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Interstitial fibrosis may increase resistance to collateral flow (Rcoll) because of decreased lung volume and destruction of collateral channels or it may decrease Rcoll because of emphysematous changes around fibrotic regions. In addition, if interstitial fibrosis involves a small region of lung periphery, interdependence from surrounding unaffected lung should produce relatively large changes in volume of the fibrotic region during lung inflation. We studied the effects of interstitial fibrosis on collateral airflow by measuring Rcoll at functional residual capacity (FRC) in nine mongrel dogs before and 28 days after the local instillation of bleomycin into selected lung segments. In six of these dogs Rcoll was also measured at a higher lung volume (transpulmonary pressure = 12 cmH2O above FRC pressure). Rcoll increased in fibrotic lung segments following local treatment with bleomycin. With lung inflation (high transpulmonary pressure) Rcoll fell a similar proportion in fibrotic and nonfibrotic lung regions. These observations suggest that collateral resistance increases in fibrotic segments because lung volume decreases or because collateral pathways are involved directly in the fibrotic process. Compensatory increases in collateral communications do not occur. In addition, pulmonary interdependence does not cause disproportionate increases in volume and decreases in Rcoll of the fibrotic region during lung inflation.  相似文献   

Hypocapnic constriction has been proposed as a mechanism by which collateral pathways might rapidly alter ventilation to match perfusion. We studied the changes in response to hypocapnia with age in sheep, a species with collateral resistance (Rcoll) similar to those measured in humans. Measurements of Rcoll were made with either 5 or 10% CO2 and with air (hypocapnia) in 29 anesthetized sheep, ages 6 mo to 10 yr, with the wedged bronchoscope technique. Rcoll was 0.42 +/- 0.12, 0.58 +/- 0.18, 0.32 +/- 0.18, and 0.17 +/- 0.04 (SE) cmH2O.ml-1.min in 6-mo- and 1-, 2-, and 10-yr-old animals, respectively. These values were unchanged with hypocapnia. Despite the lack of a change in Rcoll with hypocapnia, administration of histamine aerosol (8 animals) through the bronchoscope increased Rcoll by 151 +/- 35% (P less than 0.05). These data suggest that although collateral pathways exist in sheep and are capable of constriction, they do not respond to hypocapnia. Furthermore, the response to hypocapnia is not influenced by age.  相似文献   

Alterations in tissue viscance (Vti) and collateral resistance (Rcoll) are both used as indexes of peripheral lung responses. However, it is not known whether the two responses reflect the effects of activation of the same contractile elements. We measured differential responses in Vti and Rcoll to histamine and leukotriene (LT) C4 to determine whether each evoked a similar pattern of response. Using the wedged bronchoscope constant-flow technique, we measured Rcoll in lobar segments of anesthetized, paralyzed, open-chest, mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs. In addition, we measured (with an alveolar capsule) alveolar pressure (PA) within the segment under study. This allowed us to calculate Vti, the component of the PA change in phase with segment flow. Rcoll and Vti measurements were obtained under base-line conditions and after local delivery of aerosols generated from histamine and LTC4. In five out of five lobes studied with both histamine and LTC4, the fractional Rcoll response to histamine was greater than the fractional Rcoll response to LTC4. In contrast, in four out of five lobes examined, the fractional increase in Vti accompanying the histamine response was less than the fractional increase in Vti accompanying LTC4 administration. These data suggest that anatomically distinct contractile elements influence Vti and Rcoll insofar as LTC4 and histamine evoke quantitatively different changes in these two indexes of peripheral lung responses.  相似文献   

Mechanics of collateral channels during high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) were assessed in eight anesthetized dogs, using a modification of Hilpert's technique. Base-line functional residual capacity was measured with a body plethysmograph, with inspiratory efforts induced by phrenic nerve stimulation. The resistance (Rcoll) and time constant (Tcoll) of collateral channels at five lung volumes were measured during HFOV and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Rcoll and Tcoll were significantly higher during HFOV (P less than 0.001); the differences did not correlate with resting lung volumes. The calculated static compliance of the wedged segment was similar during HFOV and PEEP (P greater than 0.005). Mean pressures measured in small airways during HFOV corresponded to the midline between the inflation and deflation limbs of the static pressure-volume curves, indicating similar pressure-volume characteristics of the respiratory system during HFOV and static conditions. We conclude that HFOV increases resistance to gas flow through collateral channels but that this pathway may still be important in gas exchange.  相似文献   

Effects of maturation and aging on collateral ventilation in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied collateral ventilation as a function of age by measuring the resistance (Rcoll) and time constant (Tcoll) of collateral airflow in young (2-10 mo), mature (16-24 mo), and old sheep (6-13 yr). Rcoll was 0.50 +/- 0.11 cmH2O X ml-1 X min (SE) in young sheep and decreased significantly to 0.05 +/- 0.02 and 0.02 +/- 0.01 cmH2O X ml-1 X min in mature and old sheep, respectively. Tcoll was 34.4 +/- 7.9 (SE) s in young sheep and decreased to 5.7 +/- 0.9 and 10.2 +/- 3.1 s in mature and old sheep, respectively. We conclude that a marked decrease in Rcoll and Tcoll occurs between birth and maturity but changes little with further aging. In the young an increased resistance and time constant of collateral airflow may accentuate ventilation perfusion imbalance and impair the removal of secretions in disease states.  相似文献   

We studied collateral flow resistance in exsanguinated, excised lower lobes and accessory lobes of dog and horse lungs, respectively. A double lumen catheter obstructed a peripheral airway isolating a segment of the lobe. Oxygen flowed into the segment via a rotameter which measured flow (Vcoll) while the inner catheter recorded segment pressure (Ps). Gas delivered into the segment flowed out via collateral channels. Collateral flow resistance was calculated as (Ps - PL)/Vcoll, where PL = static transpulmonary pressure. Rcoll at PL = 20, 10, and 5 cm H2O averaged 0.24, 1.25, and 2.65 cmH2O.ml-1.s, respectively, in the dog, and 4.53, 6.00, and 12.62 cmH2O.ml-1.s in the horse. At a given PL, Rcoll measured during inflation. At constant PL, Rcoll increased with time at PL = 5 and 10 cmH2O, but was not time dependent at PL = 20 cmH2O. At constant PL, Rcoll increased at Vcoll increased. We conclude Rcoll is greater in horses than in dogs and is a function of PL, Ps - PL, and lung volume history in both species.  相似文献   

Using the wedged bronchoscope technique, we measured the changes in collateral resistance (Rcoll) in dogs resulting from exposure to aerosols of increasing concentrations of histamine. Histamine dose-response curves were performed in each of two to three separate lobar segments of an individual mongrel dog's lungs. Five dogs were studied. The same segments were reexamined on later occasions (2-11 wk apart) to determine whether the responsiveness to histamine had altered with time. Measurements of base-line Rcoll for a given segment were reproducible (coefficient of variation 0.48). In contrast, we observed that the estimated dose of histamine required to increase Rcoll by 50% (ED150Rcoll) was extremely variable both among lung segments of an individual dog on a single experimental day (geometric mean variability of 40-fold) and for a given segment when reexamined on repeated occasions (geometric mean variability of 47-fold). The ED150Rcoll did not correlate with the base-line Rcoll. The degree of variability we observed suggests that peripheral contractile elements are under the influence of powerful local modulating factors that vary both regionally and temporally.  相似文献   

We extended the theoretical analysis of Otis et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 8: 427-443, 1956) to study the effects of collateral ventilation on lung mechanics and gas distribution. Equations were developed to express the effective compliance, the effective resistance, and the distribution of airflow and tidal volume in a two-compartment model incorporating a collateral communication. The analysis of the model showed that, in general, collateral ventilation tends to attenuate the degree of frequency dependence of compliance and resistance, the magnitude of this effect being dependent on the mechanical properties of the model, including collateral resistance. The influence of collateral ventilation is important when the model simulates the mechanical characteristics of the emphysematous lung (marked time-constant inequality with regionally high airway resistance, and relatively low collateral resistance). Under these conditions, a large fraction of the tidal volume of the high airway resistance lung compartment is contributed by the collateral communication. The effects of collateral ventilation on the mechanical behavior of the model are negligible when collateral resistance largely exceeds airway resistance (simulating experimental findings in normal lungs). The present theoretical data suggest that the use of equations based on a model incorporating collateral ventilation is justified, at least in predicting the mechanical and gas-distribution behavior of the lung in emphysema.  相似文献   

We examined whether wedging a catheter (0.5 cm OD) into a subsegmental airway in dog (n = 6) or pig lungs (n = 5) and increasing pressure in the distal lung segment affected pulmonary blood flow. Dogs and pigs were anesthetized and studied in the prone position. Pulmonary blood flow was measured by injecting radiolabeled microspheres (15 microns diam) into the right atrium when airway pressure (Pao) was 0 cmH2O and pressure in the segment distal to the wedged catheter (Ps) was 0, 5, or 15 cmH2O and when Pao = Ps = 15 cmH2O. The lungs were excised, air-dried, and sectioned. Blood flow per gram dry weight normalized to cardiac output to the right or left lung, as appropriate, was calculated for the test segment, a control segment in the opposite lung corresponding anatomically to the test segment, the remainder of the lung containing the test segment (test lung), and the remainder of the lung containing the control segment (control lung). The presence of the catheter reduced blood flow in the test segment compared with that in the control segment and in the test lung. Blood flow was not affected by increasing pressure in the test segment. We conclude that, in studies designed to measure collateral ventilation in dog lungs, the presence of the wedged catheter is likely to have a greater effect on blood flow than the increase in pressure associated with measuring collateral airway resistance.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of the different patterns of chest wall deformation that occur with different body positions and modes of breathing on regional lung deformation and ventilation. Using the parenchymal marker technique, we determined regional lung behavior during mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in five anesthetized recumbent dogs. Regional lung behavior was related to the patterns of diaphragm motion estimated from X-ray projection images obtained at functional residual capacity (FRC) and end inspiration. Our results indicate that 1) in the prone and supine positions, FRC was larger during mechanical ventilation than during spontaneous breathing; 2) there were significant differences in the patterns of diaphragm motion and regional ventilation between mechanical ventilation and spontaneous breathing in both body positions; 3) in the supine position only, there was a vertical gradient in lung volume at FRC; 4) in both positions and for both modes of breathing, regional ventilation was nonlinearly related to changes in lobar and overall lung volumes; and 5) different patterns of diaphragm motion caused different sliding motions and differential rotations of upper and lower lobes. Our results are inconsistent with the classic model of regional ventilation, and we conclude that the distribution of ventilation is determined by a complex interaction of lung and chest wall shapes and by the motion of the lobes relative to each other, all of which help to minimize distortion of the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

At functional residual capacity, lung expansion is more uniform in the prone position than in the supine position. We examined the effect of positive airway pressure (Paw) on this position-dependent difference in lung expansion. In supine and prone rabbits postmortem, we measured alveolar size through dependent and nondependent pleural windows via videomicroscopy at Paw of 0 (functional residual capacity), 7, and 15 cmH2O. After the chest was opened, alveolar size was measured in the isolated lung at several transpulmonary pressures (Ptp) on lung deflation. Alveolar mean linear intercept (Lm) was measured from the video images taken in situ. This was compared with those measured in the isolated lung to determine Ptp in situ. In the supine position, the vertical Ptp gradient increased from 0.52 cmH2O/cm at 0 cmH2O Paw to 0.90 cmH2O/cm at 15 cmH2O Paw, while the vertical gradient in Lm decreased from 2.17 to 0.80 microns/cm. In the prone position, the vertical Ptp gradient increased from 0.06 cmH2O/cm at 0 cmH2O Paw to 0.35 cmH2O/cm at 15 cmH2O Paw, but there was no change in the vertical Lm gradient. In anesthetized paralyzed rabbits in supine and prone positions, we measured pleural liquid pressure directly at 0, 7, and 15 cmH2O Paw with dependent and nondependent rib capsules. Vertical Ptp gradients measured with rib capsules were similar to those estimated from the alveolar size measurements. Lung inflation during mechanical ventilation may reduce the vertical nonuniformities in lung expansion observed in the supine position, thereby improving gas exchange and the distribution of ventilation.  相似文献   

Previous studies in anesthetized humans positioned in the left lateral decubitus (LLD) posture have shown that unilateral positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to the dependent lung produce a more even ventilation distribution and improves gas exchange. Unilateral PEEP to the dependent lung may offer special advantages during LLD surgery by reducing the alveolar-to-arterial oxygen pressure difference {(A-a)PO2 or venous admixture} in patients with thoracic trauma or unilateral lung injury. We measured the effects of unilateral PEEP on regional distribution of blood flow (Q) and ventilation (V(A)) using fluorescent microspheres in pentobarbital anesthetized and air ventilation dogs in left lateral decubitus posture with synchronous lung inflation. Tidal volume to left and right lung is maintained constant to permit the effect on gas exchange to be examined. The addition of unilateral PEEP to the left lung increased its FRC with no change in left-right blood flow distribution or venous admixture. The overall lung V(A)/Q distribution remained relatively constant with increasing unilateral PEEP. Bilateral PEEP disproportionately increased FRC in the right lung but again produced no significant changes in venous admixture or V(A)/Q distribution. We conclude that the reduced dependent lung blood flow observed without PEEP occurs secondary to a reduction in lung volume. When tidal volume is maintained, unilateral PEEP increases dependent lung volume with little effect of perfusion distribution maintaining gas exchange.  相似文献   

Xe-enhanced computed tomography (CT; Xe-CT) is a method for the noninvasive measurement of regional pulmonary ventilation in intact subjects, determined from the washin and washout rates of the radiodense, nonradioactive gas Xe, as measured in serial CT scans. We used the Xe-CT ventilation method, along with other quantitative CT measurements, to investigate the distribution of regional lung ventilation and air content in healthy, anesthetized, mechanically ventilated dogs in the prone and supine postures. Vertical gradients in regional ventilation and air content were measured in five mongrel dogs in both prone and supine postures at four axial lung locations. In the supine position, ventilation increased with dependent location, with a mean slope of 7.3%/cm lung height, whereas no ventilation gradients were found at any location in the prone position. These results agree quantitatively with other published studies. In addition, six different animals were studied (3 supine, 3 prone) to examine the longitudinal distribution of ventilation and air content. The prone lungs were more uniformly inflated compared with the supine, which were less well expanded at the base than apex. Ventilation index, a measure of regional ventilation relative to whole lung ventilation, increased steeply from apex to base in the supine animals, whereas it was again more uniform in the prone condition. We conclude that the Xe-CT method provides a reasonable, quantitative measurement of regional ventilation and promises to be a valuable tool for the noninvasive determination of regional lung function.  相似文献   

To examine the mechanisms of lung filling and emptying, Ar-bolus and N2 single-breath washout tests were conducted in 10 anesthetized dogs (prone and supine) and in three of those dogs with body rotation. Transpulmonary pressure was measured simultaneously, allowing identification of the lung volume above residual volume at which there was an inflection point in the pressure-volume curve (VIP). Although phase IV for Ar was upward, phase IV for N2 was small and variable, especially in the prone position. No significant prone to supine differences in closing capacity for Ar were seen, indicating that airway closure was generated at the same lung volumes. The maximum deflections of phase IV for Ar and N2 from extrapolated phase III slopes were smaller in the prone position, suggesting more uniform tracer gas concentrations across the lungs. VIP was smaller than the closing volume for Ar, which is consistent with the effects of well-developed collateral ventilation in dogs. Body rotation tests in three dogs did not generally cause an inversion of phase III or IV. We conclude that in recumbent dogs regional distribution of ventilation is not primarily determined by the effect of gravity, but by lung, thorax, and mediastinum interactions and/or differences in regional mechanical properties of the lungs.  相似文献   

We have recently shown in dogs that much of the increase in lung resistance (RL) after induced constriction can be attributed to increases in tissue resistance, the pressure drop in phase with flow across the lung tissues (Rti). Rti is dependent on lung volume (VL) even after induced constriction. As maximal responses in RL to constrictor agonists can also be affected by changes in VL, we questioned whether changes in the plateau response with VL could be attributed in part to changes in the resistive properties of lung tissues. We studied the effect of changes in VL on RL, Rti, airway resistance (Raw), and lung elastance (EL) during maximal methacholine (MCh)-induced constriction in 8 anesthetized, paralyzed, open-chest mongrel dogs. We measured tracheal flow and pressure (Ptr) and alveolar pressure (PA), the latter using alveolar capsules, during tidal ventilation [positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) = 5.0 cmH2O, tidal volume = 15 ml/kg, frequency = 0.3 Hz]. Measurements were recorded at baseline and after the aerosolization of increasing concentrations of MCh until a clear plateau response had been achieved. VL was then altered by changing PEEP to 2.5, 7.5, and 10 cmH2O. RL changed only when PEEP was altered from 5 to 10 cmH2O (P < 0.01). EL changed when PEEP was changed from 5 to 7.5 and 5 to 10 cmH2O (P < 0.05). Rti and Raw varied significantly with all three maneuvers (P < 0.05). Our data demonstrate that the effects of VL on the plateau response reflect a complex combination of changes in tissue resistance, airway caliber, and lung recoil.  相似文献   

The effects of changing tidal volume (VT) and frequency (f) on the distribution of ventilation during high-frequency ventilation (HFV) were assessed from the washout of nitrogen-13 by positron emission tomography. Six dogs, anesthetized and paralyzed, were studied in the supine position during conventional ventilation (CV) and during HFV at f of 3, 6, and 9 Hz. In CV and HFV at 6 Hz, VT was selected to achieve eucapnic arterial partial pressure of CO2 (37 +/- 3 Torr). At 3 and 9 Hz, VT was proportionally changed so that the product of VT and f remained constant and equal to that at 6 Hz. Mean residence time (MRT) of nitrogen-13 during washout was calculated for apical, midheart, and basal transverse sections of the lung and further analyzed for gravity-dependent, cephalocaudal and radial gradients. An index of local alveolar ventilation per unit of lung volume, or specific ventilation (spV), was calculated as the reciprocal of MRT. During CV vertical gradients of regional spV were seen in all sections with ventral (nondependent) regions less ventilated than dorsal (dependent) regions. Regional nonuniformity in gas transport was greatest for HFV at 3 and 6 Hz and lowest at 9 Hz and during CV. During HFV, a central region at the base of the lungs was preferentially ventilated, resulting in a regional time-averaged tracer concentration equivalent to that of the main bronchi. Because the main bronchi were certainly receiving fresh gas, the presence of this preferentially ventilated area, whose ventilation increased with VT, strongly supports the hypothesis that direct convection of fresh gas is an important mechanism of gas transport during eucapnic HFV. Aside from the local effect of increasing overall lung ventilation, this central area probably served as an intermediate shuttle station for the transport of gas between mouth and deeper alveoli when VT was less than the anatomic dead space.  相似文献   

The regional effects of tidal volume (VT), respiratory frequency, and expiratory-to-inspiratory time ratio (TE/TI) during high-frequency ventilation (HFV) were studied in anesthetized and paralyzed dogs. Regional ventilation per unit of lung volume (spVr) was assessed with a positron camera during the washout of the tracer isotope 13NN from the lungs of 12 supine dogs. From the washout data, functional images of the mean residence time (MRT) of 13NN were produced and spVr was estimated as the inverse of the regional MRT. We found that at a constant VT X f product (where f represents frequency), increasing VT resulted in higher overall lung spV through the local enhancement of the basal spVr and with little effect in the apical spVr. In contrast, increasing VT X f at constant VT increased overall ventilation without significantly affecting the distribution of spVr values. TE/TI had no substantial effect in regional spVr distribution. These findings suggest that the dependency of gas transport during HFV of the form VT2 X f is the result of a progressive regional transition in gas transport mechanism. It appears, therefore, that as VT increases, the gas transport mechanism changes from a relative inefficient dispersive mechanism, dependent on VT X f, to the more efficient mechanism of direct fresh gas convection to alveoli with high regional tidal volume-to-dead-space ratio. A mathematical model of gas transport in a nonhomogeneous lung that exhibits such behavior is presented.  相似文献   

Human acute lung injury is characterized by heterogeneous tissue involvement, leading to the potential for extremes of mechanical stress and tissue injury when mechanical ventilation, required to support critically ill patients, is employed. Our goal was to establish whether regional cellular responses to these disparate local mechanical conditions could be determined as a novel approach toward understanding the mechanism of development of ventilator-associated lung injury. We utilized cross-species genomic microarrays in a unilateral model of ventilator-associated lung injury in anesthetized dogs to assess regional cellular responses to local mechanical conditions that potentially contribute pathogenic mechanisms of injury. Highly significant regional differences in gene expression were observed between lung apex/base regions as well as between gravitationally dependent/nondependent regions of the base, with 367 and 1,544 genes differentially regulated between these regions, respectively. Major functional groupings of differentially regulated genes included inflammation and immune responses, cell proliferation, adhesion, signaling, and apoptosis. Expression of genes encoding both acute lung injury-associated inflammatory cytokines and protective acute response genes were markedly different in the nondependent compared with the dependent regions of the lung base. We conclude that there are significant differences in the local responses to stress within the lung, and consequently, insights into the cellular responses that contribute to ventilator-associated lung injury development must be sought in the context of the mechanical heterogeneity that characterizes this syndrome.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of a beta-adrenergic agonist (albuterol) to attenuate calcium chelator- and acetylcholine-induced airway constriction in the lung periphery of anesthetized mongrel and Basenji-Greyhound (BG) dogs. A wedged bronchoscope technique was used to measure collateral system resistance before and after challenges with aerosolized Na2EDTA and acetylcholine. Time course of the response to Na2EDTA differed significantly between mongrel and BG dogs. Peak response to challenge with 4% Na2EDTA occurred within 2 min for mongrel dogs and at 5 min for BG dogs. Albuterol (1 microgram/kg iv) significantly attenuated Na2EDTA-induced bronchoconstriction in both groups of animals (P less than 0.01, each group). Albuterol (1 microgram/kg iv) significantly attenuated acetylcholine-induced bronchoconstriction in mongrel (P less than 0.01) but not in BG dogs. We conclude that a qualitative difference exists in the mechanism of Na2EDTA-induced constriction in the lung periphery of BG compared with mongrel dogs. In addition, the lung periphery of BG dogs demonstrates reduced beta-adrenergic sensitivity with respect to a cholinergic challenge compared with mongrels, suggesting enhanced cholinergic inhibition of the beta-adrenergic system.  相似文献   

A respiration-gated synchrotron radiation computed tomography (SRCT) technique, which allows visualization and direct quantification of inhaled stable xenon gas, was used to study the effect of tidal volume (Vt) on regional lung ventilation. High-resolution maps (pixel size 0.35 x 0.35 mm) of local washin time constants (tau) and regional specific ventilation were obtained in five anesthetized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated rabbits in upright body position at the fourth, sixth, and eighth dorsal vertebral levels with a Vt from 4.9 +/- 0.3 to 7.9 +/- 0.4 ml/kg (means +/- SE). Increasing Vt without an increase in minute ventilation resulted in a proportional increase of mean specific ventilation up to 65% in all studied lung levels and reduced the scattering of washin tau values. The tau values had log-normal distributions. The results indicate that an increase in Vt decreases nonuniformity of intraregional ventilatory gas exchange. The findings suggest that (SRCT) provides a new quantitative tool with high spatial discrimination ability for assessment of changes in peripheral pulmonary gas distribution during mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   

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