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Origin of strigolactones in the green lineage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
? The aims of this study were to investigate the appearance of strigolactones in the green lineage and to determine the primitive function of these molecules. ? We measured the strigolactone content of several isolated liverworts, mosses, charophyte and chlorophyte green algae using a sensitive biological assay and LC-MS/MS analyses. In parallel, sequence comparison of strigolactone-related genes and phylogenetic analyses were performed using available genomic data and newly sequenced expressed sequence tags. The primitive function of strigolactones was determined by exogenous application of the synthetic strigolactone analog, GR24, and by mutant phenotyping. ? Liverworts, the most basal Embryophytes and Charales, one of the closest green algal relatives to Embryophytes, produce strigolactones, whereas several other species of green algae do not. We showed that GR24 stimulates rhizoid elongation of Charales, liverworts and mosses, and rescues the phenotype of the strigolactone-deficient Ppccd8 mutant of Physcomitrella patens. ? These findings demonstrate that the first function of strigolactones was not to promote arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Rather, they suggest that the strigolactones appeared earlier in the streptophyte lineage to control rhizoid elongation. They may have been conserved in basal Embryophytes for this role and then recruited for the stimulation of colonization by glomeromycotan fungi.  相似文献   

The availability of the Arabidopsis genome revealed the complexity of the gene families implicated in dithiol disulfide exchanges. Most non-green organisms present less dithiol oxidoreductase genes. The availability of the almost complete genome sequence of rice now allows a systematic search for thioredoxins, glutaredoxins and their reducers. This shows that all redoxin families previously defined for Arabidopsis have members in the rice genome and that all the deduced rice redoxins fall within these families. This establishes that the redoxin classification applies both to dicots and monocots. Nevertheless, within each redoxin type the number of members is not the same in these two higher plants and it is not always possible to define orthologues between rice and Arabidopsis. The sequencing of two unicellular algae (Chlamydomonas and Ostreococcus) genomes are almost finished. This allowed us to follow the origin of the different gene families in the green lineage. It appears that most thioredoxin and glutaredoxin types, their chloroplastic, mitochondrial and cytosolic reducers are always present in these unicellular organisms. Nevertheless, striking differences appear in comparison to higher plant redoxins. Some thioredoxin types are not present in these algal genomes including thioredoxins o, clot and glutaredoxins CCxC. Numerous redoxins, including the cytosolic thioredoxins, do not fit with the corresponding higher plant classification. In addition both algae present a NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase with a selenocysteine which is highly similar to the animal thioredoxin reductases, a type of thioredoxin reductase not present in higher plants. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Comparative genome structure analysis allows us to identify novel genes, repetitive sequences and gene duplications. To explore lineage-specific genomic changes of the molluscs that is good model for development of nervous system in invertebrate, we conducted comparative genome structure analyses of three molluscs, pygmy squid, nautilus and scallops using partial genome shotgun sequencing. Most effective elements on the genome structural changes are repetitive elements (REs) causing expansion of genome size and whole genome duplication producing large amount of novel functional genes. Therefore, we investigated variation and proportion of REs and whole genome duplication. We, first, identified variations of REs in the three molluscan genomes by homology-based and de novo RE detection. Proportion of REs were 9.2%, 4.0%, and 3.8% in the pygmy squid, nautilus and scallop, respectively. We, then, estimated genome size of the species as 2.1, 4.2 and 1.8 Gb, respectively, with 2× coverage frequency and DNA sequencing theory. We also performed a gene duplication assay based on coding genes, and found that large-scale duplication events occurred after divergence from the limpet Lottia, an out-group of the three molluscan species. Comparison of all the results suggested that RE expansion did not relate to the increase in genome size of nautilus. Despite close relationships to nautilus, the squid has the largest portion of REs and smaller genome size than nautilus. We also identified lineage-specific RE and gene-family expansions, possibly relate to acquisition of the most complicated eye and brain systems in the three species.  相似文献   

C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times in diverse lineages. Most physiological studies comparing C4 plants were not conducted at the low atmospheric CO2 prevailing during their evolution. Here, 24 C4 grasses belonging to three biochemical subtypes [nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide malic enzyme (NAD‐ME), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate malic enzyme (NADP‐ME)] and six major evolutionary lineages were grown under ambient (400 μL L?1) and inter‐glacial (280 μL L?1) CO2. We hypothesized that nitrogen‐related and water‐related physiological traits are associated with subtypes and lineages, respectively. Photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were constrained by the shared lineage, while variation in leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf N per area, plant dry mass and plant water use efficiency were influenced by the subtype. Subtype and lineage were equally important for explaining variations in photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) and photosynthetic water use efficiency (PWUE). CO2 treatment impacted most parameters. Overall, higher LMA and leaf N distinguished the Chloridoideae/NAD‐ME group, while NADP‐ME and PCK grasses were distinguished by higher PNUE regardless of lineage. Plants were characterized by high photosynthesis and PWUE when grown at ambient CO2 and by high conductance at inter‐glacial CO2. In conclusion, the evolutionary and biochemical diversity among C4 grasses was aligned with discernible leaf physiology, but it remains unknown whether these traits represent ecophysiological adaptation.  相似文献   

A critical event in the formation of vertebrate neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) is the postsynaptic clustering of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in muscle. AChR clustering is triggered by the activation of MuSK, a muscle-specific tyrosine kinase that is part of the functional receptor for agrin, a nerve-derived heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG). At the NMJ, heparan sulfate (HS)-binding growth factors and their receptors are also localized but their involvement in postsynaptic signaling is poorly understood. In this study we found that hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), an HS-binding growth factor, surrounded muscle fibers and was localized at NMJs in rat muscle sections. In cultured Xenopus muscle cells, HGF was enriched at spontaneously occurring AChR clusters (hot spots), where HSPGs were also concentrated, and, following stimulation of muscle cells by agrin or cocultured neurons, HGF associated with newly formed AChR clusters. HGF presented locally to cultured muscle cells by latex beads induced new AChR clusters and dispersed AChR hot spots, and HGF beads also clustered phosphotyrosine, activated c-Met, and proteins of dystrophin complex; clustering of AChRs and associated proteins by HGF beads required actin polymerization. Lastly, although bath-applied HGF alone did not induce new AChR clusters, addition of HGF potentiated agrin-dependent AChR clustering in muscle. Our findings suggest that HGF promotes AChR clustering and synaptogenic signaling in muscle during NMJ development.  相似文献   

Motivation: A growing number of genomes are sequenced. The differences in evolutionary pattern between functional regions can thus be observed genome-wide in a whole set of organisms. The diverse evolutionary pattern of different functional regions can be exploited in the process of genomic annotation. The modelling of evolution by the existing comparative gene finders leaves room for improvement. Results: A probabilistic model of both genome structure and evolution is designed. This type of model is called an Evolutionary Hidden Markov Model (EHMM), being composed of an HMM and a set of region-specific evolutionary models based on a phylogenetic tree. All parameters can be estimated by maximum likelihood, including the phylogenetic tree. It can handle any number of aligned genomes, using their phylogenetic tree to model the evolutionary correlations. The time complexity of all algorithms used for handling the model are linear in alignment length and genome number. The model is applied to the problem of gene finding. The benefit of modelling sequence evolution is demonstrated both in a range of simulations and on a set of orthologous human/mouse gene pairs. AVAILABILITY: Free availability over the Internet on www server: http://www.birc.dk/Software/evogene.  相似文献   

Recent data have provided evidence for an unrecognised ancient lineage of green plants that persists in marine deep-water environments. The green plants are a major group of photosynthetic eukaryotes that have played a prominent role in the global ecosystem for millions of years. A schism early in their evolution gave rise to two major lineages, one of which diversified in the world's oceans and gave rise to a large diversity of marine and freshwater green algae (Chlorophyta) while the other gave rise to a diverse array of freshwater green algae and the land plants (Streptophyta). It is generally believed that the earliest-diverging Chlorophyta were motile planktonic unicellular organisms, but the discovery of an ancient group of deep-water seaweeds has challenged our understanding of the basal branches of the green plant phylogeny. In this review, we discuss current insights into the origin and diversification of the green plant lineage.  相似文献   

Neotropical Marcgraviaceae comprise about seven genera and 130 species of lianas and shrubs. They predominantly occur in lowland or montane rainforests and are characterized by a variety of pollination systems. Early classifications subdivided Marcgraviaceae into subfamilies Marcgravioideae and Noranteoideae, a concept supported by molecular data. Using flow cytometry and chromosome numbers, we investigated the role of genome size and polyploidization in the evolution of Marcgraviaceae and how genome sizes are distributed between the proposed infrafamilial groups. To do this we determined genome sizes and chromosome counts for six genera and 22 species for the first time. Our study supports the subfamilial classification of the family, revealing contrasting genome sizes in Noranteoideae (2C = 5.5–21.5 pg) and Marcgravioideae (2C = 2.3–6.2 pg). Polyploidy is considered to be the main source of genome size variation as in each subfamily the higher nuclear DNA amounts were associated with higher ploidy. In addition, genome size changes independent of polyploidy were also observed in some genera, suggesting an additional role for changes in repetitive DNA abundance in the evolution of Marcgraviaceae. A high chromosome base number (x = 18; 2n = 36 to ~70) points to an undetected lower diploid level or to palaeopolyploidy. Marcgraviaceae show a remarkable (nine‐fold) variation in genome size, and several Noranteoideae have genome sizes among the highest reported for tropical woody angiosperms worldwide. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 1–14.  相似文献   

Elucidation of the phylogenetic origins of simian and human immunodeficiency viruses (SIV and HIV) is fundamental to the understanding of HIV pathogenesis and the spread of AIDS worldwide. In this study, we molecularly characterized multiple SIVAGM isolates from four different African green monkey species (vervet, grivet, sabaeus and tantalus monkeys). Phylogenetic analysis of partial (1 kb) env sequences indicated that all SIVAGM strains cluster together, and that they fall into four distinct sequence sub-groups according to their species of origin. However, alignment of long terminal repeat sequences revealed that SIVs from West African sabaeus monkeys contain a structural feature (a duplication of the transactivation response element) thus far only found in otherwise highly divergent lentiviruses infecting sooty mangabeys (SIVSM) and humans (HIV-2). To determine whether there were additional similarities with the SIVSM/HIV-2 group, a full-length replication competent sabaeus provirus was cloned and sequenced. In phylogenetic trees derived from the central and 3' coding regions, the sabaeus virus clustered with SIVAGM isolates from other African green monkey species. However, in trees derived from the 3' half of gag and the adjacent 5' region of pol, the sabaeus virus grouped with the SIVSM/HIV-2 lineage. These results indicated that the sabaeus virus comprised a mosaic genome which must have resulted from recombination of divergent lentiviruses in the distant past. A second, independent sabaeus isolate exhibited similar phylogenetic relationships, suggesting that all West African green monkey viruses share this complex evolutionary history. Taken together, these results indicate that African green monkeys have been infected with SIVAGM for very long periods of time, and that recombination and cross-species transmission in the wild have contributed to the genetic complexity of primate lentiviruses.  相似文献   

LTR retrotransposons and retroviruses are closely related. Although a viral envelope gene is found in some LTR retrotransposons and all retroviruses, only the latter show infectivity. The identification of Ty3‐gypsy‐like retrotransposons possessing putative envelope‐like open reading frames blurred the taxonomical borders and led to the establishment of the Errantivirus, Metavirus and Chromovirus genera within the Metaviridae. Only a few plant Errantiviruses have been described, and their evolutionary history is not well understood. In this study, we investigated 27 retroelements of four abundant Elbe retrotransposon families belonging to the Errantiviruses in Beta vulgaris (sugar beet). Retroelements of the Elbe lineage integrated between 0.02 and 5.59 million years ago, and show family‐specific variations in autonomy and degree of rearrangements: while Elbe3 members are highly fragmented, often truncated and present in a high number of solo LTRs, Elbe2 members are mainly autonomous. We observed extensive reshuffling of structural motifs across families, leading to the formation of new retrotransposon families. Elbe retrotransposons harbor a typical envelope‐like gene, often encoding transmembrane domains. During the course of Elbe evolution, the additional open reading frames have been strongly modified or independently acquired. Taken together, the Elbe lineage serves as retrotransposon model reflecting the various stages in Errantivirus evolution, and allows a detailed analysis of retrotransposon family formation.  相似文献   

Tissue-resident macrophages play an important role in defense against pathogens and perform key functions in organ homeostasis, innate and adaptive immunity. Tissue macrophages originate from blood monocytes that infiltrate virtually every organ in the body. Macrophages in different tissues share many characteristics, including their ability to migrate, phagocytose particles, metabolize lipids and present antigens. Morphologically they are quite heterogeneous, and some distinct functions have been reported. The gene expression profile of macrophages is reflective of both their shared and distinct biological functions. Here, we show that macrophages from murine spleen, liver and peritoneum display dramatically different expression profiles. Clusters of genes were found to represent unique biological functions related to adhesion, antigen presentation, phagocytosis, lipid metabolism and signal transduction. Some gene families, such as integrins, are differentially expressed among the macrophages resident in different tissues, suggesting that the tissue of residence influences their biological function.  相似文献   

Triacylglycerols have important physiological roles in photosynthetic organisms, and are widely used as food, feed and industrial materials in our daily life. Phospholipid:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (PDAT) is the pivotal enzyme catalyzing the acyl‐CoA‐independent biosynthesis of triacylglycerols, which is unique in plants, algae and fungi, but not in animals, and has essential functions in plant and algal growth, development and stress responses. Currently, this enzyme has yet to be examined in an evolutionary context at the level of the green lineage. Some fundamental questions remain unanswered, such as how PDATs evolved in photosynthetic organisms and whether the evolution of terrestrial plant PDATs from a lineage of charophyte green algae diverges in enzyme function. As such, we used molecular evolutionary analysis and biochemical assays to address these questions. Our results indicated that PDAT underwent divergent evolution in the green lineage: PDATs exist in a wide range of plants and algae, but not in cyanobacteria. Although PDATs exhibit the conservation of several features, phylogenetic and selection‐pressure analyses revealed that overall they evolved to be highly divergent, driven by different selection constraints. Positive selection, as one major driving force, may have resulted in enzymes with a higher functional importance in land plants than green algae. Further structural and mutagenesis analyses demonstrated that some amino acid sites under positive selection are critically important to PDAT structure and function, and may be central in lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase family enzymes in general.  相似文献   

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