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Short biography of Professor Dr. C. J. van der Klaauw   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Notwithstanding the general rise of experimental disciplines in biology in the first decades of our century, in Germany and in the Netherlands the interest in the idealistic morphological tradition flourished, and compensated for a reductionistic causal approach to natural phenomena. This article analyses the influence of the German idealistic morphologists W. Lubosch and A. Meyer on the development of C.J. van der Klaauw's epistemology. It discusses the gradual incorporation of non-causal principles into van der Klaauw's concept of biology. Van der Klaauw's epistemological concept of holistic biology was shaped in a critical confrontation with German idealistic morphology, and his early considerations can be interpreted as a direct impulse towards the development of his theory of functional components. Van der Klaauw's theories, being an alternative to the reductionistic experimental sciences, were among the causes of the fact that in the first half of our century biology in the Netherlands took a course deviating from the development of biology in the Anglo-American countries.  相似文献   

The Polynemidae is a family of primarily marine fishes with eight genera and 42 extant species. Many aspects of their morphology are largely unknown, with few reports about their osteology and barely any information on their myology. This paper describes and illustrates in detail all facial and branchial muscles of representative species of polynemids. Our analysis demonstrates the existence of several remarkable and previously unknown specializations in the polynemid musculature. The aponeurotic and completely independent origin of the pars promalaris of the adductor mandibulae is apparently unique among percomorphs. The differentiation of this section into lateral and medial subsections; the total separation of the promalaris from the retromalaris; the differentiation of the pars primordialis of the levator arcus palatini into external and internal subsections are also uncommon features of polynemids that are shared by sciaenids, thus supporting the hypothesis of a closer relationship between these families.  相似文献   

Rupert Barneby had 263 publications (two of which were published with two volumes each) during his career (including 56 book reviews), and additionally published new taxa and combinations in 16 publications by B. A. Krukoff, S. L. Welsh, and A. Lourteig. In total, these publications amount to 7676 pages. Each entry was examined, was dated as accurately as possible, and was annotated with any new nomenclauture presented in the publication. Barneby published 4 new subtribes within the legumes, 9 new genera of legumes (one based on a new combination) and 6 new genera of Menispermaceae, 621 new species (including 6 new nothospecies), 16 new subspecies, 355 new varieties, and 1 new form. Additionally, he published 238 new infrageneric taxa (subgenera, sections, or subsections). he made numerous new combinations (including nomina nova) at the infrageneric level (169), the species level (582), the subspecific level (27), and the varietal level (533), as well as a single combination at the form level.  相似文献   

罗布麻的形态解剖研究--兼论中花罗布麻的分类问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
详细描述了3种罗布麻的形态解剖特征,指出它们的主要区别。对中花罗布麻的分类地位作了讨论,可将它作为罗布白麻的一个变型或变种,归纳入罗布白麻(Apocynum hendersonii Hook.f.)之中,暂可称为:中花罗布麻(Apocynum hendersonii Hook.f.var.salsuginodum Rus.)。但不应将它作为Apocynum pictum Schrenk或Poacynum pictum(Schrenk)Baill.看待。  相似文献   

No consensus exists for the homology and terminology of the male genitalia of the Hexapoda despite over a century of debate. Based on dissections and the literature, genital skeletomusculature was compared across the Hexapoda and contrasted with the Remipedia, the closest pancrustacean outgroup. The pattern of origin and insertion for extrinsic and intrinsic genitalic musculature was found to be consistent among the Ectognatha, Protura, and the Remipedia, allowing for the inference of homologies given recent phylogenomic studies. The penis of the Hexapoda is inferred to be derived from medially-fused primary gonopods (gonopore-bearing limbs), while the genitalia of the Ectognatha are inferred to include both the tenth-segmental penis and the ninth-segmental secondary gonopods, similar to the genitalia of female insects which comprise gonopods of the eighth and ninth segments. A new nomenclatural system for hexapodan genitalic musculature is presented and applied, and a general list of anatomical concepts is provided. Novel and refined homologies are proposed for all hexapodan orders, and a series of groundplans are postulated. Emphasis is placed on the Endopterygota, for which fine-grained transition series are hypothesized given observed skeletomuscular correspondences.  相似文献   

Cheek muscles of 16 species of all Korean cobitid species belong to six genera were examined and described in detail, with comments on their phylogenetic relationships made on the basis of characteristics of cheek muscles. Korean cobitids were divided into two groups, the Cobitis and Misgurnus groups, by five characters related to three cheek muscles (adductor mandibulae, preorbitalis, and retractor arcus palatine). The former group, comprising Cobitis, Iksookimia, Kichulchoia, Koreocobitis, and Niwaella, is defined by four apomorphies, and the latter, including Misgurnus, by a single apomorphy.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the red algal genus Pachymeniopsis (Halymeniaceae) was evaluated based on a morphological study of the type species Pachymeniopsis lanceolata (Okamura) Yamada in Kawabata (=Aeodes lanceolata Okamura). Features used to separate Pachymeniopsis from allied genera such as Aeodes or Grateloupia were found to be inconsistently expressed within even single populations, and P. lanceolata is considered to be best placed in Grateloupia. The two remaining species, P. yendoi and P. elliptica, are judged to be conspecific, with P. elliptica also best placed in Grateloupia. The genus Pachymeniopsis is, therefore, considered synonymous with Grateloupia. The transfer of P. lanceolata to Grateloupia is proposed as Grateloupia lanceolata (Okamura) Kawaguchi, comb. nov. The reinstatement of Grateloupia elliptica Holmes, which includes Pachymeniopsis yendoi as a synonym, is also proposed.  相似文献   

Extant members of Acipenseridae are generally classified in four genera: Scaphirhynchus, Pseudoscaphirhynchus, Huso and “Acipenser,” which is widely recognized to be paraphyletic. Advances have been made in understanding the systematic relationships among sturgeons based on both morphological and molecular data. Analysis of mitochondrial DNA data suggested that Pseudoscaphirhynchus should be regarded as nested within “Acipenser,” specifically as sister group to the Stellate Sturgeon, A. stellatus. Recent morphological analyses also recovered this relationship, supported by a number of osteological synapomorphies, although these results were based on few and relatively small individuals. Here we describe the anatomy of the skull of A. stellatus based on newly prepared specimens of adult individuals, as well as examination of a large number of preserved individuals representing a broad range of ontogenetic stages. We present new anatomical data from all regions of the skull (dermatocranium, neurocranium, viscerocranium) and offer interpretations of these and other characters. In particular, we describe the allometry in the snout of A. stellatus, which undergoes substantial elongation relative to other sturgeons. Aspects of the skull of A. stellatus are compared to other members of the family, specifically the course of the occipital sensory canal and the morphology and distribution of cranial spines.  相似文献   

Achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics of eighteen Crepis taxa from Turkey are here described for the first time. In all taxa examined the pericarp is composed of several layers of sclerenchymatous and parenchymatous cells. As for the achene, differences among taxa mainly concern the pericarp structure and its thickness and width. Stomata are present on both surface of the leaf in all studied taxa and all taxa have anomocytic type stomata. However, the dimensions (length and width) and density of the stomata differ significantly among the studied taxa. In addition, the dimensions of stomata are negatively correlated with stomata density. It is concluded that achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics are useful for delimitation of Crepis taxa and a key to taxa based on these characters is provided. However, based on achene anatomy and stomatal characteristics, we found no argument for an exclusion of the Lagoseris group from Crepis as has previously been proposed.  相似文献   


A species of the genus Graptodytes Seidlitz, 1887 (varius/ignotus complex) is newly recognised and described based on recently sampled specimens from Corsica and Sardinia, and material in various collections from Algeria, Tunisia, Corsica and Sardinia. The name exsanguis, created by Bedel in 1925 for a variety of what he then called Hydroporus varius Aubé, 1838, is shown to be available for the newly recognised species, therefore named Graptodytes exsanguis (Bedel, 1925) n. stat. (type locality: Algeria, La Calle – nowadays El Kala). This species is similar in size and colour pattern to G. fractus (Sharp, 1882), from which it can be distinguished by strong differentiation of the male protarsal claws, features of the habitus and elytral punctation, and shape of the median lobe of aedeagus. Morphological features of G. exsanguis and G. fractus are illustrated, and pictures showing for each species the variability of habitus and median lobe are provided. For comparison, the habitus and median lobes of other species of the varius/ignotus complex are also illustrated. Habitat preferences of G. exsanguis are described based on field observations in Corsica and Sardinia, and a distribution map of validated records is presented. Analysis of a partial CO1 alignment yielded a basal and divergent position within the varius/ignotus complex for the sequenced G. exsanguis haplotypes from Corsica and Sardinia. Lectotypes are designated for Hydroporus varius var. exsanguis Bedel, 1925, Hydroporus fractus Sharp, 1882 and Graptodytes ignotus var. fallaciosus Guignot, 1932, and the latter is established as a junior synonym of G. fractus.  相似文献   

异色瓢虫与隐斑瓢虫的区别及其色斑型和横脊的频率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虞国跃 《昆虫知识》2010,47(3):568-575,F0004
异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis(Pallas)和隐斑瓢虫H.yedoensis(Takizawa)是亲缘关系很近的姐妹种,在中国(北京到南岭,西至甘肃南部和西藏东部)、日本(北海道以南)和南韩等地同域分布,常常在松树等植物上共存。长期以来,隐斑瓢虫被认为是异色瓢虫的一个异名。有时从外形上很难区分这2种瓢虫,因此对于依据野外数据,分析异色瓢虫色斑型和鞘翅横脊的发生频率及小进化会产生一些错误。本文从没有隐斑瓢虫分布的东北地区的材料及其他数据,报道异色瓢虫的色斑型及鞘翅横脊发生频率。异色瓢虫的花斑型在我国东部地区(从东北至广东北部,西至甘肃和云南)发生率很低,而在新疆西北部发生率较高。鞘翅横脊的发生率从东北佳木斯的98.85%降低到云南大理的78.26%。本文列出了区分这2种瓢虫的形态特征及自然分布。如果鞘翅具横脊,则属于异色瓢虫,但如果标本来自2种瓢虫的共存区,鞘翅没有横脊,鞘翅的斑纹呈花斑型、四窗型或二窗型,则很难从外部形态上对它们进行鉴定。但这2种瓢虫的幼虫很容易区分。本文还提供了2种瓢虫的雄性外生殖器形态图、幼虫和成虫。  相似文献   

Paolo Rosa  Hege V?rdal 《ZooKeys》2015,(495):79-132
A critical and annotated catalogue of 72 types of Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) belonging to 53 species and subspecies housed in the Swedish Museum of Natural History is given. The lectotypes of Chrysis diversa Dahlbom, 1845, Chrysis soror Dahlbom, 1854, Chrysura sulcata Dahlbom, 1845 and Holopyga amoenula Dahlbom, 1845 are designated. The previous lectotype of Chrysis diversa Dahlbom, 1845 is set aside. Five new synonymies are proposed: Chrysis elegans var. smaragdula Trautmann, 1926 (currently Chrysis elegans ssp. interrogata Linsenmaier, 1959 repl. name for smaragdula Trautmann, nec Fabricius, 1775), syn. n. of Chrysis confluens (Dahlbom, 1845); Chrysis eximia Mocsáry, 1889, syn. n. of Chrysis poecila Mocsáry, 1889; Chrysis pyrrhina Dahlbom, 1845, syn. n. of Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845; Chrysis separata Trautmann, 1926, syn. n. of Chrysis lateralis Dahlbom, 1845; Chrysis sicula Abeille de Perrin, 1877, syn. n. of Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845. Chrysis serena Radoszkowski, 1891 is the first available name for Chrysis pyrrhina sensu auctorum. Chrysis erythromelas Dahlbom, 1845 is revaluated as valid species. The neotype of Chrysis inaequalis Dahlbom, 1845 is designated in the Linsenmaier collection (NMLS). Illustrations of 34 types are given.  相似文献   

CARLQUIST, S., 1984. Wood and stem anatomy of Lardizabalaceae, with comments on the vining habit, ecology and systematics. Qualitative and quantitative data, based mostly upon liquid-preserved specimens, are presented for Akebia, Roquila, Decaisnea, Holbodia, Lardizabala, Sinofranchetia and Stauntonia . Because Decaisnea is a shrub whereas the other genera are vines, anatomical differences attributable to the scandent habit can be considered. These include exceptionally wide vessels, a high proportion of vessels to tracheids (or other imperforate trdcheary elements) as seen in transection, simple perforation plates, multiseriate rays which are wide and tall, and pith which is partly or wholly sclerenchymatous. With respect to ecology, two features are discussed: spirals in narrower vessels may relate to adaptation to freezing in the species of colder areas, and crystalliferous sclereids seem adapted in morphology and position to deterrence of phytophagous insects or herbivores. The wood may provide mechanisms for maintaining conduction even if wider vessels are deactivated temporarily by formation of air embolisms. Wood and stem anatomy of Lardizabalaceae compare closely to those of Berberidaceae and of Clematis (Ranunculaceae), as well as to other families of Berberidales. Decaisnea is more primitive than these in having consistently sralariform perforation plates and in having scalariform pitting on lateral walls of vessels. A tentative listing of anatomical features which may correspond to generic limits is given.  相似文献   

Observations on the vascular floral anatomy, carpel morphology and floral biology ofHeloniopsis orientalis are presented. The lower flowering pedicel has six large bundles which lack an enclosing sclerenchymatous sheath. At mid-pedicel, branch bundles originate via radial divisions from each of these bundles. Subsequently, there is a vascular ring of 12 bundles below the receptacle. The six smaller bundles which are derived from alternate pedicel bundles eventually establish all of the ventral gynoecium supply. The six larger bundles supply the tepals, stamens and dorsal gynoecial vasculature. The simple dorsals do not branch or fuse in their vertical ascent. The ventral and placental supplies are far more complex. Fusion occurs between paired sets of the six smaller pedicel bundles along the septal radii and results in a submarginal laminal ventral network. An independent ventral plexus is formed in each septum and from each plexus two septal axials, of which the innermost has a reversed xylem-phloem disposition, and four placental bundles are derived. Two placental bundles are associated with each septal axial. Basally the septa are fused centrally, but are freed at mid-gymoecial height. The broadly tri-lobed, tri-carpellate gynoecium is depressed terminally where the erect, hollow style with its capitate stigma is attached. Dorsal grooves are present: the fruit is loculicidally dehiscent. There are no septal glands due to complete lateral fusion of the septal wings. Basally each of the six equal tepals has a saccate nectary. The similarity in vascular anatomy and carpel morphology of the AsianHeloniopsis and eastern North American endemic,Helonias bullata, justifies their position in the same tribe. Research and publication supported in part by the M. Graham Netting Research Fund through a grant from the Cordelia Scaife May Charitable Trust, the U. S.—Japan Cooperative Science Program Grant GF-41367, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and Grant-in-Aid No. 934053 from the Ministry of Education, Japan.  相似文献   

The jaws of Limnognathia maerski, Micrognathozoa, were investigated with light- and scanning electron microscopy. The study yielded several new structures and sclerites, including the ventral part of main jaw, the pharyngeal lamellae, the manus, the dorsal and ventral fibularium teeth, and a reinterpretation of the fibularium compartmentalization. Furthermore, it was shown that several jaw elements are composed of densely packed rods. Comparison with Rotifera and Gnathostomulida suggested that the micrognathozoan main jaw is homologous with the rotifer incus and the gnathostomulid articularium and that the pseudophalangids (the ventral jaws) and their associated sclerites correspond to the rotifer mallei. These results imply that Micrognathozoa is more closely related to Rotifera than to Gnathostomulida.  相似文献   

A new genus of praying mantis is described, Chlorocalis n. gen., with two species, C. maternaschulzei n. sp. and C. prasina n. sp. from the Greater Mekong Region. Chlorocalis is placed in Mantidae and can be immediately recognized by the presence of dark brown (male) or yellow-whitish (female) oblique stripes on the forewings, a large conical bulge on the clypeus, two large conical bulges on either side of the inferior margin of the lower frons, and the male genitalia with two distal processes on the ventral phallomere. Chlorocalis maternaschulzei is a widespread lowland species with records as west as Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand, and as east as mount Núi Chúa in southern Central Vietnam. We consider this species to be of Least Concern. In contrast, C. prasina is a narrow-range mountain endemic of the Vietnamese Central Highlands in the Annamite range and is assessed by us to be Vulnerable. The new findings demonstrate the still very poor knowledge on praying mantis species diversity in South-East Asia and the urgency to resolve this taxonomic deficiency in the face of biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

Two new sibling species, Larinus synthesys n. sp. from Algeria, and Larinus boroveci n. sp. from Algeria and Morocco, are described. Both species are tentatively assigned to the subgenus Larinus based on resemblance to species having longitudinal stripes on the elytra and rostrum. L. synthesys n. sp. is the smallest species in Larinus (s. str.) and is closely related to L. boroveci n. sp. The lectotype of Larinus cardopatii Lucas, 1847 is designated and redescribed. An illustrated key to the striped Larinus (s. str.) is given.  相似文献   

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