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While multiple changes are frequently found to be associated with cisplatin resistance in a variety of tumor cell lines, a cause-effect relationship of these alterations with the resistant phenotype has not been established. In order to identify the resistance-relevant determinants, a series of cisplatinresistant sublines with different degrees of resistance to cisplatin was developed in a human ovarian carcinoma cell line (O-129). Three derived resistant cell lines displayed 2.1-fold (O-129/DDP4, low), 4.1-fold (O-129/DDP8, moderate) and 6.3-fold (O-129/DDP16, high) resistance, respectively, to cisplatin, compared with the sensitive parental line O-129. While the activity of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, an enzyme proposed to be involved in DNA repair, was elevated in all three resistant lines, a significant karyotypic change was observed only in the high-resistance line with the karyotype alteration from near diploidy to heteroploidy. The moderate (4.1-fold) and high (6.3-fold) DDP resistance was associated with a slow proliferation rate in drug-free medium, but cellular glutathione level was highly correlated with DDP sensitivity in all four cell lines. Taken together, the present studies establish that while many changes at cellular level can occur with development of cisplatin resistance, only elevation of intracellular glutathione concentration appears to be related to the resistance phenotype in these human ovarian cancer cells.Abbreviations DDP cisplatin - FBS fetal bovine serum - GSH glutathione - IC50 drug concentration required to result in 50% growth inhibition - PARP poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase  相似文献   

In human cells, large DNA loop heterologies are repaired through a nick-directed pathway independent of mismatch repair. However, a 3'-nick generated by bacteriophage fd gene II protein heterology is not capable of stimulating loop repair. To evaluate the possibility that a mismatch near a loop could induce both repair types in human cell extracts, we constructed and tested a set of DNA heteroduplexes, each of which contains a combination of mismatches and loops. We have demonstrated that a strand break generated by restriction endonucleases 3' to a large loop is capable of provoking and directing loop repair. The repair of 3'-heteroduplexes in human cell extracts is very similar to that of 5'-heteroduplex repair, being strand-specific and highly biased to the nicked strand. This observation suggests that the loop repair pathway possesses bidirectional repair capability similar to that of the bacterial loop repair system. We also found that a nick 5' to a coincident mismatch and loop can apparently stimulate the repair of both. In contrast, 3'-nick-directed repair of a G-G mismatch was reduced when in the vicinity of a loop (33 or 46 bp between two sites). Increasing the distance separating the G-G mismatch and loop by 325 bp restored the efficiency of repair to the level of a single base-base mismatch. This observation suggests interference between 3'-nick-directed large loop repair and conventional mismatch repair systems when a mispair is near a loop. We propose a model in which DNA repair systems avoid simultaneous repair at adjacent sites to avoid the creation of double-stranded DNA breaks.  相似文献   

Methyl-directed DNA mismatch repair in Escherichia coli   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Some of the molecular aspects of methyl-directed mismatch repair in E. coli have been characterized. These include: mismatch recognition by mutS protein in which different mispairs are bound with different affinities; the direct involvement of d(GATC) sites; and strand scission by mutH protein at d(GATC) sequences with strand selection based on methylation of the DNA at those sites. In addition, communication over a distance between a mismatch and d(GATC) sites has been implicated. Analysis of mismatch correction in a defined system (Lahue et al., unpublished) should provide a direct means to further molecular aspects of this process.  相似文献   

Cisplatin (DDP) is used with varying success for the treatment of a wide spectrum of human cancers. The most abundant lesions produced in DNA are intrastrand crosslinks, which are believed to account for not only the cytotoxic action but also the mutagenicity of the drug. The molecular basis for the mutagenicity of DDP adducts is believed to be related to bypass replication across the adducts by DNA polymerase. This results in misincorporation of non-complimentary bases by polymerase beta which, if left unpaired, will generate point or frameshift mutations. An important replication-associated correction function is provided by the post-replicative DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system. Loss of MMR activity is well documented to result in increased mutation rates and instability of genomic DNA. Inactivation of the MMR system also augments the intrinsic mutagenicity of DDP and enhances the risk of developing cells resistant to other drugs commonly used in combination with DDP. A future challenge will be to assess the clinical significance of the presence of MMR-deficient cells in tumors, and investigate new approaches to circumvent such multidrug resistance.  相似文献   

DNA mismatch repair detected in human cell extracts.   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A system to study mismatch repair in vitro in HeLa cell extracts was developed. Preformed heteroduplex plasmid DNA containing two single base pair mismatches within the SupF gene of Escherichia coli was used as a substrate in a mismatch repair assay. Repair of one or both of the mismatches to the wild-type sequence was measured by transformation of a lac(Am) E. coli strain in which the presence of an active supF gene could be scored. The E. coli strain used was constructed to carry mutations in genes associated with mismatch repair and recombination (mutH, mutU, and recA) so that the processing of the heteroduplex DNA by the bacterium was minimal. Extract reactions were carried out by the incubation of the heteroduplex plasmid DNA in the HeLa cell extracts to which ATP, creatine phosphate, creatine kinase, deoxynucleotides, and a magnesium-containing buffer were added. Under these conditions about 1% of the mismatches were repaired. In the absence of added energy sources or deoxynucleotides, the activity in the extracts was significantly reduced. The addition of either aphidicolin or dideoxynucleotides reduced the mismatch repair activity, but only aphidicolin was effective in blocking DNA polymerization in the extracts. It is concluded that mismatch repair in these extracts is an energy-requiring process that is dependent on an adequate deoxynucleotide concentration. The results also indicate that the process is associated with some type of DNA polymerization, but the different effects of aphidicolin and dideoxynucleotides suggest that the mismatch repair activity in the extracts cannot simply be accounted for by random nick-translation activity alone.  相似文献   

Although cisplatin is a very effective anticancer agent against several types of cancer including ovarian cancer, the mechanisms of acquired resistance are not fully understood. By chronically exposing cisplatin to ovarian cancer cell lines, we established two cisplatin-resistant cell lines OV433 and TOV112D. Our results indicate that the mechanisms underlying their cisplatin resistance are distinct. In OV433 cells, cisplatin resistance is associated with increased expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphatase-1 (MKP-1). By knocking down MKP-1 expression by siRNA or inhibiting MKP-1 expression by its pharmacological inhibitor triptolide, cisplatin-resistant OV433 cells became cisplatin-sensitive and subsequently increased cisplatin-induced apoptosis. In TOV112D cells, on the other hand, acquired cisplatin resistance is associated with increased levels of Bcl-2 protein. By inhibiting the activity of Bcl-2 protein with its pharmacological inhibitor gossypol or knocking down Bcl-2 expression by siRNA, cisplatin-resistant TOV112D cells became cisplatin-sensitive and subsequently increased cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Therefore, our data suggest that the mechanisms of acquired cisplatin resistance vary among ovarian cancer cells, which involve up-regulation of molecules associated with the cell survival pathways.  相似文献   

Summary The survival of UV-irradiated phages is increased when host bacteria are grown in the presence of the base analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP) before infection. This increase in survival, which we have called 2AP-reactivation depends upon the concentration of 2AP and the time of exposure to 2AP. 2AP-reactivation can be distinguished from Weigle-reactivation in that it is not accompanied by an increase in mutagenesis, does not act on the single-stranded DNA bacteriophage X174, and occurs in recA and lexA bacteria. 2AP reactivation does not appear to involve known systems of recombinational repair, as it occurs in recB and recF bacteria, or excision repair, as it occurs in uvrA and uvrB bacteria. It is however dependent upon DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

Cadmium inhibits human DNA mismatch repair in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The heavy metal cadmium (Cd) is a human carcinogen that inhibits DNA repair activities. We show that DNA mismatch repair (MMR)-mediated cell cycle arrest after alkylation damage is suppressed by exposure to Cd and that this effect is reversed by preincubation with excess of zinc (Zn). We show that Cd-mediated inactivation of MMR activity is not caused by disruption of complex formation between the MMR proteins hEXO1-hMutS alpha and hEXO1-hMutL alpha nor does Cd inhibit 5'-exonuclease activity of hEXO1 in vitro. Thus, our studies show that exposure of human cells to Cd suppresses MMR activity, a repair activity known to play an important role in colon cancer and that this effect can be reversed by Zn treatment.  相似文献   

A L Lu 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(3):1254-1259
The effect of the number and position of DNA adenine methylation (dam) sites, i.e., d(GATC) sequences, on mismatch repair in Escherichia coli was investigated. The efficiency of repair was measured in an in vitro assay which used an f1 heteroduplex containing a G/T mismatch within the single EcoRI site. Both an increase in the number of dam sites and a shortened distance between dam site and mismatched site increased the efficiency of mismatch repair. The sequences adjacent to d(GATC) also affected the efficiency of methylation-directed mismatch repair. Furthermore, heteroduplexes with one extra dam site located close to either the 5' or 3' end of the excised base increased the repair efficiency to about the same extent. The findings suggest that the mismatch repair pathway has no preferred polarity.  相似文献   

Undirected mismatch repair initiated by the incorporation of the base analog 2-aminopurine kills DNA-methylation-deficient Escherichia coli dam cells by DNA double-strand breakage. Subsequently, the chromosomal DNA is totally degraded, resulting in DNA-free cells.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli MutS and MutL proteins have been conserved throughout evolution, although their combined functions in mismatch repair (MMR) are poorly understood. We have used biochemical and genetic studies to ascertain a physiologically relevant mechanism for MMR. The MutS protein functions as a regional lesion sensor. ADP-bound MutS specifically recognizes a mismatch. Repetitive rounds of mismatch-provoked ADP-->ATP exchange results in the loading of multiple MutS hydrolysis-independent sliding clamps onto the adjoining duplex DNA. MutL can only associate with ATP-bound MutS sliding clamps. Interaction of the MutS-MutL sliding clamp complex with MutH triggers ATP binding by MutL that enhances the endonuclease activity of MutH. Additionally, MutL promotes ATP binding-independent turnover of idle MutS sliding clamps. These results support a model of MMR that relies on two dynamic and redundant ATP-regulated molecular switches.  相似文献   

GATC sequence and mismatch repair in Escherichia coli.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The Escherichia coli mismatch repair system greatly improves DNA replication fidelity by repairing single mispaired and unpaired bases in newly synthesized DNA strands. Transient undermethylation of the GATC sequences makes the newly synthesized strands susceptible to mismatch repair enzymes. The role of unmethylated GATC sequences in mismatch repair was tested in transfection experiments with heteroduplex DNA of phage phi 174 without any GATC sequence or with two GATC sequences, containing in addition either a G:T mismatch (Eam+/Eam3) or a G:A mismatch (Bam+/Bam16). It appears that only DNA containing GATC sequences is subject to efficient mismatch repair dependent on E. coli mutH, mutL, mutS and mutU genes; however, also in the absence of GATC sequence some mut-dependent mismatch repair can be observed. These observations suggest that the mismatch repair enzymes recognize both the mismatch and the unmethylated GATC sequence in DNA over long distances. The presence of GATC sequence(s) in the substrate appears to be required for full mismatch repair activity and not only for its strand specificity according to the GATC methylation state.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair and the long-patch mismatch repair systems correct abnormal DNA structures arising from DNA damage and replication errors, respectively. DNA synthesis past a damaged base (translesion replication) often causes misincorporation at the lesion site. In addition, mismatches are hot spots for DNA damage because of increased susceptibility of unpaired bases to chemical modification. We call such a DNA lesion, that is, a base damage superimposed on a mismatch, a compound lesion. To learn about the processing of compound lesions by human cells, synthetic compound lesions containing UV photoproducts or cisplatin 1,2-d(GpG) intrastrand cross-link and mismatch were tested for binding to the human mismatch recognition complex hMutS alpha and for excision by the human excision nuclease. No functional overlap between excision repair and mismatch repair was observed. The presence of a thymine dimer or a cisplatin diadduct in the context of a G-T mismatch reduced the affinity of hMutS alpha for the mismatch. In contrast, the damaged bases in these compound lesions were excised three- to fourfold faster than simple lesions by the human excision nuclease, regardless of the presence of hMutS alpha in the reaction. These results provide a new perspective on how excision repair, a cellular defense system for maintaining genomic integrity, can fix mutations under certain circumstances.  相似文献   

The human mismatch repair pathway is competent to correct DNA mismatches in a strand-specific manner. At present, only nicks are known to support strand discrimination, although the DNA end within the active site of replication is often proposed to serve this role. We therefore tested the competence of DNA ends or gaps to direct mismatch correction. Eight G.T templates were constructed which contained a nick or gap of 4, 28, or approximately 200 nucleotides situated approximately 330 bp away in either orientation. A competition was established in which the mismatch repair machinery had to compete with gap-filling replication and ligation activities for access to the strand discontinuity. Gaps of 4 or 28 nucleotides were the most effective strand discrimination signals for mismatch repair, whereas double strand breaks did not direct repair to either strand. To define the minimal spatial requirements for access to either the strand signal or mismatch site, the nicked templates were linearized close to either site and assayed. As few as 14 bp beyond the nick supported mismatch excision, although repair synthesis failed using 5'-nicked templates. Finally, asymmetric G.T templates with a remote nick and a nearby DNA end were repaired efficiently.  相似文献   

Measurement of DNA mismatch repair activity in live cells   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Loss of DNA mismatch repair (MMR) function leads to the development and progression of certain cancers. Currently, assays for DNA MMR activity involve the use of cell extracts and are technically challenging and costly. Here, we report a rapid, less labor-intensive method that can quantitatively measure MMR activity in live cells. A G–G or T–G mismatch was introduced into the ATG start codon of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene. Repair of the G–G or T–G mismatch to G–C or T–A, respectively, in the heteroduplex plasmid generates a functional EGFP gene expression. The heteroduplex plasmid and a similarly constructed homoduplex plasmid were transfected in parallel into the same cell line and the number of green cells counted by flow cytometry. Relative EGFP expression was calculated as the total fluorescence intensity of cells transfected with the heteroduplex construct divided by that of cells transfected with the homoduplex construct. We have tested several cell lines from both MMR-deficient and MMR-proficient groups using this method, including a colon carcinoma cell line HCT116 with defective hMLH1 gene and a derivative complemented by transient transfection with hMLH1 cDNA. Results show that MMR-proficient cells have significantly higher EGFP expression than MMR-deficient cells, and that transient expression of hMLH1 alone can elevate MMR activity in HCT116 cells. This method is potentially useful in comparing and monitoring MMR activity in live cells under various growth conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Weigle reactivation and mutagenesis have been found to be defective in strains of E. coli deficient in single-strand DNA binding protein (SSB). These defects parallel those previously found in prophage induction and amplification of recA protein synthesis in ssb strains. Together, these results demonstrate a role for SSB in the induction of SOS responses. UV survival studies of ssb - recA- and ssb - uvr- strains are presented which also suggest a role for SSB in recombinational repair processes but not in excision repair. Studies of host cell reactivation support this latter conclusion.  相似文献   

Circular heteroduplex DNAs of bacteriophage phi X174 have been constructed carrying either a G:T (Eam+/Eam3) or a G:A (Bam+/Bam16) mismatch and containing either two, one or no GATC sequences. Mismatches were efficiently repaired in wild-type Escherichia coli transfected with phi X174 heteroduplexes only when two unmethylated GATC sequences were present in phi X174 DNA. The requirements for GATC sequences in substrate DNA and for the E. coli MutH function in E. coli mismatch repair can be alleviated by the presence of a persistent nick (transfection with nicked heteroduplex DNA in ligase temperature-sensitive mutant at 40 degrees C). A persistent nick in the GATC sequence is as effective in stimulating mutL- and mutS-dependent mismatch repair as a nick distant from the GATC sequence and from the mismatch. These observations suggest that the MutH protein participates in methyl-directed mismatch repair by recognizing unmethylated DNA GATC sequences and/or stimulating the nicking of unmethylated strands.  相似文献   

Repair of heteroduplex DNA containing an A/G mismatch in a mutL background requires the Escherichia coli mutY gene function. The mutY-dependent in vitro repair of A/G mismatches is accompanied by repair DNA synthesis on the DNA strand bearing mispaired adenines. The size of the mufY-dependent repair tract was measured by the specific incorporation of α-[32P]dCTP into different restriction fragments of the repaired DNA. The repair tract is shorter than 12 nucleotides and longer than 5 nucleotides and is localized to the 3′ side of the mismatched adenine. This repair synthesis is carried out by DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

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