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Multi-parameter flow cytometry was used to monitor the population dynamics of Bacillus licheniformis continuous cultivations and the physiological responses to a starvation period and a glucose pulse. Using a mixture of two specific fluorescent stains, DiOC6(3) (3,3'-dihexylocarbocyanine iodide), and PI (propidium iodide), flow cytometric analysis revealed cell physiological heterogeneity. Four sub-populations of cells could be easily identified based on their differential fluorescent staining, these correspond to healthy cells (A) stained with DiOC6(3); cells or spores with a depolarised cytoplasmic membrane (B), no staining; cells with a permeabilised depolarised cytoplasmic membrane (C), stained with PI; and permeablised cells with a disrupted cytoplasmic membrane 'ghost cells' (D), stained with both DiOC6(3) and PI. Transmission electron micrographs of cells starved of energy showed different cell lysis process stages, highlighting 'ghost cells' which were associated with the double stained sub-population. It was shown, at the individual cell level, that there was a progressive inherent fluctuation in physiological heterogeneity in response to changing environmental conditions. All four sub-populations were shown to be present during glucose-limited continuous cultures, revealing a higher physiological stress level when compared with a glucose pulsed batch. A starvation period (batch without additional nutrients) increased the number of cells in certain sub-populations (cells with depolarised cytoplasmic membranes and cells with permeabilised depolarised cytoplasmic membranes), indicating that such stress may be caused by glucose limitation. Such information could be used to enhance process efficiency.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa from bulls, boars, dogs, horses, mice, and men were examined using a fluorogenic stain consisting of the membrane-permeant substrate carboxyfluorescin diacetate (CFDA) and the relatively membrane-impermeant nuclear stain propidium iodide (PI). Three distinct populations of spermatozoa were discernible in samples from each species upon microscopic examination. Individual spermatozoa, presumed to be viable because of their motility, retained products of the fluorescein chromophore throughout the cell. A second population of spermatozoa in which the nuclei stained red with PI retained the green fluorescein fluorophore mainly in the acrosome. A third population, presumed to be degenerate spermatozoa, possessed only red fluorescent nuclei. These populations were quantified using dual parameter flow cytometry in 14 samples of cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa for which fertility and seminal quality data were available. Flow cytometric analyses were highly correlated with other seminal quality measurements. Sequential flow cytometric analyses provided the ability to rapidly quantitate changes in specific fluorescently stained populations. The ability to make rapid quantitative measurements should allow development of new and presumably more reliable information on the functional aspects of spermatozoa.  相似文献   

AIMS: Exopolysaccharides (EPS) were produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus RW-9595M during pH-controlled batch cultures with free cells and repeated-batch cultures with cells immobilized on solid porous supports (ImmobaSil). METHODS AND RESULTS: Cultures were conducted in supplemented whey permeate (SWP) medium containing 5 or 8% (w/w) whey permeate. For free-cell batch cultures in 8% SWP medium, very high maximum cell counts (1.3 x 10(10) CFU ml(-1)) and EPS production (2350 mg l(-1)) were measured. A high EPS production (1750 mg l(-1)) was measured after four cycles for a short incubation period of only 7 h. Several methods for immobilized biomass determination based on analysis of biomass components (proteins, ATP and DNA) were tested. The DNA analysis method proved to be the most appropriate under these circumstances. This method revealed a high maximum immobilized biomass of 8.5 x 10(11) CFU ml(-1) support during repeated immobilized cell cultures in 5% SWP. The high immobilized biomass increased maximum EPS volumetric productivity (250 mg l(-1) h(-1) after 7 h culture) compared with free-cell batch cultures (110 mg l(-1) h(-1) after 18 h culture). CONCLUSIONS: High EPS productions were achieved during batch cultures of Lact. rhamnosus RW-9595M in SWP medium, exceeding 1.7 g EPS per litre. Repeated-batch cultures with immobilized cells resulted in increased EPS productivity compared with traditional free-cell cultures. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study clearly shows the high potential of the strain Lact. rhamnosus RW-9595M and immobilized cell technology for production of EPS as a functional food ingredient.  相似文献   

Batch cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus were carried out at different pH values in order to study the limitation of growth and lactic acid production by the hydrogen ion, non-dissociated lactic acid and internal lactate concentrations. The effect of pH between 5 and 6.8 was studied at non-limiting concentrations of glucose; this is more significant for the lactic acid fermentation rate than for the maximum specific growth rate, as shown by the incomplete substrate consumption at lower values of medium pH and by the constant maximum cell mass obtained within the range of pH values studied. To check whether these results were a direct consequence of the different concentrations of the non-dissociated form of lactic acid at different external pH values, specific growth rates and lactic acid productions rates were calculated for each external pH value. The same specific growth rates were observed at the same non-dissociated lactic acid concentrations only at pH values of 5 and 5.5. For higher values of pH (pH > 6) the specific growth rate falls to zero as the non-dissociated lactic acid concentration decreases. This shows that generalisations made from studies performed within very narrow ranges of pH are not valid and that the non-dissociated form of lactic acid is not the only inhibiting species. The internal pH was measured experimentally for each external pH value in order to calculate the internal lactate ion concentration. This form is described to be the inhibitory one. The results obtained confirmed that the specific growth rate reached zero at approximately the same lactate concentration for all the pH values studied. Received: 31 January 1997 / Received revision: 15 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 May 1997  相似文献   

Cui F  Li Y  Wan C 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(2):1831-1836
Mixed cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus brevis was studied for improving utilization of both cellulose- and hemicellulose-derived sugars from corn stover for lactic acid production. During simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of NaOH-treated corn stover by the mixed cultures, a lactic acid yield of 0.70 g/g was obtained, which was about 18.6% and 29.6% higher than that by single cultures of L. rhamnosus and L. brevis, respectively. Our results indicated that lactic acid yield from NaOH-pretreated corn stover by mixed cultures of L. rhamnosus and L. brevis was comparable to that from pure sugar mixtures (0.73 g/g of glucose/xylose mixture at 3:1 w/w).  相似文献   

Spermatozoa obtained from fish (Clarias gariepinus), human (Homo sapiens), turkeys (Meleagris gallapova), rats (Rattus norvegicus), hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), and monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) were stained with acridine orange before measuring fluorescence by flow cytometry. These mature sperm from various species produced different intensities of fluorescence while displaying similar ratios of red/green fluorescence. Comparison of the green fluorescence values for the various species showed the sequence (descending order of fluorescence values) human, turkey, monkey, hamster, rat and fish. The DNA complement (as base pairs in the haploid genome) of the various species did not increase in direct proportion to the fluorescence values. This suggests that the DNA was not equally accessible to the dye in the different species tested. The similarity in ratios of red/green fluorescence suggests that the structure of DNA in the chromatin is similar in the different species but abnormal 'satellite' populations of cells that show higher red/green fluorescence ratios than the parent population have been found in sperm samples from monkeys and from some infertile men. Their high red fluorescence intensities were not caused by RNA because treatment with RNAse did not alter the red fluorescence. It is possible that these cells contain larger amounts of denatured (single stranded) DNA.  相似文献   

S E Petersen 《Cytometry》1986,7(4):301-306
Sources of variation and error were investigated for a simple flow cytometric analysis of DNA content of detergent-isolated nuclei stained with ethidium bromide. Using the ploidy classes of mouse liver nuclei, deviations from linearity were assessed for three different instruments. In more extreme settings, the maximum deviations for a FACS instrument were up to 6 to 9%, but in general deviations were around 1% or lower for all instruments. As biological DNA standards, human peripheral lymphocytes and trout erythrocytes appeared to be suitable and easy to store frozen. The erythrocytes had dye-binding characteristics similar to those of human lymphocytes and a 20% lower fluorescence, thus being well suited as an internal standard, as was demonstrated in tumor ploidy analyses performed with varied tissue concentration. Staining homogeneity was improved when staining time was extended to 24 h, at which time male and female lymphocytes were completely separated with an average difference in DNA content of 1.9%. A small difference in fluorescence between mitogen-stimulated and unstimulated lymphocytes was reduced to less than 1% after 24 h of staining. In general, the manipulations of the conditions for the analysis resulted in maximum variations of around 1%, indicating the robustness and reliability of the technique.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric DNA analysis using the anti-cytokeratin antibody was carried out in order to estimate more reliable measurement in single cell suspension obtained from solid tumors. It was difficult to detect a DNA aneuploidy with DI of 2.0 by one parameter analysis of DNA. Whereas it could be detected easily by using dual parameter analysis of cytokeratin and DNA. And also, the pattern of DNA multiploidy could be selected for cytokeratin positive cell population by gate analysis.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes produced by Bacillus species find a wide variety of applications in brewing, detergent, food, and leather industries. Owing to significant differences normally observed in culture conditions promoting cell growth and those promoting production of metabolites such as enzymes, for increased efficacy of bioreactor operations it is essential to identify these sets of conditions (including medium formulation). This study is focused on formulation of a semidefined medium that substantially enhances synthesis and secretion of an alkaline protease in batch cultures of Bacillus firmus NRS 783, a known superior producer of this enzyme. The series of experiments conducted to identify culture conditions that lead to improved protease production also enables investigation of the regulatory effects of important culture parameters including pH, dissolved oxygen, and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous sources and yeast extract in the medium on cell growth, synthesis and secretion of protease, and production of two major nonbiomass products, viz., acetic acid and ethanol. Cell growth and formation of the three nonbiomass products are hampered significantly under nitrogen, phosphorous, or oxygen limitation, with the cells being unable to grow in an oxygen-free environment. Improvement in protease production is achieved with respect to each culture parameter, leading in the process to 80% enhancement in protease activity over that attained using media reported in the literature. Results of a few fed-batch experiments with constant feed rate, conducted to examine possible enhancement in protease production and to further investigate repression of protease synthesis by excess of the principal carbon and nitrogen sources, are also discussed. The detailed investigation of stimulatory and repressory effects of simple and complex nutrients on protease production and metabolism of Bacillus firmus conducted in this study will provide useful guidelines for design of bioreactors for production of protease and bulk chemicals by this bacterium.  相似文献   

Abstract Flow cytometry was used to study the lag, exponential, stationary and death phases of non-fixed cultures of Escherichia coli . Fluctuations in the forward angle scatter signal (FALS) were compared with cell size as measured by scanning electron microscopy at low temperature and image analysis. A correlation between FALS and cell size was not observed, although a correlation (r = −0.8) was obtained between FALS and the age of the culture for the first eleven days of incubation. Marked increases in FALS were observed during the lag phase, which were attributed both to changes in size and changes in structure or chemical composition. The distribution of FALS for all culture phases was asymmetric, and was associated with the cell size distribution.  相似文献   

Bacillus licheniformis ATCC 9945A was grown on Medium E in batch fermentations in which the pH was maintained at 5.5., 6.5, 7.4, and 8.25. The effects of pH on cell growth, carbon source utilization, and gamma-polyglutamic acid (gamma-PGA) production, molecular weight, and polymer stereochemistry were determined. The gamma-PGA yield was highest (15 g/L, 96 h growth time) at pH 6.5. The increase in gamma-PGA formation at pH 6.5 corresponded with a relatively high specific production rate at high gamma-PGA concentration (0.09 h(-1), approximately 15 g/L gamma-PGA). In contrast, the specific gamma-PGA production rates at fermentor pH values of 5.5 and 7.4 decreased significantly for gamma-PGA fermentor yields > approximately 5 g/L. Interestingly, alteration of the medium pH had little to no significant effects on the product quality as measured by stereochemical composition and molecular weight. While glutamate and glycerol utilization were similar as a function of pH, citrate consumption increased at pH 6.5, indicating that the formation of gamma-PGA from citrate at pH 6.5 was of increased importance. The effect of aeration was evaluated by increasing the agitation speed (250 to 800 rpm) and aeration rate (0.5 to 2.0 L/min) at pH 6.5, the pH of maximal gamma-PGA production. Increased aeration resulted in doubling of the cell dry weights (2 to 4 g/L), increasing gamma-PGA yields (6.3 to 23 g/L by 48 h) and increasing in the maximum gamma-PGA-specific production rate (0.09 to 0.11 h(-1)). Other effects of increased agitation included a rapid depletion of glutamate and citrate (by 50 h) and a decrease in product molecular weight. Despite the increase in agitation and aeration, oxygen limitation of the culture was not avoided, because the partial pressure decreased to <1.0% by 29 h. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA stainability by different fluorochromes has been compared in exponentially dividing and stationary Euglena cells. With the intercalating fluorochromes, ethidium bromide, acridine orange and DAPI, a decrease of fluorescence intensity of the G1 cells is observed when cells enter stationary stage. However this decrease of fluorescence is not obtained with the nonintercalating fluorochrome Hoechst 33258. If nuclear basic proteins are extracted, however, the intensity of staining by either Hoechst 33258 or ethidium-bromide is comparable in stationary and dividing cells. Therefore, the decrease of fluorescence intensity of the G1 cells observed during the transition from exponential to stationary phase is not due to a loss of DNA but is related to the exposure of chromatin binding sites for ethidium bromide. In Euglena cells, DNA accessibility for intercalating fluorochromes depends upon chromatin structure and consequently upon cell age.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry has provided a powerful tool for analyzing bacteria-host cell associations. Established approaches have used bacteria, labeled either directly with fluorochromes or indirectly with fluorescently conjugated antibodies, to detect these associations. Although useful, these techniques are consistently unable to include all host cells in the analysis while excluding free, aggregated bacteria. This study describes a new flow cytometry method of assessing bacterial adherence to host cells based on direct fluorescent labeling of both bacteria and host cells. Eukaryotic host cells were labeled with PKH-26, a red fluorescent dye, and bacteria were labeled with fluorescein isothiocyanate, a green fluorescent dye. The red host cells were gated and the mean green fluorescence intensity (MFI) of these red cells was determined. We used MFI values obtained from control samples (unlabeled and labeled host cells with unlabeled bacteria) to eliminate contributions due to autofluorescence. The final MFI values represent fluorescence of host cells resulting from the adherent bacteria. Because all red fluorescent cells are analyzed, this method includes all the eukaryotic cells for analysis but excludes all free or aggregated bacteria that are not bound to target cells.  相似文献   

A dual fluorescent staining system utilizing 5 (and-6)-carboxy-4′,5′-dimethyl fluorescein diacetate (CDMFDA) and Hydroethidine (HED) was developed to provide quantifiable information reflective of spermatozoal viability and fertilizing potential. Cryopreserved spermatozoa from ten bulls on which there was fertilizing capacity information were incubated for 1.5, and 3 hr at 39°C prior to fluorogenic staining. Spermatozoa were analyzed using both a FACS Analyzer and an EPICS V flow cytometer to determine if a particular fluorescence pattern was due to an instrumental artifact or cellular processes. Five fluorescent cellular populations were identified by the FACS Analyzer and three populations by the EPICS V. Spermatozoa were quantified after each incubation time for red (HED) and green (CDMFDA) fluorescence. Viable spermatozoa retained the greatest amount of both green and red fluorescence. Dead or moribund spermatozoa had a decrease in over-all fluorescence. The number of viable cells at 0 hr plus the number of dead or morbid cells at any time period were identified by the FACS Analyzer as important in estimating the potential fertility of a bull. The EPICS V identified the number of dead or moribund cells as being related to nonreturn rates. Incubation of samples decreased cellular viability, which resulted in reduced levels of both green and red fluorescence. Similarities between data obtained with both flow cytometers illustrated that cellular processes, not instrumental artifacts, were responsible for the decrease in over-all fluorescence when viability declined, the relationship between the number of cells with specific fluorescence levels and nonreturn rates, and the incubative-induced changes in fluorescence patterns.  相似文献   

Responses of hemocytes from the crayfish Procambarus zonangulus to stimulation by fungal cell walls (zymosan A) were measured by flow cytometry. Changes in hemocyte physical characteristics were assessed flow cytometrically using forward- and side-scatter light parameters, and viability was measured by two-color fluorescent staining with calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer 1. The main effects of zymosan A on crayfish hemocytes were reduction in cell size and viability compared to control mixtures (hemocytes in buffer only). Adding diethyldithiocarbamic acid, an inhibitor of phenoloxidase, to hemocyte and zymosan mixtures delayed the time course of cell size reduction and cell death compared to zymosan-positive controls. The inclusion of trypsin inhibitor in reaction mixtures further delayed the reduction in hemocyte size and cell death, thereby indicating that a proteolytic cascade, along with prophenoloxidase activation, played a key role in generating signal molecules which mediate these cellular responses. In addition to traditional methods such as microscopy and protein chemistry, flow cytometry can provide a simple, reproducible, and sensitive method for evaluating invertebrate hemocyte responses to immunological stimuli.  相似文献   

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