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The primary structure of Beijing duck apolipoprotein A-1 was determined by sequencing peptide fragments derived from tryptic and endoproteinase Asp-N digestion of the protein, and alignment with homologous chicken apo A-1. All of the peptide fragments were isolated by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a Vydac C18 column using a trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) buffer system. The N-terminus of the protein was determined to be aspartic acid by directly sequencing 52 residues of the intact protein. The C-terminus was alanine. The protein contains 240 amino acid residues. By analysis of the whole protein and its tryptic peptides, a six amino acid (Arg-Tyr-Phe-Trp-Gln-His) prosegment was determined. No cross-reactivity between duck and human apo A-1 with a goat antiserum against human apo A-1 was found. Sequence analysis of apo A-1 of other species indicates that amino acid substitutions in rat are more extensive than in other mammals. Isoleucine residues in apo A-1 are inversely correlated to the homology of human to other species, except dog.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate rapid production of solubilized and functional membrane protein by simultaneous cell-free expression of an apolipoprotein and a membrane protein in the presence of lipids, leading to the self-assembly of membrane protein-containing nanolipoprotein particles (NLPs). NLPs have shown great promise as a biotechnology platform for solubilizing and characterizing membrane proteins. However, current approaches are limited because they require extensive efforts to express, purify, and solubilize the membrane protein prior to insertion into NLPs. By the simple addition of a few constituents to cell-free extracts, we can produce membrane proteins in NLPs with considerably less effort. For this approach an integral membrane protein and an apolipoprotein scaffold are encoded by two DNA plasmids introduced into cell-free extracts along with lipids. For this study reported here we used plasmids encoding the bacteriorhodopsin (bR) membrane apoprotein and scaffold protein Delta1-49 apolipoprotein A-I fragment (Delta49A1). Cell free co-expression of the proteins encoded by these plasmids, in the presence of the cofactor all-trans-retinal and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine, resulted in production of functional bR as demonstrated by a 5-nm shift in the absorption spectra upon light adaptation and characteristic time-resolved FT infrared difference spectra for the bR --> M transition. Importantly the functional bR was solubilized in discoidal bR.NLPs as determined by atomic force microscopy. A survey study of other membrane proteins co-expressed with Delta49A1 scaffold protein also showed significantly increased solubility of all of the membrane proteins, indicating that this approach may provide a general method for expressing membrane proteins enabling further studies.  相似文献   

High density lipoproteins (HDL), one of the main lipoprotein particles circulating in plasma, is involved in the reverse cholesterol transport. Several lines of evidence suggest that elevated levels of HDL is protective against coronary heart disease. The role of HDL in the removal of body cholesterol and in the regression of atherosclerosis add to the importance of understanding the molecular-cellular processes that determine plasma levels of HDL. Factors modulating plasma levels of HDL may have influence on the predisposition of an individual to premature coronary artery disease. Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is the main apolipoprotein component of HDL and, to a large extent, sets the plasma levels of HDL. Thus, understanding the regulation of apoA-I gene expression may provide clues to raise plasma levels of HDL. This review discusses the various pathways that alter plasma levels of HDL. Since apoA-I is the main protein component of HDL and determines the plasma levels of HDL, this review also covers the regulation of apoA-I gene expression.  相似文献   

The spectrin family of proteins represents a discrete group of cytoskeletal proteins comprising principally alpha-actinin, spectrin, dystrophin, and homologues and isoforms. They all share three main structural and functional motifs, namely, the spectrin repeat, EF-hands, and a CH domain-containing actin-binding domain. These proteins are variously involved in organisation of the actin cytoskeleton, membrane cytoskeleton architecture, cell adhesion, and contractile apparatus. The highly modular nature of these molecules has been a hindrance to the determination of their complete structures due to the inherent flexibility imparted on the proteins, but has also been an asset, inasmuch as the individual modules were of a size amenable to structural analysis by both crystallographic and NMR approaches. Representative structures of all the major domains shared by spectrin family proteins have now been solved at atomic resolution, including in some cases multiple domains from several family members. High-resolution structures, coupled with lower resolution methods to determine the overall molecular shape of these proteins, allow us for the first time to build complete atomic structures of the spectrin family of proteins.  相似文献   

The conserved protein sequence motifs present in all prokaryotic proteomes, “omnipresent motifs,” presumably, correspond to the earliest proteins of the Last Universal Cellular Ancestor, from which all the proteomes have descended. Fifteen proteomes, each representing one of the total 15 diverse phyla of 131 Eubacteria and Archea, from which the omnipresent elements have been originally derived, are exhaustively screened. All those proteins which harbor the omnipresent motifs are identified. Six “omnipresent” protein types are revealed which are located in all 15 proteomes: ABC cassettes, FtsH proteases, translation initiation factors, translation elongation factors, isoleucyl-tRNA synthases, and RNA polymerases β’. In addition to the omnipresent motifs, these proteins also contain other highly conserved motifs, standing for additional modules of the proteins. Remarkably, the identified tentative earliest proteins are responsible for only three basic functions: supply of monomers (ABC transporters and proteases), protein synthesis (initiation and elongation factors, aminoacyl-tRNA synthases), and RNA synthesis (polymerases). No enzymes involved in metabolic activities are present in the list of the earliest proteins derived by this approach. Some of the omnipresent sequence motifs are found, indeed, in the metabolic enzymes (e.g. NTP binding motifs), but these enzymes do not make a sequence matching collection of 15 sequences, i.e. they are not omnipresent. Future analysis of less conserved sequence motifs may reveal at what degree of conservation (stage of evolution) the metabolic enzymes could have entered the scene.  相似文献   

A solid-phase membrane mimetic system, denoted as immobilized artificial membranes (IAM), has been developed and utilized as a novel high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) matrix for the first step in the rapid purification of functional membrane proteins. IAM phases consist of monolayers of amphiphilic membrane lipid molecules covalently bonded to a rigid silica particle. These monolayers of lipids have proved remarkably effective for the chromatography of biomolecules. Several cytochrome P450 isozymes, an extremely important family of hydrophobic membrane proteins with a labile heme catalytic center, have been partially purified in functional conformations from rat liver, kidney, and adrenal microsomes on IAM supports. Functionality of purified P450 and P450 reductase has been demonstrated by optical difference spectroscopy, by carbon monoxide binding, and by reconstitution of enzymatic activity in vitro. Other membrane proteins, including rat liver plasma membrane NADH oxidase and ferricyanide oxidoreductase have also been partially purified by IAM HPLC. The methods for purification of these proteins are described.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin layers of a specialized extracellular matrix that form the supporting structure on which epithelial and endothelial cells grow, and that surround muscle and fat cells and the Schwann cells of peripheral nerves. One common denominator is that they are always in close apposition to cells, and it has been well demonstrated that basement membranes do not only provide a mechanical support and divide tissues into compartments, but also influence cellular behavior. The major molecular constituents of basement membranes are collagen IV, laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes, and proteoglycans. Collagen IV provides a scaffold for the other structural macromolecules by forming a network via interactions between specialized N- and C-terminal domains. Laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes self-associate into less-ordered aggregates. These two molecular assemblies appear to be interconnected, presumably via binding sites on the entactin/nidogen molecule. In addition, proteoglycans are anchored into the membrane by an unknown mechanism, providing clusters of negatively charged groups. Specialization of different basement membranes is achieved through the presence of tissue-specific isoforms of laminin and collagen IV and of particular proteoglycan populations, by differences in assembly between different membranes, and by the presence of accessory proteins in some specialized basement membranes. Many cellular responses to basement membrane proteins are mediated by members of the integrin class of transmembrane receptors. On the intracellular side some of these signals are transmitted to the cytoskeleton, and result in an influence on cellular behavior with respect to adhesion, shape, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Phosphorylation of integrins plays a role in modulating their activity, and they may therefore be a part of a more complex signaling system.  相似文献   

One of the critical issues in the generation of a protein microarray lies in the choice of immobilization strategies, which ensure proteins are adhered to the glass surface while properly retaining their native biological activities. Herein, we report a bacterium-based, intein-mediated strategy to generate N-terminal cysteine-containing proteins which are then chemoselectively immobilized to a thioester-functionalized glass slide to generate the corresponding protein microarray. We also showed preliminary data of the strategy in a yeast host system.  相似文献   

The bacterium Escherichia coli is one of the most popular model systems to study the assembly of membrane proteins of the so-called helix-bundle class. Here, based on this system, we review and discuss what is currently known about the assembly of these membrane proteins. In addition, we will briefly review and discuss how E. coli has been used as a vehicle for the overexpression of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Two new Cys mutants of proapolipoprotein A-I, D9C and A232C, were created and expressed in Escherichia coli systems. Specific labeling with the thiol-reactive fluorescence probe, 6-acryloyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (acrylodan), was used to study the structural organization and dynamic properties of the extreme regions of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in lipid-free and lipid-bound states. Spectroscopic approaches, including circular dichroism and various fluorescence methods, were used to examine the properties of the mutant proteins and of their covalent adducts with the fluorescence probe. The mutations themselves had no effect on the structure and stability of apoA-I in the lipid-free state and in reconstituted HDL (rHDL) complexes. Furthermore, covalent modification with acrylodan did not alter the properties of the apoA-I variants in the lipid-bound state nor in the lipid-free A232C mutant, but it affected the structure and local stability of the lipid-free protein in the D9C mutant. Fluorescence results using the acrylodan probe confirmed a well-organized structure in the N-terminal region of apoA-I. Also, they suggested a three-dimensional structure in the C-terminal region, stabilized by protein-protein contacts. When Trp residues and acrylodan were used as donor-acceptor pairs for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), average distances could be measured. Both intensity and lifetime changes of the Trp emission indicated a protein folding in solution that brings the C-terminus of the protein near the Trp residues in the N-terminal half of the sequence. Also, the N- and C-terminal domains of apoA-I appeared to be near each other in rHDL having two apoA-I per particle.  相似文献   

The recent structural elucidation of about one dozen channels (in which we include transporters) has provided further evidence that these membrane proteins typically undergo large movements during their function. However, it is still not well understood how these proteins achieve the necessary trade-off between stability and mobility. To identify specific structural properties of channels, we compared the helix-packing and hydrogen-bonding patterns of channels with those of membrane coils; the latter is a class of membrane proteins whose structures are expected to be more rigid. We describe in detail how in channels, helix pairs are usually arranged in packing motifs with large crossing angles (|τ| ≈ 40°), where the (small) side chains point away from the packing core and the backbones of the two helices are in close contact. We found that this contributes to a significant enrichment of Cα-H…O bonds and to a packing geometry where right-handed parallel (τ = −40° ± 10°) and antiparallel (τ = +140° ± 25°) arrangements are equally preferred. By sharp contrast, the interdigitation and hydrogen bonding of side chains in helix pairs of membrane coils results in narrowly distributed left-handed antiparallel arrangements with crossing angles τ = −160° ± 10° (|τ| ≈ 20°). In addition, we show that these different helix-packing modes of the two types of membrane proteins correspond to specific hydrogen-bonding patterns. In particular, in channels, three times as many of the hydrogen-bonded helix pairs are found in parallel right-handed motifs than are non-hydrogen-bonded helix pairs. Finally, we discuss how the presence of weak hydrogen bonds, water-containing cavities, and right-handed crossing angles may facilitate the required conformational flexibility between helix pairs of channels while maintaining sufficient structural stability.  相似文献   

Denaturation studies of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) containing human apolipoprotein A-2 (apoA-2) and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine indicate kinetic stabilization. Circular dichroism (CD) and light-scattering melting curves show hysteresis and scan rate dependence, indicating thermodynamically irreversible transition with high activation energy E(a). CD and light-scattering data suggest that protein unfolding triggers HDL fusion. Electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis, and differential scanning calorimetry show that such fusion involves lipid vesicle formation and dissociation of monomolecular lipid-poor protein. Arrhenius analysis reveals two kinetic phases, a slower phase with E(a,slow) = 60 kcal/mol and a faster phase with E(a,fast) = 22 kcal/mol. Only the fast phase is observed upon repetitive heating, suggesting that lipid-poor protein and protein-containing vesicles have lower kinetic stability than the disks. Comparison of the unfolding rates and the melting data recorded by differential scanning calorimetry, CD, and light scattering indicates the rank order for the kinetic disk stability, apoA-1 > apoA-2 > apoC-1, that correlates with protein size rather than hydrophobicity. This contrasts with the tighter association of apoA-2 than apoA-1 with mature HDL, suggesting different molecular determinants for stabilization of model discoidal and plasma spherical HDL. Different effects of apoA-2 and apoA-1 on HDL fusion and stability may reflect different metabolic properties of apoA-2 and/or apoA-1-containing HDL.  相似文献   

Dog apolipoprotein (apo) C-I, A-I, and E cDNA clones were identified in a dog liver cDNA library in lambda gt10 by hybridization to synthetic oligonucleotide probes with the corresponding human DNA sequences. The longest clone for each apolipoprotein was completely sequenced. The apoC-I cDNA sequence predicts a protein of 62 residue mature peptide preceded by a 26 amino acid signal peptide. The apoA-I cDNA sequence predicts a 242 residue mature peptide, a 6 residue pro-segment, and an 18 residue signal peptide. The apoE cDNA, which lacks the signal peptide region, predicts a mature peptide of 291 amino acid residues. Slot blot hybridization of total RNA isolated from various dog tissues to dog apoC-I, A-I, and E cDNA probes indicates that apoC-I mRNA is detectable in liver only, apoA-I mRNA is present in liver and small intestine, though the concentration in the latter tissue is only approximately 15% of that in the liver, and apoE mRNA is present in multiple tissues including liver, jejunum, urinary bladder, ileum, colon, brain, kidney, spleen, pancreas, and testis with relative concentrations (%) of 100, 17.5, 7.5, 6.9, 5.9, 5.5, 5.0, 3.3, 1.0, and 1.0, respectively. These tissue distributions indicate that nascent lipoprotein particles produced in the dog small intestine would contain apoA-I and apoE but not apoC-I. The widespread tissue distribution of apoE mRNA indicates that like other mammals, peripheral synthesis of apoE contributes significantly to the total apoE pool in dog. We next compared the cDNA sequences among different vertebrate species for apoC-I (human and dog), A-I (human, rat, dog, rabbit and chicken), and E (human, rat, dog and rabbit) and calculated the rate of nucleotide substitution for each gene. Our results indicate that apoC-I has evolved rather rapidly and that on the whole, apoA-I is more conservative than apoE, contradictory to an earlier suggestion. ApoA-I is also more conservative than a region (residues 4204-4536) at the carboxyl-terminal portion, but less conservative than a region (residues 595-979) at the amino-terminal portion of apoB-100. Some regions in each of the apolipoproteins studied are better conserved than others and the rate of evolution of individual regions seems to be related to the stringency of functional requirements. Finally, we estimate that the human apoC-I pseudogene arose more than 35 million years ago, becoming nonfunctional soon after its formation.  相似文献   

The structure of membrane proteins specifies their functional properties, which are important for medicine and pharmacology and, therefore, is of significant interest. The repetition of transmembrane regions that consist of hydrophobic amino acids is a characteristic and organic feature of polytopic membrane proteins. The ordered repetition (periodicity) can be detected by the Fourier method applied to a digital image of the symbolic amino acid sequence of a protein. In the present work, this investigation was carried out for 24 transmembrane proteins (successfully for 14 of them). If the repetition of transmembrane regions is aperiodic, it can be revealed by another method, that is, the method of the reiterated (four to five times) averaging of the protein hydrophobicity function in a window within the limits of 9–11 amino acids that moves along the sequence. This novel method was applied to the 24 transmembrane proteins (successfully for 19 of them) and demonstrated higher suitability than the Fourier method for predicting the secondary structure of these proteins and the corresponding functional properties.  相似文献   

An American kindred was found to have hereditary amyloidosis with cutaneous and cardiac involvement. Characterization of fibrils isolated from skin identified the amyloid protein as the N-terminal 90 to 100 residues of apolipoprotein A-1. Sequence of the apolipoprotein A-1 gene was normal except for a G/C transversion at position 1638 which predicts an Arg to Pro substitution at residue 173. This mutation, unlike previously described amyloidogenic mutations is not in the N-terminal fragment which is incorporated into the fibril. The mutation is at the same residue as in apolipoprotein A-1 Milano (Arg173Cys) which does not result in amyloid formation. Decreased plasma HDL cholesterol levels in carriers of the Arg173Pro mutation suggest an increased rate of catabolism as has been shown for the amyloidogenic Gly26Arg mutation. This suggests that altered metabolism caused by the mutation may be a significant factor in apolipoprotein A-1 fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

Prep1, a novel functional partner of Pbx proteins.   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文

Membranes are structures whose lipid and protein components are at, or close to, equilibrium in the plane of the membrane, but are not at equilibrium across the membrane. The thermodynamic tendency of ionic and highly polar molecules to be in contact with water rather than with nonpolar media (hydrophilic interactions) is important in determining these equilibrium and nonequilibrium states. In this paper, we speculate about the structures and orientations of integral proteins in a membrane, and about how the equilibrium and nonequilibrium features of such structures and orientations might be influenced by the special mechanisms of biosynthesis, processing, and membrane insertion of these proteins. The relevance of these speculations to the mechanisms of the translocation event in membrane transport is discussed, and specific protein models of transport that have been proposed are analyzed.  相似文献   

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