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Interaction between cartilage proteoglycan and the collagen(s) composed of 1 alpha, 2 alpha, and 3 alpha chains was studied in vitro. Most of the collagen was insoluble under the conditions of assay (0.15 M NaCl, 0.008 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4; 4 degrees C) and was in the form of fibrils 20 nm in diameter or thinner. The larger fibrils had 60-70 nm periodicity, characteristic of native collagens. Proteoglycan monomers which had been labeled by incubating cartilage slices in vitro with Na2 35SO4 were used to assay the interaction. The insoluble collagen fraction bound proteoglycan from solution. At proteoglycan:collagen ratios lower than 1:2, binding was rapid and linear, and the dissociation constant was 1.7 X 10(-9) M. At higher proteoglycan:collagen ratios, more proteoglycan was bound, but at a slower rate. Binding of proteoglycan to collagen did not require fibrils, since soluble 1 alpha, 2 alpha, and 3 alpha containing collagen also bound to proteoglycan and formed an insoluble complex. Denatured collagens did not bind proteoglycan or compete for binding with normal collagen. Optimum binding occurred with intact proteoglycan, but proteoglycan which had been treated with protease was also bound at low levels. Both protease-treated proteoglycan and free chondroitin sulfate competed with intact proteoglycan in the binding assays, but neither chondroitinase ABC-treated proteoglycan nor the oligosaccharides produced by digestion of chondroitin sulfate with testicular hyaluronidase altered the binding of proteoglycan to collagen. Hyaluronic acid did not compete with radioactive proteoglycan, but heparin and dextran sulfate were extremely effective inhibitors of binding. These data suggest a relatively nonspecific interaction between sulfated polyanions and 1 alpha, 2 alpha, and 3 alpha containing collagens. However, given the location of these collagens near the chondrocyte surface, the interaction of fibrillar 1 alpha, 2 alpha, 3 alpha collagen with proteoglycan is likely to occur and to be of biological importance.  相似文献   

Overlapping cDNA clones were isolated for human type II procollagen. Nucleotide sequencing of the clones provided over 2.5 kb of new coding sequences for the human pro alpha 1(II) gene and the first complete amino acid sequence of type II procollagen from any species. Comparison with published data for cDNA clones covering the entire lengths of the human type I and type III procollagens made it possible to compare in detail the coding sequences and primary structures of the three most abundant human fibrillar collagens. The results indicated that the marked preference in the third base codons for glycine, proline and alanine previously seen in other fibrillar collagens was maintained in type II procollagen. The domains of the pro alpha 1(II) chain are about the same size as the same domains of the pro alpha chains of type I and type III procollagens. However, the major triple-helical domain is 15 amino acid residues less than the triple-helical domain of type III procollagen. Comparison of hydropathy profiles indicated that the alpha chain domain of type II procollagen is more similar to the alpha chain domain of the pro alpha 1(I) chain than to the pro alpha 2(I) chain or the pro alpha 1(III) chain. The results therefore suggest that selective pressure in the evolution of the pro alpha 1(II) and pro alpha 1(I) genes is more similar than the selective pressure in the evolution of the pro alpha 2(I) and pro alpha 1(III) genes.  相似文献   

We have previously assigned an integrin alpha(2)beta(1)-recognition site in collagen I to the sequence, GFOGERGVEGPOGPA (O = Hyp), corresponding to residues 502-516 of the alpha(1)(I) chain and located in the fragment alpha(1)(I)CB3 (Knight, C. G., Morton, L. F., Onley, D. J., Peachey, A. R., Messent, A. J., Smethurst, P. A., Tuckwell, D. S., Farndale, R. W., and Barnes, M. J. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 33287-33294). In this study, we show that recognition is entirely contained within the six-residue sequence GFOGER. This sequence, when in triple-helical conformation, readily supports alpha(2)beta(1)-dependent cell adhesion and exhibits divalent cation-dependent binding of isolated alpha(2)beta(1) and recombinant alpha(2) A-domain, being at least as active as the parent collagen. Replacement of E by D causes loss of recognition. The same sequence binds integrin alpha(1) A-domain and supports integrin alpha(1)beta(1)-mediated cell adhesion. Triple-helical GFOGER completely inhibits alpha(2) A-domain binding to collagens I and IV and alpha(2)beta(1)-dependent adhesion of platelets and HT 1080 cells to these collagens. It also fully inhibits alpha(1) A-domain binding to collagen I and strongly inhibits alpha(1)beta(1)-mediated adhesion of Rugli cells to this collagen but has little effect on either alpha1 A-domain binding or adhesion of Rugli cells to collagen IV. We conclude that the sequence GFOGER represents a high-affinity binding site in collagens I and IV for alpha(2)beta(1) and in collagen I for alpha(1)beta(1). Other high-affinity sites in collagen IV mediate its recognition of alpha(1)beta(1).  相似文献   

Insoluble collagen was prepared from bovine periodontal ligament. Isolation and characterization of CNBr peptides originating from the alpha1(I), alpha2, and alpha1(III) chains showed that the tissue contained both type I and type III collagens. Further evidence for the presence of type III collagen was obtained by the isolation of alpha1(III) chains from pepsin-treated ligament collagen, with properties similar to those of human alpha1(III) chains. Estimates based on the amounts of certain CNBr peptides indicated that about one-fifth of the collagen of periodontal ligament is type III, the remainder being type I collagen.  相似文献   

[Alpha 1(III)]3 collagen was solubilized by pepsin digestion of normal human placental membranes and was purified by differential salt precipitation and carboxymethylcellulose chromatography. This collagen was digested with CNBr, and the resultant nine peptides were isolated and characterized. The chains are cross-linked by cysteinyl residues in the COOH-terminal peptide. Isolation of peptides derived from CNBr digestion of insoluble tissues was used as an assay for the presence of [alpha 1(I)]2alpha 2 and [alpha 1(III)]3 collagens. Both types are present in human skin, intestine, liver, spleen, kidney, lung, aorta, umbilical cord, placental membranes, and myocardium. Bone and tendon contain [alpha 1(I)]2alpha 2 collagen but, unlike the other tissues, lack [alpha 1(III)]3 collagen. Both [alpha 1(I)]2alpha 2 and[alpha 1(III)]3 collagens are present in scars of human skin, myocardium, tendon, and liver and of rabbit skin. The degree of hydroxylation of proline was 4 to 5% lower in the same peptides in skin, bone, and tendon than in the other tissues. The degree of hydroxylation of lysine in the same peptides derived from different tissues varied more widely.  相似文献   

The thermal triple helix to coil transitions of two human type V collagens (alpha 1(2) alpha 2 and alpha 1 alpha 2 alpha 3) and bovine type XI collagen differ from those of the interstitial collagens type I, II, and III by the presence of unfolding intermediates. The total transition enthalpy of these collagens is comparable to the transition enthalpy of the interstitial collagens with values of 17.9 kJ/mol tripeptide units for type XI collagen, 22.9 kJ/mol for type V (alpha 1(2) alpha 2), and 18.5 kJ/mol for type V (alpha 1 alpha 2 alpha 3). It is shown by optical rotatory dispersion and differential scanning calorimetry that complex transition curves with stable intermediates exist. Type XI collagen has two main transitions at 38.5 and 41.5 degrees C and a smaller transition at 40.1 degrees C. Type V (alpha 1(2) alpha 2) shows two main transitions at 38.2 and 42.9 degrees C and two smaller transitions at 40.1 and 41.3 degrees C. Compared to these two collagens type V (alpha 1 alpha 2 alpha 3) unfolds at a lower temperature with two main transitions at 36.4 and 38.1 degrees C and two minor transitions at 40.5 and 42.9 degrees C. The intermediates present at different temperatures are characterized by resistance to trypsin digestion, length measurements of the resistant fragments after rotary shadowing, and amino-terminal sequencing. One of the intermediate peptides has been identified as belonging to the alpha 2 type V chain, starting at position 430 and being about 380 residues long. (The residue numbering begins with the first residue of the first amino-terminal tripeptide unit of the main triple helix. The alpha 2(XI) chain was assumed to be the same length as the alpha 1(XI). One intermediate was identified from the alpha 2(XI) chain and with starting position at residue 495, and three from the alpha 3(XI) with starting positions at residues 519, 585, and 618.  相似文献   

The majority of xenoreactive natural Abs in humans recognize the carbohydrate Ag present on pig tissue, Galalpha1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAc-R (alphaGal), synthesized by the enzyme UDP galactose:beta-D-galactosyl-1,4-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminide alpha(1-3)galactosyltransferase or alphaGT. Using alphaGT knockout mice (GT(0) mice), which like humans produce serum Abs that bind alphaGal, we examined the role of T cells in production of Abs specific for alphaGal. GT(0) mice were crossed with TCR-beta knockout mice (TCR-beta(0)) to generate double-knockout mice (GT(0)/TCR-beta(0)). While GT(0)/TCR-beta+ mice exhibited an age-dependent increase in the serum titer of natural Abs specific for alphaGal, a similar increase was not observed in GT(0)/TCR-beta(0) mice, and the titer of alphaGal-specific Abs in double knockouts was significantly lower than in age-matched GT(0)/TCR-beta+ mice. Immunization with pig cells resulted in a significant increase in the serum titer of alphaGal-specific Abs in GT(0)/TCR-beta+ mice, but had no effect on the level of alphaGal-specific serum Abs in GT(0)/TCR-beta(0) mice. Treatment of GT(0)/TCR-beta+ mice with anti-CD40L Abs before immunization with pig cells prevented sensitization to alphaGal. Our data suggest that the majority of alphaGal-specific Abs are T cell dependent and that production of alphaGal-specific Abs after sensitization can be prevented by blocking costimulatory pathways.  相似文献   

Previous observations with type I collagen from a proband with lethal osteogenesis imperfecta demonstrated that type I collagen containing a substitution of cysteine for glycine alpha 1-748 copolymerized with normal type I collagen (Kadler, K. E., Torre-Blanco, A., Adachi, E., Vogel, B. E., Hojima, Y., and Prockop, D. J. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 5081-5088). Here, three preparations containing normal type I procollagen and type I procollagen with a substitution of cysteine for glycine alpha 1-175, glycine alpha 1-691, or glycine alpha 1-988 were purified from cultured skin fibroblasts from probands with osteogenesis imperfecta. The procollagens were then used as substrates in a system for assaying the self-assembly of type I collagen into fibrils. The cysteine-substituted collagens in all three preparations were incorporated into fibrils. The cysteine alpha 1-175 and cysteine alpha 1-691 collagens were shown to increase the lag time and decrease the propagation rate constant for fibril assembly. All three preparations containing cysteine-substituted collagens formed fibrils with diameters that were two to four times the diameter of fibrils formed under the same conditions by normal type I collagen. Also, the three preparations containing cysteine substituted collagens had higher solubilities than normal type I collagen. The results, therefore, demonstrated that the three cysteine-substituted collagens copolymerized with normal type I collagen. The effects of the mutated collagens on fibril assembly can be understood in terms of a recently proposed model of fibril growth from symmetrical tips by assuming that the mutated monomers partially inhibit tip growth but not lateral growth of the fibrils. Of special interest was the observation that the Cys alpha 1-175 collagen from a proband with a non-lethal variant of osteogenesis imperfecta had quantitatively less effect on several parameters of fibril assembly at 37 degrees C than cysteine-substituted collagens from three probands with lethal variants of the disease.  相似文献   

We analyzed the reactivity of three different commercially available rat monoclonal antibodies raised against mouse laminin-alpha1beta1gamma1 (laminin-111), AL-1, AL-2, and AL-4. Using ELISA assays, Western blot analysis and immunostainings we present refined epitope maps for these three laminin monoclonals. AL-1 reacted, as predicted with laminin alpha1 chain. AL-4 has also been marketed as an alpha1 chain specific probe, but we show here that AL-4 detects mouse laminin beta1 chain, in the distal part of the coiled-coil region. AL-2 was predicted to react with all three chains near the cross-region, but seems to primarily react with laminin beta1 chain.  相似文献   

The collagens are recognized by the alphaI domains of the collagen receptor integrins. A common structural feature in the collagen-binding alphaI domains is the presence of an extra helix, named helix alphaC. However, its participation in collagen binding has not been shown. Here, we have deleted the helix alphaC in the alpha(2)I domain and tested the function of the resultant recombinant protein (DeltaalphaCalpha(2)I) by using a real-time biosensor. The DeltaalphaCalpha(2)I domain had reduced affinity for type I collagen (430 +/- 90 nM) when compared with wild-type alpha(2)I domain (90 +/- 30 nM), indicating both the importance of helix alphaC in type I collagen binding and that the collagen binding surface in alpha(2)I domain is located near the metal ion-dependent adhesion site. Previous studies have suggested that the charged amino acid residues, surrounding the metal ion-dependent adhesion site but not interacting with Mg(2+), may play an important role in the recognition of type I collagen. Direct evidence indicating the participation of these residues in collagen recognition has been missing. To test this idea, we produced a set of recombinant alpha(2)I domains with mutations, namely D219A, D219N, D219R, E256Q, D259N, D292N, and E299Q. Mutations in amino acids Asp(219), Asp(259), Asp(292), and Glu(299) resulted in weakened affinity for type I collagen. When alpha(2) D219N and D292N mutations were introduced separately into alpha(2)beta(1) integrin expressed on Chinese hamster ovary cells, no alterations in the cell spreading on type I collagen were detected. However, Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing double mutated alpha(2) D219N/D292N integrin showed remarkably slower spreading on type I collagen, while spreading on type IV collagen was not affected. The data indicate that alpha(2)I domain binds to type I collagen with a different mechanism than to type IV collagen.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that platelets adhere to collagen substrates via a Mg2(+)-dependent mechanism mediated by the surface glycoprotein Ia-IIa (human leukocyte very late activation protein 2, alpha 2 beta 1 integrin) complex. The adhesion is specific for collagen and is supported by collagen types I, II, III, IV, and VI. Several other members of the integrin family of adhesive protein receptors recognize discrete linear amino acid sequences within their adhesive glycoprotein ligands. Experiments with both intact platelets and with liposomes containing the purified receptor complex indicated that the alpha 2 beta 1 receptor recognized denatured type I collagen in a Mg2(+)-dependent manner. To further localize the binding site, the alpha 1 and alpha 2 chains of type I collagen were purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography and tested as adhesive substrates. Both the alpha 1(I) and alpha 2(I) chains effectively supported Mg2(+)-dependent platelet adhesion. The purified alpha 1(I) collagen chain was then subjected to cleavage with cyanogen bromide, and the resultant peptides were separated by chromatography on carboxymethylcellulose. Only the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment supported Mg2(+)-dependent platelet adhesion. The monoclonal antibody P1H5 which recognizes an epitope on the alpha 2 subunit of the integrin receptor and which inhibits the adhesion of both intact platelets and liposomes bearing the purified receptor to collagen also inhibited platelet adhesion to the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment. These results indicate that the alpha 2 beta 1 receptor recognizes a sequence of amino acids present in the alpha 1(I)-CB3 fragment of type I collagen. An identical or similar sequence likely mediates binding of the receptor to other collagen polypeptides.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the human type IV collagen alpha 2(IV) chain has been determined by nucleotide sequencing of cDNA clones. The overlapping cDNA clones cover 6,257 base pairs with a 5'-untranslated region of 283 base pairs, the 5,136-base pair open reading frame, and the 3'-untranslated region of 838 base pairs. The predicted amino acid sequence demonstrates that the complete translation product consists of 1,712 residues corresponding in molecular weight to 167,560. The translated polypeptide has a signal peptide of 36 amino acids, an amino-terminal noncollagenous part of 21 residues, a 1,428-residue collagenous domain with 23 interruptions, and a carboxyl-terminal noncollagenous (NC) domain of 227 residues. The calculated molecular mass of the mature human alpha 2(IV) chain is 163,774 Da.  相似文献   

The rabbit antiserum against poly(I).poly(C) purified by hydroxyapatite column chromatography contained three distinct antibodies. They were fractionated into three antibody populations by a series of precipitations (with poly(A).poly(U), poly(I), and poly(I).poly(C)) and their specificities were examined by quantitative complement fixation, double diffusion tests and radioimmunoassay. The first population was common to the double helical structure of double-stranded RNAs. The second was specific for poly(I) and the third was specific for poly(I).poly(C). These studies demonstrated that specific antibodies exclusively reactive with poly(I).poly(C) existed in the rabbit antiserum against poly(I).poly(C).  相似文献   

We report the cloning of five overlapping cDNAs bearing sequences specific for the human pro alpha 1(I) collagen chain. Poly-A RNA enriched for collagen sequences was purified from normal human fibroblasts and used as template to synthesize double stranded cDNA. The cDNA was inserted into the Eco RI site of pBR 322 by blunt-ending and dG:dC tailing. The clones were screened by colony hybridization using the original RNA population and the resulting five positive clones subjected to restriction endonuclease mapping analysis and DNA sequencing. These overlapping clones cover from residue 247 in the alpha chain to part of the 3' end untranslated region of the pro alpha 1(I) mRNA for a total of 3400 nucleotides.  相似文献   

The cDNA and protein sequences of the N-terminal 60% of the alpha 2(IV) chain of human basement membrane collagen have been determined. By repeated primer extension with synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides and mRNA from either HT1080 cells or human placenta overlapping clones were obtained which cover 3414 bp. The derived protein sequence allows for the first time a comparison and alignment of both alpha chains of type IV collagen from the N terminus. This alignment reveals an additional 43 amino acid residues in the alpha 2(IV) chain as compared to the alpha 1(IV) chain. 21 of these additional residues form a disulfide-bridged loop within the triple helix which is unique among all known collagens.  相似文献   

Human type V collagen was purified from placenta and found to contain alpha 1(V), alpha 2(V), and alpha 3(V) chains in varying ratios. Using any of three independent nondenaturing methods (phosphocellulose chromatography, high-performance ion-exchange chromatography on IEX-540 DEAE, and ammonium sulfate precipitation), this preparation could be resolved into two fractions. Analysis of the two fractions by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that one fraction contained alpha 1(V) and alpha 2(V) in a 2:1 ratio and the other contained alpha 1(V), alpha 2(V), and alpha 3(V) in a 1:1:1 ratio. When the crude placental type V collagen was electrophoresed under nondenaturing conditions, two bands were observed, one co-migrating with purified (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and the other co-migrating with the fractions containing alpha 1(V), alpha 2(V), and alpha 3(V) chains in a 1:1:1 ratio. Electrophoresis in a second dimension under denaturing conditions confirmed that the fast-migrating band contained (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and that the slow-migrating band contained the three chains in equimolar ratio. CD spectra of the two fractions and resistance to trypsin-chymotrypsin digestion confirmed that the two fractions contain triple helical collagen. Thermal denaturations were monitored by the changes in CD signal at 221 nm. The two fractions purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation melted at 39.1 and 36.4 degrees C for the (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and alpha 1(V) alpha 2(V) alpha 3(V) fractions, respectively. Trypsin cleavage of these two native fractions at temperatures near melting produced completely different fragmentation patterns, indicating different partial unwinding sites of the alpha 1(V) and alpha 2(V) chains in the two preparations and thus different molecular assemblies. Our data demonstrate the existence of two different molecular assemblies of type V collagen in human placenta consisting of (alpha 1(V]2 alpha 2(V) and alpha 1(V) alpha 2(V) alpha 3(V) heterotrimers.  相似文献   

Polymerization of the ECM proteins fibronectin and laminin has been shown to take place in close vicinity to the cell surface and be facilitated by beta(1) integrins (Lohikangas, L., Gullberg, D., and Johansson, S. (2001) Exp. Cell Res. 265, 135-144 and Wennerberg, K., Lohikangas, L., Gullberg, D., Pfaff, M., Johansson, S., and Fassler, R. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 132, 227-238). We have studied the role of collagen receptors, integrins alpha(11)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1), and fibronectin in collagen polymerization using fibronectin-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblast cell lines. In contrast to the earlier belief that collagen polymerization occurs via self-assembly of collagen molecules we show that a preformed fibronectin matrix is essential for collagen network formation and that collagen-binding integrins strongly enhance this process. Thus, collagen deposition is regulated by the cells, both indirectly through integrin alpha(5)beta(1)-dependent polymerization of fibronectin and directly through collagen-binding integrins.  相似文献   

Murine immunoglobulin G (IgG) plays an important role in mediating protective immune responses to malaria. We still know relatively little about which IgG subclasses protect against this disease in mouse models, although IgG2a and IgG2b are considered to be the most potent and dominate in successful passive transfer experiments in rodent malarias. To explore the mechanism(s) by which the different mouse IgG subclasses may mediate a protective effect, we generated mouse IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3 specific for the C-terminal 19-kDa region of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (PfMSP1(19)), and to the homologous antigen from Plasmodium yoelii (P. yoelii), both major targets of protective immune responses. This panel of eight IgGs bound antigen with an affinity comparable to that seen for their epitope-matched parental monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from which they were derived, although for reasons of yield, we were only able to explore the function of mouse IgG1 recognizing PfMSP1(19) in detail, both in vitro and in vivo. Murine IgG1 was as effective as the parental human IgG from which it was derived at inducing NADPH-mediated oxidative bursts and degranulation from neutrophils. Despite showing efficacy in in vitro functional assays with neutrophils, the mouse IgG1 failed to protect against parasite challenge in vivo. The lack of protection afforded by MSP1(19)-specific IgG1 against parasite challenge in wild type mice suggests that this Ab class does not play a major role in the control of infection with mouse malaria in the Plasmodium berghei transgenic model.  相似文献   

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