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The use of the oxygen electrode in measuring the respirationrate of potato slices between o° C. and 27° C. is described.When slices are transferred from 27° C. to o° C. therespiration rate adjusts to the level characteristic of thelow temperature within 2 or 3 minutes. The slices have a highoxygen affinity and the respiration rate at o° C. is approximately10 per cent. of the rate at 24° C. in both freshly cut slicesand slices aged 24 hours, during which time respiration increasesfourfold.  相似文献   

Potassium uptake by Helianthus annuus plants growing in waterculture was found to be closely dependent upon the translocationof sugar to the roots. This relationship was used to determinethe effect of cooling on the rate of translocation. A Q10 ofapproximately 3 over the range 0–25° C was obtainedbut tracer experiments showed that translocation was not stoppedat 0° C. A complete recovery in translocation rate appeared to occurin some experiments after prolonged cooling. It is concludedthat this can only be satisfactorily explained on the assumptionthat carbohydrates move in the sieve tubes by mass flow. Thedriving force of such a mass flow is considered to be locatedin each sieve element.  相似文献   

KNEE  M. 《Journal of experimental botany》1987,38(10):1724-1733
Knee, M. 1987. Development of ethylene biosynthesis in pearfruits at — 1 °C.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1724–1733. The regulation of ethylene synthesis in pear fruits was investigated.During storage for 60 d at — 1 °C the rate of ethylenesynthesis increased 100-fold but the concentration of 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC) increased only 2-fold and ACC synthase activity waslow. On transfer to 15 °C after storage at — 1 °Cethylene synthesis increased 10-fold within 10 h but ACC synthaseactivity only increased rapidly after 24 h; the decline in ACClevels during the first 16 h at 15 °C was insufficient tosustain ethylene synthesis. Ethylene synthesis was further investigatedusing discs cut from the mid cortex of pear fruits. Synthesiswas inhibited by aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and amino-oxyaceticacid at all stages of ripening. The rate of synthesis and ACCsynthase activity increased rapidly after slicing of pears heldat — 1 °C but more slowly in discs cut from pearsimmediately after harvest. Cycloheximide (CHI) inhibited theseincreases and reversed increases resulting from pre-incubationof discs. A combination of CHI and AVG abolished the capacityof discs to synthesize ACC and ethylene production was curtailed.Cordycepin and actinomycin-D were less effective as inhibitorsof the development of ethylene synthesis and ACC synthase activitythan as inhibitors of incorporation of 5-[3H] uridine into totalRNA or poly A rich RNA. The ability of discs to develop ethylenesynthesis and ACC synthase activity in the presence and absenceof cordycepin increased concurrently during storage of wholefruits at — 1 °C. This suggested that mRNA for ACCsynthase was formed at — 1 °C. Key words: 1-Aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid, ethylene, fruit ripening, Pyrus communis L. (fruit ripening)  相似文献   

As a part of the Bacillus subtilis genome sequencing project,we have determined a 25-kb sequence covering the 17°–19°region. This region contains 26 complete open reading frames(ORFs) including the alkA and adaA/B operon, which encode genesfor adaptive response to DNA alkylation. A homology search forthe newly identified 21 ORFs revealed that 4 of them exhibita significant similarity to known proteins, e.g., methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA) protein homolog, proteins involvedin chloramphenicol resistance, glucosamine synthase and an ABCtransporter protein. The remaining 17 ORFs did not show anysignificant sequence similarities to known gene products inthe database.  相似文献   

Cellular degeneration is essential for many developmental and stress acclimation processes. Undifferentiated parenchymatous cells in the central vascular cylinder of pea primary roots degenerate under hypoxic conditions created by flooding at temperatures >15°C, forming a long vascular cavity that seems to provide a conduit for longitudinal oxygen transport in the roots. We show that specific changes in the cell wall ultrastructure accompanied previously detected cytoplasmic and organellar degradation in the cavity-forming roots. The degenerating cells had thinner primary cell walls, less electron-dense middle lamellae, and less abundant cell wall homogalacturonans in altered patterns, compared to healthy cells of roots grown under cold, nonflooded conditions. Cellular breakdown and changes in wall ultrastructure, however, remained confined to cells within a 50-μm radius around the root center, even after full development of the cavity. Cells farther away maintained cellular integrity and had signs of wall synthesis, perhaps from tight regulation of wall metabolism over short distances. These observations suggest that the cell degeneration might involve programmed cell death. We also show that warm, nonflooded or cold, flooded conditions that typically do not induce vascular cavity formation can also induce variations in cell wall ultrastructure.  相似文献   

The variations of leaf carbohydrate concentration, carbon isotopediscrimination () of leaf soluble carbohydrate, gas-exchangeand growth during a soil drying cycle under 350 and 700 µmolmol-1 CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) inQuercus robur seedlings wereanalysed. In well-watered conditions, a doubling of [CO2] causedan increase of CO2 assimilation rate (A) ( +47%) and a decreaseof stomatal conductance for water vapour (g) (–25%),anddoubled the intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/g). The valuesof A were not affected by elevated [CO2] which was consistentwith the 2-fold increase of A/g. Elevated [CO2 also significantlyincreased sucrose and starch leaf concentrations as well asaerial growth and plant dry weight. The stimulating effect ofCO2 enrichment on A and A/g was maintained in moderate droughtconditions, but disappeared in the most severe drought conditions.Drought induced an increase of hexose concentrations in both[CO2], but this effect was more pronounced under elevated [CO2],which may contribute to increase osmoregulation. From the onsetof drought, starch was depleted in both [CO2]. Carbon isotopediscrimination decreased in response to drought, which correspondedto an increase in A/g according to the two-step model of isotopicdiscrimination. In contrast, the A/g values derived from instantaneousleaf gas-exchange measurements decreased along the drying cycle.The discrepancy observed between the two independent estimatesof water-use efficiency is discussed in terms of time-scaleintegration. The results obtained with the isotopic approachusing soluble carbohydrate suggest a predominant stomatal limitationof CO2 assimilation in response to drought. Soil drying cycle,elevated CO2, leaf gas-exchange, leaf carbohydrate concentrations,carbon isotope discrimination, growth, Quercus robur. Key words: soil drying cycle, elevated CO2, leaf gas-exchange, leaf carbohydrate concentrations, carbon isotope discrimination, growth, Quercus robur  相似文献   

To find out whether the decrease in muscle performance of isolated mammalian skeletal muscle associated with the increase in temperature toward physiological levels is related to the increase in muscle superoxide (O2) production, O2 released extracellularly by intact isolated rat and mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles was measured at 22, 32, and 37°C in Krebs-Ringer solution, and tetanic force was measured in both preparations at 22 and 37°C under the same conditions. The rate of O2 production increased marginally when the temperature was increased from 22 to 32°C, but increased fivefold when the temperature was increased from 22 to 37°C in both rat and mouse preparations. This increase was accompanied by a marked decrease in tetanic force after 30 min incubation at 37°C in both rat and mouse EDL muscles. Tetanic force remained largely depressed after return to 22°C for up to 120 min. The specific maximum Ca2+-activated force measured in mechanically skinned fibers after the temperature treatment was markedly depressed in mouse fibers but was not significantly depressed in rat muscle fibers. The resting membrane and intracellular action potentials were, however, significantly affected by the temperature treatment in the rat fibers. The effects of the temperature treatment on tetanic force, maximum Ca2+-activated force, and membrane potential were largely prevented by 1 mM Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl), a membrane-permeable superoxide dismutase mimetic, indicating that the increased O2 production at physiological temperatures is largely responsible for the observed depression in tetanic force at 37°C by affecting the contractile apparatus and plasma membrane. intact mammalian muscle; physiological temperature; superoxide; excitation-contraction coupling; maximum Ca2+-activated force; muscle excitability; cytochrome c assay  相似文献   

Many bacteria can survive for days or weeks at temperatures of 4 degrees or 22 degrees C in medium containing 15% (v/v) glycerol as a cryoprotectant. This observation suggests that breakdown of refrigeration for a short time may not be a serious danger to survival of cultures stored frozen in such media.  相似文献   

Light-induced H+ transport in spinach chloroplasts at lowertemperatures was investigated with a glass electrode. Half-decaytime of the H+ transport on turning off the illumination increasedwith lowering of the temperature. However, near the freezingpoint of bulk water, the H+ transport showed no dependency ontemperature. An Arrhenius plot of the apparent first-order rate constantof H+ transport showed a break at about 8°C. Below thatcritical temperature, activation energy was about 0 kcal/mole. The break temperature in the Arrhenius plot shifted by 2–3°Cto a higher temperature in the presence of 10% glycerol, aneffective water structure-enhancing agent. On the other hand,addition of 5 mM NaSCN, known as a potent water structure breaker,abolished the break and a constant activation energy was obtainedover the entire low temperature range. A similar effect wasobserved in the presence of 50 mM urea. On the basis of these results, we propose a mechanism for theH+ transport of chloroplasts at lower temperatures involvingstructured water, where rapid proton transfer between hydrogen-bondedstructured water molecules takes place. (Received September 11, 1975; )  相似文献   

The amount of messenger RNA (mRNA) for polypeptides of the chlorophyll a/b-protein complex of thylakoid membranes in etiolated and greening cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii y-1 was examined by immunoprecipitation and electrophoresis of products of in vitro translation to determine at which stage production of these polypeptides is regulated. Cells grown 4 d in the dark at 25 degrees C contained small amounts of translatable mRNA for the major membrane polypeptides. Exposure of these etiolated cells to light, under conditions in which the membrane polypeptides accumulated, resulted in a significant increase in the quantity of the mRNA. In contrast, when etiolated cells were incubated for 1-2 h in the dark at 38 degrees C, translation assays indicated that mRNA for the membrane polypeptides became abundant. Moreover, the quantity of the mRNA did not increase when these cells subsequently were exposed to light. Therefore, at 38 degrees C the cellular level of the polypeptides is not regulated by synthesis of mRNA. The in vitro synthesized polypeptides, which were precipitated with antibodies prepared against the purified thylakoid polypeptides, had apparent molecular weights of 31,500 and 30,000. The corresponding immunoprecipitated polypeptides made in vivo had apparent molecular weights of 29,500 and 26,000. Thus, the membrane polypeptides are made as precursors. No net accumulation of the polypeptides occurred in cells in the dark at 38 degrees C, but immunoreactive polypeptides the size of the mature membrane components were labeled during incubation of cells with [14C]acetate in the dark. These results indicated that the mRNA was translated in the dark, but since the polypeptides did not accumulate, the products of translation were probably degraded. We conclude from our experiments that at 25 degrees C production of the polypeptides is regulated by the level of translatable mRNA in the cells. At 38 degrees C, however, the accumulation of the polypeptides is controlled by posttranslational processes.  相似文献   

Two contrasting cultivars of Lolium perenne were exposed toa range of daily radiation integrals during hardening at 2°Cfor 15 d. The maximum induced freezing tolerance measured asLT50 (temperature for 50 % kill) differed markedly between thecultivars. The observed LT50 values were unaffected by changesin the radiation integral above 10 mol m–2 d–1,whereas accumulation of water-soluble carbohydrate showed astrong positive correlation with the radiation integral overthe entire range of the experiment. The correlation betweenLT50 and soluble carbohydrate content at the end of the hardeningperiod was poor and showed no obvious connection with genotype.Fructan polymers and sucrose were the major components of thesoluble carbohydrates in both cultivars. The depression of freezingpoint attributable to the accumulation of soluble, osmoticallyactive carbohydrate was not sufficient to account for the observedchanges in LT50 in the hardy genotype. These results are discussedin relation to the interactions between growth, photosynthesisand assimilate partitioning during hardening. Lolium perenne, hardening, freezing tolerance, irradiance, carbohydrate, fructan  相似文献   

Changes in the 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal (HHE) and malonaldehyde (MA) contents were investigated in the meat of the yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiate containing 0, 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 M NaCl stored at 0 degrees C for 7 days. After 7 days of storage, the HHE content was significantly lower and the MA content significantly higher in the meat containing NaCl than in the control without NaCl.  相似文献   

The interaction between Concanavalin A (ConA) and the lanthanide ions La3+ and Gd3+ has been studied calorimetrically at 25 degrees C. The measurements were carried out at a pH of 4.5, where the protein exists prevailingly as a dimer. Calorimetry allows the direct determination of the binding enthalpy and the evaluation of both the apparent association constant, and the apparent free energy and entropy. Three groups of data were collected. The first concerns the interaction of the 'native' protein, i.e., fully metallized with Mn2+ and Ca2+, with the lanthanides. The second concerns the interaction of the completely demetallized protein with La3+ and Gd3+. Finally, the affinity of each complex was tested for the specific sugar alpha-methylmannopyranoside. The analysis of the thermodynamic parameters obtained, led to the following conclusions: 1) a specific site, named S3, exists on the protein for the lanthanides, distinct from the S1 site of the transition metal and from the S2 site, specific for calcium. There is only one S3 site per protomer when the protein has Mn2+ in S1 and Ca2+ in S2. Moreover, there is no appreciable competition for S1 and S2 from the lanthanides. The 'native' protein, metallized with La3+ or Gd3+, is a fully functional protein. 2) The demetallized protein (ApoCon A) has at least two sites per protomer for the lanthanides. The hypothesis is that, besides the S3 site, the lanthanides, in the absence of Mn2+, can also occupy the S1, but not the S2, site. The protein metallized only with gadolinium ion is completely inactive toward the interaction with the mannoside. The same happens when, along with gadolinium, only calcium or manganese is present. Hence, in the absence of the transition metal in S1 or of calcium in S2, the protein is not in the conformation suitable to interact with its specific substrate.  相似文献   

The influence of environmental variables which are known tochange with altitude on the 13C of leaves of Nardus stricta,have been investigated in controlled environment experiments.Low temperature and an increased incidence of freezing temperaturescaused 13C to increase. In contrast, lowered atmospheric pressurereduced 13C. Increased leaf surface wetness and soil water contentalso caused a decrease. Plants from different altitudes didnot differ consistently or significantly in their responses. Key words: Carbon isotope discrimination, altitude, temperature, atmospheric pressure, freezing  相似文献   

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