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The ultrastructural localization of the basement membrane glycoprotein laminin was investigated in basement membranes of proximal tubules of the mouse kidney. The localization of laminin was determined using two different immunoperoxidase and one immunogold preembedding technique and one immunogold postembedding technique on unfixed and formaldehyde fixed tissue. Strong differences in the immunolocalization for laminin were found in the lamina densa of the tubular basement membrane using different techniques. After preembedding immunostaining for laminin using IgG--PO as secondary antibody, a positive reaction for the lamina densa was found in the formaldehyde fixed as well as in the unfixed kidney. After preembedding immunostaining for laminin using Protein-A--PO, staining of the 1. densa was seen in the unfixed, but not in the fixed kidney. It was striking that no clear immunoreaction in the 1. densa of the tubular basement membrane was seen in either the fixed or unfixed tissue after preembedding immunostaining for laminin using protein A-gold. With a direct postembedding immunogold technique laminin was localized only in the 1. fibroreticularis and the 1. rara but not in the 1. densa of basement membranes of proximal tubules of the unfixed and the fixed kidney.  相似文献   

Affinity-purified rabbit antibodies specific for two large noncollagenous gycoproteins--laminin and fibronectin--were used to study the distribution of these proteins in normal murine kidneys. Immunofluorescence staining of conventional frozen sections demonstrates fibronectin within mesangial areas of the glomerulus. Laminin is also found in mesangial areas. However, it also appears to be distributed in typical basement membranelike patterns on glomerular and tubular basement membranes and Bowman's capsule. At the ultrastructural level, by labeling 600-800-A thick frozen sections with a three-stage procedure consisting of specific antibodies, biotinyl sheep anti-rabbit IgG, and avidin-ferritin conjugates, fibronectin is present ony in the mesangial matrix and is specifically localized to areas immediately surrounding mesangial cell processes. Laminin, on the other hand, is found uniformly distributed throughout tubular basement membranes, the mesangial matrix, and Bowman's capsule. In glomerular basement membranes, laminin labeling is restricted to the lamina rara interna and adjacent regions of the lamina densa.  相似文献   

Nidogen and laminin were localized at preimplantation stages of mouse development by immunofluorescence. Laminin was already present on the cell surface at the 2-cell stage, while nidogen was first detectable on compacted 8- to 16-cell stage morulae. Nidogen and laminin colocalized at the blastocyst stage and in postimplantation basement membranes. Immunoblot analyses of tissue extracts and cell culture media indicated the 150-kDa form of nidogen as the largest and predominant form in all tissues examined. Radiolabeled nidogen and laminin synthesized by Reichert's membrane were coprecipitated by antibodies against each antigen, indicating complex formation in situ. Equimolar amounts of laminin and nidogen were determined in 6 M guanidine X HCl extracts of tissues by radioimmunoassays, further indicating stoichiometric complexes. However, lower levels of nidogen than laminin were found in tissue and cell culture media. A less than 2-fold increase in nidogen was found when F9 cells were stimulated to differentiate with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cAMP, compared to a 30-fold increase in laminin secretion.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies raised against laminin isolated from a mouse parietal yolk sac cell line were used for immunohistochemical studies of basement membranes of the mouse embryo and various fetal and adult tissues. No immunoreactivity with either of the two monoclonal antibodies could be detected in the preimplantation-stage embryos, although it has been shown that these embryos contain extracellular laminin reactive with the conventional polyclonal antilaminin antibodies. Reichert's membrane in early postimplantation stages of development reacted with the monoclonal antibody LAM-I but not with the antibody LAM-II. However, from day 8 of pregnancy onward the Reichert's membrane reacted with both antibodies. Basement membranes of the embryo proper were unreactive with both monoclonal antibodies until day 12 of pregnancy. By day 14 some basement membranes of the fetal tissues became reactive with one or both monoclonal antibodies, whereas others remained still unreactive. In the 17-d fetus and the newborn mouse most of the basement membranes reacted with both monoclonal antibodies, whereas others still reacted with only one. Similar heterogeneity in the immunoreactivity of basement membranes of various tissues was noted in the adult mouse as well. These results indicate that the immunoreactivity of laminin in the extracellular matrix changes during development and that the basement membranes in various anatomic locations display heterogeneity even in the adult mouse.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of basement membranes has a homogeneous appearance. The enormous cell biological importance of basement membranes and their components for cell proliferation, migration and differentiation implies that their composition is more complex than their structure suggests. To elucidate the molecular composition of basement membranes in vivo, we optimised immunogold histochemistry to allow the determination of the molecular arrangement of matrix molecules. Basically, we apply a mild fixation and embed the tissues in the hydrophilic LR-Gold. This preserves the basement membrane with a quality similar to freeze substitution. The application of two antibodies directed toward the C- and N-terminal ends of a molecule and coupled to gold particles of different sizes allows determination of the orientation of a molecule within the basement membrane. We were able to demonstrate that the molecular orientation of the laminin-1 molecule changes in the basement membrane according to cell biological needs. We also showed that ultrastructurally identical basement membranes like the ones of the proximal and distal tubules of the kidney have a differing molecular arrangement. Integrin alpha7 influences the molecular composition of the basement membranes at the myotendinous junction. With the help of double labelling at the ultrastructural level we could show that nidogen-1 is co-localised with laminin-1 and only found in fully developed, mature basement membranes. In general, laminin-1, nidogen-1 and collagen type IV are localised over the entire width of basement membranes, with laminin-1 and nidogen-1 co-localised, in accordance with the current basement membrane models. Incidentally, our investigations warn us, that not every matrix protein found at the light microscopic level as a linear staining pattern underneath an epithelium (basement membrane zone) is a real basement membrane component when investigated at the ultrastructural level. Instead, one and the same molecule, e.g. endostatin, can be a basement membrane component in one organ and a matrix molecule in another.  相似文献   

Laminins are components of all basement membranes and have well demonstrated roles in diverse developmental processes, from the peri-implantation period onwards. Laminin 1 (alpha1beta1gamma1) is a major laminin found at early stages of embryogenesis in both embryonic and extraembryonic basement membranes. The laminin gamma1 chain has been shown by targeted mutation to be required for endodermal differentiation and formation of basement membranes; Lamc1(-/-) embryos die within a day of implantation. We report the generation of mice lacking laminin alpha1 and laminin beta1, the remaining two laminin 1 chains. Mutagenic insertions in both Lama1 and Lamb1 were obtained in a secretory gene trap screen. Lamb1(-/-) embryos are similar to Lamc1(-/-) embryos in that they lack basement membranes and do not survive beyond embryonic day (E) 5.5. However, in Lama1(-/-) embryos, the embryonic basement membrane forms, the embryonic ectoderm cavitates and the parietal endoderm differentiates, apparently because laminin 10 (alpha5beta1gamma1) partially compensates for the absent laminin 1. However, such compensation did not occur for Reichert's membrane, which was absent, and the embryos died by E7. Overexpression of laminin alpha5 from a transgene improved the phenotype of Lama1(-/-) embryos to the point that they initiated gastrulation, but this overexpression did not rescue Reichert's membrane, and trophoblast cells did not form blood sinuses. These data suggest that both the molecular composition and the integrity of basement membranes are crucial for early developmental events.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural distribution of laminin within renal glomerular (GBM) and tubular basement membranes (TBM) was investigated using post-embedding immunolocalization with colloidal gold. Rat kidneys were fixed with 4% formaldehyde and embedded at 4 degrees C in Lowicryl K4M medium. Thin sections were then sequentially treated with affinity-purified rabbit anti-laminin IgG and anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to 10 nm diameter colloidal gold. Gold bound specifically to the GBM and TBM with particle densities of 690/micron2 and 731/micron2, respectively. In the GBM, the number of gold particles bound/micron2 of lamina densa greater than lamina rara externa greater than lamina rara interna. Closely similar binding patterns were found when kidneys were fixed with 0.5% glutaraldehyde plus 3% formaldehyde and embedded at 60 degrees C in L.R. White resin, but slightly less gold bound to sections overall than that seen with formaldehyde alone and Lowicryl. Taken together, these results illustrate that anti-laminin IgG, whether applied to fixed sections in vitro or introduced in vivo, bound to the lamina rara interna, lamina densa, and lamina rara externa of the GBM and throughout the TBM.  相似文献   

Characterization of tubular basement membrane antigens in human kidney   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tubular basement membrane (TBM) was prepared from normal human kidneys and solubilized with various enzymes. Collagenase digestion released antigenic moieties from the TBM. All four anti-TBM antibodies we studied, three from patients with idiopathic tubulo-interstitial nephritis (TIN) and one from a renal allograft recipient, distinctively reacted with collagenase-digested (CD) TBM during enzyme-linked immunoassay and could discriminate among sera of normal controls or of other nephritis patients, including anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) nephritis. When digested with pronase, trypsin, or pepsin, antigenicity of the TBM decreased. We studied the TBM antigens with immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. After incubation of radio-iodinated CDTBM with anti-TBM sera, immunoprecipitates were identified by single-dimension SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or two-dimension gel electrophoresis, followed by autoradiography. All four antibodies had identical results on immunoprecipitation; under nonreducing conditions, they gave two protein bands with m.w. of 54,000 and 48,000 and with pI 7.0 to 8.0 and 6.5 to 7.0. Electrophoresis performed under reducing conditions disclosed only one band at the m.w. of 48,000 and pI of 6.5, suggesting that the 54-kDa component is composed of peptides linked by interchain disulfide bonds. Immunoblot analysis showed that the anti-TBM antibodies were heterogeneous; three antibodies from the idiopathic TIN patients reacted with the 54-kDa band, but the one from the renal allograft recipient reacted with neither band. This finding suggests that there are two antigenic determinants on the 54-kDa component. One such determinant that was resistant to denaturation with SDS was detected by the first three antibodies, and the other that was sensitive to such denaturation bound to the last antibody. The 48-kDa component seemed not to be immunoreactive after incubation with SDS. We studied TBM antigens reactive with anti-GBM antibodies. By immunoblotting, all four sera from patients with anti-GBM nephritis stained TBM proteins of 45 to 50 kDa and 25 to 27 kDa at pH 8.0 to 9.0; this was similar to the staining pattern of CDGBM with the same sera, but the highly cationic (pH greater than 9.0) components were specifically detected in the CDGBM. By inhibition ELISA, the binding of the anti-GBM sera to denatured CDTBM decreased with preincubation of the sera with CDGBM, suggesting that the anti-GBM antibodies recognize the same epitope(s) on the GBM and the TBM.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical methods were used to determine whether type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan were present in diverse basement membranes. Antisera or antibodies against each substance were prepared, tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and exposed to frozen sections of duodenum, trachea, kidney, spinal cord, cerebrum, and incisor tooth from rats aged 20 days to 34 months. Bound antibodies were then localized by indirect or direct peroxidase methods for examination in the light microscope. Immunostaining for type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan was observed in all of the basement membranes encountered. Fibronectin was also found in connective tissue. In general, the intensity of immunostaining was strong for type IV collagen and laminin, moderate for heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and weak for fibronectin. The pattern was similar in the age groups under study. Very recently the sulfated glycoprotein, entactin, was also detected in the basement membranes of the listed tissues in 20-day-old rats. It is accordingly proposed that, at least in the organs examined, type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and entactin are present together in basement membranes.  相似文献   

The localization of two noncollagenous components of basement membranes, laminin and entactin, was determined in rat kidney, muscle, and small intestine using electron immunohistochemistry. In the renal glomerulus anti-laminin antibodies reacted with the basement membrane of peripheral capillary loops and with mesangial matrix. In the peripheral capillary loop laminin was preferentially distributed in both laminae rarae. This was in contrast to anti-entactin that localized in peripheral capillary loops but not in mesangial matrix. Even in the peripheral capillary loops it had a different distribution than laminin. Entactin was found predominantly in the lamina rara interna. In renal tubular basement membranes both antibodies localized throughout the full thickness of the basement membranes, with laminin having a preferential distribution in the lamina rara, whereas entactin was more evenly distributed. In the basement membrane of the duodenal mucosa entactin localized in the lamina densa, whereas laminin was present in both laminae. In skeletal muscle both antibodies had similar localization in all basement membranes. These results demonstrate that entactin is an intrinsic component of basement membranes. They also demonstrate that basement membranes from different tissues have subtle variations in content and/or assembly of the different components. It is likely that these variations may be reflected in different functional properties.  相似文献   

Specific antibodies to laminin, type IV collagen, basement-membrane proteoglycan, and fibronectin have been used in immunofluorescence microscopy to study the development of basement membranes of the embryonic kidney. Kidney tubules are known to form from the nephrogenic mesenchyme as a result of an inductive tissue interaction. This involves a change in the composition of the extracellular matrix. The undifferentiated mesenchyme expresses in the composition of the extracellular matrix. The undifferentiated mesenchyme expresses fibronectin but no detectable laminin, type IV collagen, or basement-membrane proteoglycan. During the inductive interaction, basement-membrane specific components (laminin, type IV collagen, basement membrane proteoglycan) become detectable in the induced area, whereas fibronectin is lost. While the differentiation to epithelial cells of the kidney requires an inductive interaction, the development of the vasculature seems to involve an ingrowth of cells which throughout development deposits basement-membrane specific components, as well as fibronectin. These cells form the endothelium and possibly also the mesangium of the glomerulus, and contribute to the formation of the glomerular basement membrane. An analysis of differentiation of the kidney mesenchyme in vitro in the absence of circulation supports these conclusions. Because a continuity with vasculature is required for glomerular endothelial cell differentiation, it is possible that these cells are derived from outside vasculature.  相似文献   

1. The activities of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of cyclic nucleotides were studied in sarcolemma prepared front guinea-pig heart ventricle; the enzyme activities reported here were linear under the assay conditions. 2. Adenylate cyclase was maximally activated by 3mM-NaF; NaF increased the Km for ATP (from 0.042 to 0.19 mM) but decreased the Ka for Mg2+ (from 2.33 to 0.9 mM). In the presence of saturating Mg2+ (15 mM), Mn2+ enhanced adenylate cyclase, whereas Co2+ was inhibitory. beta-Adrenergic amines (10-50 muM) stimulated adenylate cyclase (38+/-2%). When added to the assay mixture, guanyl nucleotides (GTP and its analogue, guanylyl imidophosphate) stimulated basal enzyme activity and enhanced the stimulation by isoproterenol. By contrast, preincubation of sarcolemma with guanylyl imidodiphosphate stimulated the formation of an 'activated' form of the enzyme, which did not reveal increased hormonal sensitivity. 3. The guanylate cyclase present in the membranes as well as in the Triton X-100-solubilized extract of membranes exhibited a Ka for Mn 2+ of 0.3 mM; Mn2+ in excess of GTP was required for maximal activity. Solubilized guanylate cyclase was activated by Mg2+ only in the presence of low Mn2+ concentrations; Ca2+ was inhibitory both in the absence and presence of low Mn2+. Acetylcholine as well as carbamolycholine stimulated membrane-bound guanylate cyclase. 4. Cylic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activities of sarcolemma exhibited both high-and low-Km forms with cyclic AMP and with cyclic GMP as substrate. Ca2+ ions increased the Vmax. of the cyclic GMP-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

A spectrophotometric assay was applied for quantitation of sulfated glycosaminoglycans in digested renal basement membranes of six mammalian species. The conditions of digestion and the accuracy of the assay were evaluated. Papain digestion and alkaline treatment appeared to be most effective for solubilization. Basement membrane preparations obtained by sonication contained more glycosaminoglycans than those isolated by detergent treatment. Glomerular basement membranes had generally a higher glycosaminoglycan content than tubular basement membranes.  相似文献   

Kidney glomerular basement membranes (GMBs) originate in development from fusion of a dual basement membrane between endothelial cells and primitive epithelial podocytes. After fusion, segments of newly synthesized matrix, derived primarily from podocytes, appear as subepithelial outpockets and are spliced into GBMs during glomerular capillary loop expansion. To investigate GBM assembly further, we examined newborn mouse kidneys with monoclonal rat anti-mouse laminin IgGs (MAb) conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP). In adults, these MAb strongly label glomerular mesangial matrices but bind only weakly or not at all to mature GBMs. In contrast, anti-laminin MAb intensely bound newborn mouse GBMs undergoing initial assembly. After intraperitoneal injection of MAb-HRP into neonates, dense binding occurred across both subendothelial and subepithelial pre-fusion GMBs as well as forming mesangial matrices. Considerably less MAb binding was seen, however, in post-fusion GBMs from more mature glomeruli in the same section, although mesangial matrices remained positive. In addition, new subepithelial segments in areas of splicing were negative. These results conflict with those obtained previously with injections of polyclonal anti-laminin IgGs into newborns or adults, which result in complete labeling of all GBMs. Although epitope masking cannot be completely excluded, we believe that decreased MAb binding to developing GBM reflects actual epitope loss. This loss could occur by laminin isoform substitution, conformational change, and/or proteolytic processing during GBM assembly.  相似文献   

Glomerular and tubular basement membranes were isolated from fetal, neonatal, young and adult bovine kidneys.An isolation method with sieves for both glomeruli and tubules from the same kidney was developed. A detergent procedure appeared to give purer glomerular and tubular basement membrane preparations than the generally used sonication method. No large differences were found in the composition of glomerular and tubular basement membrane of adult animals.Glomerular and tubular basement membrane preparations of the four age groups showed an increase with age of hydroxylysine and both 3- and 4-hydroxyproline. The most marked increases appeared at different stages of development, that of tubular basement membrane being between fetal and neonatal stages and glomerular basement membrane between 18 weeks old and adult animals. The ratio of 3- to 4-hydroxyproline increased considerably during development. Total imino acid content was higher for both types of basement membrane from adult than from young animals, while total content of hydroxylysine plus lysine remained fairly constant.The increase in hydroxylation of lysine was accompanied by a corresponding change in glucose and galactose content so that the ratio of galactose to hydroxylysine or glucose to galactose remained constant. Fucose content of both types of basement membranes was the same for all age groups but content of aminosugars and mannose gradually increased with age.  相似文献   

The loss of the function of the peroxisomal Mpv17-protein and associated imbalanced radical oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis leads to an early onset of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and sensorineural deafness associated with severe degeneration of cochlear structures. An excessive enlargement of basal laminae of the stria vascularis capillaries and glomeruli indicates numerous changes in their molecular composition. The basement membrane (BM) of the glomeruli and the stria vascularis are simultaneously affected in early stages of the disease and the lamination, splitting of the membrane and formation of the “basket weaving” seen at the onset of the disease in the kidney are similar to the ultrastructural alterations characteristic for Alportȁ9s syndrome. The progressive alteration of the BMs is accompanied by irregularity in the distribution of the collagen IV subunits and by an accumulation of the laminin B2(γ1) in the inner ear and B(β1) in the kidney. Since Mpv17 protein contributes to ROS homeostasis, further studies are necessary to elucidate downstream signaling molecules activated by ROS. These studies explain the cellular responses to missing Mpv17-protein, such as accumulation of the extracellular matrix, degeneration, and apoptosis in the inner ear.  相似文献   

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