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The formation and disappearance of a photosensitive species during the reaction of reduced cytochrome c oxidase (putatively a3II.O2), EC, has been followed by (a) mixing a3II.CO with O2 in a stopped flow apparatus; (b) initiating the oxygen-oxidase reaction by removing CO with a laser flash; (c) probing the reaction mixture for photosensitivity with a second laser flash. Photosensitivity appears in the reaction mixture after the first laser flash, reaches a maximum after 50-60 microseconds ([O2] greater than 100 microM), and disappears in a further 50-100 microseconds. The kinetics can be represented by the scheme [formula: see text]. In species B, O2 is associated with the protein, possibly CuB, but not with the heme. Species C is the photosensitive a3II.O2 complex, and in D, a3 iron has been oxidized. The formation of species C is responsible for the rapid phase of absorbance change in the oxidase-oxygen reaction. The rate of reaction with oxygen approaches the limit of 35,000 s-1 at high oxygen. Nitric oxide, however, reacts with FeII oxidase with a rate of 1 x 10(8) M-1 s-1, which is accurately maintained up to an observed rate of 10(5) s-1. In flash photolysis experiments, approximately half of the photodissociated nitric oxidase recombines in a biphasic geminate reaction with rates of 1 x 10(8) s-1 and 1 x 10(7) s-1.  相似文献   

S Han  Y C Ching  D L Rousseau 《Biochemistry》1990,29(6):1380-1384
The reaction of dioxygen with mixed-valence cytochrome c oxidase was followed in a rapid-mixing continuous-flow apparatus. The optical absorption difference spectrum and a kinetic analysis confirm the presence of the primary oxygen intermediate in the 0-100-microseconds time window. The resonance Raman spectrum of the iron-dioxygen stretching mode (568 cm-1) supplies evidence that the degree of electron transfer from the iron atom to the dioxygen is similar to that in oxy complexes of other heme proteins. Thus, the Fe-O2 bond does not display any unique structural features that could account for the rapid reduction of dioxygen to water. Furthermore, the frequency of the iron-dioxygen stretching mode is the same as that of the primary intermediate in the fully reduced enzyme, indicating that the oxidation state of cytochrome a plays no role in controlling the initial properties of the oxygen binding site.  相似文献   

The reaction of a reduced cytochrome oxidase system consisting of beef heart cytochrome oxidase, cytochrome c, and ascorbate with molecular oxygen was kinetically and thermodynamically investigated using a stopped-flow, rapid wavelength-scanning technique. Processes for oxidation of ferrocytochrome a, bound ferrocytochrome c, and free ferrocytochrome c have been identified, and their rate constants have been determined. Values of the activation energy for these reactions indicate that the oxidation of bound ferrocytochrome c is a simple chemical electron-transfer process and that oxidations of ferrocytochrome a and free ferrocytochrome c are complex processes involving changes in protein conformation.  相似文献   

A paramagnetic intermediate with an unusual e.p.r. spectrum is formed when fully reduced cytochrome c oxidase is allowed to react with dioxygen at 173 K. The effect on the e.p.r. spectrum of using dioxygen enriched in 17O was investigated. These experiments show that an oxygen atom derived from dioxygen is bound to Cu2+ in the intermediate. The e.p.r. parameters can be explained in terms of a weak antiferromagnetic interaction (J approximately equal to 10 cm-1) between Cu2+B and cytochrome a3 in the low-spin ferryl ion state. It is suggested that an OH- ion bound to Cu2+B is hydrogen bonded to the oxygen atom of the ferryl ion in cytochrome a3.  相似文献   

1. The results of non-linear optimization studies on the mechanism of reaction of fully reduced cytochrome oxidase with O2 at 176K are presented. The analysis is carried out on data obtained by means of dual-wavelength multi-channel spectroscopy at three wavelength pairs (604-630, 608-630 and 830-940 nm) and at three O2 concentrations (60, 200 and 1180 micron). The only model that satisfies the triple requirement of a standard deviation within the standard error of the experimental data, good determination of the optimized parameters and a random distribution of residuals is a three-species sequential mechanism. 2. On the basis of the optimized values of the relative absorption coefficients of the intermediates at each wavelength obtained from the present paper together with data from low-temperature trapping, e.p.r. and magnetic-susceptibility studies, the possible valence states of the metal centres in each of the intermediates are discussed.  相似文献   

Flash photolysis of the membrane-bound cytochrome oxidase/carbon monoxide compound in the presence of oxygen at low temperatures and in the frozen state leads to the formation of three types of intermediates functional in electron transfer in cytochrome oxidase and reduction of oxygen by cytochrome oxidase. The first category (A) does not involve electron transfer to oxygen between -125 degrees and -105 degrees, and includes oxy compounds which are spectroscopically similar for the completely reduced oxidase (Cu1+alpha3(2+)-O2) or for the ferricyanide-pretreated oxidase (Cu2+alpha3(3+)-O2). Oxygen is readily dissociated from compounds of type A. The second category (B) involves oxidation of the heme and the copper moiety of the reduced oxidase to form a peroxy compound (Cu2+alpha 3(3+)-O2=or Cu2+alpha3(2+)-O2H2) in the temperature range from -105 degrees to -60 degrees. Above -60 degrees, compounds of type B serve as effective electron acceptors from cytochromes a, c, and c1. The third category (C) is formed above -100 degrees from mixed valency states of the oxidase obtained by ferricyanide pretreatment, and may involve higher valency states of the heme iron (Cu2+alpha3(4+)-O2=). These compounds act as electron acceptors for the respiratory chain and as functional intermediates in oxygen reduction. The remarkable features of cytochrome oxidase are its highly dissociable "oxy" compound and its extremely effective electron donor reaction which converts this rapidly to tightly bound reduced oxygen and oxidized oxidase.  相似文献   

The reaction of the electrostatic cytochrome c-cytochrome oxidase complex with oxygen is measured by transient absorption spectroscopy. The oxygen reaction is initiated by photolytic removal of CO from cytochrome oxidase, using a flash-pumped dye laser. The subsequent reaction of the cytochrome c-cytochrome oxidase complex with oxygen is reported at 550, 605, 744, and 830 nm at different cytochrome c:cytochrome oxidase ratios and different oxygen concentrations. In the absence of cytochrome c the time course of the reaction of the oxidase is well described by a triple exponential process at any of the measured wavelengths. The three processes are well resolved at high O2 levels (i.e. greater than 200 microM), where they reach first-order rate limits of 2.4 x 10(4), 7.5 x 10(3), and 650 s-1. When cytochrome c is added the oxidation of cytochrome a and one of the redox active cooper centers (CuA) are interrupted. The maximal effect of cytochrome c on the oxidation of the oxidase occurs at a c:aa3 ratio of 1. Cytochrome c reacts in a biphasic process with rates of up to 7 x 10(3) and 550 s-1 at high oxygen. The fast phase takes up 60% of the process, and this is independent of the cytochrome c:cytochrome oxidase ratio. The results are discussed in the context of a model in which electron entry into cytochrome oxidase from cytochrome c is via CuA, and cytochrome a functions to mediate electron transfer from CuA to the oxygen binding site. The role of CuA as initial electron acceptor in cytochrome c oxidase is related to its physical proximity to cytochrome c is the cytochrome c-cytochrome oxidase complex.  相似文献   

The reaction of ascorbate-reduced Pseudomonas cytochrome oxidase with oxygen was studied by using stopped-flow techniques at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C. The observed time courses were complex, the reaction consisting of three phases. Of these, only the fastest process, with a second-order rate constant of 3.3 X 10(4) M-1.S-1, was dependent on oxygen concentration. The two slower processes were first-order reactions with rates of 1.0 +/- 0.4s-1 and 0.1 +/- 0.03s-1. A kinetic titration experiment revealed that the enzyme had a relatively low affinity constant for oxygen, approx. 10(4)M-1. Kinetic difference spectra were determined for all three reaction phases, showing each to have different characteristics. The fast-phase difference spectrum showed that changes occurred at both the haem c and haem d1 components of the enzyme during this process. These changes were consistent with the haem c becoming oxidized, but with the haem d1 assuming a form that did not correspond to the normal oxidized state, a situation that was not restored even after the second kinetic phase, which reflected further changes in the haem d1 component. The results are discussed in terms of a kinetic scheme.  相似文献   

Optical changes in d- and b-type cytochromes, following initiation of the reaction of cytochrome oxidase d with O2, have been studied in cells and derived membrane particles from oxygen-limited cultures of Escherichia coli K12. At successively higher temperatures between -132 and -88 degrees C, the first scan after photolysis of the Co-liganded, reduced oxidase in the presence of O2 and a slow increase in absorbance at 675 to 680 nm due to an unidentified chromophore. A similar sequence occurs when a single sample is scanned repetitively at -91 degrees C. At higher temperatures, oxidation of at least two spectrally distinct cytochromes b occurs. Selective photolysis of the cytochrome d-CO complex with a He-Ne laser shows that neither of these cytochromes is the CO-binding cytochrome o436. In all oxidation states examined, no absorbance in the 720 to 860 nm region was observed; it is concluded that both cytochromes d and o436 lack redox-active copper that has an environment similar to the copper(s) in mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase. The amount of cytochrome d650 (but not the amount of reduced cytochrome o436) formed after photolysis is directly proportional to the oxygen concentration in the sample at the time of freeze trapping. The results are discussed in relation to the composition and mechanism of action of cytochrome d.  相似文献   

Pulsed and oxygenated forms of cytochrome c oxidase are believed to be variants of the oxidized enzyme. They were produced as a consequence of one or more reduction-oxidation cycles of the resting form and are characterized by an increase of the alpha band intensity and a red-shift of the Soret absorption band to 428 nm. The rate of decay of these species back to the resting enzyme varies appreciably and appears to depend on the nature of the reductant and/or oxidant used in their preparation. Here we report that if resting oxidase is incubated with either reduced or oxidized cytochrome c and then exposed to dioxygen, an activated form is rapidly produced which appears to be more oxidized than the starting material. This finding suggest some degree of partial reduction of the resting enzyme, but this by itself cannot explain the extent of activation. Our results further question the significance of the optical spectral "signature" of the oxygenated (Okunuki, K., and Sekuzu, I. (1954) Seitaino Kagaka 5, 265-272), pulsed (Antonini, E., Brunori, M., Colosimo, A., Greenwood, C., and Wilson, M. T. (1977) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 3128-3132), and "420 nm" species (Kumar, C., Naqui, A., and Chance, B. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 2073-2076, 11668-11671), which are thought to be activated forms of oxidized cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

The reaction of fully reduced soluble bovine heart cytochrome oxidase with O2 at 173K was investigated by low-temperature optical and e.p.r. spectroscopy, and the kinetics of the reaction were analysed by non-linear optimization techniques. The only e.p.r. signals seen during the course of the reaction are those attributable to low-spin cytochrome a3+ and CuA2+. Quantitative analysis of e.p.r. signals shows that, at the end point of the reaction at 173K, nearly 100% of CuA is in the cupric state but only about 40% of cytochrome a is in the ferric low-spin state. The optical spectra recorded at this stage of the reaction show incomplete oxidation of haem and the absence of a 655 nm absorption band. The only reaction scheme that accounts for both the e.p.r. and optical data is a four-intermediate mechanism involving a branching pathway. The reaction is initiated when fully reduced cytochrome oxidase reacts with O2 to form intermediate I. This is then converted into either intermediate IIA or intermediate IIB. Of these, intermediate IIB is a stable end product at 173 K, but intermediate IIA is converted into intermediate III, which is the stable state at 173 K in this branch of the mechanism. The kinetic analysis of the e.p.r. data allows the unambiguous assignments of the valence states of cytochrome a and CuA in the intermediates. Intermediate I contains cytochrome a2+ and CuA+, intermediate IIA contains low-spin cytochroma a3+ and CuA+, intermediate IIB contains cytochrome a2+ and CuA2+, and intermediate III contains low-spin cytochrome a3+ and CuA2+. The electronic state of the O2-binding CuBa3 couple during the reoxidation of cytochrome oxidase is discussed in terms of an integrated structure containing CuB, cytochrome a3 and O2.  相似文献   

A number of methods were used to prepare a species of mammalian cytochrome oxidase (EC, ferrocytochrome c-oxygen oxidoreductase) in which only cytochrome a(3) is reduced and in combination with CO. The kinetics of CO binding by cytochrome a(3) (2+) in this species is significantly different from that exhibited by cytochrome a(3) (2+) in the fully reduced enzyme. The second-order rate constant for combination was 5x10(4)m(-1).s(-1) and the ;off' constant was 3x10(-2)s(-1). The kinetic difference spectra cytochrome a(3) (2+)-cytochrome a(3) (2+)-CO reveal further differences between the mixed-valence and the fully reduced enzyme. The reaction between cytochrome a(3) (2+) and oxygen in the mixed-valence species was followed in flow-flash experiments and reveals a fast, oxygen-dependent (8x10(7)m(-1).s(-1) at low oxygen) rate followed by a slow process, whose rate is independent of oxygen but whose amplitude is dependent on [O(2)]. The fast oxygen-dependent reaction yields as the first product the so-called ;oxygenated' enzyme. We conclude from these experiments that the ligand-binding behaviour of cytochrome a(3) depends on the redox state of its partners, a fact which represents clear evidence for site-site interaction in this enzyme. The fact that oxygen reacts rapidly with this enzyme species in which only one component, namely cytochrome a(3), is reduced represents clear and unequivocal evidence that this is indeed the O(2)-binding site in cytochrome oxidase and may indicate that reduction of oxygen can proceed via single electron steps.  相似文献   

A study is presented on proton transfer associated with the reaction of the fully reduced, purified bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase with molecular oxygen or ferricyanide. The proton consumption associated with aerobic oxidation of the four metal centers changed significantly with pH going from approximately 3.0 H(+)/COX at pH 6.2-6.3 to approximately 1.2 H(+)/COX at pH 8.0-8.5. Rereduction of the metal centers was associated with further proton uptake which increased with pH from approximately 1.0 H(+)/COX at pH 6.2-6.3 to approximately 2.8 H(+)/COX at pH 8.0-8.5. Anaerobic oxidation of the four metal centers by ferricyanide resulted in the net release of 1.3-1.6 H(+)/COX in the pH range 6.2-8.2, which were taken up by the enzyme on rereduction of the metal centers. The proton transfer elicited by ferricyanide represents the net result of deprotonation/protonation reactions linked to anaerobic oxidoreduction of the metal centers. Correction for the ferricyanide-induced pH changes of the proton uptake observed in the oxidation and rereduction phase of the reaction of the reduced oxidase with oxygen gave a measure of the proton consumption in the reduction of O(2) to 2H(2)O. The results show that the expected stoichiometric proton consumption of 4H(+) in the reduction of O(2) to 2H(2)O is differently associated, depending on the actual pH, with the oxidation and reduction phase of COX. Two H(+)/COX are initially taken up in the reduction of O(2) to two OH(-) groups bound to the binuclear Fe a(3)-Cu(B) center. At acidic pHs the third and fourth protons are also taken up in the oxidative phase with formation of 2H(2)O. At alkaline pHs the third and fourth protons are taken up with formation of 2H(2)O only upon rereduction of COX.  相似文献   

The reaction of an oxygenated form of cytochrome oxidase [EC] with cyanide was examined under conditions where spontaneous decay was prevented. The equilibrium and kinetic constants for the reaction agreed well with those for the normally operating enzyme, indicating that the oxygenated form is one of the active intermediates of the cytochrome oxidase reaction.  相似文献   

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