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Mortality rates have differed during distemper outbreaks among free-ranging raccoons (Procyon lotor) living around a large Chicago-area zoo, and appeared higher in year 2001 than in 1998 and 2000. We hypothesized that a more lethal variant of the local Canine distemper virus (CDV) lineage had emerged in 2001, and sought the genetic basis that led to increased virulence. However, a more complex model surfaced during preliminary analyses of CDV genomic sequences in infected tissues and of virus isolated in vitro from the raccoons.


Phylogenetic analyses of subgenomic CDV fusion (F) -, phosphoprotein (P) -, and complete hemagglutinin (H) – gene sequences indicated that distinct American CDV lineages caused the distemper epizootics. The 1998 outbreak was caused by viruses that are likely from an old CDV lineage that includes CDV Snyder Hill and Lederle, which are CDV strains from the early 1950's. The 2000 and 2001 viruses appear to stem from the lineage of CDV A75/17, which was isolated in the mid 1970's. Only the 2001 viruses formed large syncytia in brain and/or lung tissue, and during primary isolation in-vitro in Vero cells, demonstrating at least one phenotypic property by which they differed from the other viruses.


Two different American CDV lineages caused the raccoon distemper outbreaks. The 1998 viruses are genetically distant to the 2000/2001 viruses. Since CDV does not cause persistent infections, the cycling of different CDV lineages within the same locale suggests multiple reintroductions of the virus to area raccoons. Our findings establish a precedent for determining whether the perceived differences in mortality rates are actual and attributable in part to inherent differences between CDV strains arising from different CDV lineages.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T7 expresses two forms of gene 4 protein (gp4). The 63-kDa full-length gp4 contains both the helicase and primase domains. T7 phage also express a 56-kDa truncated gp4 lacking the zinc binding domain of the primase; the protein has helicase activity but no DNA-dependent primase activity. Although T7 phage grow better when both forms are present, the role of the 56-kDa gp4 is unknown. The two molecular weight forms oligomerize by virtue of the helicase domain to form heterohexamers. The 56-kDa gp4 and any mixture of 56- and 63-kDa gp4 show higher helicase activity in DNA unwinding and strand-displacement DNA synthesis than that observed for the 63-kDa gp4. However, single-molecule measurements show that heterohexamers have helicase activity similar to the 63-kDa gp4 hexamers. In oligomerization assays the 56-kDa gp4 and any mixture of the 56- and 63-kDa gp4 oligomerize to form more hexamers than does the 63-kDa gp4. The zinc binding domain of the 63-kDa gp4 interferes with hexamer formation, an inhibition that is relieved by the insertion of the 56-kDa species. Compared with the 63-kDa gp4, heterohexamers synthesize a reduced amount of oligoribonucleotides, mediated predominately by the 63-kDa subunits via a cis mode. During coordinated DNA synthesis 7% of the tetraribonucleotides synthesized are used as primers by both heterohexamers and hexamers of the 63-kDa gp4. Overall, an equimolar mixture of the two forms of gp4 shows the highest rate of DNA synthesis during coordinated DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

After infection of Escherichia coli B with phage T4D carrying an amber mutation in gene 59, recombination between two rII markers is reduced two- to three-fold. This level of recombination deficiency persists even when burst size similar to wild type is induced by the suppression of the mutant DNA-arrest phenotype. In the background of two other DNA-arrest mutants in genes 46 and 47, a 10- to 11-fold reduction in recombination is observed. The cumulative effect of gene 59 mutation on gene 46-47 mutant suggests that complicated interactions must occur in the production of genetic recombinants. The DNA-arrest phenotype of gene 59 mutant can be suppressed by inhibiting the synthesis of late phage proteins. Under these conditions, DNA replicative intermediates similar to those associated with wild-type infection are induced. Synthesis of late phage proteins, however, results in the degradation of mutant 200S replicative intermediate into 63S DNA molecules even in the absence of capsid assembly. Although these 63S molecules are associated with membrane, they do not replicate. These results suggest a role for gene 59 product, in addition to a possible requirement of concatemeric DNA in late replication of phage T4 DNA.  相似文献   

Role of Gene 52 in Bacteriophage T4 DNA Synthesis   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism of delayed DNA synthesis in phage T4, Escherichia coli B cells were infected with H17 (an amber mutant defective in gene 52 possessing a "DNA-delay" phenotype). The fate of (14)C-labeled H17 parental DNA after infection was followed: we could show that this DNA sediments more slowly in neutral sucrose than wild-type DNA 3 min postinfection. In pulse-chase experiments progeny DNA was found to undergo detachment from the membrane at 12 min postinfection. Reattachment to the membrane was found to be related to an increase in rate of DNA synthesis. A nucleolytic activity that is absent from cells infected by wild-type phage and from uninfected cells could be detected in extracts prepared from mutant-infected cells. In contrast, degradation of host DNA was found to be less extensive in am H17 compared with wild-type infected cells. Addition of chloramphenicol to mutant-infected cells 10 min postinfection inhibited the appearance of a nuclease activity on one hand and suppressed the "DNA-delay" phenotype on the other hand. We conclude that the gene 52 product controls the activity of a nuclease in infected cells whose main function may be specific strand nicking in association with DNA replication. This gene product might directly attack both E. coli and phage T4 DNA, or indirectly determine their sensitivity to degradation by another nuclease.  相似文献   

J. W. George  K. N. Kreuzer 《Genetics》1996,143(4):1507-1520
We investigated double-strand break (dsb) repair in bacteriophage T4 using a physical assay that involves a plasmid substrate with two inverted DNA segments. A dsb introduced into one repeat during a T4 infection induces efficient dsb repair using the second repeat as a template. This reaction is characterized by the following interesting features. First, the dsb induces a repair reaction that is directly coupled to extensive plasmid replication; the repaired/replicated product is in the form of long plasmid concatemers. Second, repair of the dsb site is frequently associated with exchange of flanking DNA. Third, the repair reaction is absolutely dependent on the products of genes uvsX, uvsY, 32, 46, and 59, which are also required for phage genomic recombination-dependent DNA replication. Fourth, the coupled repair/replication reaction is only partly dependent on endonuclease VII (gp49), suggesting that either another Holliday-junction-cleaving activity or an alternate resolution pathway is active during T4 infections. Because this repair reaction is directly coupled to extensive replication, it cannot be explained by the SZOSTAK et al. model. We present and discuss a model for the coupled repair/replication reaction, called the extensive chromosome replication model for dsb repair.  相似文献   

Effects of bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) substitutions in phage T4 DNA on the initial stages of DNA replication were investigated. Electron microscope studies of partially replicated, light (thymidine-containing) T4 DNA revealed the presence of multiple loops and forks. These DNA preparations had no BUdR in either parental or newly synthesized DNA, and the observations thus show that multiple initiation of DNA replication is a normal event in T4 development and is not caused by the presence of BUdR. A comparison of early replicative stages of light and heavy (BUdR-containing) DNA in cells mixedly infected with light and heavy T4 phage showed that early DNA synthesis occurs preferentially on the light template. Heavy and light parental DNA became associated with the protein complex of replicative DNA with equal efficiency, and there was no effect of BUdR on the net rate of DNA synthesis after infection. Newly synthesized DNA from heavy templates sedimented more slowly through alkaline sucrose gradients than did newly synthesized DNA from light templates and appeared to represent fewer replicative regions per molecule. These data indicate that BUdR substitutions in the DNA caused a slight delay in initiation but that replication of heavy DNA proceeded normally once initiated.  相似文献   

By preventing phage DNA synthesis during a critical period, conditions have been found under which DNA replication and phage production are rescued after infection with T4 DNA ligase mutants.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase (gp43) of phage T4 plays two biological roles, one as an essential DNA binding replication enzyme and the other as an mRNA-specific autogenous translational repressor. Binding of T4 gp43 to its mRNA target (translational operator RNA) interferes with gp43-DNA interactions, but it is unclear how the protein determinants for binding DNA are affected by the dynamics of gp43-mRNA interactions. We have used RB69 gp43, a natural variant of the T4 enzyme whose crystal structure has been determined to identify protein sites that respond to the interaction with specific RNA. We used protein phosphorylation markers, photocross-linking studies, protease sensitivity assays, and mutational analyses to examine the effects of operator RNA on the enzyme's five structural domains (N, exo, palm, fingers, and thumb). Our studies suggest that this RNA affects gp43-DNA interactions through global effects on protein structure that occlude DNA-binding sites but leave the enzyme accessible to interactions with the sliding clamp (RB69 gp45) and possibly other polymerase accessory proteins. We discuss the possible biological significance of putative RNA-binding motifs in the N and palm domains of RB69 gp43.  相似文献   

The Gp59 protein of bacteriophage T4 promotes DNA replication by loading the replicative helicase, Gp41, onto replication forks and recombination intermediates. Gp59 also blocks DNA synthesis by Gp43 polymerase until Gp41 is loaded, ensuring that synthesis is tightly coupled to unwinding. The distinct polymerase blocking and helicase loading activities of Gp59 likely involve different binding interactions with DNA and protein partners. Here, we investigate how interactions of Gp59 with DNA and Gp32, the T4 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein, are related to these activities. A previously characterized mutant, Gp59-I87A, exhibits markedly reduced affinity for ssDNA and pseudo-fork DNA substrates. We demonstrate that on Gp32-covered ssDNA, the DNA binding defect of Gp59-I87A is not detrimental to helicase loading and translocation. In contrast, on pseudo-fork DNA the I87A mutation is detrimental to helicase loading and unwinding in the presence or absence of Gp32. Other results indicate that Gp32 binding to lagging strand ssDNA relieves the blockage of Gp43 polymerase activity by Gp59, whereas the inhibition of Gp43 exonuclease activity is maintained. Our findings suggest that Gp59-Gp32 and Gp59-DNA interactions perform separate but complementary roles in T4 DNA metabolism; Gp59-Gp32 interactions are needed to load Gp41 onto D-loops, and other nucleoprotein structures containing clusters of Gp32. Gp59-DNA interactions are needed to load Gp41 onto nascent or collapsed replication forks lacking clusters of Gp32 and to coordinate bidirectional replication from T4 origins. The dual functionalities of Gp59 allow it to promote the initiation or re-start of DNA replication from a wide variety of recombination and replication intermediates.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerases (gp43s) of the two related phages T4 and RB69 are DNA-binding proteins that also function as mRNA-binding autogenous translational repressors. As repressors, T4 gp43 is narrowly specific to its own mRNA whereas RB69 gp43 is equally effective against mRNA for either protein. We used in vitro RNase-sensitivity and RNA footprinting assays to identify features of the non-identical T4 and RB69 mRNA targets (translational operators) that allow for their identical binding affinities and biological responses to RB69 gp43. We observed that T4 gp43 and RB69 gp43 produce identical footprints on RNA substrates bearing the T4-derived operator, suggesting that the two gp43s make identical contacts with this operator. In contrast, the footprint produced by RB69 gp43 on its autogenous RNA target was shorter than its footprint on operator RNA from T4. As expected, we also observed only weak protection of RB69-derived operator RNA from RNase by T4 gp43; however, photocross-linking studies suggested that T4 gp43 recognizes structural features of the RB69-derived operator that are not detected by RNase- sensitivity assays. The results suggest that RB69 gp43 and T4 gp43 differ in their abilities to use RNA-sequence-independent interactions to configure potential RNA targets for translational repression.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid replication and genetic recombination were investigated after infection of Escherichia coli with ligase-deficient rII bacteriophage T4D. The major observations are: (i) deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis is discontinuous, (ii) the discontinuities are more slowly repaired than in wild-type infection, (iii) host ligase is required for viability, and (iv) genetic recombination is increased.  相似文献   

The gene 32 mutation amA453 sensitizes bacteriophage T4 to the lethal effects of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, methyl methanesulfonate and angelicin-mediated photodynamic irradiation when treated particles are plated on amber-suppressing host cells. The increased UV sensitivity caused by amA453 is additive to that caused by mutations in both the T4 excision repair (denV) and recombination repair (uvsWXY) systems, suggesting the operation of a third kind of repair system. The mutation uvs79, with many similarities to amA453 but mapping in gene 41, is largely epistatic to amA453. The mutation mms1, also with many similarities to amA453, maps close to amA453 within gene 32 and is largely epistatic to uvs79. Neither amA453 nor uvs79 affect the ratio of UV-induced mutational to lethal hits, nor does amA453 affect spontaneous or UV-enhanced recombination frequencies. Gene 32 encodes the major T4 ssDNA-binding protein (the scaffolding of DNA replication) and gene 41 encodes a DNA helicase, both being required for T4 DNA replication. We conclude that a third repair process operates in phage T4 and suggest that it acts during rather than before or after DNA replication.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of delta mutations in phage lambda on DNA synthesis as assayed by the accumulation of lambda DNA in infected cells. We find that delta mutants appear to generate somewhat less DNA than lambda(+) in a rec(+) host, suggesting the wild-type delta gene may act in DNA replication. An additional clue to delta function arises if replication is measured in the gamma-negative situation where concatemer formation is abortive. In this situation, the wild-type delta gene has an "inhibitory" effect on replication. A similar inhibitory effect on replication due to delta is observed after infection of P(2) lysogens. We conclude from these studies that the delta gene may act with alpha, beta, and gamma genes, possibly in a process affecting DNA replication.  相似文献   

Replicative Hybrid of T4 Bacteriophage DNA   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Hybrid density replicative T4 DNA was isolated from CsCl, sheared, and reanalyzed in CsCl. The results rule out a branched model for T4 DNA replication and confirm that T4 DNA replicates to a conventional, semiconservative, colinear hybrid.  相似文献   

噬菌体RB69外切酶活性缺失的DNA 聚合酶突变体(D222A/D327A)在大肠杆菌细胞中表达,表达量达细胞蛋白总量的69% .表达后经DEAE-Sepharose FastFlow , Source 30Q 和HTP三步分离纯化,纯度可达99% 以上.随后测定了该酶利用5种dNTP为底物进行聚合反应的酶促动力学常数(Km 和Kcat),结果表明该酶利用dUTP的能力与利用dTTP的能力相近,Km (dTTP)和Km(dUTP)均较高于其它3种脱氧核苷酸的Km (dATP, dCTP, dGTP),推测其Km 值的差异主要来源于T/U 碱基本身,而并非全部由GC碱基配对与AT碱基配对之间的氢键作用力的强弱差别所决定.  相似文献   

T. Yonesaki 《Genetics》1994,138(2):247-252
Bacteriophage T4 gene 41 encodes a replicative DNA helicase that is a subunit of the primosome which is essential for lagging-strand DNA synthesis. A mutation, rrh, was generated and selected in the helicase gene on the basis of limited DNA replication that ceases early. The survival of ultraviolet-irradiated phage and the frequency of genetic recombination are reduced by rrh. In addition, rrh diminishes the production of concatemeric DNA. These results strongly suggest that the gene 41 replicative helicase participates in DNA recombination.  相似文献   

Wu JR  Yeh YC 《Journal of virology》1975,15(5):1096-1106
Suppressors of gene 59-defective mutants were isolated by screening spontaneous, temperature-sensitive (ts) revertants of the amber mutant, amC5, in gene 59. Six ts revertants were isolated. No gene 59-defective ts recombinant was obtained by crossing each ts revertant with the wild type, T4D. However, suppressors of gene 59-defective mutants were obtained from two of these ts revertants. These suppressor mutants are referred to as dar (DNA arrested restoration). dar mutants specifically restored the abnormalities, both in DNA synthesis and burst size, caused by gene 59-defective mutants to normal levels. It is unlikely that dar mutants are nonsense suppressors since theý failed to suppress amber mutations in 11 other genes investigated. The genetic expression of dar is controlled by gene 55; therefore, dar is a late gene. The genetic location of dar has been mapped between genes 24 and 25, a region contiguous to late genes. dar appears to be another nonessential gene of T4 since burst sizes of dar were almost identical to those of the wild type. Mutations in dar did not affect genetic recombination and repair of UV-damaged DNA, but caused a sensitivity to hydroxyurea in progeny formation. The effect of the dar mutation on host DNA degradation cannot account for its hydroxyurea sensitivity. dar mutant alleles were recessive to the wild-type allele as judged by restoration of arrested DNA synthesis. The possible mechanisms for the suppression of defects in gene 59 are discussed.  相似文献   

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