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The monotypic genus Pleiosorbus is reduced to the synonymy of Sorbus. The new name Sorbus medogensis is proposed.  相似文献   

多蕊石灰树属与花楸属在性状上没有明显区别,故应予以合并。提出了墨脱花楸Sorbus medogensis 这一新名称。  相似文献   

Raspé O  Kohn JR 《Heredity》2002,88(6):458-465
RT-PCR was used to obtain the first estimates from natural populations of allelic diversity at the RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility locus in the Rosaceae. A total of 20 alleles were retrieved from 20 Sorbus aucuparia individuals, whereas 17 alleles were found in 13 Crataegus monogyna samples. Estimates of population-level allele numbers fall within the range observed in the Solanaceae, the only other family with RNase-based incompatibility for which estimates are available. The nucleotide diversity of S-allele sequences was found to be much lower in the two Rosaceae species as compared with the Solanaceae. This was not due to a lower sequence divergence among most closely related alleles. Rather, it is the depth of the entire genealogy that differs markedly in the two families, with Rosaceae S-alleles exhibiting more recent apparent coalescence. We also investigated patterns of selection at the molecular level by comparing nucleotide diversity at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites. Stabilizing selection was inferred for the 5' region of the molecule, while evidence of diversifying selection was present elsewhere.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) inheritance was investigated in Sorbus aucuparia using progenies obtained from six controlled crosses between individuals of known haplotype. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification, followed by restriction analysis, was used to characterize 248 offspring for either of two polymorphic cpDNA fragments. All offspring exhibited the maternal haplotype, which indicates maternal inheritance of chloroplasts in S. aucuparia. Power analysis of the test showed that the frequency of paternal transmission of chloroplasts, if any, should not exceed 1.84% (with 99% confidence).  相似文献   

Sorbus setschwanensis Koehne is a pinnate-leaved Sorbus s.str. species endemic to China with narrow distribution and intriguing phylogeny that needs wider attention. In this paper, the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of S. setschwanensis is reported, and its phylogenetic position is analyzed. The complete cp genome of S. setschwanensis is 160 064 bp in size with 36.50% GC content. It has a typical quadripartite structure including a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) of 26 378 bp that separates a large single copy (LSC) region of 86 013 bp and a small single copy (SSC) region of 19 295 bp. The cp genome encodes 108 genes, comprising 76 protein-coding genes, 28 tRNA genes and 4 rRNA genes. Additionally, 52 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 43 dispersed repeats were identified. Comparison of the whole cp genome with those of other Sorbus species showed an overall high degree of sequence similarity, but there are six highly variable regions (trnR-atpA, petN-psbM, ndhC-trnV, trnE-trnT, trnT-trnL and rpl32-trnL) located in intergenic spacers that may be useful as molecular markers in future population genetic and phylogenetic studies in the genus. Phylogenetic analyses based on 108 coding genes from 25 species in Rosaceae revealed that S. setschwanensis is nested within Sorbus sect. Sorbus together with other pinnately leaved species, but does not form a sister lineage to S. rufopilosa belonging to the same series Multijugae. Thus, the systematic position of S. setschwanensis and relationships with other species in the genus needs to be further studied.  相似文献   

The parentage of polyploid Sorbus species in the British Isles was investigated using plastid DNA microsatellites. Four hundred and fifty-three samples from 30 taxa were screened using six microsatellite fragments, which gave 28 haplotypes. The haplotypes formed groups clearly related to the ancestral diploids Sorbus aria , Sorbus aucuparia , and Sorbus torminalis . Species in the Sorbus aria group all had Aria haplotypes (with the exception of one English S. aria ), species in the Sorbus anglica group had an Aucuparia haplotype, and species in the Sorbus latifolia group had a Torminalis haplotype. Sorbus intermedia had an Aucuparia haplotype. This indicated that the hybridization events that led to the formation of species in the S. anglica and S. latifolia groups usually did so with S. aria s.l . as the pollen-donating (paternal) parent. The polyploids S. anglica , Sorbus bristoliensis , Sorbus croceocarpa , Sorbus decipiens , Sorbus devoniensis , Sorbus hibernica , Sorbus lancastriensis , Sorbus leptophylla , Sorbus leyana , Sorbus minima , Sorbus rupicola , Sorbus subcuneata , Sorbus vexans , Sorbus whiteana , Sorbus wilmottiana , and three unnamed taxa may each be derived from a single maternal lineage. The polyploids Sorbus eminens , Sorbus porrigentiformis , and S. latifolia have multiple maternal lineages. The two primary diploid hybrids S . ×  thuringiaca and S . ×  vagensis have arisen many times independently.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 291–304.  相似文献   

以糍粑沟花楸(Sorbus cibagouensis H.Peng&Z.J.Yin)、大理花楸(S.hypoglauca(Cardot)Hand.-Mazz.)和川滇花楸(S.vilmorinii C.K.Schneid.)为材料,采用流式细胞术对其基因组大小及倍性进行检测分析,同时应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对其气孔特征进行观察。结果显示,3种花楸属植物的基因组大小和倍性、气孔特征均存在一定差异。糍粑沟花楸、大理花楸和川滇花楸的基因组大小分别为:(1.480±0.039)pg、(1.513±0.041)pg、(2.675±0.065)pg,在此基础上推断糍粑沟花楸和大理花楸为二倍体、川滇花楸为四倍体植物。显微镜观测发现:3种花楸属植物的气孔器均分布于叶的下表皮,气孔不下陷,保卫细胞无“T”型加厚结构,气孔类型为无规则形;糍粑沟花楸和川滇花楸的气孔器外拱盖光滑,而大理花楸气孔器外拱盖具有短棒状蜡质纹饰;3种植物的气孔器大小存在极显著差异。研究结果表明花楸属植物的基因组大小与倍性呈显著正相关,可用于推断植物的倍性;而气孔器大小和密度与倍性的相关性不大,但气孔特性在种间变化显著,可为种的鉴定提供科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

Morphometric and cytological data were used to test the variation within the apomictic hybrid Sorbus meinichii from its type locality, in the Moster area, Bømlo in Sunnhordland, Norway. A lectotype is selected for the name. A total of 36 morphological characters were measured on leaves, stomata, flowers, pollen, fruits and seeds, from randomly selected S. meinichii individuals. In the field the material was classified into two groups, one including individuals of generally larger dimensions of leaves and fruits than the other. The preliminary classification was subsequently tested by a multivariate analysis of several characters, substantiating the existence of two morphs in the population at the type locality of S. meinichii , one corresponding to the selected lectotype. Assessment of the nature and taxonomic rank of these two morphs must await further studies. Cytological studies showed both forms of S. meinichii to be triploid, with 2n=51 chromosomes. The taxonomic separation of S. teodorii from S. meinichii on the basis of ploidy level is therefore not corroborated. Sorbus meinichii s. lat. was shown to be intermediate between its supposed parents, S. aucuparia and S. hybrida , in several leaf characters. All of the variation within the S. aucuparia × S. hybrida-complex in Fennoscandia is better included in one aggregate species Sorbus meinichii according to the present state of knowledge.  相似文献   

Raspé O  Kohn JR 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(6):1315-1325
Low sequence divergence within functional alleles is predicted for the self-incompatibility locus because of strong negative frequency-dependent selection. Nevertheless, sequence variation within functional alleles is essential for current models of the evolution of new mating types. We genotyped the stylar self-incompatibility RNase of 20 Sorbus aucuparia from a population in the Pyrenees mountains of France in order to compare alleles found there to those previously sampled in a Belgian population. Both populations returned 20 different alleles from samples of 20 individuals, providing maximum-likelihood estimates of 24.4 (95% CI 20-34) alleles in each. Ten alleles occurred in both samples. The maximum likelihood (ML) estimate of the overlap in the alleles present in both populations was 16, meaning that an estimated eight alleles are private to each population, and a total of 32 alleles occur across the two populations examined. We used Fisher's (1961) missing plot method to estimate that 40 alleles occur in the species. In accord with population genetics theory, we observed at most one synonymous sequence difference between copies of alleles sampled from the different populations and no variation within populations. Phylogenetic analysis shows that nearly every allele in S. aucuparia arose prior to divergence of this species from members of three different genera of the Rosaceae subfamily, Maloideae. Lack of observable sequence variation within alleles, coupled with the slow pace of allelic relative to taxonomic diversification, implies that finding intermediate stages in the process of new allele creation will be difficult in this group.  相似文献   

Intra-specific chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation was studied in Sorbus aucuparia L., an entomophilous, mid-or early successional tree producing fleshy fruits. Eight PCR-amplified fragments of the chloroplast genome were screened for restriction fragment length polymorphisms, using one or two 4 bp-cutter restriction endonucleases. cpDNA variation was investigated on two geographical scales: (1) among four regions in France and Belgium; and (2) within the Belgian region. A total of 150 individuals from six populations were analysed. Fourteen polymorphisms were detected in six of the cpDNA fragments. All polymorphisms probably resulted from insertions or deletions, and allowed the identification of 12 haplotypes. The level of genetic differentiation computed on the basis of haplotype frequencies was similar on the two geographical scales considered (G(STc) = 0.286 among regions, G(STc) = 0.259 among populations within the Belgian region). These values are much lower than those obtained in nine previously studied temperate tree species, which are all wind-pollinated, late-successional species producing dry fruits. These results might primarily be accounted for by the contrasting life history traits of S. aucuparia. In order to obtain insights into the relative contribution of pollen and seeds to gene flow, G(STc) was also compared with previously obtained G(ST) estimates based on allozyme data.  相似文献   

Nine newAlchemilla species and six new varieties are described in subsect.Euvulgares ser.Subglabrae and subsect.Calicinae. Further, for one species a new name is proposed. The plants published as new mostly come from the higher altitudes of the Slovakian mountains. Problems in the treatment ofA. obtusa Bus.,A. glabra Neyg., andA. incisa Bus. are discussed.  相似文献   

Sorbus subgenus Soraria encompasses taxa originating from spontaneous hybridization between members of subgenera Aria and Sorbus disjunctly distributed across Europe and Asia. Using molecular data (amplified fragment length polymorphisms, plastid DNA sequences and nuclear microsatellites), flow cytometry (allowing for the determination of ploidy and mode of reproduction) and morphology, we disentangled the relationships among polyploid cytotypes and explored their relationships with their diploid ancestors. Among others, we focused on a large, geographically isolated hybrid population in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Molecular and morphological analyses confirmed the distinct position of this population in relation to its parental (S. aria and S. aucuparia) and other hybridogenous taxa originating independently from the same parents in different parts of Europe. After establishing its genetic and morphological divergence, we describe the isolated Bosnian population as a new tetraploid apomictic species, S orbus bosniaca , discuss its taxonomic status and propose conservation measures to protect the locus classicus of this new Balkan endemic. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 178 , 670–685.  相似文献   

王焕冲  和兆荣  孙航 《广西植物》2012,32(3):315-317
报道了蔷薇科两种悬钩子属植物在中国的重新发现,分别为美叶悬钩子(Rubus calophyllus C.B.Clark)和拟针刺悬钩子(R.parapungens H.Hara),并提供了简要的描述和标本照片。  相似文献   

Three species of the genus Cacopsylla were collected from Sorbus japonica in Japan. Two of them, Cacopsylla elegans and Cacopsylla sorbicoccinea, are described as new species based on adults and fifth (final) nymphal instars. The third species, Cacopsylla midoriae, is newly transferred from the genus Psylla. The adult of C. midoriae is redescribed and the nymph is described for the first time. A key to the species feeding on S. japonica (adults and nymphs) is provided. The three species were observed to coexist on the same tree of S. japonica in northern Kyushu. Such coexistence of psylloid congeners is uncommon in Japan.  相似文献   

报道了蔷薇科两种悬钩子属植物在中国的重新发现,分别为美叶悬钩子(Rubus calophyllus C.B.Clark)和拟针刺悬钩子(R.parapungens H.Hara),并提供了简要的描述和标本照片.  相似文献   

Up to 22% of plant species are the result of breeding among species-hybridization-directly conflicting with the prediction that hybrids, compared to parental species, are intermediate in character and of low fitness and little consequence. Few studies, however, have compared the fitness of hybrids and parental species under field conditions. This study evaluates components of fitness in the field for naturally occurring hybrids of the shrub Kunzea, relative to the parental speciesKunzea rupestris. Hybrid plants did not differ from the parental species in the level of effective pollination. Thus, we found no support for Grant's model (Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution3: 82-97) of reduced fitness of hybrids via reduced pollination level (the intermediate hypothesis). Hybrids displayed variable fitness across the measured fitness components. Seed set levels for hybrids were structured among populations, suggesting genetic structuring for this fitness component at this scale. The response of hybrids to fire (a major selective force in the study system) was partly consistent with a resource trade-off model. Hybrids were large robust plants but most did not resprout after fire. Hence, the fitness of hybrids was complex. We developed a model for relative fitness to estimate fitness for species and hybrids with complex life histories.  相似文献   

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