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Mice were infected orally with 1,6, or 30 cysticercoids of Hymenolepis diminuta. These were allowed to develop for different periods of time before elimination with anthelminthic, thus exposing the hosts to antigens from the prestrobilate, early strobilate, or fully strobilate worms. Other groups of mice were immunized by intraperitoneal (ip) implantation of a live strobilate worm or by ip implantation of live worms from cysticercoids excysted in vitro. Strong protection against challenge with a surgically transplanted strobilate worm was achieved by prior infection with 6 or 30 worms eliminated as early as Day 3 of infection. By this time these worms would not have strobilated. Conversely, a single worm, strobilating extensively over 16 days, stimulated only weak protection. Parenteral implantation of excysted worms protected mice but parenteral implantation of a strobilate worm had no effect. It is suggested that (i) the tapeworm protective antigens are primarily related to the scolex and/or the germinative region; (ii) the number of worms and the duration of antigenic stimulation in an immunizing infection determine the magnitude of a protective secondary response.  相似文献   

The biochemical properties of a peroxidase previously localized cytochemically in the mitochondria of Hymenolepis diminuta were determined. The method chosen was the o-dianisidine procedure in which the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide has been followed spectrophotometrically. Peroxidase activity was initially demonstrated in the mitochondrial pellet. Subsequently, mitochondrial pellets were sonicated and the membrane and supernatant fractions were tested for peroxidase activity. Enzyme activity was demonstrated in the membrane fraction. The enzyme displayed a pH optimum of 5.0, was ascorbate sensitive, and was inhibited by excess H2O2. Neither peroxidase nor catalase were observed in any other fraction of the tapeworm tissue, confirming previous cytochemical investigations.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound and solubilized (using Triton ×-100 or sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)) alkaline phosphohydrolase (APase) activities of the isolated brush border membrane of Hymenolepis diminuta require a divalent cation for maximum activity. Highest rates of substrate (p-nitrophenyl phosphate) hydrolysis are obtained with low concentrations of Mg2+ (1 mM), although low concentrations of Mn2+, Ca2+, or Zn2+ will also partially satisfy this requirement; higher concentrations of Mg2+ and Mn2+, and other divalent cations (Cu2+, Fe2+, and Pb2+), inhibit the membrane-bound APase activity. Solubilization of the membrane-bound enzyme in either Triton or SDS results in an increase in specific activity and Km, but has little effect on thermal stability of the APase activity. Phosphate, pyrophosphate, adenosine 5′-triphosphate, adenosine 5′-monophosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate, and fructose 1,6-diphosphate inhibit substrate hydrolysis, and the relative affinities of these inhibitors for the APase enzyme are altered only slightly upon solubilization. Graphic analyses of data from inhibitor studies indicate that all eight inhibitors will inhibit membrane-bound and solubilized APase activities 100% at high inhibitonsubstrate ratios. Molybdate, F?, 2-mercaptoethanol, cysteine, and p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibit membrane-bound APase activity. Inhibitor data indicate that if more than one enzyme is responsible for the APase activity of the brush border membrane of H. diminuta, the enzymes cannot be differentiated on the basis of substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Hymenolepis diminuta possesses a tegumental ribonuclease (RNase) which hydrolyzes rat liver and degraded yeast RNA. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel chromatography of rat liver RNA after incubation with intact worms demonstrated significant hydrolysis of the high molecular weight RNA fractions (28 S and 18 S), with the appearance of fractions of intermediate molecular weight (i.e., between 18 S and 4 S), as well as ethanol-soluble fractions. Hydrolysis of degraded yeast RNA (with a molecular weight of approximately 25,000) yielded a single ethanol-precipitable hydrolysis product, as well as ethanol-soluble hydrolysis products.  相似文献   

The metabolic rate of uninfected Mus musculus (CF-1 strain) at 30 C was 1.668 ± 0.032 ccO2/g/hr (mean ± SE, n = 35). At 2 days postinfection (PI)the metabolic rate of infected mice was 2.64 ± 0.15 ccO2/g/hr (n = 6), or 58% higher than that of uninfected control mice. Between 2 and 8 days PI there was a steady decrease in the metabolic rate of infected mice, and by Day 15 PI the metabolic rates of infected and uninfected mice were the same. Since gross histopathological changes (e.g., fibrosis of the bile duct and liver) in infected mice are not evident until Day 4 or 5 PI, the increased metabolic rate during the early stage of infection may be a direct response of the mouse to excretory (secretory) products of the developing parasite.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase; EC and 5′-nucleotidase (5′-NTase; EC activities of the isolated brush border membrane of Hymenolepis diminuta have been studied. The pH optimum for ATPase activity is 7.4, and divalent cations are necessary for maximum activity; no Na+-K+ activated ATPase is present in the isolated brush border membrane. ATPase activity is inhibited by molybdate and phosphorylated monosaccharides, but not by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), p-chloromercuribenzoate (pCMB), or fluoride. The pH optimum for 5′-NTase activity is 9.6–10.2, and divalent cations are necessary for maximum activity. 5′-NTase activity is inhibited by molybdate at pH 9.6 and 7.4, and activated by NEM and pCMB and pH 9.6 and 7.4, respectively; fluoride has no effect on 5′-NTase activity. Solubilization of the brush border membrane fraction in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate has no inhibitory action on either enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Amoscanate possesses chemotherapeutic activity against schistosomes, and in higher doses against many other helminths including filariids and Hymenolepis diminuta. The primary mode of action of this compound is unknown. Effects of the drug on the carbohydrate metabolism as well as on the tegumental and nephridial epithelia of H. diminuta were examined. At various time intervals after administration of the drug to rats infected with H. diminuta, the parasites were recovered and incubated in glucose-salts medium for 90 min. Chemotherapy resulted in decreases in succinate, lactate, and acetate recoveries, while ATP levels dropped. In addition, glycogen levels were depressed in drug-treated worms which were homogenized immediately upon isolation. Glycogen synthase I activity was inhibited 16-61% in cestodes obtained from Amoscanate-treated animals and homogenized immediately, but returned to normal levels after incubation for 90 min in glucose-salts medium prior to homogenization and assay. Phosphorylase a activity was found to be 25-30% higher in preparations of worms from drug-treated rats, which correlates with the rapid depletion of glycogen in parasites exposed to the drug. However, in contrast with glycogen synthase activity, the elevation of phosphorylase a activity in H. diminuta exposed to the drug was not readily reversible. Attempts to demonstrate activity of the drug in vitro by incubating intact cestodes directly with Amoscanate were unsuccessful. Thin sections of parasites obtained from Amoscanate-treated rats and examined by transmission electron microscopy revealed surface alterations of the tegument and nephridial canals. Alterations included bleb formation and erosion of microtriches from the tegument, as well as disappearance of microvilli from nephridial canals. However, these effects became manifest only after 4 or more hr exposure of the rat to the drug. Biochemical effects, on the other hand, were significant after 3 hr exposure.  相似文献   

Adult F. hepatica were obtained from sheep which had received a single dose of rafoxanide at the therapeutic dose rate (7·5 mg/kg body weight). Flukes were recovered 12 and 24 h after the sheep were treated. No flukes were present after 4 days. Plasma levels of the drug were high after 24 h and remained so at 4 days. Flukes were being expelled from the liver 24 h after treatment. Glycogen levels within the flukes were diminished in the 24 h treated group, as were concentrations of ATP. These effects were not apparent in the 12 h treated group. Fluctuations in glucose, G6P, F6P and pyruvate pools were observed in both groups. The effects of rafoxanide were irreversible after 24 h exposure to the drug. Flukes from the treated sheep were incubated for 6 and 24 h in a simple maintenance medium with added glucose. They showed progressive deterioration in energy status. The results are considered in the context of the mode of action of rafoxanide.  相似文献   

Glucose transport by Hymenolepis diminuta was inhibited when Cl? in the bathing medium was replaced with acetate (C2H3O2Post?), but was unaffected when Cl? was replaced with SCN?. The relative effectiveness of the anions to inhibit influx of 7.4 mM Cl? in the presence of 1 mM glucose was SCN? > Cl? > C2H3O2Post?. Glucose stimulated the influxes of 120 mM Cl? and SCN?, but had little effect on 120 mM C2H3O2Post? influx. While the diffusion rates of the anions were C2H3O2Post? > SCN? = Cl?, the preference of the glucose transport system for the anions was SCN? > Cl? > C2H3O2Post?. Efflux of Cl? was not affected by the rate of glucose influx. Finally, microelectrode recordings of worms anesthetized with 2 mM arecoline revealed a transmembrane potential (TMP) of ?45 ± 3.6 mV (inside negative). Three to four minutes after addition of glucose (5 mM) there was a progressive hyperpolarization of the TMP to ?58 mV. A revised model of the glucose transport system that is consistent with previous observations on this organism is proposed.  相似文献   

The effects of the density of Hymenolepis diminuta and the effects of thermal acclimation on the water balance of Tenebrio molitor were examined. Also, the subsequent infectivity of the cysticercoids for rats were investigated. T. molitor beetles were fed known numbers of H. diminuta eggs and then were kept at 15° or 25°C for 14 days. After 14 days, beetles were desiccated and water loss was determined. Parasite density did not significantly affect transpiratory water loss in T. molitor kept at 15° or 25°C following 24 or 48 hr of desiccation. However, after 72 hr of desiccation, beetles maintained at 15°C evidently could not regulate water efficiently since there was a significant increase in the transpiratory water loss as parasite density increased. Beetles acclimated at 15°C produced fewer cysticercoids than did beetles maintained at 25°C. Also, fewer adult worms were recovered from rats intubated with cysticercoids from heavily infected, 15°C-acclimated beetles. Apparently, heavily infected beetles acclimated to 15°C do not produce viable cysticercoids.  相似文献   

Studies on the normal and parasitized rat intestine were used to investigate the effect of the tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, on in vivo intestinal lumenal oxygen tensions, acid-base balance and mucosal absorption and accumulation of fluid and glucose.The lumenal bulk aqueous phase is considerable, well mixed and aerobic with an oxygen tension of 40–50 mm Hg. Neither the unstirred layers adjacent to the brush border membrane nor the area adjacent to the mucosa (“paramucosal lumen”) are significant barriers to the diffusion of oxygen from the blood to the intestinal lumen. In the uninfected distal ileum and colon anoxic conditions may occur in the central lumen, but, in the parasitized intestine fluid absorption is reduced and anoxic conditions do not occur. Increased H+ ion concentration in the parasitized intestine plays a role in increasing the availability of oxygen to intestinal helminths. Concomitant with the lower pH, the pCO2 in the lumen of the parasitized intestine was twice as high as that found in normal animals. The total CO2 in the parasitized intestine steadily decreased over a 3-h perfusion period, while in the normal intestine the total CO2 content increased after an initial fall during the first 30 min of perfusion. When the worms were removed, the ability of the intestine to restore normal acid-base balance was restored. Glucose and fluid absorption in both the infected and uninfected intestine were reduced by an increase in H+ ion concentration; both parameters were lower in the parasitized intestine than in the normal animals. Low pH increased fluid and glucose transport by H. diminuta.While the dry weights of both the parasitized and uninfected total small intestine and of the intestinal mucosa were the same, the wet weights were considerably different, indicating defective fluid balance in the infected intestine. Accumulation of glucose by the parasitized mucosa was greater than in control animals and decreased with an increase in H+ ion concentration. The glucose transport system in the parasitized gut was therefore affected at two levels, one at the brush border, where transport into the mucosa was decreased by lowering the pH, and secondly at the level of the basal and lateral membranes, where transport out of the mucosal tissue into the circulatory system was also reduced.The above results are discussed in terms of current widely accepted but erroneous concepts relating to the intestinal ‘microcosm’.  相似文献   

Infections of one and two Hymenolepis diminuta established in newly weaned rats continued to grow for the duration of the experiment (238 days), whereas infections of 5 worms per rat became asymptotic around Day 55 postinfection and remained at or below this level thereafter as shown by biomass and mean weight per worm measurements. Infections of 50 worms established in newly weaned rats became asymptotic around Day 28 postinfection and thereafter worms were lost from the rats. Initially the biomass fell with the loss of worms, but by Day 56 a new lower biomass persisted for the remainder of the infection period. This level was maintained, despite diminishing numbers of worms, due to the growth of surviving individuals to a weight exceeding the original weight at maturity by a factor of more than 2. Experiments using rats that were mature at the time of infection demonstrated that the same response occurred, but approximately 3 weeks earlier.  相似文献   

Florida's red tide organism, Gymnodinium breve, utilized exogenous glucose in the light for the synthesis of cellular components. Glucose was not taken up in the dark. Kinetic parameters for glucose uptake include a KFD of 11 μM and a Vmax of 1 × 10?10 mol of glucose taken up/mg cellular protein/hr. Glucose uptake was competitively inhibited by phloridzin (Ki = 40 μM), mannose (Ki = 12O μM), and 2-deoxy-d-glucose (Ki = 190 μM) and non-competitively inhibited by galactose (Ki = 125 μM). Kinetics and inhibition of glucose uptake are consistent with a facilitated diffusion transport system.  相似文献   

One, 5, 15 and 30 worm infections of Hymenolepis diminuta were established in juvenile or adult male (Hooded Rowett or Sprague-Dawley) rats. Worm numbers and weight, and egg output were determined from day 15 to day 85 post infection. Gradual worm loss occurred only from 15 and 30 worm infections. In 5, 15 and 30 worm infections worm weight decreased from day 19 to day 50 but no weight loss occurred in single worm infections. The size range of individual worms from a multiple infection of a single rat increased markedly following infection. Adult rats showed a greater worm loss and harboured smaller worms than juvenile rats. The data will fit either a competitive or an immunological model.  相似文献   

The enzymes of hydrogen peroxide metabolism have been investigated in the cestodes H. diminuta and M. expansa. Neither catalase, lipoxygenase, glutathione peroxidase, NADH peroxidase nor NADPH peroxidase could be detected in homogenates of either species. However, both H. diminuta and M. expansa possessed a peroxidase which had a high affinity for reduced cytochrome c. The peroxidase was characterized by substrate and inhibitor studies and cell fractionation showed the enzyme to be located in the mitochondrial membrane fraction. The peroxidase could act as a substitute for catalase, by destroying metabolic hydrogen peroxide. Appreciable superoxide dismutase activity was found in M. expansa and H. diminuta and it is possible that this enzyme is the source of helminth hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Larval stages of Oesophagostomum radiatum grown in vitro and adults grown in vivo were incubated in complex media or in a simple salt solution containing radioactive glucose. Glucose disappearance and end product accumulation of third-stage larvae in a simple salt solution indicated that they excreted CO2 and acetic, propionic, and lactic acids. Larvae in third molt, fourth stage, and adults all excreted CO2, acetic, propionic, and lactic acids at twice the rate of third-stage larvae plus an additional product, methylbutyric acid. Carbon dioxide arose primarily from the 3 or 4 carbons of glucose. An anaerobic atmosphere (95% N2:5% CO2) had no apparent effect on metabolism. When incubation was done in complex media, isobutyric and 3-methylbutyric acids were seen as major excretion products (10 and 24%, respectively). However, these acids were quantitatively minor when incubations took place in simple salts-glucose medium (1 and 0–3%, respectively).  相似文献   

The first 2 cm of H. diminuta produce more lactate and acetate and less succinate than the main part of the worm. A NAD/NADH balance sheet indicates the front will use more oxygen per g protein than the more mature segments.  相似文献   

Normally in mice the intra-villus phase of Hymenolepis nana life cycle is completed by the fifth day of infection. However, when the mice were fed continuously on a mixture of 1.5 g Telmin (166.7 mg of mebendazole/g) per kg of food (Purina Lab Chow) from day 1 (24 h) post infection (p.i.), this intramucosal phase was prolonged for varying periods up to day 12 p.i. Mebendazole expelled successfully all lumen dwelling stages of the parasite, but, when treatment was terminated, cysticercoids still in the villi mucosa were able to recover from the drug's effect on their development, excyst, leave the villi and grow to fully gravid adults in the intestinal lumen.  相似文献   

When eggs of the dwarf tapeworm Hymenolepis nana, cycled exclusively and directly through mice for more than 10 years, were inoculated into previously uninfected inbred Fischer (F344) strain rats, they failed to mature in the rat intestinal lumen. Eggs of H. nana inoculated into the rat developed normally into cysticercoids (cysts) in the intestinal tissue, but thereafter failed to mature in the lumen except when the host was treated with cortisone acetate from the day of cyst maturation. The Fischer rat initially given eggs of H. nana became completely immune to egg challenge within 2 days of egg inoculation; no cysts derived from challenge eggs were found in the immunized rat. Immunosuppression, assessed by the success of cyst recovery in the tissue 4 days after egg challenge, had no promotive effect on the recovery of adult worms derived from eggs initially inoculated. Rats initially given eggs and immunosuppressed by cyclophosphamide or antithymocyte serum did not harbor any adult worms. Cortisone acetate treatment which was sufficient for eggs inoculated to mature (a total of 75 or even 200 mg, from Day 5 of egg inoculation) had no effects of immunosuppression, whereas cortisone acetate treatment which was sufficient for immunosuppression (a total of 150 mg from Day -2, two days prior to the initial egg inoculation) induced some adult formation as well. In addition, when mouse-derived cysts were inoculated into the rat instead of eggs, they also failed completely to mature even when the rat was treated with cyclophosphamide or antithimocyte serum. However, when the rat was treated with cortisone acetate from the day of cyst inoculation, the cysts developed into adult worms. Therefore, these results indicate that the Fischer rat clearly differs in its susceptibility to the tissue phase of egg inoculation and to the lumen phase of cyst inoculation of H. nana, and strongly suggest that the failure of maturation of H. nana in the unnatural host Fischer rat is not attributed to innate and/ or acquired immunity of the rat but to other nonimmunological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Significant protection against infection with 10 or 30 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica was conferred on naive rats by the passive transfer of serum derived from rats which had been exposed to primary and challenge infections with 5 or 10 and 30 or 20 metacercariae respectively. Immune serum did not have a pronounced effect on the mortality of metacercariae in vitro. However, its presence was associated with the formation of a precipitate on the tegument of each metacercaria and in the culture medium. The precipitate contained rat antibody and other components, presumably parasite antigens, which elicited the formation of antibody when the precipitate was injected into rats. Viability of metacercariae cultured in immune and normal sera as well as freshly excysted specimens was tested in rats by intraperitoneal infection. Metacercariae cultured in immune serum did not develop. By comparison with the viability of freshly excysted metacercariae, that of some metacercariae cultured in normal serum was impaired; this was attributed to inadequacies in the culture technique. A relationship between precipitate formation in vitro and impaired viability of metacercariae in vivo has yet to be established.  相似文献   

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