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Pollen morphology from 143 collections representing 11 genera and 75 species of native South American Convolvulaceae was analyzed with LM and SEM. Exine structure and sculpture allow to distinguish three main types, in two of these types some subtypes were recognized. 1) Tectate, microechinate-perforate exine, with ramified columellae. On the basis of apertures three subtypes were distinguished: tricolpate in Aniseia, Bonamia, Convolvulus, Cressa, Dichondra, Merremia and Jacquemontia blanchetii; penta-hexacolpate in Merremia umbellata; and pantoporate with elliptic and circular pores, in Calystegia. 2) Tectate, microechinate-perforate exine with microspines and single columellae in concordant pattern, relates pantocolpate pollen of Jacquemontia and Evolvulus. From pollen data generic status of J. blanchetii should be considered. 3) Semitectate, echinate or gemmate, microechinate-microreticulate exine with single columellae is exclusive of pantoporate pollen of Ipomoea. Four subtypes were recognized in this genera, which are discussed in relation to Austins infrageneric classification.  相似文献   

Pollen from 152 collections representing 16Pyrola species was examined with LM, SEM and TEM. The genusPyrola is stenopalynous in having tetrads and 3-colporoidate grains. However, a continuous and serial variation in the exine sculpture and the tetrad diameter (D) was revealed within the genus. Křísa's system ofPyrola (1971) was re-examined in the light of these palynological characters which may have a taxonomic significance, as well as the external morphology. P. minor (only member of the subgenusAmelia), which is characterized by having small (D=30–35 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture must best be placed near sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola. P. faurieana must be segregated from sectionChlorantha and together withP. media placed intermediate between the subgenusAmelia and sectionPyrola of the subgenusPyrola based on their larger (D=ca. 40 μm) pollen tetrads with verrucate sculpture. Two series of sectionChlorantha excludingP. faurieana are differentiated in the exine sculpture. Therefore, they are regarded as the distinct taxonomic groups. SectionScotophylla is characterized by having psilate sculptured pollen tetrads, which indicates that its sectional rank is sufficiently asserted. The evolutionary trend in the exine sculpture from verrucate through rugulate to psilate is suggested withinPyrola.  相似文献   

Pollen ultrastructure has been investigated in 35 taxa of Gnaphalieae (Compositae), predominantly from New Zealand. Pollen grains of all taxa examined are tectate‐columellate and caveate. The characters regarded as particularly distinctive include variability of columellar form and internal organisation of the columellae. The importance of pollen characters in the classification of the New Zealand Gnaphalieae is discussed. The species of Haastia, characterised by senecioid pollen and internal tecta, do not belong to the Gnaphalieae. In the species with helianthoid pollen and sub‐columellae five different columellae types can be distinguished.  相似文献   

猕猴桃属花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
由于天然种间杂交,猕猴桃属Actinidia Lindl.的分类存在着组间界限不清、近缘种之间很难区分的问题。本文试图通过对该属不同组、系的植物花粉及种间杂交后代花粉的扫描电镜观察,探讨该属物种的系统学关系。在扫描电镜下观察了猕猴桃属植物21种、 6变种和4个不同种间杂交F1代植株的花粉,描述了它们的花粉形态,并根据花粉形态特征建立了相应的检索表。研究结果表明:(1)猕猴桃属的花粉形状主要以长球形至近球形为主,变异较小,而花粉粒大小和外壁纹饰的种间差异较大。(2)多数迁地保护物种的花粉粒以三孔沟为主,不同于以前报道的以三拟孔沟为主,原因可能是花粉样本采集地的环境不一样,以及野外的广泛杂交造成的。(3)种间杂交后代花粉空瘪,无授粉能力,是由于所采用亲本植株染色体的倍性不同,后代不能产生正常花粉所致。(4)人工选育雄株花粉外壁纹饰较野生雄株花粉的精细,这种花粉外壁纹饰变小的特征可能有利于雌雄异株植物的授粉受精。这一现象值得进一步探讨。(5)雄株花粉大小与其雌株果实大小之间有一定相关性,这一现象有助于杂交后代的早期筛选。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 91 samples, representing 23 species, 6 varieties and 1 form of the Schisandraceae, was examined under light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Palynological data of 5 species, 4 varieties and 1 form are reported for the first time. The pollen grains are monads, heteropolar, radiosymmetric and oblate to peroblate in shape. Arrangement of their colpi is unique in angiosperms. The pollen grains can be divided into two types according to the number of their clopi: the tricolpate pollen type and the hexacolpate pollen type. The exine sculpturing is reticulate. The size of luminae and the breadth of muri are correlated with the floral morphology of the hisandraceae to a certain extent. Our results do not support the division of the pollen grains of the Schisandraceae into 4 types according to the size of inae as proposed by Praglowski. There is also still room of discussion about his conclusion that the pole where the three longer colpi converge is the distal pole. The evolutionary trends of the pollen grains of the Schisandraceae seem to be from fewer to more in the number of colpi, and from smaller to larger in the size of luminae. The view that Kadsura is more primitive than Schisnadra is not supported by palynological data; on the contrary, Kadsura seems to be more advanced than Schisandra at the general level of evolution. The two genera may be closely related, and might have originated from a common ancestor and then evolved parallelly along two different routes.  相似文献   

五味子科植物花形态及其系统学意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
用光镜和扫描电镜观察了五味子科Schisandraceae23种、6变种和1变型的91份花粉的形态。其中5 、4变种和1变型的花粉形态为首次报道。该科花粉为单花粉,异极,辐射对称,扁球形至超扁球形,其萌发沟的排列格局在被子植物中是独一无二的。若按萌发沟的数目划分,该科花粉可分为3沟型和6沟型两个类型。外壁为网状纹饰,网眼的大小和网脊的宽度与花的形态有一定相关性。研究结果不支持Praglowski对  相似文献   

含笑属(木兰科)植物花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张新华  夏念和 《广西植物》2008,28(3):311-316
利用扫描电子显微镜对含笑属12个分类群的花粉形态进行了观察和研究。花粉粒椭圆形,两侧对称,异极,具远极单萌发沟,中等大小;形成一较为自然的分类群。虽然花粉粒的大小和表面雕纹不同种间具有一定的差异,但不足以为现有的属下分类系统提供足够的证据。  相似文献   

用扫描电子显微镜对国产 1 4种蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的花粉形态进行了观察 ,该属植物的花粉形态有长球形和球形 2种 ;外壁纹饰可分为 3大类型 :( 1 )皱波状纹饰 ;( 2 )小芽孢状纹饰 ;( 3)瘤棒状纹饰。它们的演化趋势是 :皱波状纹饰→芽孢状纹饰→瘤棒状纹饰  相似文献   

Pollen morphology in the genus Saxifraga and its taxonomic significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pollen morphology of 105 species of Saxifraga has been investigated. Four major types of sexine pattern are recognized, namely reticulate, granular, striate and very finely striate with superimposed granules or verrucae. The striate pattern is found to be the most common and is divided into eight subtypes. The types and subtypes are related to the sections recognized in the genus and are generally found to support the existing classifications. The pollen-types also clarify some of the longstanding problems but leave others unresolved, and some exceptional patterns occur within otherwise well-defined sections.  相似文献   

The present paper describes the pollen morphology of 26 species and 2 varieties in Nothofagus from Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Guinea and South America. Pollen grains were all examined with light microscope (LM), scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and transmission electron microscope(TEM). A comparative analysis of pollen exine ultrastructure was made for some species. The results are summarised as follows: Pollen grains are oblate to peroblate, 5~8-short-colpate, rarely 4- or 9-colpate; colpi generally thickened at margins; pollen surface spinulose. The exine ultrastructure of Nothofagus differs considerably from that of the other genera in the Fagaceae. The pollen grains of the species examined here show great differences in shape, size, colpal number and characteristics of colpi at margins and could be divided into three distinct types, i.e. N. brassii type; N. menziesii type and N. fusca type.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜,对分布于南美洲、澳大利亚、新西兰、新喀里多尼亚岛和新几内亚岛的南水青冈属Nothofagus26种2变种,包括33份花粉材料,进行了观察测定及超微结构分析研究。通过对花粉的形状、大小、萌发孔特征的比较分析,得出以下结果:南水青冈属花粉粒为扁球形至超扁球形;萌发孔具5~8短沟,稀为4沟或9沟,沟缘普遍加厚;表面具不同形状、大小和疏密的刺状纹饰,花粉外壁超微结构与壳斗科(狭义)其它属迥然不同。研究结果表明,该类群的花粉在形状、大小、沟的数目和沟缘加厚等特征上亦具较大差异,据此可划分为3种类型,即N .brassii型,N.menziesii型和N.fusca型。  相似文献   

异构前列腺素及其意义   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
异构前列腺素是花生四烯酸经氧自由基催化的代谢产物,不依赖于环氧化酶,在体内外脂质过氧化试验中均有大量的iso-PGs生成,抗氧化剂有抑制作用。iso-PGs可做为脂质过氧化的一个新的特异的指标用于临床、病理与药理研究。  相似文献   

中国柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)花粉形态研究及其分类意义的探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
研究观察了中国柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)4属27种植物的花粉形态。中国柽柳科植物花粉为三沟类型,无三拟孔沟类型,形态及外壁雕纹属间差异明显。根据花粉资料,探讨了属间的进化关系和分类地位及本科植物花粉外壁的演化途径。  相似文献   

Plant vacuoles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Marty F 《The Plant cell》1999,11(4):587-600

中国栎属植物花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹明  周浙昆 《广西植物》2002,22(1):14-18
从系统学分类学的角度出发 ,对国产栎属 31个种的花粉进行了光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察。研究结果表明栎属的花粉萌发孔对该属的系统与分类无太大的参考价值 ;但栎属的花粉纹饰有颗粒状、聚颗粒状两种主要类型 ,具有重要的系统学分类学价值。花粉形态的研究结果支持将栎属植物划分为常绿类与落叶类的观点 ;栎属巴东栎组植物的花粉纹饰在种间存在分化 ,花粉形态的研究结果支持将巴东栎组至少划分为两个不同类群的观点 ;在佐以其他证据的情况下 ,栎属植物的花粉纹饰还具有重要的分类学价值  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of 10 species of Hemerocallis was investigated with LM and SEM. In addition to pollen with reticulate sexine, a new verrucate sexine pattern is found in three Chinese endemic species, H. plicata, H. forrestii and H. nana . Between the two typical sexine patterns, there are transitional variants. Also, a new pollen shape, boat-shaped-elliptic, is observed exclusively in H. nana , besides-oblong shape in other species. Phylogenetically, the common reticulate sexine pattern would be more primitive than the verrucate one. The typical reticulate sexine pattern would be basic, from which transitional variants would have derived and finally led to the typical verrucate pattern. Similarly, the common boat-shaped-oblong pollen would be more primitive than the -elliptic one, from which the latter would have derived during phylogenetic development.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the current knowledge concerning various aspects of neurosteroid metabolism and mode of action. These steroid compounds including dehydroepiandrosterone, pregnenolone, and their sulfates, as well as progesterone and its tetrahydro metabolites, are synthesized de novo in glial cells of different brain structures both in humans and in animals. Biological effects of neurosteroids and their fundamental and clinical aspects are reviewed.  相似文献   

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