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Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells are developmentally pluripotential cells which can be induced to differentiate in cell culture to form a wide variety of cell types. To investigate the lineage relationships between cells of different types, we set out to isolate cell lines with multiple but restricted developmental potentials from differentiating cultures of P19 cells, a line of EC. By selecting for differentiated cells capable of anchorage-independent growth, we isolated cell lines which differentiated in high density cultures to form at least two cell types; myocytes that resembled fetal skeletal muscle cells and loose connective tissue cells that secreted large amounts of type I collagen. These results suggest that skeletal myocytes and connective tissue share a common precursor and that stem cells with limited but multiple developmental potentials can be isolated from differentiating cultures of P19 cells.  相似文献   

Nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases of the Src family have been shown to play an important role in signal transduction as well as in regulation of microtubule protein interactions. Here we show that gamma-tubulin (gamma-Tb) in P19 embryonal carcinoma cells undergoing neuronal differentiation is phosphorylated and forms complexes with protein tyrosine kinases of the Src family, Src and Fyn. Elevated expression of both kinases during differentiation corresponded with increased level of proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine. Immunoprecipitation experiments with antibodies against Src, Fyn, gamma-tubulin, and with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody revealed that gamma-tubulin appeared in complexes with these kinases. In vitro kinase assays showed tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins in gamma-tubulin complexes isolated from differentiated cells. Pretreatment of cells with Src family selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor PP2 reduced the amount of phosphorylated gamma-tubulin in the complexes. Binding experiments with recombinant SH2 and SH3 domains of Src and Fyn kinases revealed that protein complexes containing gamma-tubulin bound to SH2 domains and that these interactions were of SH2-phosphotyrosine type. The combined data suggest that Src family kinases might have an important role in the regulation of gamma-tubulin interaction with tubulin dimers or other proteins during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a member of the herpesvirus family, is a large complex enveloped virus composed of both viral and cellular gene products. While the sequence of the HCMV genome has been known for over a decade, the full set of viral and cellular proteins that compose the HCMV virion are unknown. To approach this problem we have utilized gel-free two-dimensional capillary liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS to identify and determine the relative abundances of viral and cellular proteins in purified HCMV AD169 virions and dense bodies. Analysis of the proteins from purified HCMV virion preparations has indicated that the particle contains significantly more viral proteins than previously known. In this study, we identified 71 HCMV-encoded proteins that included 12 proteins encoded by known viral open reading frames (ORFs) previously not associated with virions and 12 proteins from novel viral ORFs. Analysis of the relative abundance of HCMV proteins indicated that the predominant virion protein was the pp65 tegument protein and that gM rather than gB was the most abundant glycoprotein. We have also identified over 70 host cellular proteins in HCMV virions, which include cellular structural proteins, enzymes, and chaperones. In addition, analysis of HCMV dense bodies indicated that these viral particles are composed of 29 viral proteins with a reduced quantity of cellular proteins in comparison to HCMV virions. This study provides the first comprehensive quantitative analysis of the viral and cellular proteins that compose infectious particles of a large complex virus.  相似文献   

HSPs (heat shock proteins) have been recognized to maintain cellular homoeostasis during changes in microenvironment. The present study aimed to investigate the HSPs expression pattern in hierarchical neural differentiation stages from mouse embryonal carcinoma stem cells (P19) and its role in heat stressed exposed cells. For induction of HSPs, cells were heated at 42°C for 30 min and recovered at 37°C in different time points. For neural differentiation, EBs (embryoid bodies) were formed by plating P19 cells in bacterial dishes in the presence of 1 mM RA (retinoic acid) and 5% FBS (fetal bovine serum). Then, on the sixth day, EBs were trypsinized and plated in differentiation medium containing neurobasal medium, B27, N2 and 5% FBS and for an extra 4 days. The expression of HSPs and neural cell markers were evaluated by Western blot, flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry in different stages. Our results indicate that HSC (heat shock constant)70 and HSP60 expressions decreased following RA treatment, EB formation and in mature neural cells derived from heat-stressed single cells and not heat-treated EBs. While the level of HSP90 increased six times following maturation process, HSP25 was expressed constantly during neural differentiation; however, its level was enhanced with heat stress. Accordingly, heat shock 12 h before the initiation of differentiation did not affect the expression of neuroectodermal and neural markers, nestin and β-tubulin III, respectively. However, both markers increased when heat shock was induced after treatment and when EBs were formed. In conclusion, our results raise the possibility that HSPs could regulate cell differentiation and proliferation under both physiological and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Human CMV (HCMV) is a widespread human pathogen that causes blindness by inducing retinitis in AIDS patients. Previously, we showed that viral immediate early 2 (IE2) protein may allow HCMV to evade the immune control by killing the Fas receptor-positive T lymphocytes attracted to the infected retina with increased secretion of Fas ligand (FasL). In this study, we further demonstrate that the secreted FasL also kills uninfected Fas-rich bystander retinal cells and that IE2 simultaneously protects the infected cells from undergoing apoptotic death, in part, by activating the expression of cellular FLIP (c-FLIP), an antiapoptotic molecule that blocks the direct downstream executer caspase 8 of the FasL/Fas pathway. c-FLIP induction requires the N-terminal 98 residues of IE2 and the c-FLIP promoter region spanning nucleotides -978 to -696. In vivo association of IE2 to this region, IE2-specific c-FLIP activation, and decrease of FasL-up-regulated activities of caspases 8 and 3 were all demonstrated in HCMV-infected human retinal cells. Moreover, c-FLIP up-regulation by IE2 appeared to involve PI3K and might also render cells resistant to TRAIL-mediated death. Finally, enhanced c-FLIP signals were immunohistochemically detected in IE-positive cells in the HCMV-infected lesions of the human retina. Taken together, these data demonstrate specific activation of c-FLIP by HCMV IE2 and indicate a novel role for c-FLIP in the pathogenesis of HCMV retinitis.  相似文献   

Human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells represent the stem cells of testicular germ cell tumours (TGCTs) and are morphologically, antigenically and functionally related to the stem cells of early mammalian embryos. Despite the large capacity for differentiation displayed by TGCT stem cells, little is known of the factors controlling their developmental potency. We have analyzed the differentiation elicited in NT2D1 human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells by Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) and compared it with that elicited by retinoic acid (RA). We have found that while RA induced expression of neuronal, endodermal and epithelial markers in NT2D1 human EC cells, treatment with BMPs resulted in a predominantly epithelial phenotype. We also provide evidence to suggest that at least some of the effects elicited by RA in human EC cells might be mediated through RA-induced expression of BMP-7. Thus BMPs may play an important role in specifying the type of differentiation arising from human multipotent stem cells. The manipulation of BMP signalling in human embryonic multipotent stem cells may therefore prove a useful approach in attempts to generate specific differentiated cell types in vitro, and loss of the malignant and/or transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

The interaction of nuclear sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins from definitive chicken erythrocytes, thymus and proliferating transformed erythroid precursor (HD3) cells with the 700-base-pair (700-bp) DNA 5'-flanking region of the chicken c-myc gene was investigated by in vitro footprint analysis. The major HD3 protein-binding activity binds to a site (site V) 200 bp upstream from the 'cap' site but, after further fractionation, a second distinct binding activity is detected to a site (site VIII) which contains both the 'CAAT' and 'SP1-binding' consensus sequences. Protein from thymus and erythrocyte cells which express c-myc at lower levels, bind to seven and eight sites respectively. In common with HD3 cell protein, they both bind to site VIII and, although binding to the sequence at site V is also detected, the footprint protection pattern is sufficiently different (site V') to suggest the involvement of different proteins in terminally differentiated and proliferating cells. The DNA-binding activities were partially fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography gel filtration and include an erythrocyte-specific protein which binds to a c-myc gene poly(dG) homopolymer sequence similar to that found upstream of the chicken beta A-globin gene.  相似文献   

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