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The human minisatellite probes 33.6 and 33.15 cross–hybridized to Hae III and Hinf I digested cod DNA, revealing complex fragment patterns in both Arctic and coastal cod. The DNA fingerprints were highly polymorphic, individual specific and stable in the germline. The potential applications of multi locus probes in cod research are discussed.  相似文献   

A reappraisal of activity metabolism in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ) were forced to swim in a swim tunnel respirometer until fatigued; oxygen consumption rate (O2) was measured during swimming at incremental speeds until the fish was exhausted and during recovery from exhaustion. Maximal oxygen consumption (O2max) occurred during maximal activity as has been found for other fish species, but at odds with the current paradigm for Atlantic cod. Earlier experiments had drawn the conclusion that O2max in Atlantic cod occurs during recovery from exhaustive exercise. We found no support for this paradigm in our experiments and we propose that the respiratory physiology of Atlantic cod is not unlike that of other fishes.  相似文献   

The reduction potential of a cell is related to its fate. Proliferating cells are more reduced than those that are differentiating, whereas apoptotic cells are generally the most oxidized. Glutathione is considered the most important cellular redox buffer and the average reduction potential (Eh) of a cell or organism can be calculated from the concentrations of glutathione (GSH) and glutathione disulfide (GSSG). In this study, triplicate groups of cod larvae at various stages of development (3 to 63 days post-hatch; dph) were sampled for analyses of GSSG/2GSH concentrations, together with activities of antioxidant enzymes and expression of genes encoding proteins involved in redox metabolism. The concentration of total GSH (GSH+GSSG) increased from 610±100 to 1260±150 μmol/kg between 7 and 14 dph and was then constant until 49 dph, after which it decreased to 810±100 μmol/kg by 63 dph. The 14- to 49-dph period, when total GSH concentrations were stable, coincides with the proposed period of metamorphosis in cod larvae. The concentration of GSSG comprised approximately 1% of the total GSH concentration and was stable throughout the sampling series. This resulted in a decreasing Eh from −239±1 to −262±7 mV between 7 and 14 dph, after which it remained constant until 63 dph. The changes in GSH and Eh were accompanied by changes in the expression of several genes involved in redox balance and signaling, as well as changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes, with the most dynamic responses occurring in the early phase of cod larval development. It is hypothesized that metamorphosis in cod larvae starts with the onset of mosaic hyperplasia in the skeletal muscle at approximately 20 dph (6.8 mm standard length (SL)) and ends with differentiation of the stomach and disappearance of the larval finfold at 40 to 50 dph (10–15 mm SL). Thus, metamorphosis in cod larvae seems to coincide with high and stable total concentrations of GSH.  相似文献   

This study examined the restoration of the digestive capacity of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus) following a long period of food deprivation. Fifty cod (48 cm, 1 kg) were food-deprived for 68 days and then fed in excess with capelin (Mallotus villosus Müller) on alternate days. Ten fish were sampled after 0, 2, 6, 14 and 28 days and the mass of the pyloric caeca, intestine and carcass determined. Two metabolic enzymes (cytochrome c oxidase and citrate synthase) were assayed in white muscle, pyloric caeca and intestine, and trypsin activity was measured in the pyloric caeca. A delay of 14 days was required before body mass started to increase markedly, whereas most of the increase in mass of both the pyloric caeca and intestine relative to fish length occurred earlier in the experiment. By day 14, the activities of trypsin and citrate synthase in the pyloric caeca as well as citrate synthase in the intestine had reached maxima. The growth of the digestive tissues and restoration of their metabolic capacities thus occur early upon refeeding and are likely required for recovery growth to take place. The phenotypic flexibility of the cod digestive system is therefore remarkable: increases in trypsin activity and size of pyloric caeca resulted in a combined 29-fold increase in digestive capacity of the fish during the refeeding period. Our study suggests that Atlantic cod are able to cope with marked fluctuations in food availability in their environment by making a rapid adjustment of their digestive capacity as soon as food availability increases.  相似文献   

In order to investigate whether meiotic gynogenetic Atlantic cod is fertile and able to produce viable offspring, meiotic gynogenetic females were produced in spring 2010 by activating cod eggs using irradiated sperm. The extrusion of the second polar body was prevented by the application of hydrostatic pressure (56.6 MPa) 36 min after fertilization. In February 2012, their mean round weight was 972 g, and 2580 g in March 2013. In 2012, when the fish were 2 years old, about 52% were mature, 33% were immature, and 13% had undifferentiated gonads. One year later, 77% were mature, 11% were immature, and 11% had undifferentiated gonads. Several of the mature females had malformed gonads, with only one developed ovary lobe or with the two lobes fused. The mean gonadosomic index (GSI) of the 2‐year‐old mature females was 5.2%, with an estimated relative fecundity of 581 000 eggs kg ovary‐free wet weight?1. Females were stripped for eggs when 2 and 3 years old (2012 and 2013), and fertilized with sperm from normal males. Offspring were obtained from 12 of 17 and 12 of 15 egg batches incubated in 2012 and 2013, respectively, proving that the gynogenetic females are fertile. Furthermore, larvae in all but one of the hatched groups from 2013 had commenced feeding 2 h after being startfed using rotifers 4 days after hatch, indicating viable offspring.  相似文献   

Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) was diagnosed in 5 to 24 g sized farmed Atlantic cod Gadus morhua kept in sea cages at Parisvatn, Hordaland county, on the west coast of Norway. Moderate mortality (10 to 15%) was observed, along with anorexia and abnormal swimming behaviour, such as looping or spiral swimming and reduced coordination. Nodavirus was detected by 2 different real-time RT-PCR assays, and this was later confirmed by immunohistochemistry. This is the first report of an outbreak of VER in farmed cod in Norway, and the first report that VER affect cod exceeding 5 g in size.  相似文献   

Proportions of leucocytes from head kidney, blood and spleen were identified as B-cells and neutrophils using a polyclonal antibody to cod IgM and a monoclonal antibody which previously has been shown to bind specifically to salmon and trout neutrophils. The cell specific binding of the antibodies was supported by double immunostaining. The morphology of isolated leucocytes was examined on Diff Quick stained slide preparations, and myeloperoxidase positive neutrophils were identified by diaminobenzidine staining. The antibodies clearly identified distinct cell populations. Using flow cytometry, high proportions of neutrophils were observed in peripheral blood leucocytes and high proportions of B-cells were found in head kidney leucocytes when compared to proportions of these cells in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). The spleen contained the highest proportion of B-cells. Cytoplasmic staining of immunoglobulin positive cells in slide preparations indicated that plasma cells were present, but not strikingly abundant, in head kidney, spleen and peripheral blood. Staining for myeloperoxidase identified, in accordance with the flow cytometry results, a large number of neutrophils, especially in peripheral blood leucocytes. The neutrophil nucleus was not clearly segmented, but appeared more irregular than rounded. The findings of high proportions of neutrophils in peripheral blood suggest that these cells of the innate immune system might have a central role in defence and protection against infections in cod.  相似文献   

1. A pancreatic elastase from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) has been purified and characterized. 2. The enzyme is a very basic protein with an approximate mol. wt of 28,000. 3. The cod elastase has higher elastin specificity than porcine elastase, and it is inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor, which has no effect on porcine elastase. 4. The cod elastase expresses a higher turnover number (kcat) and catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) than porcine elastase, but it is less thermostable.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a zinc and magnesium containing homodimer that requires the oligomeric state for activity. Its kinetic properties are indicative of cold-adaptation. Here, the effect of urea on the structural stability was studied in order to correlate the activity with metal content, the microenvironment around tryptophan residues, and events at the subunit interface. At the lowest concentrations of urea, the first detected alteration in properties was an increase in the activity of the enzyme. This was followed by inactivation, and the release of half of the zinc content when the amount of urea reached levels of 2 M. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism ellipticity changed in the range 2.5 to 8 M urea, signaling dimer dissociation, followed by one major monomer unfolding transition at 6-8 M urea as indicated by ANS fluorescence and KI fluorescence quenching. Gibbs free energy was estimated by the linear extrapolation method using a three-state model as 8.6 kcal/mol for dimer stability and 11.6 kcal/mol for monomer unfolding giving a total of 31.8 kcal/mol. Dimer association had a very small ionic contribution. Dimers were stable in relatively high concentration of urea, whereas the immediate vicinity around the active site was vulnerable to low concentrations of urea. Thus, inactivation did not coincide with dimer dissociation, suggesting that the active site is the most dynamic part of the molecule and closest related to cold-adaptation of its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were held either at seasonal ambient temperatures (-0.3 to 11 degrees C) or at a relatively constant control temperature (8-11 degrees C) to investigate aspects of protein synthesis during a period of compensatory growth. Protein synthesis rate, total RNA, and RNA-specific protein synthesis rate were determined in white muscle and liver when ambient temperatures were -0.3, 4.5, and 11 degrees C in February, June, and July, respectively. To allow for comparisons between treatment temperatures, fish were also acutely transferred to a comparable assay temperature in February and June. Over the transition from 4.5 to 11 degrees C (June to July), the ambient-held cod had a significant increase in size and a substantially higher growth rate relative to control-held fish over the same period, consistent with cold-induced compensatory growth. During the onset of this enhanced growth, in June when ambient temperature was approximately 4.5 degrees C, ambient-held fish elevated their capacity for protein synthesis in the white muscle and liver via elevation of the RNA content. When ambient temperature reached the same point as for the control fish (11 degrees C), the rate of white muscle protein synthesis remained higher in the ambient-held vs. that in the control-held fish, a process facilitated by elevated RNA content and greater RNA-specific rate of protein synthesis. In the liver, all measured characteristics of protein synthesis were the same for ambient and control fish in July. The latter suggests that compensatory growth may be in part explained by improved efficiency of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Prey intake and selection were related to within-shoal position for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) engaged in annual migration across the Newfoundland shelf in the northwest Atlantic. Comparisons made among fish occupying five regions from the front to rear of a large (>10 km across) migrating shoal indicated that leading fish, or scouts, were larger, ate more food by weight, and had a more varied diet than did fish at other positions. Also, scouts consumed more preferred prey types (fish and pelagic invertebrates) than did fish at other positions. In contrast, trailing fish consumed few fish prey but a larger proportion of benthic invertebrates. Our results are the first to document systematic heterogeneous feeding success among members of a free-ranging and migrating fish shoal in the open ocean.  相似文献   

The previously unreported presence of transferrin in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua epidermal mucus is described. A less destructive sampling method, which may result in decreased epidermal tissue damage, is discussed.  相似文献   

Diclidophora merlangi (Kuhn, in Nordmann, 1832), as species specific to whiting, Merlangius merlangus (Linnaeus, 1758), is reported and described for the first time on the gills of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua (Linnaeus, 1758). Of the about 1,200 cod examined in this article, only 2 specimens of D. merlangi occurred on 2 fish, suggesting that they represented accidental infections. The 2 specimens showed specific traits of D. merlangi, but their size was considerably smaller than that of D. merlangi on whiting. Principal-component analyses showed that the morphology of the specimens on cod was more similar to that of D. merlangi than those of other congeneric species from the North Atlantic, additionally supporting their assignment to D. merlangi. Quantitative data documenting the potential reproductive consequences of D. merlangi occurring on cod is also provided. The testes and germaria of the specimens on cod were noticeably smaller than those of D. merlangi on whiting, but the number of testes was similar and spermatozoa were observed in the sperm duct. By contrast, the aspect and smaller size of the oocytes suggested that D. merlangi on cod could not produce viable ova, although 1 specimen exhibited an egg with normal sized and shaped capsule.  相似文献   

Little evidence of benefits from female mate choice has been found when males provide no parental care or resources. Yet, good genes models of sexual selection suggest that elaborated male sexual characters are reliable signals of mate quality and that the offspring of males with elaborate sexual ornaments will perform better than those of males with less elaborate ornaments. We used cod (Gadus morhua L.), an externally fertilizing species where males provide nothing but sperm, to examine the potential of optimal mate selection with respect to offspring survival. By applying in vitro fertilizations, we crossed eight females with nine males in all possible combinations and reared each of the 72 sib groups. We found that offspring survival was dependent on which female was mated with which male and that optimal mate selection has the potential to increase mean offspring survival from 31.9 to 55.6% (a 74% increase). However, the size of the male sexual ornaments and sperm quality (i.e. sperm velocity and sperm density) could not predict offspring survival. Thus, even if there may be large fitness benefits of mate selection, we might not yet have identified the male characteristics generating high offspring survival.  相似文献   

Stages of embryonic development in the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The early development of the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua was studied from fertilization until first-feeding. Multiple families were reared at 7 degrees C and a developmental staging series was prepared using morphological landmarks visible with the light microscope. Stages were named rather than numbered to allow for future additions and broadly grouped into larger time intervals called periods. The most useful staging features were found to be initially cell number, and later in development, somite number. The mean cell cycle time for the first six cleavages was 135 min and the linear regression equation for development of somites(s) over time (t) was s = 0.29t - 18.14. The segmentation period began at 220 h postfertilization (hpf), and unlike some other teleosts, the addition of new somites continued throughout the majority of embryonic development, until just prior to hatching. Hatching occurred at 256 hpf, after which individuals remained motionless at the water's surface, undergoing negative phototaxis only after the first day posthatch. The first-feeding stage was reached at the end of the third day posthatch, subsequent to development of a functional jaw and hindgut. This staging series provides an essential baseline reference for future experiments involving developing cod embryos and for the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare somatic growth and muscle fibre development in diploid and triploid siblings of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua Linnaeus, 1758) during the larval stage. Newly hatched larvae were transferred into 200‐L tanks, three tanks per ploidy group (70 larvae L?1, continuous light, gradually increasing seawater temperature 7–11°C and flow rates 50–117 L h?1). Larvae were fed rotifers from 2 to 22 days post hatch (dph), Artemia 19–31 dph and weaned onto a microparticulate diet from 26 dph until the end of the experiment. Measurements of growth (dry weight, standard length) and muscle cellullarity were taken at intervals between 1 and 44 dph. Ploidy groups showed a similar performance throughout the trial, although a marked stagnation in growth was observed for triploids during the weaning from Artemia onto dry feed. Overall, diploid and triploid cod larvae showed a similar development in muscle fibre growth pattern during the experimental period. For both groups, the total number of fast muscle fibres showed a 10‐fold increase (from 384 to 3462), whereas the diameter of fast fibre increased from 8.9 to 13.3 μm (mean number from all treatments). Thus, a temporary but significant effect of triploidy on fast muscle fibre growth pattern was observed in 19 dph larvae in terms of fibre size and number, with triploids showing larger mean fast fibre diameter (11.62 ± 0.63 vs. 10.05 ± 0.34) and a lower number of fibres with a diameter <5 μm than their diploid siblings. Thus, this was found to be related to larvae size and to the differences in total fast fibre cross sectional areas rather than to ploidy status. Overall, our results suggest possible deficiencies in nutrients’ digestion and absorption of triploid cod larvae particularly during the transitional period from live food to inert diets.  相似文献   

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