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寒武纪没有化石苔藓动物的任何记录.最老的、毫无疑问的、真正的苔藓动物,发现于我国峡东地区的下奥陶统特马豆克阶地层中.这类苔藓动物以丰富但多样性低的变口目和少量的隐口目为代表.弗洛期的一些苔藓动物,在北美,英国和波罗的海地区(俄罗斯西北部)已相继发现,这时以Ceramopora?unapensis为代表的泡孔目苔藓动物开始出现,有一定的多样性.中奥陶世初期,苔藓动物迅速崛起,古生代狭唇纲的四个目--变口目、隐口目、泡孔目和管孔目(=环口目)苔藓动物都已经有了代表.由于奥陶纪是苔藓动物发生、演化发展和辐射的重要时期,因此,奥陶纪,特别是早奥陶世苔藓动物的任何新的发现,都有重要的意义.本文描述和解释的一个新的苔藓动物群,发现于安徽滁州琅琊山弗洛阶的红花园组上部.这个苔藓动物群由变口目爱沙尼亚苔虫亚目的两个种:Dianulites hexaporites(Pander),Orbiramus grandis sp.nov.和隐口目翼网苔虫亚目的一个种:Prophyllodi-ctya putilovensis Lavrentjeva组成.尽管这个苔藓动物群在局部地区可能还是低多样性的,但就整个世界范围而言,有一定的多样性,类似于同样以变口目苔藓动物占优势的比林根苔藓动物群,后一苔藓动物群产于波罗的海以东地区(俄罗斯西北部)同时代的地层中.  相似文献   

内蒙古乌海市以南约25km的桌子山地区中奥陶世(earlylateArenig)三道坎组底部产一种原始的扭月贝类腕足动物,经笔者鉴定,为中华西方贝(新种)(Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.),系统切片研究证实其为迄今所知最古老的一种扭月贝类,其双叶型主突起略突伸于铰合缘的后方、低而较弱的铰窝脊向侧后方延伸靠近铰合缘等特征都表明该种属于扭月贝科(Strophomenidae)。实现从褶脊贝类向扭月贝类的演化需要在背壳内部建立这样一些形态上的演化新质:双叶型主突起,一对朝后侧方略弯曲的铰窝脊,横肌脊,以及侧隔板,所有这些构造特征,Hesperiniasinensissp.nov.均已具备,因此,这表明了扭月贝类与褶脊贝类的分化要早于晚Arenig。除H.sinensis外,世界其它地区也有早期扭月贝类的报道,但多产于Llanvirn或更新的一些地层中,如发现于挪威Whiterock组的TrotlandelalokiNeuman(NeumanandBruton,1974),英国威尔士中部Llanvirn地层中的Murinelasp.,‘Macrocoelia’landeiloensiselon  相似文献   

Representatives of nine bryozoan genera of four orders are identified for the first time from the carbonate deposits of the stratotype section of the Upper Kazanian Substage of the Middle Permian. Among them four new species are established and described: Permopora volgensis sp. nov., Stellahexaformis burovi sp. nov., Alternifenestella esaulovae sp. nov., and Wjatkella definita sp. nov. A brief lithological characterization is provided of the carbonate deposits that contain the remains of these bryozoans and were formed under the conditions of transgression-regression cycles of the Late Kazanian marine basin. Some questions concerning the taphonomy, ecology, and morphology of the bryozoans studied are considered.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Syntrophiidine brachiopods are a rare and poorly known component of Ordovician Baltoscandian faunas. They appear in the East Baltic in the Billingenian (lower Arenig) as part of the earliest known benthic assemblages dominated by elements of the Palaeozoic Evolutionary Fauna. These faunal assemblages usually include bryozoans, ostracodes, and the earliest known porambonitoids, strophomenides and endopunctate orthides, such as Idiostrophia and Orthidium , which later became characteristic of the Whiterockian brachiopod assemblages in Laurentia, but by that time had disappeared from Baltica. The superfamily Syntrophioidea reappears in Baltoscandia in the mid Caradoc. In contrast, Porambonitoidea remained the integral part of the Baltoscandian brachiopod associations through the Ordovician. Porambonites , herein redefined on the basis of restudy of the type species P. intermedius , includes only smooth porambonitoids; taxa with the distinctive ornament of radiating rows of pits first appeared in the group in the mid Arenig. The taxa Eoporambonites gen. nov., Tetralobula peregrina sp. nov., Idiostrophia prima sp. nov. and Idiostrophia tenuicostata sp. nov. are erected.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two new bryozoan species are described from the Upper Ordovician Sassito Formation of the Argentinean Precordillera: Moyerella  spinata sp. nov. and Phylloporina  sassitoensis sp. nov. The bryozoans are found in cool‐water carbonates. The Silurian genus Moyerella is reported the first time in the Ordovician, showing palaeobiogeographic connections with Estonia and Siberia.  相似文献   

Five new Upper Devonian species of the suborder Athyrididina are described from the Pripyat?? Depression (Belarus): Athyris? parvulus Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., Crinisarina neutra Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., C. ligularis Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., C. reticulatiformis Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov., and Pachyplax rudis Modzalevskaya et Pushkin, sp. nov.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A bryozoan fauna from carbonate mud-mounds is described from subsurface well cores from the Upper Ordovician (Lower Ashgill) Jifarah (Djeffara) Formation of Tripolitania, north-west Libya. Among a diverse assemblage dominated by trepostomes, nine species of bryozoans are identified, including Jifarahpora libyensis gen. et sp. nov. Delicate and robust branching, encrusting and nodular bryozoan growth forms are all common. The bryozoan-rich limestones are mostly mudstones and wackestones, with bafflestone and floatstone textures, but the mounds apparently lack organic framework and microbial fabrics. Regional geophysical data indicate rapid thickness changes between wells, where mound complexes locally up to 100 m thick had limited topographic relief over the surrounding sea floor. The mounds formed in a high-latitude, cool-water carbonate belt that extended widely across the northern margin of Gondwana. Quaternary analogues from the Great Australian Bight suggest that these early Ashgill mounds may have developed in slope environments during an episode of glacial lowstand that preceded the late Ashgill, Hirnantian glacial event.  相似文献   

Encrusting uniserial bryozoans are recorded from the Middle Callovian of Moscow city and the Moscow Region: Stoporatoma gerasimovi gen. et sp. nov. and three species of the genera Stomatopora Bronn; i.e., S. dichotoma (Lamouroux), S. waltoni Haime, and S. bajocensis (Orbigny). Some morphological characters and environmental conditions of these bryozoans are discussed. A new bryozoan that is characterized by a large size and distinctive circular reptozooecia is described.  相似文献   

New bryozoans from the Middle-Upper Devonian (Eifelian-Frasnian) and the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) of the Holy Cross Mountains in central Poland are described: Bigeyella sparsa gen. et sp. nov., B. separata gen. et sp. nov., Eridopora singula sp. nov., Leptotrypa pulchra sp. nov., Kysylschinipora klarae sp. nov., Coelotubulipora rara sp. nov., Alternifenestella genuina sp. nov., Exfenestella polonica sp. nov., and Rectifenestella localis sp. nov. Some paleogeographic and stratigraphic aspects of the Paleozoic deposits of this region are discussed and main bryozoan localities are described.  相似文献   

We describe two new species of esthonioporate bryozoans, Revalotrypa inopinata sp. nov. and R. yugaensis sp. nov., from the Lower Ordovician, south-east of Lake Ladoga, north-western Russia. The colonies of the two species are very small and were extracted from limestone nodules found in the lower part of glauconitic sandstone in the Joa Member (lowermost Floian). Revalotrypa inopinata sp. nov. and R. yugaensis sp. nov. are the oldest known bryozoans from Baltoscandia. Study of the two species includes scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging and X-ray microtomography (micro-CT). The palaeogeographic distribution of the oldest known bryozoans from the Lower Ordovician and the advantages and disadvantages of micro-CT for the study of Palaeozoic bryozoans are discussed. The authorship of Revalotrypidae, which has been inconsistently allocated in the literature, is discussed.  相似文献   

Three new bryozoan species of the order Trepostomata are described from the Tournaisian sedimentary rocks of Azerbaijan (Nakhichevan) and Armenia: Nikiforopora arpaensis sp. nov., Tabuliporella nakhichevanica sp. nov., and Anisotrypa kjarkiensis sp. nov. The sequential change in the bryozoan associations in southern Transcaucasia during the Tournaisian age is considered. Some taxa are shown to belong also to the Early Carboniferous bryozoan assemblages of the shelf seas of the Paleotethys.  相似文献   

Bryozoans from the Mitikha Formation (Lower Famennian, Upper Devonian) in the Kuznetsk depression are described for the first time. This bryozoan assemblage comprises both the well-known species Leioclema numerosum Moroz., L. ramosum Nekh., and Nicklesopora graciosa Troiz. and new taxa: L. kusmense sp. nov. and Megacanthopora glubokaensis sp. nov. The bryozoan assemblage contains some species common with the Famennian bryozoan assemblage of Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

New bryozoans characterized by a bilateral vertical colonies colonies—Cardioecia refuga sp. nov. (Tubuliporida), Elea lyapini sp. nov., E. troshkovensis sp. nov., and E. taylori sp. nov. (Melicerititida) from Middle Jurassic (Middle Callovian) of the Moscow region (Russia), and Biforicula legitima sp. nov. (Melicerititida) from the Upper Cretaceous (Lower Campanian) of the Southern Donets Basin (Ukraine)—are described. All species described in this paper belong to genera that have been recorded for the first time in the East European Platform. Some morphological structures in the colonies of these bryozoans and some distinctive features of the order Melicerititida that emphasize the difference of this order from bryozoans of other orders of the class Stenolaemata are examined.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian witnessed a spectacular evolutionary radiation of cheilostome bryozoans, both in terms of species diversity and morphological disparity. However, Cenomanian cheilostome faunas are inadequately known. Twelve species of cheilostome bryozoans are here described from the Cenomanian Beer Head Limestone Formation of SE Devon, England, a nearshore facies of limestones and sands. Two of the cheilostome species are new – Wilbertopora manubriformis sp. nov. and Foratella cervisia sp. nov. – and five cannot be identified beyond genus level. Syntypes of Foratella forata (d’Orbigny, 1853), the Senonian type species of Foratella Canu, 1900, are illustrated using SEM and a lectotype is chosen. All of the species present are neocheilostomes, which were larval brooders. Compared with the non-brooding malacostegans that dominate pre-Cenomanian faunas, most species have avicularia and extensive frontal walls, features probably adaptive against small predators.  相似文献   

Five new species of stenolaematous bryozoans are described from the Middle Callovian of Moscow City (Krasnopresnenskii Region) and the Moscow Region (Gzhel’ Railroad Station and the quarry between the small towns of Rechitsy and Troshkovo): Entalophora alexeevi sp. nov., Cellulipora retshitsiensis sp. nov., Diplosolen pravus sp. nov., Siphodictyum primarium sp. nov., and Ceata kamushkiensis sp. nov. The last four species belong to the genera that have never been recorded from deposits older than the Lower Cretaceous. The presence of different types of heterozooecia in these bryozoans shows that the functional polymorphism of zooids developed considerably in the class Stenolaemata as early as the Middle Jurassic.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The earliest known representative of the subfamily Encrinurinae, Encrinuroides regularis sp. nov., is described from the glauconitic sandstone of the Mäeküla Member, Billingen Stage (Arenig), from localities in the Baltic-Ladoga Clint area. Cybele (subfamily Cybelinae) has its earliest appearance at about the same level, but at different localities, probably indicating their facies dependence. The predominant developing area of the pygidial axis and the general array of spines on the exoskeleton serve to distinguish the Encrinurinae and Cybelinae, but resolve the Staurocephalidae and Dindymeninae within the Encrinuridae. A reassessment of Encrinuroides and the genera recently excluded from it ( Frencrinuroides , Physemataspis and Walencrinuroides ) sustains the utility of an Encrinuroides sensu lato grouping and endorses Strusz's evolutionary lineages. Encrinuroides uncatus Evitt and Tripp, E. neuter Evitt and Tripp and probably Encrinuroides lapworthi Tripp belong in Erratencrinurus Krueger.  相似文献   

Eleidae (‘melicerititids’) are unusual cyclostome bryozoans possessing operculate zooids and mandibulate polymorphs (‘eleozooids’) resembling the avicularia of cheilostome bryozoans. Here we describe 13 eleid species from the Cenomanian-Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous basin in the Czech Republic. Three species of Meliceritites are new: Meliceritites kankensis, M. stillativa and M. upohlavyensis. Reptoforicula gen. nov. is introduced for free-walled eleids with multilamellar encrusting colonies, containing the type species Reptoforicula zbyslavensis sp. nov. and R. vodrazkai sp. nov. Type specimens of three species erroneously assigned to Eleidae are refigured and their true affinities discussed. This study underscores the value of eleozooids in distinguishing between otherwise closely similar eleid species. The Bohemian late Cenomanian-early Turonian eleid fauna is dominated by encrusting species, a pattern that is typical of nearshore localities and contrasts with offshore chalks where erect, vincularian species are more numerous.  相似文献   

A new cryptostome bryozoan, Prophyllodictya simplex sp. nov., is described from the Nantzinkuan Formation (Lower Ordovician, lower Tremadoc) of Liujiachang, central China. This antedates the previously oldest known bryozoan by several million years. Colony morphology and the phylogenetic position of Prophyllodictya within Cryptostomata are explored. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that Cryptostomata (except Prophyllodictya) can be divided into two major groups, and that Prophyllodictya occupies a basal position in the cryptostome tree, which accords with its simple morphology and antiquity. A close relationship is evident between bryozoans from the South China palaeoplate and those from Baltica.  相似文献   

Encrusting bryozoans (Stenolaemata, Tubuliporida) discovered from upper Callovian deposits (Middle Jurassic) near the town of Kolomna in the Moscow region are described. They belong to two new species: Microeciella kolomnensis sp. nov. and Diplosolen akatjevense sp. nov. These bryozoans encrust a fragment of the large shell of cephalopod mollusk (ammonite), which is an unusual substrate not only for bryozoans but also for the other encrusting organisms.  相似文献   

In 1922, the first taxonomic work on Maastrichtian bryozoans from Madagascar was published in the Annales de Paléontologie by Ferdinand Canu. Canu described 25 species, 17 of which were regarded as new but the material has never been revised until now. Here we employ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to illustrate Canu's material and revise the taxonomy. Based on this revision, 23 species, comprising eight cyclostomes and 15 cheilostomes, are recognized. A new genus, Fehiborypora, is introduced for the cribrimorph Cribilina (?) labiatula, and two new species are described: ‘Plagioeciaantanihodiensis sp. nov. and ‘Escharoidescharbonnieri sp. nov. Galeopsis parvipora is synonymized with Crustoporina prona Stoliczka. All bryozoan species found are encrusters on echinoids or oysters.  相似文献   

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