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Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of depriving dairy cows of the ability to feed and lie down for short periods, on behaviour and production. In experiment 1, cows were deprived by confining them in pairs in a pen for 2 or 4 h, and they more frequently exhibited behaviour likely to suggest discomfort - leg stamping, repositioning themselves, shifting their weight between legs and butting. After deprivation, the cows deprived for 2 h made up their lost feeding time within 24 h, but cows deprived for 4 h did not restore their feeding time within the 41-h period of observation. Lying time was not restored in either treatment within the 41-h period. Milk yield was not affected by the treatment. However, in experiment 2, when cows were deprived of feeding and lying for 4 h, during which time their hooves were trimmed (which is likely to be a painful and stressful procedure and result in some discomfort for a period post-trimming) the evidence suggested that milk yield was reduced by approximately 2 l/day for 3 days, with corresponding increases during the subsequent 2 days. Walking speed on returning to the herd was the same as before the treatment. In summary, temporary deprivation of feeding and lying for 2 and 4 h/day induced behaviours that were indicative of discomfort and frustration but had no negative effect on milk production, except when 4 h of deprivation was accompanied by foot trimming.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine how cows with different genetic merit behave and perform when grazing biodiverse and heterogeneous mountain pastures with different slopes. Three groups of 12 cows in late lactation, each composed of four Holstein, four Montbéliarde and four Valdostana Red Pied cows, breeds of increasing presumed robustness and decreasing milk yield (MY) potential. Cows grazed without concentrate either on a low-diversity flat pasture or on two species-rich mountainous pastures having slopes of either 7° or 22°. Milk yield, BW and grazing behaviour were monitored two times in the first and once in the second grazing cycle. Cows of different breeds had similar behaviour on all pastures. The Montbéliarde cows performed close to their production potential; Holstein and Valdostana cows produced less milk than anticipated. No breed difference in terms of BW loss was found. The Valdostana cows exhibited the least selective behaviour with respect to plant species and plant growth stage. Still, all cows searched for the most palatable vegetation regardless of pasture diversity. On the steep pasture, cows optimised the trade-off between ingesting and saving energy to obtain feed. They remained longer at the lowest zone and selected forbs, whereas cows on the flatter pasture went to the upper zone to select grasses. The present study gave no evidence for a superior short-term adaptation to harsh grazing conditions through an optimised feeding behaviour of the Valdostana breed compared to Montbéliarde and Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Housing conditions for horses impose various levels of confinement, which may compromise welfare. Lying behaviour and activity can be used as welfare indicators for domestic animals and rebound behaviour suggests a build-up of motivation resulting from deprivation. The objective of this study was to determine if activity and lying behaviour of horses are affected by housing conditions and to investigate the occurrence of rebound behaviour after release from confinement. Eight horses were subjected, in pairs, to each of four experimental treatments; paddock (P), fully stabled (FS), partly stabled (PS) and yard (Y). Each horse received 6 days acclimatisation prior to the 24 h recording period. Time spent in lying and activity were electronically recorded using a tilt switch and motion sensor connected to a data logger worn on the horse's left foreleg. Time spent active during the first 5 min of release from stable to paddock in the PS treatment (days 1 and 5) and at the same time of day in the P treatment was used as a measure of rebound behaviour. Effect of housing conditions on total time spent active was highly significant (FS = 123 s, PS = 158 s, Y = 377 s, P = 779 s, P < 0.001). Housing conditions did not significantly affect total time spent lying (P = 0.646). Horses were significantly more active, compared with baseline paddock behaviour, on release from stabling on both days 1 (P = 0.006) and 5 (P = 0.025) of PS treatment. These results suggest that activity patterns of horses, but not lying behaviour, are affected by the housing conditions tested and that rebound activity occurs in horses after a period of confinement.  相似文献   

Lying behaviour is a useful indicator of cow comfort, but can be time consuming to measure. Data loggers are commonly used to automatically record behavioural activity but may influence the animal's behaviour. We investigated the effect of a new model of the IceTag data logger (IceTag Sensor, IceRobotics© Ltd, Edinburgh, UK) on lying behaviour of forty dairy cows. Smaller Hobo® Pendant G data loggers (Onset Computer Corporation, Pocasset, MA) were attached to the hindlegs of all cows balanced for left and right and measured total duration of lying time, frequency and mean duration of lying bouts and the percent of time lying down on each side. Sixteen cows were semi-randomly split into two groups depending on the position of the IceTags on the inside of the leg (medial) or the outside (lateral). Each cow experienced four treatments in a Latin square design: no IceTag data logger attached as a control (C); one IceTag data logger on the left hind leg (L), one IceTag data logger on the right hind leg (R), and a IceTag data logger on both hind legs (B). Each treatment lasted for 6 days. As part of a separate study, lying laterality data from 24 cows with an IceTag data logger attached to the lateral part of each hindleg was used. On average, cows (n = 39) spent 47.5% of their time lying on the right side during a 24-h period. However, there was a large variation of time spent lying on the right side ranging from 25.1% to 65.7%. There was no significant effect of IceTag location (medial or lateral) or treatment (C, L, R, B) on total lying time, frequency of lying time, duration of lying bouts or percentage of time lying on each side. In summary, IceTags did not affect lying behaviour in dairy cows, allowing them to be reliably used in research as a high tech tool to measure activity. Overall as a group, cows show no preference for lying on one particular side, but individual cows do show a distinct preference.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of predictable vs. unpredictable management routines on the behaviour, production and health of dairy calves. Three different feeding schedules for milk-fed dairy calves were compared. All calves received milk twice a day, and had free access to concentrate, hay and water. Three groups of 12 calves (divided on two trials) were exposed to one of the following treatments from the age of 5 days to 9 weeks: group C (control) received milk at the same time every day, at 0700 and 1400. Group OD (occasional deviation) received the milk at the same time every day except on treatment days, one in week 5 and one in week 8, where they were fed 3 h later. Group IR (irregular schedule) received milk at irregular times throughout the experimental period. The first daily feeding took place between 0600 and 1300 and the second one between 1300 and 2100. When the calves were 5 and 8 weeks old, the behaviour of eight calves from each group was videorecorded for two days (48 h). The following behaviour was recorded: frequency and duration of lying bouts and frequency of comfort behaviour (defined as licking or scratching own body), eating, drinking, other oral behaviour and extending the head through the feeding barrier (HTB). The milk and concentrate consumption of the calves was measured and the calves were weighed weekly. Diseases were recorded.The results showed that at the age of 5 weeks, the calves in group IR differed from the control group C by performing more eating behaviour both on the control day (27.5 vs. 15.5; p<0.05) and the treatment day (28.8 vs. 18.3; p<0.05). At the age of 8 weeks, no differences were found in the behaviour between groups IR and C. When the OD calves were 5 weeks old, they responded to the delayed feeding by increasing drinking behaviour (14.5 vs. 9.0; p<0.05). When they were 8 weeks old, they showed increased frequency of comfort (195 vs. 122; p<.05), eating (37.5 vs. 27.9; p<0.05) and HTB behaviour (19.8 vs. 7.4; p<0.001) on the treatment day compared to the control day. The IR group did not respond to the same treatment except for a slight increase in drinking behaviour (9.6 vs. 6.5; p<0.05) at the age of 8 weeks. No differences were observed in the frequency or length of lying bouts, nor health or production parameters between the three groups.It is concluded that a predictable feeding schedule may not be very important for milk-fed dairy calves. However, when the calves are customised to predictable feeding times, occasional deviations from that schedule may cause frustration when their expectations are not fulfilled.  相似文献   

Group housed pigs make less frequent feeder visits of longer duration, and eat at a faster rate than pigs housed individually. They also have lower growth rates which may be due to elevated stress levels resulting from changes in the concentrations of hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline associated with aggression and social stress. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of grouping on feeding pattern, time budgeting and the social behaviour of pigs kept as individuals from weaning until grouping. In total, 12 Large WhitexLandrace male pigs (four pigs per block) mean (+/-S.E.) start weight 22.5+/-0.7kg were housed individually for 3 weeks (Period 1) after which in two replicates (Blocks 1 and 3), pigs were combined into a group of four (Period 2) before being returned to individual housing for a further 3 weeks (Period 3). In Block 2, the four pigs remained as individuals across periods but were moved between pens at the end of Periods 1 and 2 to account for any pen effects. Feeding pattern and food intake were recorded throughout and pigs were weighed three times a week. Video recordings and live behavioural observations were made to record time budgets and social behaviour. Grouped pigs made less visits to the feeder in Period 2 than when they were housed individually in Periods 1 (P<0.001) and 3 (P<0.01). Visit duration was longer in Period 2 than in Periods 1 (P<0.01) and 3 (P<0.05). Food intake and weight gain were greater in Period 3 than in Periods 1 and 2 (P<0.001 and P<0.01, respectively). There were no significant effects of moving pigs between pens in Block 2 on feeding behaviour and timebudgets. In Period 2, grouped pigs slept more (P<0.01) and spent less time feeding (P<0.01) and rooting (P<0.01) than in Periods 1 and 3. The frequency of aggression decreased over time from mixing (P<0.001). Possible explanations for the changes in feeding behaviour when pigs are moved from individual to group housing are competition, group cohesion, or that the high frequency of feeder visits when the pigs are housed individually is a consequence of a lack of social stimulation. Of these different possibilities, the results suggest that group cohesion is most likely to have been causal in the observed changes in feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of two feeding systems and two dairy cow breeds on milk yield and composition, physical and sensorial properties of Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses. The experiment consisted of a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. A low energy grass diet with only 15% of concentrate (LowGS) was compared with a high-energy maize silage diet with 30% concentrate (HighMS). Thirty-four Holstein (Ho) and 34 Normande (No) cows in early lactation were assigned to one of two feeding systems for a 6-week period. Cows on the LowGS feeding system had lower milk yield, fat and protein content. In both feeding systems, No cows had lower milk yields but higher milk protein contents than Ho cows. The LowGS feeding system altered milk fatty acid (FA) composition by reducing saturated FA. Breed had only a small impact on milk FA. Concerning milk coagulating properties, only the firmness was reduced by the LowGS feeding and the Ho breed. The effects of breed and feeding system on the protein content of cheeses were more marked in Camembert cheese than in Pont-l’Evêque cheese. However, the Camembert cheese from Ho-LowGS was, in fact, characterized especially by lower protein content. LowGS feeding system and No breed produced more yellow cheeses. Feeding systems had limited effects on the firmness of Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses measured by penetrometry. In sensory analysis, Ho breed and LowGS feeding produced a Camembert cheese with a more melting texture in the mouth due to the increase of spreadability index and of proteolysis. The type of cheese also had an influence: the effects were more important on Camembert cheese than on Pont-l’Evêque cheese. Only the Ho-LowGS treatment produced a very specific Camembert cheese different from the others. The feeding systems and breed of dairy cow have no determinant effect on PDO (protected designation of origin) Camembert and Pont-l’Evêque cheeses, especially regarding taste. In this kind of trial, despite the effects of feeding systems and breed on milk composition, the role of cheese ripening and microbiology appears to be of considerable importance.  相似文献   

The effects of housing, feeding time and diet composition on the behaviour of the laboratory rabbit were examined. The animals were caged individually in single or double metal cages with perforated metal floors, metal walls, and bars in the front, or kept as a group in floor pens. The light/dark cycle was 12/12 h with light from 04:00 to 16:00 h and 30 min twilight. One experiment compared feeding equal energy levels of a high energy diet (10.1 MJ/kg) and with a low energy diet (7.0 MJ/kg) at 08:00 h. The second experiment compared feeding the high energy diet at 08:00 h and at 14:00 h. In both studies the behaviour of the rabbits was recorded between 08:00 and 14:00 h and between 16:00 and 22:00 h. Feeding the animals at 14:00 h reduced abnormal behaviour during the dark period compared to feeding at 08:00 h, whereas no difference in behaviour could be detected between feeding a high-energy and a low-energy diet at 08:00 h. Animals in floor pens generally showed less abnormal behaviour than caged animals. The results indicate that the welfare for caged rabbits can be improved by feeding the animals in the afternoon rather than in the morning.  相似文献   

As ruminants are able to digest fibre efficiently and assuming that competition for feed v. food use would intensify in the future, cereals and other field crops should primarily be destined to cover the dietary needs of humans and monogastric animals such as poultry and pigs. Farming systems with a reduced or absent concentrate supplementation, as postulated by organic agriculture associations, require adapted dairy cows. The aim of this experiment was to examine the impact of concentrate supplementation on milk production, grazing and rumination behaviour, feed intake, physical activity and blood traits with two Holstein-Friesian cow strains and to conclude the consequences for sustainable and organic farming. The experiment was a cross-over study and took place on an organic farm in Switzerland. In all, 12 Swiss Holstein-Friesian (HCH) cows and 12 New Zealand Holstein-Friesian (HNZ) cows, which were paired according to lactation number, days in milk and age for primiparous cows, were used. All cows grazed full time and were supplemented either with 6 kg/day of a commercial, organic cereal-grain mix or received no supplement. After an adaptation period of 21 days, a measurement period of 7 days followed, where milk yield and composition, pasture dry matter intake estimated with the n-alkane double-indicator technique, physical activity based on pedometer measurements, grazing behaviour recorded by automatic jaw movement recorder and blood samples were investigated. Non-supplemented cows had a lower milk yield and supplemented HCH cows produced more milk than supplemented HNZ cows. Grazing time and physical activity were greater for non-supplemented cows. Supplementation had no effect on rumination behaviour, but HNZ cows spent longer ruminating compared with HCH cows. Pasture dry matter intake decreased with the concentrate supplementation. Results of blood analysis did not indicate a strong negative energy balance for either non-supplemented or supplemented cows. Minor differences between cow strains in this short-term study indicated that both cow strains are equally suited for an organic pasture-based production system with no concentrate supplementation. Many factors such as milk yield potential, animal welfare and health, efficiency, grazing behaviour and social aspects influence the decision to supplement grazing dairy cows with concentrates.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate if cows milked twice per day have more difficulty lying down and getting up and spend less time lying than cows milked three times per day. Seventeen cows of the Swedish Red and White Cattle Breed were studied, seven of which were milked twice daily (2M) and ten were milked three times (3M) daily. They were kept in individual cubicles, that were closed in the rear end with a rope. They had free access to a mixture of silage, hay and concentrate. The individual cows were video-recorded for 24h every fourth week, starting four weeks after calving for four times. The 2M cows stood significantly longer, 128.11min, than the 3M cows, 64.88min, (P<0.01) during the 4h before morning milking. The 2M cows also had a tendency for longer duration of standing rumination (P=0.059) as well as significantly more bouts of standing rumination (P<0.01) during these hours than the 3M cows. The cows in the 3M group spent less time on the getting up movement (P<0.05) during the 4h before morning milking. The distribution of the lying bouts during these 4h differed significantly between the groups, where the 3M cows had fewer lying bouts shorter than 15min and more lying bouts longer than 90min. The results indicate that milking three times a day contributes to increased comfort in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

The diurnal feeding patterns of dairy cows affects the 24 h robot utilisation of pasture-based automatic milking systems (AMS). A decline in robot utilisation between 2400 and 0600 h currently occurs in pasture-based AMS, as cow feeding activity is greatly reduced during this time. Here, we investigate the effect of a temporal variation in feed quality and quantity on cow feeding behaviour between 2400 and 0600 h as a potential tool to increase voluntary cow trafficking in an AMS at night. The day was allocated into four equal feeding periods (0600 to 1200, 1200 to 1800, 1800 to 2400 and 2400 to 0600 h). Lucerne hay cubes (CP = 19.1%, water soluble carbohydrate = 3.8%) and oat, ryegrass and clover hay cubes with 20% molasses (CP = 11.8%, water soluble carbohydrate = 10.7%) were offered as the ‘standard’ and ‘preferred’ (preference determined previously) feed types, respectively. The four treatments were (1) standard feed offered ad libitum (AL) throughout 24 h; (2) as per AL, with preferred feed replacing standard feed between 2400 and 0600 h (AL + P); (3) standard feed offered at a restricted rate, with quantity varying between each feeding period (20:10:30:60%, respectively) as a proportion of the (previously) measured daily ad libitum intake (VA); (4) as per VA, with preferred feed replacing standard feed between 2400 and 0600 h (VA + P). Eight non-lactating dairy cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. During each experimental period, treatment cows were fed for 7 days, including 3 days habituation and 4 days data collection. Total daily intake was approximately 8% greater (P < 0.001) for the AL and AL + P treatments (23.1 and 22.9 kg DM/cow) as compared with the VA and VA + P treatments (21.6 and 20.9 kg DM/cow). The AL + P and VA treatments had 21% and 90% greater (P < 0.001) dry matter intake (DMI) between 2400 and 0600 h, respectively, compared with the AL treatment. In contrast, the VA + P treatment had similar DMI to the VA treatment. Our experiment shows ability to increase cow feeding activity at night by varying feed type and quantity, though it is possible that a penalty to total DMI may occur using VA. Further research is required to determine if the implementation of variable feed allocation on pasture-based AMS farms is likely to improve milking robot utilisation by increasing cow feeding activity at night.  相似文献   

The cause of low fertility in dairy cows is multifactorial. Poor nutrition during the dry and early postpartum periods results in reduced glucose, insulin, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and low LH pulse frequency with concomitant increases in beta-hydroxy butyrate, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and triacylglycerol. Cows must mobilize large lipid, but also some protein reserves, with a consequent increased incidence of such metabolic disorders as hypocalcaemia, acidosis, ketosis, fatty liver and displaced abomasums. The occurrence of milk fever and ketosis affects uterine contractions, delays calving and increases the risk of retained foetal membranes (RFM) and endometritis. The nutritional risk factors that cause RFM are hypocalcaemia, high body condition score (BCS) at calving and deficiencies in Vitamin E and selenium. The risk factors for endometritis are hypocalcaemia, RFM, high triacylglycerol and NEFA. Thus, metabolic disorders predispose cows to gynaecological disorders, thereby reducing reproductive efficiency. Cows that are overconditioned at calving or those that lose excess body weight are more likely to have a prolonged interval to first oestrus, thereby prolonging days open. Nutritionally induced postpartum anoestrus is characterized by turnover of dominant follicles incapable of producing sufficient oestradiol to induce ovulation due to reduced LH pulse frequency. High nutrition can also increase metabolic clearance rate of steroid hormones such as progesterone or oestradiol. Lower concentrations of oestradiol on the day of oestrus are highly correlated with the occurrence of suboestrus, thereby making the detection of oestrus in high yielding cows even more difficult. Nutrition also affects conception rate (CR) to AI. Cows that develop hypocalcaemia, ketosis, acidosis or displaced abomasums have lower CRs and take longer to become pregnant. Excessive loss of BCS and excess protein content of the ration can reduce CR while supplemental fats that attenuate the production of F2alpha can improve CR. The increased metabolic clearance rate of progesterone (P4), which decreases blood concentrations during early embryo cleavage up to the blastocyst stage is associated with decreased CRs. In conclusion, poor nutritional management of the dairy cow, particularly before and after calving, is a key driver of infertility.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate whether the presence of digital dermatitis (DD) and sole ulcer (SU) in dairy cows was associated with changes in behaviour and milk production. Swedish Red and Swedish Holstein cows (mostly in the first to second lactation) were housed in a cubicle system with automatically scraped passageways. After maintenance claw trimming of all the cows in the herd, 10 cows with DD and 10 cows with SU were selected. For each DD- or SU-affected cow, a healthy control cow, matched according to breed, age, parity and lactation stage, was selected. The behaviour of each of the 20 focal cows was observed for 1 h during 2 to 3 weeks after claw trimming (WACT; period 1) and for 1 h during 5 to 6 WACT (period 2). Milk production parameters: energy-corrected milk (ECM), fat and protein percentages and somatic cell counts (SCCs) were recorded once monthly. Lameness was scored once at the start of the study and cows with SU and DD showed more score 2 lameness (42% v. 31%) than the healthy cows (12%). Most differences in behaviour were found during 2 to 3 WACT when DD- and SU-affected cows were lying less (P = 0.001 and P = 0.012, respectively) than healthy cows. Ruminating while standing was performed more in DD-affected cows (P < 0.001) and tended to be performed more in SU-affected cows (P = 0.079) than their controls. Vigilance was performed more in DD- and SU-affected cows than in healthy cows (P < 0.001 and P = 0.047). Cows with DD produced approximately 5.5 kg less ECM per day both at 2 to 3 WACT (P = 0.022) and at 5 to 6 WACT (P = 0.017) than healthy cows, whereas SU-affected cows tended to produce less ECM at 5 to 6 WACT (P = 0.059). No differences in milk fat and protein or SCC were found. It may be concluded that DD-affected cows showed a stronger behavioural response to the claw disease than the SU-affected cows. This shows the importance of regular claw checking and claw trimming of the cows in order to avoid the negative effects on behaviour and milk production.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to test the hypothesis that oral manipulation of feed is a behavioural need in cattle, irrespective of actual rumen load. Twelve rumen fistulated cows were used and subjected to four different treatments: low rumen content+long duration of eating (A), high rumen content+short duration of eating (B), high rumen content+long duration of eating (=positive control) (C) and low rumen content+short duration of eating (=negative control) (D). To obtain treatment A and B, rumen content was transferred by hand from cow A to B through the rumen fistulaes. Each treatment lasted for 3 days with 2 weeks of recovery between each new treatment. The experiment was repeated twice during two consecutive years. All cows were fed the same mixture of silage, concentrate and hay. The cows were videotaped under normal conditions (24h), and on the third day of the experiment. From these videotapes, the behaviours (frequency and duration per 24h) have been analysed.Time spent eating differed between the four treatments (P<0.001), with shortest eating-times in B and D. The cows with low rumen content (A and D) spent shorter time ruminating (P<0.001) than the cows with filled rumen (B and C). The B and D cows (short duration of eating) spent longer time (P<0.001) with behaviours related to feed-searching than the cows with long duration of eating (A and C). The C cows had fewer (P<0.001) bouts of behaviours related to feed-searching than the A, B and D cows. Time spent with stereotypies (tongue-rolling) was longer (P<0.01) in D than in the other treatments. There was a difference (P<0.001) between treatments in eating bouts. The A cows had more (P<0.05) eating bouts than the cows in B, C and D. The cows with low rumen content (A and D) had fewer ruminating bouts (P<0.001) than the cows with filled rumens (B and C). The number of bouts with stereotypies differed (P<0.01), the cows in D having the highest figures compared with all the other treatments.In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that oral manipulation of feed is a behavioural need in cattle irrespective of rumen load. A low duration of feeding behaviours combined with a low rumen load, which is a common practice in certain categories of growing cattle or dry dairy cows, seriously impairs the welfare in cattle.  相似文献   

The present study examines the impact of lameness on the time budgets and gait of dairy cattle during early lactation. Automated assessment of activity together with an objective method (using video motion analysis) of assessing the gait of the cattle was utilised.Twenty-five Holstein dairy cows were recruited to the study and were assessed during weeks 1, 6 and 12 of lactation. Lying behaviour was measured using IceTag? activity monitors which were attached to the right hind leg of the cow for 4 consecutive days during each study week. Cows were locomotion scored to evaluate the influence of lameness on gait and behaviour of cows. Cows that were lame in a hind limb had significantly shorter fore and hind stride lengths. They also tended (p = 0.06) to have a negative tracking distance and walk at a slower (p = 0.002) speed compared with cows that were considered to be non-lame. Lame cows spent 2 h more time lying down per day in comparison to non-lame cows. Cows spent significantly less time lying down during week 6 of lactation and more time standing in comparison to the cows in week 12. The lying behaviour of cows was not different during weeks 1 and 6 or weeks 1 and 12. Cows were significantly more active during week 1 than week 12 of lactation. However the activity of the cows during week 6 was not different from weeks 1 and 12 of lactation. The present study demonstrates that lameness influences stride characteristics and lying behaviour of zero grazed dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effects of nutrition and management practices on reproductive performance in 31 Irish dairy herds participating in the Moorepark Dairy Management Information System (DairyMIS) during the period 1991-1998. Fifty variables relating to herd reproductive indices, calving events, stocking rate, disease, concentrate feeding, fertiliser usage, milk production and economic performance were studied using factor analysis. A factor analysis, followed by varimax rotation, identified 13 factors, which accounted for 83% of the total variance of the original variables. A regression model was used to predict calving rate from the orthogonal factor scores identified by factor analysis. Calving rate was defined as the proportion of services, for which an outcome was known, which resulted in a subsequent calving. Year, farm code and factor 3 (labelled herd size) together accounted for 40% of the observed variation in calving rate. The factor scores for factor 3 (herd size) were plotted against calving rate and because the plot was not linear, it was decided that dividing the factor scores into quartiles would produce a better fitting model. The factor scores for herd size were sorted and assigned to four equal categories (n = 47 per category), from lowest to highest. The ranges in herd size according to category were as follows: category 1 (34-96), category 2 (47-103), category 3 (66-152) and category 4 (108-359). The calving rate (%), (+/-S.E.) was 67.0 +/- 2.5 for category 1, 61.8 +/- 1.8 for category 2, 56.9 +/- 1.5 for category 3 and 53.2 +/- 2.85 for category 4. Using pair-wise comparisons, calving rates differed significantly (P < 0.05) between all categories except between categories 3 and 4 (P > 0.05). Herd-level milk production was not associated with calving rate indicating that good management may overcome any adverse effects of high milk production on reproductive performance. Larger herds, in combination with other associated herd characteristics, are likely to have poorer calving rates than medium or small herds.  相似文献   

Previous research into oral persistence in pigs has shown that the relationship between motivation and performance of stereotypy is not a simple one, and that non-specific motivational factors such as arousal may be important. For chronically food-restricted sows the time before food arrives is characterised by increasing excitement and arousal which may be carried over into the post-feeding period facilitating the performance of persistent oral behaviour. To investigate this possibility, arousal was manipulated by delaying feeding. Five and 15 min delays were used and sows experienced delayed feeding 1 day in every 4. Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to group the behaviour data into two factors, ACTIVITY/CHEW and NOSE/ROOT/PEN and these scores were then analysed using ANOVA as well as the appropriate individual behaviours. The delay of feeding increased the rate of eating, presumably reflecting increased arousal (P<0.05). ACTIVITY/CHEW scores were highest in 5 min delay sets, and an interaction between day of set and delay length indicated that ACTIVITY/CHEW scores peaked on different days within a set (P<0.05). Time spent chewing was highest on the day of delay (P<0.05), while standing was highest in days 1 and 2 post-delay (P<0.05). The NOSE/ROOT/PEN scores were lower on the day of delay than on other days (P<0.05), and were lowest in the first delay set than in sets later in the trial (P<0.01). It appeared that increasing arousal in the pre-feeding period does affect activity and oral behaviours in the post-feeding period. However, some of the effects appeared in a more extended and diffuse manner, perhaps due to the general disturbance created by the experimental regime and the sows' experience of long-term food restriction.  相似文献   

In a series of three experiments, the effect of offering conserved forage indoors to grazing dairy cows was examined. In Experiment 1, hay was offered ad libitum for 45 min after morning milking. In Experiments 2 (early season) and 3 (late season), silage was offered ad libitum either after morning milking or overnight. All experiments included a control grazing treatment that received no supplementary forage. Grazing time was reduced by offering forage, particularly at the high levels of forage intake when cows were housed overnight. The bite size and rate of herbage DM intake were reduced for cows eating large quantities of silage, but the rate of biting was not affected. As the grazing season advanced there was a small increase in the rate of biting and grazing time in all treatments, but a large reduction in bite size and the rate of herbage intake. Heifers had a 25% smaller bite size, 5% faster rate of biting and similar grazing times to cows. Spring-calving cows had higher grazing times than autumn-calving cows, with little difference in biting rate. Forage was consumed at a rate between 2 and 4 times that of grazed herbage. Offering forage increased rumination times, particularly when it was eaten in large quantities. Rumination time was reduced for cows on spring grass and when total intakes were low.  相似文献   

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