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This study was designed to test the hypothesis that among unrelated male baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) in single-gender social groups there is no significant association between dominance status and allogrooming performance. The hypothesis was tested using behavioral measures obtained by focal animal sampling techniques. The results indicate that unrelated male baboons established well-defined linear dominance hierarchies, formed allogrooming relationships with one another, and exhibited a nonrandom distribution of allogrooming; however, there were no significant relationships between dominance rank and the frequency of allogrooming. We further tested our results by grouping individuals into three dominance status classes (high, middle, and low) and comparing the classes. Analysis of variance demonstrated no significant differences in rates of allogrooming by dominance class. These results suggest that dominance did not account for the variation in observed allogrooming behavior: Dominance status did not appear to determine the frequency with which animals groomed others, the number of grooming partners, or frequency of grooming that any individual received in comparison to that performed. High-ranking animals did not have significantly more grooming partners than low-ranking animals, and there appeared to be little competition within the groups for subordinates to groom high-ranking animals. When age, kinship, and group tenure are controlled, performance and reception of allogrooming are not strongly associated with dominance in single-gender social groups of male anubis baboons.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between the volumes displaced by the diaphragm and the abdominal wall during spontaneous breathing in supine anesthetized dogs. Diaphragmatic volume displacement (Vdi) was calculated from measurements taken from anteroposterior fluoroscopic images employing a previously described geometric model. The volume displacement of the abdominal wall (Vabd) was measured with a calibrated Respitrace. Shortening of single diaphragm muscle bundles in costal and crural regions was measured as the distance between radiopaque beads sutured to the peritoneal surface of the muscle. We found that Vdi always exceeded Vabd, but Vabd/Vdi was larger in animals in which the abdominal wall was more compliant. In this preparation, Vdi is better correlated with costal than with crural shortening. Vabd did not correlate with either costal or crural shortening. We infer that the difference between Vdi and Vabd reflects the volume displacement of the lower rib cage caused by diaphragm contraction. This volume difference was tightly correlated with costal shortening. We conclude from these data that coupling between Vdi and Vabd is influenced by the relative compliances of the chest wall and abdomen. Shortening of regions of the diaphragm may have variable relationships to the measured volume displacement, but costal shortening is intimately related to expansion of the lower rib cage.  相似文献   

Three experiments were used to examine competitive orders as measures of the social hierarchy in dairy cattle. A least squares procedure, which regressed for numbers of observations, was used for obtaining dominance values, from observations of agonistic behaviour. Behavioural data were quantified by time-lapse photography at 1-min intervals. Dominance value was of little importance relative to production variables in describing the amount of time spent eating a limited amount of grain, concentrate, or hay. Likewise, production oriented variables were more important in describing time spent in free stalls or at the feed trough at five levels of competition. Individual feed intakes of group fed dairy cattle at two levels of competition were described predominantly by production variables. From these data, competitive orders are not measures of social dominance in dairy cattle. Dominance values did not describe a priority of access to feed or resting sites.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of social behaviour have currently received new impetus from models including indirect genetic effects (IGEs) of social partners. This study aimed at investigating the contribution of conspecifics in social dominance, considered as response of dyadic interaction that is, winning (dominant individual) or losing (subordinate). A genetic correlation of −1 is expected between the attitude to win and the attitude to loose, and because a population always accounts for half winners and half losers, the heritability of the dominant status should be close to zero. Specifically, social dominance was studied in Aosta Chestnut and Aosta Black Pied (Bos taurus) breeds, alpine rustic cattle famous for traditional tournaments where pairs of cows assess dominant status in bloodless fights. The outcomes of 25 590 dyadic interactions performed by 8159 individuals in 11 years were analysed by applying a classical quantitative model and models including indirect effects. Data were analysed via Bayesian approach on a threshold trait. The assessment of variances revealed a genetic correlation of −0.976 between direct and indirect genetic components. The heritability measured on a liability scale was 0.122 for direct phenotype, but decreased to 0.014 when the total heritable variance (TBV) was considered. The trend of estimated breeding values showed that the total TBV was constant over the years, even though its direct component increased and the indirect part decreased. This result confirms the relevance of IGEs on social behaviour and the assumption that the mean individual social dominance cannot evolve within a population, due to the evolutionary constraints imposed by the ‘social environment''.  相似文献   

Orchidaceae is one of the most species-rich angiosperm families, and all orchids are fully dependent on fungi for their seed germination and their life cycle. The level of specificity of the association between orchid species and fungi can be related to the number of co-occurring orchid species. To investigate orchid mycorrhizal associations in adult-photosynthetic orchids, 16 Mediterranean orchid species belonging to 4 genera (Anacamptis, Ophrys, Orchis, and Serapias) at 11 different sites were subjected to DNA-based analysis. Eighteen operational taxonomic units representing two fungal families, Tulasnellaceae and Ceratobasidiaceae, were identified. All examined orchid species associated with different mycorrhizal fungi. Interestingly, there was a positive correlation between number of orchid species and number of mycorrhizal. Monospecific populations showed a lower number of fungi, while sympatric populations had a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi. Our results showed that Mediterranean orchid species associated with a higher number of mycorrhizal fungi confirming as photosynthetic orchids are typically generalists toward mycorrhizal fungi. Thus, photosynthetic orchids exhibit low specificity for fungal symbionts showing the potential for opportunistic associations with diverse fungi reducing competition for nutrient. We suggest that these characteristics could confer symbiotic assurance particularly in habitat with resource limitations or prone to stressful conditions.  相似文献   

Based on a literature survey, we evaluated the periods of cyanobacterial dominance in Brazil. We hypothesized that variability of environmental forces along the country will promote or facilitate temporal and spatial mosaic in cyanobacterial dominance. The most striking outcomes are related to the dominance of Cylindrospermopsis, Dolichospermum, and Microcystis. Although they share important adaptive strategies (e.g., aerotopes, large size and toxins production), our findings suggest that they have different environmental preferences. Dolichospermum and Microcystis dominated mainly in warm-rainy periods whereas Cylindrospermopsis was more common during dry periods and in mixed systems, or formed perennial dominance. Maximum phosphorus concentrations were observed in reservoirs dominated by Cylindrospermopsis. Although the main genera reached high biomass levels individually, different abilities to form dominance and co-dominance were observed. The number of co-dominance of Chroococales and Nostocales was almost the same as the individual occurrence of the main genera from these groups. This dataset reveals patterns of dominance of these cyanobacteria and also indicates that physiological features will cause differences in the mechanisms of interactions between species. The understanding of these processes and their relationship to environmental conditions will promote better understanding of cyanobacterial dominance and increase our ability to predict and manage these events.  相似文献   

In beef cattle, feeding behaviour and activity are associated with feed efficiency and methane (CH4) emissions. This study aimed to understand the underlying traits responsible for the contribution of cattle behaviour to individual differences in feed efficiency, performance and CH4 emissions. A total of 84 steers (530±114 kg BW) of two different breeds (crossbreed Charolais and Luing) were used. The experiment was a 2×2×3 factorial design with breed, basal diets (concentrate v. mixed) and dietary treatments (no additive, calcium nitrate or rapeseed cake) as the main factors. The individual dry matter intake (DMI; kg) was recorded daily and the BW was measured weekly over a 56-day period. Ultrasound fat depth was measured on day 56. Based on the previous data, the indexes average daily gain, food conversion and residual feed intake (RFI) were calculated. The frequency of meals, the duration per visit and the time spent feeding per day were taken as feeding behaviour measures. Daily activity was measured using the number of steps, the number of standing bouts and the time standing per day. Agonistic interactions (including the number of contacts, aggressive interactions, and displacements per day) between steers at the feeders were assessed as indicators of dominance. Temperament was assessed using the crush score test (which measures restlessness when restrained) and the flight speed on release from restraint. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate regression models. Steers that spent more time eating showed better feed efficiency (P=0.039), which can be due to greater secretion of saliva. Feeding time was longer with the mixed diet (P<0.001), Luings (P=0.009) and dominant steers (P=0.032). Higher activity (more steps) in the pen was associated with poorer RFI, possibly because of higher energy expenditure for muscle activity. Frequent meals contributed to a reduction in CH4 emissions per kg DMI. The meal frequency was higher with a mixed diet (P<0.001) and increased in more temperamental (P=0.003) and dominant (P=0.017) steers. In addition, feed intake was lower (P=0.032) in more temperamental steers. This study reveals that efficiency increases with a longer feeding time and CH4 emissions decrease with more frequent meals. As dominant steers eat more frequently and for longer, a reduction in competition at the feeder would improve both feed efficiency and CH4 emissions. Feed efficiency can also be improved through a reduction in activity. Selection for calmer cattle would reduce activity and increase feed intake, which may improve feed efficiency and promote growth, respectively.  相似文献   

The meaning of “social dominance” and the problems associated with its use are discussed. Most problems disappear if dominance is restricted to the phenomenon that in every pair of animals one member can inhibit the behaviour of the other. The dominance order of the group is the sum of all such inhibitory relationships. Dominant animals probably have been aggressive in the past to obtain their dominant positions, but a dominant animal need not be aggressive now. Measures of the dominance position of animals in a herd should be based on observations in the particular herd, contain sufficient observations to be reliable, reflect the actual magnitude of differences between animals, and be normally distributed. The method of Beilharz and Mylrea (1963) meets these requirements. The application of this method is discussed.The dominance structure of three dairy herds near Freiburg in South West Germany were studied. None of the herds had an individual cow who was dominant over all others in the herd. Parameters of social structure varied from herd to herd. The findings are discussed in relation to differences in space per animal, manner of recruitment of young stock to the herds, presence of horns and other features. It is concluded that the dominance relationship of any pair of animals is a result of learning, with many different factors, including trivial ones, being involved in the initial serious formation of the relationship. Once learnt, dominance relationships for each pair of animals persist for a long time. While bidirectional dominance relationships are found in young animals, where none has yet accepted dominance of others, mature animals of all species of domestic livestock generally have clear unidirectional dominance relationships. The dominance order of the group may be no more than the sum of the individual relationships. Dominant animals are freer than others in attending to stimuli from outside the herd.  相似文献   

Keskin O  Yuret D  Gursoy A  Turkay M  Erman B 《Proteins》2004,55(4):992-998
Statistical averages and correlations for backbone torsion angles of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 are calculated by using the Rotational Isomeric States model of chain statistics. Statistical weights of torsional states of phipsi pairs, needed for the statistics of the full chain, are obtained in two different ways: 1) by using knowledge-based pairwise dependent phipsi energy maps from Protein Data Bank (PDB) and 2) by collecting torsion angle data from a large number of random coil configurations of an all-atom protein model with volume exclusion. Results obtained by using PDB data show strong correlations between adjacent torsion angle pairs belonging to both the same and different residues. These correlations favor the choice of the native-state torsion angles, and they are strongly context dependent, determined by the specific amino acid sequence of the protein. Excluded volume or steric clashes, only, do not introduce context-dependent phipsi correlations into the chain that would affect the choice of native-state torsional angles.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare three diagnostic approaches for intrauterine infection and inflammation: scoring of vaginal contents; quantification of percentage of nucleated cells that were polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) following endometrial cytology; and intra-uterine bacteriology. Dairy cows (n = 303) were examined twice, Days 28 (D28) and 42 (D42), where Day 0 = day of calving. Associations between gross vaginal inflammation scores, uterine cytology, and bacteriology, and subsequent reproductive performance were examined using multivariable models. There was fair agreement at D28 (Kappa = 0.29), but only slight agreement at D42 (Kappa < 0.15), between PMN% and gross vaginal inflammation score. Cows were categorized as having PMN% in the highest quartile (H), or not (L), at both D28 and D42; therefore, cows were categorized as PMNLL, PMNLH, PMNHL, or PMNHH. Cows in the highest PMN% quartile at both time periods were slower to conceive (P < 0.001) than those in all other quartiles (mean ± SEM 32.2 ± 2.3, 37.0 ± 5.3, 40.8 ± 4.1, and 55.3 ± 7.3 d from start of breeding to conception for PMNLL, PMNLH, PMNHL, and PMNHH PMN% cows, respectively). Milk yield was greater (P = 0.001) in cows in the lower quartiles for PMN% at D28 and D42 (i.e., PMNLL) than those in the PMNHH and PMNHL categories, with PMNLH intermediate (P = 0.001). We concluded that PMN% was a better predictor of reproductive performance than either intra-uterine bacteriology or gross vaginal inflammation score. Cows in the highest quartile for PMN% at both D28 and D42 had lower pregnancy rates, took longer to conceive, and had a lower milk yield than those in the lower PMN% categories.  相似文献   

The hydrology of the Brazilian Pantanal, part of the largest humid tropical area on the planet, follows the rhythm of seasonal floods. The traditional movement of cattle herds in the southern Pantanal is defined by these seasonal flooding patterns, which determine the availability and quality of native-grass pastures throughout the year. Extreme hydrological events, such as prolonged droughts and intense floods, can impact the management of cattle in this region, preventing access to, circulation within, and occupation of some grazing areas. This study aims to analyze the spatial and temporal variability of precipitation, the river levels in this region from 1974 to 2012, and assessed the effects on the evolution of local beef cattle stocks. We integrated the spatiotemporal variability of precipitation and river levels for six gaging stations and standardized these variables using standard deviation and linear trends at annual and seasonal scales. Additionally, we integrated the results with an analysis of the livestock production within the region’s municipalities. Regional precipitation was highly variable, including an almost decadal oscillation, with positive trends in parts of the 1970s and 1980s and a negative trend since the 1990s. River levels in the northern portion of the basin and in the Paraguay River corresponded to those dynamics while presenting marked anomalies. Simultaneously, river levels in the eastern Pantanal changed from negative to positive anomalies, which were more intense in wet months. Both the eastern and western patterns reflected the occurrence of extreme El Niño–Southern Oscillation events and other large-scale climatic patterns. In intra-annual terms, the variability of the river levels during the flooded months at four of the six gaging stations studied suggests an early onset or delay of the flood season, as well as positive anomalies in the ebbing months and in the southeast. Given the lags in flow between different rivers in the region, this behavior draws attention to dam construction and intensification of localized flooding in the southern areas, which may impact everyday life and cattle management. For example, from 2009 to 2012, two severe droughts and an extreme flood significantly impacted livestock numbers in the region. Overall, herd numbers decreased (increased) in humid (dry) periods, including a reduction of over 1 million head during the flood of 1973–1974. The differential level patterns at annual, wet season, and dry season between the eastern and western sides of the Pantanal modulate the livestock activities, where the strong negative anomalies of the levels along the eastern side seem to force the diminution of beef cattle stock at local regions in different intensities in annual scale. This reinforces the effects of climate variability and extreme hydrological events on the management and dynamics of the beef cattle industry and market in Brazil.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of GnRH treatment in dairy cows differing in body condition score. A total of 2437 primiparous and multiparous cows was allocated randomly to receive either GnRH (100 mug) or placebo at the post partum exam (25 to 35 d) and at the first breeding. Complete records were available from 1906 cows: Group 1 (n = 535) placebo and placebo; Group 2 (n = 489) GnRH and placebo; Group 3 (n = 438) placebo and GnRH; and Group 4 (n = 444) GnRH and GnRH. The change of body condition score during early lactation was determined on a 1 to 5 scale (1 = emaciated to 5 = obese). Cows with a high body condition score (>/=3.0) at the first breeding had 8.8 fewer days to first service and 6.4 fewer days open but more services per conception (0.16) than cows with low body condition score (<3.0). Conception rate improved when GnRH was administered at the first breeding to cows with a body condition score of <3.0 at the first breeding regardless of parity. The administration of GnRH at the post partum exam decreased the conception rate in first lactation cows but was beneficial for cows in second and greater lactations. Thus the efficacy of GnRH may not be consistent in all parities and body condition groups.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to measure the feeding rates, preferences, survival rates, maturation times, and weight gain of four common species of grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) on four lines of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius). When safflower lines were presented individually, all were readily consumed although consumption differed significantly according to grasshopper species, age and sex, and to safflower line. Consumption was greatest on a safflower line devoid of spines. However, grasshoppers also fed readily on spiny lines, and results of experiments in which all safflower lines were presented together indicated preferences that did not necessarily correspond to the results of the single-line feeding trials. Camnula pellucida, a graminivorous species, did feed on safflower, but restricted feeding almost exclusively to stem cambium, whereas Melanoplus bivittatus, M. packardii and M. sanguinipes fed mainly on the heads, flowers and leaves. Highly significant differences in grasshopper maturation time and weight gain were apparent among grasshopper species, and among safflower lines. Seedtec-5, the line which was least digestible, least consumed and least preferred nevertheless yielded rapid development and the greatest body weights of grasshoppers. All species of Melanoplus developed more quickly and gained more weight on safflower than on wheat. One species, M. packardii, was more able to utilise safflower than its congeners, and may gain competitive advantage if safflower becomes widely grown.  相似文献   

We studied grooming among adults of a one-male multifemale troop of free-ranging Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus)living near Jodhpur, India, for 9 years. The 11–13 females devoted about 6% of their day to allogrooming. Adult males, whose tenures averaged 2.2 years, were transient figures in the troop's history, as reflected by their rather peripheral role in the grooming network. Females groomed males 4–40 times more frequently (1006 episodes) than vice versa- (176 episodes). Adult females received 97% of all grooming from other adult females (6655 episodes). Although females exhibited an age- inversed dominance hierarchy, they did not compete for grooming access to particular troop mates. Dyads of all possible rank differences occurred as frequently as expected: 51% of grooming was directed up the hierarchy and 49% down it. Young, high- ranking individuals gave and received significantly more grooming than the oldest, low- ranking females did. The pattern seemed to be influenced by kin selection because of the presumably high degree of female relatedness. They invested most in troopmates with the highest reproductive value, i.e., the youngest individuals. This trend was coupled with a preference of closest kin (mothers and daughters). Reciprocity was the outstanding feature since all adult females groomed and were groomed by all others. Such a tight social net might establish the necessary cohesion during frequent territorial disputes with neighboring troops.  相似文献   

Female dominance and feeding priority are considered unique behavioral strategies in many Malagasy lemuriformes, particularly Lemur catta. Two hypotheses have been introduced to explain these behavior patterns: 1) females are agonistically dominant over males to mitigate female-male food competition so that females can compensate for high energy demands and inefficient reproductive physiology, and 2) males defer to females when feeding as a reproductive strategy. We tested these hypotheses by conducting controlled feeding experiments on free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) on St. Catherine's Island, GA. Food was dispersed in three ways to simulate varying patch sizes. All feeding and agonistic interactions were recorded during each trial (n = 24). The degree of relatedness between individuals was determined using DNA fingerprinting. There was a clear relationship between food dispersion and both expression of female dominance and feeding priority. Elements of both hypotheses were supported because male and female L. catta used different strategies depending on rank and the dispersion of food. Interpretation of the impact of male rank was complicated because the younger, low-ranking males had female relatives in the group. Females fed more than males, and rates of aggression decreased as food dispersion increased. High-ranking, older unrelated males deferred to females and received little aggression. The top-ranking male deferred the most and sired most if not all of the offspring. Low-ranking, younger related males fought with females for access to food sources, received more aggression, and did not sire offspring.  相似文献   

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