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PROSTAGLANDIN (PG) Fhas antifertility effects in many species1–3 but there are conflicting suggestions as to its mechanism of action. For example, it may cause the degeneration of the corpus luteum by decreasing blood flow in the uteroovarian vein4; alternatively, its action may be due to a hypersecretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) by the pituitary3,5. I have investigated the effects of PGF, E2 and E1 on pregnancy in mice and examined the mechanism of action of PGF.  相似文献   

A new metal complex, Fe(Sal2dienNO3·H2O) (where Sal is salicylaldehyde and dien is diethylenetriamine), has been synthesized and characterized. The interactions between the Fe(III) complex and calf thymus DNA has been investigated using UV and fluorescence spectra, viscosity, thermal denaturation, and molecular modeling. The cleavage reaction on plasmid DNA has been monitored by agarose gel electrophoresis. The experimental results show that the mode of binding of the complex to DNA is classical intercalation and the complex can cleave pBR322 DNA.  相似文献   

Skleryk RS  So AK  Espie GS 《Planta》2002,214(4):572-583
We have examined the effect of inorganic and organic carbon nutrition on the physiological expression of HCO3- transport and the CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) in the nutritionally versatile cyanobacterium Chlorogloeopsis sp. ATCC 27193. Cells grown under photoautotrophic conditions in the presence of limiting or replete levels of inorganic carbon (Ci), or grown under mixotrophic (light) or chemoheterotrophic (dark) conditions in the presence of sucrose retained both active CO2 and Na(+)-independent HCO3- transport activity. However, two distinct effects on the kinetic properties of HCO3- transport were observed, which segregated on the basis of phototrophic and chemoheterotrophic growth in the dark. In the former, the apparent substrate affinity of the HCO3- transport system (K0.5) varied (12-fold) in response to the growth Ci or mixotrophy while the maximum rate of HCO3- transport was approximately constant. In the latter case, the K0.5 value was unchanged from the starting value (35 microM) of Ci-limited photoautotrophic cells used to initiate the dark-grown cultures, but transport capacity declined 3-fold. Modulation of the K0.5 (HCO3- transport) value required light. Cellular carboxysome content was unaffected by growth under any of the regimes employed and these structures were the predominant location of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, as indicated by immunogold electron microscopy. Mixotrophic and chemoheterotrophic growth resulted in a diminished ability to concentrate Ci internally and a reduction in Ci accumulation ratios at low external Ci concentrations. The relationship between photosynthetic carbon fixation and the internal Ci pool varied by 2-fold, with high-Ci-grown cells being the most efficient and mixotrophically grown cells the least, indicating that there was limited capacity to modulate this relationship in response to changes in carbon nutrition. Within broad limits this relationship appeared to be a fixed trait of the strain and an important factor in determining growth rate.  相似文献   

Different subtypes of opioid receptors (OR) were activated in rats in vivo to study the activation effect on the heart’s resistance to ischemia and reperfusion. It has been established that administration of deltorphin II, a selective δ2-OR agonist, lowered the infarct size/area at risk index (IS/AAR) by 23%. Naltrexone, naloxone methiodide (an OR inhibitor not penetrating the blood-brain barrier (BBB)), and naltriben (δ2-antagonist) eliminated the cardioprotective effect of deltorphin II, while BNTX (a δ1-antagonist) produced no effect on the cardioprotective action of the δ2-agonist. The infarct-reducing effect of deltorphin II was eliminated by administration of chelerythrine (a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor), glibenclamide (a KATP-channels inhibitor), and 5-hydroxydecanoate (a mitochondrial KATP-channel blocker). Administration of other opioids did not reduce the IS/AAR index. It has been established that all the deltorphins manifest antiarrhythmic potency. Other opioids do not produce any effect on the incidence of arrhythmia occurrences. The antiarrhythmic effect of deltorphin II was eliminated by preliminary administration of naltrexone, naloxone methiodide, and naltriben, but BNTX did not affect the δ2-agonist’s anti-arrhythmic effect. The preliminary administration of chelerythrine, a PKC inhibitor, eliminated the δ2 agonist’s antiarrhythmic action. However, glibenclamide and 5-hydroxydecanoate did not alter the antiarrhythmic effect by deltorphin II. Therefore, activation of the peripheral δ2-ORs reduces the infarct size and prevents the onset of arrhythmias. The antiarrhythmic effect of the δ2-OR stimulation is mediated by activating PKC and opening the mitochondrial KATP-channels. PKC participates in the antiarrhythmic effect of the δ2-OR activation, but this effect does not depend on the condition of KATP-channels.  相似文献   

The effect of the β-amyloid peptide Aβ25–35 and fullerene C60 on the activity of the cytoplasmic enzymes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glutathione peroxidase (GLP), and membrane-bound phosphofructokinase (PFK) and Na+,K+-ATPase in human erythrocytes has been studied. When used in combination, the cytotoxins decrease the activity of LDH and PFK in a nonadditive manner; in this case, Aβ25–35 protects PFK against the inhibitory effect of C60. The activity of LDH, GLP, and PFK decreases within the first 2–20 min of incubation of erythrocytes with Aβ25–35 in the absence of glucose. The addition of glucose sharply decreases the inhibitory action of Aβ25–35 on LDH and GLP but does not affect the fourfold decrease in activity of PFK; the activity of membrane-bound Na+,K+-ATPase does not depend on the presence of glucose. Possible mechanisms of interaction of Aβ25–35 and fullerene C60 with the erythrocyte membrane and enzymes are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular docking simulations were performed in this study to investigate the importance of both structural and catalytic zinc ions in the human alcohol dehydrogenase beta(2)beta(2) on substrate binding. The structural zinc ion is not only important in maintaining the structural integrity of the enzyme, but also plays an important role in determining substrate binding. The replacement of the catalytic zinc ion or both catalytic and structural zinc ions with Cu(2+) results in better substrate binding affinity than with the wild-type enzyme. The width of the bottleneck formed by L116 and V294 in the substrate binding pocket plays an important role for substrate entrance. In addition, unfavorable contacts between the substrate and T48 and F93 prevent the substrate from moving too close to the metal ion. The optimal binding position occurs between 1.9 and 2.4 A from the catalytic metal ion.  相似文献   

Nine minima were found on the intermolecular potential energy surface for the ternary system HNO3(CH3OH)2 at the MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. The cooperative effect, which is a measure of the hydrogen-bonding strength, was probed in these nine conformations of HNO3…(CH3OH)2. The results are discussed here in terms of structures, energetics, infrared vibrational frequencies, and topological parameters. The cooperative effect was observed to be an important contributor to the total interaction energies of the cyclic conformers of HNO3…(CH3OH)2, meaning that it cannot be neglected in simulations in which the pair-additive potential is applied.
Graphical abstract The H-bonding behavior of various conformations of the HNO3(CH3OH)2 trimer was investigated

While ~30% of the human genome encodes membrane proteins, only a handful of structures of membrane proteins have been resolved to high resolution. Here, we studied the structure of a member of the Cys-loop ligand gated ion channel protein superfamily of receptors, human type A γ2α1β2α1β2 gamma amino butyric acid receptor complex in a lipid bilayer environment. Studying the correlation between the structure and function of the gamma amino butyric acid receptor may enhance our understanding of the molecular basis of ion channel dysfunctions linked with epilepsy, ataxia, migraine, schizophrenia and other neurodegenerative diseases. The structure of human γ2α1β2α1β2 has been modeled based on the X-ray structure of the Caenorhabditis elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel via homology modeling. The template provided the first inhibitory channel structure for the Cys-loop superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels. The only available template structure before this glutamate-gated chloride channel was a cation selective channel which had very low sequence identity with gamma aminobutyric acid receptor. Here, our aim was to study the effect of structural corrections originating from modeling on a more reliable template structure. The homology model was analyzed for structural properties via a 100 ns molecular dynamics (MD) study. Due to the structural shifts and the removal of an open channel potentiator molecule, ivermectin, from the template structure, helical packing changes were observed in the transmembrane segment. Namely removal of ivermectin molecule caused a closure around the Leu 9 position along the ion channel. In terms of the structural shifts, there are three potential disulfide bridges between the M1 and M3 helices of the γ2 and 2 α1 subunits in the model. The effect of these disulfide bridges was investigated via monitoring the differences in root mean square fluctuations (RMSF) of individual amino acids and principal component analysis of the MD trajectory of the two homology models—one with the disulfide bridge and one with protonated Cys residues. In all subunit types, RMSF of the transmembrane domain helices are reduced in the presence of disulfide bridges. Additionally, loop A, loop F and loop C fluctuations were affected in the extracellular domain. In cross-correlation analysis of the trajectory, the two model structures displayed different coupling in between the M2–M3 linker region, protruding from the membrane, and the β1-β2/D loop and cys-loop regions in the extracellular domain. Correlations of the C loop, which collapses directly over the bound ligand molecule, were also affected by differences in the packing of transmembrane helices. Finally, more localized correlations were observed in the transmembrane helices when disulfide bridges were present in the model. The differences observed in this study suggest that dynamic coupling at the interface of extracellular and ion channel domains differs from the coupling introduced by disulfide bridges in the transmembrane region. We hope that this hypothesis will be tested experimentally in the near future.  相似文献   

Abstarct Considering the ATP-driven (SERCA) pump flux as function of glucose concentration and the calcium flux from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) through the IP3R channel, the calcium-based phantom bursting model (PBM) of β-cells (Bertram and Sherman in Bull Math Biol 66:1313, 2004) is theoretically extended to discuss the effects of glucose and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) concentration on the membrane potential activities. When IP3 concentration is fixed, it is found that there is a critical glucose concentration at which electrical bursting oscillations transfer into spiking, and the critical concentration of glucose is increased with the increasing of IP3 concentration. To get the bursting oscillations in β-cells, our theoretical results show that the stimulatory glucose concentration should be more than 10 mM, which is consistent with the normal physiological IP3 level. When the stochastic opening and closing of IP3R channels are considered, it is shown that the membrane potential oscillation transfers from spiking to bursting with the channel number decreasing, and the average cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration is increased with the increase of glucose concentration.  相似文献   

Sodium Nitroprusside (SNP) and S-Nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) differently affect mitochondrial H2O2 release at Complex-I. mM SNP increases while GSNO decreases the release induced by succinate alone or added on top of NAD-linked substrates. Stimulation likely depends on Nitric Oxide ( . NO) (released by SNP but not by GSNO) inhibiting cytochrome oxidase and mitochondrial respiration. Preincubations with SNP or high GSNO (10 mM plus DTE to increases its . NO release) induces an inhibition of the succinate dependent H2O2 production consistent with a . NO dependent covalent modification. However maximal inhibition of the succinate dependent H2O2 release is obtained in the presence of low GSNO (20–100 μM), but not with SNP. This inhibition appears independent of . NO release since μM GSNO does not affect mitochondrial respiration, or the H2O2 detection systems and its effect is very rapid. Inhibition may be partly due to an increased removal of O2.− since GSNO chemically competes with NBT and cytochrome C in O2.− detection.  相似文献   

We investigated correlated µs-ms time scale motions of neighboring 13C′–15N and 13Cα13Cβ nuclei in both protonated and perdeuterated samples of GB3. The techniques employed, NMR relaxation due to cross-correlated chemical shift modulations, specifically target concerted changes in the isotropic chemical shifts of the two nuclei associated with spatial fluctuations. Field-dependence of the relaxation rates permits identification of the parameters defining the chemical exchange rate constant under the assumption of a two-site exchange. The time scale of motions falls into the intermediate to fast regime (with respect to the chemical shift time scale, 100–400 s?1 range) for the 13C′–15N pairs and into the slow to intermediate regime for the 13Cα13Cβ pairs (about 150 s?1). Comparison of the results obtained for protonated and deuterated GB3 suggests that deuteration has a tendency to reduce these slow scale correlated motions, especially for the 13Cα13Cβ pairs.  相似文献   

The catalytic pyrolysis pathways of carbonyl compounds in coal were systematically studied using density functional theory (DFT), with benzaldehyde (C6H5CHO) employed as a coal-based model compound and ZnO, γ-Al2O3, and CaO as catalysts. The results show that the products of both pyrolysis and catalytic pyrolysis are C6H6 and CO. However, the presence of any of the catalysts changes the reaction pathway and reduces the energy barrier, indicating that these catalysts promote C6H5CHO decomposition.
Graphical abstract The presence of catalysts changes the reaction pathway and the energy barrier decreases in the order Ea (no catalyst)> Ea (CaO)> Ea (γ-Al2O3)> Ea (ZnO), indicating that these catalysts promote C6H5CHO decomposition.

Subunit α of the Escherichia coli F1FO ATP synthase has been produced, and its low-resolution structure has been determined. The monodispersity of α allowed the studies of nucleotide-binding and inhibitory effect of 4-Chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan (NBD-Cl) to ATP/ADP-binding. Binding constants (K d ) of 1.6 μM of bound MgATP-ATTO-647N and 2.9 μM of MgADP-ATTO-647N have been determined from fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data. A concentration of 51 μM and 55 μM of NBD-Cl dropped the MgATP-ATTO-647N and MgADP-ATTO-647N binding capacity to 50% (IC50), respectively. In contrast, no effect was observed in the presence of N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. As subunit α is the homologue of subunit B of the A1AO ATP synthase, the interaction of NBD-Cl with B of the A-ATP synthase from Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 has also been shown. The data reveal a reduction of nucleotide-binding of B due to NBD-Cl, resulting in IC50 values of 41 μM and 42 μM for MgATP-ATTO-647N and MgADP-ATTO-647N, respectively.  相似文献   

The structures and stabilities of eleven N13 + and N13 isomers have been investigated with second-order Møller–Plesset (MP2) and density functional theory (DFT) methods. Five N13 + isomers and six N13 isomers are all reasonable local minima on their potential energy hypersurfaces. The most stable N13 + cation is structure C-2 with C2v symmetry, which contains a pentazole ring and two N4 open chains. It is different from those of the N7 + and N9 + clusters, but similar to the N11 + cluster. Meanwhile, the most stable N13 structure A-2 is composed of a pentazole ring and a six-membered ring connected by two nitrogen atoms. It is not only different from those of the N7 and N9 clusters, but also from the N11 cluster. The decomposition pathways of structures C-2 and A-2 were investigated at the B3LYP/(aug)-cc-pVDZ level. From the barrier heights of the structures C-2 and A-2 decomposition processes, it is suggested that C-2 is difficult to observe experimentally and A-2 may be observed as a short-lived species. Figure Optimized geometrical parameters of N13 + isomer C-2   相似文献   

Ab initio calculations have been performed using the complete basis set model (CBS-QB3) to study the reaction mechanism of butane radical (C4H9•) with oxygen (O2). On the calculated potential energy surface, the addition of O2 to C4H9• forms three intermediates barrierlessly, which can undergo subsequent isomerization or decomposition reaction leading to various products: HOO• + C4H8, C2H5• + CH2CHOOH, OH• + C3H7CHO, OH• + cycle-C4H8O, CH3• + CH3CHCHOOH, CH2OOH• + C3H6. Five pathways are supposed in this study. After taking into account the reaction barrier and enthalpy, the most possible reaction pathway is C4H9• + O2 → IM1 → TS5 → IM3 → TS6 → IM4 → TS7 → OH• + cycle-C4H8O.  相似文献   

THE urate-binding α1–α2 globulin has been isolated from human plasma in a highly purified state1. The protein was purified by DEAE-‘Sephadex’, ammonium sulphate precipitation and semi-preparative Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The urate-binding α1–α2 globulin is a rod-shaped glycoprotein, containing 12.1% carbohydrate, with an isoelectric point of 4.6 and a molecular weight of 67,000 ± 4,000. Amino-acid analysis indicated an unknown basic compound which appeared as an extra peak just in front of lysine1. To identify this compound, high voltage paper electrophoresis has been carried out on a plate electrophoresis apparatus in pyridine-acetate buffer pH 3.5. A spot separated out corresponding to ornithine. Amino-acid analysis on a BC-200 automatic analyser (Bio-Cal Instruments Co., West Germany), with a 54 cm column at 55° C and with 0.35 M sodium citrate buffer, pH 5.28, as elution buffer at a flow-rate of 150 ml./h, showed that ornithine was present. The presence of ornithine in the protein hydrolysate was also verified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry2.  相似文献   

The dissolved CO 2 concentration of stream waters is an important component of the terrestrial carbon cycle and an important pathway for release of CO2 to the atmosphere. This study uses data from the UK's largest groundwater monitoring network to estimate the importance of groundwater in contributing excess dissolved CO2 to the atmosphere. The study shows that:
(i)  the arithmetic mean concentration of excess dissolved CO2 in the groundwater was 4.99 mg C/I with a standard deviation of 2.53
(ii)  for the groundwater composition of excess dissolved CO2 analysis shows no statistical difference between years but does show a significant intra-annual effect and a significant difference between aquifers
(iii)  A weighted average of the estimate the areal export of excess dissolved CO2 from the groundwater of the catchment is between 1.4 and 2.9 t C/km2
(iv)  the flux of excess dissolved CO2 at the catchment outlet over the period between 1975 and 2002 averages 1.79 kt  C/year.
If this were replicated across the UK then the flux of CO2 from rivers would be 0.65 Mt C/year.  相似文献   

MHC class I molecules are heterotrimeric complexes composed of heavy chain, 2-microglobulin (2m) and short peptide. This trimeric complex is generated in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where a peptide loading complex (PLC) facilitates transport from the cytosol and binding of the peptide to the preassembled ER resident heavy chain/2m dimers. Association of mouse MHC class I heavy chain with 2m is characterized by allelic differences in the number and/or positions of amino acid interactions. It is unclear, however, whether all alleles follow common binding patterns with minimal contributions by allele-specific contacts, or whether essential contacts with 2m are different for each allele. While searching for the PLC binding site in the 3 domain of the mouse MHC class I molecule H-2Db, we unexpectedly discovered a site critical for binding mouse, but not human, 2m. Interestingly, amino acids in the corresponding region of another MHC class I heavy chain allele do not make contacts with the mouse 2m. Thus, there are allelic differences in the modes of binding of 2m to the heavy chain of MHC class I.  相似文献   

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