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Syndecans, transmembrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPG), mediate cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion thereby controlling cell movement and shape. Syndecan cytoplasmic domains are very short (ca. 30 amino acids) and divided into two constant regions (C1 and C2) separated by one variable (V) region. Here we attempted to map the cytoplasmic region responsible for the filopodia-inducing effect of syndecan-3. We found that only the C1-region was necessary for this effect. In addition, the deletion of the C2-region led to extensive membrane blebbing. Nevertheless, the elimination of the entire cytoplasmic region did not affect delivery of syndecan-3 to the plasma membrane. These results indicate that the different regions of syndecan-3 cytoplasmic domain have different functions probably by binding to distinct proteins.  相似文献   

Sensory functions of primary cilia rely on ciliary-localized membrane proteins, but little is known about how these receptors are targeted to the cilium. To further our understanding of this process, we dissected the ciliary targeting sequence (CTS) of fibrocystin, the human autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease gene product. We show that the fibrocystin CTS is an 18-residue motif localized in the cytoplasmic tail. This motif is sufficient to target green fluorescent protein (GFP) to cilia of ciliated cells and targets GFP to lipid rafts if the cells are not ciliated. Rab8, but not several other Rabs implicated in ciliary assembly, binds to the CTS in a coimmunoprecipitation assay. Dominant-negative Rab8 interacts more strongly than wild-type or constitutively active Rab8, and coexpression of this dominant-negative mutant Rab8 blocks trafficking to the cilium. This suggests that the CTS functions by binding regulatory proteins like Rab8 to control trafficking through the endomembrane system and on to the cilium.  相似文献   

J Shin  W Lee  D Lee  B K Koo  I Han  Y Lim  A Woods  J R Couchman  E S Oh 《Biochemistry》2001,40(29):8471-8478
The syndecans, transmembrane proteoglycans which are involved in the organization of cytoskeleton and/or actin microfilaments, have important roles as cell surface receptors during cell-cell and/or cell-matrix interactions. Since previous studies indicate that the function of the syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain is dependent on its oligomeric status, the conformation of the syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain itself is important in the understanding of its biological roles. Gel filtration results show that the syndecan-4 cytoplasmic domain (4L) itself forms a dimer stabilized by ionic interactions between peptides at physiological pH. Commensurately, the NMR structures demonstrate that syndecan-4L is a compact intertwined dimer with a symmetric clamp shape in the central variable V region with a root-mean-square deviation between backbone atom coordinates of 0.95 A for residues Leu(186)-Ala(195). The molecular surface of the 4L dimer is highly positively charged. In addition, no intersubunit NOEs in membrane proximal amino acid resides (C1 region) have been observed, demonstrating that the C1 region is mostly unstructured in the syndecan-4L dimer. Interestingly, two parallel strands of 4L form a cavity in the center of the dimeric twist similar to our previously reported 4V structure. The overall topology of the central variable region within the 4L structure is very similar to that of 4V complexed with the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate; however, the intersubunit interaction mode is affected by the presence of C1 and C2 regions. Therefore, we propose that although the 4V region in the full cytoplasmic domain has a tendency for strong peptide--peptide interaction, it may not be enough to overcome the repulsion of the C1 regions of syndecan-4L.  相似文献   

Axon guidance: the cytoplasmic tail   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Recent advances in the study of axon guidance have begun to clarify the intricate signalling mechanisms utilised by receptors that mediate path-finding. Many of these axon guidance receptors, including Plexin B, EphA, ephrin B and Robo, regulate the Rho family of GTPases, to effect changes in motility. Recent studies demonstrate a critical role for the cytoplasmic tails of guidance receptors in signalling and also reveal the potential for a great deal of crosstalk between the various receptor-signalling pathways.  相似文献   

The alphavirus Semliki Forest virus (SFV) matures by budding at the cell surface. This process is driven by interactions of its membrane protein heterodimer E2-E1 and the nucleocapsid. The virus penetrates into new cells by an E1-mediated membrane fusion event. The E1 subunit has a short, strongly positively charged cytoplasmic tail peptide (Arg-Arg) which is very conserved among different alphavirus E1 proteins. In this work, we have used in vitro mutagenesis of a full-size cDNA clone of SFV to study the role of the tail peptide of the E1 subunit in virus budding and fusion processes in baby hamster kidney cell culture. Our results suggest that the E1 tail plays no major role in SFV multiplication in animal cell culture.  相似文献   

MUC1, an integral membrane mucin associated with the metastatic phenotype, is overexpressed by most human carcinoma cells. The MUC1 cytoplasmic tail (CT) is postulated to function in morphogenetic signal transduction via interactions with Grb2/Sos, c-Src, and beta-catenin. We investigated intracellular trafficking of the MUC1 CT, using epitope-tagged constructs that were overexpressed in human pancreatic cancer cell lines S2-013 and Panc-1. The MUC1 CT was detected at the inner cell surface, in the cytosol, and in the nucleus of cells overexpressing MUC1. Fragments of the MUC1 CT were associated with beta-catenin in both cytoplasm and nuclei. Overexpression of MUC1 increased steady state levels of nuclear beta-catenin but decreased nuclear levels of plakoglobin (gamma-catenin). There was no detectable association between plakoglobin and the MUC1 CT. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that the cytoplasmic and nuclear association of MUC1 CT and beta-catenin was not affected by disruption of Ca2+-dependent intercellular cadherin interactions. These results demonstrate nuclear localization of fragments of MUC1 CT in association with beta-catenin and raise the possibility that overexpression of the MUC1 CT stabilizes beta-catenin and enhances levels of nuclear beta-catenin during disruption of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the claudin (Cldn) family of four tetraspan transmembrane proteins is crucial for tight junction assembly and permeability barrier function; however, the precise role of the tail and loop domains in Cldn function is not understood. We hypothesized that the cytoplasmic tail domain of Cldn6 is crucial for membrane targeting and hence epidermal permeability barrier (EPB) formation. To test this hypothesis via a structure-function approach, we generated a tail deletion of Cldn6 (CDelta187) and evaluated its role in epidermal differentiation and EPB formation through its forced expression via the involucrin (Inv) promoter in the suprabasal compartment of the transgenic mouse epidermis. Even though a functional barrier formed, Inv-CDelta187 mice displayed histological and biochemical abnormalities in the epidermal differentiation program and stimulation of epidermal cell proliferation in both the basal and suprabasal compartments of the interfolliclar epidermis, leading to a thickening of the epidermis after 1 week of age that persisted throughout life. Although some membrane localization was evident, our studies also revealed a significant amount of not only Cldn6 but also Cldn10, Cldn11, and Cldn18 in the cytoplasm of transgenic epidermal cells as well as the activation of a protein-unfolding pathway. These findings demonstrate that the overexpression of a tail truncation mutant of Cldn6 mislocalizes Cldn6 and other Cldn proteins to the cytoplasm and triggers a postnatal increase in proliferation and aberrant differentiation of the epidermis, emphasizing the importance of the Cldn tail domain in membrane targeting and function in vivo.  相似文献   

We have investigated the localization of Kex1p, a type I transmembrane carboxypeptidase involved in precursor processing within the yeast secretory pathway. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated the presence of Kex1p in a punctate organelle resembling the yeast Golgi apparatus as identified by Kex2p and Sec7p (Franzusoff, A., K. Redding, J. Crosby, R. S. Fuller, and R. Schekman. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 112:27-37). Glycosylation studies of Kex1p were consistent with a Golgi location, as Kex1p was progressively N-glycosylated in an MNN1-dependent manner. To address the basis of Kex1p targeting to the Golgi apparatus, we examined the cellular location of a series of carboxy-terminal truncations of the protein. The results indicate that a cytoplasmically exposed carboxy-terminal domain is required for retention of this membrane protein within the Golgi apparatus. Deletions of the retention region or overproduction of wild-type Kex1p led to mislocalization of Kex1p to the vacuolar membrane. This unexpected finding is discussed in terms of models involving either the vacuole as a default destination for membrane proteins, or by endocytosis to the vacuole following their default localization to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies of specific neuronal fast and slow transport components are presently reshaping our understanding of how the processes of vesicular and cytoskeletal transport are regulated in axons and dendrites. Evidence suggests that vesicles possess an inherent directionality, possibly the result of their motor receptor proteins responding to intracellular cues, which then allows movement with either kinesin or cytoplasmic dynein.  相似文献   

To understand the potential functions of the cytoplasmic tail of Na(+)/taurocholate cotransporter (Ntcp) and to determine the basolateral sorting mechanisms for this transporter, green fluorescent protein-fused wild type and mutant rat Ntcps were constructed and the transport properties and cellular localization were assessed in transfected COS 7 and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Truncation of the 56-amino acid cytoplasmic tail demonstrates that the cytoplasmic tail of rat Ntcp is involved membrane delivery of this protein in nonpolarized and polarized cells and removal of the tail does not affect the bile acid transport function of Ntcp. Using site-directed mutagenesis, two tyrosine residues, Tyr-321 and Tyr-307, in the cytoplasmic tail of Ntcp have been identified as important for the basolateral sorting of rat Ntcp in transfected MDCK cells. Tyr-321 appears to be the major basolateral-sorting determinant, and Tyr-307 acts as a supporting determinant to ensure delivery of the transporter to the basolateral surface, especially at high levels of protein expression. When the two Tyr-based basolateral sorting motifs have been removed, the N-linked carbohydrate groups direct the tyrosine to alanine mutants to the apical surface of transfected MDCK cells. The major basolateral sorting determinant Tyr-321 is within a novel beta-turn unfavorable tetrapeptide Y(321)KAA, which has not been found in any naturally occurring basolateral sorting motifs. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of a 24-mer peptide corresponding to the sequence from Tyr-307 to Thr-330 on the cytoplasmic tail of Ntcp confirms that both the Tyr-321 and Tyr-307 regions do not adopt any turn structure. Since the major motif YKAA contains a beta-turn unfavorable structure, the Ntcp basolateral sorting may not be related to the clathrin-adaptor complex pathway, as is the case for many basolateral proteins.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (NPPase) family are expressed at opposite surfaces in polarized epithelial cells. We investigated the targeting signal of NPP1, which is exclusively expressed at the basolateral surface. Full-length NPP1 and different constructs and mutants were transfected into the polarized MDCK cell line. Expression of the proteins was analyzed by confocal microscopy and surface biotinylation. The basolateral signal of NPP1 was identified as a di-leucine motif located in the cytoplasmic tail. Mutation of either or both leucines largely redirected NPP1 to the apical surface. Furthermore, addition of the conserved sequence AAASLLAP redirected the apical nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase NPP3 to the basolateral surface. Full-length NPP1 was not significantly internalized. However, when the cytoplasmic tail was deleted upstream the di-leucine motif or when the six upstream flanking amino acids were deleted, the protein was mainly found intracellularly. Endocytosis experiments indicated that these mutants were endocytosed from the basolateral surface. These results identify the basolateral signal of NPP1 as a short sequence including a di-leucine motif that is dominant over apical determinants and point to the importance of surrounding amino acids in determining whether the signal will function as a basolateral signal only or as an endocytotic signal as well.  相似文献   

Site-directed oligonucleotide mutagenesis has been used to introduce chain termination codons into the cloned DNA sequences encoding the carboxy-terminal transmembrane (27 amino acids) and cytoplasmic (10 amino acids) domains of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA). Four mutant genes were constructed which express truncated forms of HA that lack the cytoplasmic domain and terminate at amino acids 9, 14, 17, or 27 of the wild-type hydrophobic domain. Analysis of the biosynthesis and intracellular transport of these mutants shows that the cytoplasmic tail is not needed for the efficient transport of HA to the cell surface; the stop-transfer sequences are located in the hydrophobic domain; 17 hydrophobic amino acids are sufficient to anchor HA stably in the membrane; and mutant proteins with truncated hydrophobic domains show drastic alterations in transport, membrane association, and stability.  相似文献   

Rat brain hsc70 is a constitutively expressed member of the 70-kDa family of heat shock proteins that is capable of bidirectional transport across the nuclear envelope when microinjected into Xenopus oocytes [1]. The objective of this study was to identify domains involved in its bidirectional transport. Limited proteolytic digestion with chymotrypsin generated three major truncated proteins of approximately 67.5, 59.5, and 56.5 kDa. Reactivity with NH2-terminal-specific antibodies showed that carboxyl-terminal fragments were removed. Nuclear uptake studies were performed by microinjecting 125I-labeled proteins into the cytoplasm and determining their subsequent nucleocytoplasmic distribution. The accumulation rates, while faster than bovine serum albumin controls, were inversely related to the size of the truncated proteins and greatly reduced compared to undigested hsc70. Nuclear efflux was assayed by microinjecting labeled proteins directly into oocyte nuclei. The relative efflux rates of the truncated polypeptides were less than the undigested protein, and, as observed for uptake, were inversely related to size. These results indicate that the carboxyl-terminal domain of hsc70 is involved in its bidirectional exchange.  相似文献   

Protein targeting to the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Proteins that perform their activity within the cytoplasmic membrane or outside this cell boundary must be targeted to the translocation site prior to their insertion and/or translocation. In bacteria, several targeting routes are known; the SecB- and the signal recognition particle-dependent pathways are the best characterized. Recently, evidence for the existence of a third major route, the twin-Arg pathway, was gathered. Proteins that use either one of these three different pathways possess special features that enable their specific interaction with the components of the targeting routes. Such targeting information is often contained in an N-terminal extension, the signal sequence, but can also be found within the mature domain of the targeted protein. Once the nascent chain starts to emerge from the ribosome, competition for the protein between different targeting factors begins. After recognition and binding, the targeting factor delivers the protein to the translocation sites at the cytoplasmic membrane. Only by means of a specific interaction between the targeting component and its receptor is the cargo released for further processing and translocation. This mechanism ensures the high-fidelity targeting of premembrane and membrane proteins to the translocation site.  相似文献   

In polarized B lymphoid cells, syndecan-1 is targeted specifically to a discrete membrane domain termed the uropod that is located at the cell's trailing edge. Within this functional domain, syndecan-1 promotes cell-cell adhesion and concentration of heparin binding growth factors. The present study reveals the surprising finding that targeting of syndecan-1 to uropods is mediated by its heparan sulfate chains and that targeting is regulated by cell surface events rather than solely by intracellular mechanisms. The addition of exogenous heparin or the treatment of polarized cells with heparitinase initiates a rapid and dramatic redistribution of uropod syndecan-1 over the entire cell surface, and a mutated syndecan-1 lacking heparan sulfate chains fails to concentrate within uropods. Interestingly, the heparan sulfate-bearing proteoglycans glypican-1 and beta glycan fail to concentrate in uropods, indicating that targeting may require heparan sulfate structural motifs unique to syndecan-1 or that the core protein of syndecan-1 participates in specific interactions that promote heparan sulfate-mediated targeting. These findings suggest functional specificity for syndecan-1 within uropods and, in addition, reveal a novel mechanism for the targeting of molecules to discrete membrane subcellular domains via heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

Lamp1 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is localized primarily in lysosomes and late endosomes. Newly synthesized molecules are mostly transported from the trans-Golgi network directly to endosomes and then to lysosomes. A minor pathway involves transport via the plasma membrane. The 11-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of lamp1 contains a tyrosine-based motif that has been previously shown to mediate sorting in the trans-Golgi network and rapid internalization at the plasma membrane. We studied whether this motif also mediates sorting in endosomes. We found that mutant forms of lamp1 in which all the amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail were modified except for the RKR membrane anchor and the YXXI sorting motif still localized to dense lysosomes, indicating that the YXXI motif is sufficient to confer proper intracellular targeting. However, when the spacing of the YXXI motif relative to the membrane was changed by deleting one amino acid or adding five amino acids, lysosomal targeting was almost completely abolished. Kinetic studies showed that these mutants were trapped in a recycling pathway, involving trafficking between the plasma membrane and early endocytic compartments. These findings indicate that the YXXI signal of lamp1 is recognized at several sorting sites, including the trans-Golgi network, the plasma membrane, and the early/sorting endosomes. Small changes in the spacing of this motif relative to the membrane dramatically impair sorting in the early/sorting endosomes but have only a modest effect on internalization at the plasma membrane. The spacing of sorting signals relative to the membrane may prove to be an important determinant in the functioning of these signals.  相似文献   

LIS1 was first identified as a gene mutated in human classical lissencephaly sequence. LIS1 is required for dynein activity, but the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that LIS1 suppresses the motility of cytoplasmic dynein on microtubules (MTs), whereas NDEL1 releases the blocking effect of LIS1 on cytoplasmic dynein. We demonstrate that LIS1, cytoplasmic dynein and MT fragments co-migrate anterogradely. When LIS1 function was suppressed by a blocking antibody, anterograde movement of cytoplasmic dynein was severely impaired. Immunoprecipitation assay indicated that cytoplasmic dynein forms a complex with LIS1, tubulins and kinesin-1. In contrast, immunoabsorption of LIS1 resulted in disappearance of co-precipitated tubulins and kinesin. Thus, we propose a novel model of the regulation of cytoplasmic dynein by LIS1, in which LIS1 mediates anterograde transport of cytoplasmic dynein to the plus end of cytoskeletal MTs as a dynein-LIS1 complex on transportable MTs, which is a possibility supported by our data.  相似文献   

Polyethyleneimines (PEIs) are efficient non-viral vectors for gene transfer. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans have been proposed to be the cell-surface receptors for PEI.DNA complexes (polyplexes). Here, we investigated if syndecan-1 (SDC1) and syndecan-2 (SDC2) are involved in PEI-mediated transfection. Following addition of polyplexes to HEK293 cells, green fluorescent protein-tagged SDCs rapidly formed clusters with PEI that were dependent of lipid raft integrity. However, although SDC1 overexpression slightly enhanced PEI-mediated gene expression, SDC2 dramatically inhibited it. Confocal microscopy analysis showed that SDC1.polyplex endocytosis occurred within minutes after addition of polyplexes, whereas SDC2.polyplex endocytosis took hours. Expression of SDC1 cytoplasmic deletion mutants revealed that the SDC1 cytoplasmic tail is required for gene expression, but not for clustering or endocytosis, whereas overexpression of SDC1/SDC2 chimeras showed that the SDC2 ectodomain is responsible for the inhibitory effect on gene transfer. This study provides evidence that SDCs may have opposing effects on PEI-mediated transfection.  相似文献   

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