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Experimental and theoretical investigations of the swelling and mechanical properties of hydrogels formed from chitosan, bovine serum albumin (BSA), and chitosan/BSA mixtures cross-linked with genipin were performed. The properties of cross-linked chitosan hydrogels were explained in terms of its polyelectrolyte behavior, which led to a gradual increase in swelling ratio below the pK value, but whereby its swelling ability was eliminated by the presence of salt that screened the charges. Comparison of theoretical and experimental calculations of the swelling ratio, however, indicated that complications arising from wastage of cross-links, and formation of polymerized genipin cross-links must be considered before quantitative prediction can be achieved. Cross-linked BSA hydrogels swelled even in the presence of salt, and a marked increase in swelling was observed below pH = 3 that was explained as the result of an acid induced denaturation of the protein that led to unfolding of the molecule. Swollen BSA hydrogels were mechanically weak, however. Composite gels made from a cross-linked mixture of chitosan and BSA exhibited the swelling behavior of BSA combined with the mechanical properties of chitosan and were therefore considered most suitable for use in a gastric environment.  相似文献   

Many of the functions of biological macromolecules are based on specific interactions. Extended concentration dependent studies of sedimentation coefficients or molecular masses of biopolymers are highly useful for describing the different kinds of association phenomena. These studies allow one to determine the partial concentrations of monomers and associates or reactants and complexes in self-associating systems or heterologous associations, respectively. Furthermore, in combination with corresponding measurements of biological activity these data allow one to estimate the individual activity parameters of components involved in equilibrium processes. The study of self-association and heterologous association using analytical ultracentrifugation, some recent developments therein, and its application to different examples are outlined here. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

The establishment of phase equilibrium in aqueous gelatin-locust bean gum (LBG) systems in the process of cooling from 313 to 291 K in specific conditions, passes ahead of the gelation process(.) This allows the suggestion that macrostructure and mechanical properties of the system can be predicted on the basis of knowledge of its phase diagram, obtained for the liquid gelatin-LBG systems comprising gelatin molecular aggregates. Textural and rheological analysis of gel-like gelatin-LBG systems demonstrate the effect of two factors determining their mechanical properties and acting opposite each other when the concentration of LBG in the system increases: concentration of gelatin by LBG in the process of phase separation, and decrease in the density of the gel network.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a micromechanics algorithm utilising the finite element method (FEM) for the analysis of heterogeneous matter. The characterisation procedure takes the material properties of the constituents, axons and extracellular matrix (ECM) as input data. The material properties of both the axons and the matrix are assumed to have linear viscoelastic behaviour with a perfect bonding between them. The results of the modelling have been validated with experimental data with material white input from brainstem by considering the morphology of brainstem in which most axons are oriented in longitudinal direction in the form of a uniaxial fibrous composite material. The method is then employed to examine the undulations of axons within different subregions of white matter and to study the impact due to axon/matrix volume fractions. For such purposes, different unit cells composed of wavy geometries and with various volume factions have been exposed to the six possible loading scenarios. The results will clearly demonstrate the undulation and axon volume fraction impacts. In this respect, undulation affects the material stiffness heavily in the axon longitudinal direction, whereas the axons' volume fraction has a much greater impact on the mechanical properties of the white matter in general. Also the results show that the created stresses and strains in the axons and matrix under loading will be impacted by undulation change. With increase in undulation the matrix suffers higher stresses when subjected to tension, whereas axons suffer higher stresses in shear. The axons always exhibit higher stresses whereas the matrix exhibits higher strains. The evaluated time-dependent local stress and strain concentrations within a repeating unit cell of the material model are indicative of the mechanical behaviour of the white tissue under different loading scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief survey of the use of algebraic rewriting systems for modelling and simulating various biological processes, particularly at the cellular level.  相似文献   

The mechanical stability of gels applied for entrapment and retention of biocatalysts in bioreactors is of crucial importance for successful scale-up applications. Gel abrasion in agitated reactors will depend on liquid shear, bubble shear, and wall shear, as well as collisions between the gel particles. As a simplified standardized model system, abrasion of gel beads was studied in 1-m-high bubble columns with controlled aeration, and quantified by measuring the loss of gel material into solution. Gel beads were also taken out to measure stress-strain response during controlled compression. More general rheological properties of different gels were studied by applying a variety of regimes of controlled compression of standardized gel cylinders: Gel strength was measured by recording the fracture properties and the Young's modulus. Viscoelastic properties were revealed by recording creep during compression as well as recovery after compression. Oscillation tests up to 1000 cyclic compressions were applied to compare the fatigue of different gels. Results obtained for Ca-alginate gels, gels of chemically modified polyvinyl alcohol with stilbazolium groups (PVA-SbQ) as well as mixed gels of Ca-alginate and PVA-SbQ are compared with previously published data for kappa-carrageenan, agar, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) gels. It is concluded that material fatigue rather than mechanical properties such as stiffness or fracture stress should be considered when selecting a suitable gel material on the basis of abrasion resistance. The very soft and superelastic PVA-SbQ gel showed no significant fatigue in mechanical tests and no abrasion was detected in the standardized model system used. Ca-alginate gels, however, showed severe irreversible changes due to fatigue at oscillating loads and creep at constant load. Due to their similarities with kappa-carrageenan gels in mechanical tests, it is likely that Ca-alginate would also be sensitive to abrasion. Mixed gels of Ca-alginate and PVA-SbQ represent a complex system with intermediate properties, showing significant fatigue and creep, but elastic properties from the PVA-SbQ gel make it less sensitive than the pure Ca-alginate gel.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of human skin in vivo are studied by means of uniaxial strain measurements. In order to obtain a stress-strain relationship which is independent of the in vivo measuring configuration, values for the effective width and effective length of the loaded skin strip have to be known. By variation of tab width and tab distance in a few series of experiments on the same subject, these effective values are found. In order to obtain a time independent stress-strain relationship a correction procedure is introduced. In this procedure the time dependent (viscoelastic) effects are described and subtracted from the total response.  相似文献   

The use of system identification to quantify trunk mechanical properties is growing in biomechanics research. The effects of several experimental and modelling factors involved in the system identification of trunk mechanical properties were investigated. Trunk kinematics and kinetics were measured in six individuals when exposed to sudden trunk perturbations. Effects of motion sensor positioning and properties of elements between the perturbing device and the trunk were investigated by adopting different models for system identification. Results showed that by measuring trunk kinematics at a location other than the trunk surface, the deformation of soft tissues is erroneously included into trunk kinematics and results in the trunk being predicted as a more damped structure. Results also showed that including elements between the trunk and the perturbing device in the system identification model did not substantially alter model predictions. Other important parameters that were found to substantially affect predictions were the cut-off frequency used when low-pass filtering raw data and the data window length used to estimate trunk properties.  相似文献   

The stress-strain relationship for human skin in vivo has a characteristic non linear shape even for low loads. Considerations are given on the basis of which a structural model has been selected, in which the mechanical properties of corrugated collagen fibrils are involved. It is found that such a model can describe the experimental stress-strain relationship surprisingly well with only three free parameters. These parameters are related to basic collagen fibril properties such as stiffness, diameter and waviness. The role of elastin is likely to be negligible for the purely elastic properties of human skin in vivo.  相似文献   

The use of system identification to quantify trunk mechanical properties is growing in biomechanics research. The effects of several experimental and modelling factors involved in the system identification of trunk mechanical properties were investigated. Trunk kinematics and kinetics were measured in six individuals when exposed to sudden trunk perturbations. Effects of motion sensor positioning and properties of elements between the perturbing device and the trunk were investigated by adopting different models for system identification. Results showed that by measuring trunk kinematics at a location other than the trunk surface, the deformation of soft tissues is erroneously included into trunk kinematics and results in the trunk being predicted as a more damped structure. Results also showed that including elements between the trunk and the perturbing device in the system identification model did not substantially alter model predictions. Other important parameters that were found to substantially affect predictions were the cut-off frequency used when low-pass filtering raw data and the data window length used to estimate trunk properties.  相似文献   

The passive mechanical properties of the ovine infrarenal vena cava are analysed in this paper. In vivo stretch from 15 venae was measured in order to get data from the physiological situation before harvesting the vessel. Vena cava strips (n=64) both in longitudinal and circumferential directions were cut and subjected to simple tension tests. Results showed the strongly marked anisotropic character of the caval tissue. The maximal stretch ranges reached in both directions were very different, with the longitudinal range being much higher than the circumferential range in all cases. Three anisotropic constitutive models were used to fit the data obtained from the experiments. Advantages and drawbacks of each of these models are also discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular mimicry and molecular symbiosis are proposed to be the main factors controlling thermodynamic activity and phase behavior of macromolecular compounds in foods, beverages, and chyme. Molecular mimicry implies a chemical resemblance of hydrophilic surfaces of globular proteins with their chemical information hidden in the hydrophobic interior and low excluded volume of the globules. The molecular mimicry contributes to the efficiency of enzymes. Molecular symbiosis means that interactions attraction or repulsion) between biopolymer molecules greatly differing in conformation (globular and rod-like) favor the biological efficiency of one of them at least. The symbiosis is based on excluded volume effects of macromolecules in mixed solutions. Association-dissociation of rod-like macromolecules can dictate thermodynamic activity of an enzyme in the mixed solution. Thermodynamic incompatibility is typical of food macromolecules, whose denaturation, association, complexing, and chemical modification reduce their mimicry and co-solubility. Foods are normally phase-separated systems with highly volume-occupied phases. The phase-separated nature of the gel-like chyme is important to the efficiency of digestion of mixed diets. Phase separation of biopolymer mixtures, presumably, underlies mechanisms of nonspecific immune defense. The phase behavior-functionality relationships is presented through concrete examples of some foods (such as milk products, low-fat spreads, ice cream, wheat and rye doughs, thermoplastic extrudates, etc.), beverages (tea and coffee), and chyme.  相似文献   

A mechanical model of heart muscle is proposed which includes rheological equations and equations for Ca-troponin interaction, for the dependences of the number of myosin cross-bridges on the length of sarcomere and on the speed of motion. The main assumption of the model is the dependence of the troponin affinity to calcium ions on the number of myosin cross-bridges attached. The model successfully imitates isometric and isotonic contractions, the "length-force" relationships, load-dependent relaxation, and the group of mechanical phenomena known as mechanochemical uncoupling.  相似文献   

Various mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) are evaluated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. A tensioning process was first performed on a SWCNT whose interaction is based on the Brenner’s ‘second generation’ potential under varying length–diameter ratios and strain rates, in order to understand the SWCNT’s behaviour under axial tension. The results showed an increase in the SWCNT’s ultimate tensile strength and a decrease in critical strain given the conditions of increasing strain rate and a decreasing length–diameter ratio. Comparison was done with previous studies on axial tensioning of SWCNT to validate the results obtained from the set-up, based on the general stress–strain relationship and key mechanical properties such as the strain at failure and the Young’s modulus. A DWCNT was then constructed, and Lennard-Jones ‘12-6’ potential was used to describe the energy present between the nanotube layers. Extraction of the inner tube in a DWCNT was performed using two inner wall tubings of different diameters to draw comparison to the energies needed to separate fully the outer and inner tubing. Finally, a bending test was performed on two DWCNTs with different intertube separations. Insights into the entire bending process were obtained through analyses of the variations in the strain energy characteristic of the surface atoms near the bending site, as the DWCNT is gradually bent until failure.  相似文献   

Based on results from linear hydrodynamic analysis, a study about the influence of mechanical contribution to the interfacial tension on the mechanical stability was performed for an erythrocyte membrane model. This analysis gave the characteristic dispersion equation by solving the linearized dynamic equations. Values of the parameters related to the erythrocyte membrane were used to obtain the critical stability curves as a function of mechanical interfacial tension. The numerical values from this study were applied to calculate probable values of the total interfacial tension (sum of electrical and mechanical contributions) and the results were compared with values from literature. According to this model, the mechanical stability of membrane increases with the increasing of the mechanical surface tension. The values suggested by hydrodynamic analysis for probable values of the interfacial tension of erythrocyte membrane were among the values pointed out in the literature.  相似文献   

Bacillus licheniformis CCRC 12826 produced extracellularly an excellent biopolymer flocculant in a large amount when it was grown aerobically in a culture medium containing citric acid, glutamic acid and glycerol as carbon sources. The biopolymer flocculant was an extremely viscous material with a molecular weight over 2 x 10(6) by gel permeation chromatography. It could be easily purified from the culture medium by ethanol precipitation. It was shown to be a homopolymer of glutamic acid by amino acid analysis and thin layer chromatography and presumed to be poly-glutamic acid (PGA). This bioflocculant efficiently flocculated various organic and inorganic suspensions. It flocculated a suspended kaolin suspension without cations, although its flocculating activity was synergistically stimulated by the addition of bivalent or trivalent cations Ca2+, Fe3+ and Al3+. However, the synergistic effects of metal cations were most effective at neutral pH ranges. The comparison of the flocculating activity between the present biopolymer and a commercial lower molecular weight product showed that the biopolymer of the present study had much higher activity. The high productivity and versatile applications of PGA make its development as a new biodegradable, harmless, biopolymer flocculant economical and advantageous.  相似文献   

The cytoplasm of vertebrate cells contains three distinct filamentous biopolymers, the microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments. The basic structural elements of these three filaments are linear polymers of the proteins tubulin, actin, and vimentin or another related intermediate filament protein, respectively. The viscoelastic properties of cytoplasmic filaments are likely to be relevant to their biologic function, because their extreme length and rodlike structure dominate the rheologic behavior of cytoplasm, and changes in their structure may cause gel-sol transitions observed when cells are activated or begin to move. This paper describes parallel measurements of the viscoelasticity of tubulin, actin, and vimentin polymers. The rheologic differences among the three types of cytoplasmic polymers suggest possible specialized roles for the different classes of filaments in vivo. Actin forms networks of highest rigidity that fluidize at high strains, consistent with a role in cell motility in which stable protrusions can deform rapidly in response to controlled filament rupture. Vimentin networks, which have not previously been studied by rheologic methods, exhibit some unusual viscoelastic properties not shared by actin or tubulin. They are less rigid (have lower shear moduli) at low strain but harden at high strains and resist breakage, suggesting they maintain cell integrity. The differences between F-actin and vimentin are optimal for the formation of a composite material with a range of properties that cannot be achieved by either polymer alone. Microtubules are unlikely to contribute significantly to interphase cell rheology alone, but may help stabilize the other networks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate and to compare the long-term kinetics curves of biodegradation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), its copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), and a PHB/polylactic acid composite. The total weight loss and the change of average viscosity molecular weight were used as the parameters reflecting the biodegradation degree. The rate of biodegradation was analyzed in vitro in the presence of lipase and in vivo after film implantation in animal tissues. The morphology of the PHB film surface was studied by the atomic force microscopy technique. It was shown that PHB biodegradation involves both polymer hydrolysis and its enzymatic biodegradation. The results obtained in this study can be used for the development of various PHB-based medical devices.  相似文献   

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