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Modification of the viscerosensory evoked potentials (EPs) were studied during the sleep-wakefulness cycle of the rat. Electrical stimuli of various intensity were delivered either to the mucosal surface of a fistula of the small intestine or to the left splanchnic nerve during wakefulness (W), drowsiness (D), slow-wave-sleep (SWS), and paradoxical sleep (PS). The average EPs were recorded from the somatosensory (SI and SII) and associative (AS) areas of the cortex, the ventrobasal complex of the thalamus (VPL), the posterior hypothalamus (HPT) and the dorsal hippocampus (HPC). The amplitude of each component of the EPs in all explored structures were the largest in SWS and the smallest in W. A phasic increase in amplitude was observed in the EPs recorded immediately before the appearance of the spindles of SWS and during the REM episodes of PS. The peak latencies of the late components were the longest in SWS. These changes of the amplitudes and latencies were greater in the responses to weak stimulation than in EPs to strong ones. The possible synaptic events of the sleep-dependent control of viscerosensory activity are discussed.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted in which the onset of a tone conditioned stimulus (CS) preceded the unconditioned stimulus (US) by 500 ms. Across experiments, the offset of the CS was extended past the offset of the US by values ranging from 0 ms to 40000 ms. Extensions of the CS of 2000 ms or greater produced acquisition of a conditioned response (CR) that was as fast or faster than in the no-extension condition (0 ms). While extension of a forward tone CS after the US enhanced excitatory conditioning, insertion of another CS (light) in a purely backward relationship with the US passed only a retardation test, indicative of latent inhibition, and not a summation test needed for conditioned inhibition. The results add to the evidence that excitatory and inhibitory processes are both engaged following US offset. Alternative theories of CS processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies utilizing general learning and memory tasks have suggested the importance of neocortical structural plasticity for memory consolidation. However, these learning tasks typically result in learning of multiple different tasks over several days of training, making it difficult to determine the synaptic time course mediating each learning event. The current study used trace-eyeblink conditioning to determine the time course for neocortical spine modification during learning. With eyeblink conditioning, subjects are presented with a neutral, conditioned stimulus (CS) paired with a salient, unconditioned stimulus (US) to elicit an unconditioned response (UR). With multiple CS-US pairings, subjects learn to associate the CS with the US and exhibit a conditioned response (CR) when presented with the CS. Trace conditioning is when there is a stimulus free interval between the CS and the US. Utilizing trace-eyeblink conditioning with whisker stimulation as the CS (whisker-trace-eyeblink: WTEB), previous findings have shown that primary somatosensory (barrel) cortex is required for both acquisition and retention of the trace-association. Additionally, prior findings demonstrated that WTEB acquisition results in an expansion of the cytochrome oxidase whisker representation and synaptic modification in layer IV of barrel cortex. To further explore these findings and determine the time course for neocortical learning-induced spine modification, the present study utilized WTEB conditioning to examine Golgi-Cox stained neurons in layer IV of barrel cortex. Findings from this study demonstrated a training-dependent spine proliferation in layer IV of barrel cortex during trace associative learning. Furthermore, findings from this study showing that filopodia-like spines exhibited a similar pattern to the overall spine density further suggests that reorganization of synaptic contacts set the foundation for learning-induced neocortical modifications through the different neocortical layers.  相似文献   

Pavlovian conditioning was studied in male Fischer 344 rats using tones as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and footshock as the unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Different groups of animals received (a) contiguous CS-UCS pairings with a 0.5 sec CS, (b) contiguous CS-UCS pairings with a 4.0 sec CS, or (c) a random sequence of noncontiguous tones and shocks using either a 0.5 sec or a 4.0 sec CS. Heart rate (HR) and leg flexion (LF) responses were recorded. Leg flexion conditioning occurred only in the 0.5 sec contiguous group. Decelerative HR CRs occurred only in the 4.0 sec contiguous group. Accelerative HR changes occurred in the other two groups but were significantly greater in the 0.5 sec contiguous group. These results are similar to but not identical to those obtained during eyeblink or nictitating membrane conditioning in rabbits, and suggest that the topography of the Pavlovian HR CR is dependent on the simultaneous occurrence of other classically conditioned responses.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the interoceptive nicotine conditional stimulus (CS) functions similarly to exteroceptive CSs such as lights or environments. For instance, the appetitive conditioned response (CR) evoked when nicotine is repeatedly paired with sucrose presentations (the unconditioned stimulus; US) is sensitive to changes in training dose (CS salience) and the contiguity between the CS effects and sucrose. The current study was conducted to extend this research by examining the possible role of US intensity in CR acquisition and maintenance. Rats were trained using one of four sucrose concentrations: 0, 4, 16, or 32% (w/v). On nicotine sessions (0.4 mg base/kg), rats received 36 deliveries (4 s each) of their assigned concentration intermittently throughout the session; sucrose was withheld on saline sessions. In all groups, an appetitive goal-tracking CR was acquired at a similar rate. However, the asymptotic CR level varied with sucrose concentration. The magnitude of the CR was increased in rats trained with higher sucrose US concentrations. These findings are consistent with previous Pavlovian conditioning research, and extend the conditions under which the nicotine state functions as an interoceptive conditional stimulus.  相似文献   

This paper describes simulations of two context-dependence phenomena in Pavlovian conditioning, using a neural-network model that draws on knowledge from neuroscience and makes no distinction between operant and respondent learning mechanisms. One phenomenon is context specificity or the context-shift effect, the decrease of conditioned responding (CR) when the conditioned stimulus (CS) is tested in a context different from the one in which it had been paired with the unconditioned stimulus (US). The other effect is renewal, the recovery of CR in the training context after extinction in another context. For specificity (simulation 1), two neural networks were first given 200 CS-US pairings in a context. Then, the CS was tested either in the training context or a new context. Output activations in the new context were substantially lower. For renewal (simulation 2), two networks were first given 200 CS-US pairings in a context, then 100 extinction trials in either the same context or a new one, and then tested back in the training context. Output activations during the test phase were substantially higher after extinction in a new context. The results are interpreted in terms of the dynamics of activations and weights.  相似文献   

Although research has investigated the feasibility of establishing classically conditioned physiological responses during sleep, very few experimental studies have considered whether classically conditioned cognitive associations are possible. Since dreams have previously been described as a state of hyper-association, an experiment involving classical conditioning of the human salivary response and associated dream content was conducted. During wakefulness, repeated pairings of a conditioned stimulus (CS; a red light) with an unconditioned stimulus (UCS; citrus juice) yielded a conditioned autonomic response (CR; salivation) on presentation of the CS alone. After exposure to the CS during REM sleep, salivary excretion rates measured upon awakening were significantly higher than measures taken from baseline REM awakenings. However, no CR-related dreams were reported by the participants. This result could be interpreted as evidence that participants in this experiment did not experience higher-order memory associations to the external stimuli presented during REM. Alternatively, the lack of CR-related dreams could be explained by previous findings that the autonomic nervous system often works independently of higher-order cognitive activity. Therefore, if an autonomic association is formed, this does not necessarily imply a cognitive one.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of two different types of segmental/extra-segmental conditioning stimuli (tonic muscle pain and non-painful vibration) on the subjective experience (perceived pain intensity) and on the cortical evoked potentials to standardized test stimuli (cutaneous electrical stimuli). Twelve subjects participated in two separate sessions to investigate the effects of tonic muscle pain or cutaneous vibration on experimental test stimuli. The experimental protocol contained a baseline registration (test stimuli only), a registration with the test stimuli in combination with the conditioning stimuli, followed by a registration with the test stimuli only. In addition, the effects of the conditioning stimuli were examined at two anatomically separated locations (segmental and extra-segmental). Compared with the test stimulus alone, the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes of the evoked potentials were unchanged in the presence of non-painful conditioning stimuli at either location. In contrast, a significant decrease of the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes was found in the presence of painful conditioning stimuli at the extra-segmental sites. Moreover, the topographic maps of the 32-channel recordings suggested that the distribution of the scalp evoked potentials was almost symmetrical around the vertex Cz in the baseline registration. The evoked potentials were generally decreased during hypertonic saline infusion at the extra-segmental sites, but the distribution of the topographic maps did not appear to change. Vibration has previously been shown to inhibit pain, but in the present study the perceived intensity of phasic painful electrical stimuli was unchanged. The reduced perceived pain intensity and the smaller peak-to-peak amplitude of the evoked potential in the presence of extra-segmental conditioning pain are in accordance with the concept of diffuse noxious inhibitory control.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether the progressive disappearance of short-latency conditioned responses, or inhibition of delay, observed in Pavlovian conditioning with long inter-stimulus intervals, could be reverted by the presentation of a novel stimulus. In one experiment, two groups of rabbits received extensive training with a short (250 ms) or a long (1500 ms) tone that overlapped and terminated with a periorbital shock unconditioned stimulus. After training, the presentation of an extraneous stimulus prior to tone onset produced a reinstatement of short latency CRs in the group trained with the long CS, but did not affect CR latency in the group trained with the short CS. This finding is consistent with Pavlov's (1927) view that conditioning with long conditioned stimuli involves the acquisition of response tendencies in the early portion of the stimulus that are subsequently suppressed by the development of an inhibitory process.  相似文献   

A new Pavlovian conditioning preparation was developed using the nictitating membrane of the restrained pigeon. Either visual or auditory stimuli served as conditioned stimuli (CSs) with an unconditioned stimulus (US) of a puff of air to the cornea. Movement of the nictitating membrane constituted the conditioned and unconditioned responses (CR and UR). Conditioning was studied with the Kamin blocking procedure. In agreement with findings from other conditioning preparations, responding to the redundant stimulus was attenuated relative to a stimulus that received the same number of CS-US pairings in a compound-conditioning procedure. Although response attenuation occurred, substantial individual variation was observed within the blocking procedure, a finding with some precedent in the experimental literature. Theoretical analysis and neural-network simulations indicate that inter-subject variation in response attenuation may result from differences in the extent to which contextual stimuli contribute to the functional CS.  相似文献   

A Pavlovian conditioning paradigm was used to induce a connection between a conditioned stimulus, light (CS), associated with an unconditioned stimulus, confinement (US) in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus , which resulted in a conditioned endocrine response (CR) to the CS alone manifested as an increase in plasma cortisol. Individual isolated Nile tilapia were submitted for 10 days to the conditioning treatment consisting of turning on a light (CS) for 1 min with subsequent 30 min confinement (US). On the 10th day of the experiment, plasma cortisol was not increased when fish were subjected to no handling at all, or only light, or even a daily stressor for the 9 days. On the other hand, at the 10th day cortisol was significantly increased only when light was presented either with or without pairing with the stressor. These results confirmed that the cue, light (CS), was not stressful in itself, but when given as the CS in the absence of the US post conditioning the hypothalamus–pituitary–interrenal axis was activated. Therefore, it was concluded that memory of a previous experience with a stressor can be recalled by a conditioned stimulus and induce stress, which is the first demonstration of a memory‐induced stress in fishes.  相似文献   

中缝背核5-羟色胺能神经元在睡眠调节中的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究中缝背核(DRN)5-羟色胺(5-HT)能神经元在睡眠中的调节作用。方法:运用脑立体定位、核团微量注射和多导睡眠描记(PSG),观察DRN 5-HT能神经元对大鼠睡眠的影响。结果:DRN微量注射谷氨酸钠(L-Glu),大鼠睡眠减少,特别是深慢波睡眠(SWS2)明显减少,觉醒(W)增加;DRN微量注射海人酸(KA)和对氯苯丙氨酸(PCPA),大鼠SWS2和异相睡眠(PS)增加,W减少。结论:DRN 5-HT能神经元参与睡眠的调节,兴奋DRN 5-HT能神经元睡眠时间减少,抑制DRN 5-HT能神经元则具有促进睡眠的作用。  相似文献   

Contextual fear conditioning was tested in infant, adolescent, and adult rats in terms of Pavlovian-conditioned suppression. When a discrete auditory-conditioned stimulus (CS) was paired with footshock (unconditioned stimulus, US) within the largely olfactory context, infants and adolescents conditioned to the context with substantial effectiveness, but adult rats did not. When unpaired presentations of the CS and US occurred within the context, contextual fear conditioning was strong for adults, weak for infants, but about as strong for adolescents as when pairings of CS and US occurred in the context. Nonreinforced presentations of either the CS or context markedly reduced contextual fear conditioning in infants, but, in adolescents, CS extinction had no effect on contextual fear conditioning, although context extinction significantly reduced it. Neither CS extinction nor context extinction affected responding to the CS–context compound in infants, suggesting striking discrimination between the compound and its components. Female adolescents showed the same lack of effect of component extinction on response to the compound as infants, but CS extinction reduced responding to the compound in adolescent males, a sex difference seen also in adults. Theoretical implications are discussed for the development of perceptual-cognitive processing and hippocampus role.  相似文献   

Variations of brain tissue redox state potential (E) of freely-moving white rats (300-350 g) in cycles of wakefulness (W), slow-wave sleep (SWS), and paradoxical sleep (PS) were measured by platinum electrodes symmetrically implanted into the frontal and occipital cortices and hippocampus. In addition, EMG of neck muscles and general motor activity of animals were recorded. The common reference electrode was implanted in the nasal bone. It was shown that in some brain sites (called active), episodes of W and PS were accompanied by a rise of E, and during transitions from W and PS to SWS, E dropped. The value of E varied in the range of 100 mV. It is suggested that transitions from W and PS to SWS are accompanied by shifts in the balance between the main energy sources. Oxidative phosphorylation prevails in W and PS, whereas aerobic glycolysis is the main source of energy during SWS. We think that this suggestion is supported both by a decrease in E in SWS and its oscillations typical of glucolytic processes [Aon et al., 1992]. Recent literature data [Bitter et al., 1996] suggest that astroglia is the main compartment for aerobic glycolysis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN)-lesioned mice develop conditioned responses (CR) on delay eyeblink conditioning when a salient tone conditioned stimulus (CS) is used, which suggests that the cerebellum potentially plays a role in more complicated cognitive functions. In the present study, we examined the role of DCN in tone frequency discrimination in the delay eyeblink-conditioning paradigm. In the first experiment, DCN-lesioned and sham-operated mice were subjected to standard simple eyeblink conditioning under low-frequency tone CS (LCS: 1 kHz, 80 dB) or high-frequency tone CS (HCS: 10 kHz, 70 dB) conditions. DCN-lesioned mice developed CR in both CS conditions as well as sham-operated mice. In the second experiment, DCN-lesioned and sham-operated mice were subjected to two-tone discrimination tasks, with LCS+ (or HCS+) paired with unconditioned stimulus (US), and HCS− (or LCS−) without US. CR% in sham-operated mice increased in LCS+ (or HCS+) trials, regardless of tone frequency of CS, but not in HCS− (or LCS−) trials. The results indicate that sham-operated mice can discriminate between LCS+ and HCS− (or HCS+ and LCS−). In contrast, DCN-lesioned mice showed high CR% in not only LCS+ (or HCS+) trials but also HCS− (or LCS−) trials. The results indicate that DCN lesions impair the discrimination between tone frequency in eyeblink conditioning. Our results suggest that the cerebellum plays a pivotal role in the discrimination of tone frequency.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted using a conditioned taste aversion procedure with rats to examine the effect of nonreinforced presentations of a conditioned stimulus (CS) on its ability to compete with a target stimulus for manifest conditioned responding. Two CSs (A and B) were presented in a serial compound and then paired with the unconditioned stimulus. CS A was first paired with the US and then presented without the US (i.e., extinction) prior to reinforced presentation of the AB compound. Experiment 1 showed that A was poor at competing with B for conditioned responding when given conditioning and extinction prior to reinforcement of AB relative to a group that received both A and B for the first time during compound conditioning. That is, an extinguished A stimulus allowed greater manifest acquisition to B. Experiment 2 found that extinction treatment produced a poor CR to the pretrained and extinguished CS itself following compound conditioning. Experiment 3 found that interposing a retention interval after extinction of A and prior to compound conditioning enhanced A's ability to compete with B. The results of these experiments are discussed with regard to different theories of extinction and associative competition.  相似文献   

Psychophysical visual analog scaling can be used to reveal critical determinants of the neural processing underlying non-painful and painful heat sensations produced by radiant and contact heat stimulation. This study determined the stimulus-response (S-R) functions of cutaneous non-painful and painful heat stimuli delivered by an infra-red CO2 laser or by a contact thermode in a series of experiments in healthy volunteers. In experiment 1 ( n = 12), with the rating scale anchored at pain threshold, the S-R curve for brief (60 ms) laser pulse stimulation with a beam diameter of 10 mm was a negatively accelerating function. Transformation of laser stimulus intensity (W) into temperatures ( C) did not change the form of the S-R curve. In experiment 2 ( n=9), using the same laser stimulus parameters as in experiment 1, but without an anchored rating scale, the form of the S-R relationship did not change. In experiment 3 ( n =9), increases of the laser pulse duration up to 5 s and the beam diameter up to 18 mm produced linear S-R curves. In contrast, in experiment 4 ( n =21), the S-R curve for cutaneous contact heat stimuli applied for 5 s with an 18 mm diameter probe was best described by a positively accelerating power function with an exponent greater than 2.0. These experiments have (1) characterized the S-R functions for different parameters of infra-red laser stimulation of the skin, and (2) have shown that the form of the S-R function for innocuous and noxious heat sensation is influenced strongly by the physical conditions of heat stimulus application, including mechanical contact with the skin.  相似文献   

There are three basic paradigms of classical conditioning: delay, trace and context conditioning where presentation of a conditioned stimulus (CS) or a context typically predicts an unconditioned stimulus (US). In delay conditioning CS and US normally coterminate, whereas in trace conditioning an interval of time exists between CS termination and US onset. The modeling of trace conditioning is a rather difficult computational problem and is a challenge to the behavior and connectionist approaches mainly due to a time gap between CS and US. To account for trace conditioning, Pavlov (Conditioned reflexes: an investigation of the physiological activity of the cerebral cortex, Oxford University Press, London, 1927) postulated the existence of a stimulus “trace” in the nervous system. Meanwhile, there exist many other options for solving this association problem. There are several excellent reviews of computational models of classical conditioning but none has thus far been devoted to trace conditioning. Eight representative models of trace conditioning aimed at building a prospective model are being reviewed below in a brief form. As a result, one of them, comprising the most important features of its predecessors, can be suggested as a real candidate for a unified model of trace conditioning.  相似文献   

采用多导睡眠描记术研究了例脑室注射促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)对正常大鼠和去甲状腺大鼠睡眠-觉醒的影响。在正常大鼠,TRH引起觉醒增加,浅慢波睡眠(SWS_1)、深慢波睡眠(SWS_2)和总睡眠时间(TST)均减少,异相睡眠(PS)消失,SWS_1、SWS_2和PS的潜伏期均显著延长,给药后立即产生效应并在1h内达高峰。去甲状腺对大鼠的睡眠-觉醒无明显影响,注射TRH后引起的效应与正常大鼠相似。结果提示TRH有促进大鼠觉醒的作用,对各睡眠时相均有抑制作用,其作用部位可能在下丘脑以外的中枢结构。  相似文献   

A pitfall for the expectancy theory of human eyelid conditioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two simple eyeblink conditioning experiments with random intermittent reinforcement schedules were performed. In Experiment 1, subjects had to rate their expectancy for an unconditioned stimulus (US) on a seven-level scale prior to each trial. As anticipated, expectancy for US increased with a successive conditioned stimulus (CS) alone, and decreased with successive CS-US pairings. However, Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the frequency of eyeblink conditioned responses (CRs) evolved in a direction opposite to that of expectancy changes: CRs increased, whereas expectancy for US decreased, and vice versa. The possible effect of sensitization on eyeblink response was ruled out by the lack of a run effect in an unpaired control group in Experiment 2. These results tend to disconfirm the expectancy theory of conditioning. Although they were explicitly predicted by the conventional "strength" theory of conditioning, an alternative interpretation is proposed within a cognitive framework.  相似文献   

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