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Chytridiomycosis is a disease of post-metamorphic frogs caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and is associated with large declines in frog populations on a global scale. B. dendrobatidis is found only in the keratinised tissues, which include the mouthparts of healthy tadpoles. The epidermis of infected post-metamorphic frogs is thickened (hyperkeratosis) and the superficial layer can sometimes slough. Diagnosis is most commonly performed on stained sections of toe clips or ventral skin. Accurate interpretation can be difficult and requires a high level of expertise, particularly in infected animals exhibiting hyperkeratosis with sloughing. Misdiagnosis can occur when zoosporangia of B. dendrobatidis are shed with the superficial keratin layers. We have developed a staining protocol based on previously described methods to detect both B. dendrobatidis and keratin, to improve the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis of chytridiomycosis by inexperienced diagnosticians.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a major pathogen of frogs worldwide, associated with declines in amphibian populations. Diagnosis of chytridiomycosis to date has largely relied upon histological and immunohistochemical examination of toe clips. This technique is invasive and insensitive particularly at early stages of infection when treatment may be possible. We have developed a real-time PCR Taqman assay that can accurately detect and quantify one zoospore in a diagnostic sample. This assay will assist the early detection of B. dendrobatidis in both captive and wild populations, with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity, thus facilitating treatment and protection of endangered populations, monitoring of pristine environments and preventing further global spread via amphibian trade.  相似文献   

This paper describes an outbreak of chytridiomycosis affecting a group of Dendrobates tinctorius, a Neotropical anuran species, confiscated from the illegal wildlife trade and housed in a private zoo in Brazil as part of an ex situ breeding program. We examined histological sections of the skin of 30 D. tinctorius and 20 Adelphobates galactonotus individuals. Twenty D. tinctorius (66.7%) and none of the A. galactonotus were positive for Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Multiple development stages of Bd infection were observed. The reasons for the inter-specific difference in the rate of infection could not be determined, and further studies are advised. Because the examined population consisted of confiscated frogs, detailed epidemiological aspects could not be investigated, and the source of the fungus remains uncertain. The existence of ex situ amphibian populations is important for protecting species at higher risk in the wild, and ex situ amphibian conservation and breeding programs in Brazil may be established using confiscated frogs as founders. However, this paper alerts these programs to the urgency of strict quarantine procedures to prevent the introduction of potential pathogens, particularly Bd, into ex situ conservation programs.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis caused by fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is one of the decline global causes of amphibians. Currently, it is distributed throughout a broad range of climates and ecosystems around the world. An epidemic wave of chytridiomycosis began in North America, resulting in population decline and local extinction of many species, reconfiguring species composition of amphibian communities in the Americas. In Mexico, Bd has caused an amphibian population decrease, and its potential distribution area has not been determined. We reviewed the number of species infected, obtaining Bd frequency of infection by land use and vegetation type, and by elevation range. We examined the known distribution of Bd, estimated the potential distribution, and obtained the bioclimate variables relevant for Bd. Our results indicate that in Mexico, Bd has been detected in 78 species of amphibians in 10 families, from 29 different land use and vegetation types, with cloud forest having the highest number of cases (139) and infected species (15). Bd occurs over an elevation range of 1–3,300 m asl and is most frequent at 1,200–1,500 m asl (36%). In addition to the regions previously described as suitable for Bd, our model included desert, coastal, and tropical forest regions, revealing an increase in the area where amphibians could be at risk of infection. Distribution of Bd is mainly associated with temperature of the wettest quarter and potential evapotranspiration of the warmer quarter. We offer an estimate of the ideal conditions for Bd in Mexico, also information for future studies on Bd and the conservation of amphibians. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

Latitudinal gradients are linked to the dynamics of infectious diseases. Both prevalence and infection intensity of the amphibian-killing fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), vary with latitude. Here, we tested whether abiotic and biotic factors are associated with Bd infection prevalence and intensity along a large latitudinal gradient across the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We detected a positive association between infection prevalence and infection intensity with latitude; elevation, temperature and precipitation best explained infection prevalence, while temperature best explained infection intensity. We also detected a positive association between species richness and Bd infections and associations between Bd infections with host reproductive biology and habitat type. This represents the longest and most thoroughly sampled latitudinal gradient of Bd in anuran populations. Our results corroborate earlier findings that abiotic factors are a major determinant of Bd infections and highlight the need for a better understanding of the role that species diversity plays in disease outcomes.  相似文献   

Although histopathology is used routinely for diagnosis of chytridiomycosis in live and dead amphibians, there are no quantitative data on the distribution of the causative fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, in the skin. We performed quantitative histological examinations on 6 sites on the body and 4 toes of 10 free-ranging adult green tree frogs Litoria caerulea found recently dead or dying from chytridiomycosis. Large numbers of sporangia occurred in all areas of ventral skin and toes; on average there were 94.3 sporangia mm(-1) of superficial epidermis. The number of sporangia was highly variable and this appeared to be related to the stage in the cycle of sloughing. The stratum corneum tends to build up with high intensities of infection and then sheds entirely rather than being shed continuously. Very few or no sporangia occurred on dorsal skin. This distribution could be explained by the dryness of the dorsal skin or possibly by the greater number of serous glands, which produce antifungal peptides, on the dorsum. In some frogs, ulceration and erosions occurred on skin on the back in the absence of sporangia. Other pathological changes such as hyperkeratosis and congestion occurred much more frequently on ventral surfaces.  相似文献   

The international amphibian trade is implicated in the emergence and spread of the amphibian fungal disease chytridiomycosis, which has resulted in amphibian declines and extinctions globally. The establishment of the causal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), in the UK could negatively affect the survival of native amphibian populations. In recognition of the ongoing threat that it poses to amphibians, Bd was recently included in the World Organisation for Animal Health Aquatic Animal Health Code, and therefore is in the list of international notifiable diseases. Using standardised risk analysis guidelines, we investigated the likelihood that Bd would be introduced to and become established in wild amphibians in the UK through the importation of live amphibians. We obtained data on the volume and origin of the amphibian trade entering the UK and detected Bd infection in amphibians being imported for the pet and private collection trade and also in amphibians already held in captive pet, laboratory and zoological collections. We found that current systems for recording amphibian trade into the UK underestimate the volume of non-European Union trade by almost 10-fold. We identified high likelihoods of entry, establishment and spread of Bd in the UK and the resulting major overall impact. Despite uncertainties, we determined that the overall risk estimation for the introduction of Bd to the UK through the importation of live amphibians is high and that risk management measures are required, whilst ensuring that negative effects on legal trade are minimised.  相似文献   

The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a threat to the survival of amphibians worldwide, a situation that is compounded by several other factors. In this study, we determined the prevalence of Bd and its relationship to biotic and abiotic variables for six amphibian communities in two cloud forest fragments and four coffee agroecosystems in central Veracruz, Mexico. A sampling effort of 768 person-hours and 109 skin swabs resulted in the detection of B. dendrobatidis in four amphibian species belonging to three families. The co-inertia model showed the following as the most important variables: tree density, fern species, temperature and elevation, fragment or site size, and structural index. Conversely, we did not find a clear relationship between Bd prevalence and the habitat management gradient. The highest prevalence was found in the second cloud forest, but a very similar result was found in one of the traditional agroecosystems; the lowest levels of prevalence were found in another second traditional agroecosystem and the first cloud forest. The degree of infection was highest in the cloud forests where the diversity of trees, orchids, and elevation was higher. Ecnomiohyla miotympanum was the most abundant species and was found to be infected in four of the five sites, presenting the highest degree of infection.  相似文献   

Aim Panzootic chytridiomycosis caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is the proximate cause of rapid amphibian declines across diverse biomes. While the origin of Bd remains unclear, increasingly the global trade in amphibians is associated with the spread of the infection. Global samples of Bd genotypes from previously unsampled regions are essential to test this hypothesis. In this paper, we present a study of the prevalence and phylogeny of Bd in both invasive and native amphibian species in markets and in the wild in ten provinces of China. Location China. Method We used a nested PCR assay to amplify the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region of Bd followed by sequencing. Result Our results showed 246 of 2734 amphibians testing positive for Bd, with 157 positive samples in the wild (7.6%) and 89 in markets (13.5%). 30 haplotypes of Bd were identified, including 20 first detections. Introduced Lithobates catesbeianus had the highest prevalence of infection and the largest number of Bd haplotypes in both the wild and markets. Phylogenetic analysis based on 73 haplotypes (57 from Asia and 16 from other continents) showed that a unique, well‐supported, basal haplotype is present in Asia. Phylogeographical analyses revealed that some geographical structure exists amongst a subset of global haplotypes. Main conclusions Strains of the basal haplotype infected Babina pleuraden, an amphibian that is endemic to China, and Andrias japonicus, endemic to Japan, showing that Southeast Asia harbours a novel endemic lineage of amphibian‐associated Bd. Our data suggest that Bd in Asia pre‐dates the expansion of a globalized lineage of Bd, a finding that is indicative of a broader association of amphibians and chytrids than has previously been recognized. More genetic data from Bd isolates are needed to reveal the phylogenetic relationship of Bd in China compared to that found elsewhere.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, the causal agent of chytridiomycosis, is implicated in the global decline of amphibians. This chytrid fungus invades keratinised epithelial cells, and infection is mainly associated with epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis. Since little is known about the pathogenesis of chytridiomycosis, this study was designed to optimise the conditions under which primary keratinocytes and epidermal explants of amphibian skin could be maintained ex vivo for several days. The usefulness of the following set-ups for pathogenesis studies was investigated: a) cultures of primary keratinocytes; b) stripped epidermal (SE) explants; c) full-thickness epidermal (FTE) explants on Matrigel?; d) FTE explants in cell culture inserts; and e) FTE explants in Ussing chambers. SE explants proved most suitable for short-term studies, since adherence of fluorescently-labelled zoospores to the superficial epidermis could be observed within one hour of infection. FTE explants in an Ussing chamber set-up are most suitable for the study of the later developmental stages of B. dendrobatidis in amphibian skin up to five days post-infection. These models provide a good alternative for in vivo experiments, and reduce the number of experimental animals needed.  相似文献   

The chytridiomycete fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is known to be focally distributed across Europe, but has only been linked to "chytridiomycosis at a few locations in Spain. Here we report the second occurrence of chytridiomycosis in European amphibians. We found a population of endangered Sardinian newts (Euproctus platycephalus) exhibiting clinical signs of disease including loss of digits and patchy, discolored skin. Molecular examination of skin samples tested positive for B. dendrobatidis. The population of E. platycephalus has been in decline on a timescale consistent with the global emergence of chytridiomycosis, and the ecology of this salamander suggests that the disease in this species warrants concern.  相似文献   

Chytridiomycosis is an emerging infectious disease of amphibians caused by the chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. The disease has been associated with global amphibian declines and species extinctions, however the principle drivers that underly the emergence of chytridiomycosis remain unclear. Current evidence suggests that the world trade in amphibians is implicated in the emergence of chytridiomycosis. Here, we review the evidence that the amphibian trade is driving the emergence of chytridiomycosis by (1) spreading infected animals worldwide, (2) introducing non-native infected animals into naïve populations and (3) amplifying infection of amphibians by co-housing, followed by untreated discharge of infectious zoospores into water supplies. We conclude that the evidence that the amphibian trade is contributing to the spread of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is strong, and that specific actions are necessary to prevent the introduction of the pathogen into thus-far uninfected areas. Specifically, we recommend the development of national risk-abatement plans, focused on firstly preventing introduction of Bd into disease free areas, and secondly, decreasing the impact of the disease on populations that are currently infected.  相似文献   

Population declines and extinctions of amphibians have been attributed to the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), especially one globally emerging recombinant lineage (‘Bd‐GPL’). We used PCR assays that target the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) of Bd to determine the prevalence and genetic diversity of Bd in South Korea, where Bd is widely distributed but is not known to cause morbidity or mortality in wild populations. We isolated Korean Bd strains from native amphibians with low infection loads and compared them to known worldwide Bd strains using 19 polymorphic SNP and microsatellite loci. Bd prevalence ranged between 12.5 and 48.0%, in 11 of 17 native Korean species, and 24.7% in the introduced bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus. Based on ITS sequence variation, 47 of the 50 identified Korean haplotypes formed a group closely associated with a native Brazilian Bd lineage, separated from the Bd‐GPL lineage. However, multilocus genotyping of three Korean Bd isolates revealed strong divergence from both Bd‐GPL and the native Brazilian Bd lineages. Thus, the ITS region resolves genotypes that diverge from Bd‐GPL but otherwise generates ambiguous phylogenies. Our results point to the presence of highly diversified endemic strains of Bd across Asian amphibian species. The rarity of Bd‐GPL‐associated haplotypes suggests that either this lineage was introduced into Korea only recently or Bd‐GPL has been outcompeted by native Bd strains. Our results highlight the need to consider possible complex interactions among native Bd lineages, Bd‐GPL and their associated amphibian hosts when assessing the spread and impact of Bd‐GPL on worldwide amphibian populations.  相似文献   

The role of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which is the causal agent of chytridiomycosis, in the declines of Central American bolitoglossine salamanders is unknown. Here we establish a swabbing protocol to maximize the detection probability of Bd in salamanders. We then used this protocol to examine captive and wild Mexican bolitoglossine salamanders of 14 different species for the presence of Bd. Of the seven body parts sampled, the pelvic region, hindlimbs, forelimbs, and the ventral side of the tail had the most Bd per surface area and thus might provide the best sampling regions of salamanders to detect Bd infections. Sixteen out of 33 (48%) of the dead captive salamanders had Bd infections and epidermal hyperkeratosis, whereas none of the 28 clinically healthy captive animals were infected. Nine out of 17 (53%) of the wild salamanders carried low zoospore loads of Bd but had no clinical signs of disease. The high prevalence of Bd in dead captive salamanders, its absence in clinically healthy living ones and its presence in wild salamanders is consistent with Bd being involved in recent bolitoglossine population declines, but further studies would be required to draw a causal link.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is a fungus that causes chytridiomycosis, a disease that has been implicated as a cause of amphibian population declines worldwide. Infected animals experience hyperkeratosis and sloughing of the epidermis due to penetration of the keratinized tissues by the fungus. These symptoms have led us to postulate that Bd produces proteases that play a role in the infection process. Here, we show that Bd is capable of degrading elastin in vitro, a protein found in the extracellular matrix of the host animal. Elastolytic enzyme activity was partially purified using ion exchange chromatography and size-exclusion filtration from cultures grown in inducing media. The elastolytic activity of the purified fraction had a pH optimum of 8, was strongly inhibited by EDTA and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and was partially inhibited by an elastase-specific inhibitor. This activity was also enhanced by the presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+ but not Zn2+. An antiserum directed against Aspergillus fumigatus serine protease (Alp) was found to react with a polypeptide of approximately 110 kDa from the purified material. Using immunofluorescence, this antiserum was also observed to react with zoospores and sporangia grown on toad skin. These observations suggest that Bd may produce proteases similar to those produced by other pathogenic fungi that are capable of degrading proteins found in the extracellular matrix. The proteolytic activity exhibited in vitro might aid the organism in its ability to colonize and destroy the epidermis of its amphibian host.  相似文献   

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is a fungus belonging to the Phylum Chytridiomycota, Class Chytridiomycetes, Order Chytridiales, and is the highly infectious aetiological agent responsible for a potentially fatal disease, chytridiomycosis, which is currently decimating many of the world's amphibian populations. The fungus infects 2 amphibian orders (Anura and Caudata), 14 families and at least 200 species and is responsible for at least 1 species extinction. Whilst the origin of the agent and routes of transmission are being debated, it has been recognised that successful management of the disease will require effective sampling regimes and detection assays. We have developed a range of unique sampling protocols together with diagnostic assays for the detection of B. dendrobatidis in both living and deceased tadpoles and adults. Here, we formally present our data and discuss them in respect to assay sensitivity, specificity, repeatability and reproducibility. We suggest that compliance with the recommended protocols will avoid the generation of spurious results, thereby providing the international scientific and regulatory community with a set of validated procedures which will assist in the successful management of chytridiomycosis in the future.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced to whole cells of heat-treated Escherichia coli. Balb/c mice were immunized with a pool of five strains of heat-treated E. coli , and the resulting hybridomas were screened by indirect immunoassay. E. coli strains other than those used for immunization were used for screening to detect hybridomas producing antibody that reacted with a large number of E. coli strains. Of 864 hybridomas, 32 reacted strongly with either two or all three of the strains used for screening; 15 were successfully cloned. Antibody from hybridoma 6H2 reacted with 35 of 68 (51%) E. coli ; of 13 non- E. coli tested, only Enterobacter agglomerans was weakly positive. Hybridoma 9B12 antibody reacted with all six E. coli tested. Hybridoma 9B12, however, stopped producing antibody. Five hybridomas produced antibody which reacted with a majority of the bacteria tested whereas antibodies from two other hybridomas reacted with several E. coli and non- E. coli. Polyclonal antibodies produced to two strains of E. coli varied in the numbers of E. coli with which they reacted; both antisera cross-reacted with several non- E. coli.  相似文献   

Virulence of infectious pathogens can be unstable and evolve rapidly depending on the evolutionary dynamics of the organism. Experimental evolution can be used to characterize pathogen evolution, often with the underlying objective of understanding evolution of virulence. We used experimental evolution techniques (serial transfer experiments) to investigate differential growth and virulence of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), a fungal pathogen that causes amphibian chytridiomycosis. We tested two lineages of Bd that were derived from a single cryo‐archived isolate; one lineage (P10) was passaged 10 times, whereas the second lineage (P50) was passaged 50 times. We quantified time to zoospore release, maximum zoospore densities, and timing of zoospore activity and then modeled population growth rates. We also conducted exposure experiments with a susceptible amphibian species, the common green tree frog (Litoria caerulea) to test the differential pathogenicity. We found that the P50 lineage had shorter time to zoospore production (Tmin), faster rate of sporangia death (ds), and an overall greater intrinsic population growth rate (λ). These patterns of population growth in vitro corresponded with higher prevalence and intensities of infection in exposed Litoria caerulea, although the differences were not significant. Our results corroborate studies that suggest that Bd may be able to evolve relatively rapidly. Our findings also challenge the general assumption that pathogens will always attenuate in culture because shifts in Bd virulence may depend on laboratory culturing practices. These findings have practical implications for the laboratory maintenance of Bd isolates and underscore the importance of understanding the evolution of virulence in amphibian chytridiomycosis.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced to whole cells of heat-treated Escherichia coli. Balb/c mice were immunized with a pool of five strains of heat-treated E. coli, and the resulting hybridomas were screened by indirect immunoassay. E. coli strains other than those used for immunization were used for screening to detect hybridomas producing antibody that reacted with a large number of E. coli strains. Of 864 hybridomas, 32 reacted strongly with either two or all three of the strains used for screening; 15 were successfully cloned. Antibody from hybridoma 6H2 reacted with 35 of 68 (51%) E. coli; of 13 non-E. coli tested, only Enterobacter agglomerans was weakly positive. Hybridoma 9B12 antibody reacted with all six E. coli tested. Hybridoma 9B12, however, stopped producing antibody. Five hybridomas produced antibody which reacted with a majority of the bacteria tested whereas antibodies from two other hybridomas reacted with several E. coli and non-E. coli. Polyclonal antibodies produced to two strains of E. coli varied in the numbers of E. coli with which they reacted; both antisera cross-reacted with several non-E. coli.  相似文献   

Understanding how pathogens respond to changing environmental conditions is a central challenge in disease ecology. The environmentally sensitive fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which causes the amphibian disease chytridiomycosis, has spread globally causing amphibian extirpations in a wide variety of climatic regions. To gain an in‐depth understanding of Bd's responses to temperature, we used an integrative approach, combining empirical laboratory experiments with mathematical modeling. First, we selected a single Bd isolate and serially propagated two lineages of the isolate for multiple generations in two stable thermal conditions: 4°C (cold‐adapted lineage) and 23°C (warm‐adapted lineage). We quantified the production of infectious zoospores (fecundity), the timing of zoospore release, and zoospore activity in reciprocal temperature transplant experiments in which both Bd lineages were grown in either high or low temperature conditions. We then developed population growth models for the Bd lineages under each set of temperature conditions. We found that Bd had lower population growth rates, but longer periods of zoospore activity in the low temperature treatment (4°C) compared to the high temperature treatment (23°C). This effect was more pronounced in Bd lineages that were propagated in the low temperature treatment (4°C), suggesting a shift in Bd's response to low temperature conditions. Our results provide novel insights into the mechanisms by which Bd can thrive in a wide variety of temperature conditions, potentially altering the dynamics of chytridiomycosis and thus, the propensity for Bd to cause amphibian population collapse. We also suggest that the adaptive responses of Bd to thermal conditions warrant further investigation, especially in the face of global climate change.  相似文献   

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