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Throwing velocity in overarm throwing is of major importance in sports like baseball, team handball, javelin, and water polo. The purpose of this literature review was to give an overview of the effect of different training programs on the throwing velocity in overarm throwing, provide a theoretical framework that explains findings, and give some practical applications based on these findings. The training studies were divided into 4 categories: (a) specific resistance training with an overload of velocity, (b) specific resistance training with an overload of force, (c) specific resistance training with a combination of overload of force and velocity, and (d) general resistance training according to the overload of force. Each category is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Throwing velocity is an important baseball performance variable for baseball pitchers, because greater throwing velocity results in less time for hitters to make a decision to swing. Throwing velocity is also an important baseball performance variable for position players, because greater throwing velocity results in decreased time for a runner to advance to the next base. This study compared the effects of 3 baseball-specific 6-week training programs on maximum throwing velocity. Sixty-eight high school baseball players 14-17 years of age were randomly and equally divided into 3 training groups and a nontraining control group. The 3 training groups were the Throwers Ten (TT), Keiser Pneumatic (KP), and Plyometric (PLY). Each training group trained 3 d·wk(-1) for 6 weeks, which comprised approximately 5-10 minutes for warm-up, 45 minutes of resistance training, and 5-10 for cool-down. Throwing velocity was assessed before (pretest) and just after (posttest) the 6-week training program for all the subjects. A 2-factor repeated measures analysis of variance with post hoc paired t-tests was used to assess throwing velocity differences (p < 0.05). Compared with pretest throwing velocity values, posttest throwing velocity values were significantly greater in the TT group (1.7% increase), the KP group (1.2% increase), and the PLY group (2.0% increase) but not significantly different in the control group. These results demonstrate that all 3 training programs were effective in increasing throwing velocity in high school baseball players, but the results of this study did not demonstrate that 1 resistance training program was more effective than another resistance training program in increasing throwing velocity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the kinematics in throwing with a regular weighted handball with 20% lighter and heavier balls in female experienced handball players. In total, eight joint movements during the throw were analyzed. The analysis consisted of maximal angles, angles at ball release, and maximal angular velocities of the joint movements and their timings during the throw. Results on 24 experienced female team handball players (mean age 18.2 ± 2.1 years) showed that the difference in ball weight affected the maximal ball velocity. The difference in ball release velocity was probably a result of the significant differences in kinematics of the major contributors to overarm throwing: elbow extension and internal rotation of the shoulder. These were altered when changing the ball weight, which resulted in differences in ball release velocity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of various exercise sequences in the early weeks of a strength training program. Forty-two untrained men were randomly assigned to one of 4 training regimens, which were differentiated by the order in which the exercises were performed, and trained 3 days per week for 4 weeks. Three regimens were multiple-set protocols (alternating, blocked, and semiblocked), and the fourth was a single-set protocol. The exercises were arm curls, lateral raises, and triceps extensions. Results showed that the blocked group improved significantly more on the arm curl exercise than the single-set group. No other group comparisons were significant. This finding indicates that a blocked multiple-set regimen is superior to a single-set regimen for certain upper-body exercises in the early stages of strength training.  相似文献   

We demonstrated previously that exercise training did not restore normal cardiac beta-adrenergic responsiveness in obese rabbits. This study tested the hypothesis that an increased training volume was required to attenuate obesity-related reductions in isolated heart responsiveness to isoproterenol. Female New Zealand White rabbits were divided into lean control, lean exercise-trained, obese control, and obese exercise-trained groups. For the exercise-trained groups, total treadmill work over 12 weeks was increased 27% when compared with lean and obese animals trained with lower total training volume. After 12 weeks, Langendorff isolated hearts were used to study developed pressure, +dP/dt(max), and -dP/dt(max) responses to isoproterenol (10(-9) - 3 x 10(-7) M). Concentration-response data were fit to a sigmoidal function using a four-parameter logistic equation. Controls were compared with animals trained under the low- and high-training volume programs using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test; separate analyses were conducted for lean and obese rabbits. In both lean and obese groups trained under the high-training volume program, EC50 values for +dP/day(tmax) and -dP/dt(max) were higher compared with same-weight controls and animals trained under the low-training volume program, indicating that contractility and relaxation responsiveness to isoproterenol was reduced by the higher training volume. Therefore, these data indicate that increased training volume failed to attenuate obesity-related decrements in isolated heart responsiveness to beta-adrenergic stimulation and caused reduced sensitivity to isoproterenol in both lean and obese animals.  相似文献   

Summary The morphologically complex flowers of Delphinium nelsonii, D. barbeyi, and Ipomopsis aggregata are visited by a wide variety of animals. Visitors to each species range from small insects, such as worker bumblebees and solitary bees, to hummingbirds, and thus span roughly an order of magnitude in body mass and metabolic rate while flying; they also differ in type of food collected and in their efficacy as pollinators. Despite these differences, all the visitors to a given plant species fly similar, short distances between successively visited flowers and plants. There are no significant relationships between mean flight distance and metabolic rate or body mass among the visitors to any plant species. Thus there is no evidence that flight characteristics depend on anything as straightforward as whether flower visitors have high or low energetic requirements.  相似文献   

Various physical demands are placed on soldiers, whose effectiveness and survivability depend on their combat-specific physical fitness. Because sport training programs involving weight-based training have proven effective, this study examined the value of such a program for short-term military training using combat-relevant tests. A male weight-based training (WBT) group (n = 15; mean +/- SD: 27.0 +/- 4.7 years, 173.8 +/- 5.8 cm, 80.9 +/- 12.7 kg) performed full-body weight-based training workouts, 3.2-km runs, interval training, agility training, and progressively loaded 8-km backpack hikes. A male Army Standardized Physical Training (SPT) group (n = 17; mean +/- SD: 29.0 +/- 4.6 years, 179.7 +/- 8.2 cm, 84.5 +/- 10.4 kg) followed the new Army Standardized Physical Training program of stretching, varied calisthenics, movement drills, sprint intervals, shuttle running, and distance runs. Both groups exercised for 1.5 hours a day, 5 days a week for 8 weeks. The following training-induced changes were statistically significant (P < 0.05) for both training groups: 3.2-km run or walk with 32-kg load (minutes), 24.5 +/- 3.2 to 21.0 +/- 2.8 (SPT) and 24.9 +/- 2.8 to 21.1 +/- 2.2 (WBT); 400-m run with 18-kg load (seconds), 94.5 +/- 14.2 to 84.4 +/- 11.9 (SPT) and 100.1 +/- 16.1 to 84.0 +/- 8.4 (WBT); obstacle course with 18-kg load (seconds), 73.3 +/- 10.1 to 61.6 +/- 7.7 (SPT) and 66.8 +/- 10.0 to 60.1 +/- 8.7 (WBT); 5 30-m sprints to prone (seconds), 63.5 +/- 4.8 to 59.8 +/- 4.1 (SPT) and 60.4 +/- 4.2 to 58.9 +/- 2.7 (WBT); and 80-kg casualty rescue from 50 m (seconds), 65.8 +/- 40.0 to 42.1 +/- 9.9 (SPT) and 57.6 +/- 22.0 to 44.2 +/- 8.8 (WBT). Of these tests, only the obstacle course showed significant difference in improvement between the two training groups. Thus, for short-term (i.e., 8-week) training of relatively untrained men, the Army's new Standardized Physical Training program and a weight-based training experimental program can produce similar, significant, and meaningful improvements in military physical performance. Further research would be needed to determine whether weight-based training provides an advantage over a longer training period.  相似文献   

Results are summarized from the literature on three commonly used stochastic population models with regard to persistence time. In addition, several new results are introduced to clearly illustrate similarities between the models. Specifically, the relations between the mean persistence time and higher-order moments for discrete-time Markov chain models, continuous-time Markov chain models, and stochastic differential equation models are compared for populations experiencing demographic variability. Similarities between the models are demonstrated analytically, and computational results are provided to show that estimated persistence times for the three stochastic models are generally in good agreement when the models are consistently formulated. As an example, the three stochastic models are applied to a population satisfying logistic growth. Logistic growth is interesting as different birth and death rates can yield the same logistic differential equation. However, the persistence behavior of the population is strongly dependent on the explicit forms for the birth and death rates. Computational results demonstrate how dramatically the mean persistence time can vary for different populations that experience the same logistic growth.  相似文献   

Cleavage of the carbon–phosphorus bond of the xenobiotic phosphonoacetate by phosphonoacetate hydrolase represents a novel route for the microbial metabolism of organophosphonates, and is unique in that it is substrate-inducible and its expression is independent of the phosphate status of the cell. The enzyme has previously only been demonstrated in cell extracts of Pseudomonas fluorescens 23F. Phosphonoacetate hydrolase activity is now reported in extracts of environmental Curtobacterium sp. and Pseudomonas sp. isolates capable of the phosphate-insensitive mineralization of phosphonoacetate as the sole source of carbon, energy and phosphorus at concentrations up to 40 mmol l−1 and 100 mmol l−1, respectively. The enzymes in both strains were similarly inducible by phosphonoacetate and had a unique specificity for this substrate. However, they differed significantly from each other, and from the previously described Ps. fluorescens 23F enzyme, in respect of their apparent molecular masses, temperature optima, thermostability, sensitivity to inhibition by chelating agents and by structural analogues of phosphonoacetate, and in their affinities for the substrate.  相似文献   

To achieve maximal force output, clinicians and coaches have been experimenting with upper extremity plyometric exercises for years, without sufficient scientific validation of this training method. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of an 8-week course of high volume upper extremity plyometric training on the isokinetic strength and throwing velocity of a group of intercollegiate baseball players. Twenty-four Division I collegiate baseball players (age: 19.7 +/- 1.3 years; height: 183.9 +/- 5.9 cm; mass: 90.7 +/- 10.5 kg) were recruited to participate in this study. Throwing velocity, isokinetic peak torque, isokinetic functional strength ratios, and time to peak torque were measured pre- and posttraining. Subjects were rank-ordered according to concentric internal rotation (IR) strength and were assigned randomly to either the plyometric training group (PLY) or the control group (CON). Training consisted of 6 upper extremity plyometric exercises ("Ballistic Six") performed twice per week for 8 weeks. Subjects assigned to CON performed regular off-season strength and conditioning activities, but did not perform plyometric activities. PLY demonstrated significant increases (p < 0.05) in throwing velocity following 8 weeks of training when compared with CON (83.15 mph [pre] vs. 85.15 mph [post]). There were no statistically significant differences in any of the isokinetic strength measurements between PLY and CON groups pre- to posttraining. Statistically significant differences were seen within PLY for concentric IR and eccentric external rotation (ER) isokinetic strength at 180 degrees x s(-1) and 300 degrees x s(-1); and within CON for eccentric ER isokinetic strength at 300 degrees x s(-1) and concentric IR isokinetic strength at 180 degrees x s(-1). The Ballistic Six training protocol can be a beneficial supplement to a baseball athlete's off-season conditioning by improving functional performance and strengthening the rotator cuff musculature.  相似文献   

In a review of 325 postmastectomy breast reconstructions, the aesthetic quality of the result and the risk of unsuccessful outcome were compared for three techniques: tissue expansion (105 breasts), latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap (47 breasts), and TRAM flap (173 breasts). The aesthetic successes achievable with the three methods were similar, and some excellent results were achieved with each of them. The failure rate after tissue expansion (21 percent) was significantly higher than those observed with the TRAM (3 percent) and latissimus (9 percent) flaps. Tissue expansion also was not as aesthetically successful as other techniques in obese patients. For immediate breast reconstruction, the TRAM flap was the most aesthetically successful technique. Although tissue expansion has advantages and may be the best choice for some patients, methods that used autogenous tissue provided more consistent success.  相似文献   

Three different commercially available stirred tank reactors for mammalian cell culturing were compared for the ability to support hybridoma cell growth and monoclonal antibody production in batch mode operation. Despite quite similar vessel geometries differences were found both in growth and production profiles in the systems. These differences can possibly be related to the different aeration modes used in the bioreactors, and the levels of shear stress created by stirrer and agitator in the tanks.  相似文献   

Resisted sprint running is a common training method for improving sprint-specific strength. For maximum specificity of training, the athlete's movement patterns during the training exercise should closely resemble those used when performing the sport. The purpose of this study was to compare the kinematics of sprinting at maximum velocity to the kinematics of sprinting when using three of types of resisted sprint training devices (sled, parachute, and weight belt). Eleven men and 7 women participated in the study. Flying sprints greater than 30 m were recorded by video and digitized with the use of biomechanical analysis software. The test conditions were compared using a 2-way analysis of variance with a post-hoc Tukey test of honestly significant differences. We found that the 3 types of resisted sprint training devices are appropriate devices for training the maximum velocity phase in sprinting. These devices exerted a substantial overload on the athlete, as indicated by reductions in stride length and running velocity, but induced only minor changes in the athlete's running technique. When training with resisted sprint training devices, the coach should use a high resistance so that the athlete experiences a large training stimulus, but not so high that the device induces substantial changes in sprinting technique. We recommend using a video overlay system to visually compare the movement patterns of the athlete in unloaded sprinting to sprinting with the training device. In particular, the coach should look for changes in the athlete's forward lean and changes in the angles of the support leg during the ground contact phase of the stride.  相似文献   

Throwing is a complex motion that involves the entire body and often puts an inordinate amount of stress on the shoulder and the arm. Warm-up prepares the body for work and can enhance performance. Sling-based exercise (SE) has been theorized to activate muscles, particularly the stabilizers, in a manner beneficial for preactivity warm-up, yet this hypothesis has not been tested. Our purpose was to determine if a warm-up using SE would increase throwing velocity and accuracy compared to a traditional, thrower's 10 warm-up program. Division I baseball players (nonpitchers) (16 men, age: 19.6 ± 1.3, height: 184.2 ± 6.2 cm, mass: 76.9 ± 19.2 kg) volunteered to participate in this crossover study. All subjects underwent both a warm-up routine using a traditional method (Thrower's 10 exercises) and a warm-up routine using closed kinetic chain SE methods (RedCord) on different days separated by 72 hours. Ball velocity and accuracy measures were obtained on 10 throws after either the traditional and SE warm-up regimens. Velocity was recorded using a standard Juggs radar gun (JUGS; Tualatin, OR, USA). Accuracy was recorded using a custom accuracy target. An Analysis of covariance was performed, with the number of throws recorded before the testing was used as a covariate and p < 0.05 was set a priori. There were no statistical differences between the SE warm-up and Thrower's 10 warm-up for throwing velocity (SE: 74.7 ± 7.5 mph, Thrower's 10: 74.6 ± 7.3 mph p = 0.874) or accuracy (SE: 115.6 ± 53.7 cm, Thrower's 10: 91.8 ± 55 cm, p = 0.136). Warming up with SE produced equivalent throwing velocity and accuracy compared to the Thrower's 10 warm-up method. Thus, SE provides an alternative to traditional warm-up.  相似文献   

Hypospadias birth prevalence may be increasing with maternal exposure to endocrine disrupters. Yet hypospadias registers are hindered by data quality concerns. We compare the birth prevalence per thousand male births (BP) and ascertainment of hypospadias in the South East of England between 1st January 1997 to 31st September 1998 in a population-based hypospadias case register (surgeons' register) 731 cases, BP 3.8, (95% confidence interval 3.7-3.9), the National Congenital Anomaly System (NCAS) 645 cases (88% of surgeons' register), BP 3.4, (95% confidence interval 3.29-3.5) and Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) 221 cases (30% of the surgeons register), BP 1.15 (95% confidence interval 1.1-1.2). There were 191,438 male births (National Statistics). We found considerable differences in birth prevalence estimates and ascertainment according to data source. Compared with the Surgeons' register, the HES under-ascertainment of 10% was possibly explained by procedural weaknesses. NCAS's 70% under-ascertainment is explained by exclusion of so-called mild hypospadias (since 1990). This exclusion does not appear warranted since mild and severe hypospadias probably share aetiology and all require surgery. NCAR's utility could be improved if it returned to including "minor" hypospadias. Meanwhile routine data such as HES are potentially suitable for surveillance of this condition.  相似文献   

We have used 22 chromosome 1 loci to construct a genetic linkage map of this autosome using the Venezuelan Reference Pedigree. These markers formed two linkage groups separated by an interval of more than 30 cM. Linkage maps were constructed separately using the computer programs LINKAGE and MAPMAKER to determine their relative speed, efficiency, and accuracy. We found that both programs generated maps with the same order and distances, although the LINKAGE program derived more information from the data, allowing placement of one additional marker. Many of the probes have previously been mapped using the CEPH pedigrees. However, the current map is generated from a different data set and so can be used to increase the certainty of locus order and map position. Ultimately, the generation and confirmation of a 1-cM map of this chromosome will require such multiple data sets.  相似文献   

The prevalence of Spirocerca lupi in 260 privately owned dogs with different life and hunting styles in Greece was based on the examination of randomly taken faecal samples using Teleman's sedimentation technique. The dogs did not demonstrate any clinical signs of spirocerciasis. Although the prevalence was 10%, it was found to be significantly higher in trace hunting dogs (21%), than in scent hunting dogs (5%) and household pets (0%). There was no relationship between prevalence and age/sex of dogs. The impact of life and hunting styles on the prevalence of S. lupi in the dog and that of the faecal examination technique, are discussed.  相似文献   

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