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We demonstrate that IL-2-activated NK cells or lymphokine-activated killer cells recognize and kill syngeneic CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells that have been activated by APCs. Induction with APC required TCR-specific Ag, and lysis was perforin mediated. Brefeldin A, which disrupts protein transport, inhibited the sensitivity induced by activation. In BALB/c, expression of NKG2D ligands correlated with lysis and could be inhibited by brefeldin A. As well, addition of anti-NKG2D mAb to a killing assay completely abrogated lysis. Transduction of mouse NKG2D into a human NK cell line, YTSeco, conferred upon it the ability to kill activated BALB/c T cells, indicating that NKG2D is necessary for recognition. Our data provide a basis for studying a role for NK cells in T cell regulation.  相似文献   

Under noninflammatory conditions, both naive and central memory CD8 T cells can be eliminated in the periphery with either soluble peptide or cross-presented Ag. Here, we assess the tolerance susceptibility of tissue-resident memory CD8 T cells in mice to these two forms of tolerogen. Soluble peptide specifically eliminated the majority of memory CD8 cells present in both lymphoid and extralymphoid tissues including lung and liver, but was unable to reduce the number present in the CNS. In contrast, systemic cross-presentation of Ag by dendritic cells resulted in successful elimination of memory cells only from the spleen, with no significant reduction in the numbers of tissue-resident memory cells in the lung. The fact that tissue-resident memory cells were unable to access cross-presented Ag suggests that either the memory cells in the lung do not freely circulate out of the tissue, or that they circulate through a region in the spleen devoid of cross-presented Ag. Thus, although tissue-resident memory cells are highly susceptible to tolerance induction, both the form of tolerogen and location of the T cells can determine their accessibility to tolerogen and the degree to which they are successfully deleted from specific tissues.  相似文献   

HL-60 and MCF-7 cells were treated with 0.15 μ M camptothecin (CPT) or with the solvent dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) for the controls, for 2, 3 and 4 h or for 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively. The apoptotic index (AI) was then evaluated in parallel by the following flow cytometric methods: (1) double staining of unfixed cells with fluoresceinated annexin V and propidium iodide (PI), this after detachment by trypsinization in the case of MCF-7 cultures; (2) prefixation in 70% ethanol, extraction of degraded, low molecular weight DNA with 0.2 M phosphatecitrate buffer and analysis of the DNA content stained with PI; (3) TUNEL, i.e. labelling of DNA strand breaks with biotin-dUTP, followed by staining with streptavidin-fluorescein and counterstaining with PI. In HL-60 cells, the three methods gave similar results for the AI (3–4% in the controls and at 2 h of CPT treatment, and 35–43% at 3 and 4 h after CPT). This indicates that CPT-induced membrane alteration and DNA fragmentation occurred concomitantly in those cells. For MCF-7 cells, CPT-induced apoptosis developed more slowly, the AI, whether based on annexin V or on DNA content, remained unchanged at 24 h, then was increasing to 8% at 48 h and to 25% at 72 h of treatment. In these cells, the TUNEL index did not increase prior to 72 h, and the increase was minor (up to 9% vs. 2–3% in the controls) at 72 h of the treatment. This indicates that in MCF-7 cells DNA strand breaks cannot be effectively labelled, which may be due to inaccessibility of 3-OH ends in the breaks to exogenous terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. The mechanism of endonucleolytic DNA fragmentation thus may be different, depending on the cell type.  相似文献   

The use of anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) antibodies to stimulate B cell proliferation (1-4), and to stimulate B cell differentiation in the presence of T cell derived-lymphokines (5-8), has simplified investigations into the mechanisms of B cell growth and maturation that are dependent on the cross-linking of surface Ig (sIg). It is only the ontogenetically late appearing Lyb-5+ murine splenic B cells, however, that proliferate in response to anti-Ig antibodies, whereas B cells of the Lyb-5- phenotype obtained from neonatal mice or from mice with the xid immune defect cannot be induced to proliferate in response to this stimulus (1, 9, 10). Thus, the analysis of B lymphocyte physiology of the Lyb-5- B cell population has been hampered by the unavailability of B cell stimulants that mimic an antigen-induced sIg cross-linking event that leads to B cell activation. The inability of soluble anti-Ig antibodies to induce the proliferation of Lyb-5- cells has been particularly difficult to explain because these cells can be induced to increase in size (11) and to show an increase in their expression of surface Ia (sIa) after exposure to anti-Ig (12). Apparently, therefore, these cells are not entirely refractory to this stimulus but are simply unable to progress to the latter stages of cell activation. In view of our observations that the cells of CBA/N mice cannot respond to soluble trinitrophenyl-(TNP) dextran or TNP-polyacrylamide (13) but can respond to insolubilized forms of these antigens, we evaluated their ability to respond to insolubilized anti-Ig. In this paper we report that B cells from CBA/N mice can be stimulated to proliferate in response to anti-Ig conjugated to Sepharose beads, but in contrast to normal B cells they need to be stimulated with beads expressing a high-epitope density of anti-Ig antibodies.  相似文献   

Challenge with peptide Ag in the absence of adjuvant results in tolerance of CD8 T cells specific for the Ag. In contrast, administration of IL-12 along with peptide results in massive clonal expansion, development of effector function, and establishment of a long-lived memory population. Using adoptive transfer of TCR-transgenic CD8 T cells, this effect of IL-12 is shown to be independent of CD4 T cells and to require costimulation provided by CD28 and possibly LFA-1. IL-12 supports responses when IL-12Rbeta1-deficient mice are used as recipients for the adoptively transferred CD8 T cells, demonstrating that the IL-12 is acting directly on the T cells rather than on host APC. These results provide strong support for a three-signal model for in vivo activation of naive CD8 T cells by peptide Ag, in which the presence or absence of the third signal determines whether tolerance or activation occurs. In contrast, memory CD8 T cells are effectively activated by peptide Ag in the absence of IL-12 or adjuvant.  相似文献   

Double- and single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides containing unmethylated cytosine-guanosine (CpG) dinucleotides (CpG-ODN) activate immune cells via TLR9. In this report we synthesized hybrid DNA-RNA molecules (HDR) in order to further explore the structure-immune function relationship of CpG-ODN in TLR9 signaling and the potential immunomodulatory properties of RNA. We demonstrate that replacement of the deoxyadenosine flanking sequences, critical for the immune activating properties of CpG-ODN, with a similar number of adenosines, although not guanosines, cytosines, or uracils, maintains complete immunostimulatory activity of the hybrid oligonucleotide in vitro, whereas a similar RNA replacement of even 1 base of the required unmethylated 6 base DNA motif (purine-purine-CpG-pyrimidine-pyrimidine) results in a complete loss of activity. Regardless of whether the critical flanking sequence was RNA or DNA there was no significant change in the quantitative or qualitative immune-stimulating activity, or TLR-specificity of the resulting sequences, thus underscoring the relatively permissive functional role of the flanking sequence, and the more specific role of the motif in mediating TLR9 signaling. These data further support a potential role for RNA in immunomodulation.  相似文献   

Although alcohol is known to be a carcinogen for humans, ethanol-genotoxicity studies are incomplete. Ethanol seems not to be a bacterial mutagen, but the results are conflicting in rodent assays. We investigate the genotoxicity in the bone marrow micronucleus (MN) test and in the dominant lethal mutation (DLM) assay using two long-term ethanol exposure protocols. In the MN test, mice consumed three doses (5, 10 and 15% v/v) for 32 weeks. MN induction was compared to two control groups of 5- and 38-week-old mice (the ages of the treated mice when the treatment was initiated and when they were killed, respectively). For the three groups treated with ethanol there was no significant increase in MN induction as compared to the first control group, but observed MN frequencies were significantly lower than in the 38-week-old control group. This suggests a protective effect against genotoxic damage caused by aging, probably due to ethanol action as a hydroxyl radical scavenger. In the DLM assay, male mice drank ethanol at 15% or 30% (v/v) for 20 weeks. In both groups the number of dead implants was similar to the control, but there was a significant reduction in total implants, indicating a pre-implantation loss.  相似文献   

CD8(+) T cells in HIV-infected patients are believed to contribute to the containment of the virus and the delay of disease progression. However, the frequencies of HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells, as measured by IFN-gamma secretion and tetramer binding, often do not correlate with a delay in disease progression during chronic infection. Using the Lysispot and ELISPOT assays, we measured the frequencies of cytotoxic and IFN-gamma-secreting T cells responding to overlapping peptides from Gag, Nef, Env, and Pol consensus HIV-1 clade B sequences. PBMC from the majority of HIV-infected subjects have significant frequencies of HIV-specific cells that killed targets within 5 h directly ex vivo. The relative frequencies of IFN-gamma-secreting and cytotoxic cells varied markedly between different HIV peptide pools within the same patient, and some T cells lysed targets without secreting IFN-gamma. These results indicate that measurement of IFN-gamma production alone may be insufficient to evaluate the breadth of the HIV-specific T cell response. Also, neither the CTL to IFN-gamma ratios nor the ex vivo CTL frequencies specific for different HIV proteins were consistently lower than responses specific for two other chronic viral infections, human CMV and EBV, within the same subjects. Thus ex vivo cytotoxic T cell frequencies do not provide evidence for a model of "preterminal differentiation" of HIV-specific CD8(+) T cells during chronic HIV infection. Analysis of the frequency of directly cytotoxic HIV-specific T cells may be of considerable value in the assessment of disease progression and the potential efficacy of HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

Immature dendritic cells (DC), in contrast to their mature counterparts, are incapable of mobilizing a CD8+ CTL response, and, instead, have been reported to induce CTL tolerance. We directly addressed the impact of immature vs mature DC on CTL responses by infusing adenovirus peptide-loaded DC (of the D1 cell line) into mice that had received adenovirus-specific naive TCR-transgenic CD8+ T cells. Whereas i.v. injection of mature DC triggered vigorous CTL expansion, immature DC elicited little proliferation involving only a minority of the TCR-transgenic CTL. Even though the latter CTL developed effector functions, including cytolytic activity and proinflammatory cytokine secretion, these cells differed significantly from CTL primed by mature DC in that they did not exhibit down-regulation of CD62L and CCR7, receptors involved in trapping of T cells in the lymphoid organs. Interestingly, adoptive transfer of CTL effector cells harvested after priming by either mature or immature DC into naive recipient mice, followed by exposure to adenovirus, yielded quantitatively and qualitatively indistinguishable CTL memory responses. Therefore, in vivo priming of naive CD8+ T cells by immature DC, although failing to induce a full-blown, systemic CTL response, resulted in the formation of central memory-like T cells that were able to expand and produce IFN-gamma upon secondary antigenic stimulation.  相似文献   

To investigate how G protein alpha subunit localization is regulated under basal and activated conditions, we inserted green fluorescent protein (GFP) into an internal loop of Galpha(q). alpha(q)-GFP stimulates phospholipase C in response to activated receptors and inhibits betagamma-dependent activation of basal G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K(+) currents as effectively as alpha(q) does. Association of alpha(q)-GFP with the plasma membrane is reduced by mutational activation and eliminated by mutation of the alpha(q) palmitoylation sites, suggesting that alpha(q) must be in the inactive, palmitoylated state to be targeted to this location. We tested the effects of activation by receptors and by AlF(4)(-) on the localization of alpha(q)-GFP in cells expressing both alpha(q)-GFP and a protein kinase Cgamma-red fluorescent protein fusion that translocates to the plasma membrane in response to activation of G(q). In cells that clearly exhibit protein kinase Cgamma-red fluorescent protein translocation responses, relocalization of alpha(q)-GFP is not observed. Thus, under conditions associated with palmitate turnover and betagamma dissociation, alpha(q)-GFP remains associated with the plasma membrane. These results suggest that upon reaching the plasma membrane alpha(q) receives an anchoring signal in addition to palmitoylation and association with betagamma, or that during activation, one or both of these factors continues to retain alpha(q) in this location.  相似文献   

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