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球类或类球(果菌、球菌、璆菌、卵菌、橄菌等)微生物是原核微生物最早发现、最重要和最常见的细胞生命形态之一,迄今已有果菌140余属800多种60多亚种,球菌30余属60多种,璆菌10余属20多种,八球菌7属40多种,橄菌9属10多种,卵菌10余属30多种,合计约210属1 000余种和亚种。国内外对这些微生物的总结分析较少,本文试图对此进行系统的总结和规范,明确其形态特征、生境、生化、多样性和域归属,以推动对此类微生物分类和功能的进一步研发,推动国际间的交流与合作。  相似文献   

天祝夏玛林区蝶类区系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马雄  马怀义  刘汉成  马正学 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1798-1805
2008-2010年每年7-9月,在天祝夏玛林区按照不同海拔高度及不同植被类型的自然环境,对蝶类进行了系统的采集,共获得蝶类标本2000号,经整理、鉴定出71种蝶类,隶属于8科50属。其中粉蝶科9属20种,占总种数的28.2%,为优势类群;蛱蝶科15属15种,眼蝶科13属14种,分别占总种数的21.1%和19.7%,为次优势类群;绢蝶科(1属9种)和灰蝶科(8属8种)为常见类群;弄蝶科(2属2种)、凤蝶科(1属2种)和蚬蝶科(1属1种)为罕见类群。区系成分分析结果是,属于古北界的种类有51种,占总种数的71.8%;属于东洋界与古北界兼有种类有14种,占总种数的19.7%;广布种6种,占总种数的8.5%;完全属于东洋界的种类无分布。结果表明,该地区分布的蝶类区系成分以古北界的种类为主。  相似文献   

崔同翠 《古生物学报》1994,33(2):249-258
描述了在松辽盆地西部泰康,富拉尔基,齐齐哈尔一带晚白垩世嫩江组发现的非洲叶肢介科2新属6新种,讨论了非洲叶肢介科的演化。  相似文献   

汪书丽  罗建 《西北植物学报》2018,38(8):1534-1541
为了摸清色季拉山蕨类植物资源的种类和资源特征,为该区蕨类开发利用提供依据。该研究通过查阅《西藏植物志》和标本,结合色季拉山多年植物调查名录,对该区野生蕨类植物进行统计分析,并对其用途进行了描述。结果显示:(1)色季拉山共有蕨类植物资源29科、57属、196种(包括变种和变型),分别占西藏蕨类植物总科、属、种的65.91%、45.24%、41.70%;优势科为鳞毛蕨科(3属/50种)、水龙骨科(9属/31种)、蹄盖蕨科(7属/22种)、中国蕨科(6属/14种),优势属为鳞毛蕨属(27种)、耳蕨属(19种)。(2)色季拉山蕨类植物的地理成分以热带类型的科和属占优势(分别占非世界分布科、属的80.00%、68.18%),具有明显的热带性质;生态分布类型以陆生为主(118种,占60.20%),其次为附生(45种,占22.96%)。(3)色季拉山共有药用蕨类植物66种,且以清热药种类最多(30种);观赏蕨类植物共有71种(其中新增加23种);食用蕨类植物共有14种,且多以嫩叶或嫩茎或根状茎为食;少数蕨类还具有指示、工业原料、饲料和绿肥等方面的作用。研究表明,色季拉山蕨类植物资源种类丰富,在西藏蕨类植物区系中占很大比例,具有很高的开发利用价值。  相似文献   

广东象头山国家级自然保护区珍稀野生花卉资源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对广东象头山国家级自然保护区珍稀野生花卉资源调查结果表明,本区内有52科68属88种,其中蕨类植物11科11属13种;被子植物41科57属75种,并对其基本组成、多样性等进行分析。根据本区珍稀野生花卉的现状与特点,划分出生活类型,提出园林配置方式,对资源保护和开发利用提出建议。  相似文献   

北京地区蕨类植物区系分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
葛源  于明  刘全儒 《西北植物学报》2006,26(8):1657-1662
对北京地区蕨类植物区系进行了初步分析,研究表明,北京共有蕨类植物77种,隶属于19科34属,以蹄盖蕨科、岩蕨科、鳞毛蕨科、卷柏科等为优势科,以岩蕨属、卷柏属、铁角蕨属等为优势属,科内及属内分化程度较低,种类组成贫乏;地理成分以温带成分占优势,有11属为温带分布属,占非世界分布属总数的61.11%,除世界种和中国特有种外,全为温带性质的种;生境特点以石生为主,大多数种类分布在北京西部和北部的山区;与河北的关系最为密切,其次为山西、内蒙、辽宁、山东,与秦岭也有一定的联系,与西藏的关系疏远。  相似文献   

The gross morphology, fine structure, and per cent guanine plus cytosine (GC) composition of deoxyribonucleic acid of 27 strains of nitrifying bacteria were compared. Based on morphological differences, the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were separated into four genera. Nitrosomonas species and Nitrosocystis species formed one homogenous group, and Nitrosolobus species and Nitrosospira species formed a second homogenous group in respect to their deoxyribonucleic acid GC compositions. Similarly, the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria were separated into three genera based on their morphology. The members of two of these nitrite-oxidizing genera, Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus, had similar GC compositions, but Nitrospina gracilis had a significantly lower GC composition than the members of the other two genera.  相似文献   

长白山区野生珍稀濒危药用植物资源评价体系的初步研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
周繇 《西北植物学报》2006,26(3):599-605
长白山区属温带气候,野生药用植物资源十分丰富。经过6年的野外调查和查阅文献资料,首次建立了以蕴藏系数、保护缓急程度等7项指标在内的定量评价珍稀濒危药用植物指标体系。结果表明:长白山区目前1 004种(含变种、变型)野生药用植物中,受到生存威胁的药用植物种类共有59科、98属、124种。其中急需保护的有22科、30属、31种,分别占受威胁药用植物的科、属、种数的37.29%,30.61%,25%,代表种类主要有草苁蓉、人参、天麻、刺参、黄檗、平贝母等;需要保护的有29科、43属、53种,分别占受威胁药用植物的科、属、种数的49.15%,43.88%,42.74%,代表种类主要有高山红景天、木通马兜铃、刺五加、党参、辽细辛、北五味子等;一般保护的有34科、38属、40种,分别占受威胁药用植物的科、属、种数的57.63%,38.78%,32.26%,代表种类主要有穿龙薯蓣、祁州漏芦、黄花乌头、羊乳、手参、大叶小檗等。  相似文献   

云南省思茅地区菜阳河自然保护区地处联系滇南热带与滇中亚热带的中间位置,在植被地理和生物地理上十分重要,其植物区系计有野生种子植物1 920种, 隶属于836属及178科。该植物区系以兰科( 69属/223种)、茜草科(37/100)、菊科(47/86)、蝶形花科(33/82)、唇形科(28/62)、大戟科(25/59)、荨麻科(13/52)、禾本科(34/47)、樟科(12/44)、桑科(6/44)、爵床科(26/36)等为优势科。属的分布区类型组成以热带亚洲分布型最多, 约占总属数的31%;其次是泛热带分布,占23.4%;热带分布合计占总属数的83.3%。种的分布区类型组成仍以热带亚洲分布最多, 占总种数的60.6%;其次是中国特有分布, 占21.6%;热带分布种合计占70.0%以上。这些特征均表明该植物区系热带性质显著,并具有印度—马来西亚植物区系特点,在植物区系分区上属于印度—马来西亚植物区系的一部分。由于菜阳河自然保护区在地理上位于热带亚洲植物区与东亚植物区的交汇地带,该植物区系中的许多热带植物均是在其分布的北界,植物区系又有明显的热带北缘性质。通过与滇南西双版纳和滇中无量山植物区系的比较,菜阳河自然保护区植物区系与西双版纳植物区系在区系组成及属的地理成分构成上很接近, 它们同为热带亚洲植物区系的北缘类型。在云南南部,从热带亚洲植物区系到东亚植物区系的过渡与转变,显然发生在思茅菜阳河地区以北。从热带亚洲植物区系过渡到东亚植物区系,在诸属的分布区类型中,热带亚洲分布型显著减少,北温带分布型和东亚分布型显著增加。  相似文献   

南岳衡山蕨类植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南岳衡山蕨类植物共计235种(含种下等级),隶属于36科75属。区系分析表明:该地蕨类植物具有较强的热带性质,同时也显示出该区蕨类植物区系向温带渗透和过渡的性质,科、属的分布区类型均以热带、亚热带分布型为主,而种以温带分布型为主。热带、亚热带分布型在该区有18科38属69种,分别占科、属、种数的50.00%、50.67%和29.36%;其中泛热带分布型有14科21属5种,分别占科、属、种数的38.89%、28.00%和2.13%;温带性分布型有3科18属158种,分别占科、属、种数的8.33%、24.00%和67.23%。表明泛热带分布型是该区科、属最重要的分布类型;在种的区系上,温带性成分占明显优势,反映了该区热带成分与温带成分的交汇与兼容。该区虽没有自己的特有属,但具1种特有种,而且中国特有种丰富,共计46种,占总种数的19.57%。该区系与周邻联系广泛,地理成分以华东成分为主。在区系关系上,该区与武夷山、庐山的关系密切,而与万佛山的关系较为疏远。  相似文献   

江西三清山种子植物中国特有属的物种多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过多年调查,发现江西三清山分布有中国特有属37属(其中3属为华东特有属),含40种,隶属于30科,占中国种子植物特有属总数的13.75%,占华东地区种子植物特有属总数的53.62%,占江西种子植物特有属总数的66.07%,是江西乃至华东特有属的生物多样性最丰富的地区之一。三清山分布的中国特有属区系以双子叶植物占优势,生活型以落叶木本和多年生草本为主,地理分布与华东各山地关系最密切,属种起源以原始、孤立为特色,并有许多珍稀濒危保护物种。  相似文献   

In this study, 121 wild edible plants used as food in Anatolia were surveyed to determine the plant parts used and their detailed preparation methods. The results of this study show that the plants may be boiled, fried in fat, and eaten raw or as rolled vegetables. They may also be consumed as pickles, fruits, sweets and spices, and drunk as cold and hot drinks. Thirty species (8 genera) were identified as belonging to the Lamiaceae family, 15 species (15 genera) belong to the Asteraceae family, 13 species (5 genera) belong to the Rosaceae family, 8 species (7 genera) belong to the Brassicaceae family, 6 species (3 genera) belong to the Orchidaceae family and 5 species (5 genera) belong to the Apiaceae family. The genera represented by the highest number of species in the study are as follows:Sideritis L. is represented by 13 species, Origanum L. by 7 species,Rubus L. by 5 species,Thymus L. by 4 species andRumex L. by 4 species.  相似文献   

Aim To compare the wider distribution of the pteridophytes, flowering plants, liverworts and mosses recorded as natives of Britain and Ireland, and to assess the proportion and distribution of species in each group which belong to predominantly extra-European genera. Location The species native to the British Isles are considered in relation to their distribution in the Northern Hemisphere, and predominantly extra-European genera are identified by consideration of the distribution and centre of numerical diversity of the genera worldwide. Methods A recent classification of the pteridophytes, flowering plants, liverworts and mosses into floristic elements is used in a quantitative study of the distribution of species in the four groups, the patterns of occurrence being compared by standardized residuals. Results Mosses and liverworts have more northerly distributions than the flowering plants in the Northern Hemisphere; pteridophytes show an intermediate pattern. There are marked differences in the longitudinal ranges of the groups south of the Boreal biome, with vascular plants tending to be confined to Europe or western Eurasia whereas cryptogams are more likely to occur additionally in North America or have a circumpolar distribution. The proportion of predominantly extra-European genera is particularly high in the pteridophytes and the liverworts and in these groups the rich hyperoceanic flora of the British Isles is almost entirely composed of species in genera that attain their centre of diversity in the tropics. Main conclusions Major taxonomic groups show different distribution patterns, reflecting their rates of evolution and powers of dispersal. The flowering plants, as the least mobile and most rapidly evolving group, have a greater proportion of their species in the European and Eurosiberian elements and a higher proportion of species from extra-European genera in the more northerly elements.  相似文献   

广西防城港湾周年浮游植物生态特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Zhuang JL  Xu MB  Zhang RC  Chen B 《应用生态学报》2011,22(5):1309-1315
2007年3、6、9和12月,对防城港湾海域浮游植物的种类组成、优势种类、群落结构、丰度分布进行了调查,分析了浮游植物丰度、生物指数及其与环境因子的相关性.共鉴定出浮游植物54属138种.其中硅藻门37属112种;甲藻门12属21种;绿藻门和金藻门各2种,蓝藻门1种.全年浮游植物优势种主要为硅藻门的中肋骨条藻.浮游植物种数呈现湾内低于湾外、由春至冬减少的趋势,浮游植物细胞丰度则呈由湾内向湾外递减的趋势.不同季节调查海区浮游植物细胞丰度平面分布格局具有显著差异,夏季(6月)浮游植物丰度最高,达151.39×104 cells·dm-3,冬季(12月)丰度最低,为0.35×104 cells·dm-3.春季防城港湾海域的浮游植物多样性较高,物种较丰富.相关性分析表明,浮游植物群落分布与营养盐、水温、盐度等环境因子存在一定的相关性.西湾内的S1和S2测站,受防城江径流及潮汐等水动力条件的作用,盐度较低,富营养化程度较高,夏季时中肋骨条藻会大量增殖,甚至具有发生赤潮的隐患.  相似文献   

The host range of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in Britain was examined by compilation of a data matrix from published literature sources, based primarily on accounts of sporocarp associations with particular host genera. Information was gathered for 577 species of ECM fungi belonging to 51 genera, and 25 genera of host trees, representing the majority of ECM fungal species and host genera recorded in Britain.
Pronounced variation was recorded in the number of ECM fungal species associated with different host genera, with over 200 species recorded with Betula , Fagus , Pinus and Quercus . There was a positive linear relationship ( r 2=0·47, P =0·007) between the number of species of ECM fungi associated with different host genera and the total area occupied by each tree genus in Britain (both values log-transformed). There was also variation in the number of species of ECM fungi which were apparently specific to particular host genera, values ranging from zero (in 15 genera) to >40 in the case of Betula and Fagus . In total, 233 fungal species appeared to be specific to a single host genus (i.e. 40% of those surveyed). Comparison of the ECM mycota associated with different host genera by PCA accounted for 17% of the total variation, with genera belonging to the Fagaceae ( Quercus , Fagus and Castanea ) tending to cluster together, indicating a degree of overlap in their ECM associates. Exotic conifer species, which displayed a lower ECM diversity than would be expected from their distributional areas, were characterized by a high degree of overlap with the ECM associates of Pinus and Betula .
These results indicate that the abundance of different genera of host trees and variation in host specificity could provide a basis for understanding patterns of diversity in ECM fungi within Britain.  相似文献   

All species that have been described of the genera mentioned in the title are listed and their systematic position given. The species of Stilifer (with 11 species, including S. inflatus sp.n. and 5. concavus sp.n.) are parasites of starfishes. Scalenostoma (3 species) are parasites of stone corals. Thyca (with 8 species) is removed from Capulidae, and included in Eulimidae. T. hawaiiensis sp.n. is described. The species of Thyca are parasites of starfishes. The species of Mucronalia (including M. trilineata sp.n.) are probably parasites of ophiuroids and Echineulima (with 4–6 species, including E. ponderi sp.n.) are parasites of echinoids. All species are figured, their characteristics are given and their host species and distributions are listed. Keys are given to the species of each genus, except Mucronalia. The genera Stilimella Laseron and Hyperlia Pilsbry are synonymized with Scalenostoma and the genera Kiramodulus Kuroda, Granulithyca Habe and Bessomia Berry are considered subgenera of Thyca.  相似文献   

This paper is a preliminary study on the Sabiaceae in aspects of its morphology, taxonomy and geography. We propose that the Sabioideae and Meliosmoideae as two new subfamilies of Sabiaceae according to the external morphology, flower structure and geographical distribution of these two genera respectively. This paper follows the taxonomic concepts of Luetha Chen on Sabia and C. F. van Beusekom on Meliosma. We agree with them for their classification of these two genera above the specific rank. As to the revision work of Sabia by van de Water and C. F. van Beusekom’s work on Meliosma we disagree for their unduly broad specific concepts. We rather treat the species of these two genera according to their habitats in regions on a relatively narrower sense. The genus Sabia of China are classified into 2 tribes, with 16 species, 5 subspecies and 2 varieties in which 4 subspecies and l variety are as new combinations, the genus of Meliosma in China are classified into 2 subgenera with 29 species, and 7 varieties of which 4 varieties are new combinations. After examining the affinity of the species of Sabia and Meliosma in China and its neighboring nations such as Burma, Japan and Bhutan, we found that their migration initiated from China, as the primitive species of these two genera occured in northeast and central part of Yunnan, sou theast of Sichuan, north of Guizhou and west of Hubei, the region may probably be the main origin of these two genera. As shown in tables 1 & 2, the localities where the species of these two genera densely populate they are from Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong coinciding with the concepts of C. F. van Beusekom and van de Water about the distribution of exotic species of these two genera, it may reasonable be pointed out that the center of distribution of these two genera is Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and nieghboring nations, upper Burma and northern Vietnam. Futhermore, it may be seen that starting from this center the number of species become less and less as they proceed far and far awaybut become more advance in evolution.  相似文献   

The New Zealand native legume flora are represented by four genera, Sophora, Carmichaelia, Clianthus, and Montigena. The adventive flora of New Zealand contains several legume species introduced in the 19th century and now established as serious invasive weeds. Until now, nothing has been reported on the identification of the associated rhizobia of native or introduced legumes in New Zealand. The success of the introduced species may be due, at least in part, to the nature of their rhizobial symbioses. This study set out to address this issue by identifying rhizobial strains isolated from species of the four native legume genera and from the introduced weeds: Acacia spp. (wattles), Cytisus scoparius (broom), and Ulex europaeus (gorse). The identities of the isolates and their relationship to known rhizobia were established by comparative analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA, atpD, glnII, and recA gene sequences. Maximum-likelihood analysis of the resultant data partitioned the bacteria into three genera. Most isolates from native legumes aligned with the genus Mesorhizobium, either as members of named species or as putative novel species. The widespread distribution of strains from individual native legume genera across Mesorhizobium spp. contrasts with previous reports implying that bacterial species are specific to limited numbers of legume genera. In addition, four isolates were identified as Rhizobium leguminosarum. In contrast, all sequences from isolates from introduced weeds aligned with Bradyrhizobium species but formed clusters distinct from existing named species. These results show that native legume genera and these introduced legume genera do not have the same rhizobial populations.  相似文献   

In the tropics, certain didemnid ascidians harbor the prokaryotic photosymbiont Prochloron. To date, this photosymbiosis has been found in four didemnid genera that include non-symbiotic species. Here, we report the molecular phylogeny of symbiotic and non-symbiotic didemnids based on their 18S rDNA sequences. The data cover all four genera containing symbiotic species and one other genus comprised of only non-symbiotic species. Near-complete nucleotide sequences of 18S rDNAs were determined for four non-didemnid species and 52 didemnid samples (five genera), including 48 photosymbiotic samples collected from the Ryukyu Archipelago, the Great Barrier Reef, Hawaii, and Bali. Our phylogenetic trees indicated a monophyletic origin of the family Didemnidae, as well as each of the didemnid genera. The results strongly support the hypothesis that establishment of the ascidian-Prochloron symbiosis occurred independently in the Didemnidae lineage at least once in each of the genera that possess symbiotic species.  相似文献   

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