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The composition, structure and rheological properties and metal ions interaction with Enterolobium contortisilliquum gum were investigated. This gum contains galactose, arabinose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid as main monosaccharide components. 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that the anomeric composition is similar to the Enterolobium cyclocarpum exudate, however no 4-O-methylglucuronic acid was detected for E. contortisilliquum. The rheological experiment resulted in a very similar flow behaviour to that found for E. cyclocarpum gum. The empirical stiffness parameter, B was determined (B=0.090) and suggested that the polysaccharide possesses semi-flexible chains. Cation affinity of the gum aqueous solution was determined by intrinsic viscosity measurements and gelation. The melting temperature of gels pointed to a charge/ionic radius ratio dependence for metal ions. Thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy and entropy) at the melting temperature were also calculated.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to find a drying procedure for moist sucralfate gel capable of producing dried sucralfate gel that retains the original gel properties of bioadhesion, rheology, and micromeritics. Spray-drying and microwave-drying procedures were employed. Mannitol was used as a gel-protective substance during the drying processes. The spray drying of moist sucralfate gel gave rise to a powder whose water suspensions showed significantly reduced viscosity. The bioadhesion of spray-dried sucralfate gel was strongly reduced by drying. When mannitol was used as a gel protector, the spray-dried sucralfate in part maintained the original bioadhesion of moist sucralfate gel. The preparation of a dried sucralfate gel retaining the bioadhesion characteristics, avoiding the use of mannitol, was made possible using the microwavedrying procedure. The microwave-dried product possesses a granular morphology suitable for direct compression because it is a free flowing and strongly coherent granular powder.  相似文献   

Xanthan gum production under several operational conditions has been studied. Temperature, initial nitrogen concentration and oxygen mass transfer rate have been changed and average molecular weight, pyruvilation and acetylation degree of xanthan produced have been measured in order to know the influence of these variables on the synthesised xanthan molecular structure. Also, xanthan gum solution viscosity has been measured, and rheological properties of the solutions have been related to molecular structure and operational conditions. The Casson model has been employed to describe the rheological behaviour. The parameter values of the Casson model, tau(0) and K(c), have been obtained for each polysaccharide synthesised under different operational conditions. Both pyruvilation and acetylation degrees and average molecular weight of xanthan increase with fermentation time at any operating conditions. Xanthan molecules with the highest average molecular weight have been obtained at 25 degrees C. Nevertheless, at this temperature acetate and pyruvate radical concentration are lowest. Nitrogen concentration in broth does not show any clear influence over xanthan average molecular weight, although with high nitrogen source concentration xanthan with low pyruvilation degree is produced.  相似文献   

探究不同干燥方法对麦冬多元活性成分的影响。采用超快速液相色谱-三重四极杆/线性离子阱质谱(UFLC-QTRAP-MS/MS)同时测定不同干燥方法下麦冬中甾体皂苷、高异黄酮、氨基酸及核苷类共29种活性成分的含量;根据29种目标成分的含量,用聚类分析(HCA)及主成分分析(PCA)对不同干燥方法下麦冬进行综合评价。结果表明,29种目标成分在一定浓度范围内线性关系良好,相关系数均大于0. 999 0;精密度、重复性、稳定性良好,RSD均小于5%;平均加样回收率为97. 02%~102. 78%,RSD均小于5%。PCA结果显示,以晒干、无硫烘干的麦冬样品综合质量较优。所建立的方法准确、可靠,可用于麦冬药材内在质量的综合评价,该研究可为揭示麦冬传统干燥方法科学内涵提供依据,同时为麦冬产地加工时干燥方法的优选提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effects of different heat-processing methods of flaxseed on the in situ effective dry matter degradability (EDMD) and the in situ effective crude protein degradability (ECPD). The treatments included roasting, steep roasting, rolled roasting, rolled steep roasting, microwave irradiation and extrusion. Three rumen-fistulated sheep were used for in situ incubations. Furthermore, the effects of heat-processing methods on post-ruminal in vitro nutrient disappearance and total tract disappearance were measured by a three-step in vitro technique. The seeds were roasted and extruded at 140°C to 145°C. One lot of roasted seeds was gradually cooled for about 1 h (roasting) and another lot was held in temperature isolated barrels for 45 min (steep roasting). Moreover, roasted and steep roasted flaxseed was rolled in a roller mill. The lowest and highest EDMD was observed for unheated and extruded flaxseed, respectively (p < 0.05). The highest ECPD was observed for extruded flaxseed (p < 0.05). Roasting and microwave irradiation reduced ECPD of flaxseed (p < 0.05). In vitro post-ruminal disappearance of crude nutrients including fibre fractions was highest for rolled-roasted and rolled steep-roasted flaxseed (p < 0.05). The lowest and highest total tract disappearance rates of crude nutrients and fibre fractions were estimated for unheated and extruded flaxseed, respectively (p < 0.05). The post-ruminal disappearance of crude nutrients was also increased by roasting, in which rolling enhanced this effect. In conclusion, all investigated heat treatments had significant effects on in situ and in vitro degradability of nutrients. As well, rolling of roasted flaxseed enhanced the respective effects. Therefore, different methods of heat processing can be used to modify the feed value of flaxseed for specific purposes.  相似文献   

Viscoelasticity has important implications in mass transfer and mixing processes. Previous studies regarding to the viscoelastic behaviour of xanthan solutions have been carried out with diluted solutions or they have not covered a wide range of polymer concentrations. In this study, it was shown that the first normal stress difference measured in fermentation broths is highly dependent on shear rate, and this viscoelastic level is modified by the heat treatment to which the broths are subjected as a postfermentative procedure. The viscoelasticity level is different for xanthan solutions prepared with products arising from different sources and for fermentation broths before the heat treatment, if compared with that measured in end-products. In general, the higher the polymer concentration, the higher the viscoelasticity (expressed as first normal stress difference or Weissenberg number). The addition of a biocide, the change in ionic strength and the addition of sucrose to the xanthan solutions, lead to significant changes in the first normal stress difference.List of Symbols A Pa.Sb constant in first normal stress difference power law (N 1= ) - b constant in first normal stress difference power law (N 1= ) - c kg m–3 polymer concentration - K Nsn m–2 consistency index - N 1 Pa first normal stress difference - n flow behaviour index - Wi Weissenberg number,N 1/ - s–1 shear rate - Pa shear stress - y Pa Yield stress  相似文献   

The rheological properties of a moderately concentrated solution of xanthan gum in both the ordered and the disordered state have been studied. Oscillatory shear, steady shear flow, and extensional flow experiments have been performed at different temperatures, covering the order-disorder transition determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The principle of time/temperature superposition was applied to the xanthan solutions for the different types of flow. Although a master curve covering six decades of frequency could be obtained for the storage modulus over the entire investigated temperature range, less agreement was found for the other modulus. This indicates that the order-disorder transition reflects changes on the molecular scale and slight modification of the physical network structure. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first time that this transition has been observed using these different rheological techniques.  相似文献   

Films from waterborne polyurethane (WPU) and carboxymethylated guar gum (CMGG) with different contents (20–80 wt%) were prepared through solution casting method, and then were crosslinked with calcium chloride. The effect of CMGG content on the miscibility, morphology and physical properties of the blend films is investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, density measurements, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, water sensitivity measurements, solvent-swelling and tensile tests. The results reveal that the uncrosslinked films exhibit good miscibility when CMGG content is lower than 60 wt%, whereas typical “sea-island” structure occurs when the CMGG content further increases. After crosslinking with calcium ion, the blend films form a relatively dense architecture, which leads to better miscibility, higher storage modulus and thermal stability. The crosslinked films also exhibit better tensile strength (11.6–56.5 MPa) and solvent-resistance than that of the uncrosslinked films over the entire composition range. A model describing the configuration of Ca2+-chelating structure was proposed to illustrate the different structures of the two series of the blend films.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate polymers》1996,29(1):25-27
Solubilities and rheological properties of dissolved fractions of cashew gum from Anacardium occidentale were investigated. A fraction of gum (64.2%) dissolved in water at 30 °C. A further 13.4% dissolved when the remaining suspension was heated. The fraction that dissolved at 30 °C produced greater solution viscosity than the other fraction or the whole gum. When the pH was raised above 5.5, the solution viscosity dropped sharply.  相似文献   

The characterisation of the polyethylene glycol-cashew-nut tree gum aqueous two-phase system is described. Factors which affect the phase diagram including polymer molecular mass, pH and temperature were analysed. The physico-chemical properties of the system such as density, viscosity, volume ratio and phase separation times were also described. The characteristics of the system studied indicate it to be very attractive as a separation technique.  相似文献   

Zhong Z  Akkus O 《Biorheology》2011,48(2):89-97
Bone marrow is the niche for stem cells and is within close proximity to bone lining cells. Forces experienced by these cells guide their differentiation and proliferation. As these forces are dependent on the viscosity of the medium, the knowledge about the viscosity of marrow is essential to modeling the mechanical environment of bone. This study sought to examine the effects of age on the rheological properties of human yellow bone marrow. Samples were harvested from the femurs of male donors ranging from 22 to 82 years of age (N=19) and subjected to stress and frequency sweeps to determine viscosity and dynamic moduli, respectively. The viscosity of bone marrow at physiologically plausible shear rates ranged from 44 to 142 mPa·s. The coefficients of variation ranged up to 0.40 within subjects and 0.14 between subjects. Regressions of viscosity values against age did not generate a strong level of significance; therefore, earlier reported changes in the composition of marrow with age did not translate into variation in viscosity of marrow. Since age does not seem to offer a governing effect, the observed variation within and between donors may stem from other factors (genetic, nutrition, etc.). The wide range of variation in the viscosity of marrow within subject, between subjects and with age implies that the fluid shear experienced by cells resident in marrow may also vary substantially.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of aqueous solutions of guar gum (GG) and hydroxyethyl guar gum (HEG) have been investigated. The flow properties of these polysaccharide solutions were studied at the shear rate in the range 1.5–1310s−1 using a Rheotest-2 viscometer. The flow of these polysaccharide solutions was described by equation of state based on Cross model. The basic rheological parameters, like zero shear rate viscosity (ηo), elasticity modulus (Go) and relaxation time (glo) were calculated using simple and established relations. Master viscosity curves indicated that the molecular weight distribution of native guar gum has been changed by hydroxyethylation under specified reaction conditions. The effect of concentration and temperature on ηo and λo has been studied, and the relations among these were established by simple equations.  相似文献   

The proposal of the present study was to select and carry out the molecular characterization of strains of Xanthomonas sp. in order to correlate with gum production and determine possible genetic alterations during the study. The gums produced were also evaluated rheologically. Ten strains of Xanthomonas were used in the screening and the best ones in terms of productivity were Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae 1230 (8.93 g/L), X. campestris pv. campestris 254 (9.49 g/L) and X. campestris pv. campestris 1078 (9.67 g/L). The gum produced by X. campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae presented the best apparent viscosity. The results for the profiles of the bands produced by RAPD showed considerable genetic variability amongst the evaluated strains, making not possible to neither group the strains according to pathovar or species, nor correlate the band profile with the productivity obtained. According to the RAPD analysis, no detectable mutations occurred in these bacteria during the study.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effects of extrusion on ruminal, post-ruminal and whole tract digestibility of flaxseed. Extrusion was performed at 155°C with a residence time of 43?s. Two non-lactating Holstein cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used in a randomized complete block design. Results showed that extruded flaxseed had higher (P?in situ soluble and lower (P?P?P?P?P?P?相似文献   

Nongelling amylopectin fractions from potato and barley have been used to form mixed beta-lactoglobulin gels. The amylopectin fractions were produced by varying the time of alpha-amylase hydrolysis followed by sequential ethanol precipitation. The molecular weights, radius of gyration, chain length distribution, and viscosity of the fractions were established. The mixed gels were analyzed rheologically with dynamic mechanical analysis in shear and microstructurally with light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The result of the gel studies clearly showed that small differences in the molecular weight of amylopectins have a significant influence on the kinetics of protein aggregation and thereby on the gel microstructure and the rheological behavior of the gel. Both an increase in the molecular weight and a higher concentration of amylopectins resulted in a more open protein network structure, with thicker strands of larger and more close-packed beta-lactoglobulin clusters, which showed a larger storage modulus. The transmission electron micrographs revealed that degraded amylopectins were enclosed inside the protein clusters in the mixed gels, whereas nondegraded amylopectin was only found outside the protein clusters. The volume-weighted mean value of the molecular weight of the amylopectins was found to vary between 3.2 x 10(4) and 5.0 x 10(7) Da and the ratio of gyration between 14 and 61 nm. The maximum in chain length distribution was generally somewhat distributed toward longer chain lengths for potato compared to barley, but the differences in chain length distribution were minor compared to those seen in the molecular weight and ratio of gyration between the fractions.  相似文献   

为了明确灌溉麦黄水引起的小麦(Triticum aestivum)面团流变学特性劣变与籽粒贮藏蛋白聚合程度变化之间的关系, 在防雨池栽条件下, 以‘济麦20’为供试品种, 设置花后不灌水(W0), 花后灌1水(花后14 d, W1)和花后灌2水(花后14 d和花后28 d, W2) 3个处理, 分析了花后灌水对籽粒产量、贮藏蛋白聚合程度相关参数及其面团流变学特性的影响。研究结果表明, 籽粒产量、面团形成时间和稳定时间均以花后灌1水时达到最优, 再增加一次灌水(麦黄水), 导致面团形成时间和稳定时间显著缩短, 筋力变弱。同时观察到谷蛋白聚合指数和谷蛋白大聚合体平均粒径也因灌麦黄水而显著降低。回归分析表明, 灌麦黄水条件下谷蛋白大聚合体粒径变小是导致面团流变学特性变差和筋力变弱的主要原因。  相似文献   

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