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A number of angiosperm nonhost volatiles (NHVs) and green leaf volatiles (GLVs) were tested alone and as supplements to the antiaggregation pheromone, verbenone, for their ability to disrupt attack by the mountain pine beetle (MPB), Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), on lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud. var. latifolia Engel. Preliminary experiments led to a refined NHV blend [benzyl alcohol, guaiacol, benzaldehyde, nonanal, salicylaldehyde, and conophthorin] and a refined GLV blend [(Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and (E)-2-hexen-1-ol]. In a 20-replicate experiment, NHV and GLV groups both singly, and verbenone alone, significantly reduced MPB mass attack on pheromone-baited trees and on trees within 5 m of the pheromone-baited trees. Both blends in combination with verbenone reduced the number of mass attacked, baited trees to three out of 20 compared to 20 out of 20 of the baited controls. Each binary combination was also effective at reducing mass attack. In these experiments, all tested repellents were released from devices stapled to trees at the same point as the pheromone bait, suggesting that the repellency could have been to a point source, rather than to the whole tree. Therefore, in two further experiments bands of release devices were wrapped around the treated trees and the pheromone bait was removed from the treated trees. In one experiment, when the aggregation pheromone bait was suspended between pairs of trees treated with the NHV blend plus GLV blend plus verbenone, only three out of 25 treated pairs had mass attack on at least one member of the pair. In the other 60-replicate experiment, with no pheromone baits present, attack occurred on 13 untreated and 11 banded trees, all in the path of a large advancing infestation. However, the mean attack density on the banded trees was significantly reduced to a level below the 40 attacks m–2 of bark surface required to kill a healthy lodgepole pine. As a result of these experiments, operational trials are recommended.  相似文献   

Larvae of the greater wax moth (GWM), Galleria mellonella, a destructive pest of the honeybee (Apis mellifera), have been observed to display aggregation behaviours. However, the underlying mechanism by which these larvae come together remains unknown. We hypothesized that the GWM larvae detect, orient towards and utilize conspecific larval chemical cues to aggregate in groups. We used dual‐choice olfactometer assays to investigate the involvement of conspecific larval odours in their aggregation amongst 3–5th instar and 8th instar larvae. The assays revealed that only 8th instar larvae were significantly attracted to their odours and those emanating from newly spun cocoons. Coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) of larval head space odours analysis revealed the presence of four compounds: nonanal, decanal, tridecane and tetradecane in pupal and mature larval odour extracts. However, using synthetic compounds, behavioural assays showed that only decanal induced significant attraction, therefore, suggesting its role as a major component of the larval aggregation pheromone of GWM. Our findings reveal the involvement of volatile organic compounds in the aggregation behaviour of mature wax moth larvae and thereby offer prospects for the development of an odour‐baited in‐hive trapping management tool for wax moth larva.  相似文献   

Four pheromone components of the female painted apple moth (Teia anartoides), an Australian insect pest, were synthesized. These were (Z)-6-henicosen-11-one (1), (6Z, 8E)-6,8-henicosadien-11-one (2), (Z)-cis-9,10-epoxy-6-henicosene (3), and (Z)-cis-9,10-epoxy-6-icosene (4). 2-Dodecanone was converted to 1 and 2, and both the enantiomers of 3 and 4 were synthesized from the enantiomers of 4-tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy-cis-2,3-epoxy-1-butanol.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The sex pheromone of the female white peach scale, Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Targioni-Tozzetti), is released by newly-mature females to correspond with the daily eclosion rhythm of males. As with male eclosion, pheromone release commences relative to the onset of light and is suppressed by increasing temperature. Once pheromone release begins it is maintained until the initiation of the scotophase. Pheromone release does not occur during the scotophase. When sexually mature females remain unmated for 5 days, the release of pheromone begins earlier in the day than it does with newly mature females.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone produced by virgin female S. solanivora moths has been shown to contain (E)-3-dodecenyl acetate with approximately 2% of the Z isomer by electroantennography and gas chromatography. In the field, traps baited with (E)-3-dodecenyl acetate alone or in combination with 1% or 2% of the Z isomer caught at least as many male S. solanivora moths as those baited with virgin female moths, and there was some evidence that addition of 5% of the Z isomer reduced catches.
Résumé S. solanivora est l'un des plus importants lépidoptères détruisant les pommes de terre en Amérique Centrale. L'analyse par chromatographie en phase gazeuse (GC) des produits obtenus par lavage de l'ovipositeur de femelles vierges, associée à des électro-anténnogrammes (EAG) a révélé un composé actif unique en EAG. Les durées de rétention pour ce constituant correspondaient à celles des acétates monoinsaturés à 12 carbones, et les analyses sur colonne GC liées avec une phase liquide cristal ont montré un pic principal correspondant à l'acétate (E)-3-dodécénul et un pic secondaire, correspondant à l'isomère Z, et au niveau de 2,5% du pic principal. L'acétate dodécyl a aussi été décelé en quantités variables, approximativement 10% du pic principal.Dans la nature, des pièges contenant de l'acétate (E)-3-dodécényl, seul ou mélangé avec 1 ou 2% de l'isomère Z, ont capturé autant des mâles de S. solanivora que des pièges contenant des femelles vierges, et certaines indications montrent que l'addition de 5% de l'isomère Z réduit les captures.

Extracts of the female sex pheromone gland of the carpenterworm moth, Holcocerus vicarius (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae), a pest of Ulmus pumila L. (Ulmaceae), were found to contain Z7‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z7‐14Ac), E3‐tetradecenyl acetate (E3‐14Ac), (Z3,E5)‐tetradecenyl acetate (Z3,E5‐14Ac), and Z7‐tetradecenyl alcohol (Z7‐14OH) by coupled gas chromatographic‐electroantennographic detection (GC‐EAD) and coupled gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Field trapping studies with impregnated rubber septa indicated that Z7‐14Ac was essential for attraction of males of H. vicarius. However, the most attractive blend contained Z7‐14Ac, E3‐14Ac, Z3,E5‐14Ac, and Z7‐14OH in a 50:22:17:10 ratio. Our results demonstrated that a blend of Z7‐14Ac, E3‐14Ac, Z3,E5‐14Ac, and Z7‐14OH represented the sex pheromone of H. vicarius. The optimized four‐component lure blend may be useful for monitoring H. vicarius infestations and mating disruption.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbons were extracted from the surface of the cuticle and from the hemolymph of adult female gypsy moths. GC and GC/MS analysis indicated that the cuticular hydrocarbons with chain lengths >21 carbons were the same as those found in the hemolymph. These consisted of mostly saturated straight chain hydrocarbons with heptacosane the major component. Methyl branched hydrocarbons were also identified including a series of tetramethylalkanes with chain lengths of 30, 32, and 34 carbons. In addition to those found on the cuticle surface, the hemolymph contained the alkene pheromone precursor, 2-methyl-Z7-octadecene and two saturated analogues, 2-methyl-octadecane and 2-methyl-hexadecane. No evidence was obtained for the presence of the pheromone 2-methyl-7, 8-epoxy-octadecane in the hemolymph. Pheromone gland extracts indicated that small amounts (<1 ng) of the alkene precursor were also present in the gland. Relatively larger amounts of the alkene precursor were found in the hemolymph at the time when pheromone titers were higher on the gland. The presence of the hydrocarbon pheromone precursor in the hemolymph is discussed in relation to possible biosynthetic pathways for producing the gypsy moth pheromone.  相似文献   

Capillary gas chromatography indicated the presence of (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol and (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate in the abdominal tip extracts of female Cornutiplusia circumflexa (L.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Plusiinae) moths. Gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry and dimethyl disulfide derivatization confirmed the structure of these two principal pheromone components. In a flight-tunnel bioassay, a 5:1 blend of alcohol and acetate elicited the complete courtship sequence by males. The response was comparable to that evoked by a live virgin female, but males spent significantly longer time at calling females than at the synthetic source. The 5:1 blend was also attractive to male C. circumflexa in the field, as indicated by catches in traps baited with this mixture. (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol alone was slightly attractive whereas (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate alone was completely inactive. C. circumflexa is the first reported Plusiinae species which utilizes (Z)-7-dodecenyl alcohol as the major pheromone component.  相似文献   

Pheromones play pivotal roles in the reproductive behavior of moths, most prominently for the mate finding of male moths. Accordingly, the molecular basis for the detection of female‐released pheromones by male moths has been studied in great detail. In contrast, little is known about how females can detect pheromone components released by themselves or by conspecifics. In this study, we assessed the antenna of female Heliothis virescens for elements of pheromone detection. In accordance with previous findings that female antennae respond to the sex pheromone component (Z)‐9‐tetradecenal, we identified olfactory sensory neurons that express its cognate receptor, the receptor type HR6. All HR6 cells coexpressed the “sensory neuron membrane protein 1” (SNMP1) and were associated with supporting cells expressing the pheromone‐binding proteins PBP1 and PBP2. These features are reminiscent to male antennae and point to congruent mechanisms for pheromone detection in the two sexes. Further analysis of the SNMP1‐expressing cells revealed a higher number in females compared to males. Moreover, in females, the SNMP1 neurons were arranged in clusters, which project their dendrites into a common sensillum, whereas in males there were only solitary SNMP1‐neurons and only 1 per sensillum. Not all SNMP1 positive cells in female antennae expressed HR6 but instead the putative pheromone receptors HR11 and HR18, respectively. Neurons expressing 1 of the 3 receptor types were assigned to different sensilla. Together the data indicate that on the antenna of females, sensory neurons in a subset of sensilla trichodea are equipped with molecular elements, which render them responsive to pheromones.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviour of females of the Egyptian cotton leafworm, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval), was studied in the laboratory. Calling of females was maximal on the 2–3rd night between 3 and 9 h into scotophase. Largest amounts of pheromone were found in the glands of 1–3 day-old 2–3 h into scotophase: a maximum of 6–8 ng of (Z,E)-9,11-tetradecadienyl acetate per female. Very low amounts of pheromone were detected 1 h before and at the end of scotophase. Mating of 2–3 day-old females, occurred mainly between 0 and 3 h into scotophase. Mating suppressed the pheromone titre drastically when measured 3 h after copulation but the titre increased significantly after 24 h, prior to egg laying. However, when egg laying commenced, the amount of pheromone detected was negligible. A high concentration of synthetic pheromone in closed containers did not affect calling of females. On the other hand mating was drastically suppressed in a pheromone-permeated atmosphere.
Zusammenfassung Das Sexualverhalten der Weibchen des ägyptischen Baumwollwurms, Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) wurde unter Laborverhältnissen untersucht. Das maximales Rufen der Weibchen war in der 2–3 Nacht zwischen 3 und 9 Stunden der Skotophase. Die grössten Pheromonmengen wurden in den Drüsen der 1 bis 3 Tage alten nach 2–3 Stunden in der Skotophase gefunden und zwar maximal 6–8 ng (Z,E)-9,11-Tetradecadienyl Acetate. Ein drastischer Abfall des Pheromoninhalts wurde zwischen der 4 und 5 Nacht beobachtet. Sehr kleine Pheromonmengen wurden eine Stunde vor der Skotophase und nach ihrem Ablauf gefunden. Die Paarung 2–3 Tage alten wurde im allgemeinen zwischen Stunden 0 und 3 der Skotophase beobachtet. Drei Stunden nach der Paarung war der Pheromontiter drastisch herabgesetzt, er stieg jedoch nach 24 Stunden, vor der Eiablage bedeutend an. Sobald die Eiablage anfing, war das Pheromon jedoch kaum nachweisbar. Eine hohe Konzentration des synthetischen Pheromons in geschlossenen Gefässen beeinflusste das Rufen der Weibchen nicht. Anderseits war jedoch die Paarung in einer mit Pheromon durchgedrungenen Atmosphäre sehr stark herabgesetzt.

Female-tip washings of the leafroller moth, Pandemis cerasana, were found to contain (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, (E)-11-tetradecenol, (Z)-11-tetradecenol and tetradecyl acetate, based on chemical analysis and electroantennogram tests. The relative amounts of these compounds in the gland were ca. 64:21:10:3:2 in the order named. Only (E)-11 and (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate were required for attraction of males to trap dispensed in the ratio 3:1, respectively.  相似文献   

Electrical responses of single olfactory receptor neurons of the male redbanded leafroller moth were elicited by each of the principle components of the sex pheromone and six other behaviorally active compounds. Response frequencies to equal intensities of each of these compounds and changes in response frequency with increasing amounts of any one compound, varied from receptor to receptor. These differences in response characteristics appear to be due to factors intrinsic to the olfactory recptor neuron and not to factors external to it. The encoding of odor quality by these receptor neurons cannot be in the simple presence or absence of activity in any one of them. Rather, odor quality may be encoded by the pattern of activity which invariably arises across an ensemble of receptor neurons, each having its own distribution of sensitivities.  相似文献   

Electroantennogram (EAG) responses were recorded from male redbanded leafroller moth, Argyrotaenia velutinana, antennae using mixtures of the three female-produced sex pheromone components: cis-11-tetradecenyl acetate, trans-11-tetradecenyl acetate, and dodecyl acetate (12:Ac). Binary mixtures containing 3%, 8%, and 15% trans in cis elicited significantly higher amplitude responses than other isomeric mixtures as well as pure cis and trans alone. The higher responses to such mixtures were less than additive at high dosages and additive at lower dosages. Receptor adaptation studies using the two isomers support a previous single unit study demonstrating the presence of at least two functionally different receptor sites on male A. velutinana antennae; adaptation to an airstream containing one isomer did not eliminate response to the opposite isomer presented concurrently. An airstream containing the third component, 12:Ac, caused a significant slowing of the recovery rate during the entire recovery period of EAG responses to cis but not trans, suggesting that a possible temporal modulation of neuronal response by 12:Ac may be a means of coding for this component by antennal sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone components of the Japanese rice leaffolder moth, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were identified from ovipositor extracts of virgin females as (Z)-11-octadecenal, (Z)-13-octadecenal, (Z)-11-octadecen-1-ol and (Z)-13-octadecen-1-ol at a ratio of 11:100:24:36 by GC-EAD, GC, GC-MS. The total amount was estimated to be ca.0.9 ng/female. Field bioassays in Kagoshima, Japan, showed that the two aldehydes are essential for male attraction and the alcohols may have a synergistic effect on the aldehydes. A rubber septum containing 0.9 mg of the four components at the natural ratio was shown to be an effective lure for monitoring this pest in Japan. The above four components are quite different from the sex pheromone components reported previously for the same species of either Philippine or Indian origin; components were shown to be (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate and (Z)-13-octadecenyl acetate at a ratio of 98:2 in the Philippine blend and 1:10 in the Indian blend. Furthermore, in the field tests in Japan, neither the Philippine blend nor the Indian blend showed any attractive activity, while the Japanese blend attracted significant numbers of male moths. These results suggest that there are remarkable geographical variations in the sex pheromone composition of this species or there are several distinct species using different sex pheromone blends.  相似文献   

Two compounds were isolated from female Heliothisvirescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) extracts and identified as cis-9-tetradecenal and cis-ll-hexadecenal. Together they elicit intense male H. virescnes response in laboratory tests and have attracted males in the field. Although cis-ll-hexadecenal is an H. zea sex pheromone, no evidence was obtained for cis-9-tetradecenal in H. zea.  相似文献   

中国印度谷螟性信息素次级组份的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
印度谷螟是我国危害性较严重的仓储害虫之一,食性很广,几乎危害每一种植物性仓储物.印度谷螟雌虫性信息素主要成份顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇醋酸酯(TDA)早已被鉴定,并利用TDA单一组份诱捕印度谷螟雄蛾也较为有效,但该虫的完整信息素系统尚不清楚.本研究采用单个雌蛾性信息素腺体抽提技术,利用毛细管气相色谱GC保留时间定性方法和气质联用GC-MS分析鉴定技术,从印度谷螟雌虫腺体提取物中鉴定了顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇醋酸酯(A),顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醇(B),顺9,反12-十四碳二烯醛(C)和顺9-十四碳醋酸醋(D)4种主要信息素成份,其比例为A∶B∶C∶D=100∶22∶12∶9.风洞试验结果表明,以该4种主要成分按A∶B∶C∶D=8∶2∶1∶0.8比例配制成的诱芯,其引诱雄蛾的活性接近于雌蛾腺体提取物.  相似文献   

Hexane extract of male terminalia (along with scent brushes) of castor semi-looper moth, Achaea janata L, elicited significant olfactory responses in both male and female insects by electroantennogram recording technique. However, male extract in the wind tunnel evoked noticeable behaviour responses in the female insects only. Orientation response of the males to the male extract was not evident in wind tunnel experiments. Two electrophysiologically-active compounds were identified from the male extract. Based on GC retention times and mass spectrometry the two compounds were confirmed as (Z,Z)-9,12-octadecadienal and (Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-heneicosatriene. These two compounds are also constituents of female produced four-component blend of A. janata.  相似文献   

我国桃蛀螟四个地理种群感染Wolbachia的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wolbachia是一类广泛分布于节肢动物体内的细胞内共生菌,能参与调控寄主的多种生殖活动.桃蛀螟Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)可危害多种粮食作物和经济作物,近年来已成为我国玉米生产的重要害虫之一.本研究对通过对16S rRNA、fts以及wsp基因片断的PCR扩增,对我国桃蛀螟4个地理种群进行了Wolbachia感染检测,并对感染个体中wsp基因片断克隆测序,初步探究了我国桃蛀螟种群中Wolbachia的感染率和感染类群.研究结果表明我国4个桃蛀螟种群中Wolbachia感染率在2.0%~8.0%,平均感染率为4.5%.通过对不同种群感染的Wolbachia中wsp序列比对及系统树构建分析,在桃蛀螟中发现了5种Wolbachia亚型,分别命名为wPun1-wPun5,分属于A组的Uni、Dro亚组,以及B组的Div、Con亚组.此外,本研究在采自河北保定的桃蛀螟种群中发现了Wolbachia的超感染现象.  相似文献   

Field responses of Gortyna xanthenes (Germar) males to traps baited with different mixtures of the female sex pheromone components were evaluated in an artichoke field. Catches were compared to those obtained by virgin females and light traps. The best results were achieved by utilizing a mixture of 5 mg Z11-16:Ald + 0.15 mg Z9-16:Ald + 0.15 mg 16:Ald + 0.12 mg Z11-16:OH, which captured only G. xanthenes males 3–5 times more than light traps and ca two times more than one virgin female. Starting from the basic mixture Z11-16:Ald (89–92%) + Z9-16:Ald (2–4%), the addition of 16:Ald (2–4%) and of Z11-16:OH (2–3%) produced an increase of G. xanthenes and a decrease of H, armigera (Hb.) catches. The inhibitory action of Z11-16:OH towards H. armigera males was confirmed.
Evaluation sur le terrain des constituants de la phéromone sexuelle de la noctuelle de l'artichaut (Gortyna xanthenes)
Résumé Dans un champ d'artichaut de la province de Salerno on a evalué la réponse des mâles de G. xanthenes à mélanges divers des constituants de la phéromone sexuelle produite par la femelle. Les meilleurs résultats ont été obtenus en employant un mélange de 5 mg Z11-16:Ald + 0.15 mg Z9-16:Ald + 0.15 mg 16:Ald + 0.12 mg Z11-16:OH, qui a capturé seulement les mâles de G. xanthenes en mesure 3–5 fois plus élevée que les pièges lumineux et ca. deux fois plus élevée que la femelle vierge. En partant du mélange base Z11-16:Ald (89–92%) + Z9-16:Ald (2–4%), l'addition de 16:Ald (2–4%) et de Z11-16:OH (2–3%) a causé un accroissement des captures de G. xanthenes et une diminution des captures de Heliothis armigera. Cela confirme l'action inhibitoire du Z11-16:OH à l'égard des males de H. armigera.

Aliphatic and aromatic trifluoromethyl ketones have been evaluatedin the laboratory and in the field as inhibitors of the pheromoneresponse of the processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa males.Among them, two compounds, (Z)-l, l, l-trifluoro-15-octadecen-13-yn-2-oneand (Z)-l, l, l-trifluoro-16-nonadeceo-14-yn-2-one, are closelyrelated analogs of the natural pheromone (Z)-13-hexadecen-11-ynylacetate. In the laboratory experiments, carried out by pre-exposureof males to vapors of the chemicals,  相似文献   

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