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An automatic computer control system for glutamic acid production has been developed. A method based on empirical reaction subspace and singular value decomposition was presented for on-line estimation of cell concentration, glutamic acid, and total sugar. The only on-line measured state variable was the oxygen uptake rate. The estimated cell concentration was used as an index for the addition of penicillin. The estimated total sugar concentration was used for system identification. Adaptive control was then applied to manipulate the substrate feeding rate. The total sugar concentration was maintained at a given value during the period of fed-batch culture for glutamic acid production.  相似文献   

Summary High resolution 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been employed to determine the chemical composition of the unknown major products in a sucrose or fructose plus glucose fermentation to ethanol by the bacterium Zymmonas mobilis. When grown on these sugars Z.mobilis was found to produce significant amounts of sorbitol, up to 43 g·l-1 for strain ZM31 when grown on 250 g·l-1 sucrose.The production of sorbitol and decrease of glucose, fructose, or sucrose was followed throughout batch fermentations by NMR and HPLC. Sorbitol was shown to be derived only from fructose by [14C]-feeding experiments. Additionally 31P NMR spectroscopy was utilized to determine the concentrations of both glucose 6-phosphate and fructose 6-phosphate relative to their respective concentrations in Z.mobilis cells fermenting glucose or fructose alone.It is suggested that free glucose inside the cell inhibits fructokinase. Free intracellular fructose may then be reduced to sorbitol via a dehydrogenase type enzyme. Attempts to grow Z.mobilis on sorbitol were unsuccessful, as were experiments to induce growth via mutagenesis.This work was supported in part by the National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Council of Australia  相似文献   

Summary The anaerobic aerotolerant bacterium Zymomonas mobilis 113 produced superoxide (O 2 - ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under aerobic conditions. The main generators of H2O2 were glucose oxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The O 2 - generation was probably related to minor alternative reduced nicotinamide adenine zinucleotide (NADH)-oxidation reactions in the electron transport chain. An increase in medium pO2 was observed during growth of Z. mobilis 113 in a batch culture. The maximum pO2 increase correlated with glucose oxidase and SOD activities. An decrease in medium pO2 value coincided with an increase in catalase activity in batch culture. Medium deoxygenation reduced the pO2 effect, yet the culture still responded with a pO2 increase after inoculation and addition of the feeding medium. We conclude that the apparent pO2 effects are related to changes in H2O2 concentration in the culture liquid.  相似文献   

The production of ethanol by Zymomonas mobilis NRRL B-4286 was studied in fed-batch cultures. Initial percent (w/v) glucose, rate of feed, and quantity of 50%; (w/v) glucose feed were varied. Glucose inhibition of growth rate occurred at concentrations greater than 8% (w/) Feed was begun after 4 h incubation. Feed volume was ca. 36%; of starting batch volume to get ca. 10%; (w/v) ethanol at harvest. The range of feed rates studied varied from 16%; batch volume/h (glucose concentration increased to an inhibitory level) to 4%; batch volume/h (glucose concentration dropped rapidly to zero and was limiting). Increasing feed volume to 46%; of starting volume at the best feed rate (ca. 10%; feed volume/h) increased final ethanol concentration to 11.3%; (w/v). However, the resultant increase in fermentation time from ca. 21 to 29 h decreased ethanol volumetric productivity from 5.2 to 4.6 g/L h.  相似文献   

Summary Columnar reactors containing immobilized cells of Zymomonas mobilis were utilized for the continuous production of ethanol from glucose. Two different immobilization strategies were investigated. In one case, cells were entrapped in borosilicate glass fiber pads, while in the other, cells were immobilized via flocculation. The reactors were operated in both the fixed-bed and expanded-bed manner. Ethanol productivities as high as 132 g/l·h were achieved. Data obtained from studies employing 5.0 and 10.0% glucose concentrations are presented. Problems encountered during the operation of the continuous, immobilized cell reactors are discussed.Operated by Union Carbide Corporation under contract W-7405-eng-26 with the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

Summary Zymomonas mobilis UQM 2716 was grown anaerobically in continuous culture (D = 0.1/h; 30° C) 3nder glucose or nitrogen limitation at pH 6.5 or 4.0. The rates of glucose consumption and ethanol production were lowest during glucose-limited growth at pH 6.5, but increased during growth at pH 4.0 or under nitrogen limitation, and were highest during nitrogen-limited growth at pH 4.0. The uncoupling agent CCCP substantially increased the rate of glucose consumption by glucose-limited cultures at pH 6.5, but had much less effect at pH 4.0. Washed cells also metabolised glucose rapidly, irrespective of the conditions under which the original cultures were grown, and the rates were variably increased by low pH and CCCP. Broken cells exhibited substantial ATPase activity, which was increased by growth at low pH. It was concluded that the fermentation rates of cultures growing under glucose or nitrogen limitation at pH 6.5, or under glucose limitation at pH 4.0, are determined by the rate at which energy is dissipated by various cellular activities (including growth, ATP-dependent proton extrusion for maintenance of the protonmotive force and the intracellular pH, and an essentially constitutive ATP-wasting reaction that only operates in the presence of excess glucose). During growth under nitrogen limitation at pH 4.0 the rate of energy dissipation is sufficiently high for the fermentation rate to be determined by the inherent catalytic activity of the catabolic pathway.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - qG rate of glucose consumption (g glucose/g dry wt cells/h) - qE rate of ethanol production (g ethanol/g dry wt cells/h) - Y growth yield (g dry wt cells/g glucose) - D dilution rate Offprint requests to: C. W. Jones  相似文献   

Summary Zymomonas mobilis Z 7 fermented 100 to 200 g.l- 1 sucrose in cane juice to ethanol without addition of cofactors or mineral salts in 1 ltr laboratory and 100 ltr pilot plant fermenters. Ethanol yields (Eyield) were from 60 to 88% with fermentation times of 20 to 29 h at 35 °C.Nomenclature Vs max g.1-1 .h-1 maximum sucrose hydrolysis rate - Vg max g.1-1 .h-1 maximum glucose uptake rate - Vfmax g.1-1 .h-1 maximum fructose uptake rate - Ve max g.1-1 .h-1 maximum ethanol production rate - Sh g.1-1 sucrose hydrolyzed at tferm - Gu g.1-1 glucose utilized at tferm - Fu g.1-1 fructose utilized at tferm - Emax g.1-1 ethanol produced at tferm - Gi g.1-1 initial free glucose (before sucrose hydrolysis) - Eyield g.g-1 ethanol produced divided by the theoretical ethanol yield from sucrose hydrolyzed - tferm h fermentation time to ethanol max  相似文献   

Summary Zymomonas mobilis cells were immobilized on pellets of alumina (Al2O3) by entrapment based on electrostatic forces. Entrapped cells produced 52 g/l-1 ethanol every 24 h for many successive fermentation batches, when inoculated in batch synthetic media containing 12% glucose. It was shown that the rate of growth, ethanol production and glucose utilization increased when Al2O3 was added in the growth medium. This increase was dependent upon the concentration of Al2O3. The optimum conditions for immobilization of Z. mobilis on Al2O3 were established. Reduction in productivity and yield was not observed for up to 15 successive fermentation batches using the same entrapped cells.  相似文献   

Starch from wheat flour was enzymatically hydrolyzed and used for ethanol production by Zymmonas mobilis. The addition of a nitrogen source like ammonium sulfate was sufficient to obtain a complete fermentation of the hdyrolyzed strach. In batch culture a glucose concentration as high as 223 g/l could be fermented (conversion 99.5%) to 105 g/l of ethanol in 70 h with an ethanol yield of 0.47 g/g (92% of theoretical). In continuous culture the use of a flocculent strain and a fermentor with an internal settler resulted (D=1,4 h−1) in a high ethanol productivity of 70.7 g/l·h with: ethanol concentration 49.5 g/l, ethanol yield 0.50 g/g (98% of theoretical and substrate conversion 99%.  相似文献   

Summary Flocculation was induced in a pure strain of the bacteria Zymomonas mobilis. When fermenting glucose to ethanol, cell densities of up to 40g/l were achieved and sustained in a 0.92 litre tower fermenter with dilution rates of up to 2.3 hr-1. A maximum productivity of 100g EtOH/l/hr with 98% conversion of the 105g/l glucose feed was achieved. The limitation to performance with increase in throughput arose from incomplete fermentation of the feed glucose, rather than washout of the flocculated bacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Studies have been carried out with a highly productive strain of Zymomonas mobilis in an immobilized cell reactor using both Ca alginate and -carrageenan as supporting matrices. Productivities above 50 g/l/h have been found at ethanol concentrations in excess of 60 g/l. With immobilized cells of Z. mobilis, there was a decline of approximately 30s% in activity after 800 h operation.  相似文献   

Levan, a polysaccharide from Zymomonas mobilis, was hydrolyzed to obtain oligofructans or fructooligosaccharides with a degree of polymerization varying from 4 to 14. Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) are short chain fructans that beneficially affects the host by selective stimulation of growth and activity of one or a number of bacteria including probiotic bacteria in the colon. The hydrolysis was performed in a microwave oven to shorten the reaction time. The experiments showed that it is possible to maximize selected oligomers by interrupting the hydrolysis at the due time. The results allow one to infer that the procedure may also be useful for production of oligomers from other polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The production of acetaldehyde, a flavoring agent in food, by Zymomonas mobilis was carried out in batch culture. The volatilization rate constant (kv) of acetaldehyde and the initial volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (kLa0) in an Erlenmeyer flask with a cotton-plug (cotton-flask) and an aerated-flask with a forced-air system (aerated-flask) were measured. The culture environment in the aerated-flask was found to be very different from that in the cotton-flask. Cell growth in a cotton-flask was strongly inhibited, making practical acetaldehyde production in cotton-flask very difficult. On the other hand, acetaldehyde production in the aerated-flask increased while the fermentation time decreased with increases in the air flow rate. The kv value of acetaldehyde in a jar fermentor was affected mainly by air flow rate. By considering both the oxygen transfer rate and the ventilation effect on the culture, it was possible to scale-up from the aerated-flask to a jar fermentor. In the jar fermentor, production of acetaldehyde and growth inhibition by acetaldehyde were affected mainly by the kLa0 and kv, values, respectively. The overall production of acetaldehyde in the jar fermentor under the optimum kLa0 and kv conditions was 6.64 g/l (Yp/s: 0.27), which was about 1.5 times higher than the maximum concentration obtained in the aerated-flask.  相似文献   

Summary In an effort to establish the reasons for the limitations in the final ethanol concentration of Zymomonas mobilis fermentation, the effects of CO2 and ethanol on the fermentation were investigated using continuous and fed-batch cultivation systems. The nucleation and stripping out of CO2 from the fermenter using diatomaceous earth or nitrogen gas or both exhibited a profound effect on the glucose uptake rate during the early stages of fed-batch fermentation, but did not improve final ethanol yields. The addition of ethanol together with above mentioned experiments confirmed conclusively that ethanol inhibition is responsible for the final ethanol concentration obtainable during Zymomonas mobilis fermentation. The final concentration lies between 90 and 110 gl−1 or approximately 12–15% (v/v) ethanol.  相似文献   

Summary A new single-batch fermentation process for the commercial production of ethanol from refined sucrose, raw sugar, sugar cane juice and sugar cane syrup has been developed using a highly adapted and efficient strain of Zymomonas mobilis. The process gives a 94–98% sucrose hydrolysis efficiency and a 95–98% ethanol conversion efficiency. Within 24–30 h, 200 g/l sucrose is converted to produce 95.5 g/l ethanol. Reinoculation is carried out from the fermented broth without the need for centrifugation or membrane filtration.  相似文献   

Summary Ethanol production from the inulin of Jerusalem artichoke byZ. mobilis was studied in batch and continuous fermentations. Both acid or enzymatic hydrolysis were used. In continuous cultures enzymatic hydrolysis showed better results. Ethanol productivities of 17.7 and 29.0 g/l.h were obtained at output concentrationsca 35 g/l (% of conversion 99 and 83; ethanol yield 0.45 g/g). The hydrolysed juice could be used without any nutrient addition.  相似文献   

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