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Abstract. Neurocalcin is a calcium-binding protein that has been localized in neural and non-neural tissues of vertebrates, the arthropod Drosophila melanogaster , and in juveniles and adults of the mollusc Aplysia californica . We examine the distribution of neurocalcin in pre-hatching stages of the molluscs A. californica and Lymnaea stagnalis to elucidate where this calcium-binding protein functions in early development, as well as to localize novel neuronal populations in early stages of ontogeny. Aplysia neurocalcin (ApNc)-like immunoreactivity was localized in shell-secreting cells in embryonic stages of both A. californica and L. stagnalis . In A. californica , central and anterior regions of the embryo were diffusely labeled, as were a few identifiable neurons in veliger stages, On the other hand, in L. stagnalis , ApNc-like immunoreactivity was clearly detected in cells and fibers in the same locations as neuronal elements that have been previously identified very early in development and throughout the embryonic period using techniques to localize specific transmitters and peptides. Furthermore, additional neurons are also identified with anti- ApNc in this species. Establishing the distribution of neurocalcin-like proteins in embryonic stages of these two molluscs provides the first step to understanding the role of such proteins during development.  相似文献   

The atrial gland is an exocrine organ that secretes into the oviduct of Aplysia californica and expresses three homologous genes belonging to the egglaying hormone gene family. Although post-translational processing of the egg-laying hormone precursor in the neuroendocrine bag cells has been examined in detail, relatively little is known about the post-translational processing of egg-laying hormone-related gene products in the atrial gland. A combination of morphologic techniques that included light-microscopic histology and immunocytochemistry, transmission electron microscopy, and immuno-electron microscopy were used to localize egg-laying hormone-related peptides in the atrial gland and to evaluate the characteristic morphology of their secretory cells. Results of these studies showed that there were at least three major types of secretory cells in the atrial gland (types 1–3). Significantly, of these three cell types, only type 1 was immunoreactive to antisera against egg-laying hormone-related precursor peptides. The immunoreactivity studies established that all three egg-laying hormone-related precursor genes are expressed in type-1 cells and indicated that the processing of these precursors also occurs within the secretory granules of this cell type. Evidence was also obtained that proteolytic processing of the egg-laying hormone-related precursors differed significantly from that observed in the bag cells. In contrast to the bag cells, the NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal products of the egg-laying hormone-related precursors of the atrial gland were not sorted into different types of vesicles.  相似文献   

Nichols R 《Peptides》2006,27(5):1130-1137
Drosophila melanogaster FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) include SDNFMRFamide, PDNFMRFamide, and TDVDHVFLRFamide (dromyosuppressin, DMS); each peptide contains a C-terminal FMRFamide but a different N-terminal extension. FaRPs and serotonin (5-HT) each affect the frequency of D. melanogaster heart contractions in vivo. We examined the cellular expression of FaRPs and 5-HT, and the activities of FMRFamide, SDNFMRFamide, PDNFMRFamide, or DMS and 5-HT on heart rate. FaRPs and 5-HT were not co-localized; FaRP-and 5-HT-immunoreactive fibers extended from different brain cells and innervated the anterior D. melanogaster dorsal vessel. However, no neuron expressed both a FaRP and 5-HT. The effect of FMRFamide and 5-HT was not different from the effect of 5-HT alone on heart rate. The effect of PDNFMRFamide and 5-HT showed an additive effect on heart rate. SDNFMRFamide and 5-HT or DMS and 5-HT resulted in non-additive effects on heart rate. Our data provide evidence for the complexity of FaRP and 5-HT interactions to regulate frequency of heart contractions in vivo. Our results also confirm the biological importance of FaRP N-terminal amino acid extensions.  相似文献   

Abstract. The timing and spatial distribution of cells containing FMRFamide-related molecules in the embryogenesis of the polychaete Ophryotrocha labronica were studied immunocytochemically. FMRFamide-like molecules emerge early during embryonic development. They are found at the one-cell stage, are asymmetrically distributed in the first phases of cleavage, associated with gastrular movements, and label the central nervous system morphogenesis. Moreover, during embryogenesis, the pattern of gut cells with the FMRFamide-like phenotype that is present in adults is already established. The early occurrence of FMRFamide-like molecules in O. labronica suggests that these molecules are involved as pre-nervous growth signals in the regulation of basic neuronal cell behaviors.  相似文献   

The distribution of (Na+ + K+) ATPase over the plasma membranes of the proximal convoluted tubule from canine renal cortex has been determined. Ultrathin frozen sections of this tissue were stained with rabbit antibodies to this enzyme and ferritin-conjugated goat antirabbit gamma-globulin. It is demonstrated that high concentrations of this enzyme uniformly line the intercellular spaces of this epithelium. The consequences of this observation are discussed in terms of the low resistant tight junctions of these tubules and the isotonic fluid transport which they support. Furthermore, antibodies to (Na+ + K+) ATPase recognize an antigen on the luminal surfaces of the tubules within the brush border. It is proposed that the enzyme is present in this region of the plasma membrane as well, although at much lower concentration. To further substantiate this conclusion, a brush border fraction has been purified from rabbit kidney and been shown to contain significant (Na+ + K+) ATPase. These results contradict earlier conclusions about the location of (Na+ + K+) ATPase in this tissue.  相似文献   

The isolation, characterization, and bioactivity in the feeding circuitry of a novel neuropeptide in the Aplysia californica central nervous system are reported. The 17-residue amidated peptide, NGGTADALYNLPDLEKIamide, has been termed cerebrin due to its primary location in the cerebral ganglion. Liquid chromatographic purification guided by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry allowed the isolation of the peptide with purity adequate for Edman sequencing. The cerebrin cDNA has been characterized and encodes an 86 amino acid prohormone that predicts cerebrin and one additional peptide. Mapping using in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry showed that cerebrin containing neuronal somata are localized almost exclusively in the cerebral ganglion, mostly in the F- and C-clusters. Both immunostaining and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of cerebrin in the neurohemal region of the upper labial nerve. In addition, immunoreactive processes were detected in the neuropil of all of the ganglia, including the buccal ganglia, and in some interganglionic connectives, including the cerebral-buccal connective. This suggests that cerebrin may also function as a local signaling molecule. Cerebrin has a profound effect on the feeding motor pattern elicited by the command-like neuron CBI-2, dramatically shortening the duration of the radula protraction in a concentration-dependent manner, mimicking the motor-pattern alterations observed in food induced arousal states. These findings suggest that cerebrin may contribute to food-induced arousal in the animal. Cerebrin-like immunoreactivity is also present in Lymnaea stagnalis suggesting that cerebrin-like peptides may be widespread throughout gastropoda.  相似文献   

The marine mollusk Aplysia californica (Aplysia) is a powerful model for learning and memory due to its minimalistic nervous system. Key proteins, identified to be regulated by the neurotransmitter serotonin in Aplysia, have been successfully translated to mammalian models of learning and memory. Based upon a recently published large‐scale analysis of Aplysia proteomic data, the current study investigated the regulation of protein levels 24 and 48 h after treatment with serotonin in Aplysia ganglia using a 2‐D gel electrophoresis approach. Protein spots were quantified and protein‐level changes of selected proteins were verified by Western blotting. Among those were Rab GDP dissociation inhibitor alpha (RabGDIα), synaptotagmin‐1 and deleted in azoospermia‐associated protein (DAZAP‐1) in cerebral ganglia, calreticulin, RabGDIα, DAZAP‐1, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F (hnRNPF), RACK‐1 and actin‐depolymerizing factor (ADF) in pleural ganglia and DAZAP‐1, hnRNPF and ADF in pedal ganglia. Protein identity of the majority of spots was confirmed by a gel‐based mass spectrometrical method (FT‐MS). Taken together, protein‐level changes induced by the learning‐related neurotransmitter serotonin in Aplysia ganglia are described and a role for the abovementioned proteins in synaptic plasticity is proposed.  相似文献   

The release by nonneural support cells of a diffusable chemical substance into the local environment in which sympathetic neurons develop is thought to play a crucial role in their differentiation. In this paper, we describe a novel class of nonneural support cells associated with a central ganglion of Aplysia californica during the premetamorphic stages of development. These support cells contain secretory granules whose contents are primarily released at metamorphosis. The release of these contents may signal the burst of neuronal growth and maturation that occurs following metamorphosis. The evidence in support of this notion is the following: (1) Spontaneous release of the granule material at metamorphosis coincides with an increase in cell body growth and a more marked increase in the density of synapses of the abdominal ganglion. (2) Premature release of the granule material before metamorphosis with artificial seawater containing a high concentration of potassium results in a burst in cell body growth and a premature increase in synapse density. (3) Premature release of granule material also results in a precocious increase in the number of spines formed and synaptic contacts received by specific identified cells. Based on the findings in this and the preceding paper, we propose a two-stage model of the developmental program for differentiation of neurons in the abdominal ganglion. First, axosomatic contacts trigger axonal outgrowth. Second, material released from the granules of the support cells stimulates further steps in neuronal differentiation, including cell growth, spine development, and synapse formation.  相似文献   

 Recent reports indicate that neuronal elements develop in early larval stages of some Gastropoda from the Pulmonata and Opisthobranchia prior to the appearance of any ganglia of the future adult central nervous system (CNS). The present study describes similar early neuronal elements in Crepidula fornicata. A posterior FMRFamide-like immunoreactive (LIR) cell with anteriorly projected fibers was observed in the trochophore stage. Additional FMRFamide-LIR and serotonin-LIR cells and fibers were found in the apical organ in the trochophore and early veliger stages. FMRFamide-LIR and serotonin-LIR projections to the velum and foot were also detected at this time. As the veliger developed, peripheral FMRFamide-LIR and later catecholaminergic cells were located in the foot region. Also during this stage, catecholaminergic cells and processes were observed near the mouth. In addition, this study tentatively identified the first serotonin- and FMRFamide-LIR cells and fibers within the developing ganglia of the adult CNS, which appeared in close proximity to the earlier developing elements. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that, in addition to its presumed role in the control of larval behaviors, the larval nervous system guides the development of the adult CNS. Larvae from the class Bivalvia and other invertebrate phyla also have neuronal elements marked by the presence of FMRFamide, serotonin, and catecholamines, and, therefore, this study may provide additional insights into phylogenetic relationships of the Gastropoda with other representatives of the Mollusca and different invertebrate phyla. Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

Serotonin and dopamine, both likely transmitter substances in Aplysia, stimulated formation of adenosine-3',5' monophosphate (cAMP) in ganglia, connectives, and identified nerve cell bodies. This widespread distribution suggests that receptors for the response are localized throughout the nervous system, as is adenyl cyclase. Both synthesis of cAMP-3H from precursor previously labeled in incubations with adenine-3H and total content of cAMP were stimulated up to 15-fold. The acetylcholine analogue carbachol, glutamate, norepinephrine, and histamine were inactive. Full stimulation occurred within 2–4 min of applying serotonin; the extent of the effect was half maximal at 6µ serotonin. Even in the continued presence of serotonin, the increased cAMP diminished with time. When serotonin was removed, tissue remained refractory for 15–20 min; sensitivity returned after 25 min. Serotonin stimulated cAMP after removal of extracellular Na, K, or Cl and in isotonic sucrose, with all extracellular ions removed. Elevating Mg, which blocked the stimulation of cAMP caused by synaptic activity, did not affect the response to serotonin. Thus the response appeared to be independent of transmitter release and of changes in synaptic potentials and current flow. The role of cAMP in neuronal functioning remains to be determined. Conditions which markedly increased cAMP in neurons, however, did not affect the rate of RNA synthesis, nor did they alter the distribution of phosphorylated adenine or uridine nucleotides.  相似文献   

Serotonin is a vital neurotransmitter for the functioning of the nervous system in species throughout the animal phyla. Despite its ubiquitous nature, the metabolism of this molecule has yet to be completely elucidated in even the most basic of organisms. Two novel serotonin catabolites, serotonin-O-sulfate and gamma-glu-serotonin-O-sulfate, are chemically characterized using capillary electrophoresis with wavelength-resolved fluorescence detection and electrospray mass spectrometry, and the formation of gamma-glu-serotonin in Aplysia californica is confirmed. These novel compounds appear to be synthesized enzymatically, and known mammalian enzymes exist for all serotonin transformations observed here. The pathway of serotonin inactivation depends upon the type of neuronal tissue subjected to neurotransmitter incubation, with assorted serotonin products observed in distinct locations. Initially demonstrated to be in the metacerebral cell (MCC) soma, the new serotonin metabolite serotonin-O-sulfate may contribute to important functions in the serotonergic system beyond simple serotonin inactivation.  相似文献   

Urotensin I (UI) and urotensin II (UII) were demonstrated in the cerebral ganglia of Aplysia californica by applying immunocytochemical and radioimmunoassay procedures. Sequential analysis of adjacent sections of the cerebral ganglia of Aplysia demonstrated that the UI-immunoreactive (UI-IR) neurons of the F cluster of the cerebral ganglia also contained UII immunoreactivity (UII-IR). Both UI-IR and UII-IR were also observed in a cuff-like arrangement of fibers surrounding the proximal portion of the supralabial nerve, as well as in a few fibers in the anterior tentacular nerves. The UI-IR perikarya of the cerebral ganglia appeared to project to the entire CNS of Aplysia, but the UII-IR fibers appeared only in the neuropile and commissure of the cerebral ganglia. The UI-IR staining was abolished by previous immunoabsorption of the UI antiserum with sucker (Catastomus commersoni) UI, but not with ovine corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), rat/human CRF, or goby (Gillichthys mirabilis) UII. Immunostaining with UII antiserum was quenched by goby UII, but not by sucker UII-A, UII-B, UII-A(6-12), or carp (Cyprinus carpio) UII-alpha and UII-gamma. The UII staining was not abolished by UI or somatostatin. The F cluster was not stained when a somatostatin antiserum was applied. Radioimmunoassay of dilutions of cerebral ganglia extract, using UII antiserum, revealed a parallel displacement curve to synthetic goby UII.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Application of an ethylene glycol lysis technique to extract water-soluble, low molecular weight polypeptides in Aplysia neurons, was used in conjunction with microgradient gel electrophoresis and micro-isoelectric focusing, to identify unique polypeptides in specific, identified neurons. The polypeptides found in neurons R15, R3-13, R14, and the bag cells were particularly abundant, consistent with the previously suggested neurosecretory role for these cells. Water extraction of the strongly basic polypeptides (pI 10.7) in R3-13 and R14 required an acidic lysis medium.  相似文献   

Stages in the post-hatching development of Aplysia californica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the development of the nervous system of the marine mollusc, Aplysia californica, it is necessary objectively to assess the maturity of individual specimens. This can be done by defining stages in the life cycle. The post-hatching development can be divided into four phases: planktonic, metamorphic, juvenile, and adult. These phases can be further subdivided into 13 stages on the basis of behavioral and morphological characteristics visible in living specimens: Stage 1, newly hatched; Stage 2, eyes develop; Stage 3, the larval heart beats; Stage 4, maximum shell size is reached; Stage 5, the propodium develops; Stage 6, red spots appear; Stage 7, the velum is shed; Stage 8, eyebrows appear; Stage 9, pink color develops; Stage 10, white spots appear; Stage 11, rhinophores grow; Stage 12, the genital groove forms; Stage 13, egg laying begins. Reconstructions from serial sections taken from specimens fixed at each of these stages reveal the sequence of formation of the major organ systems. The nervous system develops gradually. The cerebral and pedal ganglia are present at Stage 1, the optic ganglia develop at Stage 2, the abdominal, pleural, and osphradial ganglia at Stage 3, the buccal ganglia at Stage 5, and the genital ganglion at Stage 13. Because Aplysia develops gradually, it is possible to analyze the contribution which gastropod torsion makes to the different phases of the life cycle. The Aplysia embryo undergoes 120 degrees torsion prior to Stage 1. The major visceral organs, the digestive system, heart, gill, and visceral nervous system, develop sybsequently in their post-torsional positions. After metamorphosis, there is a partial de-torsion which involves only the digestive system. Torsion of the digestive system may therefore be beneficial only to the pre-metamorphic larva, and not to the postmetamorphic juvenile.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine Regulation of Egg Laying in Aplysia californica   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two clusters of neurons, the bag cells, associated with thecentral nervous system of Aplysia californica play an essentialrole in the induction of egg laying by the animal. Studies concernedwith the morphology, electrophysiology, biochemistry, and functionof these cells are reviewed and discussed. The unusually favorablecharacteristics of this preparation suit it for developmentas a model neuroendocrine effector system.  相似文献   

Biochemical properties of neuronal protein phosphatases from Aplysia californica were characterized. Dephosphorylation of phosphorylase alpha by extracts of abdominal ganglia and clusters of sensory neurons from pleural ganglia was demonstrated. Type-1 protein phosphatase (PrP-1) was identified in these extracts by the dephosphorylation of the beta-subunit of phosphorylase kinase and its inhibition by the protein, inhibitor-2. Type-2A protein phosphatase (PrP-2A) was demonstrated by the dephosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of phosphorylase kinase, which was insensitive to inhibitor-2. As in vertebrate tissues, only four enzymes, PrP-1 (47%), PrP-2A (42%), PrP-2B (11%), and PrP-2C (less than 1%), accounted for all the cellular protein phosphatase activity dephosphorylating phosphorylase kinase. Aplysia PrP-1 and PrP-2A were potently inhibited by okadaic acid, with PrP-1 being approximately 20-fold more sensitive than PrP-2A. By comparison, purified PrP-2A from rabbit skeletal muscle was 15- to 20-fold more sensitive to okadaic acid than PrP-1 from the same source. Only PrP-1 was associated with the particulate fractions from Aplysia neurons, whereas PrP-1 and PrP-2A, -2B, and -2C were all present in the cytosol. Extraction of the particulate PrP-1 decreased its sensitivity to okadaic acid by sixfold, suggesting that cellular factor(s) affect its sensitivity to this inhibitor. In most respects, protein phosphatases from Aplysia neurons resemble their mammalian counterparts, and their biochemical characterization sets the stage for examining the role of these enzymes in neuronal plasticity, and in learning and memory.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase in individual neurons of Aplysia californica   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The activities of choline acetyltransferase in the various ganglia of the nervous system of Aplysia californica and in some of the individually identifiable neurons in these ganglia were measured. At least four of the neurons were characterized by an apparent absence of the enzyme. The neurons containing measurable amounts of the enzyme had reproducible levels from animal to animal. Individual neurons from the same animal were generally characterized by different levels of activity whether expressed on a cell or a protein basis. However, those pairs of neurons previously classified as ‘homologous’ because of their similar appearance, location and/or electrophysiological function, also contained the same total amounts of enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Muscular hydrostats, such as tongues, trunks or tentacles, have fewer constraints on their degrees of freedom than musculoskeletal systems, so changes in a structure’s shape may alter the positions and lengths of other components (i.e., induce mechanical reconfiguration). We studied mechanical reconfiguration during rejection and swallowing in the marine mollusk Aplysia californica. During rejection, inedible material is pushed out of an animal’s buccal cavity. The grasper (radula/odontophore) closes on inedible material, and then a posterior muscle, I2, pushes the grasper toward the jaws (protracts it). After the material is released, an anterior muscle complex (the I1/I3/jaw complex) pushes the grasper toward the esophagus (retracts it). During swallowing, the grasper is protracted open, and then retracts closed, pulling in food. Grasper closure changes its shape. Magnetic resonance images show that grasper closure lengthens I2. A kinetic model quantified the changes in the ability of I2 and I1/I3 to exert force as grasper shape changed. Grasper closure increases I2’s ability to protract during rejection, and increases I1/I3’s ability to retract during swallowing. Motor neurons controlling radular closure may therefore affect the behavioral outputs of I2’s and I1/I3’s motor neurons. Thus, motor neurons may modulate the outputs of other motor neurons through mechanical reconfiguration.Valerie A. Novakovic and Gregory P. Sutton contributed equally to the paper.  相似文献   

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