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In the third part of the revision of the genus Melamphaes Melamphaidae (Melamphaidae), we examine multirakered species (20 and more rakers at the first gill arch) with seven soft rays in the ventral fin that have a posttemporal (temporal) spine directed anteriorly-upwards, with 14–15 rays in the pectoral fin, and 11 (rarely 12) trunk vertebrae. M. suborbitalis inhabits the Atlantic Ocean (in the north up to 57°N, in the south, up to 40°S), the Indian Ocean (is known in its southwestern part), and the western part of the Pacific Ocean. There is no significant evidence on catches of this species in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Apparently, M. suborbitalis is absent in the tropical waters of the oceans. Until recently, M. parini was known from the holotype caught in the Sea of Okhotsk. Two specimens of this rare species: from the central (the area of the Hawaiian Islands) and the northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean are reported. M. acanthomus is an endemic of the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean where it is known along the coasts of America from California to the northern coast of Chile (approximately between 33°N and 21°S).  相似文献   

The second part of the publication is devoted to the Melamphaes species (family Melamphaidae), which are characterized by 20 and more rakers on the first gill arch, by seven soft rays in the ventral fin, by absence of a temporal spine, by 14–15 rays in the pectoral fin, and by 11 abdominal vertebrae. M. polylepis is characterized by circumtropical range (Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, western and central Pacific Ocean). Newly described species M. falsidicus is described from the northern Atlantic Ocean, where it was sampled between 34°N and 58°N. Before, this species was defined as M. microps. Another newly described species, M. pachystomus, is described along the Peruvian Coast. M. macrocephalus is redescribed. This species inhabits the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (approximately between 30°N and 23°S). One of the studied specimens of M. macrocephalus was characterized by larger body size (SL = 128 mm) than was described before for this species. M. leprus is known currently by single findings from the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean (between 11°N and 4°S). This species was also found in the samples obtain in the Gulf of Guinea.  相似文献   

In the fourth part of the revision of the genus Melamphaes (Melamphaidae) multi-raker species (20 and more rakers at the first gill arch, rarely 19??in M. ebelingi) with eight soft rays in the ventral fin are considered. In this species, temporal spine is absent, there are 15 rays in the pectoral fin, and there are 11 to 12 abdominal vertebrae. M. ebelingi inhabits tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean. A new catch of this rare species in the northeastern part of the ocean is reported. The new species M. occlusus is described from one specimen from the subtropical part of the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean. Still another new species, M. nikolayi, is described from one specimen from the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean (subtropical waters). A table for identification of 15 multi-raker species of the genus Melamphaes is provided.  相似文献   

Three oligo-raker species (?19 rakers on the first gill arch) of the genus Melamphaes out of the “M. typhlops” group are considered. The validity of M. indicus Ebeling is restored. This species inhabits equatorial and tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and the western part of the Pacific Ocean. M. eurous sp. n., which is related to M. indicus, is described from equatorial waters of the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. M. typhlops (Lowe) inhabiting the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, from the equatorial zone about to 45° N, is redescribed.  相似文献   

Two species, M. danae Ebeling and M. pumilis Ebeling, belonging to the species group “M. simus” are described in the final part of the revision of oligo-raker species of the genus Melamphaes (Melamphaidae) (≤19 gill rakers on the first gill arch). The species M. danae is distributed in the Indian and Pacific oceans between 30° N and 30° S. In the Pacific Ocean, it is known up to 112° W. The species M. pumilis is distributed in the North Atlantic between 17° and 45° N, and the main catches have been conducted in the western part of the ocean. In the eastern part of the ocean, the catches are registered up to 28° W. A key for the identification of 21 oligo-raker species of the genus Melamphaes is presented.  相似文献   

Johnius (Johnius) majan sp. nov. is described on the basis of 8 specimens (117–158 mm in standard length) from Oman, Indian Ocean. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: black axillary spot on upper pectoral fin base; dorsal soft rays 29–32; anal soft rays 8; scales above lateral line 6, below 11; eye diameter 22.9–28.9% HL; interorbital width 32.0–38.0% HL; gill rakers 5–6 + 15–18 = 21–24; no mental barbel; last well developed pleural rib on 7th vertebra; swim bladder appendages 11; vertebrae 10 + 14 = 24.  相似文献   

Lophiodes endoi sp. nov. is described from the western Pacific Ocean. Within the genus Lophiodes, the new species belongs in the L. mutilus group mainly defined by the absence of the fourth dorsal fin spine and differs from other species in the L. mutilus group in having a rounded esca with a paler tip, a third dorsal spine bearing a pair of black tendrils at two-thirds its length, 20–21 pectoral fin rays, a relatively short head, a relatively short illicium, a relatively short third dorsal spine, and a relatively long fifth dorsal spine, reaching the third soft dorsal fin ray when folded back. Comments on a similar species, L. bruchius, newly collected from the Kyushu–Palau Ridge, and notes on the distribution of congeneric species in the northwestern Pacific are provided.  相似文献   

Bathycongrus parviporus sp. nova is described from specimens collected in the South China Sea, in the coastal waters of central Vietnam. By its characters (short snout, elongate-oval vomerine tooth patch with numerous small teeth of approximately the same size, slender relatively short tail, and residual leptocephalic pigmentation as a series of small melanophores just below lateral line in adults), the species belongs to the group of species of this genus represented by B. bleekeri, B. trimaculatus, and B. unimaculatus in the western part of the Pacific Ocean and B. dubius in the western Atlantic Ocean but differs in small infraorbital pores which are enlarged in all known species of the genus Bathycongrus. By the number of preanal pores, the new species is similar to B. bleekeri from Philippine waters but differs from it in a higher number of vertebrae (120–122), in more numerous rows of teeth on the premaxilloethmoid, in more number of branchiostegal rays (9–10), a shorter head, and in some other proportions of head and body. Topography of canals and pores of the cephalic seismosensory system of B. parviporus sp. nova is described. Morphometric and osteological characters for placing this species in the genus Bathycongrus are noted.  相似文献   

A new species of the hillstream loach genus Balitora Gray, Balitora ludongensis, from Qilong River which drains to Zuojiang River (a headwater of the Pearl River) drainage, Jingxi County, Guangxi, China. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: pectoral fin with vi–vii, 11–12 rays; pelvic fin with ii, 6–7 rays; pre-oral groove relatively shallow, upper lip without or with 3–5 fold-like papillae in a row on its middle surface and gradually smooth to the corner of mouth; two maxillary barbels at each corner of mouth, the outer one slightly longer than the inner one, 149.0–190.9% of eye diameter; eyes small, eye diameter 14.2–18.1% of head length; Dorsal-fin origin slightly anterior to pelvic-fin origin; Caudal-peduncle depth 39.1–55.0% of its length; upper lobe of caudal fin longer than the lower one; lateral-line scales 69–74; with 6–9 black blotches on the dorsal side of body.  相似文献   

 This study redescribes Bregmaceros mcclellandi Thompson, 1840, based on one specimen (74.4 mm SL) from the Bay of Bengal and 66 specimens (30.0–84.7 mm SL) from Mumbai (Bombay), India, because the type specimens have apparently been lost. The present specimens are characterized by having black dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins and show the following morphology: caudal fin slightly forked; body chromatophores present mainly at the dorsal part; no scales on cheek; vertebrae 52–55 (13–15 + 38–41); dorsal rays 52–59; anal rays 54–60; pectoral rays 18–20; caudal rays 27–31 (principal rays 14); transverse scales 14–15. In the 66 Mumbai specimens, it was confirmed that the distinctive black fin pigmentation developed sequentially with growth, with complete pigmentation first on the anterior lobe of the dorsal fin, then simultaneously on the posterior lobe of the dorsal fin, the caudal fin, and the pectoral fin, and last, on the anal fin. This species is known only from the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal, and Gulf of Thailand. A review of 16 nominal Bregmaceros species indicates that, besides B. mcclellandi, the distinctive dark fin pigmentation is found in B. atripinnis (Tickell), B. atlanticus Goode and Bean, B. japonicus Tanaka, and B. lanceolatus Shen. B. atripinnis is considered a junior synonym of B. mcclellandi, and the others are clearly distinct from B. mcclellandi. Comments are made on some of the characters to more fully characterize the species and for reference in future revisionary and phylogenetic studies. Received: June 17, 2002 / Revised: December 2, 2002 / Accepted: December 24, 2002  相似文献   

The Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, comprising three subspecies, is the only species in the genus Plecoglossus in the family Osmeridae. Here, we describe for the first time the discovery of fossil specimens of P. altivelis from the Upper Miocene sediment of Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. The fossil individuals are subadult and have comb teeth in the second and third generations. These fossil specimens are clearly similar to the recent P. altivelis, the former’s meristic characters being included in the three recent subspecies. In terms of numbers of pectoral fin rays and vertebrae, the fossil specimens are more similar to the subspecies Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis than the other subspecies, but they also show different dorsal fin shapes and anal fin ray counts. This discovery of fossil P. altivelis indicates the persistence of the species for at least 10 million years, from the Late Miocene to the present.  相似文献   

Three oligo-raker species (≤19 rakers on the first gill arch) of the genus Melamphaes have been considered. A new species, M. papavereus, out of the group “M. typhlops” has been described from the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. M. simus and M. hubbsi out of the group “M. simus” have been revised. M. simus inhabits all oceans between 40° N and 40° S. M. hubbsi has been known from single specimens caught in the central part of the South Atlantic between 11° and 19° S.  相似文献   

A new loach species, named Triplophysa jianchuanensis, has been recognized in collections from Jianchuan in Dali Prefecture, Yunnan, China. Triplophysa jianchuanensis can be distinguished from the other Triplophysa species by the following combination of characteristics: smooth skin, scaleless; lateral line complete; head long (26.7–29.8% of SL); eyes large (25.9–31.0% of dorsal head length); snout shorter than postorbital length (26.9–30.1% of HL); middle of lower lip interrupted and forming a pair of furrows; lower jaw spoon-like with obtuse edge; posterior chamber of air bladder completely degenerated; intestines short, bending in zigzag-shape behind stomach; pelvic-fin tip not reaching anus; caudal fin emarginate; branched rays of dorsal fin 7; branched rays of caudal fin 16. A key to the known species of Triplophysa from the Lancangjiang River is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Argyripnus is described from the underwater elevations of the Northwestern Pacific. The species is most similar to A. hulleyi from the western Indian Ocean, but it differs in a larger number of rays of the dorsal and pectoral fins, a slightly larger number of photophores in the ventral row, and several other characters. The type series of the species is the most northern record of the representatives of the genus in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

A new species of softnose skate (Arhynchobatidae) is described, based on a single adult male measuring 895 mm TL that was collected at a depth of 953–1,022 m on the Coriolis Bank off western New Caledonia in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The specimen conforms to the genus Bathyraja in having the rostral cartilage continuous with the neurocranium and very slender and uncalcified over its length. Bathyraja leucomelanos sp. nov. differs from its congeners through a combination of the following characters: distinctive coloration of the disc with white dorsal and black ventral surfaces, dorsal surface of the disc entirely covered with dermal denticles, ventral surface naked, anterior portion of the anterior margin of the disc straight, snout long and very broad with orbit about 6.0 times in preorbital length, orbit 0.73 times interorbital width, mouth 6.8% TL, tail 0.88 times precloacal length, accessory terminal 2 cartilage of the clasper having an expanded disc-shaped tip, and alar thorn tip undulating. Molecular barcoding from the COI sequence reveals that this new species is genetically close to B. spinicauda from the North Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

A new dextral flounder, Samariscus multiradiatus, is described from six specimens (four males and two females) collected in deep waters (296–430 m) around New Caledonia. The species is easily distinguished from its 16 congeners in having a combination of 85–91 dorsal fin rays, 67–72 anal fin rays, 5 pectoral fin rays, and 9 abdominal and 34–35 caudal vertebrae.  相似文献   

Maireina afibulata and M. attenuatipilis are proposed as new members of the recently revised genus Maireina, one of the few anatomically well-studied cyphelloid groups in the Basidiomycota. Maireina species have brownish basidiomes, smooth, parietally unpigmented spores, and are characterized by non-ramified external hyphae with more or less thick, yellow to brown cell walls and distinct crystalline incrustations that always include their distal ends. A key to the species of the genus Maireina is presented, and M. afibulata as well as M. attenuatipilis are described and discussed in detail. Taxonomic novelties: Maireina afibulata Bodensteiner, M. attenuatipilis Bodensteiner  相似文献   

A new species of opisthoproctid, Dolichopteryx pseudolongipes, is described on the basis of three specimens (48.7–79.9 mm in standard length: SL) collected from the eastern Pacific Ocean. This species is characterized by small tubular eyes (diameter 2.7–3.9% SL), presence of an adipose fin, anal fin base originating under the dorsal fin base, relatively short predorsal (73.3–73.8% SL), prepelvic (64.3–67.9% SL), preanal (77.4–80.1% SL), and preanus (71.5–75.7% SL) lengths; 31–33 (=9–10 + 22–24) gill rakers and 43–45 vertebrae. Although D. pseudolongipes had previously been confused with Dolichopteryx longipes, many differences between the species are apparent [e.g., adipose fin absent, anal fin base origin just behind dorsal fin base, greater prepelvic length (70.3–72.7% SL), 25 gill rakers, and 46–47 vertebrae in D. longipes].  相似文献   

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