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A simple, efficient method for the purification of plasma membranes from cultured cells is presented. Membrane purification is effected by attachment of viable cells to commercially available microcarrier culture beads, followed by lysis of the cells, agitation on a vortex mixer and sonication. Optimal conditions for each step of the procedure are described. Enzyme markers from plasma membranes are purified 10–20-fold relative to whole cell homogenates while internal membrane markers are depleted 10–20-fold.  相似文献   

We have tried to define which proteins of chromaffin cell plasma membranes are facing the cytoplasm by surface labelling a selectively oriented membrane preparation.Viable chromaffin cells were isolated by collagenase treatment of bovine adrenals. Plasma membranes from these cells were isolated on polycationic beads by the method of Jacobson and Branton (Jacobson, B.S. and Branton, D. (1977) Science 195, 302–304). The purity and orientation of the membranes were defined by biochemical and morphological criteria. The membranes, with their external side apposed to the bead surface, were enriched about 10-fold with respect to a whole cell homogenate, and contained only small amounts of contaminating organelles. Surface specific iodination of membranes on beads with 1,3,4,6-tetrachloro-3α, 6α-diphenylglycoluril (Iodogen), followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, allowed the identification of cytoplasmically exposed proteins. A different pattern was observed when intact cells were labelled prior to membrane isolation. The advantages and possible uses of this immobilized membrane preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the modern sea urchin species, subclass Euechinoidea, primary mesenchyme cells are derived from the progeny of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage of embryogenesis. The micromeres reside within the vegetal plate epithelium and later ingress into the blastocoel as primary mesenchyme cells which form the larval skeleton. Embryos of Eucidaris tribuloides, a member of the primitive subclass Perischoechinoidea, exhibit several noteworthy differences from euechinoid primary mesenchyme cell lineage including variable numbers and sizes of micromeres, the absence of mesenchyme ingression, and the lack of any detectable primary mesenchyme although a larval skeleton forms. In the present study, the cell lineage of the spiculogenic mesenchyme has been studied in Eucidaris tribuloides and in the euechinoid Lytechinus pictus by microinjecting the fluorescent tracer, Lucifer Yellow, into individual blastomeres of the embryo. In addition, wheat germ agglutinin, a lectin which binds only to primary mesenchyme cells of the early euechinoid embryo, was injected into the blastocoel of embryos of both species in order to examine the distribution of cells which possess primary mesenchyme-specific cell surface markers. The results of these experiments demonstrate that the spiculogenic mesenchyme of both Lytechinus and Eucidaris arise from descendants of micromeres formed at the sixteen cell stage, although the temporal and spatial distribution of these mesenchyme cells varies considerably between species. Furthermore, the evidence obtained suggests that the information necessary for spicule formation is already segregated to the vegetal pole by the eight cell stage. The results also suggest that there are no gap junctions present between the blastomeres of the early sea urchin embryo.  相似文献   

Summary The basal laminae and inner extracellular matrices of Lytechinus pictus and Arbacia punctulata embryos were characterized on the basis of lectin binding. Developmental stage specific patterns of lectin binding were observed after microinjection of Con A-FITC and WGA-FITC. Lectin-specific patterns differed between control, sulfate free sea water (SFSW) and tunicamycin treated embryos. Con A injection resulted in the rounding-up of cells in the epithelium and was most pronounced in embryos cultured in the presence of tunicamycin. Basal laminae were isolated by Triton X-100 extraction of whole embryos. Proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE, electrophoretically transferred to nitrocellulose and incubated in biotinylated lectins. Lectin-binding glycoproteins were detected with avidin peroxidase. The electrophoretic pattern of Con A-binding proteins in early developmental stages of Arbacia was similar with several low molecular weight species appearing at gastrulation in control and SFSW embryos. WGA-binding in Arbacia and Lytechinus control embryos was limited to a 125,000 Mr glycoprotein (gp125). In addition to gp125, several high molecular weight WGA-binding glycoproteins were also detected in SFSW embryos. The evidence suggests that mesenchyme migration and gastrulation are correlated with changes in the molecular composition of the ECM.  相似文献   

Summary Some plant lectins, Concanavalin agglutinin (Con A), succinyl Con A and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) increased the adhesion of dissociated embryonic cells of the sea urchin,Pseudocentrotus depressus, to the substratum (plastic and glass surface) in vitro. Other plant lectins,Ulex europeus agglutinin (UEA) andDolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) had no effect on the cell-to-substratum interaction. A specific monocarbohydrate inhibitor of lectins, -methyl-d-mannoside, inhibited the Con A-induced cell-to-substratum adhesion of dissociated embryonic cells. This observation suggests that the Con A-induced cell-to-substratum adhesion may be attributed to the Con A-carbohydrate interaction. In Millipore-filtered sea water (MPFSW) containing Con A (0.1 mg/ml), dissociated embryonic cells adhered to the substratum for more than 6 h at 18°C, while in MPFSW as control, almost all the dissociated cells were released from the substratum after 1 h. A scanning electron microscopic study showed that dissociated embryonic cells adhered to the substratum were surrounded by an extracellular fibrous material, when the cells were cultured in MPFSW containing Con A. The induction of the extracellular fibrous material by Con A was inhibited by -methyl-d-mannoside. The appearance of this material may be related to the cell-to-substratum adhesion of dissociated cells. Sequential extractions of Con A-treated dissociated cells with Triton X 100 and urea solubilized most of the cellular components, leaving the fibrous material on the surface. Biochemical conponents of the isolated fibrous material included sea urchin fibronectin, Con A and minor components (88 and 140 kilodalton proteins). Fibronectin preformed in the cells was excreted after the dissociation, while the 88 and 140 kilodalton proteins were synthesized and released to the extracellular space.  相似文献   

An asymmetric fourth cell division in the sea urchin embryo results in formation of daughter cells, macromeres and micromeres, with distinct sizes and fates. Several lines of functional evidence presented here, including pharmacological interference and dominant negative protein expression, indicate that heterotrimeric G protein Gi and its interaction partner, activator of G-protein signaling (AGS), are necessary for this asymmetric cell division. Inhibition of Gi signaling by pertussis toxin interferes with micromere formation and leads to defects in embryogenesis. AGS was isolated in a yeast two-hybrid screen with G alpha i as bait and was expressed in embryos localized to the cell cortex at the time of asymmetric divisions. Introduction of exogenous dominant-negative AGS protein, containing only G-protein regulatory (GPR) domains, selectively prevented the asymmetric division in normal micromere formation. These results support the growing evidence that AGS is a universal regulator of asymmetric cell divisions in embryos.  相似文献   

Summary The early sea urchin embryo is supported in a concentric position within the perivitelline space by elongated microvilli which are attached to the fertilization envelope by extracellular matrix fibers. This “attachment complex,” of microvillus tip: extracellular matrix fibers: fertilization envelope, was revealed by two methods: the use of pronase or calcium-free sea water to dissolve the extracellular matrix fibers, thus causing the eggs to lose their concentric location, and the visualization of the “attachment complex” using video-enhanced differential interference contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscope images. The presence of the “attachment complex” helps in understanding two types of early developmental events: (1) the apparently continual change in microvillus length during cleavage stages which retains the embryos in their concentric position and (2) the hatching process.  相似文献   

Summary— Sea urchin embryos can be easily dissociated into single cells by exposure to Ca2+- and Mg2+-free seawater. When transferred back to normal seawater, isolated cells spontaneously form aggregates capable of development. Here, the Ca2+-dependent self-aggregation of toposome, a 22S glycoprotein complex which mediates cell-cell adhesion in sea urchin embryos, has been investigated using the purified molecule. Results show that the 22S complex is completely converted to 15S particles by sedimentation on sucrose isokinetic gradients in the presence of EDTA. Reconstitution of the 22S complex is achieved by readdition of Ca2+. We propose that the 15S particle constitutes the toposome functional unit on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Summary A novel fibronectin-binding acid polysaccharide (FAPS) was isolated from embryos of the sea urchin. Binding of FAPS to fibronectin was quantitatively measured at physiological pH and ionic strength by two different assay systems. Immunofluorescent studies revealed that FAPS is localized in the extracellular matrix surrounding the mesenchyme cells and primitive gut of middle gastrula. Sea urchin fibronectin was also detected in the extracellular matrix surrounding mesenchyme cells and the cells surrounding the blastopore. When a monoclonal antibody to FAPS (anti-FAPS) was microinjected into the blastocoel, more than one pair of triradiate spicular rudiments was formed and the malformation of spicules was induced. Armless and deformed larvae were also induced by anti-FAPS. FAPS may regulate the number, length, position and direction of spicules. These results implicate the extracellular matrix of the blastocoel in the complex process of differentiation of mesenchyme and the formation of spicules.  相似文献   

A much-simplified method for the purification of plasma membranes of cultured cells is presented, based upon the attachment of viable cells to nitrocellulose-treated DEAE-Sephadex beads, and their subsequent shearing by hypotonic lysis, agitation on a vortex mixer and sonication. The method is suggested by an older procedure involving attachment to poly-(L-lysine)-coated glass or polyacrylamide beads; the preparation involved in the present method, however, is considerably easier, more rapid and less expensive. Recovery of L-cell plasma membrane marker enzyme activities is approx. 25%, while contamination by internal membrane markers is much less than 1%.  相似文献   

The purification, biochemical characterization and functional features of a novel extracellular matrix protein are described. This protein is a component of the basal lamina found in embryos from the sea urchin species Paracentrotus lividus and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus . The protein has been named PI-200 K or Hp-200 K, respectively, because of the species from which it was isolated and its apparent molecular weight in SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. It has been purified from unfertilized eggs where it is found packed within cytoplasmic granules, and has different binding affinities to type I collagen and heparin, as assessed by affinity chromatography columns. By indirect immunofluorescence experiments it was shown that, upon fertilization, the protein becomes extracellular, polarized at the basal surface of ectoderm cells, and on the surface of primary mesenchyme cells at the blastula and gastrula stages. The protein serves as an adhesive substrate, as shown by an in vitro binding assay where cells dissociated from blastula embryos were settled on 200K protein-coated substrates. To examine the involvement of the protein in morphogenesis of sea urchin embryo, early blastula embryos were microinjected with anti-200K Fab fragments and further development was followed. When control embryos reached the pluteus stage, microinjected embryos showed severe abnormalities in arms and skeleton elongation and patterning. On the basis of current results, it was proposed that 200K protein is involved in the regulation of sea urchin embryo skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

A series of polyalkoxy substituted 7-hydroxy- and 7-methoxy-4-aryl-4H-chromenes were evaluated using the sea urchin embryo model to yield several compounds exhibiting potent antimitotic microtubule destabilizing activity. Data obtained by the assay were further confirmed in the NCI60 human cancer cell screen. The replacement of methylenedioxy ring A and lactone ring D in podophyllotoxin analogues by 7-methoxy, 2-NH2, and 3-CN groups in 4-aryl-4H-chromenes resulted in potent antimitotic microtubule destabilizing agents. Feasible synthesis and high yields render 7-methoxy-4H-chromenes to be a promising series for further anticancer drug development.  相似文献   

The primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs) of the sea urchin embryo undergo a dramatic sequence of morphogenetic behaviors that culminates in the formation of the larval endoskeleton. Recent studies have identified components of a gene regulatory network that underlies PMC specification and differentiation. In previous work, we identified novel gene products expressed specifically by PMCs (Illies, M.R., Peeler, M.T., Dechtiaruk, A.M., Ettensohn, C.A., 2002. Identification and developmental expression of new biomineralization proteins in the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Dev. Genes Evol. 212, 419-431). Here, we show that one of these gene products, P16, plays an essential role in skeletogenesis. P16 is not required for PMC specification, ingression, migration, or fusion, but is essential for skeletal rod elongation. We have compared the predicted sequences of P16 from two species and show that this small, acidic protein is highly conserved in both structure and function. The predicted amino acid sequence of P16 and the subcellular localization of a GFP-tagged form of the protein suggest that P16 is enriched in the plasma membrane. It may function to receive signals required for skeletogenesis or may play a more direct role in the deposition of biomineral. Finally, we place P16 downstream of Alx1 in the PMC gene network, thereby linking the network to a specific “effector” protein involved in biomineralization.  相似文献   

Elongation factor 2 (eEF2) is the main regulator of peptide chain elongation in eukaryotic cells. Using sea urchin eggs and early embryos, two isoforms of eEF2 of respectively 80 and 83 kDa apparent molecular weight have been discovered. Both isoforms were identified by immunological analysis as well as mass spectrometry, and appeared to originate from a unique post-translationally modified protein. Accompanying the net increase in protein synthesis that occurs in early development, both eEF2 isoforms underwent dephosphorylation in the 15 min period following fertilization, in accordance with the active role of dephosphorylated eEF2 in regulation of protein synthesis. After initial dephosphorylation, the major 83 kDa isoform remained dephosphorylated while the 80 kDa isoform was progressively re-phosphorylated in a cell-cycle dependent fashion. In vivo inhibition of phosphorylation of the 80 kDa isoform impaired the completion of the first cell cycle of early development implicating the involvement of eEF2 phosphorylation in the exit from mitosis.  相似文献   

Cell division requires an increase in surface area to volume ratio. During early development, surface area can increase, volume can decrease, or surface topography can be optimized to allow for division. While exocytosis is thought to be essential for division [Mol. Biol. Cell 10 (1999), 2735; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99 (2002), 3633], exocytosis doesn't always yield an increase in surface area [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79 (1982), 6712]. We used multiphoton laser scanning microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, and electron microscopy to monitor membrane trafficking, surface area, volume, and surface topography during early sea urchin development. Despite extensive membrane trafficking monitored by FM 1-43 fluorescence, we find that the net surface area of the embryo does not change prior to the eight-cell stage. During this period, embryo volume decreases by 15%, and microvilli disappear from interior facing membrane segments. Thus, the first three cell divisions utilize residual membrane liberated by decreasing cytoplasmic volume, and reducing microvilli density on interior facing membranes. Only after the eight-cell stage was a net increase in FM 1-43 fluorescence from the embryo surface detected. Our data suggest that compensatory endocytosis is downregulated after this developmental stage to yield an increase in surface area for cell division.  相似文献   

Summary Fibronectin, with a subunit molecular weight of 220,000 daltons, was isolated from the ovary of the sea urchin,Pseudocentrotus depressus, using affinity chromatography on heat-denatured mammalian collagen coupled to Sepharose 4B. The distribution of fibronectin in the sea urchin ovary was examined by indirect immunofluorescence using antifibronectin serum. The basement membrane and the connective tissues exhibited strong fluorescence. The fibronectin was localized closely together with collagen bundles in the sea urchin ovary. Biochemical and immunological examinations indicate that sea urchin fibronectin has similar properties as those of mammalian fibronectin.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: surface membrane isolation by polycationic beads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Schistosoma mansoni surface membrane complex was isolated by binding polycationic beads to the worm surface in a sucrose- or sorbitol-acetate buffer, pH 5.0, at 4 C. The ratio of incorporation [3H]cholesterol/[14C]arachidonic acid was measured as well as the specific activities of the alkaline phosphatase (EC, Type I phosphodiesterase (EC, and Ca2+-adenosine triphosphatase (EC The results indicated that membranes isolated on beads were of comparable or greater purity than membranes isolated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The isolation procedure was rapid (30 min) and produced membrane fractions whose cytoplasmic surfaces were probably exposed.  相似文献   

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