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The early developmental stages of capelin Mallotus villosus and lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus were the major representatives of the fish larvae in the ichthyoplankton of the open waters of the White Sea in June 2007 and 2010 and in July 2010 and 2011. The larvae of these two species were widely distributed in the White Sea and have been registered in the large bays and in the other parts of the sea. The larvae of capelin and lesser sandeel were the most abundant in Onega Bay and in Dvina Bay and in Gorlo Strait of the White Sea; the larvae of lesser sandeel have also been found in the coastal waters of Kandalaksha Bay. The schooling of the larvae of these two species were characterized by a relatively permanent localization that referred to the spawning grounds; the shape and the location of the schoolings usually depend on the presence and configuration of the areas of the pronounced gradients of the hydrophysical parameters in these areas.  相似文献   

According to the data of ichthyological surveys conducted in Onega and Kandalaksha bays of the White Sea in June 2015, the abundance and pattern of spatial distribution of larvae of the White Sea herring Clupea pallasii marisalbi are comparable with those of 2012. Aggregations of herring larvae detected at a distance of 12?14 km from the coast in the apex part of Kandalaksha Bay are probably the result of their mass drift caused by fresh floodwater discharge. In coastal waters of the bays adjacent to the littoral part, the abundance of herring larvae above the depths less than 5 m varies considerably due to their drift under effect of alongshore and/or tidal currents. The White Sea herring larvae reach high abundance only in the inlets (Chupa, Knyazhaya, Belaya, and Maikova inlets) with the river runoff; their length increases with the distance from spawning grounds. In different years, the main bulk of herring larvae in Knyazhaya Inlet is concentrated at depths about 12–15 m at 6?8°C, or moved to the upper 5-m quasi-homogeneous layer when the water temperature at the depth was 0?1°C.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzymes of the energy and carbohydrate metabolisms (cytochrome-c oxidase, L-lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase, and glycerol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase) have been studied in White Sea herring (the 1+, 2+, and 3+ age groups) sampled in Onega Bay, Dvina Bay, and Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea. The bays differ in the hydrological regime, ecological and feeding conditions. The individual variability of the enzyme activity was the largest in the herring of the age 1+. The flexibility of the intensity and vector of the basic metabolic reactions probably supports the energy homeostasis, preconditions the switching to the most effective way of using the resources, and regulates the synthesis of the structural and storage molecules, as well as vectors the adaptation strategy of herring specimens of each age group to the hydrological regime, environment, and feeding conditions of the particular bay, corresponding to their age-related characteristics.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity among spawning groups of herring from different parts of the White Sea was assessed using ten microsatellite loci. All loci were polymorphic with the expected heterozygosity estimates varying in the range of 12.7–94.1% (mean was 59.5%). The degree of genetic differentiation displayed by White Sea herring was statistically significant (θ = 2.03%). The level of pairwise genetic differentiation F ST was 0–0.085, and it was statistically significant in most of the comparison pairs between the herring samples. A hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed the statistically significant differentiation of White Sea herring. 96.59% genetic variation was found within the samples and 3.41% variation was found among the populations. The main component of interpopulation diversity (1.85%) falls at the differences between two ecological forms of herring, spring- and summer-spawning. Within the spring-spawning form, the presence of local stocks in Kandalaksha Bay, Onega Bay, and Dvina Bay was demonstrated.  相似文献   

On the basis of ichthyoplankton surveys performed in July 2002 and June 2004–2005 in Chupa Estuary and adjacent waters of Kandalaksha Bay, species composition and distribution of eggs and larvae of fish were studied. Early stages of development of seven fish species were found in the composition of ichthyoplankton. The bulk of abundance of ichthyoplankton was formed of Clupea pallasii marisalbi larvae. It was shown that the sites of aggregation of larval C. pallasii marisalbi from June to July are constant and located in the central and preestuarine areas of Chupa Estuary. Possible routes of their passive migrations within Chupa Estuary and the adjacent water area of Kandalaksha Bay are considered. It is suggested that the drift of larvae beyond the estuary proceeds slowly, and after hatching they can long stay in the estuary concentrating in its central and preestuarine areas.  相似文献   

An analysis of genetic variation is made according to four allozyme loci of reproductive (spawning) groups of oligovertebrate herring Clupea pallasii collected in various bays of the White Sea and the south-eastern part of the Barents Sea in 1995–2002. The temporal stability of genetic characteristics during several years is shown. The analysis of genetic variation revealed a significant difference between herring from the south-eastern part of the Barents Sea and spring-spawning and summer-spawning herring from inner bays of the White Sea. The analysis of geographic variation of genetic characteristics of spawning aggregations revealed the change in frequencies of alleles of loci LDH-2* and MDH-4* from the north-east to the south-west along the coast.  相似文献   

The length–age distributions and genetic variation of ten microsatellite loci were examined in samples of herring from the Chupa Inlet of the Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea. The samples were collected on the same spawning grounds over a period of 13 years and during the same spawning season. The obtained data demonstrate stability of the length structure and genetic characteristics (allele and genotype frequencies, allelic richness, and heterozygosity). The degree of temporal genetic differentiation was not statistically significant, θ = 0.0038 (CI,–0.0006 to 0.006). Spatial differentiation of the White Sea herring far outweighs the level of temporal variability, which makes it possible to suggest the important role of reproductive isolation in the formation of the population genetic structure of herring.  相似文献   

On the basis of an ichthyoplankton survey made in July 2003 in Kandalaskha Gulf, the Basin, the Gorlo Strait, and the Voronka the species composition and distribution of fish eggs and larvae are investigated. The ichtyoplankton comprises 17 fish species, of which the majority (11) were boreal forms. Other fish were represented by arctic species (2) and arctic-boreal species (4). The traits of distribution of abundantly caught species are considered in detail: larvae of the White Sea oligovertebrate herring Clupea pallasii marisabli, eggs of the dab Limanda limanda, larvae of the northern sand lance Ammodytes marinus, and of the capelin Mallotus villosus villosus. The presence of all larvae of White Sea herring only within Kandalaskha Gulf is considered to be evidence supporting the hypothesis suggested by Dmitriev (1946) on the absence of their drift beyond large gulfs of the White Sea. The natural barrier for mutual exchange with early developmental stages of fish between the White Sea and the Barents Sea in summer may be a developed hydrologic front in the boundary area of the Basin and Gorlo Strait, discovered in the course of the survey. This front causes their death by thermohaline shock in the abrupt gradient zone.  相似文献   

Data on the species composition and distribution of ichthyoplankton in Onega Bay of the White Sea are presented for June–July 2007, 2010–2012, and 2015–2016. In the ichthyoplankton, the specimens of the early developmental stages of 21 fish species were registered; the larvae of the White Sea herring Clupea pallasi marisalbi, capelin Mallotus villosus, and Pacific sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus were the most abundant. It is shown that the northwestern and southeastern zones, distinguished in Onega Bay by hydrophysical parameters, also differ in species composition and in ichthyoplankton abundance.  相似文献   

The data on feeding of coastal cod Gadus morhua marisalbi in the area of the Chupa Bay (Kandalaksha Gulf of the White Sea) are presented. In the food spectrum of cod, over 25 cm long fish and their eggs dominated (77.5% by frequency of occurrence and 91.7% by weight). Other groups of food organisms occupied a secondary place. Among fish, three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus was the most prominent food item in the diet of cod (48.3% by weight). The published data on long-term changes of the diet of cod are considered, which are mostly related to considerable fluctuations of the abundance of three-spined stickleback in the White Sea. It is shown that, at present, three-spined stickleback again plays an important role in the diet of the White Sea cod  相似文献   

We studied the following growth indices of the White Sea mussels Mytilus edulis: shell length, total weight, soft tissue weight, and shell weight. The coefficients of allometric relationships between the indices were determined. Age-related changes in the indices could be approximated by the Bertalanffy equation. The maximum age of mollusks in the studied population equaled 13 years (with the maximum shell length of 66.2 mm). Growth rate of littoral mussels in the region of Umba Settlement (Northern Kandalaksha Bay) was lower as compared to those published for other littoral White Sea populations (Chupa Bay).  相似文献   

The present paper contains the results of our microbiological and biogeochemical investigations carried out during a series of expeditions to the White Sea in 2002–2006. The studies were conducted in the open part of the White Sea, as well as in the Onega, Dvina, and Kandalaksha bays. In August 2006, the photosynthetic productivity in the surface water layer was low (47–145 mg C m?2 day?1). Quantitative characteristics of microbial numbers and activity of the the key microbial processes occurring in the water column of the White Sea were explored. Over the 5-year period of observations, the total number of bacterial cells in the surface layer of the water column varied from 50 to 600 thousand cells ml?1. In August 2006, bacterioplankton production (BP) was estimated to be 0.26–3.3 μg C l?1 day?1; the P/B coefficient varied from 0.22 to 0.93. The suspended organic matter had a lighter isotope composition (from ?28.0 to ?30.5‰) due to the predominance of terrigenous organic matter delivered by the Northern Dvina waters. The interseasonal and interannual variation coefficients for phytoplankton production and BP numbers are compared. The bacterioplankton community of the White Sea’s deep water was found to be more stable than that of the surface layer. In the surface layer of bottom sediments, methane concentration was 0.2–5.2 μl dm?3; the rate of bacterial sulfate reduction was 18–260 μg S dm?3 day?1; and the rates of methane production and oxidation were 24–123 and 6–13 nl CH4 dm?3 day?1, respectively. We demonstrated that the rates of microbial processes of the carbon and sulfur cycles occurring in the sediments of the White Sea basin were low.  相似文献   

Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed on seven anatomical characters of Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus , sampled from seven discrete spawning grounds to the west of the British Isles and from spawning sites in the Baltic and Thames Estuary. Analysis of mean similarities, Mahalanobis D2, percentage overlap and projections from prinicipal co-ordinate analysis demonstrated that a high degree of anatomical similarity exists among the herring spawning communities to the west of the British Isles. Although local aggregations had distinct centres of abundance they appeared to have large overlapping distributions. However, the Celtic Sea sample was found to be distinctly different from adjacent and neighbouring stocks. The samples of coastal herring from the Thames Estuary and the Baltic Sea showed little overlap with other samples.  相似文献   

The cod, Gadus morhua, is a common and abundant demersal fish in the White Sea coastal zone. The published data on the maximum age of White Sea cod still requires additional documentation, because some authors have noted difficulties in age determination by otoliths of large specimens. To obtain accurate data on the longevity of this species in the White Sea, an image analysis of thin‐sections of otoliths was made for age estimation. Research surveys in the Chupa Inlet and adjacent waters of the Kandalaksha Bay were conducted in June to August from 2007 to 2013. The five largest specimens of a total of 3564 captured fish were selected for age determination. Age of these largest individuals ranged between 7 and 12 years, total length and weight varied from 60.2 to 77.0 cm and from 2.4 to 6.1 kg, respectively. According to the data, maximal White Sea cod longevity is greater than in previously published data, and demonstrates similar longevity to conspecifics from the Baltic and North seas, whereas its life cycle is much shorter than cod from the Northeast Arctic, Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland and Labrador stocks.  相似文献   

Growth properties were studied in edible mussel Mytilus edulis from different biotopes of the Kandalaksha Bay in the White Sea.Growth curves of the mussel shell were approximated by the von Bertalanffy equation. The highest growth rate, primarily dependent on hydrological conditions, was observed in mussels from the Chupa Bay (Levin Navolok fishery), while the lowest rate was observed in mussels from the Umba region (Turii Cape, Murmansk Region). Allometric relationships of the mussel shell were determined. Analysis of the relationship between the maximum width/convexity and their length demonstrated that this relationship is described by a single allometric equation for mussels from the Umba region, which indicates the homogeneity of this population. For mussels from the Chupa Bay, this relationship cannot be described by a single equation, which points to the population heterogeneity. For 90% mussels from this region, the shell width/convexity ratio ranged from 0.5 to 0.9; while for the remaining 10%, it ranged from 0.9 to 1.15.  相似文献   

Information about the sites of catches of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus in the western Barents Sea and Arctic lamprey Lethenteron camtschaticum in the Barents and White seas is presented based on the data of trawl surveys performed in 2004?2016. It is demonstrated that sea lamprey is occasionally encountered in the western Barents Sea; nine specimens have been recorded during the entire period of surveys. The northernmost point of a capture of sea lamprey is located near 76° N and the easternmost point is at 31°15′ E. Arctic lamprey is not numerous in the Barents and White seas; a total of 66 and 17 specimens have been caught, respectively. Its local aggregations are found in the southeastern part of the Barents Sea and in Dvina Bay in the White Sea. Arctic lamprey penetrates to the north to 76° N and into the central part of the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

According to results of layer-by-layer fishings performed in June 2006 in the Knyazhaya and Kolvitsa estuaries, data on the spatial distribution of larval White Sea herring Clupea pallasi marisalbi during the tidal cycle are provided. In these estuaries, the presence of a system of counter-currents that form a two-layer circulation was revealed. The surface current that is directed to the bay is traced to a depth of 2–4 m; below this, a current directed to the tail part of estuaries was recorded. It was established that larval herrings perform vertical migrations, as a result of which they can be freely drifted from inlets with a surface current and penetrate back from the adjoining water areas with a counter-current, which promotes a decrease in their drift in the open part of Kandalaksha Bay beyond shallow zones of juvenile feeding.  相似文献   

This review summarizes information published in the 1980s–1990s about anthropogenic pollution in Peter the Great Bay, the largest of the bays in the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan. The coastal zone of the bay occupies about 12% of the area of Primorskii Province and is the most heavily populated. The bulk of the human settlements, the seaports of Vladivostok and Nakhodka, railways, industrial enterprises, and developed agriculture are located in the coastal zone. Sewage waters containing multicomponent mixtures of polluting agents of both mineral and organic origin are discharged into the coastal waters of the bay. This paper presents information about the concentration of major classes of polluting agents (oil hydrocarbons, polychlorinated hydrocarbons, surfactants, heavy metals, and radionuclids) in the water and bottom sediments of the bay. The results of physico-chemical and biogeochemical investigations performed in the 1970s–1990s justify considering Zolotoi Rog Bay, Bosfor Vostochnyi Strait, Nakhodka Bay (especially its innermost portion, around the harbor of Nakhodka), and Amurskii Bay to be the most polluted areas in Peter the Great Bay. The information about the biological consequences of pollution in these water areas is briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

Variability of cod spawning and feeding schools from Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea, was examined at six allozyme and eight microsatellite loci. The degree of genetic differentiation at allozyme loci constituted θ = 0.36% [95% bootstrap interval 0.0458; 0.6743]. The differentiation estimates obtained using microsatellite markers were higher, θ = 1.33% [0.057; 3.11]. It was demonstrated that the level of genetic diversity in the White Sea cod was lower than that established for the Atlantic cod from Barents Sea using the same set of allozyme and microsatellite markers. The genetic data obtained support the opinion that the White Sea cod is a reproductively independent group formed as a result of the Holocene dispersal of Atlantic cod.  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton sampling and otolith chemistry were used to determine the importance of transient spawning aggregations of snapper Chrysophrys auratus (Sparidae) in a large embayment, Port Phillip Bay (PPB), Australia, as a source of local and broad-scale fishery replenishment. Ichthyoplankton sampling across five spawning seasons within PPB, across the narrow entrance to the bay and in adjacent coastal waters, indicated that although spawning may occur in coastal waters, the spawning aggregations within the bay were the primary source of larval recruitment to the bay. Otolith chemical signatures previously characterized for 0+ year C. auratus of two cohorts (2000 and 2001) were used as the baseline signatures to quantify the contribution that fish derived from reproduction in PPB make to fishery replenishment. Sampling of these cohorts over a 5 year period at various widely dispersed fishery regions, combined with maximum likelihood analyses of the chemistry of the 0+ year otolith portions of these older fish, indicated that C. auratus of 1 to 3+ years of age displayed both local residency and broad-scale emigration from PPB to populate coastal waters and an adjacent bay (Western Port). While the PPB fishery was consistently dominated (>70%) by locally derived fish irrespective of cohort or age, the contribution of fish that had originated from PPB to distant populations increased with age. At 4 to 5+ years of age, when C. auratus mature and fully recruit to the fishery, populations of both cohorts across the entire central and western Victorian fishery, including two major embayments and c. 800 km of coastal waters, were dominated (>70%) by fish that had originated from the spawning aggregations and nursery habitat within PPB. Dependence of this broadly dispersed fishery on replenishment from heavily targeted spawning aggregations within one embayment has significant implications for management and monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

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