cotton grown in temperate regions, and it is possible that tropical cotton crops exhibit different responses to pest damage (Yeates 2001). To examine this, we imposed manual damage treatments by excising plant tips before squaring (flower bud production) and removing all large squares at 800 degree-days DD, (at base 12 degrees C; early square loss) or 1,200 DD (mid-square loss). We found high levels of tolerance in tropical cotton to simulated pest damage (particularly early square loss) equaling or possibly surpassing the compensatory response of cotton grown in temperate Australia. While yield did not differ between damage and control treatments, the trend suggests an increase in yield resulting from tip damage and early fruit loss. Compared with temperate crops, the delay in maturity caused by damage was minimal, owing to high rates of boll opening (up to 11% d(-1)). Early season tip damage resulted in a significant increase in lateral branch growth that later contributed to a higher fruiting potential. The altered canopy of tip-damaged plants also increased light interception, particularly in the upper canopy. Both of the above factors could confer a greater tolerance to subsequent fruit damage in tipped plants.  相似文献   

Unexplained variability in the relationship between the number of herbivores in a field and the amount of crop damage can arise if there is a large amount of variation among herbivore individuals in the amount of feeding damage each generates. In California, populations of the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Heteroptera: Miridae), produce highly variable levels of damage to cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.) (Malvaceae), even when found at low densities. Because L. hesperus populations are also highly variable in their overall stage structure, we hypothesize that differences in crop damage might result from varying impact by each L. hesperus stage on cotton flower buds (termed squares). Laboratory measurements of L. hesperus mouth‐parts and distance to anther sacs, a preferred feeding site, revealed that 1st?3rd instar L. hesperus nymphs will not be able to feed on anther sacs of larger squares (over 8 mm in length) but will be able to feed on squares that are most sensitive to L. hesperus damage (<7 mm). Because even the 1st instars can feed on the most sensitive ‘pinhead’ squares, size constraints do not rule out damaging effects from the youngest L. hesperus. Laboratory observations revealed that later developmental stages, and adults, spend more time feeding on cotton squares relative to 2nd and 3rd instars. In addition, a field experiment revealed no effect of 2nd instars on square retention (relative to control cages) but did reveal a significant decrease in square retention generated by adult L. hesperus (4th instar L. hesperus resulted in an intermediate level of square retention). In a final study we sampled L. hesperus stage structure and density across 38 cotton fields. Multiple regression revealed that the densities of 1st?3rd instars of L. hesperus are not correlated with anther sac damage or square retention. However, in 2 years 4th and 5th instars were positively correlated with anther sac damage and negatively correlated with square retention. In the a third year, adult L. hesperus showed correlations in the same direction, across fields and across sites within fields. Overall, these results suggest that the adults and the largest nymphs of L. hesperus (4th and 5th instars) are particularly damaging to cotton squares, with the 1st?3rd instars of L. hesperus causing little damage to plants.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) is an important pest of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., for which many economic injury and population models have been developed to predict the impact of injury by this species on cotton yield. A number of these models were developed using results from simulated damage experiments, despite the fact that no studies have demonstrated that simulated damage is comparable to real H. zea damage. Our main objective in this study was to compare the effect on yield of H. zea larvae feeding on cotton fruiting structures at different irrigation levels, larval densities, and cotton physiological ages with damage produced artificially by removing fruiting structures by hand using simulated estimates of H. zea injury. To accomplish this, we used two irrigation levels, each divided into real and simulated damage plots. In real damage plots, H. zea larvae were placed on plants and allowed to feed; whereas in simulated damage plots, fruiting structures were removed by hand using a simulation model of H. zea damage to determine numbers and amounts of fruiting structures to remove. Each of these plots was further divided into one undamaged control plot and nine treatment plots. Each treatment plot was randomly assigned one of three damage times (early, middle, or late season) and one of three H. zea densities. In 1998, we found that only artificial H. zea damage (performed by hand removal of fruiting structures) at the highest density and during the late season decreased yield; whereas real damage caused by H. zea larvae placed on plants, and artificial damage occurring at earlier time periods and lower H. zea densities did not affect yield. In 1999, both real and artificial damage decreased yield at the higher H. zea densities compared with the lowest density, but, as in 1998, this was only true when damage occurred late in the season. The most important finding of this study was that high H. zea densities had no effect on cotton yield unless they occurred late in the season. In particular, this was true for artificial H. zea damage. The second most important finding of this study was that, with the exception of late in the season, our model for simulating H. zea damage to cotton through removal of fruiting structures resulted in similar yields as real H. zea larvae damage to cotton.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Through next-generation sequencing, the amount of sequence data potentially available for phylogenetic analyses has increased exponentially in recent years. Simultaneously, the risk of incorporating 'noisy' data with misleading phylogenetic signal has also increased, and may disproportionately influence the topology of weakly supported nodes and lineages featuring rapid radiations and/or elevated rates of evolution. RESULTS: We investigated the influence of phylogenetic noise in large data sets by applying two fundamental strategies, variable site removal and long-branch exclusion, to the phylogenetic analysis of a full plastome alignment of 107 species of Pinus and six Pinaceae outgroups. While high overall phylogenetic resolution resulted from inclusion of all data, three historically recalcitrant nodes remained conflicted with previous analyses. Close investigation of these nodes revealed dramatically different responses to data removal. Whereas topological resolution and bootstrap support for two clades peaked with removal of highly variable sites, the third clade resolved most strongly when all sites were included. Similar trends were observed using long-branch exclusion, but patterns were neither as strong nor as clear. When compared to previous phylogenetic analyses of nuclear loci and morphological data, the most highly supported topologies seen in Pinus plastome analysis are congruent for the two clades gaining support from variable site removal and long-branch exclusion, but in conflict for the clade with highest support from the full data set. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that removal of misleading signal in phylogenomic datasets can result not only in increased resolution for poorly supported nodes, but may serve as a tool for identifying erroneous yet highly supported topologies. For Pinus chloroplast genomes, removal of variable sites appears to be more effective than long-branch exclusion for clarifying phylogenetic hypotheses.  相似文献   

Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae) is a key pest of cotton (Gossypium spp.) in the western United States that injures floral buds (squares) and developing fruit (bolls). However, no clear relationship between Lygus population level and plant injury has been established. Age-dependent feeding activity by L. hesperus is a possible source of variation that has not been examined for its influence in studies of the impact of Lygus on cotton. Recent video-based laboratory studies indicated that feeding behaviors and trivial movement varied among L. hesperus adults of different gender and reproductive states (prereproductive; reproductive and unmated; and reproductive and mated). We compared within-plant distributions and accumulations of feeding injury to intact cotton plants corresponding to adult L. hesperus of different gender and reproductive states. Adult females, regardless of reproductive state, were observed on squares and axillary buds more often than were males. Additionally, prereproductive adults were observed on squares and axillary buds more often than were mated or unmated reproductive adults, regardless of gender. Plants that were exposed to prereproductive adults exhibited more abscised squares and more squares with injured anthers compared with plants exposed to reproductive adults. However, feeding injury did not differ by insect mating status or gender. These results are consistent with results of our previous video-based assays, and indicate adult reproductive state represents a source of variation that should be controlled in studies to evaluate Lygus-induced injury to cotton and other crop plants.  相似文献   

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