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The adult beta-globin gene of Ammotragus lervia (Barbary sheep or aoudad) has been sequenced completely, including 185 base pairs of 5' flanking region and 168 base pairs 3' to the stop codon, and compared with that of other caprines such as goat (Capra hircus), wild Corsico-Sardinian (Ovis aries musimon) and Cypriot (O. a. ophion) mouflons, and domestic sheep (Ovis aries). The gene was identified as being located on a triplicated four-gene set cluster containing the HBBA locus (A-haplotype) as is the case of goat, sheep of the Hb A type and Corsico-Sardinian mouflon. Phylogenetic analyses support the evidence that caprines share a common ancestor that probably carried the A-haplotype and that a more recent deletion of a gene set gave rise to the duplicated cluster containing the HBBB locus (B-haplotype) found in sheep of the Hb B type and Cypriot mouflon, which evolved independently. Data also suggests that the Ammotragus beta-globin gene is older than genes of the examined caprines and indicates it followed an independent evolution after separating from species having the same HBBA locus. Similarly, phylogenetic analyses of beta-globin chain sequences suggest a different evolution for globins coded by the HBBA locus with respect to the HBBB. Ammotragus beta-globin chain shows all the amino acids responsible for the low oxygen affinity of ruminant Hbs. Investigations on the oxygen transport properties indicate that the intrinsic oxygen affinity of aoudad Hb is higher than the Hb B of the domestic sheep and, at the same time, more similar to that of other A type Hbs, whereas in the presence of the Cl(-) effector the oxygen affinity is approximately the same as that of the other species.  相似文献   

Biochemical variation at 14 blood loci was reviewed, and specific features compared experimentally in sheep Ovis aries, mouflon Ovis musimon, goat Capra hircus, aoudad Ammotragus lervia and in 2 stillborn aoudad × goat hybrids. Variation at 3 loci was also studied in dall sheep Ovis dalli, bighorn sheep Ovis canadensis and rocky mountain goat Oreamnos americanus. Haemoglobin C production in an anaemic Hb AB mouflon and in mouflon × sheep hybrids was examined. Mouflon differ from domestic sheep in that synthesis of both Hb βAHb βBchains is switched off during Hb C production. The mouflon × sheep hybrids switched off one or both chains depending on whether they had inherited sheep or mouflon Hb β chain genes. In general aoudad showed a closer affinity to goats than to sheep.  相似文献   

We detected 19 complete endogenous retroviruses of the K family in the genome of rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta; RhERV-K) and 12 full length elements in the genome of the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes; CERV-K). These sequences were compared with 55 human HERV-K and 20 CERV-K reported previously, producing a total data set of 106 full-length ERV-K genomes. Overall, 61% of the human elements compared to 21% of the chimpanzee and 47% of rhesus elements had estimated integration times less than 4.5 million years before present (MYBP), with an average integration times of 7.8 MYBP, 13.4 MYBP and 10.3 MYBP for HERV-K, CERV-K and RhERV-K, respectively. By excluding those ERV-K sequences generated by chromosomal duplication, we used 63 of the 106 elements to compare the population dynamics of ERV-K among species. This analysis indicated that both HERV-K and RhERV-K had similar demographic histories, including markedly smaller effective population sizes, compared to CERV-K. We propose that these differing ERV-K dynamics reflect underlying differences in the evolutionary ecology of the host species, such that host ecology and demography represent important determinants of ERV-K dynamics.  相似文献   

There are ten nucleolus organizer regions (NORs) in domestic sheep (Ovis aries L.). cattle (Bos taurus L.), goat (Capra hircus L.) and aoudad (Ammotragus lervia Blyth) and these are located terminally on chromosomes with homologous (G-banding patterns. The similarity in number of nucleolus organizer regions in these species may indicate that their ribosomal DNA regions are infrequently involved in exchange events which could lead to different numbers of active nucleolus organizer regions. Other possible explanations of the conservation of number of nucleolus organizer regions in these species are discussed. The homology of NOR location in these species supports the idea that the Bovidae karyotype tends to be fairly stable apart from changes due to centric fusion events.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of the aoudad and sheep were compared on the basis of G-banded chromosomes at the 450 band level. The common G-banded karyotype showed the homology of all aoudad chromosomes (2n=58) with sheep chromosomes (2n=54) or sheep chromosome arms. The results of cytogenetic investigations suggest that in this case karyotype evolution has led to reduction in chromosome number as a result of centric fusions. The formation of the first metacentric chromosome occurred in the aoudad. The homology of the G-banding pattern in sheep and aoudad suggests the conservation in linear arrangement of genetic material. Thus comparative cytogenetics can be a useful tool in gene mapping.  相似文献   

Adult Elaeophora schneideri were recovered from the common carotid artery and its branches in 14 of 14 mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, and 3 of 9 Barbary sheep or aoudads, Ammotragus lervia, from Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas Panhandle. Gross cutaneous lesions attributable to elaeophorosis in the Barbary sheep varied from small circumscribed scars up to 10 cm in diameter usually on the poll or orbital region to extensive proliferative irregular encrustations on the frontal, temporal and orbital regions, sometimes extending to the ears and muzzle. Individual lesions varied from slate-gray scarred areas to brown proliferative edematous and hyperemic encrustations, sometimes with depigmented pustules a few millimeters in diameter. Microscopic lesions ranged from granulation tissue to severe pyogranulomatous reactions with neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and plasma cells as the primary infiltration. Foreign body giant cells and/or microfilariae were not observed. Microscopic changes in the carotid arteries and their branches were limited to small villous projections on the intimal surface apparently resulting from medial hyperplasia. Cutaneous lesions attributable to elaeophorosis were not observed in mule deer. Histopathologic lesions in the carotid arteries of mule deer were similar to those observed in Barbary sheep. The comparative pathology of elaeophorosis in various hosts is reviewed and discussed in terms of its pathology in Barbary sheep. The potential ramifications of this infection on the expanding aoudad population in the southwestern United States require that elaeophorosis be considered in the management of this species, particularly in areas with sympatric mule deer populations.  相似文献   

Diversionary feeding (i.e. supplementary feeding used to mitigate damage to human activities) is a management tool widely employed to avoid human-wildlife conflicts, which could alter the spatial behaviour of target species and can also affect other species present in the area, among other effects. We evaluated the effect of diversionary feeding in the spatial behaviour of the aoudad (Ammotragus lervia), an exotic ungulate associated with crop damage in the area, and we assessed the use of diversionary feeding stations (DFS) by non-target species. Nine aoudads were tracked with GPS/GSM collars. We compared their core home ranges and number of GPS locations in the DFS before and meanwhile food was available on them. Eight DFS were monitored with cameras to identify which species used the feeding sites. The home ranges changed for some individuals, but this variation was not related to supplementary feeding. Just five out of the nine tracked aoudads used DFS, and the number of GPS locations in the DFS by aoudad increased when food was available. DFS were used by fifteen non-target species of birds and mammals, and especially by the wild boar. Aoudads and wild boars segregated temporally but not spatially in their use of the DFS. Our study suggests that diversionary feeding had a limited effect on the spatial behaviour of the aoudad, suggesting that its effectiveness to reduce crop damage may be restricted.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the polymorphism of α-globin chain of hemoglobin amongst caprines, the linked Iα and IIα globin genes of Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), goat (Capra hircus), European mouflon (Ovis aries musimon), and Cyprus mouflon (Ovis aries ophion) were completely sequenced, including the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions. European and Cyprus mouflons, which do not show polymorphic α globin chains, had almost identical α globin genes, whereas Barbary sheep exhibit two different chains encoded by two nonallelic genes. Four different α genes were observed and sequenced in goat, validating previous observations of the existence of allelic and nonallelic polymorphism. As in other vertebrates, interchromosomal gene conversion appears to be responsible for such polymorphism. Evaluation of nucleotide sequences at the level of molecular evolution of the Iα-globin gene family in the caprine taxa suggests a closer relationship between the genus Ammotragus and Capra. Molecular clock estimates suggest sheep-mouflon, goat-aoudad, and ancestor-caprine divergences of 2.8, 5.7, and 7.1 MYBP, respectively.  相似文献   



Is it possible to construct an accurate and detailed subgene-level map of a genome using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences, a sparse marker map, and the sequences of other genomes?


A sheep BAC library, CHORI-243, was constructed and the BAC end sequences were determined and mapped with high sensitivity and low specificity onto the frameworks of the human, dog, and cow genomes. To maximize genome coverage, the coordinates of all BAC end sequence hits to the cow and dog genomes were also converted to the equivalent human genome coordinates. The 84,624 sheep BACs (about 5.4-fold genome coverage) with paired ends in the correct orientation (tail-to-tail) and spacing, combined with information from sheep BAC comparative genome contigs (CGCs) built separately on the dog and cow genomes, were used to construct 1,172 sheep BAC-CGCs, covering 91.2% of the human genome. Clustered non-tail-to-tail and outsize BACs located close to the ends of many BAC-CGCs linked BAC-CGCs covering about 70% of the genome to at least one other BAC-CGC on the same chromosome. Using the BAC-CGCs, the intrachromosomal and interchromosomal BAC-CGC linkage information, human/cow and vertebrate synteny, and the sheep marker map, a virtual sheep genome was constructed. To identify BACs potentially located in gaps between BAC-CGCs, an additional set of 55,668 sheep BACs were positioned on the sheep genome with lower confidence. A coordinate conversion process allowed us to transfer human genes and other genome features to the virtual sheep genome to display on a sheep genome browser.


We demonstrate that limited sequencing of BACs combined with positioning on a well assembled genome and integrating locations from other less well assembled genomes can yield extensive, detailed subgene-level maps of mammalian genomes, for which genomic resources are currently limited.  相似文献   

The introduction of alien species to new environments is one of the main threats to the conservation of biodiversity. One particularly problematic example is that of wild ungulates which are increasingly being established in regions outside their natural distribution range due to human hunting interests. Unfortunately, we know little of the effects these large herbivores may have on the host ecosystems. This study deals with a first comparative analysis of the habitat requirements of two ungulate species that may be facing competition for resources in the south of Europe: the native Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and the exotic aoudad (Ammotragus lervia). The aoudad is a North African caprid introduced in 1970 as a game species in south‐eastern Spain. It has adapted well, and populations have been freely expanding since then. Ecological Niche Factor Analysis is used to describe the realized niche of both species where their distribution ranges merge. Both species occupy marginal areas of rugged terrain in the region. Marginality is higher for the Iberian ibex, which also presents a higher tolerance of secondary environmental gradients than the aoudad. Highly suitable areas for each species are secondarily suitable for the other. Reclassified and cross‐tabulated habitat suitability maps showing the areas of potential spatial coexistence and differences in ecological traits between both species are provided. The results obtained do not allow inferring resource competition between these species. However, current aoudad expansion could result in it invading the favoured habitats of the ibex. Inadequate hunting policy and monitoring, and increasing climatic resemblance of the study region to the native aoudad areas, due to a strong desertification process, are facilitating a high rate of expansion. We strongly recommend to eradicate or, at least, monitor these exotic populations, and promote active conservation practices, if one wants to preserve the unique natural resources present in this European region.  相似文献   

An analysis of individuals' behavior when accessing a restricted food source (troughs) was carried out in a captive population of aoudad (Ammotragus lervia). Access to the troughs followed a strict hierarchical order, as higher‐ranking individuals fed before lower‐ranking ones. Unweaned male and female calves made use of the troughs from the ages of 2 and 3 months, respectively. Both fed from the troughs more frequently and for longer periods when their mother was present, which allowed them to make use of the troughs while skipping the hierarchical order. Calves received fewer threats when in proximity to their mothers, particularly in high‐ranking families. Mothers defended their calves from other herdmates more frequently when at the feeding area than in other areas of the herd. However, only sated mothers let their calves feed freely from the troughs; unsated mothers showed an aggressive behavior even toward their calves. I conclude that a maternal presence is necessary for aoudad calves to successfully feed from troughs, and that families of higher social rank benefit by getting access to this food source earlier in the day and are disturbed less than low‐ranking families. Zoo Biol 21:597–605, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Our analysis of the ND2 sequences revealed six clades within winter wrens (Troglodytes troglodytes). These clades corresponded to six geographical regions: western Nearctic, eastern Nearctic, eastern Asia, Nepal, Caucasus and Europe, and differed by 3-8.8% of sequence divergence. Differences among regions explained 96% of the sequence variation in winter wren. Differences among individuals within localities explained 3% of the sequence variation, and differences among localities within regions explained 1%. Grouping sequences into subspecies instead of localities did not change these proportions. Proliferation of the six clades coincided with Early and Middle Pleistocene glaciations. The distribution of winter wren clades can be explained by a series of five consecutive vicariant events. Western Nearctic wrens diverged from the Holarctic ancestor 1.6 Myr before the present time (MYBP). Eastern Nearctic and Palaearctic wrens diverged 1 MYBP. Eastern and western Palaearctic birds diverged 0.83 MYBP. Nepalese and east Asian wrens diverged 0.67 MYBP, and Caucasian birds diverged from European wrens 0.54 MYBP. The winter wren has a much greater degree of inter- and intracontinental differentiation than the three other Holarctic birds studied to date--dunlin (Calidris alpina), common raven (Corvus corax) and three-toed woodpecker (Picoides trydactylus)--and represents an example of cryptic speciation that has been overlooked.  相似文献   

A mitochondrial 12S rDNA fragment was amplified by PCR and directly sequenced from eight members of the Caprinae ( Ammotragus lervia, Capra aegagrus, Ovis ammon, O. musimon, O. nivicola, O. orientalis, O. vignei and Pseudois nayaur ). Multiple alignment of the sequences and genetic distance calculation with the'distance of Taijama and Nei and the algorithms of Saitou and Nei (neighbour-joining - NJ) showed that Pseudois is grouped together with Capra and Ammotragus . All members of the genus Oxis formed a second cluster. Phylogenetic analyses supported these results. NJ-analyses and maximum parsimony (MP) trees did not support the present phylogenetic classification. Bootstrap values of 95% (NJ) and 96% (MP) confirms the grouping of P. nayaur and C. aegagrus . Another clade, O. ammon and O. orientalis supported weakly by bootstrap values of 65% (MP) and 70% (NJ) and the clade O. musimonand O. vignei had bootstrap values of 50% (MP) and 60% (NJ). So the phylogenetic relationship within the genus Oxis is still unsafe. But the parsimony analyses lead to the conclusion that Ammotragus represents an old lineage that diverged from ancestral caprines together with true sheep a long time ago and that both true goats and blue sheep forms represent one evolutionary lineage.  相似文献   

Extant cetaceans are systematically divided into two suborders: Mysticeti (baleen whales) and Odontoceti (toothed whales). In this study, we have sequenced the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of an odontocete, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), and included it in phylogenetic analyses together with the previously sequenced complete mtDNAs of two mysticetes (the fin and blue whales) and a number of other mammals, including five artiodactyls (the hippopotamus, cow, sheep, alpaca, and pig). The most strongly supported cetartiodactyl relationship was: outgroup,((pig, alpaca),((cow, sheep),(hippopotamus,(sperm whale,(baleen whales))))). As in previous analyses of complete mtDNAs, the sister-group relationship between the hippopotamus and the whales received strong support, making both Artiodactyla and Suiformes (pigs, peccaries, and hippopotamuses) paraphyletic. In addition, the analyses identified a sister-group relationship between Suina (the pig) and Tylopoda (the alpaca), although this relationship was not strongly supported. The paleontological records of both mysticetes and odontocetes extend into the Oligocene, suggesting that the mysticete and odontocete lineages diverged 32–34 million years before present (MYBP). Use of this divergence date and the complete mtDNAs of the sperm whale and the two baleen whales allowed the establishment of a new molecular reference, O/M-33, for dating other eutherian divergences. There was a general consistency between O/M-33 and the two previously established eutherian references, A/C-60 and E/R-50. Cetacean (whale) origin, i.e., the divergence between the hippopotamus and the cetaceans, was dated to ≈55 MYBP, while basal artiodactyl divergences were dated to ≥65 MYBP. Molecular estimates of Tertiary eutherian divergences were consistent with the fossil record. Received: 12 July 1999 / Accepted: 28 February 2000  相似文献   

The evolution of chromosomes in species in the family Bovidae includes fusion and fission of chromosome arms (giving different numbers of acrocentric and metacentric chromosomes with a relatively conserved total number of arms) and evolution in both DNA sequence and copy number of the pericentromeric alpha-satellite I repetitive DNA sequence. Here, a probe representing the sheep alpha-satellite I sequence was isolated and hybridized to genomic DNA digests and metaphase chromosomes from various Bovidae species. The probe was highly homologous to the centromeric sequence in all species in the tribe Caprini, including sheep (Ovis aries), goat (Capra hircus) and the aoudad or Barbary sheep (Amnotragus lervia), but showed no detectable hybridization to the alpha-satellite I sequence present in the tribe Bovini and at most very weak to species in the tribes Hippotragini, Alcelaphini or Aepycerotini. The sex chromosomes of sheep, goat and aoudad did not contain detectable alpha-satellite I sequence; in sheep, one of the three metacentric autosomal chromosomes does not carry the sequence, while in aoudad, it is essentially absent in three large autosomal pairs as well as the large metacentric chromosome pair. The satellite probes can be used as robust chromosome and karyotype markers of evolution among tribes and increase the resolution of the evolutionary tree at the base of the Artiodactyla.  相似文献   

Structure and regulation of the sheep metallothionein-Ia gene   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Screening of a sheep genomic lambda library with a sheep metallothionein-I cDNA clone resulted in the isolation of a 13,200-base-pair fragment containing a metallothionein gene which DNA sequence analysis identified as the gene encoding the cloned cDNA. The two introns occur at identical positions to those in other mammalian metallothioneins but are considerably larger. The first intron contains a DNA element that is present in a related but not identical form in many places in the sheep genome. Comparison of the promoter sequences of this gene (sMT-Ia) with the promoters of metallothionein genes from other species identified a number of conserved regions which may be important in the regulation of this gene by heavy metals, glucocorticoids and alpha-interferon. In sheep fibroblasts, the levels of sMT-Ia mRNA was found to be maximally elevated (95-fold) in the presence of zinc or cadmium and elevated 30-fold in the presence of copper. Dexamethasone had no effect upon mRNA levels. Thus this gene shows a pattern of regulation similar to the human MT-If gene, but distinct from the other human and mouse metallothionein genes so far reported.  相似文献   

Translocation records indicate aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) populations in the United States are a product of multiple human‐mediated introductions. Two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b, cytb; displacement loop, D loop) and one nuclear gene (prion protein gene exon 3, PRNP) were used to determine: (1) genetic variation, (2) if genetic units correspond to taxonomic designations, (3) the number and geographic origin of translocations, and (4) divergence times. Three phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and parsimony) produced similar topologies with two clades (I and II). Clade I contained progeny of individuals resulting from introductions to Texas and Spain, and individuals from Algeria. Individuals in Clade II were progeny of past introductions to the United States and Europe, and northern Algeria. Clade II was subdivided into two subclades (A and B) representing two haplogroups. No genetic variation was detected in the PRNP sequences. Three haplogroups appeared to correspond to the subspecies A. l. lervia and A. l. sahariensis whose native distribution includes northwestern Africa. Network analyses assigned haplogroups to two major groups similar to those depicted in the phylogenetic analyses. Genetic distances ranged from 0.80% to 5.17% and 2.99% to 15.42% for cytb and D loop, respectively; and were higher than normally recovered for caprids, warranting a reexamination of subspecific status. Divergence dates indicated a major split between A. l. lervia and A. l. sahariensis circa 2.38 mya. Together, the high level of genetic divergences among US populations and apparent presence of two subspecies of aoudad in the United States support the hypothesis of multiple introductions from multiple sources.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule of the hamadryas baboon, Papio hamadryas, was sequenced and included in a molecular analysis of 24 complete mammalian mtDNAs. The particular aim of the study was to time the divergence between Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea. That divergence, set at 30 million years before present (MYBP) was a fundamental reference for the original proposal of recent hominoid divergences, according to which the split among gorilla, chimpanzee, and Homo took place 5 MYBP. In the present study the validity of the postulated 30 MYBP dating of the Cercopithecoidea/Hominoidea divergence was examined by applying two independent nonprimate molecular references, the divergence between artiodactyls and cetaceans set at 60 MYBP and that between Equidae and Rhinocerotidae set at 50 MYBP. After calibration for differences in evolutionary rates, application of the two references suggested that the Cercopithecoidea/Hominoidea divergence took place >50 MYBP. Consistent with the marked shift in the dating of the Cercopithecoidea/Hominoidea split, all hominoid divergences receive a much earlier dating. Thus the estimated date of the divergence between Pan (chimpanzee) and Homo is 10–13 MYBP and that between Gorilla and the Pan/Homo linage ≈17 MYBP. The same datings were obtained in an analysis of clocklike evolving genes. The findings show that recalculation is necessary of all molecular datings based directly or indirectly on a Cercopithecoidea/Hominoidea split 30 MYBP. Received: 1 April 1998 / Accepted: 1 July 1998  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of an African cane rat, Thryonomys swinderianus (Rodentia, Hystricognathi), was included in a phylogenetic analysis along with 4 rodents, 14 additional eutherians, and 3 noneutherian outgroups. Monophyly of the suborder Hystricognathi, represented by the cane rat and the South American guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, was strongly supported by maximum-parsimony, neighbor-joining, and maximum-likelihood methods. The molecular-based estimate of the divergence time of Old and New World Hystricognathi (approximately 85 million years before present, MYBP) is consistent with an hypothesis of vicariance divergence due to the rifting of the African and South American continents 86-100 MYBP. Monophyly of Rodentia or the superordinal clade Glires (Rodentia and Lagomorpha) were not supported.  相似文献   

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