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Meiners  S.J.  Handel  S.N.  Pickett  S.T.A. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):161-170
As the density and species composition of insects may change in relation to distance from the forest edge, the role of herbivory in tree establishment may also change across edges. To determine the importance of insect herbivory in tree establishment, insect densities were experimentally altered at different distances from the forest edge. Plots were established at three distances from the edge, with plots located in forest, edge, and field habitats. In half of each plot, insect densities were reduced by insecticide application. Seeds of two tree species, Acer rubrum and Fraxinus americana, were planted into each plot in 1995. The experiment was repeated in 1996 with the addition of Quercus palustris and Quercus rubra.Distance from the forest edge was the most important factor in determining seedling emergence and mortality. Overall seedling performance increased from field to edge to woods, although responses varied among species. In 1995, a drought year, insect removal increased emergence and decreased mortality of tree seedlings. In 1996, a year with normal precipitation, insect removal had much less effect on A. rubrum and F. americana. For the two Quercus species, mortality was reduced by insect removal. The tree species differed in their susceptibility to insect herbivory, with Acer rubrum the most susceptible and Fraxinus americana the least. Herbivory by insects was shown to have the potential to affect both the composition and spatial pattern of tree invasions. Herbivore importance differed greatly between the two years of the study, making the interaction between insects and tree seedlings variable both in space and time.  相似文献   

Lindquist ES  Carroll CR 《Oecologia》2004,141(4):661-671
Recently, the importance of seed predation by crabs on mangrove species distributions and densities has been established by several studies. In a tropical coastal terrestrial forest in Costa Rica, we investigated the relative importance of predation by land crabs, Gecarcinus quadratus, and hermit crabs, Coenobita compressus, on measured forest composition through a series of seed removal and seedling establishment experiments. We also used natural light-gaps and adjacent non-gap sites to test how canopy cover affects crab predation (seed removal) and seedling establishment. We found fewer tree species (S=18) and lower densities (seedlings, saplings, and adults) in the coastal zone within 100 m of coastline, than in the inland zone (S=59). Land crab densities were higher in the coastal zone (3.03±1.44 crabs m–2) than in the inland zone (0.76±0.78 crabs m–2), and hermit crabs were not present in the inland zone. Seed removal and seedling mortality also were higher in the coastal zone than in the inland zone, and in the open controls than in the crab exclosures. Mortality of seeds and seedlings was two to six times higher in the controls than exclosures for four of the five experiments. Crabs preferred seeds and younger seedlings over older seedlings but showed no species preferences in the seed (Anacardium excelsum, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, and Terminalia oblonga) and seedling (Pachira quinata and E. cyclocarpum) stages. We conclude that the observed differences in tree densities were caused by differential crab predation pressure along the coastal gradient, while the differences in species composition were due to predator escape (satiation) by seed quantity. Canopy cover did not affect seed removal rates, but did affect seedling survival with higher mortality in the non-gap versus gap environments. In summary, crab predation of seeds and seedlings, and secondarily canopy cover, are important factors affecting tree establishment in terrestrial coastal forests.  相似文献   

Green PT  O'Dowd DJ  Lake PS 《Oecologia》2008,156(2):373-385
The influence of keystone consumers on community structure is frequently context-dependent; the same species plays a central organising role in some situations, but not others. On Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, a single species of omnivorous land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis, dominates the forest floor across intact rainforest. We hypothesised that this consumer plays a key role in regulating seedling recruitment and in controlling litter dynamics on the island, independent of the type of vegetation in which it occurred. To test this hypothesis, we conducted crab exclusion experiments in two forest types on the island and followed the dynamics of seedling recruitment and litter processing for six years. To determine if these effects were likely to be general across the island, we compared land crab densities and seedling abundance and diversity at ten sites across island rainforest. Surveys across island rainforest showed that seedlings of species susceptible to predation by land crabs are consistently rare. Abundance and diversity of these species were negatively correlated to red crab abundance. Although red land crabs may be important determinants of seedling recruitment to the overstorey, differences in overstorey and seedling composition at the sites suggests that recruitment of vulnerable trees still occurs at a temporal scale exceeding that of this study. These “windows” of recruitment may be related to infrequent events that reduce the effects of land crabs. Our results suggest that unlike the context dependence of most keystone consumers in continental systems, a single consumer, the red land crab, consistently controls the dynamics of seedling recruitment across this island rainforest.  相似文献   

Human alteration of habitat has increased the proportion of forest edge in areas of previously continuous forest. This edge habitat facilitates invasion of exotic species into remaining fragments. The ability of native species to resist invasion varies and may depend on intrinsic variables such as dispersal and reproductive rates as well as external factors such as rate of habitat change and the density of populations of introduced species in edge habitat. We examined the distributional and competitive relationships of two members of the class Chilopoda, Scolopocryptops sexspinosus, a centipede native to the eastern US, and Lithobius forficatus, an exotic centipede introduced from Europe. We found that L. forficatus was most abundant in edge habitat and S. sexspinosus was most abundant in the interior habitat at our field sites. Although L. forficatus was present in habitat interiors at 11 of 12 sites, there was no correlation between fragment size and numbers of L. forficatus in interior habitat. The native centipede was rarely found occupying fragment edges. We used laboratory microcosms to examine potential competitive interactions and to indirectly assess prey preferences of the two species. In microcosms both species consumed similar prey, but the native centipede, S. sexspinosus, acted as an intraguild predator on the introduced centipede. Native centipedes were competitively superior in both intraspecific and interspecific pairings. Our results suggest that intraguild predation may aid native centipedes in resisting invasion of introduced centipedes from edge habitat.  相似文献   

Facilitation is known to be an important process structuring natural plant communities. However, much less is known about its role in facilitating the invasion of ecosystems by non-native plant species. In this study we evaluated the effects of invasive (Acer platanoides) and native (Pseudotsuga menziesii) forest types on the performance of A. platanoides seedlings, and related these effects to structural and functional properties associated with the two forest types, in a native P. menziesii forest that is being invaded by A. platanoides. Acer platanoidesseedlings had higher densities, recruitment, and survival, and experienced less photoinhibition and water stress when beneath conspecific canopies than in the adjacent P. menziesii forest. Soil moisture and canopy cover were greater in the invaded patch than the native forest. There was no difference in soil fertility or understory light levels between locations. These demographic (i.e. seedling survival), physiological, and environmental differences appeared to be due to the effects of A. platanoides and P. menziesii trees. Thus, Acer trees appear to produce a more mesic environment by modifying the structure and phenology of the forest canopy and by altering the timing of transpirational water loss relative to P. menziesii. Environmental modification by invaders that lead to positive effects on conspecifics may help us to understand the dramatic success and lag periods of some invasive species  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation alters plant-animal interactions, including herbivory. Relying manipulative experiments, we test if the reduction in insect herbivory associated with forest fragmentation translates into increased seedling growth and survival of three tree common species (Aristotelia chilensis, Cryptocarya alba and Persea lingue) in forest fragments and continuous forests in coastal Maulino forest, central Chile. Furthermore, we test if after protecting seedlings from herbivorous insects, plant performance is increased regardless of forest fragmentation. Nursery grown seedlings were transplanted into four forest fragments and a continuous forest during 2002. Insects, important herbivores in this forest, were excluded from half the seedlings by repeated applications of insecticides. Compared to continuous forests, in forest fragments, herbivory was reduced in all three species, seedling growth was greater in A. chilensis and C. alba but not in P. lingue, and survivorship was unaffected by herbivory or fragmentation in all three species. Protecting seedlings from insects reduced herbivory in the continuous forest to similar levels attained in the forest fragments. No change in herbivory results from by protecting seedlings in forest fragments. These results confirm that insects are important herbivores in the Maulino forest and also support the hypothesis that fragmentation can have strong indirect effects on plant communities as mediated through trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Greiling  Dunrie A.  Kichanan  Nopporn 《Plant Ecology》2002,161(2):175-183
The controls of seedling emergence and survival determine the potential distribution of adult plants and, thereby, plant community structure. Seed availability, competition from established neighbors, and seedling predation may all limit seedling recruitment. In this field experiment, we followed the emergence and survival of seedlings of three perennial forbs, Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum, and Monarda fistulosa, in old-fields in southeastern Michigan, USA. As adults, all three have aromatic foliage that may deter herbivory, but seedlings may be more susceptible than adults. To establish the relative importance of potential controls on seedling numbers, we manipulated seed availability through seed additions, the influence of competitors by neighbor-removals, and the influence of insect herbivores with insecticide in a fully factorial field experiment. Seed addition and insecticide never affected seedling emergence for any species. Competition from established neighbors controlled seedling emergence for all three species and decreased Achillea survival. Insecticide significantly increased Monarda seedling survival in competition plots, significantly increased Hypericum survival in open plots, and had no effect on Achillea. Notably, insecticide increased survival of the native Monarda fistulosa more than the two introduced species. While neighbors strongly reduced emergence and survival of all three species, herbivores acted on a species-specific basis. These results suggest the differential effects of insects may contribute more to the seedling species composition and abundance patterns than the less-selective influence of competition.  相似文献   

Macek  Petr  Lepš  Jan 《Plant Ecology》2003,168(1):31-43
Melinis minutiflora Beauv. (Poaceae) is an African grass that is invading mid-elevation Trachypogon savannas in Venezuela. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of soil fertility, competition and soil disturbance in facilitating Melinis' invasion and growth in these savanna sites. We manipulated soil fertility by adding nitrogen (+N), phosphorus and potassium (+PK), or nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (+NPK). We simultaneously manipulated the competitive environment by clipping background vegetation. In a separate experiment, we mechanically disrupted the soil to simulate disturbance. We hypothesized that germination and growth were bottlenecks to early establishment in undisturbed savanna, but that disturbance would alleviate those bottlenecks. We measured Melinis seed germination and subsequent establishment by adding seeds to all plots. We examined Melinis growth by measuring biomass of Melinis seedling transplants, 11 months after they were placed into treatment plots. Germination and establishment of Melinis from seed was extremely low. Of the 80,000 seeds applied in the experiment, only 28 plants survived the first growing season. Mortality of Melinis seedling transplants was lowest in PK fertilized plots, but in the absence of PK mortality increased with N additions and clipping. By contrast, fertilization of the savanna with NPK greatly increased Melinis seedling biomass and this effect was greatly enhanced when competition was reduced (e.g. clipping). Melinis transplant growth responded strongly to soil disturbance- a response not fully explained by removal of competitors (clipping) or changes in soil nutrients and moisture. We suspect that disruption of the soil structure allowed for greater root proliferation and subsequent plant growth. We believe that native savanna is relatively resistant to Melinis invasion, since Melinis seedlings persisted in intact savanna but exhibited little or no growth during the first year. The significant enhancement of Melinis seedling growth with clipping and nutrient additions suggests that low soil nutrients and the presence of native savanna species are important factors in the ability of native savanna to resist Melinis establishment. However, the potential for Melinis growth increases enormously with soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Soil and litter disturbances within Central Hardwood forests may facilitate exotic plant species invasion of interior forest areas. Microstegium vimineum is an annual exotic grass that has become common throughout the Southeastern United States. Three replicates of three different mineral soil and litter disturbance treatments, plus a control with no disturbance, were established on the leading edge of M. vimineum patches prior to seed fall. All patches were located in areas with similar forest canopy structure and slope in three Central Hardwood forest stands prior to seed fall. At the beginning of the following growing season, each individual M. vimineum seedling was mapped within the treatment plots. The mean number of M. vimineum individuals that established within each treatment did not differ significantly from the control. The distance at which 90% of the individuals had spread, and the overall mean distance spread were significantly farther for the litter removal treatment than the control. The farthest individual seedling from the boundary of existing patches in both the litter removal and the mineral soil disturbance and litter removal treatments were significantly farther than the control. The individuals that spread the farthest are of most concern due to the large number of viable seed that a single M. vimineum plant can produce. These results suggest that disturbance of the litter layer may increase the spread rate of M. vimineum and facilitate its invasion of new habitats, and that leaving litter layers intact may slow the spread of M. vimineum.  相似文献   

We summarize a long-term study of the effects of edge creation on establishment of the economically important arboreal palm Oenocarpus bacaba in an experimentally fragmented landscape in central Amazonia. Recruitment and mortality of large individuals (≥10 cm diameter-at-breast-height) were recorded within 21 1-ha plots in fragmented and intact forests for periods of up to 22 years. In addition, 12 small (0.7 × 14 m) sub-plots within each 1-ha plot were used to enumerate the abundance of seedlings and saplings (5–400 cm tall). On average, the recruitment of large trees was over two times faster near forest edges, leading to a sharp (90%) increase in the mean population density of large individuals near forest edges, whereas the density of larger trees remained constant in the forest interior. Overall seedling and sapling density was significantly lower in edge than interior plots, but edge plots had a much higher proportion of larger (>100 cm tall) saplings. Our findings demonstrate that forest edges can have complex effects on tree demography and that one must consider all tree life stages in order to effectively assess their effects on plant populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fire‐affected forests are becoming an increasingly important component of tropical landscapes. The impact of wildfires on rainforest communities is, however, poorly understood. In this study the density, species richness and community composition of seedlings, saplings, trees and butterflies were assessed in unburned and burned forest following the 1997/98 El Niño Southern Oscillation burn event in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. More than half a year after the fires, sapling and tree densities in the burned forest were only 2.5% and 38.8%, respectively, of those in adjacent unburned forest. Rarefied species richness and Shannon's H’ were higher in unburned forest than burned forest for all groups but only significantly so for seedlings. There were no significant differences in evenness between unburned and burned forest. Matrix regression and Akaike's information criterion (AIC) revealed that the best explanatory models of similarity included both burning and the distance between sample plots indicating that both deterministic processes (related to burning) and dispersal driven stochastic processes structure post‐disturbance rainforest assemblages. Burning though explained substantially more variation in seedling assemblage structure whereas distance was a more important explanatory variable for trees and butterflies. The results indicate that butterfly assemblages in burned forest were primarily derived from adjacent unburned rainforest, exceptions being species of grass‐feeders such as Orsotriaena medus that are normally found in open, disturbed areas, whereas burned forest seedling assemblages were dominated by typical pioneer genera, such as various Macaranga species that were absent or rare in unburned forest. Tree assemblages in the burned forest were represented by a subset of fire‐resistant species, such as Eusideroxylon zwageri and remnant dominant species from the unburned forest.  相似文献   

Red land crabs (Gecarcoidea natalis) are both abundant and widespread in intact rainforest on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean, occurring at densities of ~ 1 crab m–2. We used an on-going exclusion experiment to test the hypothesis that through their activities as seed predators and soil disturbers, these omnivores are important determinants of the density and relative species abundance of seeds in the soil seed bank of undisturbed primary rainforest. After 6.5 y of continuous crab exclusion, there was no significant difference in the density of seeds in the top 3 cm of soil between the control (3671 ± 517 seeds/0.19 m2) and exclusion plots (3285 ± 801 seeds/0.19 m2), nor was there any significant treatment difference in relative species composition. There were also no significant treatment differences when Muntingia calabura, which accounted for 91.9% of all seeds in the seed bank, was excluded from the analyses. We attribute the lack of a significant impact of red crabs to their probable inability to handle the very small seeds which occurred in the seed bank, and the low level of soil disturbance at the study site. We conclude that the observed impact of red crabs on the abundance and diversity of successional species in natural light gaps on Christmas Island is due to their impact on germinating seedlings alone, rather than any additional impact on the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Denslow JS  Uowolo AL  Hughes RF 《Oecologia》2006,148(1):118-128
While invasive species may be visible indicators of plant community degradation, they may not constitute the only, or even the primary, limitation to stand regeneration. We used seed-augmentation and grass-removal experiments under different canopy conditions to assess the relative importance of dispersal limitation, resource availability, and competition on seedling establishment in the understory shrubs Sophora chrysophilla, Dodonea viscosa, and Pipturus albidus in a montane mesic forest in Hawaii. The study location was an Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha forest at 1000–1500 m elevation on the leeward side of Hawaii Island; it is a closed-canopy forest historically subject to logging and grazing by cattle and sheep and currently dominated by the exotic grass, Ehrharta stipoides, in the herb layer. Seedling establishment after 1 and 2 years was strongly dispersal limited in Sophora and Dodonea, but not in Acacia, a non-augmented species in which abundant seedlings established, nor in Pipterus, in which only one seedling established in 2 years. Grass cover reduced seedling establishment in Acacia, Sophora, and Dodonea and, for the latter two species, seedling establishment was substantially greater in the warmer, more moist forest at the lowest elevation. Light, moisture, and resin-captured N and P were more strongly affected by elevation and canopy composition than by grass cover, but in most cases seedling establishment was not positively correlated with resource availability. Limitations to the establishment of woody seedlings in this forest-grassland mixture vary among species; however, both dispersal limitation and competition from a shade-tolerant grass are important deterrents to regeneration in these forests.  相似文献   

Edge effects alter biotic interactions and forest regeneration. We investigated whether edge creation affected the seedling community and its interactions with herbivores and leaf‐fungal pathogens. In forest edges and interior sites in Chiapas, Mexico, we counted all woody seedlings and species (10–100 cm tall) present in 1‐m2 plots, measured their size (height and leaf number), and examined them for the occurrence of herbivory and pathogen damage. We investigated relationships between levels of damage and size, species richness and density. Species composition and biotic damage varied greatly among sites and habitats (edge vs interior). Late‐successional species dominated the community, but richness was lower in interior sites and species similarity was greater among edges than among interiors. Nearly all species (95%) present at edges and interiors showed herbivory damage, whereas 76 percent of the species in edge plots and 68 percent in interior plots showed pathogen damage. Although leaf area damaged by herbivores was similar between habitats (average 9.2%), pathogen damage was three times greater in edge plots (1.85%) than in interior plots (0.57%). Size was positively related to biotic damage at both habitats. Relationships between herbivory and pathogen damage and between pathogen damage and leaf number were significant only for edges. Biotic damage was not related to density or species richness. Overall, plant community structure was similar between habitats, but biotic damage was enhanced at edges. Thus, disease spread at edges may arise as a threat to tropical rain forest vegetation.  相似文献   

Invasive species that strongly modify their physical habitat are a particular management concern. Theoretical models predict that habitat modification could speed spread rates or allow invasion of sites that would otherwise resist invasion. There are few empirical tests of this hypothesis, however. We tested whether habitat modification by invading Spartina alterniflora populations facilitates conspecific seedling recruitment and spatial spread in Willapa Bay, WA, USA. Established S. alterniflora individuals strongly modified their local physical environment. Hydrologic flow, porewater salinity, and light availability were decreased while sediment NH4 + increased with increasing S. alterniflora stem density. The S. alterniflora seed bank was greater and spring seedlings were denser within meadows of S. alterniflora than on unvegetated tideflats. However, almost all seedling recruitment after 1 year occurred on tideflats or on meadow edge plots where the above ground S. alterniflora biomass had been removed. Instead of facilitating invasive spread, ecosystem engineering in this system appears to create conditions that inhibit local seedling recruitment. These results suggest that the influence of ecosystem engineering on invasive spread is highly contingent on the relative spatial scales of habitat modification, environmental heterogeneity, and propagule availability. Control activities could change these spatial relationships, however, inadvertently promoting invasive recruitment.  相似文献   

陈龙斌  孙昆  张旭  孙洪刚  姜景民 《生态学报》2023,43(19):8035-8046
探究林隙对不同需光性树种早期生长特征和功能性状的影响,对揭示林隙微生境影响次生林内幼苗更新机制具有重要意义。以亚热带次生林中耐荫常绿树种香樟和阳性落叶树种枫香幼苗为试验对象,研究大林隙(D/H介于1.5—2.0)、中林隙(D/H介于1.0—1.5)和小林隙(D/H介于0.5—1.0)对不同需光树种幼苗早期(1—3年生)生长特征和功能性状的影响。结果表明:(1)林隙大小对两种幼苗的生长均有显著影响。其中,中林隙可显著促进香樟2—3年生幼苗的生长,大林隙对枫香1—3年生幼苗的生长均具有显著促进作用。(2)对林隙环境因子与幼苗功能性状的关系进行冗余分析表明,香樟幼苗功能性状的变化与林隙土壤有机质含量、水解性氮含量、酸碱度和有效磷含量密切相关,而枫香幼苗功能性状则主要受林隙土壤酸碱度、有机质含量、水解性氮含量、土壤含水率、冠层透光率和土壤有效磷含量的影响。(3)维持较高的根重比、细根比根长、叶碳氮比和叶碳磷比是幼苗应对林隙环境影响的重要生理生态调节机制。  相似文献   

The effects of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) browsing on the regeneration of pioneer species were studied in relation to canopy gaps in a warm temperate evergreen oak forest in Kasugayama, Nara City. Four study sites, three in canopy gaps and one under a closed canopy, were selected and each divided into fenced and unfenced plots. Under the closed canopy, seedlings of all the pioneer species died irrespective of browsing pressure. However, in the canopy gap sites, seedlings of the pioneer species could establish and grow well. The seedling survival ratio in the fenced plots in the canopy gaps was >60% 1 year after germination. However, in the unfenced plots, only <20% of the seedlings survived 1 year, with all dying within 3 years after germination. Thus, the regeneration of pioneer trees in this forest was strongly inhibited by deer browsing. Successful regeneration of a pioneer,Zanthoxylum ailanthoides, occurred for several years even after two major wind disturbances during the past 90 years. This may be due to less browsing pressure from the deer.  相似文献   

【目的】研究大面积栽植外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏对鄂西北森林群落物种多样性的影响,为评价外来树种的入侵风险提供依据。【方法】采用样地调查法对比研究外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏人工林与当地森林群落特征差异。【结果】日本落叶松人工林样地林下植物种类丰富,样地平均物种数与当地天然林样地物种数相比无显著差异;林下灌木层和草本层多样性指数较高,草本层多样性指数与当地天然林相比无显著差异;林下未发现日本落叶松的更新苗。日本花柏人工林样地平均物种数显著少于当地其他人工林样地;乔木层、灌木层和草本层的4个多样性指数值均小于当地其他人工林样地;在3个样地中出现日本花柏更新苗,更新苗数量达479株·hm~(-2)。【结论】引种栽培日本落叶松不会导致当地森林群落的物种多样性降低,不会引起生物入侵风险;但引种栽培日本花柏会明显降低当地森林群落的物种多样性,对当地森林生态系统的稳定构成一定威胁。  相似文献   

Many native plant communities are replaced by exotic monocultures that may be successional stages or persistent community types. We surveyed a stand of Sapium sebiferum (Chinese Tallow Tree) that replaced tallgrass prairie in Texas and performed experiments with seeds and seedlings to determine the contributions of recruitment limitation and natural enemy release to allowing such a forest type to persist or to allowing native species to reduce Sapium dominance. The stand was dominated by Sapium, especially for mature trees (>99) and annual seed input (97) but less so for saplings (80). Field sown Sapium seeds had lower germination and survival rates than Celtis seeds. Together with the extreme dominance of Sapium in seed rain this suggests that native species are currently recruitment limited in this stand by seed supply but not by germination, early growth or survival. To investigate whether Sapium may benefit from low herbivory or diseases, we transplanted Sapium and Celtis seedlings into the forest and manipulated foliar fungal diseases and insect herbivores with sprays. As predicted, insect herbivores caused greater damage to Celtis seedlings than to Sapiumseedlings. However, suppression of insect herbivores caused significantly greater increases in survivorship of Sapium seedlings compared to Celtis seedlings. This suggests that herbivores in the understory of this Sapiumforest may significantly reduce Sapiumseedling success. Such a pattern of strong herbivore impact on seedlings growing near adult conspecifics was unexpected for this invasive species. However, even with insects and fungi suppressed, Sapium seedling performance was poor in this forest. Our results point towards Sapium as a successional species in a forest that will eventually be dominated by native trees that are currently recruitment limited but outperform Sapium in the understory.  相似文献   

以长白山原始阔叶红松林样地为平台,以样方中胸径小于1 cm的乔木幼苗为研究对象,基于2018年两次的幼苗调查数据,利用广义线性混合模型分析影响群落乔木幼苗多度的生物邻体和生境因素。结果表明:该样地所有幼苗样方共调查到10064株乔木幼苗,累计17个物种,分属9科9属,水曲柳幼苗多度极高,在乔木树种幼苗中占优势地位;在群落水平,幼苗多度与异种大树效应、草本密度和林冠开阔度呈显著正相关,与草本盖度和土壤含水量呈显著负相关;在物种水平,水曲柳和紫椴幼苗多度的影响因素与群落水平筛选后的结果一致,红松幼苗多度与异种大树效应呈正相关,与同种大树效应及林冠开阔度呈负相关。该研究证实了生物邻体和生境因素共同影响幼苗多度格局,并且生物邻体和生境因素的相对重要性随幼苗物种种类不同而变化。  相似文献   

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