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Frequencies of sister chromatid exchanges and chromosomal aberrations were examined in peripheral lymphocytes of Rhesus monkeys which had been fed a diet containing 25 parts per trillion 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin for a period of 4 years. When compared to non-exposed control animals, no significant differences were noted for either of these cytogenetic endpoints. In addition; there was not a significant difference in sister chromatid exchange response to a challenge dose of mitomycin C in cells from 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin exposed animals compared to controls. Our results confirm the lack of genotoxic effects associated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin exposure.Abbreviations MMC mitomycin C - PHAA phytohemagglutinin-p - PPT parts per trillion - SCE sister chromatid exchange - TCDD 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin  相似文献   

The genotoxicity of low-level exposure to ethylene dichloride (EDC) and vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) in humans is not clear. We used lymphocyte sister chromatid exchange (SCE) frequency as a parameter to investigate the genotoxicity of low level EDC and VCM in VCM-manufacturing workers. The SCE frequency was determined for 51 male workers with exposure to VCM and/or EDC and for 20 male workers devoid of such exposure. Epidemiological data were obtained by questionnaire, and included history of smoking, drinking, and any medication taken, as well as a detailed occupational history. Personal- and area-sampling and analysis were conducted in order to calculate the time-weighted average (TWA) contaminant-exposure level corresponding to different job categories. Moderate EDC exposure around 1 ppm corresponded to a significantly greater SCE frequency than was the case for the low EDC exposure group (p<0.01). However, VCM exposure of similar level was not associated with increased SCE. We conclude that EDC may cause genotoxicity at a relatively low level of exposure.  相似文献   

Summary Methods are described for the short-term culture (48 to 56 h) of lung, liver, and kidney cells from C57B1/6 mice. With these techniques, mice can be exposed in vivo to test compounds and the cells grown on cover glasses in the presence of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) (5 μM) for analysis of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and cell cycle kinetics. Mice exposed to vinyl carbamate (VC) ((10 to 60 mg/kg) by i.p. injection were used in the initial examination of this system. Cultured lung and kidney cells from epxosed animals (60 mg/kg) exhibited significant increases in SCE frequencies (approximately 3 to 5 times baseline); however, liver cells were much less responsive and showed less than a twofold increase over baseline SCE levels. Lung cultures initiated as long as 320 h after VC exposure (60 mg/kg) revealed a persistance of lesions leading to the formation of SCEs in vitro. This methodology permits analysis of cytogenetic damage in organs with very low mitotic activity after in vivo exposure to known or suspected genotoxicants. The research described in this article has been reviewed by the Health Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Agency nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

Airborne particulates were collected over a period of twelve months by the use of Hi-Vol samplers in the basin of Athens, Greece. N-Hexane extracts were tested in a battery ofin vitro tests for their ability to induce mutation in bacteria as well as mutation, sister chromatid exchange and morphological transformation in cultured mammalian cells. Positive results were found for mutagenicity withSalmonella strain TA98 in the Ames assay, for sister chromatid exchange induction in CHO cells and for transformation in BALB/c 3T3 cells in culture. They also showed weak non-doserelated induction of ouabain resistance in BALB/c 3T3 cells. The contribution of oxidizing and nitrating agents found in the Athens atmosphere, together with sunlight UV irradiation in the formation of direct acting mutagens and potential carcinogens from ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, is suggested.Abbreviations FCS fetal calf serum - FPG fluorescent-plus-Giemsa technique - ouaR ouabain resistant - PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon - SCE sister chromatid exchange - TSP total suspended particulate  相似文献   

As a consequence of human activities, large amounts of cadmium, lead and zinc are released in the environment, often simultaneously. The aim of this study was to investigate under experimental conditions the DNA damage induced in Algerian mice (Mus spretus) exposed to cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) separately, or in selected combinations. Three cytogenetic end points were considered: the frequencies of micronucleated cells (MN) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) in the bone marrow and the frequency of sperm abnormalities. Mice were treated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections with 5 or 10 doses of aqueous solutions of cadmium acetate, lead acetate and zinc acetate in concentrations corresponding to 1/10 of the LD50, respectively, 21.5, 0.46 and 1.5 mg/kg bw. The control groups were injected in the same way with distilled water.With only one exception (Cd + Zn group treated with 5 doses), the results show a significant increase of MN in all groups for both treatments (5 and 10 doses). Similarly, the results concerning the SCE revealed a statistically significant increase in all treated animals, with the exception of the Zn group treated with 5 doses. The number of sperm abnormalities was significantly higher in animals treated with 5 doses, except in the group Pb + Zn. In animals treated with 10 doses the number of sperm abnormalities was always statistically higher compared with controls.This study indicates that cadmium, lead and zinc can induce MN, SCEs and sperm abnormalities in Algerian mice and that the clastogenic potential is dependent on the time of exposure and the interaction between the three elements, confirming the environmental damage that may result from the simultaneous action of several metals. Most relevant is the toxic potential for Zn, related with the dose, which may compromise its protective effect against other metal contaminations, such as cadmium.  相似文献   

The present study compared three methods for the determination of S-phenylmercapturic acid (S-PMA), a metabolite of benzene, in human urine: a HPLC/MS/MS technique with two different sample treatments (strong and partial hydrolysis) and a commercial assay based on anti-S-PMA monoclonal antibodies with chemiluminescence detection. Biological monitoring was done on 126 volunteers and the results were compared for the three methods and also with benzene exposure levels (range <3.0–592.5 μg/m3). The correlation between environmental monitoring data and S-PMA levels in non-smokers (n = 73) was highly significant (p < 0.0001, Student's t-test) for both HPLC/MS/MS methods (r = 0.65 both for strong acidic hydrolysis of the urine and hydrolysis at pH 2) but not for the immunoassay, which overestimated the S-PMA levels by about 8 μg/g creatinine (creat.). Therefore the immunoassay is only useful as a semiquantitative screening test, but quantitative results need to be confirmed by a more accurate method like HPLC/MS/MS. The HPLC/MS/MS procedure with strong acid hydrolysis led to a recovery of S-PMA about double that using pH 2 hydrolysis, giving more accurate results. The difference between the results with the two methods makes it difficult to compare the strong acidic hydrolysis data with the ACGIH BEI value of 25 μg/g creat. since the BEI® documentation is based on data collected in pH conditions that were not always controlled, which may underestimate the true S-PMA concentration. Besides, as levels of benzene exposure were high, smoking was not considered a confounding factor. The BEI for S-PMA in end of shift urine samples could be reconsidered when sufficient data are available from studies where the analyses are carried out in comparable conditions of hydrolysis and monitoring only non-smoking subjects.  相似文献   

We have examined DNA adduct formation in myeloperoxidase containing HL-60 cells treated with the toluene metabolite p-cresol. Treatment of HL-60 cells with the combination of p-cresol and H(2)O(2) produced four DNA adducts 1: (75.0%), 2: (9.1%), 3: (7.0%) and 4: (8.8%) and adduct levels ranging from 0.3 to 33.6 x 10(-7). The levels of DNA adducts formed by p-cresol were dependent on concentrations of p-cresol, H(2)O(2) and treatment time. In vitro incubation of p-cresol with myeloperoxidase and H(2)O(2) produced three DNA adducts 1: (40.5%), 2: (28.4%) and 3: (29.7%) with a relative adduct level of 0.7x10(-7). The quinone methide derivative of p-cresol (PCQM) was prepared by Ag(I)O oxidation. Reaction of calf thymus DNA with PCQM produced four adducts 1: (18.5%), 2: (36.4%), 3: (29.0%) and 5: (16.0%) with a relative adduct level 1.6x10(-7). Rechromatography analyses indicates that DNA adducts 1-3 formed in HL-60 cells treated with p-cresol and after myeloperoxidase activation of p-cresol were similar to those formed by reaction of DNA with PCQM. This observation suggests that p-cresol is activated to a quinone methide intermediate in each of these activation systems. Taken together, these results suggest PCQM is the reactive intermediate leading to the formation of DNA adducts in HL-60 cells treated with p-cresol. Furthermore, the DNA adducts formed by PCQM may provide a biomarker to assess occupational exposure to toluene.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the kinetic properties of rabbit red cell (RRBC) Na+/Na+ and Na+/H+ exchanges (EXC) in order to define whether or not both transport functions are conducted by the same molecule. The strategy has been to determine the interactions of Na+ and H+ at the internal (i) and external (o) sites for both exchanges modes. RRBC containing varying Na i and H l were prepared by nystatin and DIDS treatment of acid-loaded cells. Na+/Na+ EXC was measured as Na o -stimulated Na+ efflux and Na+/H+ EXC as Na o -stimulated H+ efflux and pH o -stimulated Na+ influx into acid-loaded cells.The activation of Na+/Na+ EXC by Na o at pH i 7.4 did not follow simple hyperbolic kinetics. Testing of different kinetic models to obtain the best fit for the experimental data indicated the presence of high (K m 2.2 mM) and low affinity (K m 108 mM) sites for a single- or two-carrier system. The activation of Na+/H+ EXC by Na o (pH i 6.6, Na i <1 mM) also showed high (K m 11 mM) and low (K m 248 mM) affinity sites. External H+ competitively inhibited Na+/Na+ EXC at the low affinity Na o site (K H 52 nM) while internally H+ were competitive inhibitors (pK 6.7) at low Na i and allosteric activators (pK 7.0) at high Na i .Na+/H+ EXC was also inhibited by acid pH o and allosterically activated by H i (pK 6.4). We also established the presence of a Na i regulatory site which activates Na+/H+ and Na+/Na+ EXC modifying the affinity for Na o of both pathways. At low Na i , Na+/Na+ EXC was inhibited by acid pH i and Na+/H+ stimulated but at high Na i , Na+/Na+ EXC was stimulated and Na+/H+ inhibited being the sum of both pathways kept constant. Both exchange modes were activated by two classes of Na o sites,cis-inhibited by external H o , allosterically modified by the binding of H+ to a H i regulatory site and regulated by Na i . These findings are consistent with Na+/Na+ EXC being a mode of operation of the Na+/H+ exchanger.Na+/H+ EXC was partially inhibited (80–100%) by dimethyl-amiloride (DMA) but basal or pH i -stimulated Na+/Na+ EXC (pH i 6.5, Na i 80 mM) was completely insensitive indicating that Na+/Na+ EXC is an amiloride-insensitive component of Na+/H+ EXC. However, Na+ and H+ efflux into Na-free media were stimulated by cell acidification and also partially (10 to 40%) inhibited by DMA: this also indicates that the Na+/H+ EXC might operate in reverse or uncoupled modes in the absence of Na+/Na+ EXC.In summary, the observed kinetic properties can be explained by a model of Na+/H+ EXC with several conformational states, H i and Na i regulatory sites and loaded/unloaded internal and external transport sites at which Na+ and H+ can compete. The occupancy of the H+ regulatory site induces a conformational change and the occupancy of the Na i regulatory site modulates the flow through both pathways so that it will conduct Na+/H+ and/or Na+/Na+ EXC depending on the ratio of internal Na+:H+.  相似文献   

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