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Growth kinetics of Datura innoxia batch suspension cultureswen monitored by a Klett-turbidimetric technique. While cultured. wt varied linearly with Klett units, f. wt and packed cellvolume did not. Turbidimetrically determined doubling timeswere highly reproducible. The method proved to be useful inthe determination of acutely lethal conantrations of a seriesof anti-metabolites. In certain circumstances, aggregate dissociation in batch suspensioncultures of D. innoxia was found to be coupled to growth rate.Suspensions maintained with 10–5 M 2,4-D exhibited a relativelyslow growth rate with a high degree of aggregate dissociation:10–4 M 2,4-D promoted a maximum growth rate, but dramaticallysuppressed aggregate dissociation. At 10–5 M 2,4-D, themitotic index of smaller-aggregate fractions was greater thanthe mitotic index of the large-aggregate fraction. At 10–5M 2,4-D the converse was observed. Supraoptimal 2,4-D concentrationsthus enhanced both aggregate dissociation and the growth ofsmaller aggregates. When present in concentrations promoting optimal growth. malicand succinic acids caused a decrease in aggregate dissociation.Casein hydrolysate dramatically enhanced growth, but did notaffect aggregate dissociation to the same degree as 2,4-D orthe Krebs cycle organic acids. Suggestions are made concerningmedium composition to be used in future mutant selection schemesusing D. innoxia. Datura innoxia (Miller), suspension culture, growth kinetics, mitotic index, 2,4-dichorophenoxy acetic acid  相似文献   

Datura innoxia cells from suspension cultures were selected for their ability to grow and divide rapidly in normally lethal concentrations of cadmium. Cells resistant to 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 160, 200, and 250 micromolar cadmium chloride were isolated and utilized to initiate cell suspension cultures resistant to this toxic metal ion. Variant cell lines retained their ability to grow in cadmium after being grown in its absence for more than 400 generations. Resistance to cadmium was correlated with the synthesis of low molecular weight, cysteine-rich, cadium-binding proteins. Synthesis of these proteins was induced rapidly in cadmium-resistant cells in response to a challenge of cadmium. Induction was detectable within one hour after exposure of the cells to the metal ion. Accumulation of protein bound cadmium reached a maximum eight to twelve hours following exposure. Metal-binding proteins were not detectable in the cadmium sensitive D. innoxia cells from which resistant cells were derived.  相似文献   

King J  Khanna V 《Plant physiology》1980,66(4):632-636
A comparative study has been carried out of the growth of two lines of Datura innoxia (Mill.) cells, designated DI-6 and NR1, their resistance to chlorate, and their ability to assimilate nitrate in sterile culture. The NR1 cell line was isolated from DI-6 cultures by first growing the latter in a nitrate-based medium for 5 days and then transferring the cells to a medium containing 2 grams liter−1 of casein hydrolysate as the sole N source and 49 millimolar KClO3 for a 6-week incubation period. Cells which survived the chlorate treatment then were transferred to casein hydrolysate medium and have been cultured in the absence of chlorate for more than 18 months (NR1).  相似文献   

Datura innoxia Mill. callus cultures formed shoots in 2–4 weeks on media containing; a) gibberellic acid, b) indoleacetic acid, c) low concentrations of naphthylacetic acid, d) low concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, e) benzylaminopurine, f) no growth substance. Benzylaminopurine promoted shoot differentiation. Gibberellic acid inhibited shoot formation weakly, but inhibited proper leaf blade formation. Root differentiation was rare. The callus cultures of Datura innoxia grew rapidly (100-fold in 4 weeks) on a slightly modified Murashige and Skoog medium (0.5 mg/l thiamin · HCl, pH 5.5, no glycine) in light at 30°C. Callus grew well on any single one of the growth substances NAA (10?5M), 2,4-D (10?6M) or BAP (3 × 10?6M). Growth was less and more erratic on GA or IAA. The callus cultures did not grow significantly better when BAP was combined with one of the auxins or with GA.  相似文献   

O-Acetylserine sulfhydrylase (OASS; EC catalyzes the formation of L-cysteine from O-acetylserine and inorganic sulfide. Three OASS isoenzymes that differ in molecular mass and subunit structure are present in shoot and root tissues and in cadmium-resistant and cadmium-susceptible cell cultures of Datura innoxia Mill. Different OASS forms predominate in leaves, roots, and suspension-cell cultures. To determine the subcellular location of the OASS isoenzymes, purified mitochondria, chloroplasts, and cytosolic fractions from protoplasts were obtained. The isoenzymes are compartmentalized in D. innoxia cells, with a different isoenzyme predominant in the chloroplast, cytosol, and mitochondria, suggesting that they serve different functions in the plant cell. The chloroplast form is most abundant in green leaves and leaf protoplasts. The cytosolic form is most abundant in roots and cell cultures. A mitochondrial form is abundant in cell cultures, but is a minor form in leaves or roots. Cadmium-tolerant cell cultures contain 1.8 times as much constitutive OASS activity as the wild-type cell line, and 2.9 times more than the cadmium-hypersensitive cell line. This may facilitate rapid production of glutathione and metal-binding phytochelatins when these cultures are exposed to cadmium.  相似文献   

Effect of gamma irradiation on growth, shoot organogenesis andenzyme activities and isoenzyme patterns of -amylase and peroxidaseduring differentiation in long-term calluses of Datura innoxiahave been investigated. Radiation in doses of 0.2 and 1.0 kRstimulated the shoot regeneration frequency as well as the numberof shoots per regenerating callus. The 0.2 kR dose could induceshoot organogenesis even in calluses incubated in the dark oncallusing medium, although with less frequency. Such cultures,however, showed profuse shoot regeneration when sub-culturedonto regeneration medium under light conditions. A higher radiationdose (5.0 kR) was lethal to both growth and shoot differentiation.Prior to shoot regeneration, -amylase and peroxidase specificactivities increased to four- to fivefold and 7–24-fold,respectively. While the amylase isoenzyme pattern remained unchanged,specific changes in the isoperoxidase pattern were observedduring shoot differentiation in callus cultures. The most significantchange was the appearance of fast-moving anodic bands priorto visible shoot differentiation. Thus, such isoperoxidasesprovide useful biochemical markers for shoot differentiation. Datura innoxia, shoot organogenesis, isoenzyme pattern, gamma-radiation, growth regulators  相似文献   

Cells of the auxotrophic mutant, Ad1, of Datura innoxia requiredadenine, adenosine, or inosine for their growth on solid agarmedium which contained Murashige-Skoog salts, 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyaceticacid, and sucrose. Thirteen purine and pyrimidine nucleotidesin extracts of wild-type and Ad1 cells were separated and quantifiedby HPLC. Levels of ADP-glucose and UMP were significantly higherin Ad1 than in wild-type cells, but those of other nucleotideswas found when Ad1 cells were transferred to fresh medium withoutadenine. The rate of the biosynthesis de novo of purines, asestimated from the rate of incorporation of 14C from [2-14C]-glycine and [14C]formate into adenine nucleotides, was reducedin Ad1 cells to 21 and 13% of the wild-type rate, respectively.The activities involved in the salvage of adenine and adenosinein Ad1 cells were similar to those in wild-type cells. Ad1 cellshad the capability to convert adenine to guanine nucleotidesand guanine to adenine nucleotides. 1 Part 27 of the series, "Metabolic Regulation in Plant CellCulture". (Received March 7, 1988; Accepted August 3, 1988)  相似文献   

A method is described for growing cell suspension cultures of Chenopodium rubrum photoautotrophically for prolonged periods of time. By using a two-tier culture vessel the growth medium with the cells was separated from the CO2 reservoir. Definite CO2 concentrations were established by a K2CO3/KHCO3 buffer. Photoautotrophic growth in C. rubrum cell suspension cultures was correlated with the CO2 level. At 0.5% CO2 the cell cultures contained 68 μg chlorophyll/g fresh weight and showed an increase in fresh weight of about 80% in 18 days. At 1% CO2 an increase in fresh weight of 165% in 18 days was observed. The chlorophyll content rose up to 84 μg/g fresh weight. The photoautotrophic growth was also greatly influenced by the 2,4-D content of the medium. Cell growth was enhanced by lowering the auxin concentration. Best growth was attained (210% increase in fresh weight) at 10?8M 2,4-D. The photosynthetic activity of the cells was measured by the light dependent 14CO2 incorporation. At 0.5% CO2 the cell suspensions assimilated about 100 μmol CO2/mg chlorophyll × h. In the presence of 1% CO2 the light driven assimilation was raised up to 185 μmol CO2/mg chlorophyll × h. In both cases, the dark incorporation of CO2 was merely 1.8% of the values obtained in light.  相似文献   

利用紫花曼陀罗细胞悬浮培养转化外源对羟基苯甲醛合成天麻素,并应用多种色谱技术进行分离纯化,根据转化产物的理化性质和光谱数据分析鉴定结构。实验表明,紫花曼陀罗细胞成功将对羟基苯甲醛转化为天麻素(Ⅱ),同时也得到了由对羟基苯甲醛生成天麻素的转化中间体对羟基苯甲醇(Ⅰ)。在培养基中添加0.1mg/L的水杨酸能显著提高细胞对外源对羟基苯甲醛的糖基化率,而保持气升式发酵罐(25-L)罐内压力为低压(0.001MPa)也能提高细胞对外源对羟基苯甲醛的糖基化率。实验证明,紫花曼陀罗细胞悬浮培养能有效转化对羟基苯甲醛合成天麻素。  相似文献   

Normal and androgenic diploid Datura innoxia plants were selfedand the progeny was analysed for its leaf alkaloid content.Since the androgenic lines had originally produced very differentamounts of the tropane alkaloids, scopolamine and hyoscyamine,we were interested in determining whether this trait is transmittedby self-fertilization. The alkaloid content of the progeny wasfound to correlate well with that of the parental plants. Also,calli were initiated from leaf discs derived from plants withdifferent capacities for alkaloid biosynthesis. These were furthersubcultured for 2 years. Again, the same correlations in hyoscyamineand scopolamine content were observed. This indicates that itis possible to initiate callus with a high alkaloid contentstarting from actively alkaloid-producing androgenic Daturainnoxia plants. Key words: Datura innoxia, tropane alkaloids, androgenic plants, callus culture  相似文献   

Callus cultures of carnation, Dianthus caryophyllus L. ev. G. J. Sim, were grown on a synthetic medium of half strength Murashige and Skoog salts, 3 % sucrose, 100 mg/l of myo-inositol, 0.5 mg/l each of thiamin, HCl, pyridoxin, HCl and nicotinic acid and 10 g/l agar. Optimal concentrations of growth regulators were observed to be 3 × 10?6M indoleacetic acid (JAA) combined with 3 × 10?6M benzylaminopurin (BAP) or 10?6M 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) alone. IAA + BAP caused a 100 fold increase in fresh weight over 4 weeks at 25°C. Addition of casein hydrolysate increased growth further. Cell suspension cultures worked best in media containing 2,4-D in which they had a doubling time of about 2 days. Filtered suspensions were successfully plated on agar in petri dishes, but division was never observed in single cells. The cultures initiated roots at higher concentrations of IAA or NAA, but all attempts to induce formation of shoots or em-bryoids gave negative results.  相似文献   

Saxena PK  King J 《Plant physiology》1988,86(3):863-867
Cells resistant to the sulfonylurea herbicides chlorsulfuron and sulfometuron methyl were isolated from a predominantly haploid cell suspension culture of Datura innoxia P. Mill. Exponentially growing cell colonies (aggregates of about 40 cells) were mutagenized with ethyl methane sulfonate, subcultured for 10 days to allow growth recovery and plated on a medium containing either chlorsulfuron or sulfometuron methyl at a concentration (10−8 molar) which killed wild type cells. Surviving clones were picked up after 3 to 4 weeks, further proliferated as callus or cell suspension cultures, and tested for their resistance to both the sulfonylureas and imidazolinones, a chemically different class of herbicides. The variants were stable and showed high (100- to 1000-fold) resistance to the sulfonylureas. While some also exhibited cross resistance to imidazolinones, others showed no cross-resistance at all or, as in one case, greater sensitivity than wild type cells to the imidazolinones. Both classes of herbicides tested inhibited acetolactate synthase activity isolated from wild type cells. The acetolactate synthase of the resistant variants, however, was found to be resistant to the sulfonylureas and also to the imidazolinone(s) in those cells showing cross-resistance to the latter. The lack of cross-resistance observed in some cases provides evidence that the two groups of herbicides have slightly different sites on the acetolactate synthase molecule.  相似文献   

Fifty three alkaloids were identified in the organs (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and seeds) of Datura innoxia by GC/MS. Seventeen of them are reported for the first time for this species and one nor-derivative, 3-phenylacetoxynortropane (28), for the genus Datura. Furthermore, four new tropane esters were tentatively identified as 3-acetoxy-6,7-epoxytropane (acetylscopine) (10), 3-acetoxy-6-propionyloxy-7-hydroxytropane (15), 6,7-dehydro-3-phenylacetoxytropane (25), and 3-(2'-phenylpropionyloxy)-6,7-epoxynortropane (dihydroaponorscopolamine) (37) on the basis of their mass spectral data. Hyoscyamine (44) and scopolamine (48) figure as main alkaloids in the roots and aerial parts, respectively.  相似文献   

In anther cultures of Datura innoxia the addition of growthhormones, such as auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins, to theculture medium enhanced the production of pollen embryoids.Cytokinins appeared to be the most effective and, among thefour cytokinins tested, zeatin and kinetin gave the best results.Generally speaking, combinations of hormones did not improvethe response over that of an individual hormone. The numberof embryoids per anther varied in the same medium and did notstrictly correlate with the percentage of responding anthers.  相似文献   

程华  余龙江 《生物技术》2007,17(3):56-59
目的:建立一个快速生长的岩黄连悬浮细胞培养体系。方法:研究了接种量、基本培养基、初始pH值、不同碳源对岩黄连悬浮细胞生长的影响。结果:合适的接种量是7.5~10%(FW),接种量过少会抑制细胞生长;B5和MS基本培养基均适合岩黄连细胞的生长;最佳初始培养基pH值为6.0,此时获得的细胞生物量最高;岩黄连悬浮细胞培养的生长周期为24d,最大生物量出现在第18d,达到14.1g/l(DW);蔗糖比葡萄糖更有利于岩黄连细胞的生长,添加60g/l蔗糖所获得的生物量最高,达到18.5g/l(DW)。  相似文献   

C. Wylegalla  R. Meyer  K. G. Wagner 《Planta》1985,166(4):446-451
A general picture of the metabolic events which govern to growth behaviour of a batch culture of suspended dedifferentiated cells of Datura innoxia is obtained by following both the uptake and accumulation of the medium phosphate and sucrose by the cells, and the synthesis of RNA, protein and starch. The results are compared with the changes in the nucleotide pools described in the preceding paper. The sequence of formation and the regulatory dependencies of cellular pools of phosphate, sucrose, nucleotides and RNA in the production of proteins, starch and cell mass, and in the control of proliferation and cell growth are discussed. Furthermore, the importance of the maintenance pools for metabolic survival during starvation is emphasized.  相似文献   

The kinetics of tropane alkaloids accumulation in different organs such as roots, leaves, stems, flowers and seeds of Datura innoxia was investigated by GC-MS. Twenty-six tropane alkaloids were detected. The ester derivatives of tropine (3alpha-tigloyloxytropine and 3-tigloyloxy-6-hydroxytropine) are the major compounds. Undifferentiated callus were established from the stem explants of Datura innoxia using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplied with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA, 1 mg l(-10) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA, 0.5 mg l(-1)) in combination for 6 weeks. Callus differentiation was initiated by subculture onto solid MS medium, free from hormones, for more than 10 months. Initially, shoots were formed after four weeks from subculture. Further subculturing in basal MS medium without growth regulators initiated the rooting of a shooty callus after 6 weeks. Investigation of the alkaloid content of the unorganized and organized callus revealed that callus (either green or brown) yielded only trace amounts of alkaloids. On the other hand, re-differentiated shoots contained mainly scopolamine while re-differentiated roots biosynthesized hyoscyamine as the main alkaloid.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine 5-methyltryptophan-resistant cell lines have been selected from haploid Datura innoxia Mill. cell cultures by plating suspensions in agar medium containing a growth inhibitory concentration of 5-methyltryptophan. Mutagen treatment increased the frequency of resistance. The eleven variants tested posses an altered anthranilate synthase less sensitive to feedback inhibition by tryptophan. All five of the variants which were analyzed for free amino acids contained elevated levels of free tryptophan (8 to 30 times the wild type level). None of the selected cell lines were auxin-autotrophic. Resistance to 5-methyltryptophan, altered anthranilate synthase, and high free tryptophan (4 to 44 times) were also expressed in leaves of plants regenerated from the variant lines and in cultures reinitiated from the resistant plants. These results show that the amino acid overproduction phenotype can be selected at the cellular level of organization and be expressed identically in whole plants regenerated from the selected cells.  相似文献   

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