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The incidence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has been associated with cigarette smoking. The aim of our study was to assess the trace essential and toxic metals, cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn), in scalp hair samples of 32 Irish and 46 Pakistani smokers and non-smokers RA male patients with age range 42-56 years. For comparison purpose, the scalp hair samples of 27 Irish and 55 Pakistani non-RA male subjects of the same age group were collected. The concentrations of trace and toxic elements were measured by inductive coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometer and atomic absorption spectrophotometer prior to microwave-assisted acid digestion. The validity and accuracy of the methodology was checked using certified reference materials and using conventional wet acid digestion method on the same certified reference materials (CRMs). The recovery of all studied elements was found to be in the range of 97.5-99.7% of certified reference values of CRMs. The results of this study showed that the mean values of Cd and Pb were significantly higher in scalp hair samples of both smoker and non-smoker RA patients than in referents (P < 0.001), whereas the concentration of Zn was lower in the scalp hair samples of smokers and non-smokers rheumatoid arthritis patients. The deficiency of Zn and the high exposure of Cd and Pb as a result of cigarette smoking may be synergistic risk factors associated with rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a noncontiguous common and chronic skin disorder. The aim of the present study was to compare the level of trace elements cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) in biological samples (whole blood, urine, and scalp hair) of psoriasis patients of both gender age ranged (25–55 years) at mild, moderate severe, and more severe stage (n?=?418) living in the vicinity of cement factory. For comparison purposes, healthy age-matched referent subjects, residents of industrial and non-industrial area, of both gender were also selected (n?=?241). The concentrations of trace and toxic elements were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer prior to microwave-assisted acid digestion. The validity and accuracy of methodology was checked by using certified reference materials (CRMs) and conventional wet acid digestion method on same CRMs and real samples. The results of this study showed that the mean values of Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb were significantly higher in scalp hair, blood, and urine samples of mild and severe psoriasis patients as compared to referents (p?<?0.001), while the concentration of Zn was lower in the scalp hair and blood, but higher in the urine samples of psoriasis patients. The deficiency of Zn in psoriasis patients may be undoubtedly caused by the toxic element exposures via cement factory.  相似文献   

The abnormal metabolism of metal ions plays an important role in health and disease conditions; hence, the studies about them have received much interest. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between trace and toxic elements zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), selenium (Se), and mercury (Hg) in biological samples (scalp hair, blood, and urine) of hypertensive patients (n?=?257), residents of Hyderabad, Pakistan. For comparison purpose, the biological samples of age-matched healthy controls were selected as referents. The concentrations of trace and toxic elements were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometer prior to microwave-assisted acid digestion. The validity and accuracy of the methodology was checked using certified reference materials and by the conventional wet acid digestion method. The recovery of all studied elements was found in the range of 96.4–99.1 % in certified reference materials. The results of this study showed that the mean values of Cd and Hg were significantly higher in scalp hair, blood, and urine samples of hypertensive patients than in referents (P?<?0.001), whilst the concentrations of Zn and Se were lower in the scalp hair and blood, but higher in the urine samples of hypertensive patients. The deficiency of Zn and Se and the high exposure of toxic metals may be synergistic with risk factors associated with hypertension.  相似文献   

It has been speculated that trace elements may a play role in the pathogenesis of heart diseases. In the present study, we aimed to assess the levels of selenium (Se) and mercury (Hg) in biological samples (whole blood, urine, and scalp hair) of myocardial infarction (MI) patients of both genders (age range 45–60 years) at the first, second, and third heart attack (n?=?130), hospitalized in a cardiac ward of a civil hospital of Hyderabad City (Pakistan). For comparison, healthy age-matched referent subjects (n?=?61) of both genders were also selected. Se and Hg in biological samples were measured by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry, prior to microwave acid digestion, respectively. The validity of the methodology was checked by biological certified reference materials. During this study, 78 % of the 32 registered patients of third MI attack (aged >50 years) died. The concentration of Se was decreased in scalp hair and blood samples of MI patients, while Hg was higher in all biological samples as compared to referent subjects. Se concentration was inversely associated with the risk of MI attacks in both genders. These results add to an increasing body of evidence that Se is a protective element for cardiovascular health.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) from cigarette smoke, environmental, and nutritional sources accumulates in the human prostate where it interacts with selenium (Se) in a manner suggesting the formation of a 1:1 Cd–Se–protein complex. At low Cd exposures and adequate Se status, this interaction may be beneficial as it results in the detoxification of Cd. At higher exposures, Cd may weaken or abolish the anticarcinogenic effects of Se and increase prostate cancer risk. In some older men and especially in smokers, Cd levels in prostates reach levels in stoichiometric excess over Se, which may be the reason why heavy smokers are at higher risk of developing lethal forms of prostate cancer. In the liver and the kidneys, Cd accumulates as well, but in these organs, Cd is efficiently sequestered through metallothionein formation. In the prostate, this mode of detoxification is not available or less efficient, causing Cd to interact with Se and to increase prostate cancer risk.  相似文献   

目的:明确住院治疗的心脏病患者中潜在的药物-药物相互作用(drug-drug interaction,DDI),并对DDI相关危险因素进行评估。方法:选择2013年5月至2013年12月入院治疗的至少服用2种药物且入院不少于24小时的心脏病患者为研究对象,应用"标准药物相互作用数据库Micromedex-2(Thomson Reuters)×2.0"对这些患者可能发生的药物相互作用进行分析。结果:共入选150例患者,其中32例患者被确认出现了至少一种药物组合的DDI,发生率为21.3%;明确了48个有潜在危险因素的药物相互作用。阿托伐他汀/阿奇霉素(10.4%)、依那普利/二甲双胍(10.4%)、依那普利/氯化钾(10.4%)、阿托伐他汀/克拉霉素(8.3%)、呋塞米/庆大霉素(6.3%)是最常见的存在相互作用的药物组合,阿托伐他汀、依那普利、地高辛、呋塞米、氯吡格雷、华法林等药物经常参与药物相互作用。大多数药物的相互作用比较温和,但"用药种类增多、住院时间延长、存在合并症"等危险因素与潜在药物-药物相互作用(potential drug-drug interaction,p DDI)密切相关。结论:住院治疗的心脏病患者潜在DDI发生率较高,用药种类增多、住院时间延长、存在合并症均为其发生的危险因素。对那些存在明确危险因素的住院治疗的心脏病患者密切监测是十分必要的,医务人员要尽早发现和预防这些潜在的药物相互作用对人体健康造成的伤害。  相似文献   

In a field study, heart rate and motor activity were assessed continuously in 12 male smokers during 2 smoking and 2 abstinence days and in 12 male nonsmokers during 4 days. A circadian analysis revealed earlier activity acrophases in smokers than nonsmokers and earlier heart rate acrophases in abstinent than smoking smokers. Furthermore, heart rate acrophases of smoking smokers significantly anticipated activity acrophases;, whereas in abstinent smokers and nonsmokers the two parameters oscillated in phase. With the use, in smoking smokers, of the individual average smoking interval as a hypothetical ultradian period length, significant periodicities were found for heart rates in 16 and for activity in 15 of 24 observation days. These rhythms were nicotine independent and based on heart rate and activity increases prior to lighting up the cigarettes. Individual frequency spectra for the 16 h after getting up and the 7 h after going to bed did not reveal single dominant frequencies but rather complex frequency distributions. Power spectra of the daytime data revealed no group differences for activity and no heart rate differences between smoking smokers and nonsmokers. In abstinent smokers, however, a significant reduction of heart rate frequencies slower than 1 cycle/135 min and a significant increase of heart rate frequencies faster than 1 cycle/20 min were observed as compared with all other groups. This effect persisted over the 2 abstinence days, suggesting an activity-independent change in the frequency distribution of heart rates after quitting smoking.  相似文献   

It has been speculated that trace elements may play a role in the pathogenesis of heart diseases In the present study, we aimed to access the levels of chromium (Cr) and manganese (Mn) in biological samples (whole blood, urine, and scalp hair) of myocardial infarction (MI) patients of both gender age ranged (45?C60?years) at first, second, and third heart attack (n?=?130), hospitalized in cardiac ward of National Hospital of Hyderabad city (Pakistan). For comparison, healthy age-matched referent subjects (n?=?61), of both gender were also selected. The Cr and Mn in biological samples were measured by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, prior to microwave-assisted acid digestion. The validity of the methodology was checked by the biological certified reference materials. During this study, 78% of 32 registered patients of third MI attack (aged >50?years) were died. In these subjects the concentration of Cr and Mn were decreased by 24.7% and 19.8% in scalp hair, while in blood samples 17.9% and 12.4%, respectively, as compared to those who tolerated third MI attack (p?=?0.063). Although these data do not prove a causal relationship, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that heart disease may cause deficiencies of certain essential trace elements. The excretion levels of Cr and Mn in urine samples of first MCI were higher than controls at p values (0.029 and 0.011), respectively, whereas the excretion rates of both elements were further enhance after second myocardial infarction attack. The Cr and Mn concentration was inversely associated with the risk of myocardial infarction attacks in both genders. These results add to an increasing body of evidence that, Cr and Mn are importance for cardiovascular health.  相似文献   

In a field study, heart rate and motor activity were assessed continuously in 12 male smokers during 2 smoking and 2 abstinence days and in 12 male nonsmokers during 4 days. A circadian analysis revealed earlier activity acrophases in smokers than nonsmokers and earlier heart rate acrophases in abstinent than smoking smokers. Furthermore, heart rate acrophases of smoking smokers significantly anticipated activity acrophases;, whereas in abstinent smokers and nonsmokers the two parameters oscillated in phase. With the use, in smoking smokers, of the individual average smoking interval as a hypothetical ultradian period length, significant periodicities were found for heart rates in 16 and for activity in 15 of 24 observation days. These rhythms were nicotine independent and based on heart rate and activity increases prior to lighting up the cigarettes. Individual frequency spectra for the 16 h after getting up and the 7 h after going to bed did not reveal single dominant frequencies but rather complex frequency distributions. Power spectra of the daytime data revealed no group differences for activity and no heart rate differences between smoking smokers and nonsmokers. In abstinent smokers, however, a significant reduction of heart rate frequencies slower than 1 cycle/135 min and a significant increase of heart rate frequencies faster than 1 cycle/20 min were observed as compared with all other groups. This effect persisted over the 2 abstinence days, suggesting an activity-independent change in the frequency distribution of heart rates after quitting smoking.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the concentration of trace elements present in scalp hair sample of schizophrenic patients and to find out the relationship between trace elements level and nutritional status or socioeconomic factors. The study was conducted among 30 schizophrenic male patients and 30 healthy male volunteers. Patients were recruited from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University by random sampling. Hair trace element concentrations were determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy and analyzed by independent t test, Pearson’s correlation analysis, regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Mn, Zn, Ca, Cu, and Cd concentrations of schizophrenic patients were 3.8 ± 2.31 μg/gm, 171.6 ± 59.04 μg/gm, 396.23 ± 157.83 μg/gm, 15.40 ± 5.68 μg/gm, and 1.14 ± 0.89 μg/gm of hair sample, while those of control subjects were 4.4 ± 2.32 μg/gm, 199.16 ± 27.85 μg/gm, 620.9 ± 181.55 μg/gm, 12.23 ± 4.56 μg/gm, and 0.47 ± 0.32 μg/gm of hair sample, respectively. The hair concentration of Zn and Ca decreased significantly (p = 0.024; p = 0.000, respectively) and the concentration of Cu and Cd increased significantly (p = 0.021; p = 0.000, respectively) in schizophrenic patients while the concentration of Mn (p = 0.321) remain unchanged. Socioeconomic data reveals that most of the patients were poor, middle-aged and divorced. Mean body mass indices (BMIs) of the control group (22.26 ± 1.91 kg/m2) and the patient group (20.42 ± 3.16 kg/m2) were within the normal range (18.5−25.0 kg/m2). Pearson’s correlation analysis suggested that only Ca concentration of patients had a significant positive correlation with the BMI (r = 0.597; p = 0.000) which was further justified from the regression analysis (R 2 = 44%; t = 3.59; p = 0.002) and one-way ANOVA test (F = 3.62; p = 0.015). A significant decrease in the hair concentration of Zn and Ca as well as a significant increase in the hair concentration of Cu and Cd in schizophrenic patients than that of its control group was observed which may provide prognostic tool for the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. However, further work with larger population is suggested to examine the exact correlation between trace element level and the degree of disorder.  相似文献   

This study was performed in order to analyze the relationships between hair zinc, lead, and cadmium with the kind of diet consumed (by recall of the diet consumed the previous 14 days), living area (urban or rural), tobacco smoking, and body mass index (BMI) among 419 individuals of the Canary Archipelago. Median values and interquartile range were 43 μg/g (18.50–132.50) for zinc, 4.09 μg/g (2.19–8.38) for lead, and 0.128 μg/g (0.05–0.30) for cadmium. We observed that hair zinc was markedly elevated among those consuming fish more frequently and, to a lesser amount, among those who consumed meat frequently, among those living in urban areas, and among those with BMI over 25 kg/m2, keeping a significant relationship with BMI. Hair lead was also higher among fish consumers, showed a trend to higher values among inhabitants of urban areas, and was lower among obese individuals. Hair cadmium was higher among those who consumed less vegetables and fruits. By multivariate analysis, introducing the variables meat, fish, and vegetable consumption, urban/rural; sex; age; and BMI values, we observed that fish consumption (beta?=?0.15) was the only variable independently associated to higher zinc levels; fish consumption (beta?=?0.15) and meat consumption (beta?=?0.17) were related to high cadmium levels, whereas meat consumption was significantly associated to higher hair lead levels (beta?=?0.15). Therefore, we conclude that hair zinc, cadmium, and lead seem to depend more heavily on dietary habits than on tobacco consumption or living in rural or urban areas.  相似文献   

The determination of essential trace and toxic elements in the biological samples of human beings is an important clinical screening procedure. This study aimed to assess the possible effects of environmental exposure on paralysed male workers (n?=?75) belonging to the production and quality control departments of a steel mill. In this investigation, the concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, manganese and zinc were determined in biological samples (blood, urine and scalp hair samples) of exposed paralysis and non-paralysed steel mill workers. For comparative purposes, unexposed healthy subjects of same age group were selected as referents. The elements in the biological samples were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry prior to microwave-assisted acid digestion. The validity of the methodology was checked by the biological certified reference materials. The results indicate that the level understudy elements in all three biological samples were significantly higher in paralysed workers of both groups (quality control and production) as compared to referents (p?相似文献   

Introduced carnivores exert considerable pressure on native predators through predation, competition and disease transmission. Recent research shows that exotic carnivores negatively affect the distribution and abundance of the native and endangered carnivores of Madagascar. In this study, we provide information about the frequency and distribution of interactions between exotic (dogs and cats) and native carnivores (Eupleridae) in the Betampona Natural Reserve (BNR), Madagascar, using noninvasive camera trap surveys. Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) were the most frequently detected carnivore species within the BNR, and we found that indirect interactions between exotic and native carnivores were frequent (n = 236). Indirect interactions were more likely to occur near the research station (incidence rate ratio = 0.91), which may constitute a disease transmission hot spot for carnivores at BNR. The intervals between capture of native and exotic carnivores suggest that there is potential for pathogen transmission between species in BNR. These capture intervals were significantly shorter near the edge of the reserve (P = 0.04). These data could be used to implement biosecurity measures to monitor interactions and prevent disease transmission between species at the domestic animal and wildlife interface.  相似文献   

There is accumulating evidence that the metabolism of several trace elements is altered in diabetes mellitus and that these nutrients might have specific roles in the pathogenesis and progress of this disease. The aim of present study was to compare the level of essential trace elements, chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) in biological samples (whole blood, urine, and scalp hair) of patients who have diabetes mellitus type 2 (n = 257), with those of nondiabetic control subjects (n = 166), age ranged (45–75) of both genders. The element concentrations were measured by means of an atomic absorption spectrophotometer after microwave-induced acid digestion. The validity and accuracy was checked by conventional wet-acid-digestion method and using certified reference materials. The overall recoveries of all elements were found in the range of (97.60–99.49%) of certified values. The results of this study showed that the mean values of Zn, Mn, and Cr were significantly reduced in blood and scalp-hair samples of diabetic patients as compared to control subjects of both genders (p < 0.001). The urinary levels of these elements were found to be higher in the diabetic patients than in the age-matched healthy controls. In contrast, high mean values of Cu and Fe were detected in scalp hair and blood from patients versus the nondiabetic subjects, but the differences found in blood samples was not significant (p < 0.05). These results are consistent with those obtained in other studies, confirming that deficiency and efficiency of some essential trace metals may play a role in the development of diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

目的:探讨臂踝脉搏波速度(brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity,BaPWV)和心血管高危因素的相关性.方法:选取2011年1月~2012年1月在我院体检的居民共122例,根据体检结果分为非糖尿病及高血压组(A组,25例),糖尿病组(为B组,22例),高血压组(C组,46例)和高血压合并糖尿病组(D组,29例).记录各组的年龄、体重指数(BMI)、收缩压(SBP),舒张压(DBP)、心率(HR)、左心房内径(LAD)、左室舒张末期内径(LVIDd)、左室收缩末期内径(LVIDs)、右心室舒张末期内径(IVSd)、肺动脉收缩压(SPAP)和射血分数(EF).并检测肌酐(Scr)、尿酸(UA)、血糖(BG)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酷(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL)、餐后血糖和糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)水平.结果:各组之间Scr、UA、BG、TC、LDL、HbA1c、LAD、LVIDd、IVSd、LVIDs、SPAP、IMT、SBP、DBP、EF和BaPWV的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或<0.01),而各组之间年龄、BMI、TG、HDL、餐后血糖、IMT和HR差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).多元逐步回归分析发现:年龄、BG、TC和SBP是影响BaPWV的独立因素.结论:BaPWV在心血管高危因素患者中显著增加,年龄、BG、TC和SBP与BaPWV呈正相关.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2020,26(8):818-829
Objective: The cardiovascular outcomes of insulin detemir in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or acute ischemic stroke (AIS) are unclear. The aim of our real-life cohort study was to evaluate the cardiovascular outcomes of insulin detemir (IDet) versus insulin glargine (IGlar) in T2DM patients after ACS or AIS.Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted between June 1, 2005, and December 31, 2013, utilizing the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. A total of 3,129 ACS or AIS patients were eligible for the analysis. Clinical outcomes were evaluated by comparing 1,043 subjects receiving IDet with 2,086 propensity score-matched subjects who received IGlar. The primary composite outcome included cardiovascular (CV) death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) and nonfatal stroke.Results: The primary composite outcome occurred in 322 patients (30.9%) in the IDet group and 604 patients (29.0%) in the IGlar group (hazard ratio [HR], 1.12; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.95 to 1.32) with a mean follow-up of 2.4 years. No significant differences were observed for CV death (HR, 1.09; 95% CI, 0.86 to 1.38), nonfatal MI (HR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.66 to 1.19), and nonfatal stroke (HR, 1.15; 95% CI, 0.97 to 1.35). There were similar risks of all-cause mortality, hospitalization for heart failure and revascularization between the IDet group and the IGlar group (P = .647, .115, and .390 respectively).Conclusion: Compared with IGlar, in T2DM patients after ACS or AIS, IDet was not associated with increased risks of CV death, nonfatal MI, or nonfatal stroke.Abbreviations: ACS = acute coronary syndrome; AIS = acute ischemic stroke; ASCVD = atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; CI = confidence interval; CV = cardiovascular; DKA = diabetic ketoacidosis; HHF = hospitalization for heart failure; HHS = hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state; HR = hazard ratio; IDet = insulin detemir; IGlar = insulin glargine; MI = myocardial infarction; NHIRD = National Health Insurance Research Database; PCI = percutaneous coronary intervention; PSM = propensity score matching; T2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus  相似文献   

The effects of 0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 pmol/L Cd^2+(Cd(NO3)2.4H2O) and 0, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mmol/L NaCl on growth, photosynthesis and the content of some ions in maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated in the present study. With Increasing concentrations of Cd^2+ or NaCI alone in Hoagland nutrient solution, the chlorophylls and starch content decreased. Combination treatment with salinity and cadmium increased the negative effects observed following the two stresses alone. Plants exhibiting growth retardation in response to one mild stress factor (25-50 mmol/L NaCl) became more tolerant to the other stress factor (Cd). The exposure of plants to cadmium caused a partial reversal of the effects of salinity. Root and shoot growth, ion accumulation and levels of photosynthetic pigments were improved at moderate concentrations of the two stress factors Imposed jointly.  相似文献   

In the research, the contents of heavy metals, Al, Cd and Pb, in the hair of individuals who reside in similar environmental conditions were spectrometrically determined with the use of atomic emission spectrometry–inductively coupled plasma spectrophotometer. The relation to their tobacco smoking habit, age and sex was established. It was observed that the level of all three determined elements was generally higher in the hair of smokers in comparison to hair of non-smokers in both younger and older age groups. In addition, it has been observed that, in the group of elderly people over 50 years old, there was an increase in the content of aluminium, cadmium and lead both in smokers and non-smokers, irrespective of their sex. The sex-related differences in the content of the investigated elements were not unidirectional, and only in few cases did they reveal statistical significance.  相似文献   

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